Project ideas

Hi guys,
I'd like to do something Oracle based for my final year project (which I'll be starting this summer) and had the idea of creating a website with an online shop and video/pic galleries built from scratch and a Windows App (C#) for my martial arts gym. This would be running from my own web server using Oracle Linux/Apache
As this is a common type of project I had the idea of including biometrics (maybe a finger scanner) for gym users to register on sessions.
While this is an extra feature it probably isn't one the gym would actually implement once the project was finished. I was wondering if there was anything else I could do that would show a good understanding of relational databases (for potential employers of course!)
Maybe a mini CMS?
Any ideas welcome, after I graduate I'd like to do something in database development so anything you think may help me in that area would be appreciated.

you could get a major head start by utilizing public domain software available at

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    !!!!!!!111~~~###-=-=__[[][]You've got a baud rate problem, check your modem ;-)I chck modm, it big, black and have gren light, that ok? No, it shouldn't be black; paint it over; oh, and btw, check your
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    MAQ.power wrote:
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    And thank you very much.students should have more imagination. if you can't think of a good project, you don't deserve the degree.
    think of a problem that's pertinent to you that software can solve. then get busy and make it happen.

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    Rather than looking for a cool "theme" can you give some ideas of what you need to showcase in this application?
    Is it just a basic web application - ie slap a few data entry screens together into a screenflow, and do some calculations at the end
    Do you need to demonstrate knowledge of the technologies you mentioned (J2EE, JSP, struts, JSF...)
    Do you need to push the limits of the web interface?
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    Ajax is a useful thing to investigate and push the boundaries with.
    Or take a web application and make it multi platform - ie access it with a browser, via a mobile phone - see what you need to do to accomplish that.
    The only other idea would be to do some sort of game/simulation.
    Multi user obviously.
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    Good luck,

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    Hey Jamie,
    Currently there is no support to include other .properties files into
    the internal build. There's a that you get as part of
    an EJB project which you could place your values into and use that as
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    existing file. This has the same
    effect as replacing the .properties file after you've created your
    project only it keeps you from having to perform that step each time.
    The downside of this is that each person on your team would then have to
    update that template zip file in their workshop installation. (I'd make
    sure to backup the original template file before performing this
    activity so you can always go back to the original template).
    Hope this helps,
    Jamie wrote:
    We have property files also which we want included as part of the build process
    for EJB projects but if we use the IDE build it does not include them. We have
    to therefore export the IDE build and customize it to include *.properties like
    <zip basedir="${dest.path}" zipfile="${ejb.outputJar}" encoding="UTF8"> <!-- JARs
    filenames are encoded UTF8 --> <zipfileset dir="${}" includes="*.properties"
    /> </zip>
    which causes a problem for us because the exported build file is specific to a
    user's local PC and cannot be used in a team environment.
    How can we have the IDE build include all the files within an EJB project i.e.
    include properties files also.

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    morgalr wrote:
    I say this with some experience, scholastic and real world, that project scope can and does make and beak careers on a daily basis. Be aware: there are always "gotchas" that are going to jump out at you during a project, in your case they may even be work in other classes and midterms, you don't have the luxury of letting the delivery date slip, so be especially careful to scope your project appropriately (conservatively) for your skills and time.+=1.
    Or at the very least, decompose your project into tasks with the most critical ones first (feasibility experiments, etc) and some tasks which, if they get dropped off, won't have a large effect on the success of your project.
    For example, the design project I just finished doing with my group of 4 was a suite of minigames that uses realtime frequency analysis from the computer's microphone to allow you to use an instrument to play the game. To understand the concept, think Wii Fit for the interactivity and minigame aspect and as an example of a minigame, think Guitar Hero using a real guitar (except that we focused on easier instruments to start, like flute and piano).
    We planned on having multiple types of sound analysis (single notes starting and stopping, simple rhythm detection, chord detection, etc). We planned on having about 3-4 stock minigames. We planned on having a highscores feature. We planned on being able to store and present player information and metrics (for example, their personal best scores, preferred instrument, level of expertise, a history of improvement, etc). We planned on being able to dynamically install new minigames from within the product from a server. We planned, we planned, we planned...
    We probably only completed about 15% of the features we planned on doing. We drastically overreached. But we knew we were overreaching, and so planned our features accordingly. Our very first thing was a feasibility experiment to see if it was feasible to do the real-time sound analysis we wanted to do. Without that, there was no project. Then, we created a simple game that simply showed you what note you were playing. That gave us a basis for architecting the system. Then, we concentrated on creating a feature game that was actually fun (think Guitar Hero-esque). Then, we worked on polishing things up.
    The result still wowed the socks off of most people that saw it. Know how to identify your critical success factors.

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    Thanks all!

    I once tried making like a database profiler, called it dProfiler. I gave up because I found something very simillar to it on the net, nevertheless it was worth doing as I learnt some new GUI things.
    Basically it's a program which when given a database URI, inspects the database and returns its results in the form of a JTree. This JTree contains database names as root nodes and table names as leaf nodes of their respective database. The leaf nodes (table name nodes) could then be expanded to include column names and types (eg primary/foreign key).
    Also when a database/database table is dragged from teh JTree onto a display area, the program generates a JTable representing the database/database table. This way tables can be visually ispected by the user who may then be allowed to modify the tables maybe???
    This has good scope for GUI development, the computational part you mention would apply here when displaying JTables of different sizes, in the most efficient way on screen - your display area might have tabs which display different sized tables automatically when they are dragged onto them.
    Anyway, that's what I did, if you can make any sense out of that.

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    The air traffic control idea is fine. I think it is a pretty cool project to work on for a college project. I did one where we (3 man team) simulated a street intersection. Half of it was all math, probabilities, statistics, etc. We had to find a way to optimize the traffic light times so that there was no major backups, mainly the Northbound righthand turn lane which always backed up for at least a mile during rush hour. On top of all of the math and simulations, one of the guys created a GUI for it overnight for the underlying simulation. I think this was a 1 month project, so that was about 3 man months, and almost 1/2 of that was gathering data, and determining what probability distrobutions to use, and putting them into code.
    for the air traffic control, it could be very similar. Would you just be doing the the landing of planes? Or would you do take off and ground location of planes as well?

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    Any suggestions/comments will be greatly appreciated.

    Jaysus, you've cross-posted this seven times:
    You're really rude.
    Do you see how this wastes our time? People answer one request without knowing about the others. Post your question once - we'll find it.
    As an side comment, I'd say that you're showing a remarkable lack of imagination for a student. Is there no problem in your life that wouldn't benefit from some software? Go address that.
    If I were your professor I'd mark you down for laziness and lack of vision.

  • New project ideas on OpenSparc T1

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    Im a new user of OpenSparc. I have also booted up opensolaris on my FPGA. I have a ML505 board to work with.
    Can anyone give me any ideas about any small project which i could do within one month as I am ruuning short of time already. But at the same time I want to something good with it. Like exploring anything related to high performance processing.
    so i require suggestions

    Hi Jin,
    This will probably be a very complicated debugging problem. Here goes!
    1. First, examine all the synthesis logs created by XST for any kind of warning or error. Then, examine the EDK place and route logs, and especially the timing reports for any timing violation, or other kind of error.
    2. Next, I suggest running a stand-alone tests on the processor. The procedure to do this is found in the OpenSPARC T1 Design and Verification User's Guide. Start by running the core1_mini regression. All tests should pass. If so, then run core1_full. This will take a while (approx 700 tests at 30 seconds per test).
    3. If all the above tests pass, then examine the software. There are four different boot PROM images, depending on whether you have a 1-thread or a 4-thread core, and whether you want to boot Solaris, or just run a program on top of Hypervisor. If you are booting a 4-thread core, the proper file should be 1c4t_obp_prom.bin Also, double-check that you are loading the prom.bin and the OpenSolaris image to the correct locations.
    Good Luck!

  • Need project idea...

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    Someone could help us with sugessions? (We learned Swing, RMI, Servlet, and a little of JSP.)

    You could consider developing a Swing-based client application for MetBroker ( MetBroker provides consistent access to a number of weather databases around the world. Examples of the kind of application you could develop:
    - a windchill calculator
    - a simple crop growth model
    - an applet that shows this year's temperatures against the average for a station.
    You can use RMI to communicate with MetBroker. There are also a set of Swing-based Java beans you could use. The software is open source, and is reasonably well documented. Contact me through the link on the web page if you require further information.

  • I want some project ideas for the theme: 'Risks and Benefits'

    My high school organizes a C# contest on the theme 'Risks and Benefits', and we have to anticipate what they can give us to do.
    I would appreciate some ideas!
    ...Sorry if I put the question on a wrong forum...

    Hi OVlad,
    Actually this forum is to discuss VS IDE, so I’m afraid that it is not the correct forum.
    In addition, the specific language development forum are discuss the issues when you develop apps, so if you want to develop an app or you want to get the whole demo, I’m afraid that it is out support the language development forum, but if you get any code
    issues when you create the app, you could post this issue to these forums like the C# forum here:
    Anyway, since it is not the VS IDE issue, I will move this thread to the off-topic forum. Thanks for your cooperation.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • M.Sc project ideas in SAP

    Hi Guys,
    i am doing a Masters degree in Information Technology and i work as an ABAP programmer + Jnr. MM consultant . I would like to do my final project on SAP if it is possible. Please kindly reply if you can come up with any Ideas for my project.

    How about
    Why text-message/SMS/IM type spellings are frowned upon in the professional work place
    or a few serious ones:
    +The total cost of ownership of ABAP development, from initial design to end-of-life, and how quality assurance adds days to the development time of each program, but reduces maintenance time significantly.
    Why good programmers are better value for money in terms of total cost of ownership than bad programmers, even if good programmers are paid 5 times more than bad ones
    How business knowledge is lost as a consequence of outsourcing development
    Why developers aren't a commodity - one size does not fit all

  • New Project Ideas

    Hi All,
    we want to develop our programming skill by doing some mini project in Java technology.
    A group of 3 members want to involve in this project with IDE as JDeveloper. So anyone can suggest a mini project with some 10 days duration. We also intersted to work in Swing, EJB,JSP,Java script.
    So whichever applicable suggest us or give some ideas for the project to improve our skills.

    we want to develop our programming skill by doing
    some mini project in Java technology.
    A group of 3 members want to involve in this project
    with IDE as JDeveloper. So anyone can suggest a mini
    project with some 10 days duration. We also intersted
    to work in Swing, EJB,JSP,Java script.
    So whichever applicable suggest us or give some ideas
    for the project to improve our skills.Since your new you're unlikely to get very far with a new project in 10 days without a lot of expert help. I would recommend that you take a really good look at the BluePrint applications, deploy them, run them, modify them and try out some of the excercises left for the reader.

Maybe you are looking for