Programme pour piloter un appareil via adaptateur GPIB-USB

Nous possédons un appareil HP70004A (avec port GPBI) dans
lequel et intégré un second appareil HP70340A.
Mon problème est le suivant : j’aimerai pouvoir
commander ces appareils via LabView avec un connecteur GPIB-USB mais je n’ai
pas trouver (sur votre site et autre) le programme permettant de le faire.
En revanche je possède un programme en « .id » qui lui n’est pas
compatible avec LabView.
Existe-t-il un moyen pour convertir un fichier « .id » en fichier «.vi » ?
Si oui le quel et comment faire.
Ou alors possédez vous directement les programmes de LabView pour piloter ces
appareils ?

Pour ta question, je ne sais pas si cela est possible. Je suis dans le même cas que toi. Je suis en stage et j'ai du commander un multimétre HP34401A via un convertisseur GPIB-USB, qui est pour moi un GPIB-USB-HS de NI (qu'elle est le tien?)
Pour commander ton appareil commence par regarger sur internet si tu ne trouve pas des VI déja crée pour le mettre en oeuvre, si tu ne trouve pas il suffit de regarder dans le doc de tes appareils et de regarder les commande qui lui sont propre.
A-tu déja réalisé un programme simple juste pour réaliser un RESET ou une identification pour commancer ou utiliser Measurement et Automation?

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    Bonjour Paul29o,
    Une petite question: avez-vous bien pensé à ajouter le fichier ni4882.obj dans le resource file de votre projet? Vous ne le mentionnez pas dans votre message, donc je voudrais m'en assurer.
    Mathieu B
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
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    Hello all,
    USB communication is supported with NI-VISA 3.0.
    For more information on controlling a USB device with NI-VISA, please review the Developer Zone tutorial "Using NI-VISA 3.0 to Control Your USB Device" linked below :​92BAB18242082786256DD7006B6416?opendocument
    You can find an exemple using LabVIEW in part 3 :
    3. Using NI-VISA to Communicate with Your USB Device
    For using NI-VISA, please refer to the link below :​contenttype%3Aproductmanual&layout=ProductManual&q​t=%2BVISA+%2Buser
    I hope that my answer will help you for your project.
    The links that Michael gave you are very interesting.
    Sanaa TAZI
    Application Engineer
    nal Instruments

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    It depends on the camera, but some have a special mode for offloading photos but not trying to charge the camera through the USB port. For others, you may have to pull out the SD card (if that's what it uses) and use the Lightning to SD card reader instead.
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    Go to Solution.

    Hi mate,
    Sadly the Nokia C2-01 does not support USB OTG functionality. There is no method AT ALL to connect a USB device to this phone in the way that you have stated. If you require storage then instead of a USB drive you can use a microSD card up to 32GB, as the phone supports it.

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    DCU STUDENT wrote:
    Yes I am. According to documents it is possible. But I don't know want else to do, since I have done what document indicated. I as mentioned in previous message, now I can see the measurement instrument with Labview and using the Agilent cable adapter, and I can stablish communication with device since that when I select the device in the labview program, a led in the instrument is ON, indicating communication. However when I try to capture the data on screen, there is not data at all.
    Hello DCU STUDENT,
    It sounds like there may be some conflict between the NI VISA and Agilent drivers, which can occur between certain models; considering when you use the NI cable data can be collected when when you're using the Agilent you cannot. Please tell me what versions of both drivers you are using so I can determine whether or not there are any known incompatibilities between the two if you're still receiving the same error after following these instructions. 
    Can you also please go through this instrument troubleshooting guide to see if your installation matches the expected configuration of a functional device so we can confirm that your driver has been installed correctly from the previous guides.
    For a IEEE488 Agilent Device Card, as you mentioned that you have the NIVISATulip.dll enabled, for this GPIB configuration to work you must ensure that the 488 Programs must be activated with NI 488.2 (At the Enable Agilent GPIB cards option) through the Agilent Connection Expert.
    You've mentioned that you've been able to establish a connection with the device and see communication transfer, yet you are getting no returned communication. Do you see a similar response when you view the device through the Measurement and Automation Explorer?
    If it is possible, could you test your configuration with any other Agilent devices with your current configuration and see if the error persists?
    Alex Thomas, University of Manchester School of EEE LabVIEW Ambassador (CLAD)

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    Ok, i finally succeeded
    Now the TC is linked by WiFi, but as you said, now, it's just an external device, impossible to join it :/
    And it's not what i want because i need to access to it outside
    If i'm right now, i say thank you, you really helped me even if it's not what i want exactly.
    So Ethernet :/
    ---------------------------------------------- Translation
    Pour les français, en gros, je dois utilisé le logiciel AirPort Utility version 5.6 (mais il me semble que le 6.0 le fait aussi en faite, j'ai pas trop regardé du coup) pour pouvoir non pas créer un nouveau réseau sans fil mais en rejoindre un
    Grace à cela, la TC se connecte à la box sans fil mais devient un appareil externe, ce qui veut dire qu'on ne peux pas se connecter dessus en sans fil ou même y accéder de l'extérieur (comme moi)
    Juste y accéder comme une clé USB et accéder au donnée, rien de plus.

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    Thank you,

    When in doubt, try it out. I bought the Apple camera connection kit & used it to connect my Blue Snowball usb mic to my new iPad 3rd generation. It works just fine. I made some test recordings in GarageBand on my iPad 3 using my Snowball mic. They sound great.

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    Dans le cadre d'un projet, un FPGA (vertex V6) m'envoie des trames de données à interpréter dans LabView. Le soucis qui se pose est le suivant, voulant traiter les données dans LabView, comment est-ce que je peux paramétrer le NI-VISA pour recevoir les trames ?
    Le soucis réside dans le fait que mon matériel FPGA n'a pas d'identifiant propre et que je n'arrive pas à le configurer proprement . Doit-je passer par un adaptateur USB-Série ou bien existe-t'il une solution purement logicielle ?
    Merci d'avance.
    Résolu !
    Accéder à la solution.

    Bonjour Sylvain_j05,
    Le driver VISA propose un jeu de fonctions haut niveau qui permettent d'appeler des fonctions bas niveaux. Si vous utilisez un port USB en partant de votre PC, vous devrez avoir également un port USB disponible sur votre matériel contenant le FPGA et permettant de récupérer ses valeurs. Sinon, un adaptateur Série-USB peut être envisagé s'il n'y a qu'un port série disponible sur votre matériel.
    Vous pouvez également essayer un adaptateur USB-Série sur votre PC (si ce dernier ne dispose pas de port série directement intégré) qui vous permettra d'avoir des ports série directement disponibles depuis votre programme sous LabVIEW.
    Exemple d'adaptateurs existants : NI USB-232, NI USB-232/2, NI USB-232/4
    N'hésitez pas à fournir davantage d'informations et notamment à répondre aux questions d'Helmut O'Brian.
    Jérémy C.
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    Travaux Pratiques d'initiation à LabVIEW et à la mesure
    Du 2 au 23 octobre, partout en France

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    Go to Solution.

    Looking at the specs, this tablet does not have HDMI.  So I see no way you can connect it to your TV.  Some of the newer TV's may be able so share your network to play files that are on your tablet.

  • Is GPIB-USB-B compatible GPIB card? if yes, which card and driver?

    I have my codes written while I was using GPIB-USB-B to communicate with HP-4145 from my PC win-XP.  
    Now I want to use a GPIB card rather than the USB version.
    1- Can I use a GPIB card without changing my codes?
    2- if yes, then which GPIB card( and which driver) should I use?
    Go to Solution.

    does any one know the proper location to use  firmware upgrade for GPIB-USB-B
    $ rpm -q kernel
    ------  result from exe command line  ---
    [root@gb095 ni_gpib_usb_b]#  fxload -D /proc/bus/usb/003/001 -I niusbb_firmware.hex -s niusbb_loader.hex
    can't modify CPUCS: Broken pipe
    The firmware files can be uploaded to your NI GPIB-USB-B adapter
    using fxload.  Example:
    fxload -D /proc/bus/usb/001/002 -I niusbb_firmware.hex -s niusbb_loader.hex
    If you wish for the firmware to be automatically loaded through hotplug,
    copy the firmware files to the /usr/share/usb/ni_usb_gpib/ directory
    (or wherever the /etc/hotplug/usb/ni_usb_gpib script expects to find them).
    Thanks go to Michael Ritzert for figuring out how to extract the firmware
    from a usb sniff log.  The log that was used is included
    (file name is "ni-usb-b-initialization-log.txt"), as well as the perl
    script for creating the hex file ("").
    what i have to do is upgrade these cards to latest firmware to see if the work with this level kernel
     $ rpm -q kernel

  • Nokia N78 fails to connect to PC via CA-101 USB ca...

    Hi everybody.....
    Please let me tell the story from the begining..Recently I purchased a China made N78 phone
    with firmware ver. 12.046 / custom ver. .When I tried to connect it to
    PC via CA-101 USB cable & Nokia PC Suite ver. 6.9 (both are contained in the retail box)
    it failed to connect.Although the phone does recognise the connection as a connection
    icon appears on the left upper corner of the phone screen and the phone asks me to set
    the connection profile e.g. PC Suite to use , while the PC tells me that a problem occured
    during installation of a new hardware (the phone) and it cannot be used properly hence no
    connection occures. First I factory resetted the phone , then did hardware format by
    keys: (* + 3 + key + power on ),then updated the Nokia PC Suite programme to
    ver. 7.1 and I updated cable drivers from Nokia website and reinstalled them ,then I
    updated the phone fimware using phone device manager to ver. 21.002 / custom ver.
    and lastly reinstalled the Win.XP on my PC BUT THE PROBLEM IS SAME AND NO CONNCTION in every single step done respectively.On the other side the Bluetooth connection with the PC and Nokia PC Suite
    works very fine. I think I checked and fixed every possible issue I could ,and the phone package is brand new and made under the authority of Nokia corp. hence its genuine one and purchased from a registered Nokia distributor in Middle East.So why this problem happens ?! I DONT KNOW , SO PLEASE HELP..HELP...

    Did You install PC suite to your computer before connecting? Which mode are you using to connec PC Suite or data transfer? Data transfer shouldn't require drivers but you can get the cable driver just in case. It should be on the disk that came in the box with your phone. If you have installed PC suite make sure it's running when you plug the phone in
    Show your appreciation. Hit that kudos button real hard

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