Project not merging

Well, here I am again,
with yet another question about merging projects. So far:
I've created a master project (Merge Test) to contain the
projects I want to merge into; these are:
Academic Year 2004-05 and Academic Year 2005-06
I used the New Merged Project icon in the Merge Test project
to merge both projects into Merge Test, each into its own
individual book
both merged entries read
"AcademicYear200x-0x.chm::/AcademicYear200x-0x.hhc ("x" being the
variable for the numbers I actually used)
Problem: AcademicYear2005-06 goes right into Merge Test, but
AcademicYear2004-05 is nowhere to be found.
I was told by two separate individuals (a forum member and my
sysadmin) that RoboEngine is not needed in my case, since we are
using RoboHelp on a local network.
Now what?

Oh no! Not the "N" word
Before you do anything else, move your source and
output files off the network onto a local drive. RoboHelp uses an
Access database which doesn't run well when positioned on a
That said, I wonder whether the AcademicYear2004-05 is
actually just hiding! If you open your AcademicYear2005-06 book, is
it there? If so, this is a well known bug with the Microsoft HTML
Help engine that RH uses to generate the output. you can get around
it by reading
If the problem is not this, have you checked that you have
all the CHM (i.e. master and subs) in the same directory?

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    We publish our project from RoboHelp HTML as a FlashPro to our RoboHelp Server, everything seems to go OK. But the project does not appear in the Admin web site for listing solutions. This is the only project, no merging and we are choosing to load to a secured area called "production".  Physically on ther server you can see the files copied up and you can manually point to the file through the browser. But if you try to load the project by calling the server http://<myServer>/robohelp/server?prj=test&area=production
    The project will not show? Any ideas on what to check? We have eliminated all special characters in the file names, no spaces in file names.
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    I see alot
    of Publishing calls and I am showing that last few and then the final call to the server
    - - [06/May/2010:15:58:15 -0400] "POST /robohelp/server?PUBLISH HTTP/1.1" 200 60
    - - [06/May/2010:15:58:15 -0400] "POST /robohelp/server?PUBLISH HTTP/1.1" 200 60
    - - [06/May/2010:15:58:17 -0400] "POST /robohelp/server?PUBLISH HTTP/1.1" 200 60
    - - [06/May/2010:15:58:17 -0400] "POST /robohelp/server?PUBLISH HTTP/1.1" 200 60
    - - [06/May/2010:15:58:17 -0400] "POST /robohelp/server?PUBLISH HTTP/1.1" 200 60
    - - [06/May/2010:15:58:17 -0400] "POST /robohelp/server?PUBLISH HTTP/1.1" 200 64
    - - [06/May/2010:15:58:18 -0400] "GET /robohelp/server?ver=8&mgr=sys&cmd=psh&area=production HTTP/1.1" 200 88
    We have some files that have a - in the name and are working on cleaning them up

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    I'm not sure why this happens, but I found a workaround. Below the album title it will list the artist(s). The issue seems to happen when there are multiple artists. For example, an Album titled "Over the Sea to Skye" has The Chieftains and James Galway as artists. Some tracks (for whatever reason) will list only one of these and result in the playlist showing what appears to be multiple albums. You can click on the artists and it will highlight. Paste in what is appearing on the other "albums" and it will then show as one:
    Hope that is somewhat clear enough to help. Doesn't fix whatever the issue is but it is a workaround. For me this is only happening with CD's that I have imported.

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    To change the iCloud ID you have to go to Settings>iCloud, tap Delete Account, provide the password for the old ID when prompted to turn off Find My iPhone, then sign back in with the ID you wish to use.  If you don't know the password for your old ID, or if it isn't accepted, go to, click Manage my Apple ID and sign in with your current iCloud ID.  Click edit next to the primary email account, change it back to your old email address and save the change.  Then edit the name of the account to change it back to your old email address.  You can now use your current password to turn off Find My iPhone on your device, even though it prompts you for the password for your old account ID. Then save any photo stream photos that you wish to keep to your camera roll.  When finished go to Settings>iCloud, tap Delete Account and choose Delete from My iDevice when prompted (your iCloud data will still be in iCloud).  Next, go back to and change your primary email address and iCloud ID name back to the way it was.  Now you can go to Settings>iCloud and sign in with your current iCloud ID and password.

  • [oracle] My view is not merged

    I have a view which is not merged by the CBO. I mean the CBO decides to apply the filter predicate after the execution of the view.
    Here is the definition of the view
    FROM SFMCPT XThe query is:
    explain plan for
    select * from VUNSCP where dasfm='30-apr-10';
    select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);
    Plan hash value: 2545326530
    | Id  | Operation           | Name   | Rows  | Bytes |TempSpc| Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT    |        |    13M|  1529M|       |   195K  (1)| 00:39:11 |
    |*  1 |  VIEW               | VUNSCP |    13M|  1529M|       |   195K  (1)| 00:39:11 |
    |   2 |   WINDOW SORT       |        |    13M|   646M|  1996M|   195K  (1)| 00:39:11 |
    |   3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL| SFMCPT |    13M|   646M|       | 27991   (4)| 00:05:36 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       1 - filter("DASFM"='30-apr-10')You can see that a FTS is performed on SFMCPT (>1 million of rows) and that the filter predicate is applied only after the view has been instantiated.
    So the index on DASFM can't be used.
    This query is returning about 30 000 rows. We see on the plan that the CBO is mistaken beacause it reckons that there's going to be 13M of rows.
    If I add the filter predicate directly on the view'script I get the correct plan:
    explain plan for
    FROM SFMCPT X where dasfm='30-apr-10';
    select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);
    Plan hash value: 1865390099
    | Id  | Operation                    | Name    | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT             |         | 14357 |   729K| 13271   (1)| 00:02:40 |
    |   1 |  WINDOW SORT                 |         | 14357 |   729K| 13271   (1)| 00:02:40 |
    |   2 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| SFMCPT  | 14357 |   729K| 13269   (1)| 00:02:40 |
    |*  3 |    INDEX RANGE SCAN          | SFMCPT1 | 14357 |       |    67   (0)| 00:00:01 |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
       3 - access("DASFM"='30-apr-10')The index is now used and the rows estimated seem closer to the actual rows.
    I tried several things:
    - disabling the "OPTIMZER_COST_BASED_TRANSFORMATION" hidden parameter
    - use the MERGE hint
    - alter session set optimizer_features_enable = '';
    All these workarounds don't work => I'm still getting the bad execution plan.
    According to Jonathan LEWIS' s book the 9i optimzer always merge views But here even if I set the optimizer_features_enable parameter to 9i the view is not merged.
    It's sure that the issue is due to the analytical functions but why ?
    Can please someone help me to understand what is going on ?
    Edited by: Ahmed AANGOUR on 5 mai 2010 08:41

    here is the 10053 trace file:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    ORACLE_HOME = /oracle/app/oracle/10.2.0
    System name:    Linux
    Node name:
    Release:        2.6.9-78.0.1.ELsmp
    Version:        #1 SMP Tue Jul 22 18:01:05 EDT 2008
    Machine:        x86_64
    Instance name: UBIXPROD
    Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
    Oracle process number: 26
    *** 2010-05-04 12:14:51.450
    *** ACTION NAME:() 2010-05-04 12:14:51.450
    *** MODULE NAME:([email protected] (TNS V1-V3)) 2010-05-04 12:14:51.450
    *** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2010-05-04 12:14:51.450
    *** SESSION ID:(135.1512) 2010-05-04 12:14:51.450
    Registered qb: SEL$1 0xa9e139a8 (PARSER)
      signature (): qb_name=SEL$1 nbfros=1 flg=0
        fro(0): flg=5 objn=297481 hint_alias="VUNSCP"@"SEL$1"
    Registered qb: SEL$2 0xa9e0bdd0 (PARSER)
      signature (): qb_name=SEL$2 nbfros=1 flg=0
        fro(0): flg=4 objn=265023 hint_alias="X"@"SEL$2"
    Predicate Move-Around (PM)
    PM: Considering predicate move-around in SEL$1 (#0).
    PM:   Checking validity of predicate move-around in SEL$1 (#0).
    CBQT: Validity checks failed for 3xakq94fcx4td.
    CVM: Considering view merge in query block SEL$1 (#0)
    CVM:   Checking validity of merging SEL$2 (#0)
    CVM: Considering view merge in query block SEL$2 (#0)
    CVM:     CVM bypassed: Window functions in this view
    CBQT: Validity checks failed for 3xakq94fcx4td.
    Subquery Unnest
    SU: Considering subquery unnesting in query block SEL$1 (#0)
    Set-Join Conversion (SJC)
    SJC: Considering set-join conversion in SEL$1 (#0).
    Set-Join Conversion (SJC)
    SJC: Considering set-join conversion in SEL$2 (#0).
    Predicate Move-Around (PM)
    PM: Considering predicate move-around in SEL$1 (#0).
    PM:   Checking validity of predicate move-around in SEL$1 (#0).
    PM:   Passed validity checks.
    FPD: Considering simple filter push in SEL$1 (#0)
    FPD:   Current where clause predicates in SEL$1 (#0) :
    kkogcp: try to generate transitive predicate from check constraints for SEL$1 (#0)
    predicates with check contraints: "VUNSCP"."DASFM"='30-apr-10'
    after transitive predicate generation: "VUNSCP"."DASFM"='30-apr-10'
    finally: "VUNSCP"."DASFM"='30-apr-10'
    JPPD:     JPPD bypassed: View not on right-side of outer join
    FPD: Considering simple filter push in SEL$2 (#0)
    FPD:   Current where clause predicates in SEL$2 (#0) :
             apadrv-start: call(in-use=2936, alloc=16344), compile(in-use=38784, alloc=44568)
                : call(in-use=2936, alloc=16344), compile(in-use=40472, alloc=44568)
    kkoqbc-subheap (create addr=0x2a9740c1f0)
    Current SQL statement for this session:
    EXPLAIN PLAN FOR select * from VUNSCP where dasfm='30-apr-10'
    Peeked values of the binds in SQL statement
      _pga_max_size                       = 262140 KB
      cursor_sharing                      = similar
      _optimizer_cost_based_transformation = off
    Column Usage Monitoring is ON: tracking level = 1
    EXPLAIN PLAN FOR select * from VUNSCP where dasfm='30-apr-10'
    qb name was generated
    signature (optimizer): qb_name=SEL$2 nbfros=1 flg=0
      fro(0): flg=0 objn=265023 hint_alias="X"@"SEL$2"
      Using NOWORKLOAD Stats
      CPUSPEED: 2503 millions instruction/sec
      IOTFRSPEED: 4096 bytes per millisecond (default is 4096)
      IOSEEKTIM: 10 milliseconds (default is 10)
    Table Stats::
      Table: SFMCPT  Alias:  X
        #Rows: 13036040  #Blks:  122880  AvgRowLen:  358.00
    Index Stats::
      Index: SFMCPT1  Col#: 2 3 4 8 5 7 118
        LVLS: 2  #LB: 58758  #DK: 13013072  LB/K: 1.00  DB/K: 1.00  CLUF: 11983641.00
      Index: SFMCPT2  Col#: 1
        LVLS: 2  #LB: 30031  #DK: 13483987  LB/K: 1.00  DB/K: 1.00  CLUF: 2410599.00
      Index: SFMCPT3  Col#: 3 4 8 5 7 2 118
        LVLS: 2  #LB: 39065  #DK: 13013072  LB/K: 1.00  DB/K: 1.00  CLUF: 12583891.00
      BEGIN Single Table Cardinality Estimation
      Table: SFMCPT  Alias: X
        Card: Original: 13036040  Rounded: 13036040  Computed: 13036040.00  Non Adjusted: 13036040.00
      END   Single Table Cardinality Estimation
      Access Path: TableScan
        Cost:  27991.05  Resp: 27991.05  Degree: 0
          Cost_io: 26881.00  Cost_cpu: 33334822147
          Resp_io: 26881.00  Resp_cpu: 33334822147
      Best:: AccessPath: TableScan
             Cost: 27991.05  Degree: 1  Resp: 27991.05  Card: 13036040.00  Bytes: 0
    Considering cardinality-based initial join order.
    Permutations for Starting Table :0
    Join order[1]:  SFMCPT[X]#0
    WiF sort
        SORT resource      Sort statistics
          Sort width:         766 Area size:     1048576 Max Area size:   134215680
          Degree:               1
          Blocks to Sort:  108528 Row size:           68 Total Rows:       13036040
          Initial runs:         7 Merge passes:        1 IO Cost / pass:      58786
          Total IO sort cost: 167314      Total CPU sort cost: 16584848017
          Total Temp space used: 2093966000
    Best so far: Table#: 0  cost: 195857.3183  card: 13036040.0000  bytes: 677874080
    (newjo-stop-1) k:0, spcnt:0, perm:1, maxperm:80000
    Number of join permutations tried: 1
        SORT resource      Sort statistics
          Sort width:         766 Area size:     1048576 Max Area size:   134215680
          Degree:               1
          Blocks to Sort:  108528 Row size:           68 Total Rows:       13036040
          Initial runs:         7 Merge passes:        1 IO Cost / pass:      58786
          Total IO sort cost: 167314      Total CPU sort cost: 16584848017
          Total Temp space used: 2093966000
    Final - All Rows Plan:  Best join order: 1
      Cost: 195857.3183  Degree: 1  Card: 13036040.0000  Bytes: 677874080
      Resc: 195857.3183  Resc_io: 194195.0000  Resc_cpu: 49919670164
      Resp: 195857.3183  Resp_io: 194195.0000  Resc_cpu: 49919670164
    kkoipt: Query block SEL$2 (#0)
    ******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
    kkoqbc-subheap (delete addr=0x2a9740c1f0, in-use=11856, alloc=12408)
              : call(in-use=57760, alloc=81816), compile(in-use=41096, alloc=44568)
                : call(in-use=57760, alloc=81816), compile(in-use=41184, alloc=44568)
    kkoqbc-subheap (create addr=0x2a9746b058)
    select * from VUNSCP where dasfm='30-apr-10'
    qb name was generated
    signature (optimizer): qb_name=SEL$1 nbfros=1 flg=0
      fro(0): flg=1 objn=297481 hint_alias="VUNSCP"@"SEL$1"
      Using NOWORKLOAD Stats
      CPUSPEED: 2503 millions instruction/sec
      IOTFRSPEED: 4096 bytes per millisecond (default is 4096)
      IOSEEKTIM: 10 milliseconds (default is 10)
    Table Stats::
      Table: VUNSCP  Alias: VUNSCP  (NOT ANALYZED)
        #Rows: 0  #Blks:  0  AvgRowLen:  0.00
    Considering cardinality-based initial join order.
    Permutations for Starting Table :
    Join order[1]:  VUNSCP[VUNSCP]#0
    Best so far: Table#: 0  cost: 195857.3183  card: 13036040.0000  bytes: 1603432920
    (newjo-stop-1) k:0, spcnt:0, perm:1, maxperm:80000
    Number of join permutations tried: 1
    Final - All Rows Plan:  Best join order: 1
      Cost: 195857.3183  Degree: 1  Card: 13036040.0000  Bytes: 1603432920
      Resc: 195857.3183  Resc_io: 194195.0000  Resc_cpu: 49919670164
      Resp: 195857.3183  Resp_io: 194195.0000  Resc_cpu: 49919670164
    kkoipt: Query block SEL$1 (#0)
    ******* UNPARSED QUERY IS *******
    kkoqbc-subheap (delete addr=0x2a9746b058, in-use=11544, alloc=12408)
              : call(in-use=63208, alloc=81816), compile(in-use=41688, alloc=44568)
    apadrv-end: call(in-use=63208, alloc=81816), compile(in-use=42872, alloc=44568)
    Current SQL statement for this session:
    EXPLAIN PLAN FOR select * from VUNSCP where dasfm='30-apr-10'
    Plan Table
    | Id  | Operation            | Name    | Rows  | Bytes | Cost  | Time      |
    | 0   | SELECT STATEMENT     |         |       |       |  191K |           |
    | 1   |  VIEW                | VUNSCP  |   12M | 1529M |  191K |  00:39:11 |
    | 2   |   WINDOW SORT        |         |   12M |  646M |  191K |  00:39:11 |
    | 3   |    TABLE ACCESS FULL | SFMCPT  |   12M |  646M |   27K |  00:06:36 |
    Predicate Information:
    1 - filter("DASFM"='30-apr-10')Edited by: Ahmed AANGOUR on 5 mai 2010 08:43

  • All images in Project not showing up

    I have 2000 images in a project but for some reason I can only get one subset of them [89 images] to show up. I have checked to show all, I've gone into smart albums and they all show up but only 89 show up when I want to open the entire project...This is true in the maximized viewer and also in list view. I deleted the plist and reopened and it's still happening. I wanted to avoid a full rebuild of the Library [not sure how to rebuild only a project] if possible. I just want to be able to see and work with all my 2000 images in that project, not just the subset. Thanks.

    Hello, Victoria
    Quote: "I have 2000 images in a project but for some reason I can only get one subset of them [89 images] to show up. I have checked to show all, I've gone into smart albums and they all show up but only 89 show up when I want to open the entire project..."
    What firstlaunch said and also did you make any Folders within a Folder? If so the other photos will not show up by design because a Folder within a Folder will force a separation of the images — this is a good thing because sometimes you may not want clients to see what other clients have within projects/jobs.

  • How to change default HDR toning with 32 bit smart object - 16 bit, when not merging

    Suppose I have just done this:
    Opened a RAW file as a 16-bit smart object through camera raw, so I can easily go back and change raw parameters if needed
    Converted the document to 32 bit mode
    Set 32-bit preview mode to Highlight Compression
    Added a Curves layer and fiddled with the sliders until satisfied
    So far so good.
    Now what I would like to do is envelope/convert these two layers into a smart object, and then change the mode to 16 bit with a Highlight compression method, but WITHOUT merging the smart object. Merging leaves me with one flattened non-smart layer. Obviously I don't want to merge, because all the smartness of the previous (32 bit) smart object, and I cannot go back to the equally smart raw file.
    For a demonstration: t-hdr-editing-techniques/
    After chosing "merge layers", an impressive dialog box is displayed with 4 toning methods. When NOT merging, nothing is displayed, and Exposure/Gamma seems to be silently used. Fine in some cases, but not now. It seems one cannot change that, or choose another one of the 4 methods. But perhaps someone has figured out a way to "will" it in another direction?
    Thanks for your help!

    Yes sorry about that, I may have been a bit brief indeed:
    I'm using Photoshop CS5, x64, latest patch (12.0.4). And ACR 6.4.1 to open a Raw file as a smart object in Photoshop.
    Step 2: correct, I used Image->Mode->32bit
    Step 3: I set the 32bit preview mode by clicking View->32-bit Preview Options->Highlight Compession
    Setp 4: I'm mistaken here, I added a Levels layer, because Curves are indeed unavailable in 32 bit mode.
    While I'm at it:
    Step 5: Then, I would select these 2 layers in the layers pane and convert them to a smart object (right click in layers pane -> convert to smart object)
    Step 6: Next step would be Image->Mode->16-bit. It would then ask to have the layers merged or not before changing bit depth. Only if you choose merge, the HDR toning dialog box would appear, from which you can select Exposure&Gamma, Highlight Compession, Local Adaptation and so on.
    I don't want to merge, because it will destroy the smart object containing the Levels layer and the original raw file (in a smart object)
    So I select "Don't merge". It doesn't show the HDR toning dialog, and goes straight in 16-bit mode. But what toning mode did it choose? By comparing the result you get when not merging, to the result when one does merge, it appears a default toning mode of Exposure&gamma is chosen. That's not what I want, because I would like to have Highlight Compression.
    But where can I change this behaviour?

  • I updated to Lion OS10.7.5 and I have duplicate contacts that will not merge.  How do I fix this?

    I updated to Lion OS10.7.5 and I have duplicate contacts that will not merge. The duplicates were created when I synced my phone (which I have done a hundred times!) How do I fix this?

    Try the 10.7.5 supplemental update.

  • Purchase Orders_ Multiple projects not permitted on a single purchase order

    Hi Guru
    Please assist:
    We are using the MM & PS for Purchase Requisition, the Account Assignment N and the buyers created PO with different Network numbers on one Purchase Order,
    I want to delete the purchase order and i am getting the message Multiple projects not permitted on a single purchase order
    How do i delete this PO, i have tried the delivery complete and final invoice tick its not working

    The Apple Configurator tool robbed my school of @ 60×4 apps.
    Here's my mistake. I bought all the apps needed for the whole school in one lump sum. i.e. 350 copies of Pages. Then happily went to Configurator and loaded the spreadsheet. Installed on all the student iPads. Then need the remaining licenses to gift to the teachers and @ 30 for the cart. NOPE! Once they are loaded in to Configurator you can never get them back. Apple said, “sorry”.
    I did this for the iWorks suite, iPhoto, &amp; neu.Annotate before I realized what was happening.
    This is what to do, in short. From the VPP account, buy the number needed for exactly what you need, just make sure, it's over 20, even if you only need 11, 20 copies is cheaper than 11 because they are half off at 20 or more. Get the spreadsheet generated by the VPP site for the 20 then buy for the next cart or site, it will generate a new spreadsheet of 20 you can give to the computer and its copy of Configurator. locations/

  • HT1399 When I import a CD to itunes, it splits the album in to multiple entries. I have changed the info on some but others just will not merge. Is there an easy way to do this and can I stop them from splitting in future? Thanks

    When I import a CD to itunes, it splits the album in to multiple entries. I have changed the info on some but others just will not merge. Is there an easy way to do this and can I stop them from splitting in future? Thanks

    Okay this is what fixed my problem. Some kind of error/glitch occured half-way through importing that third cd that prevented further imports from any other cd. Once I completely removed the half-imported cd album from my library I could further import cd's without any problems.

  • Straddled FM Table Cells Not Merged in WebHelp

    Using TCS2 on Win XP, generating WebHelp — my straddled table cells in FM are not merged in WebHelp.
    Is this a known problem, or is there a way to make this work?

    Hi Mike,
    I'm confused to where you applied the vertical alignment. Normally, I would set this for the table cells and not the table.
    CSS has indeed an order in rendering: There is a point system for determining the CSS to apply. See ity/ for a short introduction.
    And as an extra to the point system, the place where the styling is present, also determines the styling. Browsers use the following hierarchy (in descending order)
    User style sheet defined in the browser.
    Inline styling.
    Style block in page.
    External style sheet
    You can overwrite styling from a lower order using the !important declaration. You can use this to make sure that inline styling will not be able to overwrite styles from your style sheet. (Unless the inline styles use !important themselves.) Example:
    table.mytable td {
         vertical-align: middle !important;
    This will make all the content of table cells in the table with the class mytable to be vertically centered.

  • Can/ how do I link two or more "projects" - not events or clips - "projects" together in final cut pro 10?

    Can/ how do I link two or more "projects" - not events or clips - "projects" together in final cut pro 10?

    Thanks Tom -
    I created two "sequences". They are currently listed individually in the "project library". Now I want to take sequence "B" and attatch it in it's entirety to the end of sequence "A" - forming one long sequence.
    I have tried to drag sequence "B" and drop it into "A's" timeline. I have tried to creat a compound clip. I'm either missing something - or - you can create a compound "clip" or a compound "event" - but perhaps you cannot link to "projects" together.
    Does this help descibe my problem?
    Thanks again.

  • How do i get the "part of project not played" error to stop?

    My garageband app lately has been absolutely awful and everytime i do any recording will not let me play it back if im playing multiple tracks over eachother. In one project I have there is only one real acoustic track and when trying to record over it I am not able because a message is constantly popping up saying that the project can't be played because it has too many tracks, effects, or notes. I don't understand how this can be the case as I only have two tracks, no effects and minimal notes so there doesn't seem to be any reason why the project shouldn't be able to be played or recorded in real-time. Any help/suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    In addition to Edgar's explanation -
    is your profile signature "GarageBand (Mac) '11, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)" still current? Just in case you already upgraded to OS X Mavericks, make sure you updated to the latest version 10.9.2. The 10.9.1 version had problems with the memory management, that have been fixed in the new update.
    You can check, how much memory is used by your applications from the "Activity Monitor" utility. You will find it in the "Utilities" folder in the "Applications" folder. Launch it and click the "Memory" tab, to see which applications are competing with GarageBand for the memory and should better be closed.
    To free as much memory as possible at once, restart the computer, if you are continually seeing "Part of project not played".

  • When I merge one project with another, Aperture for some strange reason, randomly scrambles the photos from the project being merged, instead of keeping them in the order they were shot. What can I do to fix this?

    When I merge one project with another, Aperture 3 randomly scrambles the photos of the project being merged, instead of keeping them in the chronological order that I shot them in. What can I do to correct this?

    The photos have just been dumped into a new home and need to be told how to be arranged.  Go to the top left of the browser view for the merged project and select the desired sort order from the drop-down and they'll all sort according to that setting.

  • PSIDE.EXE : project not found error.

    Hi All,
    Is there any restriction on the length of the project name? When I run PSIDE.EXE to copy ABCD_ML_TICKET_INC000001299217 to PROD from UAT it fails with error: project not found at source. But when I do check with AppDesigner I can see the project.
    And it was successfully copied from DEV to SIT to UAT.

    Failed one : (UAT to PROD)
    D:\PTools\PS_Normal_84803\bin\client\winx86\PSIDE.EXE -HIDE -CT ORACLE -CD AZHO -CO PS1 -CP #!#*****#!# -PJC ABCD_GL_TICKET_INC000001299217 -TD PZHO -TO PS1 -TP #!#*****#!# -LF d:/PTools/PS_Normal_84803/CR_195719_PZHO_1_LOG.LOG
    OK one : (SIT to UAT) :
    D:\PTools\PS_Normal_84803\bin\client\winx86\PSIDE.EXE -HIDE -CT ORACLE -CD izho -CO PS1 -CP ****** -PJC ABCD_GL_TICKET_INC000001299217 -TD AZHO -TO PS1 -TP ***** -LF d:/PTools/PS_Normal_84803/CR_193214_AZHO_trail20090217_LOG.LOG
    SIT, UAT, PROD are on same version (tools, apps, db)
    As it is obvious, we are using PSIDE.EXE to execute.

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