PRODUCTION ISSUE - Java process terminates unexpectedly

I realize this is a BEA forum, however, we are perplexed by this issue and perhaps someone here has experienced something similar. Apologies if this topic is out of context to BEA.
We are trying to troubleshoot a production issue where the JAVA process terminates without any debugging information available to try and understand the cause. This is a Windows 2K3 Server running JAVA 1.4.2_04 using native C++. (We are **NOT** running Weblogic on this server)
Can anyone provide insight into how to debug this problem? Specifically, do any management beans exist to where we can track the crashing process or perhaps any tools? This is occurring frequently and we have no means of debugging this issue all while this is occurring on a PRODUCTION server.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

what heap size are you providing while running your app ?

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  • PRODUCTION ISSUE - Receivemail java procedure

    Hi guys
    I have this java program below, this program receives mail from a user general mailbox and displays it as in a Java Front End System as a request. Users are able to attach any type of attachments and even embedded emails.
    My java program works for all attachments types except if the attachment is an email, it does not move it over or even recognize it. I thought it was because I was checking for attachments only for multipart emails but I tried checking for attachment for singlepart emails but I didn't get any desired results. Please help me guys as this is a production issue and I am on the line.
    Here is the code:
    import javax.mail.internet.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import sqlj.runtime.*;
    import oracle.sql.BLOB;
    public class ReceiveMail
    static void getAttachments(Message message, int incidentNo)
    throws MessagingException, IOException, SQLException {
    //String attachments = "";
    Object content = message.getContent();
    if (content instanceof Multipart)
    // -- Multi part message which may contain attachment
    Multipart multipart = (Multipart)message.getContent();
    // -- Loop through all parts of the message
    for (int i=0, n=multipart.getCount(); i<n; i++) {
    Part part = multipart.getBodyPart(i);
    String disposition = part.getDisposition();
    //--if (Part.ATTACHMENT.equals(disposition)) {
    if ((disposition != null) && (disposition.equals(Part.ATTACHMENT) || disposition.equals(Part.INLINE))) {
    //-- This part is a file attachment
    // --String fileName = incidentNo+"_"+part.getFileName().replace(' ','_');
    String fileName = part.getFileName().replaceAll(" ","");
    System.out.println("FILE: " + fileName);
    String contentType = part.getContentType();
    String mimeType = contentType.substring(0,contentType.indexOf(";"));
    System.out.println("FILETYPE: " + mimeType);
    InputStream is = part.getInputStream();
    // -- To work with a BLOB column you have to insert a record
    // -- with an emptly BLOB first.
    #sql { insert into cq_incoming_attachments(att_seq, att_in_seq, att_file, att_attachment)
    values (:incidentNo, :incidentNo||'_'||:i, :fileName, empty_blob()) };
    // -- Retrieve the BLOB
    BLOB attachment = null;
    #sql { select att_attachment
    into :attachment
    from cq_incoming_attachments
    where att_file = :fileName
    and att_seq = :incidentNo
    and att_in_seq = :incidentNo||'_'||:i };
    // -- Fill the BLOB
    OutputStream os = attachment.getBinaryOutputStream();
    int j;
    while ((j = != -1) {
    // -- Set the BLOB by updating the record
    #sql { update cq_incoming_attachments
    set att_attachment = :attachment
    where att_file = :fileName
    and att_seq = :incidentNo };
    #sql { update mail_inbox set attachment = 'Y', att_name = trim(att_name||' '||:fileName)
    where att_seq = :incidentNo };
    static String getPlainTextBody(Message message)
    throws MessagingException, IOException
    Object content = message.getContent();
    //--if (message.isMimeType("text/plain")) {
    if (message.isMimeType("text/plain")) {
    // -- Message has plain text body only
    System.out.println("SIMPLE TEXT");
    return (String) content;
    } else if (message.isMimeType("multipart/*")) {
    // -- Message is multipart. Loop through the message parts to retrieve
    // -- the body.
    Multipart mp = (Multipart) message.getContent();
    int numParts = mp.getCount();
    System.out.println("MULTIPART: "+numParts);
    for (int i = 0; i < numParts; ++i) {
    System.out.println("PART: "+mp.getBodyPart(i).getContentType());
    if (mp.getBodyPart(i).isMimeType("text/plain")) {
    // -- Return the plain text body
    return (String) mp.getBodyPart(i).getContent();
    } else if (mp.getBodyPart(i).isMimeType("multipart/*")) {
    // -- Body is also multipart (both plain text and html).
    // -- Loop through the body parts to retrieve plain text part.
    MimeMultipart mmp = (MimeMultipart) mp.getBodyPart(i).getContent();
    int numBodyParts = mmp.getCount();
    System.out.println("MULTIBODYPART: "+numBodyParts);
    for (int j = 0; j < numBodyParts; ++j) {
    System.out.println("BODYPART: "+mmp.getBodyPart(j).getContentType());
    if (mmp.getBodyPart(j).isMimeType("text/plain")) {
    // -- Return the plain text body
    //--return (String) mmp.getBodyPart(j).getContent();
    return (String) mmp.getBodyPart(j).getContent();
    return "";
    } else {
    System.out.println("UNKNOWN: "+message.getContentType());
    return "";
    static void saveMessage(Message message, String insystem)
    throws MessagingException, IOException, SQLException
    //String body = "";
    int incidentNo;
    // -- Get a new incident number
    #sql { select seq_incident.nextval into :incidentNo from dual };
    // -- Get the from address information
    String from;
    if(message.getFrom() != null){
    from = ((InternetAddress)message.getFrom()[0]).getAddress();
    from = " ";
    // -- Get the reply address information
    String reply;
    if(message.getReplyTo() != null){
    reply = ((InternetAddress)message.getReplyTo()[0]).getAddress();
    reply = " ";
    // --String reply = ((InternetAddress)message.getReplyTo()[0]).getAddress();
    // -- Get the to address information
    String to = InternetAddress.toString(message.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO));
    // -- Get the cc address information
    String cc = InternetAddress.toString(message.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC));
    // -- Get the bcc address information
    String bcc = InternetAddress.toString(message.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC));
    // -- Get the sent and receive date
    java.util.Date receive = message.getSentDate();
    java.sql.Date sent = new java.sql.Date(receive.getTime());
    // -- Get the message subject information
    String subject = message.getSubject();
    // -- Retrieve the plain text body
    String body = getPlainTextBody(message);
    // --Check string lengths before insert into mail_inbox
    if (body.length() > 3999) {
    body = body.substring(0,3999);
    // -- Store the message in the email table
    #sql { insert into mail_inbox (from_address, reply_address, to_address, cc_address, bcc_address, sent_time, received_time, subject,
    mail_body,in_system, proc_ind, attachment, att_name, att_seq)
    values (substr(:from,1,200),
    nvl(substr(:to,1,200),' '),
    substr(nvl(:subject,'NO SUBJECT'),1,200),
    substr(nvl(:body,'NO MAIL BODY'),1,4000),
    substr(:insystem,1,100), 'N', 'N', null,
    :incidentNo) };
    // --mail_body,
    // --nvl(substr(:body,1,4000),'null'),
    // -- Retrieve the attachments
    getAttachments(message, incidentNo);
    #sql { commit };
    public static String Receive(String POP3Server, String usr, String pwd, String insystem)
    Store store = null;
    Folder folder = null;
    Folder dfolder = null;
    // -- Get hold of the default session --
    Properties props = System.getProperties();
    props.put("mail.pop3.connectiontimeout", "60000");
    Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
    // -- Get hold of a POP3 message store, and connect to it --
    // --store = session.getStore("pop3");
    store = session.getStore("imap");
    store.connect(POP3Server, usr, pwd);
    // -- Try to get hold of the default folder --
    folder = store.getDefaultFolder();
    if (folder == null) throw new Exception("No default folder");
    // -- ...and its INBOX --
    folder = folder.getFolder("INBOX");
    if (folder == null) throw new Exception("No IMAP INBOX");
    // -- Open the folder for read_write (to be able to delete message) --;
    dfolder = folder.getFolder("READ_ITEMS");
    // -- Get the message wrappers and process them --
    Message[] msgs = folder.getMessages();
    for (int msgNum = 0; msgNum < msgs.length; msgNum++){
    saveMessage(msgs[msgNum], insystem);
    catch (Exception ex){
    msgs[msgNum].setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true);
    // -- Copy message from INBOX to READ_ITEMS
    // --folder.copyMessages(msgs, dfolder);
    // -- Delete message in inbox
    // --msgs[msgNum].setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true);
    folder.copyMessages(msgs, dfolder);
    Message[] msgs1 = folder.getMessages();
    for (int msgNum1 = 0; msgNum1 < msgs1.length; msgNum1++){
    // -- Delete message in inbox
    msgs1[msgNum1].setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true);
    System.out.println("No more messages");
    return ("SUCCESS");
    catch (Exception ex){
    return ex.toString();
    // -- Close down nicely --
    // close(true), to expunge deleted messages
    if (folder!=null) folder.close(true);
    if (store!=null) store.close();
    catch (Exception ex){
    return ex.toString();
    Edited by: Gizo on 2010/06/10 12:53 AM

    If your application use a lot of native code in same
    process with jvm, errors in native part can easily
    cause jvm fatal crashes. Some of such errors
    reproduced only in stress condition (e.g. on
    production server). -Xcheck:jni can help you in most
    basic cases.
    You can also try running some bounds checkers to
    dinamicly verify you native code for pointer safety.Thanks for the quick response, zhmur.
    Do you have any pointers to documentation regarding "-Xcheck:jni"? I searched this site and nothing was returned.
    Also, is there a way to initiate a thread dump when the process terminates? This would at least identify patterns when the process terminates.

  • Issue in process chain with DTP after imported to production

    we have a issue with process chain.
    after transportation DTP technical name is differ in prod and dev. process chain is went inactive.
    i have read some related threads, i'm not find any suitable solution for this.
    we don't have access to change process chain(they are not willing to open prod system)
    could you please provide solution on this issue .
    Edited by: EdK666 on Oct 21, 2011 2:54 PM

    I have observed the behavior of changing technical name for DTP but still I think your process chain should not become inactive due to this.  I think process chain somehow adjust the new technical name but anyways you should be able to change the DTP in process chain directly in production system.
    If that is not possible you can just try re-transporting it.

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  • RFC execution process terminates the Java Process

    Hi All,
      we have a RFC which returns large data with export parameter. While executing JCO.client.execute(), java process is getting terminated. I tried to set the more heap size but of no use. It didn't give any OutOfMemory either.
    The JCO trace file at level 10 shows as below which clearly indicates that something is going wrong at JNI layer of JCO.
    The problem seems to be with allocation of heap size in 'C' layer of JCO.<b>The trace file has below last entries</b>
    <i>JMS Async S21514 [14:34:47:386]: [JNI-LAYER] RFC.Tables_C2Java()                                          enter, [SUCCESS]
    JMS Async S21514 [14:34:47:386]: [JNI-LAYER] RFC.reallocRecordBuffers()                                   enter, [SUCCESS]
    JMS Async S21514 [14:34:47:386]: [JNI-LAYER] RFC.reallocRecordBuffers("ZWNVPAIR"(4AB2BB8C),54D1A740) enter [SUCCESS]</i>
    It seems to suggest that reallocRecordBuffers was never completed and it is this call which could be responsible for java process getting killed.
    I think a successfull call will be recorded as below in JCO trace file:
    Completion of RFC call will be recorded as below in JCO trace file:
    <i>JMS Async S21514 [14:34:47:386]: [JNI-LAYER] RFC.Tables_C2Java()                                          enter, [SUCCESS]
    JMS Async S21514 [14:34:47:386]: [JNI-LAYER] RFC.reallocRecordBuffers()                                   enter, [SUCCESS]
    JMS Async S21514 [14:34:47:386]: [JNI-LAYER] RFC.reallocRecordBuffers("ZWNVPAIR"(4AB2BB8C),54D1A740) enter [SUCCESS]
    JMS Async S21514 [14:34:47:386]: [JNI-LAYER] RFC.reallocRecordBuffers()               with rc = RFC_OK   leave, [SUCCESS]
    JMS Async S21514 [14:34:47:386]: [JNI-LAYER] RFC.Tables_C2Java()                      with rc = RFC_OK   leave, [SUCCESS]
    JMS Async S21514 [14:34:47:386]: [JAV-LAYER] JCO.Client.execute (Z_DB_READER) on handle [X] returns after XXXX ms
    Can anyone please help me here in understanding the above behavior?

    Thanks for reply. Where can i see the timeOut ineterval for Connection or Client object? I am not able to figure out any API which can be used to set the timeout behavior.

  • The iChat Agent process has unexpectedly quit, disconnecting you from all..

    My iChat has been doing this all the time! I can't stay connected for more than an hour without iChat quitting on me and giving me this message:
    *"Disconnected from iChat Agent. The iChat Agent process has unexpectedly quit, disconnecting you from all services. Logging in again will restart it."*
    I have tried these steps to fix the problem with no success.
    Step 1 - Repaired Permissions
    Step 2 - Rebooted off of the DVD or CD and Repaired Disk
    Step 3 - Went to /Users/user_name/Library/Preferences folder and deleted these files:
    Step 4 - Reinstalled the **** thing.
    My iChat works 100%, I have no issues connecting, video conferencing, screen sharing and etc. But every hour or so the connection drops and gives me that **** message!!! *"Disconnected from iChat Agent. The iChat Agent process has unexpectedly quit, disconnecting you from all services. Logging in again will restart it."* So have to keep reconnecting all the time! Sometimes I'm in a middle of a conference and the freackn' thing just drops!!!! (Even tho sometimes I do get that error but my video connection still works offline.... not sure how....)
    I have been in several forums and no one was able to fix this issue! Can some official Apple guy help with this!!! I mean, ****!! What an annoying bug!! I really on iChat to communicate with co-workers and etc as I work remotely. If Adium had video support I wouldn't even wast my time to get this thing working, but iChat is still my best option(when the **** thing works)
    Please any help is greatly appreciated.
    And no its not my router and ISP and this happens with any connection(Coffee shops, public libraries, WiFi Hot Spots....)

    I had the same problem a month or two ago. I spent a few hours on the phone with an Apple tech and after the fourth time calling back was transferred to a Product Specialist (the highest level of Apple technicians). The specialist recommended creating a test account on my Mac and trying to launch iChat to see if the problem was system-wide or a user based issue. When that didn't work I was out of options. What it unfortunately came down to was having to do an Archive and Install (which didn't work) and after hours of backing up did an Erase and Install. After all the smoke cleared and my computer was back to normal, iChat was back and fully functional as before.
    *DO NOT* copy all of your files back onto your Mac. Only copy your documents and music, preferences and nothing else. Chances are you backed up the problem without even knowing it and you would just end up back where you started.
    I did notice that my .Mac account still works in iChat but AIM does not (which just happens to be what I use to communicate with the rest of the world).
    Good Luck!

  • Java process - high CPU usage

    I'm describing a high CPU scenario which gets triggered randomly ( I'm not able to replicate it on my lab setup).
    There are around 120 threads which are running in my java process. The jvm is running on a high traffic (through put) site, where there are a lot of async events coming to the java process.( around 220 events per 60 seconds ). The java process works fine in this scenario, the normal CPU consumption hovers around 1.5 % to 2.0 %.
    But, at times, I've seen CPU to be as high as 43 %, and it stays at that value for hours altogther. In those situations, I usually do a failover to standby java process. I tried debugging the issue to see which java thread could be causing the issue, but, I could not come to a conclusion or replicate the situation in lab environment.
    Here are the details of the execution environment
    java -version
    java version "1.4.2_11"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_11-b06)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_11-b06, mixed mode)
    prstat during high CPU
    10485 root 120 10 0 570M 381M cpu1 268:10 43.64% java
    prstat -Lm -p output
    10485 root 53 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.0 30 0.2 16 69 1K 118 0 java/2
    10485 root 31 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 53 0.2 16 23 778 93 0 java/26
    10485 root 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 99 0.0 0.1 10 16 106 0 java/12
    10485 root 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 3 2 7 0 java/15
    10485 root 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 97 0.0 2.4 120 3 128 0 java/41
    10485 root 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 97 0.0 2.5 120 4 131 0 java/410
    Some more points about the last prstat -Lm output.
    java/2 is "VM Thread" ( responsible for GC). "VM Thread" is having a NORMAL priority ( 5 )
    java/26 is a "Worker" thread, with priority MINIMUM ( 1 ).
    Could you suggest what could be issue, and what other information I could collect to find out the issue. Its difficult to profile the process because the problem scenario is difficult to ascertain and the process is running on a production setup.
    Any help is appreciated.

    Thanks for your response. Both, the production setup and lab setup have have 2 physical CPUs.
    Actually, there are two java threads ( machine is solaris 10) one is "VM Thread" and other is my applications worker thread. (there are 10 of them with priority 1). If you look at the top two lwps in the prstat -Lm , both are showing high value of ICX.
    I'm still not able to drill down to my code level. (Worker thread is waiting on a queue to de-queue server request). Could you give some hint to move foward?

  • Why java process crashes frequently

    We are facing an issue with our Oracle CMS server which is a java process. Content server instance is going down again and again within 5 minutes. We don't see any entries in the content server log files. However there is a crash dump of the java process that we get. I am attaching log entries here. Can any one please guide by looking at the logs as what could be the probable issues for the crash.
    **************************************************************************Java Crash Report *******************************************************************************
    # An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:
    # SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x0000002a95ad3ace, pid=12734, tid=1086544224
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (1.6.0-b105 mixed mode)
    # Problematic frame:
    # V []
    # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
    --------------- T H R E A D ---------------
    Current thread (0x0000002b9fa94800): JavaThread "CompilerThread1" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=12768]
    siginfo:si_signo=11, si_errno=0, si_code=1, si_addr=0x0000000000000008
    RAX=0x0000002ba495faa0, RBX=0x0000000040c337f0, RCX=0x0000000000000000, RDX=0x0000000000000000
    RSP=0x0000000040c330d0, RBP=0x0000000040c33120, RSI=0x0000002ba39c3a30, RDI=0x0000002ba6700040
    R8 =0x0000000000000000, R9 =0x0000002ba547cd40, R10=0x0000000000000807, R11=0x0000000000000807
    R12=0x0000002ba547f8c8, R13=0x0000002ba39c3a30, R14=0x0000000040c337d0, R15=0x0000002ba7275a50
    RIP=0x0000002a95ad3ace, EFL=0x0000000000010287, CSGSFS=0x0000000000002d70, ERR=0x0000000000000004
    Top of Stack: (sp=0x0000000040c330d0)
    0x0000000040c330d0: 0000000000000080 0000002ba7980f39
    0x0000000040c330e0: 0000002ba547f8c9 0000002ba692c211
    0x0000000040c330f0: 0000000040c337f0 0000002ba7275a50
    0x0000000040c33100: 0000000040c33210 0000002ba39c3a30
    0x0000000040c33110: 0000000040c33230 0000000000000003
    0x0000000040c33120: 0000000040c33190 0000002a95ad37a6
    0x0000000040c33130: 0000002ba6e29e58 0000002ba693abe8
    0x0000000040c33140: 0000000300000004 0000000000000000
    0x0000000040c33150: 0000000040c331f0 0000000040c33230
    0x0000000040c33160: 0000000040c337d0 0000002ba67f6690
    0x0000000040c33170: 0000002ba692c280 0000000040c337d0
    0x0000000040c33180: 0000000040c331f0 0000000000000001
    0x0000000040c33190: 0000000040c33280 0000002a95ad102e
    0x0000000040c331a0: 0000000040c339f0 0000000040c33210
    0x0000000040c331b0: 0000002ba7273928 0000000040c339f0
    0x0000000040c331c0: 0000000040c33230 0000002b9fa94bd0
    0x0000000040c331d0: 0000000040c33840 0000002a95b585a1
    0x0000000040c331e0: 0000000000000000 0000000040c339f0
    0x0000000040c331f0: 0000002b9fa94bd0 0000009900000100
    0x0000000040c33200: 0000002ba67f80c0 0000002a000000e5
    0x0000000040c33210: 0000002ba67f1a90 0000002ba67f6520
    0x0000000040c33220: 0000002ba67f1a80 0000002b9fa94bd0
    0x0000000040c33230: 0000002a95e4a550 0000002b9fa94bd0
    0x0000000040c33240: 0000000000000080 0000002ba67f6aa0
    0x0000000040c33250: 0000000040c33c40 0000000040c338a0
    0x0000000040c33260: 0000000040c34af0 0000000040c341c0
    0x0000000040c33270: 0000000000000029 0000000040c339f0
    0x0000000040c33280: 0000000040c33d20 0000002a958745eb
    0x0000000040c33290: 0000002b9fa95058 0000000000000000
    0x0000000040c332a0: 0000000000000000 0000000040c33cb0
    0x0000000040c332b0: 0000002b9fa94bd0 0000002ba753c0f0
    0x0000000040c332c0: 0000002ba75436b0 0000002ba75440d8
    Instructions: (pc=0x0000002a95ad3ace)
    0x0000002a95ad3abe: 66 90 49 8b be b0 00 00 00 45 89 c0 4a 8b 0c c7
    0x0000002a95ad3ace: 4c 8b 59 08 49 83 3b 00 75 2f 8b 73 08 66 66 90
    Stack: [0x0000000040b35000,0x0000000040c36000), sp=0x0000000040c330d0, free space=1016k
    Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
    V []
    V []
    V []
    V []
    V []
    V []
    V []
    V []
    V []
    V []
    V []
    C []
    C 0x0000000000000000
    Current CompileTask:
    C2:1639 collections.CollectionHelper$;Ljava/lang/Object;)I (425 bytes)
    --------------- P R O C E S S ---------------
    Java Threads: ( => current thread )
    0x0000002ba76ca400 JavaThread "IdcServerThread-742" daemon [_thread_in_Java, id=16714]
    0x0000002ba615e400 JavaThread "IdcServerThread-740" daemon [_thread_in_Java, id=16712]
    0x0000002ba939f000 JavaThread "IdcServerThread-738" daemon [_thread_in_Java, id=16710]
    0x0000002ba3ee7800 JavaThread "TaskLauncher stdout" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=16491]
    0x0000002ba34c7000 JavaThread "TaskLauncher stderr" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=16490]
    0x0000002ba3216400 JavaThread "process reaper" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=16488]
    0x0000002ba2ec6400 JavaThread "Thread-517" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=16270]
    0x0000002ba2ec5c00 JavaThread "process reaper" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=16268]
    0x0000002ba2ec2400 JavaThread "Thread-465" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=16116]
    0x0000002ba2e57800 JavaThread "process reaper" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=16113]
    0x0000002ba5b83c00 JavaThread "Keep-Alive-Timer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=15173]
    0x0000002ba4951000 JavaThread "Thread-20" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=14472]
    0x0000000040114800 JavaThread "DestroyJavaVM" [_thread_blocked, id=12758]
    0x0000002ba428e000 JavaThread "OutgoingProviderMonitor" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=14465]
    0x0000002ba456bc00 JavaThread "LDAPConnThread Lonads06.EU.COLT:389" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=14464]
    0x0000002ba456b400 JavaThread "LDAPConnThread Lonads06.EU.COLT:389" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=14463]
    0x0000002ba4b96c00 JavaThread "LDAPConnThread Lonads06.EU.COLT:389" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=14462]
    0x0000002ba4593c00 JavaThread "LDAPConnThread Lonads06.EU.COLT:389" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=14461]
    0x0000002ba47e5800 JavaThread "LDAPConnThread Lonads06.EU.COLT:389" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=14460]
    0x0000002ba4261000 JavaThread "tcp/4477 listener" [_thread_in_native, id=14459]
    0x0000002ba4291400 JavaThread "scs-StellentEmbedded-Monitor" [_thread_blocked, id=14457]
    0x0000002ba4290c00 JavaThread "scs-StellentEmbedded-Processor4" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=14456]
    0x0000002ba412b800 JavaThread "scs-StellentEmbedded-Processor3" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=14455]
    0x0000002ba412b000 JavaThread "scs-StellentEmbedded-Processor2" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=14454]
    0x0000002ba4220800 JavaThread "scs-StellentEmbedded-Processor1" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=14453]
    0x0000002ba4220400 JavaThread "ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[Stellent Embedded]]" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=14452]
    0x0000002b9f9aa800 JavaThread "tcp/5551 listener" [_thread_in_native, id=14447]
    0x0000002ba32fe400 JavaThread "TaskMonitor" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=13066]
    0x0000002ba32cf400 JavaThread "index update notify" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=13063]
    0x0000002ba3438800 JavaThread "index update work" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=13062]
    0x0000002ba3192400 JavaThread "WebDAVUnlocker" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=12803]
    0x0000002ba2d74400 JavaThread "EventManager" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=12800]
    0x0000002ba3936000 JavaThread "Thread-2" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=12799]
    0x0000002ba33ed400 JavaThread "IndexerMonitor" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=12798]
    0x0000002ba49bfc00 JavaThread "SubjectManager" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=12797]
    0x0000002ba3e4f800 JavaThread "FileUtilsLockThread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=12794]
    0x0000002ba41d1400 JavaThread "Archive TransferMonitor" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=12793]
    0x0000002ba4043400 JavaThread "Archive lock" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=12792]
    0x0000002ba2e08000 JavaThread "Scheduled System Events" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=12791]
    0x0000002ba3da1800 JavaThread "SearchCache" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=12790]
    0x0000002ba3d57800 JavaThread "SchemaPublisher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=12787]
    0x0000002ba313d000 JavaThread "OracleTimeoutPollingThread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=12784]
    0x0000002b9fa96800 JavaThread "Low Memory Detector" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=12769]
    =>0x0000002b9fa94800 JavaThread "CompilerThread1" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=12768]
    0x0000002b9fa92c00 JavaThread "CompilerThread0" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=12767]
    0x0000002b9fa91400 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=12766]
    0x0000002b9fa6e000 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=12765]
    0x0000002b9fa6d000 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=12764]
    Other Threads:
    0x0000002b9fa68400 VMThread [id=12763]
    0x0000002b9fa98800 WatcherThread [id=12770]
    VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)
    VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
    par new generation total 471872K, used 260567K [0x0000002a995a0000, 0x0000002ab95a0000, 0x0000002ab95a0000)
    eden space 419456K, 58% used [0x0000002a995a0000, 0x0000002aa84dc980, 0x0000002ab2f40000)
    from space 52416K, 29% used [0x0000002ab6270000, 0x0000002ab71a95e0, 0x0000002ab95a0000)
    to space 52416K, 0% used [0x0000002ab2f40000, 0x0000002ab2f40000, 0x0000002ab6270000)
    tenured generation total 3670016K, used 125050K [0x0000002ab95a0000, 0x0000002b995a0000, 0x0000002b995a0000)
    the space 3670016K, 3% used [0x0000002ab95a0000, 0x0000002ac0fbe8b0, 0x0000002ac0fbea00, 0x0000002b995a0000)
    compacting perm gen total 35648K, used 35426K [0x0000002b995a0000, 0x0000002b9b870000, 0x0000002b9e9a0000)
    the space 35648K, 99% used [0x0000002b995a0000, 0x0000002b9b838a00, 0x0000002b9b838a00, 0x0000002b9b870000)
    No shared spaces configured.
    Dynamic libraries:
    40000000-40009000 r-xp 00000000 fd:04 327862 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/bin/java
    40108000-4010a000 rw-p 00008000 fd:04 327862 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/bin/java
    4010a000-4012b000 rwxp 4010a000 00:00 0
    4012b000-4012e000 ---p 4012b000 00:00 0
    4012e000-4022c000 rwxp 4012e000 00:00 0
    4022c000-4022d000 ---p 4022c000 00:00 0
    4022d000-4032d000 rwxp 4022d000 00:00 0
    4032d000-4032e000 ---p 4032d000 00:00 0
    4032e000-4042e000 rwxp 4032e000 00:00 0
    4042e000-4042f000 ---p 4042e000 00:00 0
    4042f000-4052f000 rwxp 4042f000 00:00 0
    4052f000-40530000 ---p 4052f000 00:00 0
    40530000-40630000 rwxp 40530000 00:00 0
    40630000-40631000 ---p 40630000 00:00 0
    40631000-40731000 rwxp 40631000 00:00 0
    40731000-40734000 ---p 40731000 00:00 0
    40734000-40832000 rwxp 40734000 00:00 0
    40832000-40835000 ---p 40832000 00:00 0
    40835000-40933000 rwxp 40835000 00:00 0
    40933000-40936000 ---p 40933000 00:00 0
    40936000-40a34000 rwxp 40936000 00:00 0
    40a34000-40a37000 ---p 40a34000 00:00 0
    40a37000-40b35000 rwxp 40a37000 00:00 0
    40b35000-40b38000 ---p 40b35000 00:00 0
    40b38000-40c36000 rwxp 40b38000 00:00 0
    40c36000-40c39000 ---p 40c36000 00:00 0
    40c39000-40d37000 rwxp 40c39000 00:00 0
    40d37000-40d38000 ---p 40d37000 00:00 0
    40d38000-40e38000 rwxp 40d38000 00:00 0
    40e38000-40e3b000 ---p 40e38000 00:00 0
    40e3b000-40f39000 rwxp 40e3b000 00:00 0
    40f39000-40f3c000 ---p 40f39000 00:00 0
    40f3c000-4103a000 rwxp 40f3c000 00:00 0
    4103a000-4103d000 ---p 4103a000 00:00 0
    4103d000-4113b000 rwxp 4103d000 00:00 0
    4113b000-4113e000 ---p 4113b000 00:00 0
    4113e000-4123c000 rwxp 4113e000 00:00 0
    4123c000-4123f000 ---p 4123c000 00:00 0
    4123f000-4133d000 rwxp 4123f000 00:00 0
    4133d000-41340000 ---p 4133d000 00:00 0
    41340000-4143e000 rwxp 41340000 00:00 0
    4143e000-41441000 ---p 4143e000 00:00 0
    41441000-4153f000 rwxp 41441000 00:00 0
    4153f000-41542000 ---p 4153f000 00:00 0
    41542000-41640000 rwxp 41542000 00:00 0
    41640000-41643000 ---p 41640000 00:00 0
    41643000-41741000 rwxp 41643000 00:00 0
    41741000-41744000 ---p 41741000 00:00 0
    41744000-41842000 rwxp 41744000 00:00 0
    41842000-41845000 ---p 41842000 00:00 0
    41845000-41943000 rwxp 41845000 00:00 0
    41943000-41946000 ---p 41943000 00:00 0
    41946000-41a44000 rwxp 41946000 00:00 0
    41a44000-41a47000 ---p 41a44000 00:00 0
    41a47000-41b45000 rwxp 41a47000 00:00 0
    41b45000-41b48000 ---p 41b45000 00:00 0
    41b48000-41c46000 rwxp 41b48000 00:00 0
    41c46000-41c49000 ---p 41c46000 00:00 0
    41c49000-41d47000 rwxp 41c49000 00:00 0
    41d47000-41d4a000 ---p 41d47000 00:00 0
    41d4a000-41e48000 rwxp 41d4a000 00:00 0
    41e48000-41e4b000 ---p 41e48000 00:00 0
    41e4b000-41f49000 rwxp 41e4b000 00:00 0
    41f49000-41f4c000 ---p 41f49000 00:00 0
    41f4c000-4204a000 rwxp 41f4c000 00:00 0
    4204a000-4204d000 ---p 4204a000 00:00 0
    4204d000-4214b000 rwxp 4204d000 00:00 0
    4214b000-4214e000 ---p 4214b000 00:00 0
    4214e000-4224c000 rwxp 4214e000 00:00 0
    4224c000-4224f000 ---p 4224c000 00:00 0
    4224f000-4234d000 rwxp 4224f000 00:00 0
    4234d000-42350000 ---p 4234d000 00:00 0
    42350000-4244e000 rwxp 42350000 00:00 0
    4244e000-42451000 ---p 4244e000 00:00 0
    42451000-4254f000 rwxp 42451000 00:00 0
    4254f000-42552000 ---p 4254f000 00:00 0
    42552000-42650000 rwxp 42552000 00:00 0
    42650000-42653000 ---p 42650000 00:00 0
    42653000-42751000 rwxp 42653000 00:00 0
    42751000-42754000 ---p 42751000 00:00 0
    42754000-42852000 rwxp 42754000 00:00 0
    42852000-42855000 ---p 42852000 00:00 0
    42855000-42953000 rwxp 42855000 00:00 0
    42953000-42956000 ---p 42953000 00:00 0
    42956000-42a54000 rwxp 42956000 00:00 0
    42a54000-42a57000 ---p 42a54000 00:00 0
    42a57000-42b55000 rwxp 42a57000 00:00 0
    42b55000-42b58000 ---p 42b55000 00:00 0
    42b58000-42c56000 rwxp 42b58000 00:00 0
    42c56000-42c59000 ---p 42c56000 00:00 0
    42c59000-42d57000 rwxp 42c59000 00:00 0
    42d57000-42d5a000 ---p 42d57000 00:00 0
    42d5a000-42e58000 rwxp 42d5a000 00:00 0
    42e58000-42e5b000 ---p 42e58000 00:00 0
    42e5b000-42f59000 rwxp 42e5b000 00:00 0
    42f59000-42f5c000 ---p 42f59000 00:00 0
    42f5c000-4305a000 rwxp 42f5c000 00:00 0
    4305a000-4305d000 ---p 4305a000 00:00 0
    4305d000-4315b000 rwxp 4305d000 00:00 0
    4315b000-4315e000 ---p 4315b000 00:00 0
    4315e000-4325c000 rwxp 4315e000 00:00 0
    4325c000-4325f000 ---p 4325c000 00:00 0
    4325f000-4335d000 rwxp 4325f000 00:00 0
    4335d000-43360000 rwxp 4335d000 00:00 0
    43360000-4345e000 rwxp 43360000 00:00 0
    4345e000-43461000 ---p 4345e000 00:00 0
    43461000-4355f000 rwxp 43461000 00:00 0
    4355f000-43562000 ---p 4355f000 00:00 0
    43562000-43660000 rwxp 43562000 00:00 0
    43660000-43663000 ---p 43660000 00:00 0
    43663000-43761000 rwxp 43663000 00:00 0
    43761000-43764000 ---p 43761000 00:00 0
    43764000-43862000 rwxp 43764000 00:00 0
    43862000-43865000 rwxp 43862000 00:00 0
    43865000-43963000 rwxp 43865000 00:00 0
    2a95556000-2a95557000 rw-p 2a95556000 00:00 0
    2a95557000-2a95558000 r--p 2a95557000 00:00 0
    2a95558000-2a95559000 rwxp 2a95558000 00:00 0
    2a95559000-2a9555a000 r--s 00000000 c7:03 119617 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/CheckSCSHealth/classes.jar
    2a95568000-2a95569000 rw-p 2a95568000 00:00 0
    2a95569000-2a95570000 r-xp 00000000 fd:04 327868 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/jli/
    2a95570000-2a95671000 ---p 00007000 fd:04 327868 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/jli/
    2a95671000-2a95673000 rw-p 00008000 fd:04 327868 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/jli/
    2a95673000-2a95675000 rw-p 2a95673000 00:00 0
    2a95675000-2a95cef000 r-xp 00000000 fd:04 327869 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/server/
    2a95cef000-2a95df1000 ---p 0067a000 fd:04 327869 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/server/
    2a95df1000-2a95f1d000 rw-p 0067c000 fd:04 327869 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/server/
    2a95f1d000-2a95f58000 rw-p 2a95f1d000 00:00 0
    2a95f58000-2a95f5f000 r-xp 00000000 fd:04 344863 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/native_threads/
    2a95f5f000-2a96060000 ---p 00007000 fd:04 344863 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/native_threads/
    2a96060000-2a96062000 rw-p 00008000 fd:04 344863 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/native_threads/
    2a96062000-2a96063000 rw-p 2a96062000 00:00 0
    2a96063000-2a9606b000 rw-s 00000000 fd:05 16389 /tmp/hsperfdata_stellent/12734
    2a96074000-2a9607e000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 114716 /lib64/
    2a9607e000-2a9617e000 ---p 0000a000 fd:00 114716 /lib64/
    2a9617e000-2a9617f000 r--p 0000a000 fd:00 114716 /lib64/
    2a9617f000-2a96180000 rw-p 0000b000 fd:00 114716 /lib64/
    2a96180000-2a9618d000 r-xp 00000000 fd:04 327867 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/
    2a9618d000-2a9628c000 ---p 0000d000 fd:04 327867 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/
    2a9628c000-2a9628f000 rw-p 0000c000 fd:04 327867 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/
    2a9628f000-2a962b7000 r-xp 00000000 fd:04 327870 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/
    2a962b7000-2a963b7000 ---p 00028000 fd:04 327870 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/
    2a963b7000-2a963be000 rw-p 00028000 fd:04 327870 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/
    2a963be000-2a963cc000 r-xp 00000000 fd:04 327866 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/
    2a963cc000-2a964ce000 ---p 0000e000 fd:04 327866 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/
    2a964ce000-2a964d1000 rw-p 00010000 fd:04 327866 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/
    2a964d1000-2a964d2000 rw-p 2a964d1000 00:00 0
    2a964d2000-2a96dc2000 rwxp 2a964d2000 00:00 0
    2a96dc2000-2a994d2000 rwxp 2a96dc2000 00:00 0
    2a994d2000-2a994f6000 rwxp 2a994d2000 00:00 0
    2a994f6000-2a99592000 rwxp 2a994f6000 00:00 0
    2a99592000-2a99598000 r--s 00091000 fd:04 327864 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/jsse.jar
    2a995a0000-2b9b870000 rwxp 2a995a0000 00:00 0
    2b9b870000-2b9e9a0000 rwxp 2b9b870000 00:00 0
    2b9e9a0000-2b9f1b2000 rwxp 2b9e9a0000 00:00 0
    2b9f1b2000-2b9f1ca000 rwxp 2b9f1b2000 00:00 0
    2b9f1ca000-2b9f1cb000 rwxp 2b9f1ca000 00:00 0
    2b9f1cb000-2b9f24f000 rw-p 2b9f1cb000 00:00 0
    2b9f24f000-2b9f962000 rwxp 2b9f24f000 00:00 0
    2b9f962000-2b9f97b000 rwxp 2b9f962000 00:00 0
    2b9f97b000-2b9faa3000 rw-p 2b9f97b000 00:00 0
    2b9faa3000-2b9faa9000 r--s 00019000 fd:04 199063 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/classes/endorsed/xml-apis-2.5.0.jar
    2b9faa9000-2b9fabc000 r--s 000d0000 fd:04 199062 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/classes/endorsed/xercesImpl-2.5.0.jar
    2b9fabc000-2b9fade000 r--s 002af000 fd:04 199046 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/classes/endorsed/xalan-2.5.2.jar
    2b9fade000-2b9fc58000 r--s 02c68000 fd:04 327872 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar
    2b9fc58000-2ba2a9e000 r--p 00000000 fd:07 100795 /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
    2ba2a9e000-2ba2b9e000 rw-p 2ba2a9e000 00:00 0
    2ba2b9e000-2ba2b9f000 r--s 00001000 c7:03 131654 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/ActiveDirectoryLdapComponent/classes.jar
    2ba2b9f000-2ba2ba0000 r--s 00001000 c7:03 131709 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/CoreUserInterfaceLibrary/classes.jar
    2ba2ba0000-2ba2ba1000 r--s 0000d000 c7:03 262212 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/LinkManager8/classes.jar
    2ba2ba1000-2ba2ba3000 r--s 0000e000 c7:03 95802 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/SiteStudio/lib/jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar
    2ba2ba3000-2ba2ba4000 r--s 0000b000 c7:03 119636 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/OracleQueryOptimizer/classes.jar
    2ba2ba4000-2ba2ba5000 r--s 00001000 c7:03 134675 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/UserProfileSchemaLoader/classes.jar
    2ba2ba5000-2ba2ba6000 r--s 00000000 c7:03 134759 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/YahooUserInterfaceLibrary/classes.jar
    2ba2ba6000-2ba2baf000 r--s 000c6000 c7:03 134761 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/YahooUserInterfaceLibrary/yuicompressor-2.3.5.jar
    2ba2baf000-2ba2bb0000 r--s 00009000 c7:03 131727 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/FolderStructureArchive/classes.jar
    2ba2bb0000-2ba2bb1000 r--s 00001000 c7:03 119781 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/PopUpCalendar/classes.jar
    2ba2bb1000-2ba2bb3000 r--s 00000000 c7:03 119775 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/WebUrlMapPlugin/classes.jar
    2ba2bb3000-2ba2bb4000 r--s 0000f000 c7:03 57433 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/CoreWebdav/classes.jar
    2ba2bb4000-2ba2bb5000 r--s 00002000 c7:03 52728 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/COLT_IN_AD/lib/COLT_IN_AD.jar
    2ba2bb5000-2ba2bb6000 r--s 00001000 c7:03 52751 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/COLT_IN_ReviewExpiry/lib/COLT_IN_ReviewExpiry.jar
    2ba2bb6000-2ba2cb6000 rw-p 2ba2bb6000 00:00 0
    2ba2cb6000-2ba2cb9000 r--s 00023000 c7:03 52800 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/COLT_IN_Web/lib/jdom.jar
    2ba2cb9000-2ba2cbd000 r--s 0002d000 c7:03 52801 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/COLT_IN_Web/lib/rome-0.8.jar
    2ba2cbd000-2ba2cbf000 r--s 00005000 c7:03 52799 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/COLT_IN_Web/lib/COLT_IN_Web.jar
    2ba2cbf000-2ba2cc0000 r--s 00001000 c7:03 28075 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/comptool/classes.jar
    2ba2cc0000-2ba2cc1000 r--s 00002000 c7:03 131698 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/ComponentTool/classes.jar
    2ba2cc1000-2ba2cc2000 r--s 00001000 c7:03 120782 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/NativeOsUtils/classes.jar
    2ba2cc2000-2ba2ce9000 r--s 00442000 c7:03 131660 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/CS10gR3CoreUpdate/classes.jar
    2ba2ce9000-2ba2cec000 r--s 00013000 fd:04 327751 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/jce.jar
    2ba2cec000-2ba2cef000 r--s 00027000 fd:04 327785 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/ext/sunjce_provider.jar
    2ba2d00000-2ba2dfb000 rw-p 2ba2d00000 00:00 0
    2ba2dfb000-2ba2e00000 ---p 2ba2dfb000 00:00 0
    2ba2e00000-2ba2f00000 rw-p 2ba2e00000 00:00 0
    2ba2f63000-2ba3063000 rw-p 2ba2f63000 00:00 0
    2ba3100000-2ba3200000 rw-p 2ba3100000 00:00 0
    2ba3200000-2ba3300000 rw-p 2ba3200000 00:00 0
    2ba3300000-2ba3301000 r--s 00001000 c7:03 254068 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/Helper/lib/Helper.jar
    2ba3301000-2ba3305000 r--s 00050000 c7:03 253978 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/Folders_g/classes.jar
    2ba3369000-2ba3392000 r--s 0039a000 fd:04 182980 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/classes/
    2ba3392000-2ba33cc000 r--s 00337000 fd:04 182983 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/classes/jspserver.jar
    2ba33cc000-2ba34cc000 rw-p 2ba33cc000 00:00 0
    2ba34cc000-2ba34d1000 r--s 0003c000 fd:04 182982 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/classes/ldapjdk.jar
    2ba34d1000-2ba352d000 r--s 00b39000 fd:04 327863 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/lib/tools.jar
    2ba352d000-2ba353d000 r--s 00169000 fd:04 182981 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/classes/ojdbc14.jar
    2ba358f000-2ba3596000 r--s 00106000 fd:04 327871 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/resources.jar
    2ba3596000-2ba359a000 r--s 0002f000 fd:04 182974 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/classes/commons-lang-2.1.jar
    2ba359a000-2ba359c000 r--s 0000c000 fd:04 180249 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/classes/activation.jar
    2ba359c000-2ba35a3000 r--s 00051000 fd:04 182979 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/classes/log4j-1.2.12.jar
    2ba35a3000-2ba35aa000 r--s 00051000 fd:04 182984 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/classes/mail.jar
    2ba35aa000-2ba35ab000 r--s 00002000 fd:04 182970 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/classes/COMMON.jar
    2ba3600000-2ba36fc000 rw-p 2ba3600000 00:00 0
    2ba36fc000-2ba3700000 ---p 2ba36fc000 00:00 0
    2ba3700000-2ba371a000 r-xp 00000000 c7:03 120789 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/NativeOsUtils/lib/linux64/
    2ba371a000-2ba3819000 ---p 0001a000 c7:03 120789 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/NativeOsUtils/lib/linux64/
    2ba3819000-2ba381b000 rw-p 00019000 c7:03 120789 /u01/ucm-share/idcm2/custom/NativeOsUtils/lib/linux64/
    2ba381b000-2ba382b000 rw-p 2ba381b000 00:00 0
    2ba3900000-2ba39f4000 rw-p 2ba3900000 00:00 0
    2ba39f4000-2ba3a00000 ---p 2ba39f4000 00:00 0
    2ba3a00000-2ba3b00000 rw-p 2ba3a00000 00:00 0
    2ba3b21000-2ba3b34000 r-xp 00000000 fd:04 327865 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/
    2ba3b34000-2ba3c35000 ---p 00013000 fd:04 327865 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/
    2ba3c35000-2ba3c38000 rw-p 00014000 fd:04 327865 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/
    2ba3d18000-2ba3f18000 rw-p 2ba3d18000 00:00 0
    2ba3f76000-2ba4076000 rw-p 2ba3f76000 00:00 0
    2ba4100000-2ba41f8000 rw-p 2ba4100000 00:00 0
    2ba41f8000-2ba4200000 ---p 2ba41f8000 00:00 0
    2ba4200000-2ba42f8000 rw-p 2ba4200000 00:00 0
    2ba42f8000-2ba4300000 ---p 2ba42f8000 00:00 0
    2ba4300000-2ba4304000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 114714 /lib64/
    2ba4304000-2ba4403000 ---p 00004000 fd:00 114714 /lib64/
    2ba4403000-2ba4404000 r--p 00003000 fd:00 114714 /lib64/
    2ba4404000-2ba4405000 rw-p 00004000 fd:00 114714 /lib64/
    2ba4500000-2ba45fe000 rw-p 2ba4500000 00:00 0
    2ba45fe000-2ba4600000 ---p 2ba45fe000 00:00 0
    2ba4600000-2ba4607000 r-xp 00000000 fd:04 327818 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/
    2ba4607000-2ba4706000 ---p 00007000 fd:04 327818 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/
    2ba4706000-2ba4708000 rw-p 00006000 fd:04 327818 /Stellent/idcm2/shared/os/linux64/jdk1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/
    2ba4770000-2ba4870000 rw-p 2ba4770000 00:00 0
    2ba4900000-2ba49f7000 rw-p 2ba4900000 00:00 0
    2ba49f7000-2ba4a00000 ---p 2ba49f7000 00:00 0
    2ba4a00000-2ba4d00000 rw-p 2ba4a00000 00:00 0
    2ba4d45000-2ba4e45000 rw-p 2ba4d45000 00:00 0
    2ba4eaf000-2ba4faf000 rw-p 2ba4eaf000 00:00 0
    2ba5149000-2ba5249000 rw-p 2ba5149000 00:00 0
    2ba5300000-2ba53ee000 rw-p 2ba5300000 00:00 0
    2ba53ee000-2ba5400000 ---p 2ba53ee000 00:00 0
    2ba5400000-2ba54f0000 rw-p 2ba5400000 00:00 0
    2ba54f0000-2ba5500000 ---p 2ba54f0000 00:00 0
    2ba55ac000-2ba56ac000 rw-p 2ba55ac000 00:00 0
    2ba5800000-2ba5900000 rw-p 2ba5800000 00:00 0
    2ba5900000-2ba5afa000 rw-p 2ba5900000 00:00 0
    2ba5afa000-2ba5b00000 ---p 2ba5afa000 00:00 0
    2ba5b00000-2ba5cfe000 rw-p 2ba5b00000 00:00 0
    2ba5cfe000-2ba5d00000 ---p 2ba5cfe000 00:00 0
    2ba5d00000-2ba5dff000 rw-p 2ba5d00000 00:00 0
    2ba5dff000-2ba5e00000 ---p 2ba5dff000 00:00 0
    2ba5f00000-2ba5ffe000 rw-p 2ba5f00000 00:00 0
    2ba5ffe000-2ba6000000 ---p 2ba5ffe000 00:00 0
    2ba6000000-2ba60fc000 rw-p 2ba6000000 00:00 0
    2ba60fc000-2ba6100000 ---p 2ba60fc000 00:00 0
    2ba6100000-2ba61fe000 rw-p 2ba6100000 00:00 0
    2ba61fe000-2ba6200000 ---p 2ba61fe000 00:00 0
    2ba6200000-2ba62e9000 rw-p 2ba6200000 00:00 0
    2ba62e9000-2ba6300000 ---p 2ba62e9000 00:00 0
    2ba6400000-2ba64fa000 rw-p 2ba6400000 00:00 0
    2ba64fa000-2ba6500000 ---p 2ba64fa000 00:00 0
    2ba6500000-2ba65ff000 rw-p 2ba6500000 00:00 0
    2ba65ff000-2ba6600000 ---p 2ba65ff000 00:00 0
    2ba6600000-2ba66f6000 rw-p 2ba6600000 00:00 0
    2ba66f6000-2ba6700000 ---p 2ba66f6000 00:00 0
    2ba6700000-2ba67fa000 rw-p 2ba6700000 00:00 0
    2ba67fa000-2ba6800000 ---p 2ba67fa000 00:00 0
    2ba6900000-2ba69f9000 rw-p 2ba6900000 00:00 0
    2ba69f9000-2ba6a00000 ---p 2ba69f9000 00:00 0
    2ba6b00000-2ba6bfa000 rw-p 2ba6b00000 00:00 0
    2ba6bfa000-2ba6c00000 ---p 2ba6bfa000 00:00 0
    2ba6c00000-2ba6d00000 rw-p 2ba6c00000 00:00 0
    2ba6e00000-2ba6ef9000 rw-p 2ba6e00000 00:00 0
    2ba6ef9000-2ba6f00000 ---p 2ba6ef9000 00:00 0
    2ba7000000-2ba70f5000 rw-p 2ba7000000 00:00 0
    2ba70f5000-2ba7100000 ---p 2ba70f5000 00:00 0
    2ba7100000-2ba71f9000 rw-p 2ba7100000 00:00 0
    2ba71f9000-2ba7200000 ---p 2ba71f9000 00:00 0
    2ba7200000-2ba72f5000 rw-p 2ba7200000 00:00 0
    2ba72f5000-2ba7300000 ---p 2ba72f5000 00:00 0
    2ba7300000-2ba7500000 rw-p 2ba7300000 00:00 0
    2ba7500000-2ba75fc000 rw-p 2ba7500000 00:00 0
    2ba75fc000-2ba7600000 ---p 2ba75fc000 00:00 0
    2ba7600000-2ba7800000 rw-p 2ba7600000 00:00 0
    2ba7800000-2ba78ff000 rw-p 2ba7800000 00:00 0
    2ba78ff000-2ba7900000 ---p 2ba78ff000 00:00 0
    2ba7900000-2ba7a00000 rw-p 2ba7900000 00:00 0
    2ba7b00000-2ba7d00000 rw-p 2ba7b00000 00:00 0
    2ba7e00000-2ba8000000 rw-p 2ba7e00000 00:00 0
    2ba8300000-2ba8400000 rw-p 2ba8300000 00:00 0
    2ba8600000-2ba8b00000 rw-p 2ba8600000 00:00 0
    2ba9000000-2ba9100000 rw-p 2ba9000000 00:00 0
    2ba9100000-2ba9500000 rw-p 2ba9100000 00:00 0

    Looks like Stellent comes with the JRE built in, judging from the stuff in the shared-libs. This smells like a HotSpot bug - you might dig around in the Sun bug database and see if there's anything similar there. In any event, the advice to work with oracle/Stellent is sound, since everything in that log points at something either in Stellent or in the Sun JRE itself.

  • CJS-30152  Java process dispatcher of instance RP8/DVEBMGS01 [ABAP: ACTIVE

    We are installing an SAP system with HA option.
    System Info :-
    OS : RHEL5
    Database : Oracle
    SID : RP8
    physical host: cipocvm
    virtual host : ciRP8
    While installing CI ,ABAP+JAVA
    ABAP Started but JAVA Instance stopped starting in phase "Prepare to install minimal configuration".
    Error as below:
    ERROR      2012-01-03 20:20:27.346
    CJS-30152  Java process dispatcher of instance RP8/DVEBMGS01 [ABAP: ACTIVE, Java: (dispatcher: UNKNOWN, server0: UNKNOWN)] did not reach state STARTING_APPS after 20:00 minutes. Giving up.
    defaultTrace.0.trc -
    >[impl:5]_71##0#0#Error##Plain###Service webdynpro error Failed to access Web Dynpro container. during shutdown.#[impl:5]_71##0#0#Error#1#/System/Server#Plain###Failed to access Web Dynpro container.#[impl:5] Failed to access Web Dynpro container.#[impl:5] Failed to access Web Dynpro container.
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to invoke the method of an object returned from
            ... 6 more[Thread-88,5,main]##0#0#Error##Plain###Unexpected thread activity after interrupt() is executed in shutdown of SAPEngine_System_Thread[impl:5]_ThreadManager:
    Task: - Processing Task [classname: | toString:] with classloader [[email protected];;library:security.class;library:webservices_lib;service:adminadapter;service:basicadmin;;service:configuration;service:connector;service:dbpool;service:deploy;service:jmx;service:jmx_notification;service:keystore;service:security;service:userstore]#[Thread-88,5,main]##0#0#Error##Plain###Unexpected thread activity after interrupt() is executed in shutdown of SAPEngine_System_Thread[impl:5]_ThreadManager:
    Task: - Processing Task [classname: | toString: [email protected]7a42eb59] with classloader [[email protected]6e4c@service:log_configurator]#
    server.0.log -
    #1.#525400C50A02007300000047000030590004B59E6935A059#1325591881424#/System/[Thread-88,5,main] log_configurator stopped. (0 ms)#
    #1.#525400C50A02007300000048000030590004B59E6935A4CB#1325591881426#/System/[Thread-88,5,main] jmx_notification stopped. (0 ms)#
    #1.#525400C50A02007300000049000030590004B59E6935A708#1325591881426#/System/[Thread-88,5,main] runtimeinfo stopped. (0 ms)#
    #1.#525400C50A0200730000004A000030590004B59E6938A570#1325591881622#/System/[Thread-88,5,main] stopped successfully#1#ConfigurationManager#
    #1.#525400C50A0200730000004B000030590004B59E6938A94D#1325591881623#/System/[Thread-88,5,main] locks for cluster-element removed successfully#1#18989150#
    #1.#525400C50A0200730000004C000030590004B59E6938A9CE#1325591881623#/System/[Thread-88,5,main] stopped successfully#1#LockingManager#
    #1.#525400C50A02007700000000000030590004B59E6938ABA6#1325591881624#/System/ J2EE Engine|MS Queue Received error command to stop listener queue.#
    #1.#525400C50A0200730000004F000030590004B59E69451A50#1325591882439#/System/[Thread-88,5,main] stopped.#
    security.0.log -
    {(java.lang.RuntimePermission queuePrintJob)(java.lang.RuntimePermission stopThread)(java.lang.RuntimePermission loadLibrary)}
    {( * connect,resolve)( localhost:1024- listen,resolve)}
    {( * read,write)}
    {(java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.vendor read)(java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.version read)(java.util.PropertyPermission read)(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor read)(java.util.PropertyPermission file.separator read)(java.util.PropertyPermission java.version read)(java.util.PropertyPermission java.class.version read)(java.util.PropertyPermission os.arch read)(java.util.PropertyPermission os.version read)(java.util.PropertyPermission read)(java.util.PropertyPermission path.separator read)(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.vendor read)(java.util.PropertyPermission read)(java.util.PropertyPermission * read)(java.util.PropertyPermission read)(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor.url read)(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.vendor read)(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.version read)(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.version read)(java.util.PropertyPermission line.separator read)}
    #1.#525400C50A02002E00000003000030590004B59E6902C1C0#1325591878091#/System/Security/[impl:5]"Virus Scan Provider" service stopped.##
    #1.#525400C50A02000800000001000030590004B59E69356481#1325591881409#/System/[impl:5] userstore stopped OK#
    I may please be guided.
    Kindest Regards

    Hello Sonia,
    Can you ask your network team to monitor the traffic between primary and virtual host when you try to start java i.e STARTING_APP as it tries for 20mins and stopped.
    I had the similar issue but with App server.Its almost the similar condition.Our network team managed to open some ports and removed the firewall.
    After that issue got resolved..
    Hope it helps
    Amit Barnawal

  • Error [DTM_10004] The DTM process terminated unexpectedly.

    Good night friends,
    I am using "informaticacloud" service ( to sync with my local database (Sql Server Express version). In SQL Server 2012, the informaticacloud  agent works perfectly. Already in SQL Server Express 2008, tables are imported
    normally. But when begins data insertion, nothing happens. Below the error.
    [DTM_10004] The DTM process terminated unexpectedly. 
    Has anyone faced any similar problem?
    Almost now I have found in informaticacloud website and found people with same problem. Below the link.
    Thanks in advance.

    Here is a link for Troubleshooting: Common Error Messages
    “[DTM_10004] The DTM process terminated unexpectedly.
    This means that the engine could not accomplish the first step in your task. Generally, this indicates that your source file or database is unreadable by the engine (even though you could preview data).  Check your source columns for spaces, dashes, or
    special characters. It could also mean that a virus scanner, content filter, or proxy server is blocking agent access to the source.”
    Meanwhile, this issue is related to informatica cloud. Please understand that we has the very limited resources about the third party program. For quick and accurate answers to your questions, it is recommended that you initial a new thread in the informatica
    forum via the below link:
    The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us. Thank you for your understanding.
    Hope the issue will be resolved soon.
    Tracy Cai
    TechNet Community Support

  • Single SOA Suite Install with multiple oc4j instances and java processes

    We right now have 5 BPEL processes and 5 ESB processes all running under one java.exe process. We would like to seperate some of
    them out into their own java.exe processes without having to install more
    %ORACLE_HOME% instances of SOA Suite. I can create an oc4j instance but of
    course it doesn't have any SOA Suite stuff deployed to it. I tried to see what
    the install would do with this new oc4j instance but it wants to create a new
    %ORACLE_HOME% with an entire installation of SOA Suite.
    Is there some sort of way to clone oc4j instances that have SOA Suite deployed to them so that you
    don't need multiple %ORACLE_HOME% instances?
    ### How is this Issue Impacting Your Business ###
    We really don't want to have a lot of %ORACLE_HOME% instances to have to maintain. We are
    migrating projects over from our current integration server product and we'll
    have potentially dozens more BPEL and ESB projects. We definitely want to
    group and isolate projects so that outages of one project do not bring down
    others that are unrelated.
    We are currently experiencing periodic problems with one BPEL project that requires recycling but all the other BPEL and ESB
    projects get recycled also. If we could put this project into it's own java
    process without creating another SOA SUITE instance, it would be a big
    You can create multiple domains in BPEL or create multiple systems/groups in ESB to group different projects.
    We have been using systems/groups in ESB but they all run under the save java.exe process. I would assume that having a seperate domain in BPEL would also run in that same java.exe process.
    Right now, the one BPEL project we have a problem with will gobble up all the JDBC connections from time to time and that requires a recycle of SOA Suite, which means all BPEL and ESB projects that run in that java.exe process get recycled also. We're working that issue in a different ticket.
    It would be nice if the SOA Suite installation would install against a new oc4j instance and not assume it has to create a complete %ORACLE_HOME% instance. The components of SOA Suite seem to be J2EE based components.
    Scenario: I already have an oc4j instance called oc4j_soa and a complete %ORACLE_HOME% installation of soa suite. I then create a new oc4j instance from Enterprise Manager. Then I would deploy the esb-dt, esb-rt, orabpel, etc. components of SOA Suite to that new oc4j instance and modify the necessary config file so that it can work with OHS and the SOA Suite Databases. Is this possible?
    Does anyone have any experience with this or do people typically install multiple complete installation of SOA Suite with mulitple Oracle Homes?

    yes, on metalink you get in touch with real experts....
    You have to install serveral application servers to get different ORACLE_HOMEs.
    For each one, you can install a BPEL PM.
    But: For each BPEL PM you need your own database instance, or you have to configure them as a clustered BPEL installation.... (but i do not know if this work with non RAC DBs)

  • WebLogic java process requieres 99% load after XMLP report creation

    we're experiencing production problems with on XMLP report which is triggered and processes completely by application package PC.
    Creation of a pdf file works fine but on the server a WebLogic java process gains 99% load until production is not usable.
    A truss on the server shows:
    appkops@hcmprod-154 > truss -p 13912/90
    +/90:stat64("/app/848/webserv/persdb/applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL/psft/V2099893760", 0xAB3FF7D8) Err#2 ENOENT+
    +/90:stat64("/app/848/webserv/persdb/applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL/psft/V2099893760/B_EA_A_VORBL.pdf", 0xAB3FF7D8) Err#2 ENOENT+
    +/90:stat64("/app/848/webserv/persdb/applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL/psft/V2099893760", 0xAB3FF7D8) Err#2 ENOENT+
    +/90:stat64("/app/848/webserv/persdb/applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL/psft/V2099893760/B_EA_A_VORBL.pdf", 0xAB3FF7D8) Err#2 ENOENT+
    +/90:stat64("/app/848/webserv/persdb/applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL/psft/V2099893760", 0xAB3FF7D8) Err#2 ENOENT+
    +/90:stat64("/app/848/webserv/persdb/applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL/psft/V2099893760/B_EA_A_VORBL.pdf", 0xAB3FF7D8) Err#2 ENOENT+
    and so on...
    The application package PC looks as follows:
    import PSXP_RPTDEFNMANAGER:ReportDefn;
    Local PSXP_RPTDEFNMANAGER:ReportDefn &Vorblatt = create PSXP_RPTDEFNMANAGER:ReportDefn("B_EA_A_VORBL");
    Local string &sXML;
    +&Vorblatt.ProcessReport("", "", %Date, "");+
    So it looks as if the server process tries to delete a directory and output file which are no longer there?!?
    Does anyone see a problem with the above PC or the solution in general?
    Any help is very appreciated.
    Edited by: clausthaler on 05.01.2011 02:59

    What happends if you try to issue your query from a SQL prompt? Does it work? Now, what is it written at the alert.log at the time this error arises? Is this version certified against 10g?
    There are some issues when connecting the jdbc driver with Oracle 10g ( some patches may need to be applied.

  • Java Process with High CPU

    I have a java process running on HP-UX with a 1.4.2 JVM. This program is using some third-party code (quartz) to act as a batch scheduler similar to cron. When running in production, the process runs fine for several days and then starts maxing out the CPU. The server has 8 cpu's and the last time the problem occured, 4 of the cpu's were 100% in use with this process.
    I've tried sending a "kill -3 pid" but I can't seem to get a thread dump. I've eventually gotten some 700Meg core files. Is there anyway to use these core files to tell me what is going on?
    Any ideas on how to trouble shoot this problem? We've used some profilers but we can't duplicate the problem on test servers so we aren't learning anything new.

    Try pstack to read the stacks of the threads in the process.
    Try pldd to determine the shared libraries in the process then
    use truss to trace calls in any of these libraries to determine where
    the cycles are being spent.

  • Ps -p running very slow (1-2 seconds) on Java process

    Hi Solaris gurus:
    I encountered a issue that running ps -p on java process running very slow, it took almost 2 seconds to complete.
    I issued a truss on the "ps -p " command, the following is part of the output:
    /1: 0.0001 fstat(1, 0xFFFFFFFF7FFFE1F0) = 0
    /1: 0.0000 write(1, " U I D P".., 55) = 55
    /1: 0.0002 open("/proc/19299/psinfo", O_RDONLY) = 3
    */1: 1.3170 read(3, "02\0\0\0\0\0\011\0\0 K c".., 416) = 416*
    /1: 1.2401 close(3) = 0
    /1: 0.0002 stat("/dev/tty", 0xFFFFFFFF7FFFE830) = 0
    It seems that the read() spent the most time.
    Anyone can help?

    Not enough memory, page-outs is too large
    8.91 GB    Page-outs
    After removing adware, and do a safe boot of Safari and remove extensions, then reset cache history etc. You need to do a boot into Recovery Mode and run Disk Repair from there. Also boot the system in Safe Mode.
    On startup it sounds like you have a problem with the directory which would also account for long startups and checking the directory. Along with or instead of DU Repair Disk you can use Single User Mode and fsck -fy to try to fix the directory but in some cases that may not be enough.
    Backups from before you got this adware and problems helps and should always be ready and able to restore a system from known good backups or system restore image.
    4GB of RAM may have been fine originally but "Early 2011" is now 5 years and 4 OS version changes. You can upgrade the memory and while at it consider a nice SSD internal drive which will help as well. Take a look and see what prices and options there are from for your 2011 MacBook Pro.
    Community for MBP MacBook Pro

  • ExecTask - Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream

    BOXI 3.1 FP 7 deployed on AIX environment with all the lang packs. Trying to install SP2 on AIX, when it comes to deploying the war files, AnalyticalReporting, the install encounters error. This error appears to be with size of the war file.  Anyone came across this issue?
    2010-03-30 10:10:00,633   Target - Target "expand_and_package" started.
    2010-03-30 10:10:00,634   Delete - Deleting directory /export/home/Business_Objects/global/deployment/workdir/tomcat55/resources/web/AnalyticalReporting
    2010-03-30 10:10:00,798    Mkdir - Created dir: /export/home/Business_Objects/global/deployment/workdir/tomcat55/resources/web/AnalyticalReporting
    2010-03-30 10:10:00,828    Mkdir - Created dir: /export/home/Business_Objects/global/deployment/workdir/tomcat55/resources/AnalyticalReporting
    2010-03-30 10:19:32,016 *ExecTask - Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream
    2010-03-30 10:19:32,016 ExecTask -      at Code))
    2010-03-30 10:19:32,017 ExecTask -      at Code))
    2010-03-30 10:19:32,017 ExecTask -      at Code))
    2010-03-30 10:19:32,017 ExecTask -      at Code))
    2010-03-30 10:19:32,017 ExecTask -      at Code))
    2010-03-30 10:19:32,025 ExecTask -      at
    2010-03-30 10:19:32,025 ExecTask -      at
    2010-03-30 10:19:32,051 ExecTask - Result: 1
    2010-03-30 10:19:32,162     Echo - Adding 'webiApplet/**' to the content to bundle with AnalyticalReporting's war file
    2010-03-30 10:19:32,302      Jar - error while reading original manifest: Error opening zip file /export/home/Business_Objects/global/deployment/workdir/tomc
    2010-03-30 10:19:35,354      Jar - Building jar: /export/home/Business_Objects/global/deployment/workdir/tomcat55/application/AnalyticalReporting.war
    2010-03-30 10:20:29,036      Zip - Building zip: /export/home/Business_Objects/global/deployment/workdir/tomcat55/resources/
    2010-03-30 10:23:58,561    Mkdir - Created dir: /export/home/Business_Objects/global/deployment/workdir/tomcat55/resources/web/AnalyticalReporting/WEB-INF
    2010-03-30 10:23:58,564     Copy - Copying 1 file to /export/home/Business_Objects/global/deployment/workdir/tomcat55/resources/web/AnalyticalReporting/WEB-I
    2010-03-30 10:23:58,597   Delete - Deleting directory /export/home/Business_Objects/global/deployment/workdir/tomcat55/resources/AnalyticalReporting
    2010-03-30 10:35:00,636   Target - Target "expand_and_package" finished.

    Don't know which of this factors solved the problem:
    1. Error server:
    AIX 5.2
    jdk 1.3.17 (minimum from docu: 1.3.11)
    $ORACLE_HOME wasn't in the begining of $PATH
    2. success server:
    AIX 5.3
    jdk 1.4.02
    $ORACLE_HOME is now in the begining of $PATH
    cheers Lao De

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  • Perform unicode to UTF-8 conversion on F110 bacs payment file in ABAP

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    Hello, Some years ago I bought Adobe Acrobat 6.0 which I placed on my old computer. Now I have a new computer with windows 7 and the acrobat 6.0 version apears not compatible with this windows version. Does anyone know a solution? Thanks in advance.

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