Programming assistance reqd

student trying to write java tic tac toe game, computer is "o" player ix "x". Computer overwrites "x" placed by player. Anythoughts to cure problem

you could create a dimensional array to represent the board and when a player or user clicks on a position check to see whether it's been taken or not, if it isn't then update the array to indicate that it is taken now.

Similar Messages

  • Programming assistance

    Hi all,
    I need some help hopefully before Sun evening... I have to modify my Inventory program to have an Add, Delete and a search button simple enough.. Well Im new to Java programming and have been limping my way along from day one I have a C+ and need a C- so a little leeway.
    Could any one assist me on the easiest way to accomplish the task above even if it is just the search button that I get help with its better then nothing... So My DVDGUI looks like this;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
    public class DVDGUI extends JFrame
    //Private Variables
    private GridBagLayout layout = new GridBagLayout();
    private GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints();
    //Private data from prior assignments
         private DVD [] dvd;
         private int index;
    // Labels
    private JLabel logoLabel;
    private JLabel nameLabel;
    private JLabel idLabel;
    private JLabel titleLabel;
    private JLabel unitsLabel;
    private JLabel priceLabel;
    private JLabel valueLabel;
    private JLabel feeLabel;
    private JLabel totalLabel;
    // Text Fields for displaying or editing
    private JTextField nameText;
    private JTextField idText;
    private JTextField titleText;
    private JTextField unitsText;
    private JTextField priceText;
    private JTextField valueText;
    private JTextField feeText;
    private JTextField totalText;
    private JTextField searchText;
    private JButton firstButton; //To move to first element in the array
    private JButton nextButton; //To move to next element in the array
    private JButton previousButton; //To again move to next element in the array
    private JButton lastButton; //To move again to first element in the array
    private JButton addButton; //To add a DVD to array
    private JButton deleteButton; //To delete a DVD from array
    private JButton modifyButton; //To modify an element
    private JButton saveButton; //To save the array
    private JButton searchButton; //To search the array
    private final static int LOGO_WIDTH = 4;
    private final static int LOGO_HEIGHT = 4;
    private final static int LABEL_HEIGHT = 1;
    private final static int LABEL_WIDTH = 1;
    private final static int TEXT_HEIGHT = 1;
    private final static int TEXT_WIDTH = LOGO_WIDTH - LABEL_WIDTH;
    private final static int BUTTON_HEIGHT = 1;
    private final static int BUTTON_WIDTH = 1;
    private final static int LABEL_START_ROW = LOGO_HEIGHT + LABEL_WIDTH + 1;
    private final static int LABEL_COLUMN = 0;
    private final static int TEXT_START_ROW = LABEL_START_ROW;
    private final static int TEXT_COLUMN = LABEL_WIDTH + 1;
    private final static int BUTTON_START_ROW = LABEL_START_ROW + 9*LABEL_HEIGHT;
    private final static int BUTTON_COLUMN = LABEL_COLUMN;
    private final static int SEARCH_START_ROW = BUTTON_START_ROW + 3;
    final static String EMPTY_ARRAY_MESSAGE = "Hit ADD to add a new DVD";
    private final static int FRAME_WIDTH = 325;//460
    private final static int FRAME_LENGTH = 350;//343
    private final static int FRAME_XLOC = 250;
    private final static int FRAME_YLOC = 100;
    //Initialization constructor
         public DVDGUI( DVD dvdIn[] )
         //Pass the frame title to JFrame, set the IconImage
              super( "DVD Inventory" );
    setLayout( layout );
    //Copy the input array (dvdIn)
              setDVDArray( dvdIn );
    //Start the display with the first element of the array
              index = 0;
    //Build the GUI
         }//End constructor DVDGUI
    //Copy an input DVD array to the GUI's private DVD array variable
         private void setDVDArray( DVD dvdIn[] )
              dvd = new DVD[dvdIn.length];
              for(int i = 0;i < dvd.length;i++)
              //Create a DVD array element from the input array
                   dvd[i] = new DVD( dvdIn[i] );
    /*               dvd[i] = new DVD( dvdIn.title(), dvdIn[i].productNumber(),
                   dvdIn[i].productUnitsInStock(), dvdIn[i].productPrice()
    //System.out.println( dvdIn[i].toString() );
              }//End for
         }//End copyArray
    //A method for updating each of the GUI fields
         private void updateAllTextFields()
    if ( dvd.length > 0 ) //Then update the JTextField display
    //Update the product name text field
    nameText.setText( dvd[index].productName() );
    //Update the product id text field
    idText.setText( String.format( "%d", dvd[index].productNumber() ) );
         //Update the title text field
              titleText.setText( dvd[index].title() );
    //Update the units in stock text field
              unitsText.setText( String.format( "%d", dvd[index].productUnitsInStock() ) );
         //Update the price text field
              priceText.setText( String.format( "$%.2f" , dvd[index].productPrice() ));
    //Update the stock value text field
              valueText.setText( String.format( "$%.2f" , dvd[index].productValue() ));
    //Update the restocking fee text field
              feeText.setText( String.format( "$%.2f" , dvd[index].restockingFee() ));
    //Update the total value text field
              totalText.setText( String.format( "$%.2f" , DVD.productValue( dvd ) ));
    }//End if
    else //Put a special message in the fields
    //Update the product name text field
    nameText.setText( EMPTY_ARRAY_MESSAGE );
    //Update the product id text field
    idText.setText( EMPTY_ARRAY_MESSAGE );
         //Update the title text field
              titleText.setText( EMPTY_ARRAY_MESSAGE );
         //Update the units in stock text field
              unitsText.setText( EMPTY_ARRAY_MESSAGE );
         //Update the price text field
              priceText.setText( EMPTY_ARRAY_MESSAGE );
    //Update the stock value text field
              valueText.setText( EMPTY_ARRAY_MESSAGE );
    //Update the restocking fee text field
              feeText.setText( EMPTY_ARRAY_MESSAGE );
    //Update the total value text field
              totalText.setText( EMPTY_ARRAY_MESSAGE );
    }//End else
         }//End updateAllTextFields
    //Set the appropriate fields editable or uneditable
    private void setModifiableTextFieldsEnabled( Boolean state )
    //The DVD ID, title, units in stock, and price can all be set editable or uneditable
    idText.setEditable( state );
    titleText.setEditable( state );
    unitsText.setEditable( state );
    priceText.setEditable( state );
    }//End setModifiableTextFieldsEnabled
    //Button Handler Class - Handling Methods
    private class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
    if( event.getSource() == firstButton ) //First is pressed
    }//End if
    else if( event.getSource() == previousButton ) //Previous is pressed
    }//End else if
    else if( event.getSource() == nextButton ) //Next button is pressed
    }//End else if
    else if( event.getSource() == lastButton ) //Last button is pressed
    }//End else if
         else if (event.getSource() == firstButton)
         }//end else if
    }//End method actionPerformed
         }//End class ButtonHandler
    //Display the first element of the DVD array
    private void handleFirstButton()
         //Set the index to the first element in the array
    index = 0;
    //Update and disable modification
    setModifiableTextFieldsEnabled( false );
    }//End method handleFirstButton
    //Display the next element of the DVD array or wrap to the first
    private void handleNextButton()
         //Increment the index
    //If index exceeds the last valid array element, wrap around to the first element of the array
    if ( index > dvd.length - 1 )
    index = 0;
    }//End if
    //Update and disable modification
    setModifiableTextFieldsEnabled( false );
    }//End method handleNextButton
    private void handlePreviousButton()
         if ( index < 0)
              index = dvd.length - 1;
         }// End if
         //Update and disable modification
    setModifiableTextFieldsEnabled( false );
    }//End method handlePreviousButton
    private void handleLastButton()
         if ( index < dvd.length - 1 )
              index = 2;
         }//End if
         //Update and disable modification
    setModifiableTextFieldsEnabled( false );
    }//End method handleLastButton
    //TextField Handler Class - Handling Methods
    //The class for handling the events for the buttons
    //NOTE: You don't need this for Week Eight, but I'm including it for motivation on Week
    //Nine's assignment
    //Hope you dont mind me leaving thin in there
    private class TextFieldHandler implements ActionListener
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
    //User pressed Enter in JTextField titleText
    if ( event.getSource() == idText )
    }//End if
    //User pressed Enter in JTextField titleText
    else if ( event.getSource() == titleText )
    }//End else if
    //User pressed Enter in JTextField unitsText
    else if ( event.getSource() == unitsText )
    }//End else if
    //User pressed Enter in JTextField priceText
    else if ( event.getSource() == priceText )
    }//End else if
    //User pressed Enter in JTextField searchText
    else if ( event.getSource() == searchText )
    }//End else if
    }//End method actionPerformed
    }//End inner class TextFieldHandler
    //GUI Methods
    //Build GUI
    private void buildGUI()
    //Add the logo
    //Add the text fields and their labels
    //Add the navigation and other buttons
    //Give some values to the fields
    //Set some of the frame properties
              setSize( FRAME_LENGTH , FRAME_WIDTH );
              setLocation( FRAME_XLOC , FRAME_YLOC );
              setResizable( false );
              setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
              setVisible( true );
    }//End buildGUI()
    //Add the logo to the JFrame
    private void buildLogo()
    constraints.weightx = 2;
    constraints.weighty = 1;
    logoLabel = new JLabel( new ImageIcon( "shamrock.jpg" ) );
    logoLabel.setText( "Lucky DVDs" );
    constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
    addToGridBag( logoLabel, 2, 2, LOGO_WIDTH, LOGO_HEIGHT );
    //Create a vertical space
    addToGridBag( new JLabel( "" ), LOGO_HEIGHT + 1, 0, LOGO_WIDTH, LABEL_WIDTH );
    }//End method buildLogo
    //Build just the panel containing the text
    private void buildLabels()
    //Variables (for readability)
    int row = 0;
    int column = 0;
    int width = 0;
    int height = 0;
    column = LABEL_COLUMN;
    width = LABEL_WIDTH;
    height = LABEL_HEIGHT;
    constraints.weightx = 1;
    constraints.weighty = 0;
    constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
    //Create the name label and name text field
    nameLabel = new JLabel( "Product: " );
    nameLabel.setLabelFor( nameText );
    row = LABEL_START_ROW;
    addToGridBag( nameLabel, row, column, width, height);
    //Create the id label and id text field
    idLabel = new JLabel( "Product Id: " );
    idLabel.setLabelFor( idText );
    row += LABEL_HEIGHT;
    addToGridBag( idLabel, row, column, width, height);
    //Create the DVD title label and DVD title text field
    titleLabel = new JLabel( "Title: " );
    titleLabel.setLabelFor( titleText );
    row += LABEL_HEIGHT;
    addToGridBag( titleLabel, row, column, width, height);
    //Create the units in stock label and units in stock text field
              unitsLabel = new JLabel( "Units in Stock: " );
    unitsLabel.setLabelFor( unitsText );
    row += LABEL_HEIGHT;
    addToGridBag( unitsLabel, row, column, width, height);
    //Create the price label and price text field
              priceLabel = new JLabel( "Unit Price:" );
    priceLabel.setLabelFor( priceText );
    row += LABEL_HEIGHT;
    addToGridBag( priceLabel, row, column, width, height);
    //Create the value label and value text field
              valueLabel = new JLabel( "Product Value:" );
    valueLabel.setLabelFor( valueText );
    row += LABEL_HEIGHT;
    addToGridBag( valueLabel, row, column, width, height);
    //Create the fee label and fee text field
              feeLabel = new JLabel( "Restocking fee:" );
    feeLabel.setLabelFor( feeText );
    row += LABEL_HEIGHT;
    addToGridBag( feeLabel, row, column, width, height);
         //Create a vertical space
    row += LABEL_HEIGHT;
    addToGridBag( new JLabel( "" ), row, column, width, height );
    //Create the total value label and total value text field
              totalLabel = new JLabel( "Inventory Value:" );
    totalLabel.setLabelFor( totalText );
    row += LABEL_HEIGHT;
    addToGridBag( totalLabel, row, column, width, height);
    }//End method buildLabels()
    //Build containing textFields
    private void buildTextFields()
    int row = 0;
    int column = 0;
    int width = 0;
    int height = 0;
    column = TEXT_COLUMN;
    width = TEXT_WIDTH;
    height = TEXT_HEIGHT;
    constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
    constraints.weightx = 1;
    TextFieldHandler handler = new TextFieldHandler();
    nameText = new JTextField( "DVD" );
              nameText.setEditable( false );
    row = TEXT_START_ROW;
    addToGridBag( nameText, row , column, width, height );
    idText = new JTextField( "" );
              idText.setEditable( false );
    row += TEXT_HEIGHT;
    addToGridBag( idText, row , column, width, height );
    titleText = new JTextField( " " );
    titleText.addActionListener( handler );
              titleText.setEditable( false );
    row += TEXT_HEIGHT;
    addToGridBag( titleText, row , column, width, height );
    unitsText = new JTextField( " " );
    unitsText.addActionListener( handler );
              unitsText.setEditable( false );
    row += TEXT_HEIGHT;
    addToGridBag( unitsText, row , column, width, height );
    priceText = new JTextField( " " );
    priceText.addActionListener( handler );
              priceText.setEditable( false );
    row += TEXT_HEIGHT;
    addToGridBag( priceText, row , column, width, height );
    valueText = new JTextField( " " );
              valueText.setEditable( false );
    row += TEXT_HEIGHT;
    addToGridBag( valueText, row , column, width, height );
    feeText = new JTextField( " " );
              feeText.setEditable( false );
    row += TEXT_HEIGHT;
    addToGridBag( feeText, row , column, width, height );
    //Create a vertical space
    row += TEXT_HEIGHT;
    addToGridBag( new JLabel( " " ), row, column, width, height );
    totalText = new JTextField( "" );
              totalText.setEditable( false );
    row += TEXT_HEIGHT;
    addToGridBag( totalText, row , column, width, height );
    }//End method buildTextFields
    //Add the main buttons to the frame
    private void buildMainButtons()
    int row = 0;
    int column = 0;
    int width = 0;
    int height = 0;
    column = BUTTON_COLUMN;
    width = BUTTON_WIDTH;
    height = BUTTON_HEIGHT;
    constraints.weightx = 1;
    constraints.weighty = 0;
    //constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
    ButtonHandler handler = new ButtonHandler();
    //Create a vertical space
    addToGridBag( new JLabel( "" ), row, 0, LOGO_WIDTH, LABEL_HEIGHT );
    firstButton = new JButton( "First" );
    firstButton.addActionListener( handler );
    row += LABEL_HEIGHT;
    addToGridBag( firstButton, row, column, width, height );
    previousButton = new JButton( "Previous" );
    previousButton.addActionListener( handler );
    column += BUTTON_WIDTH;
    addToGridBag( previousButton, row, column, width, height );
    nextButton = new JButton( "Next" );
    nextButton.addActionListener( handler );
    column += BUTTON_WIDTH;
    addToGridBag( nextButton, row, column, width, height );
    lastButton = new JButton( "Last" );
    lastButton.addActionListener( handler );
    column += BUTTON_WIDTH;
    addToGridBag( lastButton, row, column, width, height );
    }//End method buildMainButtons
    //Add a component to the grid bag
    // See Chapter 22, pp 1037 - 1046, Deital & Deital
    private void addToGridBag( Component component, int row, int column, int width, int height )
    //Set the upper-left corner of the component (gridx, gridy)
    constraints.gridx = column;
    constraints.gridy = row;
    //Set the number of rows and columns the componenet occupies
    constraints.gridwidth = width;
    constraints.gridheight = height;
    //Set the constraints
    layout.setConstraints( component, constraints );
    //Add the component to the JFrame
    add( component );
    }//End method addToGridBag
    } //End class DVDGUI
    Another thing is I have no idea where in this big list of code I need to write more code in order for the buttons to work. I was able to add buttons but they did nothing so I took them out. If anyone can help out that would be fantastic, if not its cool I will just do the best I can and get a second job to repay to take the class again :) No pressure right! Also please know Im not trying to have you all do my work, I just need guidence on where in this mess of text where I need to add more text.
    Message was edited by: Me

    DvdRental class
    public class DvdRental {
         private String title;
         private int units;
         private double price;
         private String advisory;
         public DvdRental(String title, int units, double price
                   , String advisory) {
              this.title = title;
              this.units = units;
              this.price = price;
              this.advisory = advisory;
         public void setTitle(String dvdTitle) {
              title = dvdTitle;
         public void setUnits(int dvdUnits) {
              units = dvdUnits;
         public void setPrice(double dvdPrice) {
              price = dvdPrice;
         public void setAdvisory(String dvdAdvisory) {
              advisory = dvdAdvisory;
         public String getTitle() {
              return title;
         public int getUnits() {
              return units;
         public double getPrice() {
              return price;
         public String getAdvisory() {
              return advisory;
    }DvdList class
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class DvdList extends AbstractListModel{
         private SortedSet model;
         public DvdList() {
              model = new TreeSet();
         public void add(DvdRental b) {
         public void remove(DvdRental b) {
         public int getSize() {
              return model.size();
         public Object getElementAt(int index) {
              return model.toArray()[index];
         public void clear() {
         public boolean contains(Object element) {
              return model.contains(element);
         public DvdRental find(String title) {
              for(DvdRental a : model) {
                        return a;
              return null;
    }Now the swing part is left

  • Creating a program assistant

    does anyone know how to take an animated flash character and
    transform it into 1 of those annoying office assistant's that
    program's like microsoft word uses?? i have the character already
    drawn out and ready to be integrated into a piece of software that
    the company i work for uses.
    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    Is this what you're looking for?
    "Zaffer36" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e9q28q$oj4$[email protected]..
    > does anyone know how to take an animated flash character
    and transform it
    > 1 of those annoying office assistant's that program's
    like microsoft word
    > uses?? i have the character already drawn out and ready
    to be integrated
    into a
    > piece of software that the company i work for uses.
    > Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
    > :D

  • Vim and C++ programming assistance

    I would like to use vim for C++ programming. I know it is not an IDE, but I wonder what coding assistant vim could provide.
    I have omnicompletion installed via pacman and as described here:
    kind of works, but if I have this:
    int main()
    Completion is started, and i.E. vector is suggested. But I have no #include <vector> ...
    Can vim be made aware of this?
    Also, I am looking through the web for vim C++ code assistance. I find a lot. There is ctags, csope. There are things which seem to work for C, but not for C++ ... I just do not know how to filter all this info.
    What are the state-of-the-art packages for:
    - Finding the decleration of a symbol
    - Finding the implementation of a function
    - Displaying the function prototype (arguments) while typing the arguments

    darthaxul wrote:If your gonna be programming you must grab a better app such as medit, way easier config with mouse support also.
    Well, I couldn't disagree more with this comment If you want to be productive, try to forget about the mouse and learn to use the keyboard and the powerful editing capabilities of vim efficiently. I tried some IDEs (eclipse, kdevelop, netbeans) which had some nice features, but the editors were always lacking and they are too mouse oriented for my taste. Therefore I always kept coming back to vim.
    W.r.t. plugins, I do not really use many. Omnicompletion and ctags (and I have a background script running wich updates the tag file every minute) which I use regularly. With ctags you can find the declaration and implementation of symbols. And I think omnicomplete has some options for displaying the function prototype, like you want (I know I deactivated it, because for me it was too intrusive most of the time). I also have taglist installed, but I do not use it often.
    From the standard editing capabilities, what you should definitely look at is:
    - Define the indentation as you like it
    - Toggle highlighting of search terms on demand (I have this mapped on \s)
    - Use the "." command
    - Compile and jump to errors from within vim
    - Visual rectangle mode
    There are probably more, but these are the first that come to mind. If you really learn to use the extensive editing capabilities of vim, you probably will be equally efficient (or more) than with en IDE. After all, most of the time you are only editing.
    And to go to the "lacking aspects": what I really miss are refactoring tools, e.g. for changing the name of a class or a method of a class. This would be quite a useful addition and something where (some of) the IDEs have a clear advantage.
    Last edited by davvil (2009-06-05 09:38:52)

  • Payroll Program Assistance

    I need help with my payroll program which is for my Java class. The assignment is: Modify the payroll program so that it uses a class to store and retrieve the employee's name, the hourly rate, and the number of hours worked. Use a constructor to initialize the employee information, and a method within the class to calculate the weekly pay. Once stop is entered as the employee name, the application should terminate.
    With the program that I have below, I'm getting <indentier> expected
    weeklyPay.calculatePay( rate, hours );
    Help is needed as soon as possible because it is due today.
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class Payroll3
    Employee weeklyPay = new Employee();
    weeklyPay.calculatePay( rate, hours );
    class Employee
    double rate;
    double hours;
    double pay;
    private String employeeName;
    public Employee( String name )
    employeeName = name;
    public void setEmployeeName( String name )
    employeeName = name;
    public String getEmployeeName()
    return employeeName;
    public static double calculatePay( double rate, double hours )
    Scanner input = new Scanner( );
    System.out.print( "Enter employee name or stop to quit: " );
    employeeName = input.nextLine();
    while ( !employeeName.equals("stop") )
    System.out.printf( "Enter %s's hourly rate: ", employeeName );
    rate = input.nextDouble();
    System.out.printf( "Enter %s's number of hours worked: ", employeeName );
    hours = input.nextDouble();
    pay = rate*hours;
    System.out.printf( "%s's payment for the week is $%.2f\n", employeeName, pay );
    System.out.print( "Enter employee name or stop to quit: " );
    employeeName =;

    weeklyPay.calculatePay( rate, hours );What are rate and hours?
    Before you answer, no they are not available in your Payroll3 class becuase you declared them in the Employee class.

  • CJ20N Project Builder Validation Programming - Assistance requested

    This is a how-to request.  I am trying to validate user entry at save time in the CJ20N Project Builder (Project Systems).   The desire is to enforce that the project, wbs, and network company codes are all the same prior to saving a NEW project. 
    The problem I am having is on the scenario in which a user creates a new project by copying an existing project or standard template.  If the user changes the company code on one or more wbs before saving it,  the wbs table in abap memory prior to saving does not reflect this change.  The table is called CJ_BUF_PRPSxxx99999999 where xxx is the client number (mandt).
    Thus any attempts to loop at this table to validate the company code against the parent project are futile.
    I have contacted SAP on this  issue and they insist that it is not a bug.  I need an alternate solution.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    I solved this problem myself by stepping through the debugger between the user exit and the actual save routine.  I was able to find the correctly populated internal table to loop at.  It was called PSTAB.

  • I use a scxi 1530 module to acquire acceleration from an accelerometer and need help to write the integration to know the deplacement

    i would like to integrate the acceleration signal i receve from my accelerometer connected to my &("à MODULE SCXI TO KNOW THE DIFFERENT DEPLACEMENT OF MY SIGNAL;;NEED SOME HELP

    I'd like to ask a few questions for clarification.
    1. What programming language are you using?
    2. Are you looking for more programming assistance and calculations? Or getting data from the 1530?
    3. Which version of NI-DAQ are you using?
    4. What DAQ board are you connected to?
    I look forward to your responses. Perhaps other users will be able to help more too with your answers.

  • ANN: Eclipse EJB 3.0 Object-Relational Mapping Project Requirements posted

    A document that presents an intitial feature and use case list for the early milestones of the Eclipse EJB 3.0 Object/Relational Mapping project has been posted to the project newsgroup (news:// It also demonstrates a set of user interface components for editing EJB 3.0 Entities. The document covers the basics and is designed to illustrate the concept. It is in no way comprehensive. For example, it doesn't thoroughly cover the editing of ORM xml descriptors although this is an important requirement for the project. ORM xml support will be detailed in coming revisions, and slated for future milestones.
    The purpose of this document is to invite comment on the approach. If you are interested in EJB 3.0 Entity support in Eclipse please give the doc a look over and post your feedback to the EJB 3.0 Object-Relational Mapping Project newsgroup.
    Newsgroup: news://
    Simple Web Interface
    --Shaun Smith
    Project Overview:
    The goal of this project is to add comprehensive support to the Eclipse Project for the definition and editing of Object-Relational (O/R) mappings for EJB 3.0 Entity Beans. EJB 3.0 O/R mapping support will focus on minimizing the complexity of mapping by providing creation and automated initial mapping wizards, and programming assistance such as dynamic problem identification. The implementation will be extensible so third party vendors can add to its functionality.
    Project Proposal:

    A document that presents an intitial feature and use case list for the early milestones of the Eclipse EJB 3.0 Object/Relational Mapping project has been posted to the project newsgroup (news:// It also demonstrates a set of user interface components for editing EJB 3.0 Entities. The document covers the basics and is designed to illustrate the concept. It is in no way comprehensive. For example, it doesn't thoroughly cover the editing of ORM xml descriptors although this is an important requirement for the project. ORM xml support will be detailed in coming revisions, and slated for future milestones.
    The purpose of this document is to invite comment on the approach. If you are interested in EJB 3.0 Entity support in Eclipse please give the doc a look over and post your feedback to the EJB 3.0 Object-Relational Mapping Project newsgroup.
    Newsgroup: news://
    Simple Web Interface
    --Shaun Smith
    Project Overview:
    The goal of this project is to add comprehensive support to the Eclipse Project for the definition and editing of Object-Relational (O/R) mappings for EJB 3.0 Entity Beans. EJB 3.0 O/R mapping support will focus on minimizing the complexity of mapping by providing creation and automated initial mapping wizards, and programming assistance such as dynamic problem identification. The implementation will be extensible so third party vendors can add to its functionality.
    Project Proposal:

  • Registration reminder suddenly not working ?

    Laptop purchased in February and has been successfully registered for warranty etc with Toshiba. In the last 10 days I have had repeated error messages that the Toshiba registation reminder has stopped working - the windows error message is in fact :
    Stopped working
    Faulting Application Path: C:\Program Files\TOSHIBA\Registration\ToshibaReminder.exe
    I don't understand why this reminder exe would need to run at all (although there seems to be a related config file dated 23 July 2009 ........which implies the registration tool may THINK my laptop is now out of warranty ?
    All this has occurred at the same time as repeatin WIN7 "blue screen of death" crashes and I am wondering if they are connected ..specifically if the Toshiba program malfunction is the cause of the BSOD ?

    Hi - Thanks - I'll happily remove it but what, exactly, is it called as I don't see it listed when I look via control panel ?
    I see the following Toshiba programs :
    Bulletin Board
    Disc Creator
    DVD Player
    eco utility
    Extended time for windows mobility center
    face recognition
    Flash cards support utility
    Hardware setup
    HDD/SSD alert
    Online Product Information
    PC health monitor
    Photo service
    receovery media creator
    recovery media creator reminder
    SD memory utilities
    Service station
    Supervisor password
    Value Added package
    Web camera application
    So none of those seems to be "registration reminder" ?
    EDIT - I DO see something called "TRDC reminder" listed in the Toshiba Folder on the C drive under "program files x86" - is that it ..(although it doesn't appear as a prog I can uninstal via control panel).
    I also see a folder called "registration" within the Toshiba folder under C drive Program Files, but again that folder doesn't appear in control panel.
    Message was edited by: Mcroz
    Message was edited by: Mcroz

  • Interpositioning in Java

    I was wondering if there was any way to interpose new classes and/or methods into a pre-existing java application? Specifically, if I have a set of class files that I have no source for, how can I reroute calls to methods in those objects to methods I have written myself? I'm looking for an equivalent of the LD_PRELOAD method of interposing in C, where I do not need to modify any code at all, just add my own code. For example, if I have an application that calls doodad.method1(), I want to insert a new object that looks like this:
    class doodad {
    private realdoodad realobj;
    doodad(args) {
    this.realobj=new realdoodad(args);
    int method1() {
        System.out.println("method1 called");
        return realobj.method1();
    }Is there any way to do this?

    You can't modify the byte code either?Direct bytecode modification can be done with BCEL and Javassist. This means that you can make modifications to running code such as adding new lines of code in existing methods that call some other also non existing (at the time of original program writing) methods.
    ---- This is from Javassist home page ----
    Javassist (Java Programming Assistant) makes Java bytecode manipulation simple. It is a class library for editing bytecodes in Java; it enables Java programs to define a new class at runtime and to modify a class file when the JVM loads it. Unlike other similar bytecode editors, Javassist provides two levels of API: source level and bytecode level. If the users use the source-level API, they can edit a class file without knowledge of the specifications of the Java bytecode. The whole API is designed with only the vocabulary of the Java language. You can even specify inserted bytecode in the form of source text; Javassist compiles it on the fly. On the other hand, the bytecode-level API allows the users to directly edit a class file as other editors.
    Aspect Oriented Programming: Javassist can be a good tool for introducing new methods into a class and for inserting before/after/around advice at the both caller and callee sides.
    Reflection: One of applications of Javassist is runtime reflection; Javassist enables Java programs to use a metaobject that controls method calls on base-level objects. No specialized compiler or virtual machine are needed.
    Remote method invocation: Another application is remote method invocation. Javassist enables applets to call a method on a remote object running on the web server. Unlike the Java RMI, the programmer does not need a stub compiler such as rmic; the stub code is dynamically produced by Javassist.
    ---- end of snap ----

  • How to build a Netweaver Team

    What are the profiles/skills needed to establish a small but competent Netweaver team to perform following services:
    - setup portals
    - create workflow with integration towards MS Exchange/Lotus Notes
    - define/use enterprise services & composite applications
    - build interfaces with external programs
    - assist experienced functional consultants in BPreengineering

    It requires at least 5 person as team members with one team lead like me.....
    1 EP  administrator  - setup portals
    1 workflow/connector specialist - create workflow with                integration towards MS Exchange/Lotus Notes
    1 eSOA expert  define/use enterprise services & composite applications
    1 XI/PI expert  build interfaces with external programs
    1 BPex.  -assist experienced functional consultants in BPreengineering

  • Tick Boxes in iPhone SDK

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question, but I'm wondering where on the net I could find decent tutorials on tick boxes for the iPhone SDK. The application I'm working on requires them as a main UI feature.

    You probably want the developer mailing lists for programming assistance
    There are various google groups if you google a bit.

  • Hi..everyone..plz share realtime unix shellscript commands

    hi..everyone..plz share realtime unix shellscript commands that are used in oracle pl/sql development my mailid: [email protected]

    rajsekharb wrote:
    hi..everyone..plz share realtime unix shellscript commands that are used in oracle pl/sql development my mailid: ????????????
    You are unwise to publish your email address on public forums, as spambots will pick it up and you will be inundated with spam.
    Also, consider that the Oracle forums are a community where people support each other on the forums, they are NOT a personal support desk for you, so it is considered quite rude to ask people to email you answers to your question as if you are not wanting to spend your time on the forums discussing your requirements.
    As Billy says, your question doesn't make much sense.  You've used the word "realtime" completely out of context.  Perhaps you were referring to scripts that people use for real in their businesses to help support pl/sql development?  but still it's not clear what sort of scripts you are looking for, and considering this forum is for SQL and PL/SQL programming assistance, your requesting Unix scripts is not really appropriate unless you explain yourself and how your requirement relates to SQL and/or PL/SQL.

  • Entourage not starting...

    Hi There, i have Microsoft office 2008 student edition, and i just installed an update, but now entourage won't start after i installed that update, all the other office programs work fine, but when i open entourage it comes up with a "Customer Experience Improvement Program" assistant, then when i finnish that assistant entourage never opens, and then if i try to open entourage again, it does the exact same thing...
    please help... thanks so much...

    just out of interest, what is wrong with macmail. I run entourage student 2004 and have no trouble with that at all, but mainly I use mac mail.
    In direct answer, you could try to trash your:
    It's located in your homefolder/library/preferences/
    NB: you need to post to the correct discussion tho' - otherwise the responses will be a little thin on the ground
    Message was edited by: Alexandre

  • I have just taken delivery of a brand new 15" macbook pro, tried migration assistant from a time machine backup, music, photos, programs etc. They now take up 350gb of my hard drive but the files are nowhere to be found? can anyone help?

    Set migration assistant to run whilst on a lunch break, given that it needed 2 hours or so, when i returned all programs and applications had moved across from my time machine backup of a now dead 15"macbook pro 2009 edition running snow leopard...When i look at my new system information it shows my new 500gb drive is full of music, movies and photos and has only 168gb free, not enough to run a new migration and i don't have any boot disks for Lion so really don't want to erase the hard drive. To compound the problem i'm in Vietnam where there isn't a genius bar just around the corner, or even an aasp within 700km - what should I do?

    Is the HDD in the 2009 15" MBP dead?  (The original source of your data)  If not, you might want ot take it out and put it in an enclosure.
    You might try spotlight on know files to see if that gives you any clues where your data is located.
    You might down load from the Internet OmniDiskSweeper (free) and open it.  It should show you all of the files you have on your MBP and enable to locate them.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Users not able to create new ojects in Integration Repository

    Hi,     We did a heterogeneous copy of PI from AIX to HPUX. After that we have done few post installation steps PI Specific usage type.     all the developers are able to login to the integration repository, but when they are trying to "Edit"

  • How to set skin for Menu bar

    I am doing a get Skin from Menu bar, but it returns null. Is there a way to set the skin for menu bar. I tried other alternatives like setting new com.sun .java fx.sce ne BarSkin() but it doesn't work. Please help.

  • Photo stream and snow leopard

    Can I use Photo Stream with Snow Leopard and a 5 gen iPod Touch?

  • Is FaceTime Free?

    Is FaceTime free? I live in Denmark and call my friends back in Canada over FaceTime (both to their email address and cell phone number).  I am not concered with data usesage, I just want to know if I am charged for international calling if I FaceTim

  • Song won't play continuously

    I am not sure what happened, as I do not think I changed any settings or did anything differently, but who knows, maybe I did change something. Now when I try to play songs from my ITunes Library or a playlist, it will play one song if I click on it,