Problems with Gmail in Firefox version 20.0.1.

I never had any problems with Gmail before this version. Now when I want to compose a new message the compose window and home page will turn into an empty white browser window. It is titled as if it were the inbox, but there are no links or words appearing in the window. I cannot type in this window either. So I am unable to send email from my desktop.
Also, I can only read new messages. When I try to read older messages I'd saved for information purposes, I can no longer open those.

Google has been tinkering with the design of Gmail lately, which raises the possibility that Firefox may be mismatching old cached files with new ones, or sending the site cookies that correspond to an older design.
When you have a problem with one particular site, a good "first thing to try" is clearing your Firefox cache and deleting your saved cookies for the site.
(1) Bypass Firefox's Cache
Use Ctrl+Shift+r to reload the page fresh from the server.
Alternately, you also can clear Firefox's cache completely using:
orange Firefox button (or Tools menu) > Options > Advanced
On the Network mini-tab > Cached Web Content : "Clear Now"
If you have a large hard drive, this might take a few minutes.
(2) Remove your cookies (save any pending work first). While viewing a page on the site:
* right-click and choose View Page Info > Security > "View Cookies"
* Alt+t (open the classic Tools menu) > Page Info > Security > "View Cookies"
That will open a dialog where you can remove the individual cookies.
Then try reloading the page and logging in again. Does that help?

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    If you are unable to remember your password, security questions, don’t have access to your rescue address or are unable to reset your password for whatever reason, your only option is to contact Apple ID Support, upon speaking to an operator you should explain that your problem is related to your Apple ID, this way you will not be charged for assistance, even if you don’t have an AppleCare plan.
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    Entering page number works fine to view that page Request.Form parameters sample for that (change page from page 3 to page 5):
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    text_viewer_toptoolbar_selectPg:2 / 5

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    And also the version I had to reinstall up to four times, undtil the install
    Normally the updates are running without any problems.
    I have ben iTunes customer several years, and very satisfied with the program.
    Best regards

    Try downloading iTunes directly from the Apple website ->

  • Problem with gmail account on iPhone

    I didn't know if anyone else is having problems with gmail or not. I have other accounts setup on iPhone, and I'm not having any problems with them. When I try to access my gmail my phone is freezing up. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    I periodically get a freeze of either my iPhone or VZW Treo when it hangs getting Gmail. Most of the time, it works without a hitch - other times, access to Gmail is a PITA, and once in a while, it's hanging my phones up.
    I've had Gmail go sideways on me a few times, buddies of mine say they're having no problems at the same time. Once in awhile, they'll call me to ask if I'm having problems (I'm not) but they can't get their messages for hours. Go figure. YMMV.

  • Yosemite Mail still has sync problems with Gmail - any solutions?

    I notice that Yosemite Mail still has sync problems with Gmail. After running for some hours, I noticed there were 6 emails in my Gmail account that had not synced over the past hour.
    In the meanwhile, for safety's sake (don't want to miss emails!) I'm back to Mailplane. But I wonder if anybody knows of a solution to this long term problem first introduced in Mavericks. Works fine in iOS Mail though.

    I don't think we'll ever have a "best of both worlds" Doug. I've used Gmail since the week it launched the first beta in 2004, and it's always been a bit of a love-hate relationship for me (mostly love). With the demise of the Google Notifier for Mac, I went with Mailplane, but even it has problems. Like when I see my iPhone update with new mail and I'm looking at Mailplane and it won't update at times with even a forced refresh. I often have to close/reopen it to see new messages. But, it's hard to live without my Google Calendar only a tab click away, one of the primary reasons I use Mailplane, that plus changing view zoom sticks with Mailplane and won't with Gmail.
    For years I've thought Gmail labels were the perfect filing solution, but over the past few weeks I've been analyzing just how much I really use that feature, and for's not all that much. I think I could simplify my life by putting everything into appropriate folders (as in all other email apps). Apple doesn't realize just how much money they're losing by not allowing people to use private domains with iCloud mail...which I would do in a heartbeat just because it would work perfectly with I would pay even more than I currently pay Google for this solution with Google Apps Business. So, I'm actually on the verge of moving my private domain to the best email service I can find and then using it with The problem here, of course, is I'll lose the best spam control on the planet (Gmail). So, as you say, there simply is not a "best" solution for all these things. I'll at least try a new email service first with some other domain to see how I like it before moving my primary email.
    Lastly, the other thing that incenses me is synching of flags between iOS and Apple Mail. It works fine between Gmail and iOS Mail, since all I care about is whether a message is starred/flagged or not.  But using Apple Mail, when I flag a message it will not show as flagged in their own iOS Mail, which is incomprehensible, given they built both apps.
    If you find a great solution or discover anything new...please post it here, Doug. Thanks.

  • Firefox problem with Gmail

    I am getting the following under Firefox (Bon Echo) and NoScript when try to open Gmail web site:
    A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete.
    When NoScript is disabled, Gmail woks fine.
    Tried the solution for Firefox 3.5 by changing the setting dom.max_script_run_time to zero, it did not helped.
    == Operating system ==
    WinXP, SP3

    Why are you still using that old version?
    Overall, Firefox 3+ versions have a lot less problems with that warning appearing. I don't understand why NoScript would cause that to happen, the whole point of NoScript is to stop javascript from running - might be better answered at the NoScript support forum. -
    As far as that '''dom.max_script_run_time''' preference, you need to increase the time to lessen the occurrence of that warning appearing; like maybe 30 or 40 seconds.

  • Is the most recent version compatible with Norton 360 gold, especially Identity Safe? I had problems with the last new version of Firefox. Sian MacKian

    That is it really. I had to get help from Norton last time.

    Symantec need to update their Firefox add-ons so that they are compatible with Firefox 4. They have indicated that for Norton 360 they plan to release an update to Norton 360 to support Firefox 4 in early May -
    I do not know about the time scale for updates for other Norton products. Pending the update by Symantec, if you want to use the Norton add-ons you will need to downgrade to Firefox 3.6.
    To downgrade to Firefox 3.6 first uninstall Firefox 4, but do not select the option to "Remove my Firefox personal data". If you select that option it will delete your bookmarks, passwords and other user data.
    You can then install the latest version of Firefox 3.6 available from - it will automatically use your current bookmarks, passwords etc.
    To avoid possible problems with downgrading, I recommend going to your profile folder and deleting the following files if they exist - extensions.cache, extensions.rdf, extensions.ini, extensions.sqlite and localstore.rdf. Deleting these files will force Firefox to rebuild the list of installed extensions, checking their compatibility, and reset toolbar customizations.
    For details of how to find your profile folder see

  • Major problems with Gmail

    I've been using Firefox successfully for 9 months now but recently decided to change over to Safari.
    Things were going well for a few weeks. I usually leave a Tab open for gmail and check it periodically during my day.
    I first noticed that it was refreshing alot. Then I noticed that it was doing it and never showing any content. it was shortly thereafter that I received notice from Google that it appeared as if my account was being hacked.
    I did the smart thing and changed passwords on every place online I frequent and on every machine I have access to. I still had problems accessing Gmail from Safari so I tried to do it with Firefox and it worked.
    That was weeks ago and Safari still does the same thing. When I enter my credentials in at Gmail it goes into this continuous and non-stop refresh.
    Any ideas?

    Well i use Gmail fine on my eMac running Safari and Mac OS 10.4.2. I dont have it open all day, but its normally open for a good while at a time.
    Do you have any 3rd party plugins which could be causing a problem?
    Have you updated to the most recent version of the Mac OS?

  • [SOLVED]Problem with packettracer and firefox

    I've got a problem with firefox and packettracer.
    When i click on pka file in firefox, it don't open this file in packettracer but wants to save on disk. I've got a version 5.3.1-1 packettracer and latest version firefox.
    I don't know when problem was occured but last week everything was ok. I think that's either update. Meyby it's important that when i type in console:
    update-desktop-database /usr/share/mime
    i've got such errors:
    Unknown media type in type 'all/all'
    Unknown media type in type 'all/allfiles'
    Unknown media type in type 'uri/mms'
    Unknown media type in type 'uri/mmst'
    Unknown media type in type 'uri/mmsu'
    Unknown media type in type 'uri/pnm'
    Unknown media type in type 'uri/rtspt'
    Unknown media type in type 'uri/rtspu'
    Unknown media type in type 'fonts/package'
    Unknown media type in type 'interface/x-winamp-skin'
    i have installed kde 4.5.5-1
    Do you know some solution for my problem?
    edit: update firefox solve my problem
    Last edited by ElNinijo (2013-06-08 08:35:12)

    I've had this happen now and again. You can rebind the lease yourself with:
    $ dhcpcd --rebind
    You could also try increasing the timeout by adding
    to your netctl profile/s - see netctl.profile(5) as WonderWoofy suggests. Although I haven't tried the latter.
    Last edited by youngdm (2013-09-01 22:01:05)

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