Professional looking "slideshow"?

I'm trying to put together a sponsor presentation for our volunteer-run movie theater - which will run via DVD projector before each film. We have a lot of photos, logos and still images to work from, and I'll add music and titles and such.
But I can't seem to make the "slides" themselves look decent - I've tried messing around a lot with the whole Ken Burns effect, I've tried no Ken Burns, and nothing just looks as good and crisp as the slideshow function in iDVD - but with that, you can't add titles.
I know this is asking a lot, but is there some good advice out there? Are there some good all-round settings for using photos in iMovie that make for a professional looking presentation on the big screen?

no quite sure, what you mean by "looking decent"… ok, language barriers
a) I personal like a neutral grey background for photos, and probably a thin white line around 'em... needs some photoshopping…
b) have a look at the many options of Photo2Movie… uses "subpixles" for very smooth animations (slow=pride, important, … ehm, decent... )
c) add lots of fade-to-black, a simple way to make pics "more important", because the viewers have some sec to take a deep breath.....
decent enough ?

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    Kayaman wrote:
    I'd recommend as books: Code Complete by McConnell, Design Patterns by Gamma & al. and Refactoring by Martin Fowler.
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    Code Complete goes through the whole software development process, so if you're in the beginning stage it'll contain a lot of information you didn't know of. (Then when you're in a later stage, it contains a lot of information you've forgotten about).Excellent choices.
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    Yes, absolutely. FCS will do a much better, higher quality job. But it will only do what you tell it to do. iMovie and iDVD are great for amateurs because they lead you down a path and prevent you from screwing up too bad. FCS gives you total freedom to do what ever you want, but that also means it allows you to create DVDs that do not work at all. The difference is training.
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    You might consider:
    or something similar.
    BTW, I'm in Spokaloo as well.

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    [email protected] wrote:
    If Garageband does not edit well, and iPhoto does not do music well, what can I use to make a professional looking slideshow?

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    Check this web site out for some samples:
    If there is one that would do a better job, please let me know. Some thing with better built in effects and transitions. Money is not a problem.
    Thank you.

    I am bddesignsmultimedia and that is my site that I think you were insulting Those montages were made with FCP and After Effects and I take offense that you think they look like they were made by a 12 year old. From some of the other responses I am glad to see that everyone does not think like you. Those montages were made with hard work and loving care for 13 year olds at their Bat Mitzvahs. They were very well received and I am proud of my work. There isn't any magic software to take the place of time and patience.< </div>
    Try not to take things too personally around here. It's easy to take offense at or cause unhappiness with a casually callous remark.
    How about telling us about the canned transitions, which package were you using? That information might help others find similar tools to help them.
    I do have one comment about your demo reel on the site…using footage from the Mouse House and uncleared music might not be a good idea.

  • Animated iPhoto Slideshow: Cannot recreate my original slideshows

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    Over the past several months, I have discussed these problems with many different people at Apple Support.  Everyone that I have spoken with assumed the problem was caused by a software update to iPhoto Slideshow sometime since early last year.  On April 6th, after reviewing this problem with Apple Engineering, an Apple Support Advisor briefed me on what Engineering had to say.  The response was basically this:  When the iPhoto Slideshow was created, Apple purposely included an algorithm that continually changes the slideshows.  Therefore, if I create a slideshow today, it may be impossible to ever recreate that same slideshow again because of this algorithm.
    I must admit that I am more than a little suspicious about Apple’s response.  It seems just too good to be true; especially due to the fact the stated cause is not easily provable or disprovable.  And Apple Support certainly did not attempt to validate or offer any reasons to support why I should accept this as truthful. Actually, until now, everyone at Apple that I had spoken with assumed the problem was caused by an update to the iPhoto Slideshow software since early last year.  Moreover, 3 of the original slideshows are currenty easily re-creatable.  Finally, this stated cause is so consistent with my experience of how Apple handles all product and software problems:  Nothing is wrong with our product or software.  There must be something wrong with your system or how you are using it. 
    My bet is that Apple significantly changed the slideshow software when they introduced the new iPad in late 2011 to accomodate the unique format of iPad. Hence, the iPhoto Slideshow software would work on iMac, iPhone and iPad.   

    Is this the panel you're referring to in the Sliding Panels theme?
    If so then it's still availabe in the iPhoto 11 version.  Try a different arrangement of photos.  If that doesn't work try this:  make a temporary, backup copy (if you don't already have a backup copy) of the library and try the following:
    1 - delete the iPhoto preference file,, that resides in your
         User/Home()/Library/ Preferences folder.
    2 - delete iPhoto's cache file, Cache.db, that is located in your
         User/Home()/Library/Caches/ folder. 
    Click to view full size
    3 - launch iPhoto and try again.
    NOTE: If you're moved your library from its default location in your Home/Pictures folder you will have to point iPhoto to its new location when you next open iPhoto by holding down the Option key when launching iPhoto.  You'll also have to reset the iPhoto's various preferences.

  • Slideshow with high quality

    I have a Photography Studio and I am trying to create client slideshows that display in very high quality. If I view the slideshow as created on iPhoto, the output is fantastic. If I burn a disc with iDVD (even on "Best Quality") the images as viewed from the DVD are not great. They become a little jaggy and some color shifting is evident. Not horrible, just not professional looking. My files are high quality .psd files. I have tried the process with high quality .jpg files, too.
    Is the answer a PRO level DVD compression product? Voodoo????
    I am at my wits end, but it was a short trip to get there.
    Thanks for any and all help,

    I understand you want to create a DVD, right? Before you know how to get the best quality, you must choose what software to use . You can build slideshows using just DVD Studio Pro (DVDSP Folrum) and/or in a video timeline with FinalCutPro (FCP Forum).
    Each soft need a different approach ! You'll find a lot of posts with useful information in that forums and you can post your own when you decide what tool use for your project.
    If you want to build simple slideshows with just a transition or no transition at all, where the people can choose next prev and so picture, you can use DVDSP.
    If you want a more sofisticated presentation where you can control completly adnvanced trasitions and zoom/pan effects, you need to create it in a video application like FCP.
    You posted this question in Compressor forum, what is a tool for transcoding your video footage to, i.e. MPEG2 files to include in DVDSP.
    About quality, think that Standard Definition DVDs have a resolution of 720x480 pixels (NTSC) what probably is absolutly low resolution compared with your original pictures, but doesn't mean your pictures will look bad. Any comercial movie DVD you watch has that resolution ! The advantage is that every DVD player (computer and stan alone ones) will be able to play it.
    When you mention the iPhoto slideshow, I think you mean a slideshow you played directly from your computer what is a completly different approach that DVD.
    I just want to give a start point.

  • Poor results importing PSE7 slideshows into PRE7

    I originally posted this query into the Photoshop Elements forum ('cos I couldn't find this one originally...) and received some very helpful replies from Barb__O - thanks Barb.  These have given me some useful leads on things to try, which I've done and did see some improvements, but I'm still not at the point of being happy with the results.  The problem appears to be a PRE problem, so reposting here...
    I am trying to put together a video presentation for output directly to PC monitor (more specifically, LCD data projector of 1024 x 768 resolution) and then record to DVD, in PAL SD format.
    The presentation is to contain slideshows put together in PSE7 (so they already include title slides, transitions, Ken Burns effects and music tracks) and video clips from a couple of different sources - one clip is a scanned Standard 8 film (format is a frame-to-frame AVI at 720 x 576 resolution ie SD PAL) and some clips from a 1440 x 1080 HD (H.264) video camera (Canon HF10).  Reading through some of the forums, I'm doubting that PRE7 will be able to handle this variety of input formats...
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    Playing the finished slideshow in the PSE7 preview window, the results were excellent.  Exporting the slideshow as a 1024 x 768 WMV file and playing it in any media player yielded the same, excellent results!  So far, so good.
    I then wanted to put everything together using PRE7 - slideshows, video clips and titles.  From PSE7 I clicked the "send slideshow to Premiere Elements" at which point the slideshow was dutifully dropped into my currently opened PRE7 project.  As the project already contained the aforementioned scanned Standard 8 clip, the project setting was PAL DV 48kHz.  I was feeling exuberant at this stage.  I added a couple of title slides and a transition or two and played the result in the PRE7 full screen preview window...
    I was absolutely horrified with what I saw when the slideshow started to play.  All of the still images were badly pixellated, had jagged edges and any vertical wipe transitions had a horrible, angular ripple effect.  In short, unwatchable.
    As I had to get the presentation done and was clearly getting nowhere with PRE7, I exported all my slideshows out of PSE7 as WMVs, my video clip out of PRE7 as an AVI and dropped everything into Windows Movie Maker, with excellent results on the PC monitor and the LCD projector.  Clearly there was/is a problem with PRE7 or one or more of its esoteric settings.
    I now want to add another slideshow and the HD video clips mentioned above to the presentation and then burn to DVD.  I would like to use PRE7 to do this, as I can set up menu markers where I want and I want to make finer adjustments to relative positions of stills and video than Movie Maker will allow - but obviously this is all dependent on resolving the quality problems.
    After suggestions given by Barb, I played around with the PRE7 project setting and tried various settings here, eg HDV, SVHCD etc.  These certainly improved the quality of the still images in the slideshows (to the point where I was happy with them), but the transitions were still ugly and the pan/zoom effects became jerky and distracting, not only that, but the music track that I had synchronised with the slideshow, with a nice fade out at the end, just ended abruptly - again distracting and not at all good.
    To be honest I'm confused with that project setting - should this be set to the format I want the finished project output to end up in, or is it set to the format of video input to the project?  If the latter, how does it deal with different format video clips?
    I've also read about the recommendation to set all still images to 1000 x 750 pixels - this would have been fine if I'd known this *before* I put together the slideshows, I don't want to have to re-do them all again (or can I re-size the images while they are actually *in* the slideshow?)!  Besides, PSE7 itself and Windows Movie Maker handle images larger than this, quite happily.  Why can't PRE7?  Also, how is this resolved for large portrait orientated images?  What is the primary dimension (width or height)?
    As an aside, I tried re-sizing a single image to 1000 x 750 and dropping straight into PRE7, but I still get poor results (ie grainy, pixellated image)!  ("Scale to framesize" is off)
    So am I flogging a dead horse here or can I resurrect things so that I can end up with a reasonably professional looking result?  I really want to love these two products, they do some things really well, but so far, my overall user experience has been one of complete frustration and disappointment.  The user interfaces of these two products have to be about the worst I've come across!

    FYI - I think that MK had already tried sending directly from PSE 7 to PRE 7 see his mention of
    I then wanted to put everything together using PRE7 - slideshows, video
    clips and titles.  From PSE7 I clicked the "send slideshow to Premiere
    Elements" at which point the slideshow was dutifully dropped into my
    currently opened PRE7 project.  As the project already contained the
    aforementioned scanned Standard 8 clip, the project setting was PAL DV
    One of my concerns about the specifc scenario is that the PE project setting was PAL SD video and the expected projector resolution was thought to be 1024x768 (and therefore higher resolution). even with Scale to Framesize off, I was not sure if that resolution difference would be a problem.
    Your suggestion is making the PAL SD DVD and then using a software DVD player to play that DVD to the 1024x768 projector.   That is a different approach that I had not considered -- but it would probably avoid some of the awkwardness of dealing with 2 distinct types and resolutions of output.
    Your earlier post (if I understood it correctly) said that after the presentation using the projector, you would be making DVDs for distribution. Now I suspect that these would be standard definiton DVDs and probably PAL.
    I recommend that you confirm in this thread what your current plans are for distributiion and playback.
    Once the best fit for a PE project type is resolved, I do think it is worth another try of sending the slideshow from PSE 7 slide show editor to the PE 7 project.
    Yes, you may expereince some timing differences between the playback you saw in the PSE slide show editor and what you see in the playback under Premiere Elements (note Steve's point to be sure that you should render in PE before doing playback).   Based on what you observe for your specific slide show, these differences can be discussed.
    ADDITIONAL comments
    played the result in the PRE7 full screen preview window...
    I missed this earlier.  Because your computer monitor is probably much higher resolution, I question whether this full screen preview is an effective evaluation of the final quality. Steve and Hunt, what are your comments on this?
    can I re-size the images while they are actually *in* the slideshow?)!
    Besides, PSE7 itself and Windows Movie Maker handle images larger than
    this, quite happily.
    re-size images while they are actually in the slide show -- maybe but not easy
    1 --When in the PSE slide show or from the PE Timeline, you can edit an individual photo and replace the existing photo with the results of that edit. However that is a one at a time operation and most probably not what you want.  It is better suited to adjustments to a specific photo when you determine it needs to be differrent for this slide show.
    2 --Once your slide show is on the Premiere Elements Timeline, a few people have swapped out a folder of photos and brought in a different folder of downsized same photos. This is tricky but probably can be done: it is probably simpler if all photos are in the same folder. Also portrait photos probably need to be handled separately from landscape photos.
    FYI - PSE 7 slide show can sometimes handle larger images and you did not have a problem - but others do have problems and you might in the future. This seems to depend on both the specifics of the photo files and the computer system configuration.

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