Problems editing DHCP reservations

When I use the Airport Utility (version 5.5.3 on Windows Vista) to configure an Airport Extreme Basestation (Firmware version 7.5.2), when I pull up the pane for the Internet/DHCP and try to edit the DHCP reservation table, if I highlight an entry and click the minus ("-") button to delete it, the screen flashes and bounces me back to the Airport/Summary tab and fails to delete the entry. Similarly, if I highlight an entry and click on the "Edit" button, the utility flashes the screen and bounces me back to the Airport/Summary tab instead of letting me edit the DHCP reservation.
So how can I delete entries from the DHCP reservation table?

I just tried this on my Vista PC and found it to work without any issues. I would suggest completely uninstalling the AirPort Utility and download & install the latest version directly from this Apple Support location. Also, do you have your copy of Vista updated to the latest Service Pack?

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  • WRT610N DHCP Reservation Client Table empty, please help!

    Even though there are about 15 devices connected to the router right now there is literally nothing showing up in the DHCP Reservation list, and when I add something manually it will not come up either. I have tried reinstalling the firmware and even setting the options to default. Has anyone had this problem before? I have checked the forms and saw nothing on this subject.
    This has been an issue since I bought the device, however the DHCP list did show up a couple of times when reinstalling the firmware but would go away after ~20 minutes of ussage. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    Message Edited by chrizburnz on 10-06-2009 03:53 PM

    Surprise surprise.  After being explict with Tech Support, having them repeatedly confirm that someone will be calling me today, I got nothing.  There was not a peep whatsoever from them.  I guess I kind of suspected that since they had done all that they could think of to resolve the problem yesterday.  I'm just another disgruntled customer to them.
    Hence, I took matters into my own hands to get my DHCP Reservation list back and to prevent it from disappearing in the future.  I also took some very good advise from chrizburnz.  The steps provided below are exhaustive and probably 50% unnecessary.  The problem is knowing which steps are crucial and which are redundant and/or needless.  I wasn't going to waste any more time trying to figure this out.  I spent hours with Tech Support (3 different techies altogether) and they couldn't get my list back, even after reinstalling the firmware.  I don't plan to be updating this list a lot anyway.
    To get your DHCP Reservation list back and keep it from disappearing in the future, do the following...
    Power down all LAN and wireless devices that connect or want to connect to your router with the exception of a single wired computer.
    Save your current router configuration.   There is a Backup Configurations button on the Administration tab.
    Hit and hold the reset button on the back of your router for 30 seconds as previously advised.
    After releasing the button, pull the power cable out of the router and wait another 30 seconds or so.
    Plug the power cable back in and wait for your router to boot.
    Load the original CD that came with the router and redo the Setup procedure.
    Once the router pulls down an IP address from your modem, you can then start to configure your DHCP Reservations list from scratch.
    Click DHCP Reservation off of the Setup --> Basic Setup tab.
    Starting with the PC already connected, enter in your current PC information using the Manual method.  Don't use the Add Clients button.  (The MAC address should be appearing in the list above this button.  You can just cut/paste it in.)
    For the name, do not use special characters, spaces, or numbers.  Just use upper/lower case letters and keep the name short.
    Click Save Settings.  Click Continue.  Click the Close button at the bottom of the window.
    Click Backup Configurations on the Administration tab.  (You can always restore if your list vanishes on you.  You don't want to have to start over from scratch the next time.  You can just do the restore.)
    Power up the next device.  They appear to pop up immediately in the clients table.  At this point, the DHCP Client table should be functioning as expected/advertised.
    Repeat steps 9 through 14 until all your devices are full reserved.
    Again, this is the exhaustive procedure.  I can't say which steps are crucial.  Just add one entry at a time, short names, letters only, and save the configuration each time you successfully add an entry.  (Never "x" out the DHCP Reservation window.  Use the Close button.)
    If anyone finds out the real deal here, can you please post it.  Or, better yet, Cisco can fix their firmware bug in the next release.

  • Maximum number of dhcp reservations

    I am using an airport extreme (3rd gen, latest firmware).
    I added 26 DHCP reservations.
    Now I want to add some more.
    Problem is: The ´+´ button is gray, only the ´-´ button is black.
    using the EDIT button changes an existing entry and overwrites it.
    Is there any limitation of the number for dhcp reservations?
    How can I add new one?
    Thanks for your help.

    Apple Please fix this.

  • DHCP reservation & DNS for content filtering

    Hi All,
    I am working around with server 2008 for quite a while and facing a problem as below,
    1.DHCP reservation error
    Server Ip: (configured as DNS server for local use only with AD & DHCP)
    DHCP scope: to excluded to
    earlier the same scope was to I was facing a error when I make a IP reservation against a MAC number error was " The unique identifier may not be correct do you want to use the identifier anyway" when I click yes "DHCP
    server received a message from a client that is not valid" and by this error I am not able to make any reservations now against MAC numbers.
    The same error was also on the earlier scope and that's why changed to a new scope but did not work. Any solutions will me much appreciated
    2.DNS fine tuning. 
    I have an open DNS account on which my WAN IP number is configured to do a content filtering. I have two LAN ports with the below IP number
    Local : ( configured with no gateway and DNS as loopback (
    ISP: (with ISP gateway and DNS as loop back adapter & open DNS)
    I have did a content filtering and things are working fine. But I got to open up some machines out of this content filtering and when I try to give the IP number in this below fashion.
    ISP DNS to avoid filtering
    I find that does the resolving and things are still filtered as per the schedule. Is there a way where we can configure (Local DNS server) to stop resolving web requests and only cater to resolving local names for connectivity.
    I do know its too long but solutions for the same will be help me out to solve it. Thanks in advance.

    I have found something strange on the DHCP reservation. When I try to add a MAC number out of the network its able to make out a reservation.
    Is there any way to clear the MAC number cache or something else which I can try.
    A copy of the ipconfig /all for the server is below,
    C:\Users\Administrator>ipconfig /all
    Windows IP Configuration
       Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : server
       Primary Dns Suffix  . . . . . . . :
       Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
       IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : Yes
       WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
       DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . :
    Ethernet adapter LOCAL:
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
       Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Intel(R) I210 Gigabit Network Connectio
       Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-1E-67-A4-F4-DC
       DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
       Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
       IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
       Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
       Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
       DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
       NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled
    Ethernet adapter ISP:
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
       Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Intel(R) I210 Gigabit Network Connectio
       Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-1E-67-A4-F4-DB
       DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
       Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
       IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
       Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
       Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
       DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
       NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled
    PPP adapter RAS (Dial In) Interface:
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
       Description . . . . . . . . . . . : RAS (Dial In) Interface
       Physical Address. . . . . . . . . :
       DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
       Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
       IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
       Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
       Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
       NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Disabled
    Tunnel adapter Local Area Connection* 8:
       Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
       Description . . . . . . . . . . . : isatap.{0602F6CF-4B32-491F-994A-3C0952D
       Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-E0
       DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
       Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
    Tunnel adapter Local Area Connection* 9:
       Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
       Description . . . . . . . . . . . : isatap.{6A14710B-A078-4AF9-BD7A-989767F
       Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-E0
       DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
       Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
    Tunnel adapter Local Area Connection* 11:
       Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
       Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
       Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 02-00-54-55-4E-01
       DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
       Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
    Tunnel adapter Local Area Connection* 12:
       Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
       Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
       Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Microsoft ISATAP Adapter #3
       Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-E0
       DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
       Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes

  • EA6700 Invalid IP address in DHCP reservations

    Hello. First time here so bare with me. I can't believe I am actually posting this stupid thing but it must be a bug or something very wrong. As the subject says I am trying to reconfigure my network as there are too many devices too keep track/configure manually, and I can't add devices for DHCP reservation:
    -selecting from the list,
    -modify any of my (few) previous entries,
    when I am trying to associate IPs to MACs in Connectivity > Local Network > DHCP Server > DHCP reservations.
    Every **bleep** time the little (two) fields for the IP are just starting to glow pinkish somehow and a baloon appears saying Invalid IP address. No matter what numbers I am filling in. Of course I would very much like to fill the IPs from my internal network 192.168.1.ish...
    This just can't be for real. Tell me I didn't pay those money for this kind of bugs.
    Don't take the name of root in vain!

    PS: also after I add from the list (this one at least works) - I can't edit the entry, due to the same error, so it's useless too...
    I should mention that even if 3 devices are connected wired 1GB to the router and most of them are wireless, on one port I have a SG300-28 Cisco Switch, in a separate VLAN, for easy administration of some servers/storage devices in a remote location (remote = different building ~ 50m). The switch is in layer 2 mode, no DHCP there. Worked for years. No IP conflicts.
    All the machines/devices are Linux, BSD, Android. And I really need this as I have to restrict access to a FreeNAS 9.2 machine.
    Don't take the name of root in vain!

  • DHCP Reservations and ARD

    I asked this question on someone elses thread. I'll ask here as well..
    I have 2 computer on my Airport Extreme network I am controlling with my Macbook pro (ARD Admin)
    G5 Tower - on ethernet, Macbook Air on wireless (which travels outside network sometimes)
    When inside the network I can control both computers... no problem.
    When outside I can control only the G5.
    I have setup a DHCP Reservation for the G5 on the Airport Utility so I can access it from outside. Works great... I can add a second DHCP Reservation for the Macbook Air but the Port Mapping does not allow a second mapping to the Air.
    How can I do this?
    Second question - DHCP Reservation - If the Airport remaps the DHCP addresses each 24 hours, Can i use an IP over the range... say - 205? This way the target computer will always be available?

    I have setup a DHCP Reservation for the G5 on the Airport Utility so I can access it from outside. Works great... I can add a second DHCP Reservation for the Macbook Air but the Port Mapping does not allow a second mapping to the Air.
    As you have found out, the AirPort Utility will not allow you to map the same port to more than one device. The only way around this is to use a different port for the same function. In this case, letting ARD know to use a different port to listen on for the MacBook Air.
    Second question - DHCP Reservation - If the Airport remaps the DHCP addresses each 24 hours, Can i use an IP over the range... say - 205? This way the target computer will always be available?
    Yes. The purpose of using the DHCP Reservation feature is so that you can create a "permanent" IP address within the range of IP addresses in the DHCP pool. Prior to this, using an IP address just outside of the pool was a common tactic to make sure that the address used would not conflict with the DHCP server's pool.

  • EA6700 DHCP Reservation (Static DHCP) limit

    just got an EA6700. Setup was the most difficult I've ever experienced in many years of Wifi/router config. I almost packed it back up to return it. The cloud thing is absurd. Using CAPTCHA that does not even display the CAPTCHA image is even worse.
    Alright, I succeeded in using the local admin login and set up the router. Actually the plan was to have it just be a wireless access point, using my Cisco RV042 as the router and DHCP server. Well that 'dream' was squashed right quick. That **bleep** RV042 blew up when I added one more Static DHCP entry. Poof. 'No more SYSTEM' errors in a few spots. On reboot the darn thing does not come back up. This after the RV042 needed to be reset after I used a quote or some other 'illegal' character in a static DHCP entry. What a piece of amateur junk.
    So. Tomorrow I will reset the RV042 again and relegate it to just doing WAN failover, nothing more. The EA6700 will be the router and DHCP server. So my question (sorry for the ranting) is how many DHCP reservations the EA6700 can handle. I'll probably need 75. I assign DHCP reservations for LAN stability and to prevent IP address collisions.
    Please note that I'm not talking about static IP addresses. I have a few of those too but I know they are different from DHCP reservations.

    It's highly unlikely the EA6700 can handle 70+ DHCP reservations. But I don't know for sure.
    My advice is to go back to plan A and use EA6700 as AP.
    Configure it for bridge mode. Be sure to "specify and IP address". Don't use "obtain IP address automatically" when configuring bridge mode.
    Edit: don't configure ea6700 for bridge mode while it's connected to your main router. You've probably noticed by now that the EA routers will automatically change their IP to 10.x.x.x if they detect a double NAT. Which I why I suggest keeping it disconnected from main router when configuring.

  • Assigning a dhcp reservation

    I recently noticed how my westell 6100g modem provided by verizon is also a router.
    This causes some problems since I have the thing connected to an apple airport extreme router which I connect all my devices to.
    I thought I had the problem solved by making the airport a bridge and for the most part I did. Except for one thing.I have an old printer which cannot seem to get an ip through dhcp unless I assign one using a dhcp reservation. 
    Here is my question: Can I either
    1. Turn the router portion of the westell modem off so it just provides a direct connection. THAT way I can use the apple router functionality instead? (I'd rather do this)
    2. Assign a dhcp reservation in the westell modem so my printer works.

    bachmann1234 wrote:
     1. Turn the router portion of the westell modem off so it just provides a direct connection. THAT way I can use the apple router functionality instead? (I'd rather do this)
    I point to
    If you are the original poster (OP) and your issue is solved, please remember to click the "Solution?" button so that others can more easily find it. If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the "Kudos" button.

  • Problems with DHCP and virtual PC connected to an AP in autonomous mode

    I've a virtual machine (Windows 7) on my MacBook running on VMWare Fusion 6 running in bridge mode and can't get an IP address from my DHCP server. NAT mode in VMWare is working, but not an option.
    I've tracked down the problem with Wireshark to the DHCP Offer that is dropped by the Cisco AP:
    On the LAN side I've captured the packets and could see that the DHCP-DISCOVER from the Windows client was answered by the DHCP server with a DHCP-OFFER (all these packets are broadcasts in the same layer 2 network), but the OFFER was not forwarded by the 1142 AP running in autonomous mode, version 15.2(4)JA.
    The problem looks to be similar to a previous discussion with WLCs where a solution is available meanwhile, see:
    Is there any solution for APs running in autonomous mode?

    It's already a while ago, but recently I got a new router at home and have upgraded the AP to 15.3(3)JAB as well. I'm not sure what the exact reason was, but the problem reappeared. I'm a Mac user and need the bridging mode at home for my home automation system that only comes with some windows tools. Therefore I spend some time to figure out more details and was able to solve the problem.
    It turned out, that the AP needs to get an IP address by DHCP, otherwise the Windows machine never gets an IP address. I was able to see the DHCP discover broadcast from my virtual Windows PC as well as the DHCP offer from my home router. Even the packets from the DHCP relay agent (the AP with ip-helper) and the reply packet from the home router were shown with a DHCP debug on the AP and also with Wireshark on the LAN, but these broadcasts were not forwarded to wireless client. I've used Wireshark to capture packets on the WLAN adapter of my Macbook to verify that these packets were dropped on the AP and not on the Macbook with VMware Fusion. For some unknown reason the AP (acting as a bridge!) does not forward these broadcasts to the wireless client. 
    After playing around it turned out, that it WORKS if the AP itself is configured as a DHCP client and does not have a static address AND there is a DHCP entry for my virtual Windows PC like this:
    ip dhcp pool Macbook
     client-identifier 0100.5056.1234.56
     domain-name home.local
    It's a bit weird that the AP itself needs to be a DHCP client and I can't explain why, but this setup works for me. I like to keep the DHCP server on my home router, so I've only added this DHCP reservation on the AP. 

  • WRT160N dhcp reservation causing lease time weirdness with WUSB300N

    I just purchased these two devices and things seem to be working OK but when I try to reserve a dhcp ip for my desktop PC which is connected to the network with the WUSB300N, the lease time on that ip address goes down to 1 minute.  It ends up constantly dropping and reconnecting the address.  If I remove the reservation, the WUSB300n goes back to getting a normal 24 hour lease.  This is not an issue with any of the other wireless devices on my network.  I have a Macbook Pro, an iPhone and a PS3 all with reserved dhcp ip addresses and their lease times remain at 24 hours. 
    I'm assuming there must be some setting for the WUSB300n that could take care of this but I can't find it.  The desktop PC is running Windows Vista 64 bit home premium.  The installation of the WUSB300n didn't exactly go smoothly.  Every indication during installation was that of failure to install correctly.  No linksys utilities were installed and Vista reported the driver installed but the adapter wasn't working;  when I rebooted the wireless usb adapter did work.  Of course that's not uncommon, requiring a reboot for a driver to initialize but nothing in the installation indicated a reboot would be necessary and typically a reboot isn't necessary for USB driver installations.  In addition, the driver disc that came in the box with the WUSB300n didn't work so I used the driver package available from this site.
    I can live without the dhcp reservation but to best manage my home network I'd like to  take advantage of this option.

    Greetings - I'm actually having the exact same problem with my WRT160N.  I bought the router in December 2009 and utilized one reservation for a network printer.  It worked fine, and the reserved IP address would show up in the DHCP Client List of the router configuration page with the correct lease time remaining.  More recently (May 2010), I added a 2nd reservation for a network hard drive.  This is when the problem began occurring, and it impacts both the network printer and network drive.  The reserved IP address leases will appear in the Client List for (what appears to be) a random amount of time, then at some point changes to one minute and counts down until it expires off the list.  The devices continue to work with their IP addresses after they erroneously expire off, but this inconsistent behavior suggests there may be a problem with the router's DHCP reservation functionality. 
    To clarify, I'm not using the WUSB300N, my problem is the one identified with the WRT160N.  My reserved devices are a PC being used as a shared network drive (with an integrated Intel NIC) and an HP C6180 printer with built-in NIC. 
    I utilized online technical support chat, and she had me re-flash to the latest firmware.  This ultimately did not solve the problem.  Any troubleshooting ideas? 

  • WRT350N access using telnet, fixing DHCP reservation issue

    Got my WRT350N recently and ran into a small bug.
    Somehow I could not set a DHCP reservation for a specific machine/address. For other machines it worked perfectly.
    I found out that I can telnet to the device:
    $ telnet 33
    # uname -a
    Linux 2.6.12-arm1 #1 Thu Dec 13 14:07:15 CET 2007 armv5tejl unknown
    That's handy, you know what you are running on the WRT350N!
    Then I found with
    # nvram show
    that the machine failing in DHCP reservation was already listed as first item in variable:
    Using 'nvram set' I removed the 'eljo' entry and I could fill it in again correctly using the web interface!
    So I'm a happy user ;-)

    I have the same issue on Solaris 8 with a Linksys WRT54G firmware 3.01.3. I can access the internet using the Netscape 4.7 browser but, only by using http://ip.addr. nslookup works in forward lookups e.g. and sometimes by ip.addr.
    snoop -d le0 shows
    hostname DNS R Error: 3(Name Error)
    I removed dhcp configurations and set a static route on the linksys router under advanced routing and plumbed the interface. I still have the same problem.
    I am using a Sparc20.
    I checked resolv.conf and it is correct. I checked /etc/nsswitch.conf, it uses hosts: files dns.
    defaultrouter is the same as yours.

  • DHCP reservation BAD_Address and Mac Address changes.

    Ok.  I understand about Bad_Address and the things that can cause it.  That said, I am using Window 2003 and we are running DHCP.  Yesterday we had a series of short power outages.  Some were right after the other (1 or 2 seconds) others
    were 10 to 40 seconds in between.  The server (of course) has a UPS and so does most of our infrastructure (switches etc).
    But it seems that one type of Printer that we have, were all switched to bad_address and they could not pick up their reserved IP address.  Some of them seemed to remember their IP and are still functional, even though their reservation says bad_address. 
    I assume they will fail either at lease renewal or the next time they are power cycled.  What surprised me was that these bad_address entries' reservations were changed to have an invalid MAC address.
    All of them start with a 0 or a 1 and are only 8 characters long.  0401150a, 1701150a, 1901150a, hmmm.   i see a pattern forming.  They all have unique first 3 characters, but everything after that is 1150a.  That led me to figuring
    out what this number is.  It's an inverted hexadecimal representation of the ip address that is being complained about.  Why would the DHCP server replace the MAC with this convoluted string?   Is this covered in any manual?  
    I am pretty sure it's not in the DHCP RFC. 
    Not sure why it was having the problem, unless somehow the printers were powering and made the DHCP request then discovered that the old lease information was kept somehow (remember, some of the outages were very brief) after the request had gone out. 
    But that, and nothing else I can think of makes sense.  And it only happens on one model of our printer.  At least so far.  And this isn't the first time we've seen it happen this way. 
    Any ideas appreciated.

    Hi Chris,
    Firstly, it seems that the Unique ID of the DHCP Reservations are inverted to the IP addresses in hex. And, the most possible cause is IP conflict.
    For example:
    0401150a -> 04 01 15 0a (hex) -> 4 1 15 10 (decimal) -> (IP address)
    Meanwhile, I agree with the possible cause as you said, however, would you please kindly let us know the following:
    1. How many DHCP Servers do you have? Or, is the DHCP Server multihomed?
    2. Do the printers have multiple NICs?
    3. Are the printers both statically configured and have DHCP Reservations in the DHCP Server?
    4. DO other DHCP clients in the same scope have the same issue?
    5. Is there any trace in DHCP log?
    In addition, if Conflict detection is enabled in your DHCP Server, please disable it and see how it works.
    Also, please check if you can get some clues from this TechNet Thread:
    DHCP server bad address issue
    In addition, as the issue only occur with the same model of printers, it is worth to contact the vendor for their insight on it.
    Hope this helps.
    Jeremy Wu
    TechNet Community Support

  • WRT150N -- DHCP Reservation stopped working

    I had a printer assigned to an IP address and that showed up fine under Clients Already Reserved. I wanted to add my computer so I could forward a port to it. The DHCP Reservation list was empty. (I had assigned the printer manually). I tried Manually adding Client. It showed up under the Client Already Reserved list, but then both entries disappeared and absolutely nothing seems to be working. I know the computer didn't get assigned because when I switch from wireless to wired I get assigned a different IP. How do I get this stuff working again and why have I never got a list of the clients in the DHCP Tables?
    I am on a MacBook Pro running 10.4.6

    That wasn't quite the issue.  The problem is I can't see anything in the DHCP Reservation window.  However, I think everything is properly saved even tho I can't see it.
    As a test, I shut down the router and my two computers.  Then I started the router and turned on the other computer.  It was assigned  I turned on my computer and it was assigned  I checked the printer and it was at  I did not shut off the printer but I am hoping shutting off the router would have cleared the DHCP table.  At any rate, my computer is at 101 and the printer is at 105, which is exactly what I want.
    I would like to be able to have the DHCP Reservation window properly populated without having to reset the router and lose all my settings.  Is there any way to do that?  It is pretty clear that it has never worked exactly right, but I was able to assign one device (the printer) and may have been able to assign a second device (my computer).
    BTW, my router is running hardware version 1 and firmware version 1.01.9, which is the latest.

  • Problem editing photos in iPhoto 6

    I am having a problem editing photos. When I click on a photo to edit I get the following error message:
    Unreadable Files
    The following file could not be imported. (The file is in the iPhoto Library folder.)
    /Users/myusername/Pictures/iPhoto Library2006/Modified/2006/Roll2183/DSCN0164.jpg
    I have rebuilt the photo library. I also backed up my iphoto library and reimported the photos. I have not messed with the photo library at all. I import my photos from the camera and generally work with them. I think this has been a problem since upgrading to 6.
    Has anyone else seen this?
    iMac G5 Mac OS X (10.4.8)

    Welcome to the Apple DIscussions:
    This could be a file permissions issue:
    Download BatchMod from
    And apply it to the iPhoto Library Folder using the settings found here:
    (Credit to Old Toad for this one).

  • DHCP Reservation Sync and DNS Host record sync etc shown in IPAM GUI

    Hello all,
    I am aware of the scripts in the TechNet script center to sync DHCP leases etc to IPAM, however my question is about something else -
    If you highlight an IP address (IP address inventory->select an IP), You can see fields that say: "DHCP reservation sync", "DNS PTR record sync" and "DNS host record sync" as below:
    I was curious as to what these are for. Is there some built-in sync functionality for these that I perhaps have not enabled? (Don't see such options any where..)

    Hi  Ravi ,
    The three columns tell us the information of the synchronization between IPAM server and DNS server (or DHCP server) .
    Here is the detailed guide for using IPAM :
    Using the IPAM Client Console :
    IPAM can sync DNS and DHCP records .
    The IPAM database is separate from DHCP and DNS servers on our network ,and full synchronization of hosts and IP addresses between IPAM and managed DNS or DHCP servers does not occur automatically
    unless we have configured automated tasks to perform this synchronization .
    For detailed information ,see
    DNS and DHCP record synchronization chapter in the following link :
    Multi-server Management :
    Best Regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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