Problems seeing certain webpages

Hi, I am having trouble seeing all the information on certain webpages. For example, on the first link below, all I can see is where it says "Oncogene" at the top, on the second link all I can see are a few trees at the top and the “BC Parks 100” thing on the right. On the third link I can see the lined paper background, but nothing else. I initially thought these sites were incompatible with Safari, but I recently I saw one of the sites work on other computers so now I’m thinking it's just an adjustment to a Safari setting, but I have no idea which.
These sites work fine on Firefox and I have the latest version of Safari (5.0.4).
Any help would be appreciated. arget=fulltext.pdf&sid=14bmzx553r1f5g3uggopia3r&

Hi Carolyn, sorry it took me so long, but I created a new account and had the same problem with these sites, so I verified my disk using disk utility and it said that "the disk appears to be OK". I also trashed the Safari contents folder and the Safari icon thinking I could download the application again and that might solved it, but when I relaunched it all my bookmarks were still there, so I assume I didn't totally get rid of all safari folders (those sites still didn't work). Do you have any other ideas that I could try? Here's what I see when I go to the following site
thanks for your help

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  • MTU Size Problem Loading Certain Webpages

    Hello Colleagues,
    I'm having a strange problem dealing with MTU sizes and loading certain webpages. I am aware of the default Microsoft MTU of 1500 and also using GRE IPSEC Tunnels recommended at MTU size 1400. I have since manually set some users PC's to MTU of 1400 and most of those users are experiencing no issues. However, there are a few users who still experience website loading issues even though I have manually changed their MTU size to 1400.
    These are domain accounts will the same image loads on their machines, so all have the same permissions, rights, firewall settings, etc. They all use the same LAN, switches, and routers.
    Here are the router configs, router 1 and router 2
    Router 1
    Current configuration : 9006 bytes
    version 15.3
    no service pad
    service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime
    service timestamps log datetime msec localtime
    service password-encryption
    hostname R-US-RS-WVPN1
    boot system flash:c1900-universalk9-mz.SPA.153-1.T1.bin
    boot system flash:c1900-universalk9-mz.SPA.151-3.T1.bin
    logging buffered 64000
    enable secret 5 *removed*
    no aaa new-model
    clock timezone CET 1 0
    clock summer-time CET recurring last Sun Mar 2:00 last Sun Oct 3:00
    errdisable recovery cause udld
    errdisable recovery cause bpduguard
    errdisable recovery cause rootguard
    errdisable recovery cause pagp-flap
    errdisable recovery cause dtp-flap
    errdisable recovery cause link-flap
    errdisable recovery interval 303
    ip cef
    ip domain name
    ip name-server 10.###.8.21
    ip name-server 10.###.8.96
    ip inspect dns-timeout 90
    ip inspect tcp idle-time 60
    ip inspect name fw smtp timeout 120
    ip inspect name fw ftp timeout 120
    ip inspect name fw realaudio
    ip inspect name fw tftp timeout 30
    ip inspect name fw udp timeout 30
    ip inspect name fw tcp timeout 60
    no ipv6 cef
    multilink bundle-name authenticated
    crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-316595902
    enrollment selfsigned
    subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-316595902
    revocation-check none
    rsakeypair TP-self-signed-316595902
    crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-316595902
    certificate self-signed 01
    license udi pid CISCO1921/K9 sn FTX153182M8
    spanning-tree vlan 229 priority 8192
    ip ssh version 2
    crypto isakmp policy 10
    hash md5
    authentication pre-share
    lifetime 3600
    crypto isakmp key *removed* address 70.###.172.142
    crypto isakmp key *removed* address 184.###.###.254
    crypto isakmp keepalive 35 11
    crypto ipsec transform-set FY-WVPN-Tunnel esp-aes esp-md5-hmac
    mode tunnel
    crypto map vpn 10 ipsec-isakmp
    set peer 70.###.172.142
    set peer 184.###.###.254
    set transform-set FY-WVPN-Tunnel
    match address gre-tunnel-list
    interface Loopback0
    ip address 10.###.0.10
    interface Tunnel2291
    description Primary-TimewarnerTelecom-Ral-FayWVPN1
    ip address 10.###.99.26
    no ip redirects
    cdp enable
    tunnel source 66.###.161.126
    tunnel destination 184.###.###.254
    crypto map vpn
    interface Tunnel2293
    description Primary-TimewarnerTelecom-Ral-FayWVPN2
    ip address 10.###.99.154
    no ip redirects
    cdp enable
    tunnel source 66.###.161.126
    tunnel destination 70.###.172.142
    crypto map vpn
    interface Embedded-Service-Engine0/0
    no ip address
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0
    description TW Telecom/DMVPN1
    ip address 66.###.161.126
    ip access-group Block-Internet in
    ip access-group Block-Internet out
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    no cdp enable
    crypto map vpn
    interface GigabitEthernet0/1
    no ip address
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0
    switchport access vlan 229
    no ip address
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
    switchport access vlan 229
    no ip address
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
    switchport access vlan 229
    no ip address
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/3
    description PBX Eth1
    switchport access vlan 229
    no ip address
    interface Vlan1
    no ip address
    interface Vlan229
    ip address 10.###.229.253
    ip helper-address 10.###.231.201
    standby 229 ip 10.###.229.254
    standby 229 priority 105
    standby 229 preempt
    router eigrp 100
    ip forward-protocol nd
    no ip http server
    ip http secure-server
    ip route 70.###.172.142 66.###.161.125
    ip route 184.###.###.254 66.###.161.125
    ip route 205.###.96.180 66.###.161.125
    ip access-list extended Block-Internet
    permit esp host 66.###.161.126 host 184.###.###.254
    permit esp host 184.###.###.254 host 66.###.161.126
    permit udp host 66.###.161.126 host 184.###.###.254 eq isakmp
    permit udp host 184.###.###.254 host 66.###.161.126 eq isakmp
    permit esp host 66.###.161.126 host 70.###.172.142
    permit esp host 70.###.172.142 host 66.###.161.126
    permit udp host 66.###.161.126 host 70.###.172.142 eq isakmp
    permit udp host 70.###.172.142 host 66.###.161.126 eq isakmp
    permit icmp host 66.###.161.126 host 184.###.###.254
    permit icmp host 184.###.###.254 host 66.###.161.126
    permit icmp host 66.###.161.126 host 70.###.172.142
    permit icmp host 70.###.172.142 host 66.###.161.126
    permit icmp any any echo-reply
    permit icmp any any time-exceeded
    permit icmp any any packet-too-big
    permit icmp any any traceroute
    permit icmp any any unreachable
    deny   ip any any
    deny   icmp any any
    ip access-list extended gre-tunnel-list
    permit gre host 66.###.161.126 host 184.###.###.254
    permit gre host 66.###.161.126 host 70.###.172.142
    logging host 10.100.###.254
    logging host 10.100.###.246
    snmp-server community a RW 20
    snmp-server community r RO 20
    snmp-server community a RW 20
    snmp-server community r RO 20
    snmp-server community P_RW RW
    snmp-server community P_RO RO
    snmp-server enable traps entity-sensor threshold
    snmp-server host 10.100.###.246 public
    snmp-server host 10.100.###.254 public
    access-list 20 permit 10.###.9.3
    access-list 20 permit 10.###.8.16
    access-list 20 permit 10.100.###.249
    access-list 20 permit 10.100.###.254
    access-list 20 permit 10.100.###.246
    banner motd ^CCCCCCC
    ****************** Warning! Warning! Warning! ********************
    This system is restricted to authorized users for business
    purposes.  Unauthorized access is a violation of the law.  This
    service may be monitored for administrative and security reasons.
    By proceeding, you consent to this monitoring
    ****************** Warning! Warning! Warning! ********************
    line con 0
    login local
    line aux 0
    line 2
    no activation-character
    no exec
    transport preferred none
    transport input all
    transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120 ssh
    stopbits 1
    line vty 0 4
    exec-timeout 60 0
    password 7 *removed*
    login local
    transport input ssh
    line vty 5 15
    exec-timeout 60 0
    password 7 *removed*
    login local
    transport input ssh
    scheduler allocate 20000 1000
    ntp server 10.###.8.8 prefer
    ntp server 10.###.231.200 prefer
    ntp server 10.###.8.69
    ntp server 10.###.1.6 prefer
    Router 2
    Current configuration : 9013 bytes
    version 15.3
    no service pad
    service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime
    service timestamps log datetime msec localtime
    service password-encryption
    hostname R-US-RS-WVPN2
    boot system flash:c1900-universalk9-mz.SPA.153-1.T1.bin
    boot system flash:c1900-universalk9-mz.SPA.151-3.T1.bin
    logging buffered 64000
    logging console critical
    enable secret 5 *removed*
    no aaa new-model
    clock timezone CET 1 0
    clock summer-time CET recurring last Sun Mar 2:00 last Sun Oct 3:00
    errdisable recovery cause udld
    errdisable recovery cause bpduguard
    errdisable recovery cause rootguard
    errdisable recovery cause pagp-flap
    errdisable recovery cause dtp-flap
    errdisable recovery cause link-flap
    errdisable recovery interval 303
    ip cef
    ip domain name
    ip name-server 10.###.8.21
    ip name-server 10.###.8.96
    ip inspect dns-timeout 90
    ip inspect tcp idle-time 60
    ip inspect name fw smtp timeout 120
    ip inspect name fw ftp timeout 120
    ip inspect name fw realaudio
    ip inspect name fw tftp timeout 30
    ip inspect name fw udp timeout 30
    ip inspect name fw tcp timeout 60
    ipv6 multicast rpf use-bgp
    no ipv6 cef
    multilink bundle-name authenticated
    crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-3179596086
    enrollment selfsigned
    subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-3179596086
    revocation-check none
    rsakeypair TP-self-signed-3179596086
    crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-3179596086
    certificate self-signed 01
    license udi pid CISCO1921/K9 sn FTX153182M2
    spanning-tree vlan 229 priority 1###84
    ip ssh version 2
    crypto isakmp policy 10
    hash md5
    authentication pre-share
    lifetime 3600
    crypto isakmp key *removed* address 70.###.172.142
    crypto isakmp key *removed* address 184.###.###.254
    crypto isakmp keepalive 35 11
    crypto ipsec transform-set Fay-Ral-WVPN-Tunnel esp-aes esp-md5-hmac
    mode tunnel
    crypto map vpn 10 ipsec-isakmp
    set peer 184.###.###.254
    set peer 70.###.172.142
    set transform-set Fay-Ral-WVPN-Tunnel
    match address gre-tunnel-list
    interface Loopback0
    ip address 10.###.0.12
    interface Tunnel2292
    description Failover-TimewarnerCable-Ral-Fay-WVPN2
    ip address 10.###.99.30
    no ip redirects
    cdp enable
    tunnel source 96.###.25.226
    tunnel destination 184.###.###.254
    crypto map vpn
    interface Tunnel2294
    description Failover-TimewarnerCable-Ral-Fay-WVPN2
    ip address 10.###.99.158
    no ip redirects
    cdp enable
    tunnel source 96.###.25.226
    tunnel destination 70.###.172.142
    crypto map vpn
    interface Embedded-Service-Engine0/0
    no ip address
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0
    description Fay-Ral WVPN
    ip address 96.###.25.226
    ip access-group Block-Internet in
    ip access-group Block-Internet out
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    no cdp enable
    crypto map vpn
    interface GigabitEthernet0/1
    no ip address
    duplex auto
    speed auto
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0
    switchport access vlan 229
    no ip address
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
    switchport access vlan 229
    no ip address
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
    switchport access vlan 229
    no ip address
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/3
    description PBX Eth2
    switchport access vlan 229
    no ip address
    interface Vlan1
    no ip address
    interface Vlan229
    ip address 10.###.229.252
    ip helper-address 10.###.231.201
    standby 229 ip 10.###.229.254
    standby 229 preempt
    router eigrp 100
    ip forward-protocol nd
    no ip http server
    ip http secure-server
    ip route 70.###.172.142 96.###.25.225
    ip route 184.###.###.254 96.###.25.225
    ip route 205.###.96.180 66.###.161.125
    ip access-list extended Block-Internet
    permit esp host 96.###.25.226 host 184.###.###.254
    permit esp host 184.###.###.254 host 96.###.25.226
    permit udp host 96.###.25.226 host 184.###.###.254 eq isakmp
    permit udp host 184.###.###.254 host 96.###.25.226 eq isakmp
    permit esp host 96.###.25.226 host 70.###.172.142
    permit esp host 70.###.172.142 host 96.###.25.226
    permit udp host 96.###.25.226 host 70.###.172.142 eq isakmp
    permit udp host 70.###.172.142 host 96.###.25.226 eq isakmp
    permit icmp host 96.###.25.226 host 184.###.###.254
    permit icmp host 184.###.###.254 host 96.###.25.226
    permit icmp host 96.###.25.226 host 70.###.172.142
    permit icmp host 70.###.172.142 host 96.###.25.226
    permit icmp any any echo-reply
    permit icmp any any time-exceeded
    permit icmp any any packet-too-big
    permit icmp any any traceroute
    permit icmp any any unreachable
    deny   ip any any
    deny   icmp any any
    ip access-list extended gre-tunnel-list
    permit gre host 96.###.25.226 host 184.###.###.254
    permit gre host 96.###.25.226 host 70.###.172.142
    logging host 10.100.###.254
    logging host 10.100.###.246
    snmp-server community P_RW RW
    snmp-server community P_RO RO
    snmp-server community a RW 20
    snmp-server community r RO 20
    snmp-server community a RW 20
    snmp-server community r RO 20
    snmp-server enable traps entity-sensor threshold
    snmp-server host 10.100.###.246 public
    snmp-server host 10.100.###.254 public
    access-list 20 permit 10.###.9.3
    access-list 20 permit 10.###.8.16
    access-list 20 permit 10.100.###.249
    access-list 20 permit 10.100.###.254
    access-list 20 permit 10.100.###.246
    banner motd ^CCCCCC
    ****************** Warning! Warning! Warning! ********************
    This system is restricted to authorized users for business
    purposes.  Unauthorized access is a violation of the law.  This
    service may be monitored for administrative and security reasons.
    By proceeding, you consent to this monitoring
    ****************** Warning! Warning! Warning! ********************
    line con 0
    login local
    line aux 0
    line 2
    no activation-character
    no exec
    transport preferred none
    transport input all
    transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120 ssh
    stopbits 1
    line vty 0 4
    exec-timeout 60 0
    password 7 *removed*
    login local
    transport input ssh
    line vty 5 15
    exec-timeout 60 0
    password 7 *removed*
    login local
    transport input ssh
    scheduler allocate 20000 1000
    ntp server 10.###.8.8 prefer
    ntp server 10.###.231.200 prefer
    ntp server 10.###.8.69
    ntp server 10.###.1.6 prefer

    I have since applied the following config to the tunnel interfaces:
    ip mtu 1400
    ip tcp adjust-mss 1400
    tunnel path-mtu-discovery
    This worked and I was able to reset each users PC to default MTU size of 1500, but only until just now. I got a call from a user who explained that he wasn't able to reach some websites, again.
    Sure enough, I've just confirmed that all of the users are unable to access the websites any longer.
    This is crazy, does anyone have any ideas?

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    Sorry, Ed, but this one seems to be unique to you. The site has experienced no problems, and we've received no other reports of people having trouble loading it.
    Don't know which browser you're using, but that could be an issue. (You can also try dumping the browser's cache. Sometimes that gets fixes things.) Or you can try a different browser.
    But, for better or worse, there doesn't seem to be any problems at the end.

  • Adobe Acrobat 9 - Print certain webpage as PDF file but some of its contents were corrupted

    Print certain webpage as PDF file but some of its contents were corrupted as non-readable alphanumeric.
    Preview of the PDF file shown OK but when printed, its contents were corrupted.
    Adobe Acrobat 9 Professional reinstalled but problem persists.

    It is Acrobat printing to a PDF file using Acrobat 9 Professional because I have no printer attached.
    The preview before printing showed every words OK but when printed to the PDF file, some alphabets and numerics were corrupted and the words were NOT readable.
    See the following:

  • I cannot "click" on the top inch of any screen when in firefox. This prevents me from signing in and out of certain webpages. This doesn't happen when I am either on my desktop or using IE. I love firefox, but this is frustrating. HELP!

    I cannot "click" on the top inch of any screen when in firefox. This prevents me from signing in and out of certain webpages. If I minimize the screen this does not go away either. This doesn't happen when I am either on my desktop or using IE. I love firefox, but this is frustrating! Help!

    Try the Firefox SafeMode to see how it works there. <br />
    ''A troubleshooting mode, which disables most Add-ons.'' <br />
    ''(If you're not using it, switch to the Default Theme.)''
    * You can open the Firefox 4/5/6/7 SafeMode by holding the '''Shft''' key when you use the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * Or use the Help menu item, click on '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' while Firefox is running. <br />
    ''Don't select anything right now, just use "Continue in SafeMode."''
    ''To exit the Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before using the Firefox shortcut (without the Shft key) to open it again.''
    If it is good in the Firefox SafeMode, your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. <br />

  • Displaying Certain WebPages

    I have just developed a problem with my homehub 1.5. I am having trouble viewing certain webpages over wi-fi on both my iphone and laptop. Pages which seem to have quite a lot of graphics/videos i.e youtbube will be very slow or just timeout. I don't seem able to view any videos at all. The strange thing is that some pages work very quickly with no problems. When I do a speed test (when it finally lets me on to the page) the speed seems ok, as is the signal strength.
    I have tried two different browsers on my laptop and two different iphones. All with the same problem
    I am also unable to download books over wi-fi with my kindle. Sometimes a HH restart will work with this.
    Does anyone have any ideas ?

    You could try changing DNS servers on your computer, to see if it makes any difference.
    Normally your computer would ask the home hub to forward any DNS requests to the BT DNS servers.
    Its not possible to alter these on the home hub, however you can change the settings on your computer, so that it uses different DNS servers.
    It is fairly easy to change these settings, but it depends on whether you are using Windows XP or Windows 7.
    Its also quite easy to reset it again should there be no improvement.
    Both of the earlier home hubs do suffer from a problem with the IDS (Intruder Detector System) log file filling up, which seems to stop DNS functioning. There is so much "rubbish" coming in on the Internet, that this can fill up quite quickly.
    On an unlocked hub version 1, it is possible to turn this off, which fixes the problem.
    I would try changing the DNS servers on your computer first, so that instead of getting the DNS automatically, you provide the server addresses.
    A good start is to use the OpenDNS servers, which are
    Leave the IP address and gateway settings the same.
    There are comprehensive instructions here
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

  • A problem with this webpage caused Internet Explorer (IE9) to close and reopen the tab

    I have IE9 (using 32-bit version) installed on a relatively new laptop with Windows 7 64-bit. Up until last weekend IE9 worked fine and Flash Player worked fine too.
    At the weekend a webpage asked for Flash Player to be updated - which I did. Ever since then whenever I go to a webpage needing Flash Player I get the message "A problem with this webpage caused Internet Explorer to close and reopen the tab". This happens twice and then an IE9 error page.
    I have read the discussions in here about the problems with Flash Player 10.3 and have tried the various solutions. I have updated to having tried 15 and 14 previously. Same problem.
    I have reset IE9. Same problem.
    I have disabled all add-ons which stops the problem. If I enable just the Flash Player add-on then the problem recurs. Since there are so many webpages that use Flash I do not want to run my browser without this add-on running.
    If I enable the add-on and run IE9 using software rendering instead of GPU rendering then I don't get the problem. However, this isn't exactly making the best use of the resources on my laptop.
    This may well all be related to the 10.3 problems but no one seems to have mentioned having a problem with tabs closing and reopening so I thought I would post on here to check.
    Any suggestions for how to solve this (other than using software rendering)?

    Thanks again for your reply. I appreciate the time you have taken to respond.
    I think, however, you misunderstand the problem. IE9 does not reopen the tabs on just one website - it is doing this on every website that needs Flash Player. Therefore, running in Compatibility mode is not an option. In fact, because IE9 reopens the tabs so quickly and then ends up with an error page, I cannot even click the Compatibility button anyway.
    I could use ActiveX filtering - true. All that this means is that Flash does not play on any of the websites. When I want to re-enable ActiveX for a particular website where I need to see the Flash Player item, this just triggers the error.
    This problem also happened on .14, .15 and well as the current .16 version. It did not happen with the previous version of Flash Player that I had on the system (version 10.2 I think).
    The fact is that either Flash Player or IE9 or both is/are broken. The two choices I am still left with are:
    1. Use software rendering (which contradicts the latest advertisements for IE9 about unleashing the power of IE)
    2. Use another browser - I have no problems with either Firefox or Chrome

  • Why can i not open a certain webpage?

    HI unfortunately recently (2 days ago) it became Impossible for me to access a certain webpage. When i start writing my search and the drop down page comes up it displays Top hit: (no title) <<website name>> and once i click on it, it displays the correct URL but shows a blank page.
    Thank you .

    1. From the Safari menu bar, select
    Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Privacy ▹ Remove All Website Data
    and confirm. Test.
    2. Select
    Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Extensions
    Turn all extensions OFF and test. If the problem is resolved, turn extensions back ON and then disable them one or a few at a time until you find the culprit.

  • Problem seeing images using Firefox

    I have a problem seeing images when using Firefox. I can see them at first, but when i scroll down they dissappear until I get to a certain point on the screen (like when the images are at the top of the firefox screen) then I can see them. Was wondering if anyone knew what the problem could be?

    from the system details you've submitted it appears that you have the foxit reader pdf plugin on your system - it's known to cause problems with hotmail since firefox 12. disable it in firefox > addons > plugins until there's an update by foxit which fixes the issue

  • Certain webpages do not load in Safari or any other browser or iPhone..?

    I'm having an issue with certain webpages loading on my Macbook...(ex. my bank site, Facebook). Sometimes I am lucky enough to get to the login page, but it stalls there.  Since the issue started while using Safari, I tried using FireFox, but the issue persists..tried to access the same pages' mobile sites in Safari on my iPhone 4S and it doesn't load either and gives this message "Safari cannot open the page because it could not establish a secure connection to the server."
    I've emptied my Safari history and cache, but it didn't help. It seems like this issue just started overnight!
    I am running Leopard 10.5.8 on a late-2007 Macbook.
    Please help, thanks!

    Is the iPhone using your Mac to connect?
    See if the Mac has any Proxies set...
    10.5/10.6 instructions, System Preferences>choose interface>Advanced>Proxies Tab, make sure none are set, like for  HTTPS.

  • Problem deploying certain mappings using OMBPlus

    We've got a problem deploying certain mapings using OMBPLus. This applies to all mappings that use a function to lookup the effective date of a SCD (type 2) from a lookup table. We use that function in the dimension operator properties as the "Default Effective Time of Open Record". Though the validation of those mappings fails they can nevertheless be deployed using the Control Center Manager. And, best of all, they work fine.
    Now we have to deploy those mappings using OMBPlus because we're not allowed to work with tools on the preproduction and production systems. Deploying those mappings with OMBPlus doesn't seem to work. It works fine for all other mappings but not for those mentioned above. Has anybody a solution?

    Hi Dave,
    this is the error message I get whe I run my OMBPLus script:
    OMB05602: An unknown Deployment error has occured for Object Type PUB03205 : Validation Error: MAP_DIM_FAHRZEUGKLASSE : VLD-5010: The Default Effective Date of open records for dimension DIM_FAHRZEUGKLASSE should be an expression of type DATE. Value "FCT_GET_AKT_LL_vmon()" is not a valid date: PLS-00201: identifier 'FCT_GET_AKT_LL_VMON' must be declared
    I'm not quite sure about what you mean with creating a stub function. As you can see from the error message above I use a function called FCT_GET_AKT_LL_vmon that returns the actual date od the load from a lookup table. This function is of course present in the target schema.

  • I am having problems with certain websites that require adobe flash player because of the restrictions that apple has put in place. Is there a way to get to sites that require flash player?

    I am having problems with certain websits that require adobe flash player

    Please don't start the 1 millionth thread on this subject, which has been answered over and over and over and over and over and over and over.........Use the search bar and type flash and you'll see thousands of posts on this.

  • Having problems loading certain sites

    hi i am having problems with certain web pages. i can load up any web page but have problems when clicking on something with in the page that opens a new window. the window is displayed but loads up no images or text and says done in the bottom left hand corner. this means i can not use online banking or any of my other accounts online. any help would be greatly appreciated. as i cant think of what is coursing the problem. i have avg protection on my laptop and windows firewall.

    "Clear the Cache": Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"
    "Remove the Cookies" from sites that cause problems: Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of your add-ons is causing your problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    See [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] and [[Troubleshooting plugins]]
    If it does work in Safe-mode then disable all your extensions and then try to find which is causing it by enabling one at a time until the problem reappears.
    You can use "Disable all add-ons" on the [[Safe mode]] start window to disable all extensions.
    You have to close and restart Firefox after each change via "File > Exit" (Mac: "Firefox > Quit"; Linux: "File > Quit")

  • Problems resizing certain jpegs in cs6

    When I resize certain jpegs in Photoshop and then save, the file size remains the same. It has definately been resized because it shows a new file size in PS.
    I've never encountered this before until a couple of weeks back. Has anyone had the same problem.

    See Replace Your Preferences and if that doesn't do it, see Adobe Forums: InDesign crashes at startup for a list of other things to delete from the original account.
    When all else fails, rename the Adobe folders in your user library (remmber, there are TWO folders, anf they're hidden, so see Access hidden user library files | Mac OS 10.7 Lion) and copy the ones from the guest account.


    Safari doesnot open certain webpages, instead it downloads a file with .ASPX extension.
    I opened the Mac in safeboot and run Disk Utility and repaired Disk permissions under it. In safe boot, safari (or other) browser opens all the webpages very well, but when I open the system in normal mode, again .aspx issue appears.
    I am getting so upset with the system. Can you please help me?
    Thank you in advance

    We had this problem on a few websites over here and in our case the administrators of the pages had to make some changes to the pages to make them Safari compatible.
    A workaround we used in the meantime was to set Acrobat to open aspx files using the finders Get Info window.
    Then we set Firefox as the default browser.
    Then when we clicked on ASPX links the files downloaded to the disk and when we double clicked them in Firefoxes downloads window they opened in a PDF window inside Firefox.
    I hope you get what I'm talking about.
    Message was edited by: Hans Gunnarsson

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