Problems with type aligning in CS 6

I work for a print shop. My colleague is having an issue that I am unable to duplicate on my computer. She has a customer supplied ID document. The customer is doing an effect with type where it is a spot color (a red) and then the same type is on top with a gradient applied. The client sets the type on top to multiply but when my colleague exports to pdf some of the type on the back side shifts slightly so as not to align properly. Here only fix is to set it to overprint which fixes the problem. However, when I do it on my computer (same OS, Mac 10.6.8) it works fine as multiply. When she does it in CC it works fine.
Obviously, changing to overprint is a good solution but the client is supposed to be sending a lot more work done this way and it would be nice if we didn't always have to change it. I had her trash her preferences in ID. She has reloaded ID. Anybody else have any idea of what could be going on that is causing this?
Thanks in advance.

Michael, thanks for your reply. I was just going to check the font versions she is using against the ones I am using and stopped because I think she figured it out. It looks like it was a corrupt pdf preset. She made a new one with pretty much the same settings and everything looks good.
Not sure why that would happen but if someone has a theory I would like to hear it. And I had never had an issue with presets getting corrupt.

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    [Note, this error occurs in Oracle XE, APEX]
    I have been having a problem with Automatic Row Fetch:
    ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested
    So in an effort to resolve this, I created a PL/SQL process with the query below and was able to isolate the same error. The problem seems to come from one of the primary keys being a "number" type (APP_ID). The error occurs on the line:
    where u.app_id=:P5_APP_ID
    I have tried the following variations on this line in an effort to resolve this, but all generate the same error:
    1) where to_char(u.app_id) = :P5_APP_ID
    2) where u.app_id = to_number(:P5_APP_ID)
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    for r in (
    select app_name, apptype, appcreator, appurl
    from application_users u, application_info i
    where u.app_id=:P5_APP_ID
    and i.app_id=u.app_id
    and u.username=:P5_USERNAME)
    :P5_APP_NAME := r.app_name;
    :P5_APPURL := r.appurl;
    when others then
    raise_application_error(-20000,'In Loop Failure',true);
    end loop;
    when others then
    raise_application_error(-20000,'Out of Loop Failure',true);
    Thanks in advance,

    I found a prior post referencing a similar issue and it was solved by using the "v(__)" syntax. This did resolve my issue, however, I have a quick follow-on which I'm hoping someone can answer quickly...
    Since the "v(__)" syntax won't work for the Automatic Row Fetch (at least to the best of my knowledge), I have to do a manual process. However, the manual query as shown above doesn't actually populate any of the form values through the bind variables. They all remain at their cached values from prior data entry on the form.
    Is using the bind variables for assignment incorrect, or is there something that must be done to get the updates to show up in the form (ordering of processes, etc.).
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    Thanks in advance,

  • Problems With Data Alignment when spooling to a CSV file

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    col1 col2 col3
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    SET TIMING off
    set feedback off
    set heading off
    set termout OFF
    set pagesize 0
    set linesize 200
    set verify off
    set trimspool ON
    col to_char(glcd.segment1||glcd.segment2||glcd.segment3||glcd.segment4||glcd.segment5||glcd.segment6) ALIAS CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS
    col CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS justify left
    col to_char(decode(glbal.currency_code,glsob.currency_code,
    (begin_balance_dr - begin_balance_cr) + (period_net_dr -period_net_cr),
    (begin_balance_dr_beq - begin_balance_cr_beq) + (period_net_dr_beq -period_net_cr_beq))) alias Total_Functional_Currency
    col Total_Functional_Currency justify left
    COlUMN V_INSTANCE NEW_VALUE V_inst noprint
    select trim(lower(instance_name)) V_INSTANCE
    from v$instance;
    column clogname new_value logname
    select '/d01/oracle/'|| '&&V_inst' ||'out/outbound/KEMET_BALANCE_FILE_EXTRACT' clogname from dual;
    spool &&logname..csv
    SELECT glsob.currency_code ||','||
    to_char(glcd.segment1||glcd.segment2||glcd.segment3||glcd.segment4||glcd.segment5||glcd.segment6) ||','||
    (begin_balance_dr - begin_balance_cr) + (period_net_dr -period_net_cr),
    (begin_balance_dr_beq - begin_balance_cr_beq) + (period_net_dr_beq -period_net_cr_beq)))
    from gl_balances glbal , gl_code_combinations glcd , gl_sets_of_books glsob
    where      period_name = '&1' /* Period Name */
    and      glbal.translated_flag IS NULL
    and      glbal.code_combination_id = glcd.code_combination_id
    and      glbal.set_of_books_id = glsob.set_of_books_id
    and      glbal.actual_flag = 'A'
    and      glsob.short_name in ('KEC-BOOKS' , 'KUE' , 'KEU','KEMS', 'KEAL' , 'KEAL-TW' , 'KEAL-SZ' , 'KEAM')
    and glcd.segment1 != '05'
    and decode(glbal.currency_code , glsob.currency_code , (begin_balance_dr - begin_balance_cr) + (period_net_dr -period_net_cr) ,
    (begin_balance_dr_beq - begin_balance_cr_beq) + (period_net_dr_beq -period_net_cr_beq)) != 0
    and glbal.template_id IS NULL
    ORDER BY glcd.segment1 || glcd.segment2 || glcd.segment3 || glcd.segment4 || glcd.segment5 || glcd.segment6
    spool off
    set termout on
    set feedback on
    set heading on
    set pagesize 35
    set linesize 100
    set echo on
    set verify on

    i think you do not have to worry about your code when you say that the plain texts created are ok when opened on the notepad. it is on the excel that you will need some adjustments. not sure about this but you might want to read about the applying styles in the excel by going through it's help menu.

  • Problem with type 4 driver using oracle 10g

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    Driver used: OracleDriver that comes with the ojdbc14.jar along with oracle 10g
    JDK used: Tried using both j2sdk1.4.2 and using JDK 5.0
    JRE: Again, JRE that was shipped with j2sdk 1.4.2 and JRE 5.0
    OS: Windows XP sp2
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    There is no problem with the TNSListener, etc...even if all Oracle related services in 'services.msc' are Started/Stopped, the error remains.
    I am, however, able to establish the connection using type1 driver.
    Please Help!
    import java.sql.*;
    class TestConn
         Connection connection;
         Statement statement;
         ResultSet resultset;
         public void testConn() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException
              DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement());
              //DriverManager.registerDriver(new sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver());
              connection = DriverManager.getConnection("oracle:jdbc:thin:@", "scott", "tiger");
              //connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:dsn1", "scott", "tiger");
              System.out.println("Connection Established");
              statement = connection.createStatement();
              resultset = statement.executeQuery("select ename from emp");
    class Test
         public static void main(String args[]) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException
              TestConn obj = new TestConn();

    The JDBC URL should include the database SID. For example, if the database SID is Orcl
    connection = DriverManager.getConnection("oracle:jdbc:thin:@", "scott", "tiger");

  • Problem with Type Reference "TYPE' in JCO

    Hi All,
    I am facing a weard situation when i am creating a custom RFC function module. This FM is called by Java program with JCO. But, if i define the FM parameters with Reference type as 'TYPE', the Java application is not able to get the data. But the same time, if i declare the parameters with 'LIKE', it is working successfully.
    Can anybody advise me, why it is behaving differently? Is the problem with JCO which is not able to recognise the 'TYPE' reference or from SAP side?
    And, any solution to use 'TYPE' reference successfully?

    hi Sailesh,
    You are right. SAP doesn't recommend the usage of Like in PROGRAMS/REPORTS - mind it, only REPORTS.
    But when it comes to RFC enabled FMs, JCo Understands only LIKE. what you had observed is true. LIKE creates a WA and JCo looks into a workarea. TYPE can refer to a pool of variables but your JCo can't differentiate them. So, you use LIKE.
    Again, you use LIKE only Remote enabled FMs not in Reports/Programs. so, you may use TYPE as your company remommends in reports but in RFMs, use LIKE.
    Hope this cleared.
    PS: If my post helped, don't forget the rewards!

  • Problems with type ... is table of - values

    please look at the following procedure:
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE fct_s_snpdb_ersetzung_einzeln (
    p_tnr IN VARCHAR2,
    p_ersetzung IN VARCHAR2
    p_ersetzung_rep VARCHAR2(4000);
    v_test_table NUMBER;
    TYPE nersetzungtab IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(4000)
    v_ersatzliste nersetzungtab;
    v_anzersatzliste NUMBER;
    v_test VARCHAR2(4000);
    v_instr NUMBER;
    i NUMBER := 1;
    SELECT 1
    INTO v_test_table
    FROM all_tables
    IF (v_test_table <> 1) THEN
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'create table s_snpdb_temp_ersetzung (tnr_ersetzung varchar2(19))';
    END IF;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'truncate table s_snpdb_temp_ersetzung';
    IF (p_tnr IS NOT NULL) THEN
    p_ersetzung_rep := '''' || p_tnr || ''',' || p_ersetzung;
    p_ersetzung_rep := REPLACE(p_ersetzung, '''', '');
    p_ersetzung_rep := REPLACE(p_ersetzung, '''', '');
    END IF;
    v_instr := INSTR (p_ersetzung_rep, ',');
    WHILE (v_instr > 0) LOOP
    v_test := TRIM(SUBSTR(p_ersetzung_rep, 1, v_instr - 1));
    v_ersatzliste(i) := v_test;
    p_ersetzung_rep := SUBSTR(p_ersetzung_rep, v_instr + 1);
    v_instr := INSTR(p_ersetzung_rep, ',');
    i := i + 1;
    --now the problem comes
    FOR f IN 1 .. i LOOP
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'INSERT INTO s_snpdb_temp_ersetzung VALUES(:tnr)'
    USING v_ersatzliste(i);
    END fct_s_snpdb_ersetzung_einzeln;
    The inputvalue for p_ERSETZUNG = 'A42020002 39 ','A42020004 55 ','A54017901 02 ','A54017901 03 ','A42020002 60 ','A42020004 15 '
    I want to separate each value in separate row of a table.
    It runs fine until the "insert into" statement.
    Here I get the error "no data found". This means, that the variable v_ersatzliste(i) contains no value. I used the debugger, the separation of the value runs fine, but why the variable v_ersatzliste(i) has no values. I didn't find the problem.
    Its not the first time, I use "type ... is table of", but till now I never had problems with this.
    What could be the reason for no founded data in my variable.
    Thanks in advance
    D. Mildner

    ohhh yes, you're right.
    I think I should go home now :-).
    Thanks very much.

  • Problem with type engines in both CS4 & CS5

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    Please help.
    Thanks for your consideration,

    I'm having a strange problem with the type engines in CS4 and 5.
    Currently I cannot insert the cursor into the last line of any block of text in order to make edits.
    When I try to insert the cursor into the last line it affects only the next-to-the-last line and not the intended line.
    Please help.
    Thanks for your consideration,

  • Problem with Script Alignment for new printer

    Hi All,
       I'm printing SAP checks to LOCAL printer. Currently we are using Dell W5300n to print checks and the printer has a lot of maintenance problems.  Therefore we purchase a new printer Dell 3110cn  and would like to have it set up to print checks.  We would still keep old printer ( Dell W5300n ) for back up.We changed the printer to new as there is some problem with old printer.
    Problem is , if we print a check from using old printer, the check alignment is good.  But if we print a check from  new printer, the check alignment is off.
    I'm using DINA4 Page format.
    Can you please tell me what is the problem here?

    Hi Subhashini Kuntala,
    For your issue there are few things to check ...
    1. We need to find exact Printer (new) drivers which matches exactly the (old)  Printer.
    2. Is your cheque is in A4 size or Customised size.
    3. If it is A4 try to print in Other Printer.
    If these senerio's does't work, as a ABAPer You can't do anything else .. So, best to pass this issue to BASIS.
    That could resolve your Problem.

  • Problems with types using JAX-RPC

    I have to convert an RMI application into a JAX-RPC application. I thought it was easy but I have some problems with the parameter types and the return types of the remote methods.
    For example, how can I pass a java Object as a parameter or as a return type, supposing this object could be anything during runtime? Is there any way to do it because the only types one could use with JAX-RPC are not enough for my application.

    Thanks, that was my mistake.
    Instead of using wscompile, you must generate the stub classes with the WTK. Then, you set a reference to the j2me-ws.jar (JSR-172). No additional libraries from the Web Service Development Kit are required.

  • Problem with types

    I have a problem. I have created a type
    create or replace type type1 as object (
      field1 number,
      field2 number,
      constructor function type1 return self as result
    );, and also the body.
    Now i have another type
    create or replace type type2 as table of type1In a package function i have somewhere
    tmp type2;
    tmp=new type2();
    tmp.extend --works
    tmp(tmp.last).field1 := ...<something>; --does not work, i got: Reference to an unitialized variable..., so that field1 is unrecognizedIf i issue 'describe type2' i see field1 and field2.
    What i'm doing wrong?
    Edited by: Roger22 on 12.07.2010 14:26

    I hope this solves your problem...
    Create a Object Type body(With the definition of the constructor function) since u have defined a constructor, by specifying a constructor in your type specification you are overriding the default object constructure provided internally by oracle ...
    constructor function type1 return self as resultEdited by: Prathamesh on Jul 12, 2010 4:40 AM

  • Problem with type tool

    I am having trouble with my type tool in Photoshop cs4 on windows xp
    I have looked through a few threads where people have had the same problem and tried the recommended solutions but it hasn't helped.
    If i use the type tool it creates a new layer but nothing happens on my workspace,  it renames the layer with what i have typed. I tried changing font, font size, font colour and canvas size, still nothing. If i use the transform tool sometimes it will give me an error saying "could not transform because the initial bounding rectangle is empty" and sometimes it it will work and i will be able to transform something that isnt there. i have reset tools like suggested in other threads but that has not changed anything.
    Any ideas

    You may have been able to solve the problem by just resettiing the Type tool.
    While resetting the whole of preferences will cure all sorts of problems, you have to go through all the settings again to get them how you had them before.
    Unless of course you made a copy of the entire preferences folder, to copy back in over the defaults.

  • Problem with Layer Align

    Ok, I created a website and use ImageReady to export it to
    Dreamweaver. I then converted the tables to layers and set up the
    Unfortunately I forgot to set up a parent layer, to place all
    the other content within, so I could align the site to center. Now
    the site looks fine when viewed at 1280 x 1024 but if viewed at
    1024 x 768 it is offset to the right.
    I tried to create a new parent layer...aligned auto center
    and then tried to select all layers, cut and paste them into the
    new parent layer...but dreamweaver would not allow it.
    I then tried to go into the code and write in a parent layer
    around the content....still nothing.
    Any ideas how to do this quickly and easily???

    If you are going to use layers, you need to know these things
    The text overflow is one of the worst of the problems.
    For any help with your current page, you'd need to post a
    link to the page
    so we can see its layout problems and look at its code.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "moshpit2" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fbvnip$4cb$[email protected]..
    > Hey Bregent,
    > Thanks for telling what I did wrong, but what I really
    need to know is how
    > to
    > fix it. As for my choice of using layers, the code seems
    so much lighter
    > than
    > tables. At least from my testing, page loading seems to
    go a lot faster
    > with
    > layers, what is the downside to using them?

  • Problem with center aligned text when publishing

    Can anyone help me with this? I'm a bit desperate.
    I created blocks of text and center aligned them:
    Everything looked great but when I published all the text appeared left aligned.
    I tried everything but nothing seems to resolve this.
    Thank you in advance!
    Best regards,
    Paulo Moura

    Try exporting your file with the following settings to get a high quality GIF
    Dimensions   : Match movie
    Playback       : Animated
                        : Loop continuously
    Options         : Optimize colors
                        : Smooth
    Transparent   : Opaque
    Dither           : None
    Palette Type : Adaptive
    Max colors   : 99999
    ps: please mark this post as Answered if this of any help to you

  • Huge thanks - Mac problems with Type A new firmwar...

    Since I got the upgraded Type A firmware on my HomeHub 3 its messing my wifi on my macbook pro. Every other device is fine, the macbook works fine on other connections.
    The connections stalls for 30sec or so, disconnects all games, apps etc.
    Then comes back on.
    Spent 45mins onto India tech support, the girl had no idea what firmware was and kept blaming my macbook. Ive worked for o2 broadband support, i know what the problem is the HomeHub. Problems started 23rd Nov when i got upgrade.
    I email and a lovely lady has a Type B on the way next day, took 2 emails.
    Seems to get things sorted, you need to escalate.

    Hi BuckleZ
    I am sorry you are having problems.  Could you drop us in an email please and we'll have a closer look.
    Use the 'contact us' form in my forum profile under the 'about me' section. You can find it by clicking on my username.
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry but we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)”
    td-p/30">Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • Problem with text alignment in the panelheader

    We are using <af:panelheader> in our jspx file. We are using custom CSS for alignments. The text we are displaying inside this panel header is top-aligned by default. But we want to align this text to middle. In our custom CSS file, we tried with different options to align this text to middle(ex: vertical-align:text-bottom;caption-side: bottom;...). Please guide me on this like which option to use.
    Our CSS code for panelheader is this:
    .AFHeaderLevelOne,.x1x,H1.af_panelHeader,H1.x20,H1.af_showDetailHeader,H1.x21,.af_messages_header,.x24,.p_OraProductBrandingCompactText,.x5b,.PortletHeaderText,.x6n,.PortletHeading1,.x6o,.PortletSubHeaderText,.x6u,.portlet-section-header,.x73,.portlet-section-subheader,.x77,.portlet-table-header,.x7a,.portlet-table-subheader,.x7e {caption-side: bottom;  background-color: rgb(233,233,209);vertical-align:text-bottom;white-space: nowrap; height:  37px; font-family:Tahoma;font-size:17px;color:#9c7200;margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;font-weight:bold}
    and panelHeader code inside jspx is this:
    <afh:rowLayout id="rowLayout1" width="100%" >
    <afh:cellFormat columnSpan="4" height="37">
    <af:panelHeader text="Add Law Firm"/>
    Thanks & Regards,

    .AFHeaderAlias{vertical-align:text-bottom; white-space: nowrap; height: 37px; font-family:Tahoma;font-size:17px;color:#9c7200;margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;font-weight:bold}
    h1.x20{vertical-align:text-bottom; white-space: nowrap; height: 37px; font-family:Tahoma;font-size:17px;color:#9c7200;margin-bottom:0px;margin-top:0px;font-weight:bold}
    both work

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