Projektorn hittar inte Apple tv

Jag har ett irriterande problem. Min Apple TV fungerar utmärkt på min TV men på projektorn blir det problem. När jag startar Apple TV'n syns Apple-symbolen under några sekunder, sen bryts bilden. Samma sak händer visserligen även på TV'n, men den hittar signalen igen efter någon/några sekunder. Projektorn däremot står bara och söker HDMI-källa utan att hitta någon signal.
Projektorn är en BenQ W500. Apple TV'n är en Apple TV 3.
Kan tillägga att om jag plockar över HDMI-kabeln till mitt Playstation 3 som står påslaget bredvid så hittar projektorn bildsignalen på en gång.

Tack, det hjälpte lite. Nu kommer jag i alla fall så långt som till inloggningen men sen är det stopp. Har försökt få nya lösen från Netflix (fungerar visserligen på datorn men man vet ju aldrig) men det funkar inte heller.

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    You are not reading your own directions.
    1. You need to create a getFreshness method which accepts an integer. You don't have that in your code.
    2. You should always write java classes with private variables. Only change them in extreme conditions of which should never arise while you are in school.
    3. Your AppleAnalyser is really screwed up. You will need to either create a constructor that lets you create an Apple with a datePicked parameter or at least create a method to set the datePicked later.
    The code below seems to work good. Please try and understand what it does and why it does what it does instead of just using it.
    public class Apple
      private int datePicked;
      // Default constructor
      public Apple()
        this( 1 );
      // Constructor to specify date picked.
      public Apple( int datePicked )
        this.datePicked = datePicked;
      // datePicked accessors
      public void setDatePicked( int newDatePicked )
        this.datePicked = newDatePicked;
      public int getDatePicked()
        return( datePicked );
      // Freshness method.
      public float getFreshness( int today )
        return( (float)Math.exp( datePicked - today ) );
    public class AppleAnalyser
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          System.out.println( "Apple: pick date = " + a.getDatePicked() +
                              " has freshness value = " + a.getFreshness( 30 ) );

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    Hi Kimbo44,
    If you are concerned about the legitimacy of an email you have received, you may want to take a look at the following articles:
    Apple Support: Identifying legitimate emails from the iTunes Store
    Apple Support: Identifying fraudulent "phishing" email
    - Brenden

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    See Make a split library portable. Move all of the bits of the library together in the the correct shape and it should work. Or undo exactly what you did and then start over.
    If you're a former Windows user don't try merging two folders together that have the same name by dropping one into the same folders as the other, as that goes badly on a Mac.

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    did you try to sync your iPod again?

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    Sometimes just closing and reopening the Help window will clear up the problem. If it doesn't, log out or restart the computer and try again. Otherwise, you may need to delete the Help cache.
    Back up all data before proceeding.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the highlighted line and select
              Services ▹ Reveal in Finder (or just Reveal)
    from the contextual menu.* A Finder window should open with a folder selected. Move the selected folder to the Trash. Log out, log back in, and test. Help pages will be slow to load at first.
    If that doesn't work, the problem may be caused by network conditions. It may go away by itself, though I can't say how long you should wait.
    A persistent failure to load help data has been reported as an issue with satellite networks. Test on a different network, if possible. I've also seen at least one report that Photo Stream in iCloud can mysteriously interfere with Help. I'm not sure whether that's true, but try disabling Photo Stream, if applicable.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combinationcommand-C. In the Finder, select
              Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar and paste into the box that opens by pressing command-V. You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.

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    A wag at this.  A port issue?
    "Apple Push Notification network setup
    When MDM servers and iOS devices are behind a firewall, some network configuration may need to take place in order for the MDM service to function properly. To send notifications from an MDM server to Apple Push Notification service, TCP port 2195 needs to be open. To reach the feedback service, TCP port 2196 will need to be open as well. For devices connecting to the push service over Wi-Fi, TCP port 5223 should
    be open." &cd=1&ved=0CC0QFjAA& FiOS_MDM.pdf&ei=5lXGUPCcJMXx0gH2wYG4BA&usg=AFQjCNFzINvs7ktT-6o6Q_l4Qk2HkpjtCA&ca d=rja
    google: ports ios configure ipad
    Try it on your home network where there isn't a lot of 'controls' -- network filtering , firewalls, etc.

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    What is your program Photoshop Elements and its Elements Organizer or Premiere Elements and its Elements Organizer?
    If Premiere Elements/Elements Organizer, what version and on what computer operating system?
    Please clarify what you did...
    1. First, Premiere Elements Publish+Share/Private Web Album uploaded your Timeline content to Adobe Revel using this built in feature to
    get your AVCHD.mp4 video file. And, then if you decided to share it with where did you download it?
    If you used the Adobe Revel web site download option for the video, then you should have gotten a download dialog box. From that dialog box, the video
    should have been downloaded to
    With Your Browser...
    browser options
    Download and Save Files To
    Please supply the details for us to help you.
    Thank you.
    Add On...for Adobe Revel questions, please also see the Adobe Revel Forum

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