Project Capital Events

Hello Gurus
I am not able to comprehend the need/benefits of using Capital events and under what scenarios they will be used.
If you guys can shine some light on this, I would really appreciate it.

When the company take a loan to fund the purchase or building of a high value asset it may need to include the finance expense as part of the capitalizable costs for that asset.
Capital events are transactions created on a capital project and represent the cost of paying interest to the lending bank.

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  • Some Clips in Projects and Events are Grayed Out

    I've been using iMovie for a while with the same camera, and it's always worked fine. However, the last time I went to import some clips from my camera, they went into the event folder, but then every clip - including the new ones - that had worked before turned gray. Now, I can't watch any of the clips in the project or events. This is very frustrating because everything worked fine, but now nothing works. If there's a way I can fix this so the clips will actually play, it would be very much appreciated.

    I've experienced the same thing.

  • My imovie seems to have completely crashed... and I'm hoping someone can help me. I have moved all my projects and events to a folder on my desktop. I've deleted all the plist files I can find and I still cannot get it to open.

    Please help... it seems all is lost as all I kind find on this subject seem to lead to nowhere. My engagement was on imovie, a school project, several videos of our son. You will have to hold my hand through this process... as I am not very good at this type of thing. I believe I have deleted all the necessary plist files and moved my projects and events to a folder on my desktop. imovie has been upgraded to version 9.0.9... Whenever I open it I just get the beachball and then I have to force quit and I get the following report:
    2013-08-02 23:48:24 -0500
    OS Version: 
    10.7.5 (Build 11G63b)
    Report Version:  9
    9.0.9 (1795)
    Build Version:   2
    Project Name:
    Source Version:  1795000000000000
    App Item ID:
    App External ID: 15340117
    launchd [120]
    27 (100ms sampling interval)
    iMovie [1184]
      Thread 0x3dd6 
      User stack:
    27 ??? (in iMovie) [0xf9c95]
    27 ??? (in iMovie) [0xfa12a]
    27 NSApplicationMain + 1054 (in AppKit) [0x92d8fac5]
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    27 ??? (in iMovie) [0x1485be]
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    27 -[ILMediaObjectsViewController observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:] + 299 (in iLifeMediaBrowser) [0x95004ff5]
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    27 -[IKImageBrowserView(ImageBrowserLayout) updateLayoutOfCells] + 100 (in ImageKit) [0x9b978e18]
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    7 _CFAppendXML0 + 3261 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad4561d]
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    1 _appendEscapedString + 602 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad461ea]
    1 _plistAppendCharacters + 80 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad44850]
    1 _CFAppendXML0 + 5210 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad45dba]
    1 __CFNumberCreateFormattingDescriptionAsFloat64 + 181 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad61df5]
    1 CFStringCreateWithFormat + 110 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ace102e]
    1 __CFStringAppendFormatCore + 6588 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9acdad9c]
    1 _CFAppendXML0 + 2847 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad4547f]
    1 CFRelease + 169 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9acde039]
    1 _objc_rootRelease + 47 (in libobjc.A.dylib) [0x99b0854e]
    1 -[__NSArrayM dealloc] + 394 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad084da]
    1 -[NSObject dealloc] + 107 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad0855b]
    1 _object_dispose + 78 (in libobjc.A.dylib) [0x99b11dc0]
    1 szone_size + 0 (in libsystem_c.dylib) [0x98b64cd1]
    1 _CFAppendXML0 + 2616 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad45398]
    1 CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues + 455 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9aceb567]
    1 CFBasicHashGetElements + 207 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9aceb63f]
    1 _CFAppendXML0 + 3128 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad45598]
    1 _appendEscapedString + 653 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad4621d]
    1 _plistAppendCharacters + 80 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad44850]
    1 _CFAppendXML0 + 2778 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad4543a]
    1 CFArraySortValues + 1183 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ace86ef]
    1 CFQSortArray + 231 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ace8927]
    1 CFSortIndexes + 1494 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad18466]
    1 __CFSimpleMergeSort + 124 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad1850c]
    1 __CFQSortArray_block_invoke_1 + 47 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad186ef]
    1 __CFArrayCompareValues + 36 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad18724]
    1 CFStringCompare + 60 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9acf4c8c]
    1 CFStringCompareWithOptionsAndLocale + 35 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9acf4cc3]
    1 CFStringGetLength + 108 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9acdc97c]
    1 _CFAppendXML0 + 2722 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad45402]
    1 CFArrayReplaceValues + 135 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ace8ac7]
    1 -[NSMutableArray replaceObjectsInRange:withObjects:count:] + 979 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad27e93]
    4 _CFAppendXML0 + 3128 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad45598]
    2 _appendEscapedString + 340 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad460e4]
    1 CFStringGetCharacters + 143 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9aced27f]
    1 CFStringGetCharacters + 20 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9aced204]
    2 _appendEscapedString + 602 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad461ea]
    2 _plistAppendCharacters + 150 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad44896]
    2 CFDataAppendBytes + 163 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9aceb793]
    1 CFDataReplaceBytes + 487 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ace9857]
    1 __CFDataGrow + 354 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9acec362]
    1 realloc + 175 (in libsystem_c.dylib) [0x98ba56f6]
    1 malloc_zone_realloc + 84 (in libsystem_c.dylib) [0x98ba47c0]
    1 szone_realloc + 2552 (in libsystem_c.dylib) [0x98b6f6f4]
    1 vm_copy + 167 (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x9a73fa6c]
    1 mach_msg_trap + 10 (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x9a741c22]
    1 CFDataReplaceBytes + 727 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ace9947]
    1 memmove$VARIANT$sse42 + 39 (in libsystem_c.dylib) [0x98b279e4]
    2 _CFAppendXML0 + 3239 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad45607]
    2 CFDictionaryGetValue + 135 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9acd6a87]
    1 CFBasicHashFindBucket + 1844 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9acd71d4]
    1 __CFDictionaryStandardEquateKeys + 46 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ace422e]
    1 CFEqual + 91 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ace429b]
    1 CFBasicHashFindBucket + 1679 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9acd712f]
    1 __CFDictionaryStandardHashKey + 32 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9acd7700]
    1 __CFStringHash + 125 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ace0a4d]
    2 _CFAppendXML0 + 2778 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad4543a]
    2 CFArraySortValues + 1183 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ace86ef]
    2 CFQSortArray + 231 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ace8927]
    2 CFSortIndexes + 1494 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad18466]
    1 __CFSimpleMergeSort + 289 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad185b1]
    1 __CFSimpleMergeSort + 289 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad185b1]
    1 __CFSimpleMergeSort + 289 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad185b1]
    1 __CFSimpleMergeSort + 259 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad18593]
    1 __CFSimpleMergeSort + 289 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad185b1]
    1 __CFSimpleMergeSort + 289 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad185b1]
    1 __CFSimpleMergeSort + 400 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad18620]
    1 __CFQSortArray_block_invoke_1 + 47 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad186ef]
    1 __CFArrayCompareValues + 36 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad18724]
    1 CFStringCompare + 60 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9acf4c8c]
    1 bcmp + 153 (in libsystem_c.dylib) [0x98b9f1b9]
    1 __CFSimpleMergeSort + 259 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad18593]
    1 __CFSimpleMergeSort + 289 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad185b1]
    1 __CFSimpleMergeSort + 259 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad18593]
    1 __CFSimpleMergeSort + 289 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad185b1]
    1 __CFSimpleMergeSort + 289 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad185b1]
    1 __CFSimpleMergeSort + 259 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad18593]
    1 __CFSimpleMergeSort + 400 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad18620]
    1 __CFQSortArray_block_invoke_1 + 47 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad186ef]
    1 __CFArrayCompareValues + 36 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad18724]
    1 CFStringCompare + 60 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9acf4c8c]
    1 bcmp + 132 (in libsystem_c.dylib) [0x98b9f1a4]
    5 -[NSDictionary(NSDictionary) writeToFile:atomically:] + 287 (in Foundation) [0x95e2a331]
    5 -[NSData(NSData) writeToFile:atomically:] + 103 (in Foundation) [0x95e2a51e]
    5 _NSWriteBytesToFile + 60 (in Foundation) [0x95e2a565]
    4 __fsync + 10 (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x9a7445fa]
    1 _NSWriteBytesToFileWithExtendedAttributes + 1253 (in Foundation) [0x95e2aa52]
    1 __rename + 10 (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x9a743b0a]
    2 -[NSDictionary(NSDictionary) writeToFile:atomically:] + 61 (in Foundation) [0x95e2a24f]
    1 _NSIsPList + 793 (in Foundation) [0x95e28608]
    1 _NSIsPList + 659 (in Foundation) [0x95e28582]
    1 -[__NSCFDictionary keyEnumerator] + 97 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad5e271]
    1 -[__NSCFDictionary retain] + 25 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad3bec9]
    1 _NSIsPList + 770 (in Foundation) [0x95e285f1]
    1 -[__NSCFDictionary objectForKey:] + 28 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ad3897c]
    1 CFDictionaryGetValue + 135 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9acd6a87]
    1 CFBasicHashFindBucket + 1844 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9acd71d4]
    1 __CFDictionaryStandardEquateKeys + 46 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ace422e]
    1 CFEqual + 261 (in CoreFoundation) [0x9ace4345]
    1 bcmp + 128 (in libsystem_c.dylib) [0x98b9f1a0]
    5 -[ILMediaBrowserImageManager loadCachedAttributesForMediaObject:updateIfNotFound:] + 411 (in iLifeMediaBrowser) [0x94ffaadd]
    5 -[ILMediaBrowserImageManager loadAttributes:forMediaObject:atPath:] + 79 (in iLifeMediaBrowser) [0x94ffab80]
    5 -[ILMediaBrowserImageManager loadAttributes:forImageMediaObject:atPath:] + 720 (in iLifeMediaBrowser) [0x94ffd6ca]
    3 -[IKImageWrapper saveAsTIFFAtPath:] + 69 (in ImageKit) [0x9b91df81]
    3 -[NSData(NSData) writeToFile:atomically:] + 103 (in Foundation) [0x95e2a51e]
    3 _NSWriteBytesToFile + 60 (in Foundation) [0x95e2a565]
    3 __fsync + 10 (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) [0x9a7445fa]
    2 -[IKImageWrapper saveAsTIFFAtPath:] + 36 (in ImageKit) [0x9b91df60]
    1 -[IKImageWrapper TIFFRepresentation] + 82 (in ImageKit) [0x9b91eb1c]
    1 -[NSImage TIFFRepresentation] + 49 (in AppKit) [0x92d505e3]
    1 -[NSImage TIFFRepresentationUsingCompression:factor:] + 806 (in AppKit) [0x92d50911]
    1 +[NSBitmapImageRep TIFFRepresentationOfImageRepsInArray:] + 56 (in AppKit) [0x92d50dd9]
    1 +[NSBitmapImageRep(NSBitmapImageFileTypeExtensions) representationOfImageRepsInArray:usingType:properties:] + 2439 (in AppKit) [0x92d51768]
    1 CGImageDestinationFinalize + 158 (in ImageIO) [0x961dc693]
    1 _CGImagePluginWriteTIFF + 3885 (in ImageIO) [0x961dd5e9]
    1 CGAccessSessionGetBytes + 164 (in CoreGraphics) [0x99202dbc]
    1 memmove$VARIANT$sse42 + 136 (in libsystem_c.dylib) [0x98b27a45]
    1 -[IKImageWrapper TIFFRepresentation] + 64 (in ImageKit) [0x9b91eb0a]
    1 -[IKImageWrapper nsImage:] + 53 (in ImageKit) [0x9b92139b]
    1 -[IKImageWrapper _nsImage] + 261 (in ImageKit) [0x9b921519]
    1 IKCGImageFromIconRef + 309 (in ImageKit) [0x9b924834]
    1 PlotIconRefInContext + 403 (in HIServices) [0x93b65a15]
    1 PlotISImageRefInContext + 2063 (in HIServices) [0x93b63375]
    1 CGContextDrawImage + 457 (in CoreGraphics) [0x992b0855]
    1 ripc_DrawImage + 951 (in libRIP.A.dylib) [0x9ce94e6f]
    1 ripc_AcquireImage + 1901 (in libRIP.A.dylib) [0x9ce9661d]
    1 CGSImageDataLock + 165 (in CoreGraphics) [0x992b0c5c]
    1 img_data_lock + 8151 (in CoreGraphics) [0x9922867d]

    Yes this can be many things - and I can only guess/suggest.
    A. a very common origin to make the Mac un-happy is to - PANIC-HALT - when the round multicolored thing appear.
    So much can go wrong by doing this - and if done often problem builds up that can result in a real disaster.
    B. NEVER - move or alter any folder named - iMovie Event's resp. iMovie Project's - as iMovie has no search function - moving them results in that iMovie get's 100% lost.
    One can move them - but this HAS TO BE done within the iMovie application (as it is up and running)
    C. preference files - there are TWO or more Libraries on Your Mac. First and easy to find is the one You see when opening Your Start-Up Hard Disk window = Root Library == the WRONG ONE
    What we need to find is the one in Your User-Account folder (icon as a house) - and this is in Mac OS X.7, X.8 and X.9 HIDDEN. To see it do:
    ( It can be done like this: Open Terminal, then enter:
    chflags nohidden ~/Library
    Press return, then restart, and it will always be visible until the next major update, when you do the same thing again. )
    or - do like this. 
    On the Finder window at the top left of the screen,
    Hold down the Option key and clicked on Go. 
    This allowed You to see the Library folder and select it. 
    Then keep the Option button pressed down in order to see and select the Library folder. 
    Once found it, You are able to navigate to the iMovie preferences file and move it to the trash.  iMovie then start’s up fine! 
    Now here in Your User Library - find Preferences and trash
    and find
    While iMovie is NOT RUNNING - move this/these file/s out on to desk-top.
    Now restart iMovie.
    I Prefere another way to find out if this is the problem.
    (after all folders (iMovie Event/Projects are moved into original place)
    • go up to Apple Menu
    • Down to System Pref's
    • Select Accounts - Create a new User
    • Go down the Apple menu - Log OUT
    • Log into as the new User
    Now try iMovie
    Does it work at all ? (Yes You don't see Events or Projects in Your original Account just now)
    If so - Then we know that there is a corrupted pref file to be trashed.
    Else - the problem are much more severe.
    D. After Panic Halt / Forced Quit - I always do -. to keep disasters on arms length.
    • Repair Permissions (Apple Disk Util tool)
    • Start from other HD or DVD - then run Repair Hard Disk (Apple Disk Util tool)
    Yours trying to be of help - Bengt W

  • Is there a way to retrieve my projects and events?

    I have copied final cut projects and events to my Mac internal drive from an external drive on which they were located. I could not do this via FCPX because of a problem: FCPX being unable to open up unless [it says] some corrupt files are either restored or move. Neither FCPX nor I are able to do this [restoring or moving out of the corrupt files].
    So, after copying the events and projects onto my Mac's HD, I tried to open the currentproject in FCPX, but the application states that it has to be opened from within FCPX only.
    Is there any workaround by which I would be able to get FCPX read these projects and events [a work of nearly 5 months]?
    One idea: can I make a disk image of the projects and events folders and would they then be 'read' and accepted by fcpx?
    Eagerly waiting for solution/s.

    Try Digital rebellions tool,
    they have a trial version, 15 days, I think you will find that this may work for you.
    Two things that may cause this
    Corrupt render files, solution, delete the render files in your projects.
    Corrupt media files, Pro maintenance Tool
    Also, try launching the event without the projects, this will let you know which is causing the problem, event or project.
    let us know how you go.

  • Saving all projects and events to external hard drive

    I finished an iMovie project last night and published it to YouTube.
    Then, in order to free up space on my Hard Drive, I moved some of the events to a USB external drive because I figured I was finished with them as far as making my movie was concerned.
    My movie got "muted" by YouTube (copyright issue), so I need to go back and edit the project to remove a soundtrack, but the project has lots of yellow warning markers on various clips.
    I went to Genius Bar, and he explained that all iMovie events and all iMovie projects must reside in the same place. Makes sense ..... so I bought a new Seagate 7200 rpm Firewire External Drive (which will be faster than my USB drive) and plan to move all events and projects to the Seagate hard drive.
    But - if everything is on an external drive, how do I play a movie on my Mac when I want to show somebody? Do I copy the project back to iMovie? But will it play normally if all the accompanying events are stored elsewhere?
    The firewire 7200 rpm drives do not come in a portable drive, so I bought a desktop size drive - not very portable ..... so I can't be schlepping that drive every time I want to show a movie! I don't want to open the package if this is not the best solution.
    I'm starting to take a lot of video - so it's eating up my hard drive .....
    Thanks in advance for your help .... !

    you want to hold the command key and drag the project file to hard drive. The hard drive can be even one of the portable my passport. I have several. It just needs to be formatted Macos extended. Once you drag the project it will ask if you want to take the events with you....say yes. Viola ... all movies projects and events stay together. However, if you just want to show the movie after its edited, share to itunes and create a version that can play in itunes.

  • HT202853 iMovie failing to update older projects and events on external hard drive.

    I've made sure my iMovie events and iMovie projects files are on the top level of my external hard drive, however iMovie says, "iMovie could not find any events or project files to update" please help.
    I only recently updated my computer to OSX 10.10.1 ; before that, I was using OSX 10.6.8 Snow Leopard. Not sure if that has any effect on this topic.
    Here are my specs:
    Type: MacBook Pro (13-inch, Early 2011)
    Processor: 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5
    Memory: 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    Startup Disk: Macintosh HD
    Pretty sure graphics and serial dont matter so I wont put it in.
    But yea, I've been trying to figure out what's going on for a few days and have had no result.
    This problem's really hindering my progress for a film I'm making and iMovie is getting more and more frustrating to use as it develops.
    I hope somebody be able to help me asap.

    If you want to try and start over with the iMovie 10 "Update Projects and Events...", remove the "UpdatedToiMovie10" file in both the iMove Events and iMovie Projects folders (the older folders). Then open iMovie 10 and reselect "Update Projects and Events...". My expectation is that you will experience the same missing events problem I have, caused by changing the clip date and time in the previous version of iMovie (9). It's a bug that persists through iMovie 10.0.8 (just released a few days ago). Really really wish Apple could fix this.

  • How do I transfer imovie projects and events to new mac from external hard drive

    bought a  macbook pro retina.  backed up 3yr old macbook pro to external hard drive.  how do I transfer imovie projects and events to new mac?  thanks!

    Hi dalbatross,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    Did you set up your new computer by creating a Time Machine backup and restoring from it?
    If so, the Events and Projects that were on your internal Macintosh HD would copied to your new computer.
    Here is another way to copy the events & projects to the new computer from the external drive:
    iMovie Help: Work with multiple libraries
    Copy or move projects, events, or clips between libraries or hard disks
    Connect a hard disk that contains the target library to your computer, or copy the target library to your computer.
    Choose File > Open Library, and choose an option from the submenu.You can choose from recently opened libraries at the top of the submenu, locate an existing library on your computer, or create a new library.
    The selected library is opened in the Libraries list, with the first event selected and its contents displayed in the browser.
    In the Libraries list, select the event that contains the item you want to move or copy.
    In the browser, select the item you want to move or copy.Note:  To select multiple items, hold down the Command key as you click the items you want to select, or drag a selection rectangle around the items.
    Do one of the following:
    To move items between events or libraries: Drag the clip or project to another event or library.
    To copy items between events or libraries: Option-drag the clip or project to another event or library by first starting to drag and then holding down the Option key as you drag.
    - Judy

  • How do I save my imovie '09 project and events to an external drive? I tried to drag it but it won't accept it?

    I've been able to save/move things to my Western Digital Passpor beforet but this time it won't let me drag the project or event to the external drive.
    Tons of space left on the drive. The prioject is not finished. Do I have to optimize it or something? Thanks for all replies.

    external drives come out-of-the-box 'Windows'/fat32 formatted.
    no prob for a Mac - except for iMovie.
    use the Disk-Utility in your Apps/Utilities folder to format to 'Mac'.-
    follow advice given here

  • Create a dvd from past project and event moved to external hard drive

    i have version 7.04 DVD. Moved several projects and events to external hard drive. How do I go to "existing dvd projects" and create a dvd from a completed past dvd project? do i have to move the project and event back to the iMac hard drive..thanks

    A iDVD project contain links to the various elements you have used to make the project. Unless you have actually saved the project as an iDVD Project Archive (an option under FILE in iDVD) which can be a very large file because it actually contains all the elements used in the project with adjusted links, simply moving a project (and/or elements used in the project) breaks all the necessary links. Sometimes you can reestablish the links (iDVD usually gives you a chance to try), but it can't always be done.
    Good luck.

  • In iMovie 10.0.2 Why can't I find iMovie projects or events to transfer to external harddrive?

    I am trying to backup my iMovie Projects and all of the media for a number of events. I have been having trouble with iMovie 10.0.2, but it could also be my computer. I am running a Mid 2010 MacBook Pro with Maverick. I have a MacMini that I would like to transfer things over to. aybe I just can't process and that is why I am having so many issues with iMovie. Regardless, I cannot find my iMovie Projects or Events in the finder and cannot seem to figure out a way to find transfer them. They seem to have been lumped into a new library (similar to iPhoto) and I cannot for the life of me figure it out. Any ideas?

    Yeah, since they switched to using the iLibrary format I didn't recognize things. I figured it out and was able to transfer things. Funny enough, I was trying to solve for the problem described in the other thread.
    Sadly, trying a different comp (my MacMini) I was not able to make those darned clips work. They just seem doomed. Thanks for all the help though! I shall now give you more points!

  • Can/ how do I link two or more "projects" - not events or clips - "projects" together in final cut pro 10?

    Can/ how do I link two or more "projects" - not events or clips - "projects" together in final cut pro 10?

    Thanks Tom -
    I created two "sequences". They are currently listed individually in the "project library". Now I want to take sequence "B" and attatch it in it's entirety to the end of sequence "A" - forming one long sequence.
    I have tried to drag sequence "B" and drop it into "A's" timeline. I have tried to creat a compound clip. I'm either missing something - or - you can create a compound "clip" or a compound "event" - but perhaps you cannot link to "projects" together.
    Does this help descibe my problem?
    Thanks again.

  • How to hide projects and events in final cut prox

    Hi I am wondering how i can hide my projects and events in final cut pro x and  use them when i want it.
    Any help  appreciated. thanks very much in advance.

    Very convenient,  widely appreciated:
    an excellent 5$ investment!
    Plan B) for free:
    In Finder, you could drag the not-needed Events/Projects to some other location (e.g. same drive, a folder called 'Events-hidden'. When you bring it back, it could be, you have to tell FCPX to re-connect… less convenient as the ProjectManager, but optional.

  • In imovie 10.0.1 while trying to update projects and events in get a box telling me iMovie could not find any projects or events to update

    in imovie 10.0.1 while trying to update projects and events i get a box telling me that imovie could not find any projects or events to update. Help, please.

    Do you have Projects and Events form an earlier version of iMovie?

  • Project Server 2010 - PDP updates not triggering Project Server Events

    We're experiencing an issue whereby when a user updates a Project PDP, no update is triggered and reflected in the reporting database.
    My question is, which Server Side Event Handler is responsible for picking up PDP changes (i.e. Changes to Enterprise Custom Fields)?
    Can someone please assist?
    Thanks in advance.
    What we have configured and is working as expected...
    Event: Reporting
    Event Name: ProjectChanged, ProjectCreated, ProjectDeleted

    There may be multiple reasons for this.
    1. SharePoint timer Job is malfunctioning:
    For this try restarting SharePoint timer Job. through SP Powershell:
    Stop SPTimerv4 , Start SPTimerv4
     2: SharePoint Cache is full:
    Reset SharePoint Cache by deleting all XML files ( except cache.ini
    )  in SharePoint Cache located in System Drive\ProgramData\Microsoft\SharePoint\Config\<GUID>
    3: Check if Microsoft Project Server Event Service is running in Services.msc, try restarting it.

  • Upgrading iMovie from v9.0.9 to v10 with projects and events on external HD

    Seem to be running into an issue using iMovie v10 post-upgrade...
    I run iMovie v9.0.9 with many projects and events on several external (multi-TB) hard drives. They would not fit on my primary HD due to sheer file size.
    I was able to upgrade to v10, but when I tried to convert my existing iMovie library, my primary HD suddenly got a disk out of space error. It appears that the library conversion process is consolidating project and event files from the external drives onto the primary drive. Is this to be expected? Are external drives still supported with iMovie v10?
    Not sure the best way to proceed, other than to continue using the old library and iMovie v9.0.9 (which thankfully still works) and try to descipher what files to delete from my now-full primary drive.

    Likewise. I was afraid there might be a problem when they let Sarah Palin name the new OS.
    I have a 500 GB hard drive that had 100 GB free space before "10.9 Mavericks." Now the disk is full. The iMovie Library on my internal HD is 106.1 GB, and "iMovie" (sic) that is 90.3 GB. The computer is now slower than slow. Also, events that were organized under the names of the Hard Drive that contained them, are now simply called iMovie Library 1, iMovie Library 2, iMovie Library 3, iMovie Library 4, iMovie Library 5, etc.
    I had to use my finder and re-name the libraries to indicate the name and size of each HD. in the new iMovie interface.
    I copied the events from the internal iMovie library to an external library now called "iMovie Library July2013-3TB" and then moved the events to trash. But the events did not appear in trash, and cannot be emptied. So, the HD is still full.
    It seems that the new iMove just wants to fill any available HD space with iMovie Theater (sic) whatever that is. I can't realy explore the new OS until I deal with the HD issue. Fortunately, iMovie 9 is still there, so I can go back to using it. I wll try to drage the iMovie library to an external drive and delete the iMovie Library, iMovie, and go back to using iMovie 9. I may never open iMovie 10 again, since the mere act of opening it preceeds the destruction of disk space. 

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