Project theme page gone.  Doesn't play slideshows.  Help!!!!

Hi. I tried burning my 1st DVD using a mixture of slideshows and mini movies with audio accompaniment (made on iMovie). Checked every part of menu was working ok. No probs. Then hit burn. iDVD seemed to complete process ok, watched mini movies and photos coming up on screen ok. When said it was finished, I quit iDVD and logged off computer. When watched DVD, will go from main menu screen to secondary menu screens but will not open any of slideshows. Only movies play fine with audio. One of secondary menu screens will not open at all and makes loud buzzing sound. When I went back to reburn DVD, iDVD screen comes up black, not even showing theme background. Photos and movies are still on media page but nothing on screen. All I did was burn it! Is there any hope for me at all? I have been working on this project for months! Advice on any part of my problem would be great!! Thanks.
  Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

Welcome to discussions!
This is what Len Goff (iDVD Guru) would tell you:
"Suggest you create a disc image and then burn the DVD. File/Save as Disc Image...
This will isolate any encoding/burning issues you may encounter. Once the disc image is created, double-click the .img and burn the virtual disc that should appear on your desktop, using Toast to burn the DVD. Disk Utility to burn the .img file. Usually, you can select a burning speed in Disk Utility.
There are variations to this process based on which OS X you are using...
Open Disk Utility (in Utilities folder in Applications folder), click on the virtual disc (maybe the .img) in the left-hand window. Click the Burn icon. A new window should drop down and your SuperDrive tray will open after clicking the Burn icon. Insert a recordable DVD. (Verbatim DVD-R preferred by me.) Click the Close button. Wait. Select a burn speed. If you hold your mouse cursor over the pop-up it says: "Select a slower speed to work around burn failures," so select 4x or slower for best results. Then click the Burn button.
-->If the virtual disk selection won't allow you to click the Burn icon, use the .img file instead. This may have changed in 10.3.9 and did change in Tiger.
Also, you can use DVD Player to play the virtual disk to check your iDVD project before burning to DVD. Launch DVD Player. File/Open VIDEO_TS (Open DVD Media... in Player 4.6). Find the VIDEO_TS folder and open that. (The audio folder is for DVD-Audio disks.)"

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    okay, let's try the following technique.
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