Problems with 2 rows on TabSet

I want to divide tabs from tabSet in 2 or more rows. I can't put one tabSet like a child from another tab. I need all the tab in the same level divided on 2 or more rows.
Thanks for attention.

Unfortunately, the current functionality is a direct result of the tabset design: tabs at subordinate levels are always children of another tab. I'll pass your comments along to the component author.
// Gregory

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    Erik Aleksander Moe

    Bernd, since your comp is still under warranty you may wish to give the online tech support a try -->HERE<--</a>. Click on the "Chat with a support agent" link.
    If you don't want to go that route, then I suggest that you call them over the phone. Hopefully, you have the AppleCare Protection Plan if your 90 day warranty ran out.
    Good Luck.
    G5 20' iMac w/iSight/Remote, 2.5GB RAM, 250GB HD Mac OS X (10.4) OS 10.4.3

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    Edited by: user5931224 on 2009-06-13 08:55

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    Select pe.expense_id
    ,PE.INAMOUNT pe_amount
    from EXPENSES PE
    where pe.expense_id=5600
    group by expense_id,CODE,PROJECT_ID,LDATE,inamount
    //get error message
    ora-01427:single-row subquery returns more than one row
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    where expense_id in(select expense_id from
    group by expense_id
    having count(*)>1
    //here is duplicate record a lot
    4176     2
    5600     3
    9572     2
    9573     2
    9574     2

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    ex)The result of the query is like that;
    Expense_ Id project_id Ldate InvAmount RecogAmount MatAmount
    5600 123 3/2/02 $100(InvAmount)
    5600 432 3/12/02 $200(recogAmount)
    5600 432 4/12/02 $250(MatAmount)
    Thank you so much
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

  • Problems with multiple row operations in a dataTable

    Dear fellows,
    I have a strange problem, i want to do multiple row deletion in a dataTable. Can any one tell me a better way to do it. Because the way i am doing it, it is causing me strange problems. In some places it start working and in some it dont.
    The way i am doing it, it has the following code:
    <h:dataTable id="list" value="#{availableRoomsList}"  var="RoomTypes" >
         <f:facet name="header">
                 <h:outputText value="Select"/>
                 <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{roomSelection[RoomTypes]}" >
         <f:facet name="header">
              <h:outputText value="Available Date"/>
         <h:outputText value="#{RoomTypes.availableDate}"/>
         <f:facet name="header">
              <h:outputText value="Available Rooms"/>
         <h:outputText value="#{RoomTypes.noOfRooms}"/>
    <h:commandButton value="delete Selected Rooms" action="#{RoomResvAction.deleteRooms}" />
    </h:form>Now the back end code that i am using is as follows:
         private List<HotelRoomTypes> availableRoomsList;
          Map<HotelRoomTypes, Boolean> roomSelection = new HashMap<HotelRoomTypes, Boolean>();
             public String deleteRoom(){
                  System.out.println("In the delete selection method aad.");
                       for (HotelRoomTypes item: availableRoomsList) {
                          Boolean selected = roomSelection.get(item);
                          if (selected!=null && selected) {
                               roomSelection.put(item, false);
                  }catch(Exception e){
                  return null;
             }The problem with the JSF code is when i click the command button it do not calls the associated action method with it. i dont know what is the problem with the code.
    And as far as the backend code is concern it should work fine.
    can anybody help me on this matter.

    thanks BalusC ,
    I will see this example and let you know, thanx for the help.
    but also please try and see my code and tell me what is wrong in it. because at some places it works and at some it simply dont . dont know why?
    well once again thanx for the help

  • Problem with Current row of a VO???

    I have a Advanced table region in which i add many rows..and i get the data in to it from the lov page (lov mappings).
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    with examples..more detailed..
    i have paymentAmount and AllocAmount...i get the payment Amount from LOV...after doing some validation on paymnetAmount i have to set the same value to the AllocAmount.
    ARTransactionLine is the VO which contains the above mentioned attributes....and advanced table i mentioned above is based on this VO.
    for this purpose im using the following code..
    ARTransactionLineVORowImpl TransDetailsVORow = (ARTransactionLineVORowImpl)vo.getCurrentRow();
    payment_amount = TransDetailsVORow.getPaymentAmount();/*for this paymentAmount i made a lov that currentrow contains the value of paymnetAmount from lov page*/
    if(/* some validation*/){
    now when i do this ..for the first row it is working fine...but for the second row it is failing...getCurrentRow() is giving the values of previous row..not the current row...
    first of all what does this getCurrentRow return???
    help me ...n tell me where i was wrong...

    I m sure you have not gone through the tutorials completely.
    ARTransactionLineVOImpl vo =(ARTransactionLineVOImpl)findViewObject("ARTransactionLineVO1");
    ARTransactionLineVORowImpl TransDetailsVORow = (ARTransactionLineVORowImpl)vo.getCurrentRow();
    with this row i am doing the below opeations..
    Number x=TransDetailsVORow.getPaymentAmount();
    /* some validations*/
    Change to
    ARTransactionLineVOImpl vo =(ARTransactionLineVOImpl)findViewObject("ARTransactionLineVO1");
    ARTransactionLineVORowImpl TransDetailsVORow = (ARTransactionLineVORowImpl)vo.first();
    while (TransDetailsVORow!=null)
    Number x=TransDetailsVORow.getPaymentAmount();
    /* some validations*/
    TransDetailsVORow = (ARTransactionLineVORowImpl);

  • Master/detail and problem with selected row when errors on detail row

    I'm using JDeveloper
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    To department A
    I take away the value of one of the required attributes of one of the detail employee rows.
    Select one of the other departments ie department B
    Get Error message Value required.
    So far so good, but the selected department is B and the detail rows shown is for department A.
    I expected that department A to still be selected or that department B with its row to be shown.
    Edited by: user628847 on 26.feb.2009 04:55

    if (row != null)
    Row masterRow = row;
    // not needed : getMesReponsesPourTiersVO1().executeQuery();
    You shouldnot execute the child VO after setting current row in master VO.
    When the current row is set in master VO, then the child rows will get refreshed automatically.

  • New iMac install problem with Front Row

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    Normally to activate Front Row you press the Menu button on the Apple Remote that came with your Mac or you can use the keyboard shortcut of Command(Apple) + Escape.


    I've had it with the framework. It's been 20 hours and counting that I am trying to insert/validate a new record.
    Things just don't work as advertised.
    Here's the situation:
    I have an entity object with various validation rules in the validate() method.
    Then I have a simple JSP page to insert new records.
    At submit of button, I follow the framework's default
    create new row and fill it up, with the difference
    that i need to validate the row as soon as I fill it up
    with data from the http request:
    <jbo:OnEvent name="Create">
    <jbo:Row id="newrow" datasource="ds" action="CreateInRange" >
    <% try { %>
    <jbo:SetAttribute dataitem="*" />
    newrow.validate(); //******* NOTICE HERE THAT I VALIDATE
    } catch (JboException ex) {
    throw ex;
    } %>
    Unexpected behavior 1: If the validation fails,
    newrow DOES NOT GET REMOVED!!!! I know this
    since when I view data thru a data table component,
    the row is there WITH THE ERROR INFORMATION set!!.
    If I do a commit transaction, then the erroneous information ENDS UP IN THE DATABASE!!!!!
    Unexpected behavior 2: If I do a rollback, every
    call to subsequent pages results in a jsp error:
    java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.jbo.html.jsp.datatags.OnEventTag
    Chris Lambrou

    I have (hopefully) found a solution to my part of this problem. I was getting the ClassCastExceptions on any page with a <jbo:row> tag after doing a failed DML action. I have tested this with the delete event. (btw, I am using jdev9.0.3.3 w/ BC4J/JSP) Before what I was doing was this:
    <% try { %>
    <jbo:Row id="delrow" datasource="ds" rowkeyparam="jboRowKey" action="Delete" />
    <% } catch (JboException jboEx) { %>
    do something
    <% } catch (Exception ex) { %>
    uh-oh, this is bad
    <% } %>
    If I removed the try/catch block everything worked fine. Unfortunatlely, I need to try/catch block here. To work around the problem I changed the code to this:
    <% Row rowDelete = ds.getRowFromKey(params.getParameter("jboRowKey")); %>
    <% try { %>
    <% } catch (JboException jboEx) { %>
    do something
    <% } catch (Exception ex) { %>
    uh-oh, this is bad
    <% } %>
    The second bit of code does the same thing (but it doesn't use a bean like I think <jbo:Row> does) and it doesn't cause the ClassCastError on subsequent errors.
    I really hope this helps someone else because it took me forever to get a workaround!
    ~Rob Lundeen

  • Problems with Front Row, listening to Music and view Photos

    My new imac is experiencing problems while in frontrow. If I am listening to music through itunes and then go to view photos at the same time the computer freezes for minutes on end before coming up with an error message about not being able to access the photos. When I finally manage to get out of front row, iphoto is opened up on my desktop. Is anyone else having problems like this?

    Yeah, I think, unfortunately thats the best solution to this. Disappointing though, this is the 2nd imac that I've had major issues with straight out of the box.

  • Problem with front row, please help!

    I got a year old MBP 15" which I updated to leopard, and it works generally fine, except for the fact that when using front row and leaving it playing music for about 5 minutes idle, it freezes, goes to blank screen, but still plays the playlist it was set on, but when I use the remote control, or press keys, it keeps frozen, the only way to quit is to force power off.
    Please help me, as I really like Front Row and my MBP is my hub for playing music in reunions.
    Thanks in advance

    I have (hopefully) found a solution to my part of this problem. I was getting the ClassCastExceptions on any page with a <jbo:row> tag after doing a failed DML action. I have tested this with the delete event. (btw, I am using jdev9.0.3.3 w/ BC4J/JSP) Before what I was doing was this:
    <% try { %>
    <jbo:Row id="delrow" datasource="ds" rowkeyparam="jboRowKey" action="Delete" />
    <% } catch (JboException jboEx) { %>
    do something
    <% } catch (Exception ex) { %>
    uh-oh, this is bad
    <% } %>
    If I removed the try/catch block everything worked fine. Unfortunatlely, I need to try/catch block here. To work around the problem I changed the code to this:
    <% Row rowDelete = ds.getRowFromKey(params.getParameter("jboRowKey")); %>
    <% try { %>
    <% } catch (JboException jboEx) { %>
    do something
    <% } catch (Exception ex) { %>
    uh-oh, this is bad
    <% } %>
    The second bit of code does the same thing (but it doesn't use a bean like I think <jbo:Row> does) and it doesn't cause the ClassCastError on subsequent errors.
    I really hope this helps someone else because it took me forever to get a workaround!
    ~Rob Lundeen

  • Word VBA Macro problem with adding rows to table for BAPI call

    Hello all,
    I have code in Word macro which is reading file from the disk and converting it to binary. This binary should be inserted in the internal table (Dim As object) for further posting. Code is modified from the note 945682.
    Here is the code:
    Sub Read_File(FileNameFull As String)
    Dim oBinaryDataTab As Object
    Dim oBinaryDataRow As Object
    Dim lBytesToRead As Long
    Dim iNumChars, i As Integer
    Dim s1022, s2044, sX As String
    Dim fs, f, ts As Object
    Dim ReadFile As String
    ' Actually does the work of uploading the document in 1022 byte pieces.
    ReadFile = 0
    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set f = fs.GetFile(FileNameFull)
    Set ts = f.OpenAsTextStream(1, -2)
    lBytesToRead = f.Size
    ReadFile = f.Size
    Do While ts.AtEndOfStream <> True
    If lBytesToRead < 1022 Then
    iNumChars = lBytesToRead
    iNumChars = 1022
    End If
    s1022 = ts.Read(iNumChars)
    s2044 = ""
    For i = 1 To Len(s1022)
    sX = Hex$(CByte(Asc(Mid(s1022, i, 1))))
    If Len(sX) = 1 Then
    sX = "0" + sX
    End If
    s2044 = s2044 + sX
    Next i
    Set oBinaryDataRow = oBinaryDataTab.Rows.Add
    oBinaryDataRow("LINE") = s2044
    lBytesToRead = lBytesToRead - iNumChars
    End Sub
    But on the row "Set oBinaryDataRow = oBinaryDataTab.Rows.Add" code just stopped to work.
    Can somebody give me a hint how to proceed?
    I also tried to Dim oBinaryDataTable As Table and oBinaryDataRow as Row with the same result.
    oBinaryDataTable will be used as to post file to SAP system without GUI FTP connection. Because of that it must be converted to binary form.
    P.S. Message to Moderator: Please, be so kind, and put the message in the proper forum if this is not this one.

    Self Resloved

  • Problem with coloring rows

    hi there,
    how can i get a single row in my jtable colored? i tried out some solutions that were postet here, but they do not work for me. my problem is, that all rows get the new color although i defined it only for one row. i post some code for better understanding and maybe debugging. my jtable consists of 28 rows and 32 colums and i ONLY want row number 18 getting colored pink. any advice are welcome.
    public Tabelle() {
              datenmodell = new DatenModell();
              tabelle = new JTable(datenmodell);
              TableColumn column = new TableColumn();
              column = null;
              for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
              column = tabelle.getColumnModel().getColumn(i);
              if (i == 0) {
              column.setCellRenderer(new CenterRenderer());
              else {
              column.setCellRenderer(new CenterRenderer());
              scrollpane = new JScrollPane(tabellenPanel);
              scrollpane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1100, 520));
    that is the constructor of the jframe. the following code is my custom cell renderer:
    class CenterRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer {
         public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable tab, Object val, boolean sel, boolean foc, int z4, int s4) {
              Component component = super.getTableCellRendererComponent(tab,val,sel,foc,z4,s4);
              if (z4 == 18) {
              return component;

    yeah, i tried it, but then there is some strange behavior. first all rows are white, but if you select row number 18 (the pink one) it becomes pink. then if you select a cell in another column, all becomes white again until you select row number 18 again.
    thats not satisfying for me, so if you have a solution for that, please post it.
    thanks in advance.

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