Problems with Bex Brodcasting in version 7.0

When I try to launch from the Query Designer Bex BroadCaster not executed, it does nothing.
What is happening?, It is not already installed? I can do and how?

Please grant me points if the information below is useful!
You can launch other tools from within BEx Analyzer via the Tools function and its submenu.
Create New Query
Use this function to access BEx Query Designer to create a new query. You can insert multiple queries into a workbook. When you choose Query Designer, BEx Query Designer opens or creates the query in the selected cell.
You may want to toggle frequently between the Query Designer (to edit the query) and the Analyzer (to design the interface to the query) as you create workbooks.
See Query Design: BEx Query Designer.
Edit Query
Use this function to access BEx Query Designer to edit the query that has been associated with the current workbook.
BEx Broadcaster
Use this function to access the BEx Broadcaster, with which you can precalculate and distribute workbooks.
See Precalculating and Distributing Workbooks.
This function is only available when you have opened a workbook in BEx Analyzer.
Planning Modeler
Use this function to access the Planning Modeler, with which you can perform planning tasks directly from BEx Analyzer.
BEx Report Designer
Use this function to access Report Designer, with which you can design and execute formatted reports.
BEx Web Analyzer
Use this function to run a report on the web directly from BEx Analyzer.
●     To launch BEx Query Designer for creating a query, choose BEx Analyzer  ® Tools  ® Create New Query.
●     To launch Information Broadcasting, choose BEx Analyzer  ®  Tools  ® BEx Broadcaster.
●     To launch Planning Modeler, choose BEx Analyzer  ®  Tools  ® Planning Modeler.
●     To launch Report Designer, choose BEx Analyzer  ®  Tools  ® BEx Report Designer.
●     To launch Web Analyzer, choose BEx Analyzer  ®  Tools  ® BEx Web Analyzer.

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    NOTE: I did not check other Crystal Runtime versions.
    Any solution?

    Visual Studio Premium 2012.
    It is a web application.
    It was working fine with Crystal Report version 13.0.5. Only change is uninstall Crystal Report version 13.0.5 and install Crystal Report version 13.0.10
    Entering page number works fine to view that page Request.Form parameters sample for that (change page from page 3 to page 5):
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    __CALLBACKPARAM:{"tb":"gototext", "text":"5"}
    Try to view New Page does not work. Request.Form parameters sample for that (try change page from page 2 to page 3):
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    text_viewer_toptoolbar_selectPg:2 / 5

  • Problems with downlowding the latest version of iTunes

    Resently there have ben problems with downloading the latest versions of iTunes.
    And also the version I had to reinstall up to four times, undtil the install
    Normally the updates are running without any problems.
    I have ben iTunes customer several years, and very satisfied with the program.
    Best regards

    Try downloading iTunes directly from the Apple website ->

  • Problems with Gmail in Firefox version 20.0.1.

    I never had any problems with Gmail before this version. Now when I want to compose a new message the compose window and home page will turn into an empty white browser window. It is titled as if it were the inbox, but there are no links or words appearing in the window. I cannot type in this window either. So I am unable to send email from my desktop.
    Also, I can only read new messages. When I try to read older messages I'd saved for information purposes, I can no longer open those.

    Google has been tinkering with the design of Gmail lately, which raises the possibility that Firefox may be mismatching old cached files with new ones, or sending the site cookies that correspond to an older design.
    When you have a problem with one particular site, a good "first thing to try" is clearing your Firefox cache and deleting your saved cookies for the site.
    (1) Bypass Firefox's Cache
    Use Ctrl+Shift+r to reload the page fresh from the server.
    Alternately, you also can clear Firefox's cache completely using:
    orange Firefox button (or Tools menu) > Options > Advanced
    On the Network mini-tab > Cached Web Content : "Clear Now"
    If you have a large hard drive, this might take a few minutes.
    (2) Remove your cookies (save any pending work first). While viewing a page on the site:
    * right-click and choose View Page Info > Security > "View Cookies"
    * Alt+t (open the classic Tools menu) > Page Info > Security > "View Cookies"
    That will open a dialog where you can remove the individual cookies.
    Then try reloading the page and logging in again. Does that help?

  • IP - Various problems with BEX Analyser - help would be nice

    we use IP in combination with BEX analyser. We experience certain problems. Does anyone experienced the same issues mentioned below:
    1) if a planning function is executed, it is executed twice when your cursor is within the query itself. If it is outside the query when clicking on the button, it is executed once (like it should).
    2) Locking: we don't have locking problems, but from the moment two people lock each other once, they need to close their analyser and re-open it (so logon again) in order to be able to start planning again in a non-locked part. If they just change their selection (to the not-lock part) they remain locked!!!
    3) planning function with multiple variables: system cannot retrieve values of all variables.
    details of function:
    CMD                                               1       EXECUTE_PLANNING_FUNCTION
    PLANNING FUNCTION NAME           1      AG10_COPY01
    DATA PROVIDER_FILTER                 1     DATA_PROVIDER_1
    VAR_NAME                                     1       PROF_CTR
    VAR_VALUE                                    1       510
    VAR_NAME                                     2     PERIOD
    VAR_VALUE                                    2        012
    VAR_NAME                                     3       CUSTOMER
    VAR_VALUE                                    3     1000
    -> following the instruction of the SAP course, in case of multiplle variables they should start from 0 and have an incremental increase. But the system only recognizes the variable with index = 1

    Dear Dries,
    could it be that the variable type you use require a different set of commands?
    In general the parameters of the BEx Analyzer follow the rules of the SAp BW 3.5 Webruntime. When reading this detailed documentation you find that depending on the type of variable other names have to be used, e.g. when using a selection option variable you need something line varname_low, varname_high, ...
    The documentation can be found in the online-help:
    <a href=""></a>
    Best regards, Olaf Fischer

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    Hi, i install the flashplayer version 11 on my computer but adobe connect ask me for flash player 10.3.
    Is there a problem with adobe connect with the flash player 11 ?
    [email protected]

    Try the Flash forum.

  • Problem with BEx Analyzer

    I have a problem with the Bex Analyzer. It is showing th  details in German Language and i am not able to do anything on it.
    Can anyone help me in this issue.

    Dear Tinkugeo,
    I also faced same problem, but i Installed latest patch so i got solved my problem.
    But if you are running Office 2003 then you required patch from Microsoft. that is related to frame work.
    Hope this information will help you.
    Kiran Patel
    SAP BI Consultant

  • Is the most recent version compatible with Norton 360 gold, especially Identity Safe? I had problems with the last new version of Firefox. Sian MacKian

    That is it really. I had to get help from Norton last time.

    Symantec need to update their Firefox add-ons so that they are compatible with Firefox 4. They have indicated that for Norton 360 they plan to release an update to Norton 360 to support Firefox 4 in early May -
    I do not know about the time scale for updates for other Norton products. Pending the update by Symantec, if you want to use the Norton add-ons you will need to downgrade to Firefox 3.6.
    To downgrade to Firefox 3.6 first uninstall Firefox 4, but do not select the option to "Remove my Firefox personal data". If you select that option it will delete your bookmarks, passwords and other user data.
    You can then install the latest version of Firefox 3.6 available from - it will automatically use your current bookmarks, passwords etc.
    To avoid possible problems with downgrading, I recommend going to your profile folder and deleting the following files if they exist - extensions.cache, extensions.rdf, extensions.ini, extensions.sqlite and localstore.rdf. Deleting these files will force Firefox to rebuild the list of installed extensions, checking their compatibility, and reset toolbar customizations.
    For details of how to find your profile folder see

  • Problem with my iPhone 4s version 7.0.4

    i have many problems with version 7.0.4 for iphone 4s.
    I i dant want to transfer with iCloud, but they do it automaticly exemple for my music....

    wy my music automaticly transfer with iCloud? and sometime my music can't be read in my list because i sea a little cloud beside my song? And it's loading my stokage in iCloud.

  • Problem with BEx Web Application Designer

    we use since last week the Web Application Designer with the SAP GUI 7.2.
    Now I have a big problem since last week. I can call existing templates but unfortunately not change! I make a change in the template and save it. When I viewed the template again but no change is saved!
    A new template I can create and change
    Does anyone know the problem? The behavior also occurs with the old Gui 7.1.
    Edited by: Jana VOGL on Oct 18, 2010 10:14 AM

    Hi Jana,
    Do you get any error before opening of an existing template in WAD? Doesn't look to be a problem with the different SAP GUI versions. Maybe somethings gone wrong with the Java - ABAP config settings or Java Portal communication settings. Maybe you should check with your BASIS team on the same. Tell them what the problem is & they will run a trace to figure out.

  • Problems with revovering the last version of a document (Indesign CS6)

    I have problems with recovering a document.
    Everytime I restart Indesign (CS6) I see for a second the recovered document and then the programm shuts down.
    Is there any way to get my the last recovery-version?
    Please help, I put almost three hours of work in this document.
    Best, Dennis

    Hi P Spier,
    I'd really like to, but this option (last saved version) isn't available (not active) - I'm afraid I really have to redo my work and try to save my work at least every five minutes ;-)
    Thank you very much and have a nice day,

  • Strange Problems with XDK v10 Beta Version

    Hello together,
    I encounter two strange problems with the new Beta release of XDK. I already posted them in the Beta Release Testing Forum, but got no replies, so I decided to start another try here. Maybe anyone can help me...
    I upgraded a fine-working XSQL web application from XDK to the new Beta release of XDK. Since then, two bugs came up, which are reproducible by will:
    When processing XSQL insert-requests, the error given below is thrown. I already found an entry in the bug database that says that exactly this error should have been fixed since (see, but no it seems to be there again.
    This is the stack trace:
    XSQL-017: Unexpected Error Occurred
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/sql/OPAQUE
    at oracle.xml.xsql.actions.XSQLInsertRequestHandler.handleAction(
    at oracle.xml.xsql.XSQLDocHandler.getDocument(
    at oracle.xml.xsql.XSQLPageProcessor.process(
    at oracle.xml.xsql.XSQLServlet.doGet(
    at oracle.xml.xsql.XSQLServlet.doPost(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl$
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    When I deploy and start the application now, I always get the following error only once(!) after deployment when I call the application for the first time:
    XSQL-017: Unexpected Error Occurred
    at weblogic.jdbc.oci.Statement.executeQuery(
    at oracle.xml.xsql.actions.XSQLQueryHandler.handleAction(
    at oracle.xml.xsql.XSQLDocHandler.getDocument(
    at oracle.xml.xsql.XSQLPageProcessor.process(
    at oracle.xml.xsql.XSQLServlet.doGet(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl$
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(
    When I reload the same page, it works. However, this is not really a good state for productive use.
    Any ideas? After days of research, I'd be very glad for any help.
    Thanks alot,

    Once again me:
    I guess I should partially revoke for the second topic: The error described above under 2.) seems to be rather a Weblogic versioning problem than a XDK bug, as it only occurs when deploying the application to WebLogic 7.0 (instead of 6.1, which was used before). Maybe I should search the BEA docs for an answer.
    However, the first bug is still a problem to me...

  • Problems with phone and tablet version and presentation images

    us to explain the problems encountered with Adobe Muse
    pointing out That We Already have published a website designed with Adobe Muse, about two months ago, without finding any kind of problem, for this reason we believe That the problem does not depend on us
    1. the site properly sets in three versions (desktop, tablet and phone) and visible only in the desktop version Also from smartphones and tablets.
    2. all photos included in the 'presentations' or galleries poprie the program does not display it in local preview it after publication.
    note: we use the exported files in html and uploaded in our domain
    you can redraw the program to see if the update was performed to Muse DC Correctly or use the old version Which at least gave no problems with image galleries?
    thanks greetings

    The problem I am having is this: The phone and message portion of my palm stopped working. I called my provider and they told me I needed a new sim card. I got a new one and put it in and still experienced the problem. It was a complete stoppage. I could call one out of 10 tries and a message or two came through but late. I then called Palm and they walked me through a hard reset and the phone started working, ...but only for the evening. Now again it is at the same place. I have hard reset it several times and occasionally it will work once or twice after that. ....
    Post relates to: Treo 680 (Rogers)

  • Problems with animations on tablet version

    I've been having problems with the tablet version of my site. I want it to work in a tablet version as well as it works on the desktop, because my site is for kids and so many kids use tablets now, so it is important to me. I have 3 Edge Animate little animations. One works perfectly, one only part of the animation even appears, and the third does not appear at all. Can someone help me, please?
    Thank you so much!

    Can you try placing the edge animate files on a regular web page outside of Muse and see if it works on your tablet?  If it does, please send the edge animate files in with your muse file to [email protected]  Also, include the tablet type and OS version.   cheers, Justin

  • Has anybody had any problems with the ODBC driver version

    I have experienced a problem with my current version of the ODBC driver (version and have been advised to upgrade to the newest version
    As the driver was only released a couple of months ago, I am a bit wary about upgrading. Has anybody out there had any issues with the reliability of this driver or does it seem to be pretty stable?
    Thanks very much,

    Sorry, forgot to mention it is on linux.
    Setting SetJavaHome in the jdev.conf did not help.
    I did find a way to at least start the IDE though.
    Either comment out SetJavaVM in the jdev.conf or start jdev with the -client option
    Also to note:
    I downloaded the jdk 1.4.2 32 bit for x86 and i can't get jdev to start:
    current locale is not supported in X11, locale is set to CX locale modifiers are not supported, using defaultjava.lang.InternalError: Current locale is not supported
    at sun.awt.motif.MWindowPeer.pSetTitle(Native Method)
    at sun.awt.motif.MWindowPeer.init(
    at sun.awt.motif.MFramePeer.<init>(
    So right now i'll try to hack it with j2se 5...

Maybe you are looking for

  • Regarding the modify of internal table

    do 40 times varying lga from p0008-lga01 next p0008-lga02 varying bet from p0008-bet01 next p0008-bet02. *data: bet01 type p decimals 2. if lga is initial. exit. endif. INDEX = SY-INDEX. amt1 = bet . *bet01 = 20 / 100. bet = ( bet * 50 ) / 100 . CONC

  • Problem with namespace prefix

    Dear all, I'm using code generated by NW Developer Studio  2004s for use inside Portal components acting as a web service consumer. The problem is that the code generated includes a namespace prefix for each element in the body of the message, but EC

  • F.19 : GR/IR Account

    Hi, I run F.19 for a GR/IR Account (for one PO) and the system generate Adjustment postings, then I go to Tcode SM35 and I create FI document, in the second time I run F.19 again for the same PO and the sytem generate the same FI document as the fisr

  • RMAN clone EBS

    Hi: I am using RMAN to clone EBS R12. After the clone I checked the log file against the /staging/.../PROD (data files) and found last three files are not in the log file that mean they are not copied. We use "SET UNTIL SEQUENCE 80426 THREAD 1". Is t

  • Rdp 2008r2 with Nvidia

    hi; I am tryin like 4 days or more make it work with nvidia quadro on rdp for my domain users.. i was found some articles on google but none of them make it work. so many group policy stuff about remote desktop services.but i cant make it work. my us