Problems with robots.txt Disallow

I have a problem with the robots.txt and google.
I have this robots.txt file:
User-agent: *
Disallow: page1.html
Disallow: dir_1/sub_dir_1/
Disallow: /data/
When I enter '' into Google search box,
Goolge gets the content from the 'data' directory as well. Google
should not have indexed the content of data directory.
So why is google getting the results from 'data' directory,
whereas I have disallowed it.
How can I restrict everyone from accessing the data

I found workaround. To have sitemap URL linked pub page, pub page needs to be in the Internet zone. If you need to have sitemap URL linked to the real internet address (e.g. you need to put auth page in the default zone, pub
page in the intranet zone and create AAM in the internet zone.

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    String filename = something.txt";
    DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.AUTOSENSE;
    PrintService[] services = PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices(
              flavor, null);
    PrintRequestAttributeSet pras = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
    pras.add(new Copies(1));
    PrintService service = ServiceUI.printDialog(null, 200, 200,
              services, services[0],
    if (service != null)
    DocPrintJob job = service.createPrintJob();
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filename);
    DocAttributeSet das = new HashDocAttributeSet();
    Doc doc = new SimpleDoc(fis, flavor, das);
    job.print(doc, pras);
    catch(FileNotFoundException e)
    catch(PrintException e1)
    catch(InterruptedException e2)
    It doesn't work :(
    What is my purpose: I would like to print .txt file but I would like to get PrintDialog where I can choose PrintQuality, Chromaticity etc. I found also that I should use DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.TEXT_PLAIN_HOST but I don't know how.
    I will be very gratefull for help :)

    I tested it on 3 printers (different models of hp). 2 of them don't give me any error but when it started print priter stoped (just as it dosesn't have a paper), but 1 of them doesn't react (there were no errors), i thought tahat something was wrong with printers but when I change DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.AUTOSENSE to DocFlavor.GIF and filename to dog.gif it works so mybe there is another way to print txt file

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    I tested it on 3 printers (different models of hp). 2 of them don't give me any error but when it started print priter stoped (just as it dosesn't have a paper), but 1 of them doesn't react (there were no errors), i thought tahat something was wrong with printers but when I change DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.AUTOSENSE to DocFlavor.GIF and filename to dog.gif it works so mybe there is another way to print txt file

  • Problems With Downloading TXT File

    I have a procedure that when called creates a .txt file, which is used as an upload to another application.
    If I run my procedure, the txt file is created, but when I look at the file, it contains the required records but also information about the page.
    See below.
    My code is
    create or replace PROCEDURE mer_fuel_coupon_download_1 IS
    CURSOR c_fuel_coupon IS
        C.MAKES MAKE,
        'Not Held Anymore' UNREG_FROM,
        'Not Held Anymore' UNREG_TO,
        'Not Held Anymore' HEAD_OF_FAMILY,
       -- A.ITEM_ID
           MER_MAKES C,
           MER_MODELS D,
           MER_COLOURS E,
           MER_FUEL_TYPE G,
           MER_PERSONS H,
           MER_RANKS I,
           MER_UNITS J,
           MER_BFPO K
      AND B.ITEM_ID(+) = A.ITEM_ID
      AND C.MAKE_ID(+) = A.MAKE_ID
      AND I.RANK_ID(+) = H.RANK_ID
      AND J.UNIT_ID(+) = H.UNIT_ID
      AND K.BFPO_ID(+) = J.BFPO_ID
      OR A.DEREG_ON    > (SYSDATE - 1826));
      line_of_data VARCHAR2(5000);
      dir_prob         EXCEPTION;
      file_write_done  EXCEPTION;
      record_ct        NUMBER(6) :=0;
      output_file      VARCHAR2(12) := 'FUEL.TXT';
      target_file      utl_file.File_Type;
      success_ct       NUMBER(6) :=0;
      fail_ct          NUMBER(6) :=0;
    -- Set MIME type
    owa_util.mime_header( 'application/octet', FALSE );
    -- Set name fo file
    htp.p('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="FUEL.TXT"');
    -- Close the HTTP header
    FOR r_fuel IN c_fuel_coupon
    line_of_data := r_FUEL.VIN||','
    || CHR(13)||CHR(10);
    success_ct := success_ct + 1;
    WHEN no_data_found THEN
              RAISE file_write_done;
            WHEN others THEN
              fail_ct := fail_ct + 1;
        END LOOP;
    END;At the end of the txt file, I see information like this
    <title>Fuel Coupon Download</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/themes/theme_20/theme_3_1.css" type="text/css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/bfg_css/j6.css" type="text/css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/i/bfg_javascript/jquery/jquery-1.3.2.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/bfg_javascript/jquery/jqueryui/themes/redmond/jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.css" type="text/css" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/i/bfg_javascript/jquery/jqueryui/jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/i/bfg_javascript/j6_javascript.js"></script>
    <!--[if IE]><link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/themes/theme_20/ie.css" type="text/css" /><![endif]-->
    * {font-size: 10pt;font-family: Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,sans-serif};
    <script src="/i/javascript/apex_ns_3_1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="/i/javascript/apex_3_1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="/i/javascript/apex_get_3_1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="/i/javascript/apex_builder.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    /*Global JS Variables*/
    var htmldb_Img_Dir = "/i/";
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/css/apex_3_1.css" type="text/css" />
    <!--[if IE]><link rel="stylesheet" href="/i/css/apex_ie_3_1.css" type="text/css" /><![endif]-->
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <body ><form action="wwv_flow.accept" method="post" name="wwv_flow" id="wwvFlowForm">
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    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="">
    <td id="t20Logo" valign="top"><span style="font-family:Arial; color:#FFFFFF; font-size:18px; white-space:nowrap; font-weight:bold;">Vehicle Licensing Office Application</span><br /></td>
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      w = open("f?p=4000:34:1780009464230900:PAGE:NO:34:F4000_P34_SESSION,F4000_P34_FLOW,F4000_P34_PAGE:1780009464230900,111,388","winLov","Scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=700,height=450");
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    <script type="text/javascript">
       if(GetCookie('ORA_WWV_QUICK_EDIT') != null){
           if(GetCookie('ORA_WWV_QUICK_EDIT') == 'SHOW')
    </html>Can anyone tell me why it is tagging this information on to my txt file

    before exception handler call
    apex_application.g_unrecoverable_error := true;Regards,

  • Problem with config.txt size 32kb

          Hi, Some body can help-me about how can I store the file config.txt on Cisco aironet AP1231g  when the size of this file is more than 32kb (ex: 45kb long)?,  the size of the NVRAM is 32KB.
          After I have had a error message of buffer size, i was send BOOT BUFFERSIZE  80000, it solved the error, but the file was not stored in NVRAM because of the size limit of 32KB.

    Have you tried
    d:\\mydir\\myconfig.txt ??

  • Use of robots.txt to disallow system/secure domain names?

    I've got a client who's system and secure domains are ranking very high on google.  My SEO advisor has mentioned that a key way to eliminate these URLs from google is through the use of disallowing content through robots.txt.  Given BC's unique nature of dealing with system and secure domains I'm not too sure if this is even possible as any disallowances I've seen or used before have been directories and not absolute URL's, nor have I seen any mention of this possibility around.  Any help or advice would be great!

    Hi Mike
    Under Site Manager > Pages, when accessing a specific page, you can open the SEO Metadata section and tick “Hide this page for search engines”
    Aside from this, using the robots.txt file is indeed an efficient way of instructing search engine robots which pages are not to be indexed.

  • [solved]Wget: ignore "disallow wget" +comply to the rest of robots.txt

    I need to wget a few (maybe 20 -.- ) html files that are linked on one html page (same domain) recursively, but the robots.txt there disallows wget. Now I could just ignore the robots.txt... but then my wget would also ignore the info on forbidden links to dynamic sites which are forbidden in the very same robots.txt for good reasons. And I don't want my wget pressing random buttons on that site. Which is what the robots.txt is for. But I can't use the robots.txt with wget.
    Any hints on how to do this (with wget)?
    Last edited by whoops (2014-02-23 17:52:31)

    HalosGhost wrote:Have you tried using it? Or, is there a specific reason you must use wget?
    Only stubborness
    Stupid website -.- what do they even think they achieve by disallowing wget? I should just use the ignore option and let wget "click" on every single button in their php interface. But nooo, instead I waste time trying to figure out a way to exclude those GUI links from being followed even though wget would be perfectly set up to comply to that automatically if it weren't for that one entry to "ban" it. *grml*
    Will definitely try curl next time though - thanks for the suggestion!
    And now, I present...
    sudo sed -i 's/wget/wgot/' /usr/bin/wget
    ** stubborn version.
    Last edited by whoops (2014-02-23 17:51:19)

  • Disallow URLs by robots.txt but still Appear In Google Search Results.

    disallow URLs by robots.txt but still Appear In Google Search Results. 

    Can you expand on your problem? Are you being indexed despite not wanting to be indexed?
    You are almost certainly in the wrong forum as this relates to SharePoint search, not how Google indexes your content.

  • Many problems with the 'Export to Text' (.txt) in CR Xi

    I have listed many problems with the 'Export to Text' (.txt) function of CR Xi.
    These problems are related to this export format only (meaning everything works fine in the Viewer or in the 'Export to PDF')...
    - Multi-columns layout do not export as Multi-column (export only a one column);
    - Numeric values with parenthesis for negative values or with a fix currency sign at the leftmost position are not exported correctly;
    - Fields having a Suppress formula which is "WhilePrintingRecords" do not appears when exported;
    - Fields with 'Suppress double value' checked are not always suppressed when exported to Text.
    - 'Keep Group Together' flag is not working.
    - 'Reset Page Number After' simply does not works when exported to text;
    - 'Keep object together' on TextBox/Section is not working.
    - Whenever a group is ending on the last line of a page, the the following page as the same Group header as the previous group with no records until the page is filled, then the PageBreak and PageHeader is missing but the records of the following group appears.
    I would like to know what is the status of the 'Export to Text' function (is it a deprecated function not supported anymore???).
    If still supported, when will these bugs be fixed???

    Hi Rene
    Export to Text is supported till date. Crystal Reports 2008 also supports this with Keep together working however when I tried with format with multiple columns, it didnot show up in the exported text file.

  • Problem with Firefox 10.0.2, Flash Player and allowedHTMLdomains.txt

    Hi all,
    I have a Flash Media Streaming Server 4.0 running for more than a year now.
    I protect the access to my server through the "allowedHTMLdomains.txt and allowedSWFdomains.txt feature"  (amongst other things...).
    We noticed that with Firefox 10.0.2 (last version) and Flash Player (last version) our customers can't connect anymore.
    In the admin console we can read things like :
         Authentication failed for pageurl:, rejecting connection from XXX.XXXXXX.XXX
    If i try from the same computer with another browser, i get
      Accepted a connection from IP:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, referrer:, pageurl:
    In the logs i have lines like that :
         --> connection error :
    WIN 11,1,102,62
         --> connection successful:
    WIN 11,1,102,62
    I can't find any significant difference...
    I didn't change anything in my configuration since the beginning, and the application was working without probleme with every version of Browser/FlashPlayer untill now.
    I suppose this is a bug, from Firefox or FlashPLayer or FlashMediaServer.
    Is there anyone from Adobe that could help me to solve this or "workaround" this, knowing that i must use the security features.
    Thank you very much for your help!

    Ok for the timeline.
    For your workaround : it was already the case : i had only domains in my allowedDomains.
    I'll have to turn off this feature, and after the update of the flash player, hope that not too many people will stuck to the old flash player version...
    Thx for your help anyway!

  • Txt to xml. Problems with characters(&, , ',...)

    I want to generate a xml file with text from a txt file but i have problems with special characters such as &, <... I'd like to know if there�s any class or library to filter the text in order to generate my xml without problems.
    Thank you.

    Use JDOM to generate your XML. It will worry about escaping issues for you.
    Here's a (probably rather inelegant) example for you to play around with:
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    public class DateBoom {
         public static void main(String[] args)
              throws Exception
              DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
              DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
              String dodgyText = "< & '";
              Document document = builder.newDocument();
              Element root = document.createElement("root");
              Element child = document.createElement("child");
              Transformer transform = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();          
              Source source = new DOMSource(document);
              Result result = new StreamResult(System.out);
    }Your alternative is to use something like String regular expressions (regex) to do this manually, but the XML oriented libraries will catch more corner cases than you're likely to anticipate, making them more reliable.

  • I'm having problems with 7.1 update my flash "flashes" now when I receive txt's and notifications! And I'm also having problems with freezing and wifi problems! How do I solve this?

    I'm having problems with 7.1 update my flash "flashes" now when I receive txt's and notifications! And I'm also having problems with freezing and wifi problems! How do I solve this?

    Doh! Rectified flash!
    But when face timing 2 seconds after it connects wifi disconnects? Any thoughts

  • Problem with htmldb 2 (Sorry APEX)!

    I installed htmldb 2 on a windows XP, Oracle 10gR1 (which has enhanced by companion CD downloaded form Oracle's site). Everything went OK but when I want to connect to it by this url: http://localhost:7777/pls/htmldb it takes my username,pass but says:
    "Service Temporarily Unavailable
    The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
    Oracle-HTTP-Server/1.3.28 Server at localhost Port 7777"
    I noticed many differences between my installed Apache and documents of htmldb. I run a Apache server and the dads.conf and httpd.conf are as following:
    # ============================================================================
    # mod_plsql DAD Configuration File
    # ============================================================================
    # 1. Please refer to dads.README for a description of this file
    # ============================================================================
    # Note: This file should typically be included in your plsql.conf file with
    # the "include" directive.
    # Hint: You can look at some sample DADs in the dads.README file
    # ============================================================================
    Alias /i/ "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache\images/"
    <Location /pls/htmldb>
    SetHandler pls_handler
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all
    AllowOverride None
    PlsqlDatabaseUsername HTMLDB_PUBLIC_USER     
    PlsqlDatabasePassword @BI+fAonVS+7xU8G04irVINWznM6s+A9fuQ==
    PlsqlDatabaseConnectString chagh
    PlsqlDefaultPage htmldb
    PlsqlDocumentTablename wwv_flow_file_objects$
    PlsqlDocumentPath docs
    PlsqlDocumentProcedure wwv_flow_file_mgr.process_download
    PlsqlAuthenticationMode Basic
    # Based upon the NCSA server configuration files originally by Rob McCool.
    # This is the main Apache server configuration file. It contains the
    # configuration directives that give the server its instructions.
    # See <URL:> for detailed information about
    # the directives.
    # Do NOT simply read the instructions in here without understanding
    # what they do. They're here only as hints or reminders. If you are unsure
    # consult the online docs. You have been warned.
    # After this file is processed, the server will look for and process
    # E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache/conf/srm.conf and then E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache/conf/access.conf
    # unless you have overridden these with ResourceConfig and/or
    # AccessConfig directives here.
    # The configuration directives are grouped into three basic sections:
    # 1. Directives that control the operation of the Apache server process as a
    # whole (the 'global environment').
    # 2. Directives that define the parameters of the 'main' or 'default' server,
    # which responds to requests that aren't handled by a virtual host.
    # These directives also provide default values for the settings
    # of all virtual hosts.
    # 3. Settings for virtual hosts, which allow Web requests to be sent to
    # different IP addresses or hostnames and have them handled by the
    # same Apache server process.
    # Configuration and logfile names: If the filenames you specify for many
    # of the server's control files begin with "/" (or "drive:/" for Win32), the
    # server will use that explicit path. If the filenames do not begin
    # with "/", the value of ServerRoot is prepended -- so "logs/foo.log"
    # with ServerRoot set to "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache" will be interpreted by the
    # server as "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache/logs/foo.log".
    # NOTE: Where filenames are specified, you must use forward slashes
    # instead of backslashes (e.g., "c:/apache" instead of "c:\apache").
    # If a drive letter is omitted, the drive on which Apache.exe is located
    # will be used by default. It is recommended that you always supply
    # an explicit drive letter in absolute paths, however, to avoid
    # confusion.
    ### Section 1: Global Environment
    # The directives in this section affect the overall operation of Apache,
    # such as the number of concurrent requests it can handle or where it
    # can find its configuration files.
    # ServerType is either inetd, or standalone. Inetd mode is only supported on
    # Unix platforms.
    ServerType standalone
    # ServerRoot: The top of the directory tree under which the server's
    # configuration, error, and log files are kept.
    # Do NOT add a slash at the end of the directory path.
    ServerRoot "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache"
    # PidFile: The file in which the server should record its process
    # identification number when it starts.
    PidFile logs/
    # ScoreBoardFile: File used to store internal server process information.
    # Not all architectures require this. But if yours does (you'll know because
    # this file will be created when you run Apache) then you must ensure that
    # no two invocations of Apache share the same scoreboard file.
    ScoreBoardFile logs/httpd.scoreboard
    # In the standard configuration, the server will process httpd.conf (this
    # file, specified by the -f command line option), srm.conf, and access.conf
    # in that order. The latter two files are now distributed empty, as it is
    # recommended that all directives be kept in a single file for simplicity.
    # The commented-out values below are the built-in defaults. You can have the
    # server ignore these files altogether by using "/dev/null" (for Unix) or
    # "nul" (for Win32) for the arguments to the directives.
    #ResourceConfig conf/srm.conf
    #AccessConfig conf/access.conf
    # Timeout: The number of seconds before receives and sends time out.
    Timeout 300
    # SendBufferSize: controls setsockopt() call made to set send buffer size on
    # all sockets. Default OS value on most Windows platforms is too small.
    # Larger values can help if the average page size served by OHS is
    # large (~64 k)
    SendBufferSize 16384
    # KeepAlive: Whether or not to allow persistent connections (more than
    # one request per connection). Set to "Off" to deactivate.
    KeepAlive On
    # MaxKeepAliveRequests: The maximum number of requests to allow
    # during a persistent connection. Set to 0 to allow an unlimited amount.
    # We recommend you leave this number high, for maximum performance.
    MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
    # KeepAliveTimeout: Number of seconds to wait for the next request from the
    # same client on the same connection.
    KeepAliveTimeout 15
    # Apache on Win32 always creates one child process to handle requests. If it
    # dies, another child process is created automatically. Within the child
    # process multiple threads handle incoming requests. The next two
    # directives control the behaviour of the threads and processes.
    # MaxRequestsPerChild: the number of requests each child process is
    # allowed to process before the child dies. The child will exit so
    # as to avoid problems after prolonged use when Apache (and maybe the
    # libraries it uses) leak memory or other resources. On most systems, this
    # isn't really needed, but a few (such as Solaris) do have notable leaks
    # in the libraries. For Win32, set this value to zero (unlimited)
    # unless advised otherwise.
    # NOTE: This value does not include keepalive requests after the initial
    # request per connection. For example, if a child process handles
    # an initial request and 10 subsequent "keptalive" requests, it
    # would only count as 1 request towards this limit.
    MaxRequestsPerChild 0
    # Number of concurrent threads (i.e., requests) the server will allow.
    # Set this value according to the responsiveness of the server (more
    # requests active at once means they're all handled more slowly) and
    # the amount of system resources you'll allow the server to consume.
    ThreadsPerChild 50
    # Server-pool size regulation. Rather than making you guess how many
    # server processes you need, Apache dynamically adapts to the load it
    # sees --- that is, it tries to maintain enough server processes to
    # handle the current load, plus a few spare servers to handle transient
    # load spikes (e.g., multiple simultaneous requests from a single
    # Netscape browser).
    # It does this by periodically checking how many servers are waiting
    # for a request. If there are fewer than MinSpareServers, it creates
    # a new spare. If there are more than MaxSpareServers, some of the
    # spares die off. The default values are probably OK for most sites.
    #MinSpareServers 5
    #MaxSpareServers 20
    # Limit on total number of servers running, i.e., limit on the number
    # of clients who can simultaneously connect --- if this limit is ever
    # reached, clients will be LOCKED OUT, so it should NOT BE SET TOO LOW.
    # It is intended mainly as a brake to keep a runaway server from taking
    # the system with it as it spirals down...
    #MaxClients 150
    # Listen: Allows you to bind Apache to specific IP addresses and/or
    # ports, in addition to the default. See also the <VirtualHost>
    # directive.
    #Listen 3000
    # BindAddress: You can support virtual hosts with this option. This directive
    # is used to tell the server which IP address to listen to. It can either
    # contain "*", an IP address, or a fully qualified Internet domain name.
    # See also the <VirtualHost> and Listen directives.
    #BindAddress *
    # Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support
    # To be able to use the functionality of a module which was built as a DSO you
    # have to place corresponding `LoadModule' lines at this location so the
    # directives contained in it are actually available before they are used.
    # Please read the file README.DSO in the Apache 1.3 distribution for more
    # details about the DSO mechanism and run `apache -l' for the list of already
    # built-in (statically linked and thus always available) modules in your Apache
    # binary.
    # Note: The order in which modules are loaded is important. Don't change
    # the order below without expert advice.
    # Example:
    # LoadModule foo_module libexec/mod_foo.dll
    LoadModule mime_magic_module      modules/ApacheModuleMimeMagic.dll
    LoadModule mime_module          modules/ApacheModuleMime.dll
    LoadModule dbm_auth_module     modules/ApacheModuleAuthDBM.dll
    LoadModule digest_auth_module     modules/ApacheModuleAuthDigest.dll
    LoadModule anon_auth_module      modules/ApacheModuleAuthAnon.dll
    LoadModule cern_meta_module      modules/ApacheModuleCERNMeta.dll
    LoadModule digest_module      modules/ApacheModuleDigest.dll
    LoadModule expires_module      modules/ApacheModuleExpires.dll
    LoadModule headers_module      modules/ApacheModuleHeaders.dll
    LoadModule proxy_module      modules/ApacheModuleProxy.dll
    LoadModule speling_module      modules/ApacheModuleSpeling.dll
    LoadModule status_module      modules/ApacheModuleStatus.dll
    LoadModule info_module          modules/ApacheModuleInfo.dll
    LoadModule usertrack_module      modules/ApacheModuleUserTrack.dll
    LoadModule vhost_alias_module     modules/ApacheModuleVhostAlias.dll
    LoadModule agent_log_module     modules/ApacheModuleLogAgent.dll
    LoadModule referer_log_module     modules/ApacheModuleLogReferer.dll
    LoadModule perl_module      modules/ApacheModulePerl.DLL
    LoadModule fastcgi_module      modules/ApacheModuleFastCGI.dll
    LoadModule onsint_module      modules/ApacheModuleOnsint.dll
    LoadModule wchandshake_module     modules/ApacheModuleWchandshake.dll
    AddModule mod_so.c
    AddModule mod_onsint.c
    AddModule mod_mime_magic.c
    AddModule mod_mime.c
    AddModule mod_access.c
    AddModule mod_auth.c
    AddModule mod_negotiation.c
    AddModule mod_include.c
    AddModule mod_autoindex.c
    AddModule mod_dir.c
    AddModule mod_cgi.c
    AddModule mod_userdir.c
    AddModule mod_alias.c
    AddModule mod_env.c
    AddModule mod_log_config.c
    AddModule mod_asis.c
    AddModule mod_imap.c
    AddModule mod_actions.c
    AddModule mod_setenvif.c
    AddModule mod_isapi.c
    AddModule mod_vhost_alias.c
    AddModule mod_log_referer.c
    AddModule mod_log_agent.c
    AddModule mod_auth_anon.c
    AddModule mod_auth_dbm.c
    AddModule mod_auth_digest.c
    AddModule mod_cern_meta.c
    AddModule mod_digest.c
    AddModule mod_expires.c
    AddModule mod_headers.c
    AddModule mod_proxy.c
    AddModule mod_speling.c
    AddModule mod_info.c
    AddModule mod_status.c
    AddModule mod_usertrack.c
    AddModule mod_perl.c
    AddModule mod_fastcgi.c
    AddModule mod_wchandshake.c
    <IfDefine SSL>
    LoadModule ossl_module      modules/ApacheModuleOSSL.DLL
    # ExtendedStatus controls whether Apache will generate "full" status
    # information (ExtendedStatus On) or just basic information (ExtendedStatus
    # Off) when the "server-status" handler is called. The default is Off.
    ExtendedStatus On
    ### Section 2: 'Main' server configuration
    # The directives in this section set up the values used by the 'main'
    # server, which responds to any requests that aren't handled by a
    # <VirtualHost> definition. These values also provide defaults for
    # any <VirtualHost> containers you may define later in the file.
    # All of these directives may appear inside <VirtualHost> containers,
    # in which case these default settings will be overridden for the
    # virtual host being defined.
    # Port: The port to which the standalone server listens. Certain firewall
    # products must be configured before Apache can listen to a specific port.
    # Other running httpd servers will also interfere with this port. Disable
    # all firewall, security, and other services if you encounter problems.
    # To help diagnose problems use the Windows NT command NETSTAT -a
    Port 7777
    Listen 7777
    # ServerAdmin: Your address, where problems with the server should be
    # e-mailed. This address appears on some server-generated pages, such
    # as error documents.
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    # ServerName allows you to set a host name which is sent back to clients for
    # your server if it's different than the one the program would get (i.e., use
    # "www" instead of the host's real name).
    # Note: You cannot just invent host names and hope they work. The name you
    # define here must be a valid DNS name for your host. If you don't understand
    # this, ask your network administrator.
    # If your host doesn't have a registered DNS name, enter its IP address here.
    # You will have to access it by its address (e.g.,
    # anyway, and this will make redirections work in a sensible way.
    # is the TCP/IP local loop-back address, often named localhost. Your
    # machine always knows itself by this address. If you use Apache strictly for
    # local testing and development, you may use as the server name.
    ServerName localhost
    # DocumentRoot: The directory out of which you will serve your
    # documents. By default, all requests are taken from this directory, but
    # symbolic links and aliases may be used to point to other locations.
    DocumentRoot "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache\htdocs"
    # Each directory to which Apache has access, can be configured with respect
    # to which services and features are allowed and/or disabled in that
    # directory (and its subdirectories).
    # First, we configure the "default" to be a very restrictive set of
    # permissions.
    <Directory />
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    # Note that from this point forward you must specifically allow
    # particular features to be enabled - so if something's not working as
    # you might expect, make sure that you have specifically enabled it
    # below.
    # This should be changed to whatever you set DocumentRoot to.
    <Directory "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache\htdocs">
    # This may also be "None", "All", or any combination of "Indexes",
    # "Includes", "FollowSymLinks", "ExecCGI", or "MultiViews".
    # Note that "MultiViews" must be named explicitly --- "Options All"
    # doesn't give it to you.
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    # This controls which options the .htaccess files in directories can
    # override. Can also be "All", or any combination of "Options", "FileInfo",
    # "AuthConfig", and "Limit"
    AllowOverride None
    # Controls who can get stuff from this server.
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    # UserDir: The name of the directory which is appended onto a user's home
    # directory if a ~user request is received.
    # Under Win32, we do not currently try to determine the home directory of
    # a Windows login, so a format such as that below needs to be used. See
    # the UserDir documentation for details.
    <IfModule mod_userdir.c>
         UserDir "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache\users\"
    # Control access to UserDir directories. The following is an example
    # for a site where these directories are restricted to read-only.
    #<Directory /home/*/public_html>
    # AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
    # Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec
    # Order allow,deny
    # Allow from all
    # </Limit>
    # Order deny,allow
    # Deny from all
    # </LimitExcept>
    # DirectoryIndex: Name of the file or files to use as a pre-written HTML
    # directory index. Separate multiple entries with spaces.
    <IfModule mod_dir.c>
    DirectoryIndex index.html
    # AccessFileName: The name of the file to look for in each directory
    # for access control information.
    AccessFileName .htaccess
    # The following lines prevent .htaccess files from being viewed by
    # Web clients. Since .htaccess files often contain authorization
    # information, access is disallowed for security reasons. Comment
    # these lines out if you want Web visitors to see the contents of
    # .htaccess files. If you change the AccessFileName directive above,
    # be sure to make the corresponding changes here.
    # Also, folks tend to use names such as .htpasswd for password
    # files, so this will protect those as well.
    <Files ~ "^\.ht">
    Order allow,deny
    Deny from all
    # CacheNegotiatedDocs: By default, Apache sends "Pragma: no-cache" with each
    # document that was negotiated on the basis of content. This asks proxy
    # servers not to cache the document. Uncommenting the following line disables
    # this behavior, and proxies will be allowed to cache the documents.
    # UseCanonicalName: (new for 1.3) With this setting turned on, whenever
    # Apache needs to construct a self-referencing URL (a URL that refers back
    # to the server the response is coming from) it will use ServerName and
    # Port to form a "canonical" name. With this setting off, Apache will
    # use the hostname:port that the client supplied, when possible. This
    # also affects SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT in CGI scripts.
    UseCanonicalName On
    # TypesConfig describes where the mime.types file (or equivalent) is
    # to be found.
    <IfModule mod_mime.c>
    TypesConfig conf/mime.types
    # DefaultType is the default MIME type the server will use for a document
    # if it cannot otherwise determine one, such as from filename extensions.
    # If your server contains mostly text or HTML documents, "text/plain" is
    # a good value. If most of your content is binary, such as applications
    # or images, you may want to use "application/octet-stream" instead to
    # keep browsers from trying to display binary files as though they are
    # text.
    DefaultType text/plain
    # The mod_mime_magic module allows the server to use various hints from the
    # contents of the file itself to determine its type. The MIMEMagicFile
    # directive tells the module where the hint definitions are located.
    # mod_mime_magic is not part of the default server (you have to add
    # it yourself with a LoadModule [see the DSO paragraph in the 'Global
    # Environment' section], or recompile the server and include mod_mime_magic
    # as part of the configuration), so it's enclosed in an <IfModule> container.
    # This means that the MIMEMagicFile directive will only be processed if the
    # module is part of the server.
    <IfModule mod_mime_magic.c>
    MIMEMagicFile conf/magic
    # HostnameLookups: Log the names of clients or just their IP addresses
    # e.g., (on) or (off).
    # The default is off because it'd be overall better for the net if people
    # had to knowingly turn this feature on, since enabling it means that
    # each client request will result in AT LEAST one lookup request to the
    # nameserver.
    HostnameLookups Off
    # ErrorLog: The location of the error log file.
    # If you do not specify an ErrorLog directive within a <VirtualHost>
    # container, error messages relating to that virtual host will be
    # logged here. If you do define an error logfile for a <VirtualHost>
    # container, that host's errors will be logged there and not here.
    ErrorLog "|E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache\bin\rotatelogs logs/error_log 43200"
    # LogLevel: Control the number of messages logged to the error.log.
    # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
    # alert, emerg.
    LogLevel warn
    # The following directives define some format nicknames for use with
    # a CustomLog directive (see below).
    # Alternate "common" format to use when fronted by webcache:
    # LogFormat "%{ClientIP}i %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b %h" common_webcache
    # When webcache is forwarding requests to OHS, %h becomes the IP of
    # the originating webcache server and the real client IP is stored
    # in the ClientIP header. The common_webcache format can be used
    # in place of the common format when using webcache but with one
    # important caveat: if clients are capable of bypassing webcache
    # then it is possible to spoof the client IP by manually setting
    # the ClientIP header so the %h field should be monitored in such
    # an environment. Another alternative to specifying the ClientIP
    # header directly in a LogFormat is to use the "UseWebCacheIp"
    # directive:
    # UseWebCacheIp On
    # When this is specified, %h is derived internally from the ClientIP
    # header and the access log format does not need to be modified.
    LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
    LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
    LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
    LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent
    # The location and format of the access logfile (Common Logfile Format).
    # If you do not define any access logfiles within a <VirtualHost>
    # container, they will be logged here. Contrariwise, if you do
    # define per-<VirtualHost> access logfiles, transactions will be
    # logged therein and not in this file.
    CustomLog "|E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache\bin\rotatelogs logs/access_log 43200" common
    # If you would like to have agent and referer logfiles, uncomment the
    # following directives.
    #CustomLog logs/referer.log referer
    #CustomLog logs/agent.log agent
    # If you prefer a single logfile with access, agent, and referer information
    # (Combined Logfile Format) you can use the following directive.
    #CustomLog logs/access.log combined
    # Optionally add a line containing the server version and virtual host
    # name to server-generated pages (error documents, FTP directory listings,
    # mod_status and mod_info output etc., but not CGI generated documents).
    # Set to "EMail" to also include a mailto: link to the ServerAdmin.
    # Set to one of: On | Off | EMail
    ServerSignature On
    # Apache parses all CGI scripts for the shebang line by default.
    # This comment line, the first line of the script, consists of the symbols
    # pound (#) and exclamation (!) followed by the path of the program that
    # can execute this specific script. For a perl script, with perl.exe in
    # the C:\Program Files\Perl directory, the shebang line should be:
    #!c:/program files/perl/perl
    # Note you mustnot_ indent the actual shebang line, and it must be the
    # first line of the file. Of course, CGI processing must be enabled by
    # the appropriate ScriptAlias or Options ExecCGI directives for the files
    # or directory in question.
    # However, Apache on Windows allows either the Unix behavior above, or can
    # use the Registry to match files by extention. The command to execute
    # a file of this type is retrieved from the registry by the same method as
    # the Windows Explorer would use to handle double-clicking on a file.
    # These script actions can be configured from the Windows Explorer View menu,
    # 'Folder Options', and reviewing the 'File Types' tab. Clicking the Edit
    # button allows you to modify the Actions, of which Apache 1.3 attempts to
    # perform the 'Open' Action, and failing that it will try the shebang line.
    # This behavior is subject to change in Apache release 2.0.
    # Each mechanism has it's own specific security weaknesses, from the means
    # to run a program you didn't intend the website owner to invoke, and the
    # best method is a matter of great debate.
    # To enable the this Windows specific behavior (and therefore -disable- the
    # equivilant Unix behavior), uncomment the following directive:
    #ScriptInterpreterSource registry
    # The directive above can be placed in individual <Directory> blocks or the
    # .htaccess file, with either the 'registry' (Windows behavior) or 'script'
    # (Unix behavior) option, and will override this server default option.
    # Aliases: Add here as many aliases as you need (with no limit). The format is
    # Alias fakename realname
    <IfModule mod_alias.c>
    # Note that if you include a trailing / on fakename then the server will
    # require it to be present in the URL. So "/icons" isn't aliased in this
    # example, only "/icons/"..
    Alias /jservdocs/ "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Jserv\docs/"
    Alias /javacachedocs/ "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\javacache\javadoc/"
    Alias /icons/ "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache\icons/"
    Alias /i/ "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache\images/"
    <Directory "icons">
    Options Indexes MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    <IfModule mod_perl.c>
         Alias /perl/ "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache/cgi-bin/"
    # ScriptAlias: This controls which directories contain server scripts.
    # ScriptAliases are essentially the same as Aliases, except that
    # documents in the realname directory are treated as applications and
    # run by the server when requested rather than as documents sent to the client.
    # The same rules about trailing "/" apply to ScriptAlias directives as to
    # Alias.
    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache\cgi-bin/"
    # "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache/cgi-bin" should be changed to whatever your ScriptAliased
    # CGI directory exists, if you have that configured.
    <Directory "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache\cgi-bin">
    AllowOverride None
    Options None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    # End of aliases.
    # Redirect allows you to tell clients about documents which used to exist in
    # your server's namespace, but do not anymore. This allows you to tell the
    # clients where to look for the relocated document.
    # Format: Redirect old-URI new-URL
    # Directives controlling the display of server-generated directory listings.
    <IfModule mod_autoindex.c>
    # FancyIndexing is whether you want fancy directory indexing or standard
    # Note, add the option TrackModified to the IndexOptions default list only
    # if all indexed directories reside on NTFS volumes. The TrackModified flag
    # will report the Last-Modified date to assist caches and proxies to properly
    # track directory changes, but it does not work on FAT volumes.
    IndexOptions FancyIndexing
    # AddIcon* directives tell the server which icon to show for different
    # files or filename extensions. These are only displayed for
    # FancyIndexed directories.
    AddIconByEncoding (CMP,/icons/compressed.gif) x-compress x-gzip
    AddIconByType (TXT,/icons/text.gif) text/*
    AddIconByType (IMG,/icons/image2.gif) image/*
    AddIconByType (SND,/icons/sound2.gif) audio/*
    AddIconByType (VID,/icons/movie.gif) video/*
    AddIcon /icons/binary.gif .bin .exe
    AddIcon /icons/binhex.gif .hqx
    AddIcon /icons/tar.gif .tar
    AddIcon /icons/world2.gif .wrl .wrl.gz .vrml .vrm .iv
    AddIcon /icons/compressed.gif .Z .z .tgz .gz .zip
    AddIcon /icons/a.gif .ps .ai .eps
    AddIcon /icons/layout.gif .html .shtml .htm .pdf
    AddIcon /icons/text.gif .txt
    AddIcon /icons/c.gif .c
    AddIcon /icons/p.gif .pl .py
    AddIcon /icons/f.gif .for
    AddIcon /icons/dvi.gif .dvi
    AddIcon /icons/uuencoded.gif .uu
    AddIcon /icons/script.gif .conf .sh .shar .csh .ksh .tcl
    AddIcon /icons/tex.gif .tex
    AddIcon /icons/bomb.gif core
    AddIcon /icons/back.gif ..
    AddIcon /icons/hand.right.gif README
    AddIcon /icons/folder.gif ^^DIRECTORY^^
    AddIcon /icons/blank.gif ^^BLANKICON^^
    # DefaultIcon is which icon to show for files which do not have an icon
    # explicitly set.
    DefaultIcon /icons/unknown.gif
    # AddDescription allows you to place a short description after a file in
    # server-generated indexes. These are only displayed for FancyIndexed
    # directories.
    # Format: AddDescription "description" filename
    #AddDescription "GZIP compressed document" .gz
    #AddDescription "tar archive" .tar
    #AddDescription "GZIP compressed tar archive" .tgz
    # ReadmeName is the name of the README file the server will look for by
    # default, and append to directory listings.
    # HeaderName is the name of a file which should be prepended to
    # directory indexes.
    # If MultiViews are amongst the Options in effect, the server will
    # first look for name.html and include it if found. If name.html
    # doesn't exist, the server will then look for name.txt and include
    # it as plaintext if found.
    ReadmeName README
    HeaderName HEADER
    # IndexIgnore is a set of filenames which directory indexing should ignore
    # and not include in the listing. Shell-style wildcarding is permitted.
    IndexIgnore .??* *~ *# HEADER* README* RCS CVS *,v *,t
    # End of indexing directives.
    # Document types.
    <IfModule mod_mime.c>
    # AddEncoding allows you to have certain browsers (Mosaic/X 2.1+) uncompress
    # information on the fly. Note: Not all browsers support this.
    # Despite the name similarity, the following Add* directives have nothing
    # to do with the FancyIndexing customization directives above.
    AddEncoding x-compress Z
    AddEncoding x-gzip gz tgz
    # AddLanguage allows you to specify the language of a document. You can
    # then use content negotiation to give a browser a file in a language
    # it can understand.
    # Note 1: The suffix does not have to be the same as the language
    # keyword --- those with documents in Polish (whose net-standard
    # language code is pl) may wish to use "AddLanguage pl .po" to
    # avoid the ambiguity with the common suffix for perl scripts.
    # Note 2: The example entries below illustrate that in quite
    # some cases the two character 'Language' abbriviation is not
    # identical to the two character 'Country' code for its country,
    # E.g. 'Danmark/dk' versus 'Danish/da'.
    # Note 3: In the case of 'ltz' we violate the RFC by using a three char
    # specifier. But there is 'work in progress' to fix this and get
    # the reference data for rfc1766 cleaned up.
    # Danish (da) - Dutch (nl) - English (en) - Estonian (ee)
    # French (fr) - German (de) - Greek-Modern (el)
    # Italian (it) - Korean (kr) - Norwegian (no)
    # Portugese (pt) - Luxembourgeois* (ltz)
    # Spanish (es) - Swedish (sv) - Catalan (ca) - Czech(cz)
    # Polish (pl) - Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br) - Japanese (ja)
    # Russian (ru)
    AddLanguage ar .ar
    AddLanguage da .dk .da
    AddLanguage nl .nl
    AddLanguage en .en
    AddLanguage et .ee
    AddLanguage fi .fi
    AddLanguage fr .fr
    AddLanguage de .de
    AddLanguage el .el
    AddLanguage es .es_ES .es
    AddLanguage he .he .iw
    AddLanguage hu .hu
    AddCharset ISO-8859-8 .iso8859-8
    AddLanguage it .it
    AddLanguage ja .ja
    AddCharset ISO-2022-JP .jis
    AddLanguage ko .ko
    AddLanguage kr .kr
    AddCharset ISO-2022-KR .iso-kr
    AddLanguage nn .nn
    AddLanguage no .no
    AddLanguage pl .po
    AddCharset ISO-8859-2 .iso-pl
    AddLanguage pt .pt
    AddLanguage pt-br .pt_BR .pt-br
    AddLanguage ltz .lu
    AddLanguage ca .ca
    AddLanguage sk .sk
    AddLanguage sv .sv
    AddLanguage th .th
    AddLanguage tr .tr
    AddLanguage cz .cz .cs
    AddLanguage ro .ro
    AddLanguage ru .ru
    AddLanguage zh-cn .zh_CN
    AddLanguage zh-tw .zh_TW
    AddCharset Big5 .Big5 .big5
    AddCharset WINDOWS-1251 .cp-1251
    AddCharset CP866 .cp866
    AddCharset ISO-8859-5 .iso-ru
    AddCharset KOI8-R .koi8-r
    AddCharset UCS-2 .ucs2
    AddCharset UCS-4 .ucs4
    AddCharset UTF-8 .utf8
    # LanguagePriority allows you to give precedence to some languages
    # in case of a tie during content negotiation.
    # Just list the languages in decreasing order of preference. We have
    # more or less alphabetized them here. You probably want to change this.
    <IfModule mod_negotiation.c>
    LanguagePriority ar en da nl et fi fr de el it ja ko kr no pl pt pt-br ro ru ltz ca es sk sv th tr zh-cn zh-tw zh-cn
    # AddType allows you to tweak mime.types without actually editing it, or to
    # make certain files to be certain types.
    # For example, the PHP 3.x module (not part of the Apache distribution - see
    # will typically use:
    #AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
    #AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source .phps
    # And for PHP 4.x, use:
    #AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
    #AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
    AddType application/x-tar .tgz
    # AddHandler allows you to map certain file extensions to "handlers",
    # actions unrelated to filetype. These can be either built into the server
    # or added with the Action command (see below)
    # If you want to use server side includes, or CGI outside
    # ScriptAliased directories, uncomment the following lines.
    # To use CGI scripts:
    #AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
    # To use server-parsed HTML files
    #AddType text/html .shtml
    #AddHandler server-parsed .shtml
    AddType text/xml xbl
    AddType text/x-component htc
    # Uncomment the following line to enable Apache's send-asis HTTP file
    # feature
    #AddHandler send-as-is asis
    # If you wish to use server-parsed imagemap files, use
    #AddHandler imap-file map
    # To enable type maps, you might want to use
    #AddHandler type-map var
    # End of document types.
    # Action lets you define media types that will execute a script whenever
    # a matching file is called. This eliminates the need for repeated URL
    # pathnames for oft-used CGI file processors.
    # Format: Action media/type /cgi-script/location
    # Format: Action handler-name /cgi-script/location
    # MetaDir: specifies the name of the directory in which Apache can find
    # meta information files. These files contain additional HTTP headers
    # to include when sending the document
    #MetaDir .web
    # MetaSuffix: specifies the file name suffix for the file containing the
    # meta information.
    #MetaSuffix .meta
    # Customizable error response (Apache style)
    # these come in three flavors
    # 1) plain text
    #ErrorDocument 500 "The server made a boo boo.
    # n.b. the single leading (") marks it as text, it does not get output
    # 2) local redirects
    #ErrorDocument 404 /missing.html
    # to redirect to local URL /missing.html
    #ErrorDocument 404 /cgi-bin/
    # N.B.: You can redirect to a script or a document using server-side-includes.
    # 3) external redirects
    #ErrorDocument 402
    # N.B.: Many of the environment variables associated with the original
    # request will not be available to such a script.
    # Customize behaviour based on the browser
    <IfModule mod_setenvif.c>
    # The following directives modify normal HTTP response behavior.
    # The first directive disables keepalive for Netscape 2.x and browsers that
    # spoof it. There are known problems with these browser implementations.
    # The second directive is for Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0b2
    # which has a broken HTTP/1.1 implementation and does not properly
    # support keepalive when it is used on 301 or 302 (redirect) responses.
    BrowserMatch "Mozilla/2" nokeepalive
    BrowserMatch "MSIE 4\.0b2;" nokeepalive downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
    # The following directive disables HTTP/1.1 responses to browsers which
    # are in violation of the HTTP/1.0 spec by not being able to grok a
    # basic 1.1 response.
    BrowserMatch "RealPlayer 4\.0" force-response-1.0
    BrowserMatch "Java/1\.0" force-response-1.0
    BrowserMatch "JDK/1\.0" force-response-1.0
    # End of browser customization directives
    # Allow server status reports, with the URL of http://servername/server-status
    # Change the "" to match your domain to enable.
    <Location /server-status>
    SetHandler server-status
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from localhost localhost localhost
    # Allow remote server configuration reports, with the URL of
    # http://servername/server-info (requires that mod_info.c be loaded).
    # Change the "" to match your domain to enable.
    #<Location /server-info>
    # SetHandler server-info
    # Order deny,allow
    # Deny from all
    # Allow from
    # There have been reports of people trying to abuse an old bug from pre-1.1
    # days. This bug involved a CGI script distributed as a part of Apache.
    # By uncommenting these lines you can redirect these attacks to a logging
    # script on Or, you can record them yourself, using the script
    # support/phf_abuse_log.cgi.
    #<Location /cgi-bin/phf*>
    # Deny from all
    # ErrorDocument 403
    # Proxy Server directives. Uncomment the following lines to
    # enable the proxy server:
    #<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
    # ProxyRequests On
    # <Directory proxy:*>
    # Order deny,allow
    # Deny from all
    # Allow from
    # </Directory>
    # Enable/disable the handling of HTTP/1.1 "Via:" headers.
    # ("Full" adds the server version; "Block" removes all outgoing Via: headers)
    # Set to one of: Off | On | Full | Block
    # ProxyVia On
    # To enable the cache as well, edit and uncomment the following lines:
    # (no cacheing without CacheRoot)
    # CacheRoot "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache\proxy"
    # CacheSize 5
    # CacheGcInterval 4
    # CacheMaxExpire 24
    # CacheLastModifiedFactor 0.1
    # CacheDefaultExpire 1
    # NoCache
    # End of proxy directives.
    ### Section 3: Virtual Hosts
    # VirtualHost: If you want to maintain multiple domains/hostnames on your
    # machine you can setup VirtualHost containers for them. Most configurations
    # use only name-based virtual hosts so the server doesn't need to worry about
    # IP addresses. This is indicated by the asterisks in the directives below.
    # Please see the documentation at <URL:>
    # for further details before you try to setup virtual hosts.
    # You may use the command line option '-S' to verify your virtual host
    # configuration.
    # Use name-based virtual hosting.
    #NameVirtualHost *
    # VirtualHost example:
    # Almost any Apache directive may go into a VirtualHost container.
    # The first VirtualHost section is used for requests without a known
    # server name.
    #<VirtualHost *>
    # ServerAdmin [email protected]
    # DocumentRoot /www/docs/
    # ServerName
    # ErrorLog logs/
    # CustomLog logs/ common
    #<VirtualHost default:*>
    SetEnv PERL5LIB "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\perl\5.6.1\lib:E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\perl\site\5.6.1\lib"
    <IfModule mod_perl.c>
    # Perl Directives
    # PerlWarn On
    # PerlFreshRestart On
    # PerlSetEnv PERL5OPT Tw
    # PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\perl\5.6.1\lib:E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\perl\site\5.6.1\lib"
    PerlModule Apache
    # PerlModule Apache::Status
    PerlModule Apache::Registry
    # PerlModule Apache::CGI
    # PerlModule Apache::DBI
    # PerlRequire
    <Location /perl>
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler Apache::Registry
    AddHandler perl-script .pl
    Options +ExecCGI
    PerlSendHeader On
    # <Location /perl-status>
    # SetHandler perl-script
    # PerlHandler Apache::Status
    # order deny,allow
    # deny from all
    # allow from localhost
    # </Location>
    #Protect WEB-INF directory
    <DirectoryMatch /WEB-INF/>
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    # Setup of FastCGI module
    <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c>
    Alias /fastcgi/ "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\fastcgi/"
    ScriptAlias /fcgi-bin/ "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache\fcgi-bin/"
    <Directory "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache\fcgi-bin">
         AllowOverride None
         Options None
         Order allow,deny
         Allow from all
         SetHandler fastcgi-script
         <IfModule mod_ossl.c>
         SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
    # Include the configuration for Apache JServ 1.1
    #include "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Jserv\conf\jserv.conf"
    # Setup of oprocmgr module.
    # This directive identifies each remote apache instance that will be
    # sending requests to processes (e.g., JServs), managed by local Apache
    # instances. This directive is used by the local process manager to share
    # routing information with remote apache instances via non-SSL HTTP messages.
    # The directive is repeated for each remote apache instance that will be
    # sending requests. The ProcNode directive that refers to the local apache
    # instance will be ignored, but may be supplied to facilitate uniformity
    # in configuration across apache instances. Arguments to the ProcNode must
    # be sufficient to reach the remote instance of apache via non-SSL HTTP
    # messages. It is not considered an error if the remote apache instance is
    # unreachable, as no assumption is made about the starting order or
    # availability of apache instances.
    # Syntax: ProcNode <hostname> <port>
    # Example: ProcNode 7777
    <IfModule mod_oprocmgr.c>
    <Location /oprocmgr-service>
    SetHandler oprocmgr-service
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from localhost localhost localhost
    <Location /oprocmgr-status>
    SetHandler oprocmgr-status
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from localhost localhost localhost
    # Include the mod_oc4j configuration file
    include "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache\conf\mod_oc4j.conf"
    # Include the mod_dms configuration file
    include "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache\conf\dms.conf"
    # Loading rewrite_module here so it loads before mod_oc4j
    LoadModule rewrite_module      modules/ApacheModuleRewrite.dll
    # Include the SSL definitions and Virtual Host container
    include "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache\conf\ssl.conf"
    # Include the mod_osso configuration file
    #include "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache\conf\mod_osso.conf"
    # Include the Oracle configuration file for custom settings
    include "E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache\conf\oracle_apache.conf"

    Firstly, there's no such thing as Apache 9.3, there's Apache 1 (and subversions) and Apache 2 (and subversions). Your error message -
    Oracle-HTTP-Server/1.3.28Shows you're using Apache 1.3.28
    Secondly, I'm confused by your comment -
    I do not have Apache 9.3 or higher but I think oracle should offer this in its companion CDOracle does offer the Apache server, if you're saying you didn't get it from Oracle then where did your Apache server come from?
    Thirdly, I notice from your config file -
    ErrorLog "|E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache\bin\rotatelogs logs/error_log 43200"That you're piping the logs through rotatelogs, are you sure the logfiles haven't just been renamed?

  • Robots.txt and Host Named Site Collections (SEO)

    When attempting to exclude ALL SharePoint Sites from external indexing, when you have multiple web apps and multiple Host Named Site Collections, should I add the robots.txt file to the root of each web app, as well as each hnsc? I assume so, but, thought
    I would check with the gurus...
    - Rick

    I think, one for each site collection as each site collection has different name and treated as web site.
    "he location of robots.txt is very important  It must be in the main directory because otherwise user agents (search engines) will not be able to find it.  Search engines look first in the main directory (i.e.
    and if they don’t find it there, they simply assume that this site does not have a robots.txt file"
    Please remember to mark your question as answered &Vote helpful,if this solves/helps your problem. ****************************************************************************************** Thanks -WS MCITP(SharePoint 2010, 2013) Blog:

  • Question about robots.txt

    This isn't something I've usually bothered with, as I always thought you didn't really need one unless you wanted to disallow access to pages / folders on a site.
    However, a client has been reading up on SEO and mentioned that some analytics thing (possibly Google) was reporting that "one came back that the robot.txt file was invalid or missing. I understand this can stop the search engines linking in to the site".
    So I had a rummage, and uploaded what I thought was a standard enough robots.txt file :
    # robots.txt
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /cgi-bin/
    But apparently this is reporting :
    The following block of code contains some errors.You specified both a generic path ("/" or empty disallow) and specific paths for this block of code; this could be misinterpreted. Please, remove all the reported errors and check again this robots.txt file.
    Line 1
    # robots.txt
    Line 2
    User-agent: *
    Line 3
    You specified both a generic path ("/" or empty disallow) and specific paths for this block of code; this could be misinterpreted.
    Line 4
    Disallow: /cgi-bin/
    You specified both a generic path ("/" or empty disallow) and specific paths for this block of code; this could be misinterpreted.
    If anyone could set me straight on how a standard / default robots.txt file should look like, that would be much appreciated.

    Remove the blank disallow line so it looks like this:
    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /cgi-bin/
    E. Michael Brandt
    Standards-compliant scripts and Dreamweaver Extensions
    JustSo PictureWindow
    JustSo PhotoAlbum, et alia

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