Problems with my client server program

I am programming a client to server messeging system. I have been getting this error. [i programed a JOptionPane window if an IO error ocured and every time i connect with the client in keeps popping up.  Here is part of my code from the [b]server:
     class listener extends Thread {
          public void run() {
               try {
                    recever = new ServerSocket(port);
                    send = recever.accept();
                    Thread process = new Thread(new mt());
               catch (IOException ioe) {
     class mt extends Thread {
          public void run() {
               try {
               catch (IOException ioe) {
               while (true) {
                    try {
                         in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(send.getInputStream()));
                         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, data, "this was the data", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
                    catch (NullPointerException ioe) {
                    catch (IOException ioe) {
                         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error in the server!!", "ERROR", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
     public static void main(String args[]) {
          new server().setVisible(true);
}Now froim the client:
if (e.getSource() == go) {
               if (connected == true) {
                    try {
                         out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(connector.getOutputStream()));
                    catch (IOException ioe) {
                         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Error sending", "ERROR", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
               if (connected == false) {
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You are nnot connected!!", "ERROR", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
If you need more code to understand my problem just ask.

Don't you think it might be a good idea to find out what kind of IOException you're getting? At least display ioe.getMessage. showMessages will take an Object array instead of a single string so you can do:
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, new Object[]{"Error in server", ioe.getMessage}, "Error",

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    hi all i am writing an internet cafe timer.there is a table with the following colums:PC Name,IP Address,Status,Time Left, Time Login. ,on the server GUI. Whenever a client connects,a new row having the clients details is added to the table model, which reflects on the table.but if a client disconnects and reconnects, i want it to search thru the rows in the model, if there is a row with its information already,it shouls simply update the status column to "Reconnected", and not add an entirly new row, but if there is no row with its information, it can then add a new row with its information.
    Simply put, when a client connects,it should check
    1)if the table is empty, add a new row;
    2)else, check if tabe already has a row for the client, then update the row,else add a new row.
    its not working this only works for the first client to connect,if other clients connect and disconnect,it still adds a new row, instaed of updating.
    the method doTable() in class ClientThread is what i use .please check it out and help me.
    i have a thread for each client.when a client connects, the server starts the thread and passes an instance of the server ui to the thread, so the threads acess the tablemodel thru this instance.
    Here is a simple run down of my classes
    * @(#)
    * @author obinna
    * @version 1.00 2007/3/10
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class CafeServer {
         int serverPort;
         int serverLimit;
         //ServerSocket serversocket;
         private static int rownum = -1;
         private static Connection conn;
         private static CafeServerUI serverUI;
    * Creates a new instance of <code>CafeServer</code>.
    public CafeServer() {
              conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:cafetimer","","");
              System.out.println("connection established with cafetimer database");
         }catch(Exception ex){
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Cannot find database");
              serverUI = new CafeServerUI( this,conn );
    public void closeServer(){
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
    // TODO code application logic here
         new CafeServer();
    catch(Exception ex){
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Could Not Find System Look and Feel.\nDefault L&F Loaded.");
    ServerSocket serverSocket = null;
    boolean listening = true;
    try {
    serverSocket = new ServerSocket(4444);
    } catch (IOException e) {
    System.err.println("Could not listen on port: 4444.");
    while (listening)
         new ClientThread(serverSocket.accept(),serverUI,conn).start();
    //import statements.......................................
    public class CafeServerUI extends JFrame{
         public Vector pins = new Vector<String>();
         public DefaultTableModel model;
         public JTable table;
         protected JTextArea msgarea;
         protected JScrollPane scrpane;
         protected JPanel mainp,northp,leftp,rightupp,rightp;
         protected String[] colnames = {"Computer Name","IP Ad
    .............................................................constrctor follows
    import java.sql.*;
    public class ClientThread extends Thread{
         private Socket socket = null;
         private String pin, timeleft, pin3,timeleft3,tleft;
         private CafeServerUI csui = null;
         private Ticket ticket;
         private RemainingTime remtime;
         private String hostname,ipadd;
         private int rownum;
         private Connection conn;
         private Statement stmt;
         private ResultSet rs;
         private boolean found;
         public ObjectOutputStream outputStream;
         public ObjectInputStream inputStream;
         private Admin admin;
         boolean found2 = false;
         //private String[] newrow = new String[5];
    public ClientThread(Socket socket,CafeServerUI csui,Connection conn) {
              super("Client Thread");
              this.socket = socket;
              this.csui = csui;
              this.conn = conn;
                   stmt = this.conn.createStatement();
              }catch(Exception ex){
                   System.out.println(ex.getMessage() + " : " + ex);
              //this.rownum = rownum;
              hostname = this.socket.getInetAddress().getHostName();
              ipadd = this.socket.getInetAddress().getHostAddress();
              //sString[] newrow = {hostname,ipadd,"Connected","",""};
              //System.out.print("table row " + this.rownum);
    public void doTable(){
         String[] newrow = {hostname,ipadd,"Connected","",""};
         if(this.csui.model.getRowCount() == 0){
                   for(int i=0; i < this.csui.model.getRowCount(); i++ ){
                        String hname = (String)this.csui.model.getValueAt(i,0);
                             this.csui.model.setValueAt("Re Connected",i,2);
    .....public void run()....

    In the UI is defined the InputMap/ActionMap pair to respond to keys. There is defined an action for ENTER. I have had the same problem, and the only thing that worked for me was to clear the actionMap, and reassign some keys to their original action, and some (e.g. ENTER, TAB) to my actions. This worked. With TAB is harder beacuse i guess it's deeper in the JVM implemented, but after a while i've managed to overwrite that too.

  • Help with MIDlets - TCP client server program

    Hi I am new to using MIDlets, and I wanted to create a simple TCP client server program.. I found a tutorial in J2me forums and I am able to send a single message from server(PC) to client(Phonemulator) and from client to server. But I want to send a stream of messages to the server. Here is my program and I am stuck in the last step wher i want to send lot of messages to server. Here is my program, Could any one of u tell me how to do it? Or where am i going wrong in thsi pgm?
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.Alert;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.AlertType;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.Command;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.CommandListener;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.Display;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.Displayable;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.Form;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.StringItem;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.TextField;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet;
    import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDletStateChangeExcepti on;
    public class SocketMIDlet extends MIDlet
    implements CommandListener, Runnable {
    private Display display;
    private Form addressForm;
    private Form connectForm;
    private Form displayForm;
    private TextField serverName;
    private TextField serverPort;
    private StringItem messageLabel;
    private StringItem errorLabel;
    private Command okCommand;
    private Command exitCommand;
    private Command backCommand;
    protected void startApp() throws MIDletStateChangeException {
    if (display == null) {
    protected void pauseApp() {
    protected void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)
    throws MIDletStateChangeException {
    public void commandAction(Command cmd, Displayable d) {
    if (cmd == okCommand) {
    Thread t = new Thread(this);
    } else if (cmd == backCommand) {
    } else if (cmd == exitCommand) {
    try {
    } catch (MIDletStateChangeException ex) {
    public void run() {
    InputStream is = null;
    OutputStream os = null;
    StreamConnection socket = null;
    try {
    String server = serverName.getString();
    String port = serverPort.getString();
    String name = "socket://" + server + ":" + port;
    socket = (StreamConnection), Connector.READ_WRITE);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    Alert alert = new Alert("Invalid Address",
    "The supplied address is invalid\n" +
    "Please correct it and try again.", null,
    display.setCurrent(alert, addressForm);
    try {
    // Send a message to the server
    String request = "Hello\n\n";
    //StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
    os = socket.openOutputStream();
    //for (int i=0;i<10;i++)
    // Read the server's reply, up to a maximum
    // of 128 bytes.
    is = socket.openInputStream();
    final int MAX_LENGTH = 128;
    byte[] buf = new byte[MAX_LENGTH];
    int total = 0;
    while (total<=5)
    int count =, total, MAX_LENGTH - total);
    if (count < 0)
    total += count;
    String reply = new String(buf, 0, total);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
    Alert alert = new Alert("I/O Error",
    "An error occurred while communicating with the server.",
    null, AlertType.ERROR);
    display.setCurrent(alert, addressForm);
    } finally {
    // Close open streams and the socket
    try {
    if (is != null) {
    is = null;
    } catch (IOException ex1) {
    try {
    if (os != null) {
    os = null;
    } catch (IOException ex1) {
    try {
    if (socket != null) {
    socket = null;
    } catch (IOException ex1) {
    private void initialize() {
    display = Display.getDisplay(this);
    // Commands
    exitCommand = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 0);
    okCommand = new Command("OK", Command.OK, 0);
    backCommand = new Command("Back", Command.BACK, 0);
    // The address form
    addressForm = new Form("Socket Client");
    serverName = new TextField("Server name:", "", 256, TextField.ANY);
    serverPort = new TextField("Server port:", "", 8, TextField.NUMERIC);
    // The connect form
    connectForm = new Form("Connecting");
    messageLabel = new StringItem(null, "Connecting...\nPlease wait.");
    // The display form
    displayForm = new Form("Server Reply");
    messageLabel = new StringItem(null, null);

    Hello all,
    I was wondering if someone found a solution to this..I would really appreciate it if u could post one...Thanks a lot..Cheerz

  • Client Server program using Applets for client

    Creating a client server program using Applets for the clients.
    Having problems distrubting the message from client to client
    using ObjectOutputStreams/ObjectInputSteams.
    I can connect each client to simple server and respond with by writting
    the i/o stream of each client but unable to communicate from client to client. If any one out there has in tips of creating a class of objectOutputStreams that holds a array of ObjectOutputStreams and then broadcasts the message to every client, it would be much appreciated

    Cheers poop for your reply
    I never explained the problem properly. What it is I am trying to set up a Client Server program using Applets as the clients GUI. The problem is broadcasting the message to multiply client connnection(s).
    Below is code, each client can connect and send message to the server. The problems is broadcasting the message to every client connection. The every client can input a message but only the last connected client can receive the message?????? Thanks in advance..
    /*this my server class */
    public class Server extends JFrame
    private static final int ServerPort=8080;
    private static final int MaxClients=10;
    private ObjectOutputStream output=null;
    private ObjectInputStream input=null;
    private BroadCastMessage broadcastMessage;
    public void runServer()          
    BroadCastMessage broadcastMessage= new BroadCastMessage();
    {  //connect to server
    ServerSocket s = new ServerSocket(ServerPort,MaxClients);
         //listen to port 5000 for new connections
         ///max is 25
         System.out.println("Server listening on port "+ServerPort);
    while (state.isProgramRunning())
         /// sGUI.waitForConnection();//new line
         //enable times in server-socket
         while (true)     
         Socket incoming = s.accept();
         //wait and accept connnections from serverSocket
         //instance of the class,pases the new connection and message
         //spawn as a thread
         SocketConnection connection=new SocketConnection(incoming,broadcastMessage);
         Thread a = new Thread(connection); a.start();
         System.out.println(state.getConnectionCount()+"Connection received from :"+incoming.getInetAddress());
         catch(InterruptedIOException x){}
    while (state.getConnectionCount()>0);
    }catch (IOException e){}
    public static void main(String[] args)
    Server s =new Server();
    /*this is my socket connection thread*/
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class SocketConnection implements Runnable
    private ObjectOutputStream out;
    private ObjectOutputStream output=null;
    private ObjectInputStream input=null;
    private BroadCastMessage passOnMessage;
    private Socket theConnection=null;
    private String Inmessage="";
    private int Ocount;
    public SocketConnection(Socket caller,BroadCastMessage broadcastMessage,Ocount)
    theConnection =caller;///(5000,n)
    public void run()
    catch(Exception e)
    {String clientDetails=("connection from IP Address: "+theConnection.getInetAddress());}
    private synchronized void getStreams() throws IOException
    { //get streams to send and receive data
    //set up output buffer to send header information
    //create new objectoutputstream
    ///flush output buffer to send header info.
    //set up input stream for objects
    input =new ObjectInputStream(
    System.out.print("\nGot I/O streams\n");
    private synchronized void processConnection()throws IOException
    //process connection with client
    String Outmessage =" count : "+status.getConnectionCount();
    //send connection successful message to client
         Outmessage=Outmessage+"SERVER>>>Connection successful";
    do ///process messages sent from client
         Inmessage = (String) input.readObject();
         /* //while the connection is open each line
         that is passed from the client to the server
         is read in and is displayed*/
         String CurrentMessage=messageDetails.getMessage();
         // output.flush();
         //sending out the message
    catch(ClassNotFoundException classNotFoundException){}
    }while (!Outmessage.equals("CLIENT>>>TERMINATE"));
    /*this my attempt at broadcasting the message to all clients
    my thinking was that you could create a array of objectoutputstreams
    which in turn could be broadcasted(bit confussed here)*/
    public class BroadCastMessage /// implements Runnable
    private int count;
    private String Inmessage="";
    private ObjectOutputStream temp=null;
    private ObjectOutputStream[] output = new ObjectOutputStream [12];
    //temp level of array of objects
    public BroadCastMessage()
    public synchronized void FloodMessage(String message) throws IOException
         for(int i=0;i<count+1;i++)
    {  System.out.print(count);
         catch(IOException ioException)
    public ObjectOutputStream getOutputObject(ObjectOutputStream out,Socket caller,int Ocount)
    { temp = new ObjectOutputStream(caller.getOutputStream());
         catch(IOException ioException)
    return temp;     
    public void AddObjectOutputStream(ObjectOutputStream out,int Ocount)
    { ///add new object to array
    System.out.print("\nthe number of output streams : "+count+"\n");

  • Design Pattern for multithreaded client server program

    I asked this question in another post, but with other stuff, so I'll distill this one.
    I am creating a multi-threaded client server program (just for learning - a chat program at this point). I built the server and client in swing, and I'm wondering what the best design pattern is for this setup. Right now all the swing stuff is in the MyServer class. In that class I have a loop accepting client connections to the serverSocket and creating a new MyServerThread (threaded client connection).
    The problem is that all the work of creating input streams, interacting with the server, all that stuff is done in the MyServerThread class, but I want that text to be written up to the Swing objects - which is in the MyServer class. So right now in the MyServerThread class I pass the MyServer object into it, but I'm not sure if that is really the most robust thing to do. Does anybody have any suggestions as to how this should be done. If somebody has an article they'd like to point to I'll check it out too. But if it's just the run-of-the-mill multithreaded client-server article, I've read alot and most don't specifically address my question.

    Thanks for the reply Kaj, and I think I'll keep my design for now, since it's just quick and dirty. I've read the MVC concept a while ago and I'll revisit it again when I get more serious. But I have a question, why should I be using a callback interface, why an interface at all? And then make MyServer implement that interface...why not just pass MyServer to the thread object? Or is there something down the line that I did not forsee?

  • About the communication issues in the client-server program

    About the communication issues in the client-server program
    Hi, I have some questions about the communication issues in a java project, which is basically the client and server architecture. In brief, the client, written in java, can be deployed anywhere, and in the following part, assume it is in the LAN (Local Area Network) which is connnected to the internet through the firewall and/or proxy, and the server, written in
    java too, simply provides the listening service on a port in a remote machine. And assume the server is connected to the internet directly so that the scenario can be simple to focus on the core questions.
    My questions are as follows:
    1 About the relationship between the communication port and protocol
    Generally, protocols at the application level like HTTP, FTP have their own default port, e.g., HTTP is corresponding to 80,
    FTP is to 25. But it is NOT necessary for the web server to provide the HTTP listening service at port 80, right? E.g, Tomcat provides the HTTP listening service at 8080. So it means the default relationship between the application protocl and their port is some routine, which is not necessary to follow, right?
    2 Assume a LAN connected to the internet through a proxy, which only allows HTTP protocol, then questions are:
    2.1 Does the proxy recognize the HTTP request from the client by the port number (carried in the request string)? For example, when the server provides the HTTP listening service at 80, then the request from the client will include the port number 80, then the proxy will parse such info and decide if or not the request can be out.
    2.2 Does the proxy recognize the HTTP request from the client by protocol (carried in the request string)? For example, the protocol used in the communicatin should be included in the request, then the proxy can parse it to make the decision.
    3 In java programm, if using the HTTP protcol, then on the client: the corresponding API is, right?
    If using the TCP protocol directly, then on the client:the corresponding API is, right? In both cases, the server side use the same API,
    Is it correct to say that the communication by Socket is faster than URLConnection?
    4 Take MSN messenger for example, which protocol does it use? Since proxy configure is only the possible option, so I guess generally the TCP protocol is used directly so that the better perfomrance can be achieved, right?
    5 Given 3 computers within the same LAN, can the client, proxy, server environment above be correctly simulated? If so, can
    you recommend me some typical proxy program so that I can install it to configure such an enviroment to perform some test?
    6 I guess there should be some software to find out which port number a given program/process is going through to connect to
    the remote machine, and which port number a given program/process is listening on? Also, what protocl is used in the given
    7 Finally, regarding each of the above questions, it will be highly appreciated that if you can recommed some references,
    tutorials, books etc. In summary, what I care about is how to enable the java client behind the proxy and firewall to
    communicate with the remote server without problems, so if you know some good tutorials plz let me know and thx in advance!
    Finally, thanks for your attention so such long questions =).

    FTP is to 25. But it is NOT necessary for the web
    server to provide the HTTP listening service at port
    80, right? E.g, Tomcat provides the HTTP listening
    service at 8080. So it means the default relationship
    between the application protocl and their port is
    some routine, which is not necessary to follow,
    right?Not sure what you're saying here.
    There must be a server listening on some port. The client must know what port that is. If you open the connection using the Socket class, you'll explicitly specify the port. If you use some higher level class like URLConnection or something in the commons Net package, there's probably a default port that will be used if you don't explicitly specify another.
    There's no way for the client to know that the HTTP request will go to port 80 instead of port 8080. If you think the the client contacts the server without explicitly naming a port, and then asks the server "get me your HTTP server", and the port is determined from that, you're mistaken.
    Not sure if you're thinking that, but it sounded like you might be.
    2 Assume a LAN connected to the internet through
    a proxy, which only allows HTTP protocol, then
    questions are:
    2.1 Does the proxy recognize the HTTP request
    from the client by the port number (carried in the
    request string)? For example, when the server
    provides the HTTP listening service at 80, then the
    request from the client will include the port number
    80, then the proxy will parse such info and decide if
    or not the request can be out. I'm not sure, but I think most proxies and firewalls are configured by ports. I thought I'd heard of more sophisticated, higher-level ones that could understand the content to some degree, but I don't know anything about those.
    3 In java programm, if using the HTTP protcol,
    then on the client: the corresponding API is, right?That's one way.
    You might want to look into this:
    If using the TCP protocol directly, then on the
    client:the corresponding API is,
    right? In both cases, the server side use the same
    API, A Java client will user Socket, and a Java server will use ServerSocket and Socket.
    Is it correct to say that the communication by Socket
    is faster than URLConnection?Probably not.

  • Problem with the new server UCS C220 for set IP to CIMC

    We’ve a problem with the new server UCS C220.
    We bought two servers UCS C220 M3 for CallManager 8.6 with High Availability.
    When we turn on the server during the boot and when it tells us, oppress F8 to enter at the CIMC and set the IP. But it never enters at the CIMC.
    Then, we configure our DHCP server and our switch, we connect the three gigabyte ports to our switch to give him an IP to the CIMC, so and then can enter via browser, but neither works.
    Note. The dedicated management NIC does not link, the other two ports do make link.
    What do you suggest to put an IP to CIMC and start installing our applications?

    You may have noticed that there is no DVD rom on the c220. What you need to do is:
    Login into the CIMC from your browser
    Luanch the KVM
    Insert the VMware DVD in your machines drive
    On the KVM pop up there should be a tab to mount the drive, after mounting it click on Macros and choose ctrl_alt+delete to restart.
    After the VMware OS installs press F2 to enter IP.
    Browse to the VMware ip to download the Vsphere client
    Open the Vsphere client, enter the ip of the vmware and the username will be root and no password if you did not set one.
    You can now upload OVA templates or manually create virtua machine from this enviroment.
    Hope this help

  • Intermittent proxy error "There is a problem with the proxy server's security certificate. Outlook is unable to connect to the proxy server "

    Hi all,
    From time to time (at least once a day), the following message pops up on the user's screen:
    "There is a problem with the proxy server's security certificate. Outlook is unable to connect to the proxy server . Error Code 80000000)."
    If we click "OK" it goes away and everything continues to work although sometimes Outlook disconnects. It is quite annoying...
    Any ideas?
    Thank you in advance

    For the security alert issue, I'd like to recommend you check the name in the alert windows, and confirm if the name is in your certificate.
    Additionally, to narrow down the cause, when the Outlook client cannot connect again, I recommand you firstly check the connectivity by using Test E-mail AutoConfiguration. For more information, you can refe to the following article:
    Angela Shi
    TechNet Community Support

  • File transfer, read write through sockets in client server programming java

    Hello All, need help again.
    I am trying to create a Client server program, where, the Client first sends a file to Server, on accepting the file, the server generates another file(probably xml), send it to the client as a response, the client read the response xml, parse it and display some data. now I am successful sending the file to the server, but could not figure out how the server can create and send a xml file and send it to the client as response, please help. below are my codes for client and server
    Client side
    public class XMLSocketC
         public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
              //Establish a connection to socket
              Socket toServer = null;
              String host = "";     
              int port = 4444;
                   toServer = new Socket(host, port);
                   } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                System.err.println("Don't know about host: localhost.");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.err.println("Couldn't get I/O for the connection to host.");
              //Send file over Socket
            BufferedInputStream fileIn = null;
              BufferedOutputStream out = null;
              // File to be send over the socket.
              File file = new File("c:/xampp/htdocs/thesis/sensorList.php");
              // Checking for the file to be sent.
              if (!file.exists())
                   System.out.println("File doesn't exist");
                   // InputStream to read the file
                   fileIn = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
              }catch(IOException eee)
                   System.out.println("Problem, kunne ikke lage fil");
                   InetAddress adressen = InetAddress.getByName(host);
                        System.out.println("Establishing Socket Connection");
                        // Opening Socket
                        Socket s = new Socket(adressen, port);
                        System.out.println("Socket is clear and available.....");
                        // OutputStream to socket
                        out = new BufferedOutputStream(s.getOutputStream());
                        byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
                        int numRead;
                        //Checking if bytes available to read to the buffer.
                        while( (numRead = >= 0)
                             // Writes bytes to Output Stream from 0 to total number of bytes
                             out.write(buffer, 0, numRead);
                        // Flush - send file
                        // close OutputStream
                        // close InputStrean
                   }catch (IOException e)
              }catch(UnknownHostException e)
            //Retrieve data from Socket.
              //BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(toServer.getInputStream()));
              DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(toServer.getInputStream()));
              //String fromServer;
            //Read from the server and prints.
              //Receive text from server
              FileWriter fr = null;
              String frn = "xxx_response.xml";
              try {
                   fr = new FileWriter(frn);
              } catch (IOException e1) {
                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                   String line = in.readUTF();                    //.readLine();
                   System.out.println("Text received :" + line);
              } catch (IOException e){
                   System.out.println("Read failed");
    public class XMLSocketS
          public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
              //Establish a connection to socket
               ServerSocket serverSocket = null;
                 try {
                     serverSocket = new ServerSocket(4444);
                 } catch (IOException e) {
                     System.err.println("Could not listen on port: 4444.");
              Socket clientLink = null;
              while (true)
                             clientLink = serverSocket.accept();
                           System.out.println("Server accepts");
                             BufferedInputStream inn = new BufferedInputStream(clientLink.getInputStream());
                             BufferedOutputStream ut = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File("c:/xampp/htdocs/received_from_client.txt")));
                             byte[] buff = new byte[1024];
                             int readMe;
                             while( (readMe = >= 0)
                             {     //reads from input stream, writes the file to disk
                                  ut.write(buff, 0, readMe);
                             // close the link to client
                             // close InputStream
                             // flush
                             // close OutputStream
                             //Sending response to client     
                             System.out.println("File received");
              }catch(IOException ex)
                                  if (clientLink != null) clientLink.close();
                             }catch(IOException e) {}

    public class XMLSocketS
          public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
                   //Establish a connection to socket
               ServerSocket serverSocket = null;
                 try {
                     serverSocket = new ServerSocket(4545);
                 } catch (IOException e) {
                     System.err.println("Could not listen on port: 4444.");
              Socket clientLink = null;
                             clientLink = serverSocket.accept();
                         System.out.println("Server accepts the client request.....");
                         BufferedInputStream inn = new BufferedInputStream(clientLink.getInputStream());
                             BufferedOutputStream ut = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File("c:/xampp/htdocs/received_from_client.txt")));
                             byte[] buff = new byte[1024];
                             int readMe;
                             while( (readMe = >= 0)
                             {     //reads from input stream, writes the file to disk
                                  ut.write(buff, 0, readMe);
                             //Sending response to client     
                             BufferedInputStream ftoC = null;
                             BufferedOutputStream outtoC = null;
                             // File to be send over the socket.
                             File file = new File("c:/xampp/htdocs/thesis/user_registration_response.xml");
                                  // InputStream to read the file
                                   ftoC = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
                             }catch(IOException eee)
                             {System.out.println("Problem reading file");}
                             // OutputStream to socket
                             outtoC = new BufferedOutputStream(clientLink.getOutputStream());
                             byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
                             int noRead;
                             //Checking if bytes available to read to the buffer.
                             while( (noRead = >= 0)
                                  // Writes bytes to Output Stream from 0 to total number of bytes
                                  outtoC.write(buffer, 0, noRead);
                             System.out.println("File received");
              }catch(IOException ex)
                                  if (clientLink != null) clientLink.close();
                             }catch(IOException e) {}
          }CLIENT SIDE
    public class XMLSocketC
              public static void main(String[] args)
                   // Server: "localhost" here. And port to connect is 4545.
                   String host = "";          
                   int port = 4545;
                   BufferedInputStream fileIn = null;
                   BufferedOutputStream out = null;
                   // File to be send over the socket.
                   File file = new File("c:/xampp/htdocs/thesis/sensorList.xml");
                        // InputStream to read the file
                        fileIn = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
                   }catch(IOException eee)
                             System.out.println("Establishing Socket Connection");
                             // Opening Socket
                             Socket clientSocket = new Socket(host, port);
                             System.out.println("Socket is clear and available.....");
                             // OutputStream to socket
                             out = new BufferedOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
                             byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
                             int numRead;
                             //Checking if bytes available to read to the buffer.
                             while( (numRead = >= 0)
                                  // Writes bytes to Output Stream from 0 to total number of bytes
                                  out.write(buffer, 0, numRead);
                             // Flush - send file
                             DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream()));
                             BufferedWriter outf = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("c:/xampp/htdocs/received_from_server.txt",true));
                             String str;
                             while(!(str = in.readLine()).equals("EOF")) {     
                                  System.out.println("client : Read line -> <" + str + ">");
                                  outf.write(str);//Write out a string to the file
                                  outf.newLine();//write a new line to the file (for better format)
                             // close OutputStream
                             // close InputStrean
                             // close Socket
                        }catch (IOException e)
         Could you please point where am I doing the stupid mistake, client to server is working properly, but the opposite direction is not.

  • Problems with QuickVPN client

    I experiance problems with QuickVPN client (version I'm trying to connect to router SA520 with 1.1.65 firmware,
    vpn tunell is established, but client says "The remote gateway is not responding. Do you want to wait?"
    in case i click no, it drops vpn tunell
    QuickVPN client log looks like this:
    2010/08/18 12:13:27 [STATUS]OS Version: Windows 7
    2010/08/18 12:13:27 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Domain Profile Settings: ON
    2010/08/18 12:13:27 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Private Profile Settings: ON
    2010/08/18 12:13:27 [STATUS]Windows Firewall Private Profile Settings: ON
    2010/08/18 12:13:27 [STATUS]One network interface detected with IP address
    2010/08/18 12:13:27 [STATUS]Connecting...
    2010/08/18 12:13:27 [DEBUG]Input VPN Server Address =
    2010/08/18 12:13:28 [STATUS]Connecting to remote gateway with IP address:
    2010/08/18 12:13:28 [WARNING]Server's certificate doesn't exist on your local computer.
    2010/08/18 12:13:30 [STATUS]Remote gateway was reached by https ...
    2010/08/18 12:13:30 [STATUS]Provisioning...
    2010/08/18 12:13:39 [STATUS]Success to connect.
    2010/08/18 12:13:39 [STATUS]Tunnel is configured. Ping test is about to start.
    2010/08/18 12:13:39 [STATUS]Verifying Network...
    2010/08/18 12:13:44 [WARNING]Failed to ping remote VPN Router!
    2010/08/18 12:13:47 [WARNING]Failed to ping remote VPN Router!
    2010/08/18 12:13:50 [WARNING]Failed to ping remote VPN Router!
    2010/08/18 12:13:53 [WARNING]Failed to ping remote VPN Router!
    2010/08/18 12:13:56 [WARNING]Failed to ping remote VPN Router!
    2010/08/18 12:14:08 [WARNING]Ping was blocked, which can be caused by an unexpected disconnect.
    2010/08/18 12:14:12 [STATUS]Disconnecting...
    2010/08/18 12:14:15 [STATUS]Success to disconnect.
    Server logs look like this:
    2010-08-18 12:28:49: INFO:  Adding IPSec configuration with identifier "arvils"
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  Configuration found for[500].
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  Received request for new phase 1 negotiation:[500]<=>[500]
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  Beginning Identity Protection mode.
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  Received Vendor ID: MS NT5 ISAKMPOAKLEY
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  Received Vendor ID: RFC 3947
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  Received Vendor ID: draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-02
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  Received unknown Vendor ID
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  Received unknown Vendor ID
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  Received unknown Vendor ID
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  Received unknown Vendor ID
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  For[500], Selected NAT-T version: RFC 3947
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  NAT-D payload matches for[500]
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  NAT-D payload does not match for[500]
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  NAT detected: PEER
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  Floating ports for NAT-T with peer[4500]
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  ISAKMP-SA established for[4500]-[4500] with spi:e2cd855a75fc0887:6dc3b2e025152444
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  Sending Informational Exchange: notify payload[INITIAL-CONTACT]
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  Responding to new phase 2 negotiation:[0]<=>[0]
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  Using IPsec SA configuration:<->
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  Adjusting peer's encmode 3(3)->Tunnel(1)
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  IPsec-SA established[UDP encap 4500->4500]: ESP/Tunnel> with spi=47693803(0x2d7bfeb)
    2010-08-18 12:29:02: INFO:  IPsec-SA established[UDP encap 4500->4500]: ESP/Tunnel> with spi=1079189482(0x40531fea)
    2010-08-18 12:35:57: INFO:  an undead schedule has been deleted: 'pk_recvupdate'.
    2010-08-18 12:35:57: INFO:  Purged IPsec-SA with proto_id=ESP and spi=1079189482(0x40531fea).
    2010-08-18 12:40:46: INFO:  Configuration found for[500].
    2010-08-18 12:40:46: INFO:  Received request for new phase 1 negotiation:[500]<=>[500]
    2010-08-18 12:40:46: INFO:  Beginning Identity Protection mode.
    2010-08-18 12:40:46: INFO:  Received Vendor ID: MS NT5 ISAKMPOAKLEY
    2010-08-18 12:40:46: INFO:  Received Vendor ID: RFC 3947
    2010-08-18 12:40:46: INFO:  Received Vendor ID: draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-02
    2010-08-18 12:40:46: INFO:  Received unknown Vendor ID
    2010-08-18 12:40:46: INFO:  Received unknown Vendor ID
    2010-08-18 12:40:46: INFO:  Received unknown Vendor ID
    2010-08-18 12:40:46: INFO:  For[500], Selected NAT-T version: RFC 3947
    2010-08-18 12:40:46: INFO:  NAT-D payload matches for[500]
    2010-08-18 12:40:46: INFO:  NAT-D payload does not match for[500]
    2010-08-18 12:40:46: INFO:  NAT detected: PEER
    2010-08-18 12:40:46: INFO:  Floating ports for NAT-T with peer[4500]
    2010-08-18 12:40:46: INFO:  ISAKMP-SA established for[4500]-[4500] with spi:28447d39874689f9:a2b7da19d8d86413
    2010-08-18 12:40:46: INFO:  Responding to new phase 2 negotiation:[0]<=>[0]
    2010-08-18 12:40:46: INFO:  Using IPsec SA configuration:<->
    2010-08-18 12:40:46: INFO:  Adjusting peer's encmode 3(3)->Tunnel(1)
    2010-08-18 12:40:47: INFO:  IPsec-SA established[UDP encap 4500->4500]: ESP/Tunnel> with spi=259246202(0xf73c87a)
    2010-08-18 12:40:47: INFO:  IPsec-SA established[UDP encap 4500->4500]: ESP/Tunnel> with spi=3642234214(0xd9181566)
    2010-08-18 12:43:27: INFO:  IPsec-SA expired: ESP/Tunnel> with spi=33356156(0x1fcf97c)
    2010-08-18 12:45:47: INFO:  an undead schedule has been deleted: 'pk_recvupdate'.
    2010-08-18 12:45:47: INFO:  Purged IPsec-SA with proto_id=ESP and spi=3642234214(0xd9181566).
    The most interesting thing is that sometimes this message appears, sometimes not (with the same configuration).
    Please help!

    I have some problem. I am using Windows 7 Entreprice x64. I use SA520 Firmware 1.1.65 and QuickVPN port 60443.
    "The remote gateway is not responding. Do you want to wait"
    2010-08-18 17:25:51: INFO:  Adding IPSec configuration with identifier "username"
    2010-08-18 17:25:51: INFO:  Adding IKE configuration with identifer "username"
    2010-08-18 17:26:04: INFO:  Configuration found for[235].
    2010-08-18 17:26:04: INFO:  Received request for new phase 1 negotiation:[500]<=>[235]
    2010-08-18 17:26:04: INFO:  Beginning Identity Protection mode.
    2010-08-18 17:26:04: INFO:  Received Vendor ID: MS NT5 ISAKMPOAKLEY
    2010-08-18 17:26:04: INFO:  Received Vendor ID: RFC 3947
    2010-08-18 17:26:04: INFO:  Received Vendor ID: draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-02
    2010-08-18 17:26:04: INFO:  Received unknown Vendor ID
    2010-08-18 17:26:04: INFO:  Received unknown Vendor ID
    2010-08-18 17:26:04: INFO:  Received unknown Vendor ID
    2010-08-18 17:26:04: INFO:  Received unknown Vendor ID
    2010-08-18 17:26:04: INFO:  For[235], Selected NAT-T version: RFC 3947
    2010-08-18 17:26:04: INFO:  NAT-D payload does not match for[500]
    2010-08-18 17:26:04: INFO:  NAT-D payload does not match for[235]
    2010-08-18 17:26:04: INFO:  NAT detected: ME PEER
    2010-08-18 17:26:04: INFO:  Floating ports for NAT-T with peer[48540]
    2010-08-18 17:26:04: INFO:  ISAKMP-SA established for[4500]-[48540] with spi:ed4f291c71c1b688:7e6a8a0968f878fb
    2010-08-18 17:26:04: INFO:  Sending Informational Exchange: notify payload[INITIAL-CONTACT]
    2010-08-18 17:26:04: INFO:  Responding to new phase 2 negotiation:[0]<=>[0]
    2010-08-18 17:26:04: INFO:  Using IPsec SA configuration:<->
    2010-08-18 17:26:04: INFO:  Adjusting peer's encmode 3(3)->Tunnel(1)
    2010-08-18 17:26:05: INFO:  IPsec-SA established[UDP encap 48540->4500]: ESP/Tunnel> with spi=239099274(0xe405d8a)
    2010-08-18 17:26:05: INFO:  IPsec-SA established[UDP encap 4500->48540]: ESP/Tunnel> with spi=3886848189(0xe7ac98bd)
    2010-08-18 17:26:07: INFO:  Configuration found for[235].
    2010-08-18 17:26:07: INFO:  Received request for new phase 1 negotiation:[500]<=>[235]
    2010-08-18 17:26:07: INFO:  Beginning Identity Protection mode.
    2010-08-18 17:26:07: INFO:  Received Vendor ID: MS NT5 ISAKMPOAKLEY
    2010-08-18 17:26:07: INFO:  Received Vendor ID: RFC 3947
    2010-08-18 17:26:07: INFO:  Received Vendor ID: draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-02
    2010-08-18 17:26:07: INFO:  Received unknown Vendor ID
    2010-08-18 17:26:07: INFO:  Received unknown Vendor ID
    2010-08-18 17:26:07: INFO:  Received unknown Vendor ID
    2010-08-18 17:26:07: INFO:  For[235], Selected NAT-T version: RFC 3947
    2010-08-18 17:26:07: INFO:  NAT-D payload does not match for[500]
    2010-08-18 17:26:07: INFO:  NAT-D payload does not match for[235]
    2010-08-18 17:26:07: INFO:  NAT detected: ME PEER
    2010-08-18 17:26:07: INFO:  Floating ports for NAT-T with peer[48540]
    2010-08-18 17:26:07: INFO:  ISAKMP-SA established for[4500]-[48540] with spi:699f34b434d4318c:df4adca414787d36
    2010-08-18 17:27:14: INFO:  Purged ISAKMP-SA with proto_id=ISAKMP and spi=699f34b434d4318c:df4adca414787d36.
    2010-08-18 17:27:14: INFO:  Configuration found for[235].
    2010-08-18 17:27:14: INFO:  Received request for new phase 1 negotiation:[500]<=>[235]
    2010-08-18 17:27:14: INFO:  Beginning Identity Protection mode.
    2010-08-18 17:27:14: INFO:  Received Vendor ID: MS NT5 ISAKMPOAKLEY
    2010-08-18 17:27:14: INFO:  Received Vendor ID: RFC 3947
    2010-08-18 17:27:14: INFO:  Received Vendor ID: draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-02
    2010-08-18 17:27:14: INFO:  Received unknown Vendor ID
    2010-08-18 17:27:14: INFO:  Received unknown Vendor ID
    2010-08-18 17:27:14: INFO:  Received unknown Vendor ID
    2010-08-18 17:27:14: INFO:  For[235], Selected NAT-T version: RFC 3947
    2010-08-18 17:27:14: INFO:  NAT-D payload does not match for[500]
    2010-08-18 17:27:14: INFO:  NAT-D payload does not match for[235]
    2010-08-18 17:27:14: INFO:  NAT detected: ME PEER
    2010-08-18 17:27:15: INFO:  ISAKMP-SA deleted for[4500]-[48540] with spi:699f34b434d4318c:df4adca414787d36
    2010-08-18 17:27:15: INFO:  Floating ports for NAT-T with peer[48540]
    2010-08-18 17:27:15: INFO:  ISAKMP-SA established for[4500]-[48540] with spi:3fe5eb0bddbf2b9a:f5c11d7f813ca74a
    2010-08-18 17:27:15: INFO:  Sending Informational Exchange: notify payload[INITIAL-CONTACT]
    2010-08-18 17:28:20: INFO:  Purged ISAKMP-SA with proto_id=ISAKMP and spi=3fe5eb0bddbf2b9a:f5c11d7f813ca74a.
    2010-08-18 17:28:21: INFO:  ISAKMP-SA deleted for[4500]-[48540] with spi:3fe5eb0bddbf2b9a:f5c11d7f813ca74a
    With windows XP Pro i dont have this problem.
    Is there a detailed configuration guide?

  • Client server programming

    I want to learn client server programming on using windows xp for the client and windows server 2003.
    I downloaded the 9.2 windows xp database version for the client . What do I need to download for the server? I see that there is a 32 and 64 bit version for the server.
    Thanks for your help!

    What I was asking is what should I install on the server
    the 32 or 64 bit version of oracle?
    I want to learn how to write client/server programs using Oracle.
    I have a network at home with one computer serving as the client and another has server 2003 on it.
    Again Thanks for your help!


    (1 RUNS & OTHER
    // Server.Java
    class Server {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    boolean finished = false;
    ServerSocket listener = new ServerSocket(4444);
    {Socket to_client = listener.accept();
    OutputStream out = to_client.getOutputStream();
    PrintWriter pout = new PrintWriter(out, true);
    pout.println("Hello! this is server talking to you.");
    }// end of try
    catch(Exception ie) {
    class Client
    public static void main(String[] args)
    Socket client;
    String host="serverpcname";//host is assigned name of the server
    {InetAddress adressen = InetAddress.getByName(host);
      client = new Socket(adressen,4444);
      BufferedReader scanf = new BufferedReader(new
       String someString = scanf.readLine();
       System.out.println("From Server: "+someString);
    catch(Exception e)
    WHEN THE CODE IS EXECUTED( ON 1 PC & on other) IT GIVES FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: serverpcname: serverpcname

    For a server to be accessible on the inetrnet it needs to have an externally visible IP address. For example, an address which starts with 192.168.1 is for internal use only can only be used by other machines on the same internal network. The server's firewall needs to allow the port you are using access and the client has to be able to lookup up the IP address either using the hosts file or via a DNS service. None of these things have anything to do with Java programming, so if you have any more questions I sugegst you try googling them or ask a forum which relates to these issues.
    The connection time out is due to the fact that there is no way to contact an inetrnal address over the inetrnet. The host unknwown means you haven't configured your PC to lookup that address. i.e. the host is unknown.

  • We encountered a problem with some client machines that use Firefox version 24ESR and IE8. Ajax requests of aspx pages from Firefox are getting the following er

    I encountered a problem with some client machines that use Firefox version 24ESR and IE8.
    Ajax requests of aspx pages from Firefox are getting the following error from the iis server (iis version 7.5):
    Bad Request - Request Too Long
    HTTP Error 400. The size of the request headers is too long.
    From analyzing the request that was sent to the server, I saw that the request consist of only the viewstate of the aspx page.
    I tried to disable the viewstate for one page and the server got the request correctly.
    I do not encounter any issues on these laptops with postback requests from Firefox or when running the same application with IE8.

    Sometimes that means that the page address sent is loo long.
    Check the link address you are using.
    I can't help you further and will send for more help.

  • Problem with sun app server startup

    i am getting problem with sun app server default start.the error is::
    [#|2006-03-01T13:54:35.121+0530|WARNING|sun-appserver-pe8.2||_ThreadID=10;|LAUNCHER005:Spaces in your PATH have been detected. The PATH must be consistently formated (e.g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0\bin; ) or the Appserver may not be able to start and/or stop.  Mixed quoted spaces in your PATH can cause problems, so the launcher will remove all double quotes before invoking the process. The most reliable solution would be to remove all spaces from your path before starting the Appservers components.  |#]
    now i am useing Win Xp operating system,
    show me a solution.

    You haven;t specified the exceptions you r getting ........while starting your default server.
    if u r getting exception about InetClass then connect your system with LAN/Internet then your problem will be solved becoz i m using same location address as you specified, space doesn't matter at all - i think so, it is running fine........

  • Problems with AOL IMAP server connection on my BlackBerry Z10 STL100-3, and BB PlayBook 64GB WiFi

    Problems with AOL IMAP server connection on my BlackBerry Z10 STL100-3, and BB PlayBook 64GB WiFi
    Thursday 4:20am EST, 02-19-2015
    Hi, My connection to the AOL IMAP server has suddenly failed - Says "Not Connected" on Accounts page
    I haven't changed anything and this just started failing this morning.
    I've saw same issue on my Blackberry PlayBook 64GB.
    Is anyone else recently experiencing AOL IMAP Errors?
    Go to Solution.

    Yes! Same thing happened suddenly to my Z10 this morning. No AOL. 

Maybe you are looking for