Programs bookmark in pcmanfm doesn't display applications

like in topic i click on bookmark "programs", it open address "menu://applications/"
but it's empty. i think it supose to show some activators.
i want to say also that, pcmanfm doesn't see applications at all.
i  mean when i click on some file " open with" the installed programs list is empty.
same happens when i run libfm-pref-apps.
how can i fix these issues?

Hi, I solved this by installing "xdg-user-dirs-gtk" and run "xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update"
I think that this is caused by the change of some localizations and not to update properly the list of file names , the problem happened me when I installed xdg-menu and translations to spanish (because I'm speak spanish and not understand very well the english) so it only need to update the list of localized menus, thing that doesn't do automaticaly in other enviroments that isn't GNOME or KDE
I'm sorry for edit this old post but i have to correct it.
To make the PcManFM's applications sidebar work, you have to run lxpanel. and then launch pcmanfm from it, that's all folks.
Now i can sleep again
Last edited by joseperezc (2011-08-22 22:15:39)

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  • [Plasma-Next] Docky doesn't display application icons

    I have a fresh Arch + Plasma 5 install running on my machine. I have followed the arch-wiki to get it up and running. However I have installed Docky and it's shooting errors at me. The main issue is that it doesn't display most of the applications icons. Screenshot here. The order of the apllications is Docky Settings, Firefox, Konsole, Separator, Trashcan, Weather. I am using the default Breeze icon theme and switching to a different one didin't help.
    Output from terminal when running Docky:
    [vilius@asus ~]$ docky
    [Info 16:15:09.941] Docky version: 2.2.0 Release
    [Info 16:15:09.960] Kernel version:
    [Info 16:15:09.961] CLR version: 4.0.30319.17020
    [Error 16:15:10.111] [SystemService] Could not initialize power manager dbus: 'Could not load type 'Docky.Services.SystemService+IUPowerProxy' from assembly 'DBus.Proxies, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' because it is implements the inaccessible interface 'Docky.Services.SystemService+IUPower'.'
    [Info 16:15:10.113] [SystemService] at System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.CreateTypeInfo () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.CreateType () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at DBus.TypeImplementer.GetImplementation (System.Type declType) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at DBus.BusObject.GetObject (DBus.Connection conn, System.String bus_name, DBus.ObjectPath object_path, System.Type declType) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at DBus.Connection.GetObject (System.Type type, System.String bus_name, DBus.ObjectPath path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at DBus.Connection.GetObject[IUPower] (System.String bus_name, DBus.ObjectPath path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Docky.Services.SystemService.InitializeBattery () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    [Error 16:15:10.115] [SystemService] Could not initialize Network Manager dbus: 'Could not load type 'Docky.Services.SystemService+INetworkManagerProxy' from assembly 'DBus.Proxies, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' because it is implements the inaccessible interface 'Docky.Services.SystemService+INetworkManager'.'
    [Info 16:15:10.115] [SystemService] at System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.CreateTypeInfo () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.CreateType () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at DBus.TypeImplementer.GetImplementation (System.Type declType) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at DBus.BusObject.GetObject (DBus.Connection conn, System.String bus_name, DBus.ObjectPath object_path, System.Type declType) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at DBus.Connection.GetObject (System.Type type, System.String bus_name, DBus.ObjectPath path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at DBus.Connection.GetObject[INetworkManager] (System.String bus_name, DBus.ObjectPath path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Docky.Services.SystemService.InitializeNetworkManager () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
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    [Info 16:15:10.496] [PluginManager] Loaded "Trash".
    [Error 16:15:10.499] [NativeInterop] Failed to query info for '': Operation not supported
    [Info 16:15:10.499] [NativeInterop] at Docky.Services.NativeInterop+<GFileQueryInfo>c__AnonStorey7.<>m__0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Docky.Services.NativeInterop.NativeHelper[IntPtr] (System.Func`1 act, IntPtr errorReturn, System.String notFound, System.String error) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    [Fatal 16:15:10.500] [GLib-GIO] g_file_info_get_attribute_uint32: assertion 'G_IS_FILE_INFO (info)' failed
    [Error 16:15:10.500] [NativeInterop] Failed to query info for '': Operation not supported
    [Info 16:15:10.500] [NativeInterop] at Docky.Services.NativeInterop+<GFileQueryInfo>c__AnonStorey7.<>m__0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Docky.Services.NativeInterop.NativeHelper[IntPtr] (System.Func`1 act, IntPtr errorReturn, System.String notFound, System.String error) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    [Fatal 16:15:10.501] [GLib-GIO] g_file_info_get_icon: assertion 'G_IS_FILE_INFO (info)' failed
    [Fatal 16:15:10.501] [GLib-GObject] g_object_ref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
    [Fatal 16:15:10.557] [GLib] Source ID 72 was not found when attempting to remove it
    [Fatal 16:15:10.557] [GLib] Source ID 75 was not found when attempting to remove it
    [Fatal 16:15:10.557] [GLib] Source ID 71 was not found when attempting to remove it
    [Info 16:15:10.601] [DrawingService] Could not find 'application-default-icon', using fallback of 'application-x-executable'.
    Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
    Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
    [Info 16:15:10.677] [DrawingService] Could not find 'application-default-icon', using fallback of 'application-x-executable'.
    [Info 16:15:10.817] [DrawingService] Could not find 'utilities-terminal', using fallback of 'application-default-icon'.
    [Info 16:15:10.818] [DrawingService] Could not find 'application-default-icon', using fallback of 'application-x-executable'.
    [Info 16:15:10.831] [DrawingService] Could not find 'utilities-terminal', using fallback of 'application-default-icon'.
    [Info 16:15:10.831] [DrawingService] Could not find 'application-default-icon', using fallback of 'application-x-executable'.
    I have also tried avant-window-navigator but had the same issues with it.
    Please have a look at the output, maybe the icons problem is caused by some errors encountered before all the drawing?
    Thank you!

    I have a fresh Arch + Plasma 5 install running on my machine. I have followed the arch-wiki to get it up and running. However I have installed Docky and it's shooting errors at me. The main issue is that it doesn't display most of the applications icons. Screenshot here. The order of the apllications is Docky Settings, Firefox, Konsole, Separator, Trashcan, Weather. I am using the default Breeze icon theme and switching to a different one didin't help.
    Output from terminal when running Docky:
    [vilius@asus ~]$ docky
    [Info 16:15:09.941] Docky version: 2.2.0 Release
    [Info 16:15:09.960] Kernel version:
    [Info 16:15:09.961] CLR version: 4.0.30319.17020
    [Error 16:15:10.111] [SystemService] Could not initialize power manager dbus: 'Could not load type 'Docky.Services.SystemService+IUPowerProxy' from assembly 'DBus.Proxies, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' because it is implements the inaccessible interface 'Docky.Services.SystemService+IUPower'.'
    [Info 16:15:10.113] [SystemService] at System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.CreateTypeInfo () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.CreateType () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at DBus.TypeImplementer.GetImplementation (System.Type declType) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at DBus.BusObject.GetObject (DBus.Connection conn, System.String bus_name, DBus.ObjectPath object_path, System.Type declType) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at DBus.Connection.GetObject (System.Type type, System.String bus_name, DBus.ObjectPath path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at DBus.Connection.GetObject[IUPower] (System.String bus_name, DBus.ObjectPath path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Docky.Services.SystemService.InitializeBattery () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    [Error 16:15:10.115] [SystemService] Could not initialize Network Manager dbus: 'Could not load type 'Docky.Services.SystemService+INetworkManagerProxy' from assembly 'DBus.Proxies, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' because it is implements the inaccessible interface 'Docky.Services.SystemService+INetworkManager'.'
    [Info 16:15:10.115] [SystemService] at System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.CreateTypeInfo () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.CreateType () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at DBus.TypeImplementer.GetImplementation (System.Type declType) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at DBus.BusObject.GetObject (DBus.Connection conn, System.String bus_name, DBus.ObjectPath object_path, System.Type declType) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at DBus.Connection.GetObject (System.Type type, System.String bus_name, DBus.ObjectPath path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at DBus.Connection.GetObject[INetworkManager] (System.String bus_name, DBus.ObjectPath path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Docky.Services.SystemService.InitializeNetworkManager () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    [Info 16:15:10.122] [ThemeService] Setting theme: Transparent
    [Warn 16:15:10.141] [DesktopItemService] Could not find remap file '/home/vilius/.local/share/docky/remaps.ini'!
    [Info 16:15:10.328] [DockServices] Dock services initialized.
    [Info 16:15:10.496] [PluginManager] Loaded "Trash".
    [Error 16:15:10.499] [NativeInterop] Failed to query info for '': Operation not supported
    [Info 16:15:10.499] [NativeInterop] at Docky.Services.NativeInterop+<GFileQueryInfo>c__AnonStorey7.<>m__0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Docky.Services.NativeInterop.NativeHelper[IntPtr] (System.Func`1 act, IntPtr errorReturn, System.String notFound, System.String error) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    [Fatal 16:15:10.500] [GLib-GIO] g_file_info_get_attribute_uint32: assertion 'G_IS_FILE_INFO (info)' failed
    [Error 16:15:10.500] [NativeInterop] Failed to query info for '': Operation not supported
    [Info 16:15:10.500] [NativeInterop] at Docky.Services.NativeInterop+<GFileQueryInfo>c__AnonStorey7.<>m__0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Docky.Services.NativeInterop.NativeHelper[IntPtr] (System.Func`1 act, IntPtr errorReturn, System.String notFound, System.String error) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    [Fatal 16:15:10.501] [GLib-GIO] g_file_info_get_icon: assertion 'G_IS_FILE_INFO (info)' failed
    [Fatal 16:15:10.501] [GLib-GObject] g_object_ref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
    [Fatal 16:15:10.557] [GLib] Source ID 72 was not found when attempting to remove it
    [Fatal 16:15:10.557] [GLib] Source ID 75 was not found when attempting to remove it
    [Fatal 16:15:10.557] [GLib] Source ID 71 was not found when attempting to remove it
    [Info 16:15:10.601] [DrawingService] Could not find 'application-default-icon', using fallback of 'application-x-executable'.
    Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
    Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
    [Info 16:15:10.677] [DrawingService] Could not find 'application-default-icon', using fallback of 'application-x-executable'.
    [Info 16:15:10.817] [DrawingService] Could not find 'utilities-terminal', using fallback of 'application-default-icon'.
    [Info 16:15:10.818] [DrawingService] Could not find 'application-default-icon', using fallback of 'application-x-executable'.
    [Info 16:15:10.831] [DrawingService] Could not find 'utilities-terminal', using fallback of 'application-default-icon'.
    [Info 16:15:10.831] [DrawingService] Could not find 'application-default-icon', using fallback of 'application-x-executable'.
    I have also tried avant-window-navigator but had the same issues with it.
    Please have a look at the output, maybe the icons problem is caused by some errors encountered before all the drawing?
    Thank you!

  • Firefox doesn't display bookmarks in the sidebar, only in the menu bookmark. It doesn't display bookmarks in the "organize" bookmarks. It doesn't save tabs on exit. Problem began with 3.6.6

    FF 3.6.6 doesn't display bookmarks in sidebar, but a search in the sidebar shows they are still there. It does display them from the menu bar. It doesn't display bookmarks in the "organize bookmark" display. It doesn't save tabs on exit. Doesn't save browser screen size.

    With so many issues with your current profile it would be better to try a new profile.
    Be careful with what you copy to that new profile and it sounds that at least you have problem with places.sqlite and maybe prefs.js and localstore.rdf as well.
    First test that new profile without copying files and installing extensions.
    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems
    See [[Basic Troubleshooting|#Make_a_new_profile|Basic Troubleshooting: Make a new profile]]
    There may be extensions and plugins installed by default in a new profile, so check that in "Tools > Add-ons > Extensions & Plugins"
    If that new profile works then you can transfer some files from the old profile to that new profile (be careful not to copy corrupted files)

  • Doesn't display application name

    Hello Mozilla Support
    we have a problem since the inbuilt PDF-viewer came to Firefox. We can't use the inbuilt pdf-application from Firefox, because printing with it is to slow on our system.
    But this feature is not our Problem.
    We just set pdfjs.disable to TRUE and changed the action for Portable Document Format (PDF) to "Always ask". The reader is disabled but now we have a Bug at the point where you choose between download and application. If you choose an application it will open your pdf as always. But after this the Bug happens.
    Firefox =< 18.0.2 does remind the application you have chosen even if you don't activate the "Do this automatically for files...". In the Field "Open with: pdf-viewer" the name (pdf-viewer) is displayed.
    Firefox >= 19.0 the default after you opened an application switches back to "Save File" and the name of the last used application is not shown. If you toggle the "Open with" field and press OK even if there is no application displayed, it will start the last application u used for this file type, but it's not displayed before.
    The bug hinders us to update Firefox. We use Firefox for our users. They don't know where to find the applications and if no application is shown, they will believe none is chosen.
    I hope we find a way to fix this.
    Thanks for helping me.
    Arne Raetzer

    The File is just a test pdf file on our Web host. But The Problem is not the file. It's the same if you use this.
    [ Random test file].
    Before the update, Firefox also just picks the MIME defaults from "~/.local/share/applications/". After the Update, firefox just don't use this MIME database anymore (i think this is the main problem)
    >>"Have you tried checking the "Do this automatically…" option (FürDateien dieses Typs…), selecting Open With (Öffnen mit) and manually choosing the PDF reader application? Once you do that and click the OK button, you should have a new PDF entry under Options - Applications. "
    There is only one application/pdf entry in the menu. I have tried it but than happens the Display error. We need the Option for our users so they can download and open the file. My Programm is listet in the menu, but if i choose to "allway ask" the Programm is not shown at the "Open with" point.
    The Option "Open with" is selectet BUT it looks like no Programm is chosen(in german "Durchsuchen..."). If i just Press "OK" and don't choose a Programm, it will start the Programm listet in Options - Applications.
    If no Programm is chosen i should normaly get an error ("" can't be chosen" or something like that).
    Hmm PDF-File and PDF-Document can just be a changed name in the firefox description.

  • Performance Management Architect doesn't display applications

    I am reading through the Performance Management Architect Administrators Guide (System 11 release) from Oracle trying to figure out how to work with Hyperion Planning and Essbase. First of all, is the Architect just a fancy name for certain functions in Workspace? Because the documentation describes accesssing Archictect through the Workspace Navigate options. Second, the Application Library is defined in the documentation as "A summary of applications that have been created and/or deployed to Financial Management, Planning, Profitability and Cost Management, Essbase Aggregate Storage Option (ASO), or Essbase Block Storage Option (BSO)." It also says I can create Planning applications here as well.
    I follow the directions to access the Application Library - When in Workspace, I go to Navigate > Administer > Application Library, a new tab comes up, but there is nothing in the tab. It is completely blank. I have created several Planning applications, including initializing the Sample Application that comes with the Planning installation. I can view this application from Workspace or the Planning Web-app. Does anyone know why it is not showing up in the Application Library? If I want to build my own outline and define dimensions and members to create a planning applicaiton that works with my own sample data, where do I go to do this?

    The planning applications that you have created maybe classic planning applications so you won't see them in the EPMA application library. There are two methods of managing planning applications either the classic method or through EPMA.
    You can create a new planning application through EPMA or you can upgrade one of your classic applications to an EPMA version.

  • Doubt in creating program to display application logs

    I have doubt in creating a program to display application logs.
    The standard transaction code SLG1 has been used to display Application logs till now by the user.
    They came up with the new requirement on this.
    <u>The requirements were:</u>
    1)New custom program shoud be created like SLG1 with limited selection fields( data from, date to, Program name and User)
    2) Detail list should be displyed immediately when this program is executed because SLG1 gives Basic list,Detailed list which is getting displayed when 'Detail view' is selected in the first list.
    I have created one program with limited selection fields as per the requirement using the below function modules .
    <u>Issue :</u> still I am getting the firt list.
    both Basic and Detailled lists are getting triggered at the FM BAL_DSP_LOG_DISPLAY.
    Is it only the way to copy and modify this FM.
    Could you please suggest me?
    Thans in advace,
    Message was edited by:
            babu v
    Message was edited by:
            babu v

    Hello All,
    Thanks for your valuable suggitions.
    I have seen most of the demo programs.
    I found one fm'BAL_DSP_PROFILE_NO_TREE_GET' which avoids the tree list which is getting listed above the profile list.
    I have been searching alot to omit the Profile list. I searched alot to find any function modules realted to that.
    The requirement was only the Detail list should only be listed.
    Could you please suggest me to avopid that profile list also?
    Thanks in advance,
    Message was edited by:
            babu v

  • SAPUI5 Application doesn't display in Portal Content Area

    Hallo Guys
    We are developing a SAPUI5 application that needs to be displayed inside the portal.
    The problem is that the SAPUI5 app doesn't display in in the content area, no erors, just a blank page, you have to set the iview to open in a seperate headerless window, then it works. But it needs to work in the content area.
    Our findings: a possible cause is that the IE mode when inside the Portal content area is IE5 Quirks, and when it displays in a new window, the mode changes to a more recent and acceptable mode for SAPUI5, IE9.
    Is there any solution to this? We get the same result with both URL iView and using the SAPUI5 iView in content provided by SAP. We are on NW 7.4

    Hi Antonette,
    As Lawrence explained the reason is indeed that quirks and standards mode can't run together on the same page (not only in portal but it's a limitation by MS).
    Since your framework page is in IE5 quirks mode the UI5 application doesn't run in the content area, you can run it by selecting in the iView properties "Launch in a new headerless window (strandards)", that will open the UI5 application in a new window and will work.
    If you wish to run UI5 applications in the content area you can get latest SP of 7.4 and there you will have a new framework page: standards AFP, basically an AFP framework page that works in standards mode.
    In that framework page you can run UI5 applications in the content area, however trying to run old applications (HTMLB, not WD) may fail, for WD you have a paramater you need to pass called sap-ie, passing it with the value of "Edge" will make sure WD applications run in standards mode as well.
    When running the AFP in standards mode you will need to open your HTMLB and other old applications in a new headerless window or new window so you can see the content.
    Hope this helped,

  • My Contacts program opens but doesn't display on the screen (it appears to be off above the top right hand corner).

    My Contacts program appears to open, but doesn't display on the screen (it appears to be sitting just above the top right hand corner). any suggestions on how to get it back?

    Launch Contacts, then on the "Window" menu select "Zoom". That should maximise the window and give you access to the bottom-right corner where you can resize it, and the bar at the top which you can drag around.

  • 32bpp application doesn`t display correctly or crashes when we remote via SCCM 2007 remotetool

    By default remotetool’s Color Depth is set to 16 bpp
    Synapse application is a PACS viewer used by radiology department in our hospital.
    Synapse is designed to run in 32 bpp, therefore when we remote to it, the picture is not dispayed.
    Instead it displays an error Your display is configured for 65536 colors. This mode is unsupported. Use 24 or 32 colour mode.
    As soon as we disconnect or end the remote session. The picture on users workstation 
    turns black. Synapse needs to be re-launched  in order to display properly again.
    Is there a way to set the Color Depth default  on remotetool to 24bbp ?
    When we close the remote session, Synapse crashes or doesn’t display any pictures, leaving them black.
    Here’s how the user would see it
    On the other hand if we pre-set the colour depth to 24bbp before opening Synapse. Everything is displayed correctly on both admin and the remote workstation, while in a remote session.

    Yes, I know this is an old post, but I’m trying to clean them up.
    To my knowledge there is no way to do this, however I would suggest looking at remote desktop instead of CM0-7 Remote control.
    Garth Jones | My blogs: Enhansoft and
    Old Blog site | Twitter:

  • XMP doesn't display proper info in Photoshop CS2 for Mac.

    Dear List members:
    I have just recently installed Creative Suite CS2 and begun to explore the functionality of XMP. After purchasing Bruce Fraser's book on Camera Raw for CS2, I downloaded Metalab (Pound Hill Software) and created my first custom XMP panel that can be seen under the file info in Photoshop when an image (digital photo) is open.
    The problem is that I noticed a few odd things and began to question myself if there is some kind of bug or a problem with my installation of CS2.
    1. The window that opens under the file info command has several categories of information on the left to be chosen from, in the following order:
    (1)Description, (2)Camera Data 1, (3)Camera Data 2, (4)Categories, (5)History, (6)IPTC Contact, (7)IPTC Content, (8)IPTC Image, (9)IPTC Status, (10)Adobe Stock Photos, (11)Origin, (12)Advanced
    The Camera Data 1 option when selected opens a panel in the file info window that seems to contain all the information it is supposed to contain. The Camera Data 2 panel, on the other hand, doesn't display any information at all. Although the fields are there, they are empty. The fields are:
    (1)Pixel Dimension X and Y, (2)Orientation, (3)Resolution X and Y, (4)Resolution Unit, (5)Compressed Bits per Pixel, (6)Color Space, (7)Light Source, (8)File Source.
    All these fields are empty but when looking at the same file under Bridge the information is there, displayed under the metadata menu.
    This is something I noticed "before" installing Metalab so I know it is not a compatibility issue generated by the installation of the software.
    After installing CS2 I noticed that CS1 remained installed in my system. The version I purchased of CS2 is the upgrade one. Since I have no use for CS1 as I am now totally converted to CS2, I would like to uninstall CS1. The following are some of the questions I have:
    1. How can I uninstall CS1 without causing any problems to my installation of CS1 ? Is there an uninstall utility with the software or will I have to uninstall the entire package manually ?
    2. My G5 came with only one internal 160 GB drive where I originally installed CS1. I then purchased another internal 400 GB HD and copied the original drive onto it. This week I am going to replace the original 160 GB drive with a second 400 GB drive so that I can do regular "mirror image" back-ups between the two drives. Shold I expect any problems as I remove the drive where I originally installed CS1 ? Since I used disk utility to "copy" the 160 GB drive onto the 400 GB drive, my understanding it that any Adobe software key or authorization was also transferred to the drive. Is this right ? In case it hasn't, how can I transfer this information so that after I remove the 160 GB drive I will not experience any problems when trying to run CS2 ?
    3. How can I fix the problem with the Camera Data 2 panel under the file info window and command ? I noticed that the folder that is supposed to hold the Custom File Info Panels (HD>Library>Application Support>Adobe>XMP>Custom File Info Panels) has files for CS1 and CS2. Could this be a problem ? There many more files with .dat extenson than there are with the .txt extension. Bruce Fraser specifically says that the ones with the .txt extension are the ones that hold the XMP templates for information related to the image files. The files I have in this folder with the .txt are:
    (1)Camera1_CS2.txt , (2)Camera1.txt , (3)Camera2_CS2.txt , (4)Camera2.txt , (5)Categories.txt , (6)History.txt , (7)IPTC_Contact.txt , (8)IPTC_Content.txt , (9)IPTC_Image.txt , (10)IPTC_Status.txt , (11)StockPhotoInfo.txt
    The only ones that have two separate files one each for CS1 ad CS2 are Camera 1 and Camera 2. Camera 2 seems to be the only that is now non-functional. What should I expect to happen if I were to manually uninstall the ones that relate to CS1 ? Could that cause any problems ?
    My apologies for the long post but I didn't really know how to make it shorter.

    The Photoshop and/or Bridge forums would be more likely places to get answers to your questions. This forum is inhabited more by programmer types interested in implementing the XMP specification in applications we write.
    I'd expect CS2 to ignore CS1 panels so I doubt that's the issue. Panels don't interfere with each other--they just offer different views of the data. In any case, move the extra panels to your desktop and see what happens.
    As far as I know, all you need to do on the Mac is drag the CS1 application folder to the trash to uninstall it.

  • WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT sometimes doesn't display the generated PDF file

    Hi all,
    I'm using the following code to generated my report from Forms:<br><br>
          V_TMP_PDF := :GLOBAL.APACHE_HTML_FOLDER ||'rpt'|| V_JOB_ID  ||'.pdf' ;
        WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT(:GLOBAL.AS_HOME_URL ||  'rpt'|| V_JOB_ID  ||'.pdf' ,'_BLANK');     
        END IF;
    END LOOP; <br><br>
    Everything works fine except the WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT part. In some clients, this command does what it required from it and opens a new browser window with the PDF report displayed on it. In some other clients, this command does nothing: now window dispalyed. When I refer to the Application Server, I see the PDF report successfully generated there. When I put the URL of the generated report manually in the browser address, I can see the report.
    <b>Why the WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT doesn't display the generated PDF report in some clients?</b>

    I agree with the previous 2 posters.
    Also firefox and ie handle it differently. Make sure you test on what your clients use.
    Sometimes acrotray.exe is completely retarded and doesn't work.

  • JSP doesn't display Oracle varchar2 Items on screen

    I recently bought new laptop with windows XP professional with service pack 2. Loaded Oracle 10g Client on it. I have a Dell server with Linux and Oracle database 9i. Accessed the this database through new laptop using SQL plus window and works OK. (With that it is sure that my hosts file updated correct with proper IP address of server and tnsnames.ora files).
    I have created a JSP application to access this database. It works perfectly OK in my old laptop with Windows XP home with service pack1. The connections are established through ODBC Data Source Administrator (Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Data Sources) by adding a System Data Source. The application works perfectly OK and displays all fields that I intended and coded for. Only thing is it has Oracle 9i client.
    But the same application in the new laptop doesn't work properly. It doesn't display Varchar2 values. It displays only Number and Date data types. This shows it is connecting to the database (oracle 9i). But varchar2 values are not displayed. The connections are established through ODBC Data Source Administrator.
    I'm using Tomcat server (jakart-tomcat-5.0.27) on both the laptop. Please help me here.

    Suggestion: don't use the ODBC driver to connect to Oracle. I presume you are using sun's JDBC-ODBC bridge?
    Oracle have got a reasonably good 100% java JDBC driver which is all you need, and is a lot better than the ODBC bridge. I would recommend using the Oracle thin driver.
    Your java code should remain largely unchanged. The only thing you would need to alter would be
    1 - driver class being loaded (oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver)
    2 - driver url (default would be something like: jdbc:oracle:thin:@
    3 - You would need the oracle jdbc driver in the classpath (ojdbc14.jar) You can find that in [ORA_HOME]/jdbc/lib
    If you've written your database connection using a JNDI datasource, then all you would need to change would be the configuration in your tomcat server.
    Hope this helps,

  • IE doesn't display navigation menus or slideshows correctly

    I'm fairly new to Muse and was pretty excited for it as an alternative to using Dreamweaver all of the time but now I wish it would come with a disclaimer that the sites created with it are not compatible across all browsers.
    I have a simple horizontal navigation menu that won't work in IE but appears fine in Firefox and Chrome. The slideshows on the homepage as well as the project pages doesn't display correctly either. As you can imagine, the client is none too happy. Also, the Google map widget does not work correctly in IE either.
    Are there known issues with IE? Are there any fixes short of redoing the site in another program?
    The URL is:
    Any help or input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    We are experiencing similar issues. We have used the slideshow widget in Muse on several pages and it fails to work under IE 10 or IE 11, but works fine on all current versions of Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.

  • Power Map doesn't display in ribbon

    I installed Power Maps Preview and the add-in is active, but it doesn't display in the ribbon. I unistalled the program several times and re-downloaded it, but it still does not work. Many of the discussion threads on this topic contain dead links for fixes
    or don't provide much information. How have others solved this issue? I have Home Office 2013. Thanks!

    That's a strange one. Run Thinkvantage System Update, or just download and install most recent PM driver and software. Maybe refreshing these will give you PM back. Otherwise, I believe you may also have a setting in the BIOS for the beep. Not in front of my X100 now, but I know I have this setting on my X60s.

  • CG02 Report from Template error when starting the display application

    System info: SAP GUI 720 (patch 10007878), ECC 6.0, SAP_APPL/EA-APPL 605, WWI 2.7 (patch 20000084)
    Hi, folks.
    I was able to execute CG02 'Report from Template' function. My local MS Word 2003 would open successfully to display the report as expected. Suddenly, I couldn't do that anymore. I'm now getting msg "An error occurred when starting the display application" (C$772). And I didn't change anything.
    Any clue to what has happened or why it is happening? In my Word, I have 'C:\Program Files\SAP\FrontEnd\SAPgui\wwi' set as the file location for User templates. What else should I check?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi, Caroline.
    Thanks for pointing me (back) to it! (I've encountered a similar issue with the same param back in 2010...)
    I'm positive that the problem started after I tried to run the transaction code (of my custom report program that does the CG02 'Report from Template' function) from the web gui ('You Can Also' menu function). Somehow, the standard SAP fms within It changed the param ESWWI_INST value from 'EXISTFRONT' to 'WWISERVER'. So when I ran CG02 and the WWI server is not available yet, I received the error msg.

Maybe you are looking for

  • See who can solve this problem

    Parameter name   || Typing     ||  Associated Type ACGL_ITEM         || Structure ||  ACGL_ITEM this give error ( Typing is only for Like,Type,Type Ref To ) therefore i change it to Type but it telling me that the ( TABLES parameters are obsolete!) g

  • My IPhoto library is gone and I cannot find it. I have found an earlier version witha few photos but the big one is gone. Any ideas?

    My IPhoto library is gone and cannot be found. There is an IPhoto in Applications marked "original". I can find the one I'm looking for using Time Machine but when I try to open it it says that it cannot be opened as there is a newer version installe

  • G5 won't sleep automatically

    In an effort to save electricity and $$, I put my G5 on a sleep timer (10 minutes). But it does not go to sleep by itself. Using the Sleep menu command works. Any settings I might be missing that could be interfering with self-sleep?

  • How long to transfer macbook pro into imac

    I just got my new imac. Started migration from my good old macbook pro through wifi & than connected ethernet cable. 4 hours have gone by now.... Is it normal? How long should this process take more or less ? Tks

  • Map ID with merged projects

    Hello, I'm working on merged projects for made one CHM for a software. I manage to merge the several chm, but now I've got a another problem with the topics ID I use to call help in the application. I create a file Map-ID for all my .chm, but I don't