Project Manager & RAID 0 config

i have Mac Pro with 250G Bay1 HD as boot + applications incl LP
i also have 2 X 500G in Bay 2 + 3 set-up in RAID 0 configuration where LP projects reside
in browse mode, project manager sees the audio files in proper Volume directory but not the songs
i did an expanded scan twice with no luck
btw, i have no problem uploading the songs in LP since the projects are all there intact in Finder, it's just that project manager fails to recognize them
is this normal?
does project manager only look for song info in User/Home/Music/Logic ?
right now i store projects in RAID volume/Logic folder
should i have created a "Music" folder above the "Logic" folder ?
many thanks
Mac Pro 2 X 2.66 GHz Dual Core Intel Xeon 4G RAM, 250G + 2 X 500G RAID 0   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Logic Pro (7.2.3) MOTU 828mkII

I believe there are some significant bugs in project manager. I have two identical internal barracuda drives in my mac pro (exc system drive), bought, installed and formatted at the same time: drive A for samples and audio and drive B for audio and song files.
For some reason project manager will "see" the songs on drive B no matter what I do. I've tried everything including only scanning drive B, deleting project manager database etc etc. I've even looked at the permissions of the drives and files and they are identical in nature.
There are no raids involved here. If I copy over the song files to drive A they are found by the PM. Its just weird. I'm pretty much stumped and I've given up trying. I'd love to know if there is a fix for PM weirdness.
(Macpro 10.4.8, Logicpro 7.2.3)

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    This is possible with business work place ( SBWP)
    To achive this you need to do some settings
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    You would be best served to back up all pertinent, and important data, then do a clean install.  
    Migration of RAID partitions from one chipset to another, be it the same manufacturer, or not, is not possible.  All manufacturers use slightly different data structures, etc.  when writing the data to the disk.  Your Nvidia RAD chipset will not read the information.
    The only reason it worked before, is because they were the same exact chipset.
    The only other option would be to make an image of the drive using nortons Ghost, or an equivalent.  This assumes you have acces to another drive with enough space to hold all your data.  This route is not reccommended, because the leftover driver bits from you old VIA installation could cause instability down the line, and always at the worst time.

  • Premiere Pro Project Manager does NOT include After Effects files.

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    Here's the best way: Personal Responsibility.
    Put all of your project files in one file. Stop asking PPro to do it for you. It's simple. This is a no-brainer. If you create a linked comp, create it in the same file as your PPro project and files. When you send it to Encore, create the Encore project in the same folder. Works all the time, every time. When you're sure that you're finished with the project for the forseeable future, move the entire folder off your workstation into storage. Do I move a copy of each asset (video clip, image, audio, etc.) into this folder before I import it to my AE or PPro project? Yes I do. Is it overly time-consuming? Not really. I can fly on my machine. Does it beat not being able to open a project later. Oh yes. Yes it does. I'd say I did 50 projects last year this way. When I occasionally had to move a project folder back to the workstation, I had no problems. Everything worked as it did before I off-loaded it. That's because I take personal responsibility for my projects. It's imporatnat that theyt work, especially if I end up having to hand it off to a third party down the road.
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  • Project Manager - Loading Time

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    "Here is the deal"
    1) You set up your scan path for the Project Manager and let it index all the relevant files
    2) Project Manager writes the index data to the "~/Library/Preferences/Logic/PM Data/LogicProject7" file. The more files you index, the bigger the "LogicProject7" file.
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    "Here is my question"
    1) Does anybody have more insight into the Project Manager's functionality in regards to speed.
    2) Can you post your reference: "LogicProject7" file size vs Project Manager startup time

    First of all - iSchwartz - you are not only okay, but also one of the most friendly and in depth advisers here on many subjects.
    Now stop biting your nails - please! What are you gonna do with all that excess calcium?
    You are indeed blissfully unaware of the benefits of this often overlooked PM thing (TG it's not a PMS thing...). If you are happy with EXS loading times, are never asked for multiple choices regarding the location of a sample, and your system runs stable, then don't change anything.
    Es wird Dich nicht eines Tages in den A.... beissen!
    Check your EXS loading times. Mine improved dramatically. Admittingly I have to confess, that my PM is overseeing, tracking and updating a little less then Edgar's, about 800 GB.
    P.S.: Would you mind posting a picture of you in the newbie beanie?

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    I’ve added a Tasks app (no config)
    Added other (non) essential standard apps
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    direction with the following question:
    What can I do with Sharepoint for project management if I do not have a developer profile? (Suggestions)
    Thank you gracefully,

    Hi phoenix414,
    One can use out of the SharePoint apps (List/Library) in many ways. Some popular apps are document library, list, Task List, Calendar, Contact, Survey etc. User can avail them from any device from anywhere. They can connect them with outlook to make it handy
    all the time
    I will suggest you to go through this Link which will give you good idea about collaboration potential which is core of project
    please 'Propose as answer' if it help you, also de-mark it if it didn't. Thank you!

  • Project Manager Quirkiness

    I was given a drive with a project that had been saved to it with Project Manager.  On my system, I imported the sequence from this drive as all the original media files are on a NAS AND local Raid attached to my edit box.  If I keep the Drive with the Project Manager version of the project mounted, all the files can be found or relinked from the Project Manager drive.  If I try to relink with this drive unmounted, the relink box is grayed out and I'm not given the chance to relink to the original files on my Raid or NAS.   What am I doing wrong or what do I not understand?  I would assume that if Premeire can't find links to files in a sequence, it should allow you to look anywhere to relink them?

    Hi Ron,
    Welcome to the Adobe forums.
    Premiere Pro Project Manager can help consolidating the files associated with a project. you can create a version of your project that references only the material used in your sequences. Also, you can specify which sequences to include and saved under a unique name in the standard Premiere Pro project file format. The Project Manager copies only portions of source footage used in sequences. If one or more sub clips share frames with another sub clip, the Project Manager creates a footage file that contains only those shared frames. So, the folder that Project Manager creates is the complete project which has all the references of the files used in the sequence in the same folder and hence when you disconnect the drive and try to re link them from the original media it does not gives you that option.
    Hope it helps.

  • CS6 Project Manager - Copying Files not advancing

    I am about to travel to Europe and I need to bring a CS6 project with me to continue editing on a laptop.
    I choosed "Collect Files and Copy to New Location". Project Manager analyzed the project and started the copying process, although the bar is not advancing and it is now 1h that is stuck at the sasme point.
    The external hard drive tha I am using to export the managed project looks like is writing, but in the project manager window the bar is not advancing.
    The project I am exporting is a full lenght film, and I cannot use the OSX finder to manually create a managed project due to its complexity.
    Here some details about the project:
    -Premiere CS6 is running on a 12cores Mac Pro, 64Gb Ram with 6TB internal raid
    -The external hard drive I am copying the managed project into is a 2TB Glyph e-Sata hard drive (currently showing signs of writing data)
    -The size of the managed project (including 3 sequences) is about 500GB
    -I choosed the option to collect files and Copy to New Location (Glyph Drive)
    -The footage is a mixed timeline of 4K Red and 5K Epic r3d files
    I already tried to abort the process and start ober again, several times but I always end up looking at the Project manager copying files without advancing.
    Any idea?
    I have a flight in 8h and I cannot leave without this project.

    Not all media types can be trimmed.  In this case, Adobe cant write to the proprietary RED codec.  (You notice there's no RED export options.)

  • CS6 Project Manager is not trimming R3D media.

    I am experiencing another problem with CS6 and R3D media.
    I am trying to move a PPCS6 project to an external hard drive in order to send it out for DI work.
    From Project Manager I select "create new trimmed project" with 24 frames handels.
    Once all the files are processed the resulting new project is huge and none of the clips have been trimmed.
    I tried to create a test sequence, with only 2 minutes of editing to see if the problem could have been solved with a fresh new sequence.
    Unfortunatelly I get the same rusults.
    CS6 is giving me several headackes with r3d media. I have been having several Unkown Errors while rendering or exporting different projects.
    Now I realize that CS6 cannot properly archive or copy trimmed projects.
    This is one of Andrew Davis's links that explains the archival process. Unfortunatelly it won't work woth r3d media:
    Pease let me know If you ever ecountered a solution to this problem.
    If of any help, here is my setup:
    MacPro 12cores
    64GB ram
    nVidia Quadro
    Media is stored in an Internal raid
    Project Manager is set to export the trimmed project on a regula G-Raid drive with sufficient space and speed
    Message was edited by: Neonhigh - Tutorial link added

    Not all media types can be trimmed.  In this case, Adobe cant write to the proprietary RED codec.  (You notice there's no RED export options.)

  • Project Management Wishlist (hoping for software or online solutions)

    hi all.
    i've converted the office to mac over the last two plus years and need to put a second level of organization to bed.
    would anyone mind helping me find other websites and/or suggestions on how to get this finalized? apologies for the length and intricacy of the post but THANKS for any help on this! even just one good lead or recommendation (say for FileMaker or one of the Devon tools could help me get moving forward with it and not have to backtrack).
    i work on PROJECTS that seem to need various kinds of data. some notetaking, imagery, url's. pages documents, pages documents printed to pdf, some pdfs that others created, spreadsheets, various creative files such as CAD, photoshop, indesign etecetera - and of course email and text and phone conversations. i would really ideally love to pull all this together but of course i know this is not realistic.
    i also really need to communicate some of this information with clients and have them communicate back to me, right now this is a terrible mess and extremely unproductive with widely dispersed and duplicated information (at a bare minimum).
    i have finally customized my images in Aperture but still need to organize my pdf's and my videos. i also find Spotlight to be rather unhelpful for some items and in reading up on Devon, one of their tools has a /graphic/ search display that somehow shows linked items and whether they have been "read" or not. this kind of VISUAL ORGANIZATION would be absolutely fantastic []. i should also add that what i /don't/ want to do is to have to catalog my project file by file and simply DRAGGING and DROPPING files to create a link if my ideal organizational method. tagging items with the GTD tools that i have tested is a non-starter for me and i actually don't even use tags in my Aperture database. i just drag and drop them to an appropriate Project.
    currently an example workflow for my Aperture database is that i POST these images to flickr to let a client see what kind of imagery i am using in their project (but they cannot upload /their/ imagery). nevertheless, this is very convenient because i can simply create an ALBUM in Aperture and drop the (pre-organized) imagery in there and post it to flickr from within the Aperture UI. this is really great but getting this link to a client is a bit of a pain because even flickr Pro uses some silly thing where you have to decide whether the recipient is a "friend" or "family" and ostensibly anyone that gets determined as one or the other can see all the other images in this category. it would be a whole lot better if i could just create an Album for a particular client. of course it would be great to
    in any event -
    in an ideal world (off the top of my head i would like) the ability to create a "Project" in my computer which organizes the following and /also/ allows me to post this to a place where Clients can have a LOGIN and PASSWORD that allows them to both view and UPLOAD information.
    2. pdfs
    3. spreadsheets
    4. contact list
    5. images
    6. other files
    7. a lot that i am forgetting to include here.
    it would also be great to be able to organize PHONE CALLS and TEXTS and EMAILS on my computer so that i can have a record of communication with and FOR this client.
    i would also like to get most or much of this to my iPhone if at all possible!
    Devon for project organization and possibly other needs []
    FileMaker for project organization []
    Campfire for project management [] 
    Papers for academic research []
    Highrise for contact and prospect management []
    Project Wizard for critical path management []
    Diigo for online bookmarking []
    what i use now:
    Notational Velocity (oh so awesome) iphone compatible []
    Reminders (nice for the location tools but i have not maxed out my use of this tool)
    Contacts (for personal contacts and syncs usually well with my laptop and desktop and iphone. however, managing email addresses in here is a nightmare for a small business)
    Cardscan (for business card contacts. resides currently only on the Mac Pro and i am not sure how to get Cardscan to talk to my other devices)
    Mac Mail (meh)
    Sparrow (cool and quick but somewhat feature light)
    iPhone (yes-sir-eee bob)
    Safari (good at what it does)
    1Password (dig the syning across devices)
    Transmit (nice FTP tool)
    i also work on windows where i do quickbooks and CAD so i am open to software suggestions for windows if there is nothing for the mac (though i suspect i can do much of the above on the mac, even if i cannot corral all of it together).
    THANKS FOR READING and thanks for any constructive input!

    I am a teacher and so I do not have your needs to really understand your requests.
    That said, I would reccomend you FileMaker Pro and Journler ( currently at version 1.1.62, running by Mac OS X 10.3.9 , the version I have and already in versio 2.0.1 for those who have 10.4).
    The first one is a relational commercial DB of an Apple subsidiary, with several template solutions ( probably one will fill your needs ) and the second one is a freeware, that has integration with Mail, Adress Book, Blogs, Photos, Audio recordings, iTunes and more.
    Just in case does not come anyone else with the complete solution, you should consider a free trial of FileMaker Pro (just released the version 8.5) and take a look at Journler.
    Both at <>
    Jorge Lucas (the guy from Rio Grande do Sul)

  • Adding a New Folder in Project Manager Crashes RH

    For the past few days, I have been having problems creating
    new folders in RH 7, Project Manager. Sometimes, it works just
    fine, and I can add folders, drag topics into them, import into
    them, create new topics, whatever.
    But then sometimes, the project manager just goes to white
    and flashes at me for a while, then RH crashes. The only things I
    can see in the PM pane are the triangular colored icons that
    overlay folders / topic icons when they include conditional build
    tags. No topic names, no folder names, just a column of these
    When I come back into RH after the crash, most times there
    are topics to reimport and / or relocate. I have rebuilt the cpd
    file several times. Each time it seems to resolve the issue, but
    eventually another crash comes along as I try to add a folder.
    For the record, just updated to the new 7.02.001 a few
    minutes ago, but RH just crashed again. 3GB RAM, more than 40GB
    space available on hard drive. Nothing new on my PC that I can
    think of.
    Anyone else seeing this?

    I'm just wondering if anyone has found a cause or solution of this issue?
    I'm experiencing it too with one of my projects (currently, I'm on RH8.02.202 on Win7/64, but I've also experienced it in RH7 on WinXP/32, FWIW).
    Some other details:
    My project is on my C:\ drive.
    The folder names are all comprised solely of alphanumerics and underscores.
    I've deleted both the PSS and CPD files without any noticeable positive effect.
    Since I've been on RH8, the project is set to rebuild the .cpd cache upon opening, but I've also tried deleting it (this might be redundant, but I figured the RH "rebuild" might be different from generating a brand new one).
    After I force RH to close, the folder is there when I reopen the project, and the folder behaves normally.
    The project resides in the standard "My RoboHelp Projects" folder.
    The problem seems to be isolated to this project, which is my largest (~2065 topics in ~85 folders)
    I'm at the point where I just automatically force RH to close after I create a folder rather than waiting to for the application to become "officially" non-responsive.
    Are there any other files I might try deleting or examining?  I've poked around in the .xpj, .fpj, and .hhp files, but I don't see anything odd. I compared my old .pss with the new one RH created, and they were identical.

  • RH7: Project Manager Tab keeps refreshing continuously

    I have upgraded my project from RH5 to RH7. There were in all 65 projects (.xpj) files that I upgraded. However, i have this issue with some of the files. When I open the xpj file, the Project Manager tab keeps refreshing. I cant scroll and select the files that are towards the end because the moment I click the scroll bar, the the tab refreshes and I cant click on the file.
    Most of the files that I upgraded work fine.
    Please suggest a solution. Thanks.

    Have you tried renaming the CPD and reopening RH to make it create a new one?
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • Can't open project after rebuilding Folders in Project Manager

    I had a corrupted project so I renamed the cpd file.  A lot of Folders in Project Manager were lost, so I recreated the folders and imported all the topics back in.  I added one last Folder back in and RH was having a problem with it (I didn't write down the error message).  It booted me out.  Subsequent attempts to reopen this Project are unfruitful.  The message I get is that a certain folder (not the same one I was adding) will be added back in and needs to be properly deleted from Project Manager.  (I had renamed that Folder, but I did it inside of Project Manager.)

    Please see the announcement at
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips
    Follow me @petergrainge

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