Procedure Body Loop Question

I have a procedure that builds an Excel Spreadsheet from a parameter form, depending on the user's selected criteria. To make it easier for testing I am just selecting a range of 3 leases from this form. Each lease may have several entries according to the number of invoices. I am trying to put a total and a blank line between each lease group, but I'm having a problem with how to loop it.
Below is the code:
PROCEDURE Excel_ReportData ( v_cl_no varchar2,
v_pr_no varchar2,
v_ls_date date,
v_beg_no varchar2,
v_end_no varchar2 ) is
cursor c1 ( v_cl_no varchar2,
v_pr_no varchar2,
v_ls_date date,
v_beg_no varchar2,
v_end_no varchar2 ) is
select tran_type, lease_no, tran_no, tran_date, dscr, amount, ar_col, ap_col,
lease_date, cl_no, pr_no, ls_no
from lease_transactions a, lease_master b
where b.ls_no = a.lease_no
and b.cl_no = decode( v_cl_no, null, b.cl_no, v_cl_no )
and b.pr_no = decode( v_pr_no, null, b.pr_no, v_pr_no )
and b.lease_date = decode( v_ls_date, null, b.lease_date, v_ls_date )
and nvl(b.ls_no,0) between nvl(v_beg_no,-100) and nvl(v_end_no,9999999999)
order by 2, 4;
cursor c2 ( v_cl_no varchar2,
v_pr_no varchar2,
v_ls_date date,
v_beg_no varchar2,
v_end_no varchar2 ) is
select lease_no, nvl(sum(ar_col), 0) ar_sum, nvl(sum(ap_col), 0) ap_sum
from lease_transactions a, lease_master b
where b.ls_no = a.lease_no
and b.cl_no = decode( v_cl_no, null, b.cl_no, v_cl_no )
and b.pr_no = decode( v_pr_no, null, b.pr_no, v_pr_no )
and b.lease_date = decode( v_ls_date, null, b.lease_date, v_ls_date )
and nvl(b.ls_no,0) between nvl(v_beg_no,-100) and nvl(v_end_no,9999999999)
group by lease_no
order by 1;
cr1 c1%rowtype;
cr2 c2%rowtype;
v_i number;
v_no number;
v_name varchar2 (20) := 'Lease_Trans';
v_tran_type varchar2 (50);
v_lease_no varchar2 (20);
v_tran_no varchar2 (100);
v_tran_date date;
v_dscr varchar2 (500);
v_amount number;
v_ar_col number;
v_ap_col number;
v_lease_date date;
Oleexcel.sheetname := 'Sheet1';
Ole2.release_obj( oleexcel.worksheet );
OleExcel.LineWeight := 0;
-- Insert new worksheet in front
oleexcel.sheetname := v_name;
Excel_PageSetup( 2, 5 );
-- Build Header
v_i := 1;
ac.counter := 0;
OleExcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt( v_i, ac.nxt, 'T. S. DUDLEY LAND COMPANY, INC.', null, 'Arial', 14, 'Bold', null, OleExcel.cellWhite, false, OleExcel.Left );
Blank_Cells( v_i, ac.counter+4, 52 );
v_i := v_i + 1;
ac.counter := 0;
OleExcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt( v_i, ac.nxt, 'LEASE TRANSACTION REPORT', null, 'Arial', 10, 'Bold', null, OleExcel.cellWhite, false, OleExcel.Left );
Blank_Cells( v_i, ac.counter+4, 52 );
v_i := v_i + 1;
ac.counter := 0;
OleExcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt( v_i, ac.nxt, 'Date', null, 'Arial', 10, 'Normal', null, OleExcel.cellWhite, false, OleExcel.Left );
OleExcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt( v_i, ac.nxt, to_char( sysdate, 'MM/DD/YYYY'), 'MM/DD/YYYY', 'Arial', 10, 'Normal', null, OleExcel.cellWhite, false, OleExcel.Left );
Blank_Cells( v_i, ac.counter+1, 52 );
v_i := v_i + 1;
Blank_Cells( v_i, 1, 52 );
-- Do Headings
v_i := v_i + 1;
OleExcel.LineWeight := 4;
ac.counter := 0;
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, 'Lease No.', null, 'Arial', 10, 'Bold', null, OleExcel.cellGray, true );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, 'Transaction Type', null, 'Arial', 10, 'Bold', null, OleExcel.cellGray, true );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, 'Transaction No.', null, 'Arial', 10, 'Bold', null, OleExcel.cellGray, true );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, 'Transaction Date', null, 'Arial', 10, 'Bold', null, OleExcel.cellGray, true );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, 'Transaction Description', null, 'Arial', 10, 'Bold', null, OleExcel.cellGray, true );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, 'Transaction Amount', null, 'Arial', 10, 'Bold', null, OleExcel.cellGray, true );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, 'Accounts Receivable', null, 'Arial', 10, 'Bold', null, OleExcel.cellGray, true );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, 'Accounts Payable', null, 'Arial', 10, 'Bold', null, OleExcel.cellGray, true );
v_i := 5;
ac.counter := 0;
oleexcel.Set_Cell_Property (v_i, ac.nxt, oleexcel.cellWidth, '12' );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_Property (v_i, ac.nxt, oleexcel.cellWidth, '16' );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_Property (v_i, ac.nxt, oleexcel.cellWidth, '22' );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_Property (v_i, ac.nxt, oleexcel.cellWidth, '12' );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_Property (v_i, ac.nxt, oleexcel.cellWidth, '40' );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_Property (v_i, ac.nxt, oleexcel.cellWidth, '14' );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_Property (v_i, ac.nxt, oleexcel.cellWidth, '12' );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_Property (v_i, ac.nxt, oleexcel.cellWidth, '12' );
OleExcel.LineWeight := 2;
OleExcel.Border_Cells( OleExcel.CellAddress( v_i, 1 ) || ':' || OleExcel.CellAddress( v_i, ac.counter ) );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_Property (v_i, ac.counter, oleexcel.cellHeight, '38.25' );
v_i := 5;
open c1 ( v_cl_no, v_pr_no, v_ls_date, v_beg_no, v_end_no );
open c2 ( v_cl_no, v_pr_no, v_ls_date, v_beg_no, v_end_no );
fetch c1 into cr1;
exit when c1%notfound;
fetch c2 into cr2;
exit when c2%notfound;
v_i := v_i + 1;
ac.counter := 0;
-- Output data
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, cr1.lease_no, null, 'Arial', 10, 'Normal', null, OleExcel.cellWhite, false, OleExcel.Left );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, cr1.tran_type, null, 'Arial', 9, 'Normal', null, OleExcel.cellWhite, false, OleExcel.Left );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, cr1.tran_no, null, 'Arial', 9, 'Normal', null, OleExcel.cellWhite, false, OleExcel.Left );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, to_char(cr1.tran_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY'), 'MM/DD/YYYY', 'Arial', 9, 'Normal', null, OleExcel.cellWhite, false, OleExcel.Center );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, cr1.dscr, null, 'Arial', 9, 'Normal', null, OleExcel.cellWhite, false, OleExcel.Left );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, to_char(cr1.amount), '$###,##0.00', 'Arial', 9, 'Normal', null, OleExcel.cellWhite, false, OleExcel.Right );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, to_char(cr1.ar_col), '$###,##0.00', 'Arial', 9, 'Normal', null, OleExcel.cellWhite, false, OleExcel.Right );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, to_char(cr1.ap_col), '$###,##0.00', 'Arial', 9, 'Normal', null, OleExcel.cellWhite, false, OleExcel.Right );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_Property (v_i, ac.counter, oleexcel.cellHeight, '15' );
OleExcel.LineWeight := 2;
OleExcel.Border_Cells( OleExcel.CellAddress( v_i, 1 ) || ':' || OleExcel.CellAddress( v_i, ac.counter ) );
Blank_Cells( v_i, ac.counter+1, 52 );
v_i := v_i + 1;
ac.counter := 0;
-- Output data
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, 'Total', null, 'Arial', 9, 'Normal', null, OleExcel.cellWhite, true, OleExcel.Left );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, null, null, 'Arial', 9, 'Normal', null, OleExcel.cellWhite, false );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, null, null, 'Arial', 9, 'Normal', null, OleExcel.cellWhite, false );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, null, null, 'Arial', 9, 'Normal', null, OleExcel.cellWhite, false );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, null, null, 'Arial', 9, 'Normal', null, OleExcel.cellWhite, false );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, null, null, 'Arial', 9, 'Normal', null, OleExcel.cellWhite, false );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, to_char(cr2.ar_sum), '$###,##0.00', 'Arial', 9, 'Normal', null, OleExcel.cellWhite, false, OleExcel.Right );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_ValFullFmt ( v_i, ac.nxt, to_char(cr2.ap_sum), '$###,##0.00', 'Arial', 9, 'Normal', null, OleExcel.cellWhite, false, OleExcel.Right );
oleexcel.Set_Cell_Property (v_i, ac.counter, oleexcel.cellHeight, '15' );
OleExcel.LineWeight := 2;
OleExcel.Border_Cells( OleExcel.CellAddress( v_i, 1 ) || ':' || OleExcel.CellAddress( v_i, ac.counter ) );
Blank_Cells( v_i, ac.counter+1, 52 );
end loop;
close c1;
close c2;
I've tried several different things, but this is the basic code, which is putting the totals at the end and only showing one lease when it should return 3 leases with multiple lines with the total line after each group.
I've only been doing Oracle development for a few months so I hope this is an easy question.
Thanks JLW

PROCEDURE (some variables passed from form) IS
cursor c1 is (select statement to get data to populate Excel spreadsheet)
cursor c2 is (select statement to get totals for Total line in Excel)
cr1 c1%rowtype;
cr2 c2%rowtype;
v_ ...
--Access Last Sheet
--Insert New WS
--Build Header
--Build Column Headings
*****Here is where I'm having the problem. I am trying to put a total and a blank line between each lease group.
*****Not sure how to loop this ... sorry I'm a newbie.
open c1;
open c2;
fetch c1 into cr1;
exit when c1%notfound;
fetch c2 into cr2;
exit when c2%notfound;
--Output Data from c1 (I need this to be only 1 lease group from c1)
--Output Data from c2 (total from c2 with a blank line)
... and so on until c1-c2 notfound
end loop
close c1
close c2
Below is an example of the output in Excel:
~*Lease No.* TransType Trans No. Trans Date Trans Description Trans Amount Accounts Receivable ~~*Accounts Payable*~
~812320 Invoice 681050 7/23/2008 68105 $3,156.55 $3,156.55 $3,156.55~
~812320 Check 35058 08/18/2008 County Clerk $17.00 $0.00 -$17.00~
~Total $0.00 $0.00~
~812327 Paid by Other 07/15/2008 $1,260.00 $0.00 -$1,260.00~
~812327 Bonus 07/15/2008 $1,260.00 $0.00 $1,260.00~
~Total $0.00 $0.00~
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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    without using boolean variables.Obvious question, WHY?
    If you are so particular..
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      3        select empno, ename, job
      4        from emp
      5        where empno = 7839123;
      6   ex exception;
      7   rec c1%rowtype;
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      9   open c1;
    10   fetch c1 into rec;
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    12    raise ex;
    13   end if;
    14   loop
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    16    fetch c1 into rec;
    17    exit when c1%notfound;
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    19  exception
    20   when ex then
    21    dbms_output.put_line('cur not found');
    22  end;
    23  /
    cur not found
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


    public class ForTest2 {
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              int i=0, j = 0;
              for (j=0; j < 10; j++) {
                   System.out.println("i is: " + i);
                   System.out.println("j is: " + j);
              System.out.println("Final i is: " + i);
              System.out.println("Final j is: " + j);
    }j ends up being 10. Why? It should only be 9. This is as when j is 10 the for loop fails, so j++ shouldnt happen.

    First, please, please, please stop using all caps. It's extremely annoying.
    Second, don't mark your question as urgent or important. It is 100
    % guaranteed NOT to get you help any faster, and it might just delay you getting help because it's annoying.
    As for your question, you're misunderstanding how the for loop works. j HAS to become 10 for it to end. The loop body executes as long as j < 10. If j didn't become 10, the loop body couldn't terminate, because j<10 would always be true.
    The body is executed, the j++ is executed, then the j<10 is tested.
    int j;
    for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
        // body
    // is equivalent to
    int j;
    j = 0;
    while (j < 10) {
        // body

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                                   job_action=>'BEGIN  sys.p_loadaudit;     
                                   enabled=> true,
                                   comments=>'Job repeat interval is every 5 mins' );
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    PROCEDURE p_loadaudit
        v_count          NUMBER:= 0;
        lv_error_message VARCHAR2(4000);
        vstmt            VARCHAR2(4000);
        FOR i IN
        ( SELECT username FROM dba_users WHERE username LIKE 'ABCFIRM%'
            vstmt:= 'begin ' || i.username || '.pkg_audit_info.p_load_coa; end;';
            EXECUTE immediate vstmt;
            vstmt:= 'begin ' || i.username || '.pkg_audit_info.p_load_am; end;';
            EXECUTE immediate vstmt;
        END LOOP;
        lv_error_message := 'Error in procedure p_loadaudit: ' || SQLCODE || ' -ERROR- ' || SUBSTR(
        sqlerrm,1,300) || '*' || dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace;
    END p_loadaudit;
    Example of one schema: SCHEMA_01
    create or replace
    PACKAGE pkg_audit_info
    type cursortype
            PROCEDURE p_load_COA;
            PROCEDURE p_load_AM;
       END pkg_audit_info;
    create or replace
    PACKAGE body pkg_audit_info
    PROCEDURE p_load_COA
        lv_error_message := 'Error in procedure pkg_audit_info.p_load_COA: ' || SQLCODE
        || ' -ERROR- ' || SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,300) || '*' || dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace;
    END p_load_COA;
    PROCEDURE p_load_AM
        lv_error_message := 'Error in procedure pkg_audit_info.p_load_AM: ' || SQLCODE ||
        ' -ERROR- ' || SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,300) || '*' || dbms_utility.format_error_backtrace;
    END p_load_AM;
    END pkg_audit_info;
    Table1 and table1 exist in schema_01.
    All 2000 schemas have same package.procedures.
    Due to security reasons i have removed the actual code.
    I was able to execute the job successfully. However, when a schema procedure (SCHEMA_01.pkg_audit_info.p_load_COA) throws an exception, the job fails and all transaction is rolled back.
    Is there a way to loop through each schema and execute the related procedures. Even if exception happens, it should rollback only for that schema and continue the other schemas in the loop?
    Please let me know if there is a better way to achieve this. Is the way i am handling exceptions in the job/procedure correct?

    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR will cause the program to exit back to the caller, even if you place it in a block within the loop, so the RAISE or RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR instruction should be placed in your "pkg_audit_info.p_load_AM" and "pkg_audit_info.p_load_coa" procedures. This way, you can use a block inside the loop and log the error.
    FOR i IN
        ( SELECT username FROM dba_users WHERE username LIKE 'ABCFIRM%'
            vstmt:= 'begin ' || i.username || '.pkg_audit_info.p_load_coa; end;';
            EXECUTE immediate vstmt;
            vstmt:= 'begin ' || i.username || '.pkg_audit_info.p_load_am; end;';
            EXECUTE immediate vstmt;
        --> Log the error in a custom log table otherwise you will not know what happened for that schema: don't forget the username

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    Hi All,
    I am trying to figure out how I can pass a ref cursor to a procedure and then loop through it. I have provided an example of what I am attempting to do...just not really sure how to open the ref cursor when it is passed ot the sproc and iterate through it?
    Any info would be greatly appreciated.
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE     Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Create Or Replace Package test_ref_pkg
    function get_ref_curs
    procedure process_ref_curs(
    p_ref_cursor        IN  SYS_REFCURSOR
    END test_ref_pkg;
    Create Or Replace Package Body test_ref_pkg
    function get_ref_curs
        l_ref_curs      SYS_REFCURSOR;
        OPEN l_ref_curs FOR
        Select 1 ID, 'Test 1' Name
        From DUAL
        UNION ALL
        Select 2 ID, 'Test 2' Name
        From DUAL;
    END get_ref_curs;
    procedure process_ref_curs(
    p_ref_cursor        IN  SYS_REFCURSOR
    END process_ref_curs;
    END test_ref_pkg;Thanks,
    Edited by: ScarpacciOne on May 28, 2010 9:11 AM

    -- if you start to yell, I will yell too!!!!
    Sybrand Bakker
    Senior Oracle DBA

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    Any help, insight or guidance would be appreciated.
    Thank you!

    zgogor wrote:
    1/ apple loops folder / check them ....
    I see folders for all Apple's loops and jam packs, but nothing for my loops.
    Edit: Found them They are at:
    ~/Library/Audio/Apple Loops/User Loops
    Before I was checking the root /Library, which is why I couldn't find them.
    2/ apple loop utility application / check it ...
    I have been using it, but considering the strange behavior I'm getting (see question #3 and #4) I think I might be missing a step or doing it wrong. Right now I open an audio selection in Apple Loops Utility, fill in the tags, mess around with the transient sensitivity, then "save." So why can't I add it as a loop after that?
    3/ no of course.
    Any idea what I might be doing wrong?
    4/ add to appleloop library doesn't mean it is converted, check appleloop utilty first then add them to the Lib
    I did use the loop utility first. I mentioned that in my original post.
    Message was edited by: Zachary Conlyn
    Message was edited by: Zachary Conlyn

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    DATA: i_item     TYPE TABLE OF bbp_pds_sc_item_icu.
    DATA: w_item     TYPE bbp_pds_sc_item_icu.
    LOOP AT input-I_ITEM-item INTO ls_item.
        CLEAR w_item.
        w_item-guid = v_item_guid.
        w_item-parent = v_header_guid.
        w_item-description = ls_item-description.
        w_item-number_int = ls_item-number_int.
        w_item-category = ls_item-category.
        w_item-category_id = ls_item-category_id.
        w_item-product_type = ls_item-product_type.
      APPEND w_item TO i_item.
    The structure input-I_ITEM-item is an input from a ABAP Proxy. This all works great if I feed in only 1 line item to proxy, but if I send in two line items the result is i_item has line item 1 twice, and I get nothing for line item2. It is almost like the the loop runs twice but the ls_item stays on line 1. I am sure I am missing something simple.

    Here is a snippet of the XML I am sending to ABAP proxy:
              <DESCRIPTION>Proxy Test Line</DESCRIPTION>
              <DESCRIPTION>Proxy Test Line  2</DESCRIPTION>

  • Garage Band LOOPS question

    I guess this question can apply to both Logic and GarageBand. When using loops am I locked into the "key" that they appear in? What I mean is this. Let's say I make a song in Amajor in 4/4 time. At that point all my loops appear in the key of A. The problem arises when I want to take the chord progression maybe from I - IV - vi - V - I or something. My question is... can I make those same loops play the appropriate chord for the key signature?
    I hope this makes sense.
    Thank you for any help you can offer.

    ..I'm not exactly sure what you're asking. But..All the apple loops I've encountered have a series of different notes in one key. You can transpose them, but then not all of the notes in that loop will sound good with the original key. Does that make sense? For example...if you have a loop in A, then play the loop again in D (the IV of A)'s likely it will contain G natural...a note that occurs in the key of D, but would sound bad in A.
    On top of that..most apple loops are simply melodies. I would recommend layering one of them on top of a bass or piano or synth you'd recorded that would play the chords you want in your song.
    Hope this answers your question.

  • Switching loop question

    Hello everyone!
    I need some clarification of the switching loops. I apologise if my question is too simple, but i really cannot find answer in books, internet. Thanks in advance!
    Please look at the attached topology. This is my test lab for switching loops learning. For simplification purpose IPs, MACs and interface's names were shortened (FF=FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF).
    Initial conditions:
    Cisco Catalyst 3750-V2, 12.2(50)SE5 IPServices, with default, factory config.
    For an unmanaged switch simulation purpose, interfaces 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 were configured with switchport host macros and spanning-tree bpdufilter enable command (additional to default factory config).
    Interfaces 1/2 and 1/3 were interconnected with straight through patch cord specifically for creating a switching loop. Just booted up, not learned any MAC-address.
    Cisco Catalyst 3750-V2, 12.2(50)SE5 IPServices, with default, factory config.
    Just booted up, not learned any MAC-address.
    Both PCs:
    Have a clear ARP-cache.
    PC-1 sent ICMP-echo to PC-2. SW-1 received an ARP-request from MAC A (MAC-address of PC-1's NIC) to MAC FF (L2 broadcast as mentioned before) on its 1/1. Because of the initial conditions there is broadcast storm now. MAC A is flapping between 1/2 and 1/3. Next, PC-2 received an ARP-request from MAC A and sent ARP-reply. That ARP-reply arrived at SW-1 and started unicast storm additional to broadcast storm.
    This is clear for me.
    What i don't understand is why the SW-1 sends ARP-reply from PC-2 back to the SW-2 (interface 2/1)?
    P.S. apologise for my english. Thanks again!

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    If there's only one or two non-STP switches, in a full mesh, you'll be okay.  Once you have at least three non-STP switches, in a full mesh, you have a loop between them.

  • Infinite Loop Question - should be simple

    Ok I think I have a simple question to ask here. I am attempting to create a program that creates an infinite loop for multiples of two...
    ex: 2, 4, 8, 16, etc...
    The math behind it is simple, x^2 when x = 2. I then want the result of each equation to be squared, and infinitely.
    Here is the code Ive written so far, I think Im close, but I may be way off... any hints or clues as to my next step would be appreciated.
    public class loopytest {
       public static void main (String[] args)
       int x = x^2;
       while (x = 2)
       System.out.println("Value of x is " + x);

    int x = x^2;You have to initialise "x" first.
    You should give it an actual value (e.g. 2) for this case.
    int x = 2;If you want to get the value of x from arguments. (e.g. java YouProgram 2)
    You should change this part of code similar to the follow.
    int x = args[1];But this one hasn't used the Math.pow(), you should read the API and amend it.
    while (x = 2)This one is actually assign x with value 2.
    If you want to compare an int, you should use "A == B", "A.equals(B)" for Object.

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