Problems with my Muvo mi

I bought a creative 256 MB MuVo micro N200 a few days ago. It worked well for a while, but now after playing a song it cuts off. I first thought it was the battery but when i replaced it with a brand new battery the problem continured. Does anybody know how to fix this problem?

Have you try updating the firmware? That firmware update are available at the download page.

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    2. The Display shows everything unstraigt, right deeper than left.
    So please let me her you suggestions how to solve that problem.
    Thank you

    Re: Problems with my MuVo V00? You can organize the MuVo with Windows Explorer (press the Windows key and the E at the same time), navigate to your MuVo (it will probably be Dri've E or F, depending on your computer) and then drag & drop music from your Music Library to various folders in your MuVo.
    You can create new folders in the MuVo (right click-> create New Folder and then re-name them as you like) and then organize your music by Artist, Album, Genre or whatever your preference is.
    If you want to transfer tracks from your Zen MicroPhoto to the MuVo, it's probably best to back up your tracks from the ZMP to your Music Library and then connect the MuVo and transfer the tracks you want from your Music Library to the MuVo. I've never tried to do it from one .mp3 player to another.

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    ira: I can't help directly, it sounds like you need to contact Creative Support.

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    Please help me.
    While putting songs on my mp3 player, my computer freeze once, then don't know what happened all my songs was deleted the mp3 player was formatted. And while I was connecting the device and opening it there was an error on I/O error.
    I really have not been able to use my mp3 player, that's really hard.
    Thx in advance
    Sharon :-)

    Weird -- I have the same problem, and my muvo slim is about the same age. The only difference is, my player was unresponsi've to any reformating or reloading of the firmware. I'm waiting to hear from customer service. Did you fix your problem? I wonder -- you don't suppose Creative puts a self-destruct routine in their players to "encourage" you to buy the next model at the 6-month mark? Nah, couldn't be.

  • Strange problems with Creative MuVo N

    I will try to describe my problems. I have already written a Danish version of the description here: http://grou
    My problems are:
    - If I turn it on with head phones plugged in, it just turns itself off
    right after powering on.
    - If I turn it on without head phones plugged in sometimes it actually
    begins to play. (That is, without the head phones)
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    really annoying noise. Some other times there is just this loud noise
    from start.
    On the display the song seems to be playing normally.
    - When I power it off (by pressing the play button and holding it down)
    it displays the progress bar for powering off, but no progress is shown
    in it. The progress bar does not go away from the display. The music
    stops playing though but the display does not turn off.
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    - Changed the batteries. I have tried more thatn several different vendors
    including Duracell(alkaline), Energizer(alkaline),
    Philips(zinc carbon).
    - Tried with several different head phones (Creative, Sennheiser HD200,
    Plantronics, Microsoft, Logitech, Sony)
    Note that it is not my mp3 files that are broken. They play fine in other
    mp3 players (including other MuVos). I have even tried to re-encode fresh
    mp3 files from my CDs. It does not help?.
    How do I solve the problem?

    Load the latest firmware. Follow the instructions carefully.

  • Problems With Your MuVo N200?? I Can Help... Formatting May Not Be Eno

    <FONT color=#330000 size=>After two months of using my MuVo Micro N200, I experienced a problem where it would shut-off at random times. Sometimes when i turn it on, the Logo shows up then shuts off. Well, if your MuVo has this problem and you tried formatting but it still came back (like mine)... try this:
    <FONT color=#330000 size=>
    <FONT color=#330000 size=>Step One:
    <FONT color=#330000 size=> Format your Player (save it somewhere so you can put it back)</LI>
    <FONT color=#330000> Go to this website and look for the MuVo Micro N200 button (or whatever your system is)</LI>
    Download (save somewhere like Desktop)</LI>
    Connect your computer and system</LI>
    Follow instructions</LI>
    Reload Files</LI>
    I went looking over here and it took me quite a while to realize what a FIRMWARE was but then when I got what it was, I felt so proud that I wanted to just share the instructions with everyone.
    I am just saving the trouble of you going all over the place, but if it doesn't work, maybe you need to talk to customer support
    <FONT color=#330000 size=>

    HI. I get a hiss too. It seems to happen only when the light is on. something about the light power and the phone circuts, I suppose. Also happens anytime the light goes on, right? I shut off the light to prolong battery so it doesn't bother me any. Do you need the light?

  • Big problems with my Muvo

    sometimes when i delete mp3 songs from my muvonx the songs dissapear but their still blocking memory. yesterday i got really mad and just formated the whole thing. it worked! but now i can't start the mp3 player, hehe.
    i tried download the firmware but the installation process don't seem to find my unit. it's "searching for devices connected to the system.." Everything is connected and working fine but the **bleep** firmwareinstallation can't find my mp3 player.
    can somebody help me? is it possible to install the firmware manually?
    /andreas, sweden

    That sounds like a great solution ...but ofcourse i doesn't work for me. Im pressing the play/stop button for 0-5 but nothing happens, not on the players display or on the cpu screen.
    two more pics that maybe can help you (me!): <-- how it looks when connected to cpu <-- how it looks when trying to start
    Does anyone know if i can install the firmware manually? i have formated the player with FAT (not FAT 32 that i did the first time). Isn't there just to drag & drop the firmware-files to my muvo nx? the unit is working fine as a usb-memory but not as a mp3 player.Message Edited by sikas on 06-0-2005 08:02 PM

  • Problem with the MuVo TX

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    Creative -> MuVo TX FM -> Loading... -> Starts playing the music.
    It wouldn't load, and I couldn't do anything, not even turn it off, so I had to take the battery out. It still gets read when I plug it into my USB port, and I can still put new music on and take music off, but it will never load unless I have NO MUSIC on the MP3 player.
    Things that may have contributed to the breaking:
    Ran out of memory and I just hit retry instead of cancel (that's probobly not it)
    I bought new 97 cent headphones because my oldones broke... (that's probobly not it either)
    Aliens decided it'd be funny to replace my MP3 player with a more suckful one (that's definately not it)
    Any suggestions on how I can make it work?


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    The recommendation in the?BEFORE you post, READ THIS FIRST (FAQ) post is to try a firmware update.

  • Having a weird problem with my Muvo N

    errr...i've had this mp3player for about....6 months now and for some weird reason all my songs when i try to play them, play in a constant fast forward....i dont know whats happening! and i want to listen to my new music, please help ASAP!

    Search on "My flash player is not working properly, what can I do?" in the FAQ post.

  • Another problem with MuVo Tx

    I've got a huge problem with my MuVo Tx. It's the File System Error messege when I turn it on, but I can't fix it by formatting it. I tried to open the player as dri've h: at "My Computer", but I get an "E/A divice-error". So I tried to fix it by formatting, but the computer just locks itself when I try to. Has somebody any suggestions on how I could fix it, or even experiences?

    As per the?BEFORE you post, READ THIS FIRST (FAQ) post, have you tried a firmware update?

  • Having a Problem with WMA DRM and Muvo TX FM - Upd

    No elapsed time problem with WMA DRM or other protected files from:
    Elapsed time problem with WMA DRM from:
    This is an update on the problem that I described below:
    Windows Media Player
    One problem I had was that Windows Media Player would not recognize my muvo players. It turned out that because I was using a USB hub for the players to connect WMP was not recognizing the players. When I used a direct line to the USB port on the computer, WMP has no problem recognizing the player.
    Digital License.
    As a test, I bought a WMA song file from WalMart to see if its Digital Rights Management was compatible with Muvo. There was no problem with the correct elapsed time showing. I will also test a file from Napster and add its license details here.
    Here is something else I noticed - the differences in
    the license for the two types of WMA files:
    The one from WalMart - which works fine with the
    elapsed time on the MuVo:
    This file can be played an unlimited number of times
    Collaborati've play for this file is not allowed
    This file can be burned 0 more times<<<
    This file can be synchronized an unlimited number of
    The license for this file can be backed up <<<
    For the one from
    This file can be played until 4/9/2005
    Collaborati've play for this file is not allowed
    This file cannot be burned
    This file can be synchronized 3 more times until
    The license for this file cannot be backed up<<<<
    I have been able to copy WMA with DRM audiobook files to my TX FM, but the elapsed time doesn't change with either play or fast forward. The file is from which supplies audiobooks to public libraries. The file plays, but the display stays all zeroes.
    I have been sending information and getting replies and suggestions from both Netlibrary support and Creative technical support with no solution. I have the latest firmware and everything else. I have the problem on both Windows XP and Windows 2000 computers. I have downloaded several files, but none of them show elapsed time. I suspect it is something to do with the DRM, because I can play a preview file from Netlibrary - without DRM - with no problem. I also have no problem with other files copied over - from Audible, from CDs, etc.Message Edited by alex20850 on 03-30-2005 07:54 PMMessage Edited by alex20850 on 03-30-2005 08:4 PM

    I'm primarily using my TX FM for audiobooks and also get all zeros on the display.
    I've been steadily complaining to netlibrary and my local library about problems/inconveniences, itcertainly is experiencing growing pains; we're the ones getting the pain, though!
    I'll post here if I find a (legal) resolution to this.
    What firmware version do you have? I have .2.04 and I see that .3.03 is available for download. I've read here that there are problems with .3 with volume limiting and I'm hesitant to change. I do notice that one of the listed fixes is:
    Updates the elapsed time displayed during navigation within a long recorded track
    so, maybe this is the answer?
    Dr Dave

  • Problem with MUVO

    Good day everyone.
    This is my first message here ?cause I?m presenting some problems with my new MUVO 00:
    I can't load all music in it. It stops in ,5 Gb aprox. and I can't load more music or files.
    What should I do?

    Hello again...
    I?m a real Newbie. I?ve just read the FAQ and got the solution. Sorry for bothering and thanx.

  • Muvo Micro N 200 has a problem with FM recei

    Hi All,
    I bought recently Muvo Micro N 200 MP3 player ( 52 MB) and it sounds very good on MP3 songs. I tried for FM and end up with problem.
    I bought this in Japan and Set the FM region to Japan and started Autoscan. It has given lot of stations and none of them are clear. All stations are received with Hissing sound and lot of noise along with relay. First I tought, there might be some problem with FM stations and checked with my another FM player. It worked well.
    I do not know, what exactly is the problem. All FM stations are received with Noise. Please help me to correct this problem. Please let me know, if there are any settings to be done other than FM region setting to Japan, that I have already done.
    Note : When I rotate my MUVO player in some angle, the FM receiving turns good and I found that, it receives well only in certain angles. Is it so.

    If you are in Japan, the FM setting should be on autoscan
    If you are anywhere else in the world, it should be international, the FM settings are not for where you bought it, it's your present location here and now.
    The noise you hearing is most likely white noise, and yes the MuVo is very sensiti've to where it's placed on receiving signals

  • Major problems with Creative Nomad MuVo NX (256 MB)

    Hello, I recently brought a Creative Nomad MuVo NX (256 MB) it hasn?t been more than two months and I?m already having problems with the MP3 player. This is a little hard to explain but, the headphone jack (where the headphones connect to the player) whenever it moves (to the left, right, up, or down) the sound dies, or gets very staticy. There is no way I can play music this way, as the connection moves a lot. Is there anyways I can fix this? I hear that Creative will replace my product if it'ss withen 90 days. I also have proof of purchase, and original retail box materials.

    obiant, this has been a problem frequently with some older models of the Zen Extra, although I have not heard of this in a Nomad Muvo. What happened with the Zen Extra is the headphone Jack was just soldered on to the motherboard with nothing to hold it on. After awhile the soldering job on the jack would loosen and sometimes break off. After a awhile creative then added a piece of plastic to keep the soldering from loosing. This may be you problem and if it is I?m surprised that creative would make that mistake twice. You should email Creative tech support to see what they think, they can also arrange to have the player sent to them for repairs.
    I hope you get it working or fixed.
    Email for creative tech support:
    Please help me with my post:? A Petition to ask Creative to update the firmware of the Zen Touch to Include EAX capabilities.[/b]

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