Projet temps reel vi server

Me voilà de retour avec des autres questions encore plus complexes, mais avant poser des questions il faut  que je vous explique un peu mon travail : j’ai un projet en temps réel qui servent à la mesures des températures en temps réel sur un PXI 4071 installé sur un châssis NI PXi 1031. Pour cela j’ai deux VI : Vi hote et VI cible. Le Vi cible effectué les mesures sur le DMM et enregistre les données dans un fichier binaire sur la cible. Le VI hôte récupère les données sur la cible les enregistre dans l’ordinateur de travail et traite les données.
Mon problème est que pour effectuer  ces mesures il faut ouvrir et exécuter à la fois le Vi cible et le VI hôte. Ma question est : est-il possible de lancer automatiquement à partir du Vi hote , le VI cible. J’ai essayé travailler un peu avec le VI server mais je n’ai pas réussi à faire marcher mon idée. Il se peut aussi que je n’ai pas bien configuré le Vi server ou qu’il n’accepte pas des Vi en temps réel.
Et si vous vous poser la question pourquoi je n’utilise qu’un seul Vi ? C’est parce que seulement avec cette config j’ai pu avoir la résolution et la fréquence  désiré pour mes mesures.
Merci encore d’avance pour votre intérêt et vos éventuels conseils.
Résolu !
Accéder à la solution.

C'est tout à fait faisable avec les méthodes et propriétés de VI Server.
Il y'a un exemple ici :
Ou encore ici :
et sur ce sujet de discussion :​PXI/td-p/428275
Da Helmut

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    Pour visualiser une acquisition en continu à partir d'un programme principale plusieurs solutions existent :
    Le plus simple est de modifier la structure du programme pour que le sous-VI ne contienne pas la boucle while et que celle-ci soit présente dans le programme principal.
    Une autre solution simple est d'afficher la face avant du sous-VI contenant le graphique déroulant en premier plan lorsque vous faîtes appel à ce sous-VI. Vous avez aussi éventuellement la possibilité d'inclure la face avant du sous-VI dans un conteneur de face avant secondaire.
    Le problème que vous rencontrez fait appel à des notions abordées durant nos journées de formation.
    Vous pouvez également consulter les différentes ressources pédagogiques disponibles à l'addresse suivante :
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    Ingénieur d'application

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    Pour utiliser votre cam�ra sous LabVIEW, vous devez avoir un driver, c'est-�-dire un jeu de fonctions (g�n�ralement sous forme de DLL) permettant de programmer, configurer et communiquer avec la cam�ra.
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    Donc OUI il est possible d'acqu�rir des images avec votre cam�ra sous LabVIEW, il vous faut imp�rativement le driver associ� (� demander aupr�s du fournisseur).
    NON il n'existe pas un exemple NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS "tout fait" car c'est encore au constructeur de l'instrument et du driver de d�velopepr des exemples simples pour utiliser leur appareil sous LabVIEW. NI d�veloppe des exemples pour utiliser les mat�riels NI utilisant les drivers NI pour des environnements de d�veloppements comme LabVIEW ou Microsoft Visual C++ (ce n'est pas Microsoft qui fait des exemples pour communiquer avec une carte DAQ de NI par exemple).
    Je vous souhaite une bonne continuation.
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    National Instruments

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    Pour ceux que cela intéresse : le message est dupliqué ici (avec réponse).
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    National Instruments France
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    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
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    4 messages plus haut  : " ... voici une image, pour voir le diagramme (fgfff.jpg) "
    a) éternellement émerveillé de voir que certains sont parfaitement à l'aise avec ce type de code ... bon dieu, comment font-ils ?
    Cela ne coûte pas beaucoup plus cher de faire du "propre" ... d'aligner, d'éviter 9E+6 (  ) d' escaliers inutiles.
    ... en résumé .... de faire du code qui "en jette" en peu quoi ! .... non ?
    Pas d'inquiétude inutile, vous n'êtes pas le seul.
    Je suis OFF de constater à quel point (pour une large majorité) les utilisateurs de LV zappent l'aspect et la propreté de leurs codes.
    LV est un langage graphique ! la propreté, l'agencement et "les manières de" sont soumis à des  règles  de bonnes pratiques
    (et au bon sens commun en matière de soin)
    Que ferez-vous quand votre code deviendra un rien complexe et ressemblera à   ceci  ?
    b) c'est quoi ce noeud de propriété "waveform graph" (à droite) ... totalement flottant ?
    savez-vous que de le placer "à droite" est totalement sans effet.
    Flottant et non soumis au séquencement d'aucun flux .... il peut parfaitement s'exécuter en premier lieu.

  • Please, HELP ME... "ZENworks Repoting Server installation f"

    (Sorry was mistake send to the Politic forum)
    #cat /proc/version
    Linux version (geeko@buildhost) (gcc version 4.1.2 20070115 (SUSE Linux)) #1 SMP Mon Aug 24 09:41:41 UTC 2009
    # uname -a
    Linux zcm0 #1 SMP Mon Aug 24 09:41:41 UTC 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    # rpm -qa | grep -i zenwork
    THis was my steps:
    1 copy from the ZRM10.2.1 to the /usr/local/src/zrm
    2) cd /usr/local/src/zrm
    Administrator / qwerty
    Zenworks Reporting Server Already Installed in this ZONE
    "ZENworks 10.1.0 Reporing Server haz already been installed in this zone.
    Do you want to decommission it from the then ?"
    BOE XI 3.1 Installation is is progress...
    ZENworks service must be restarted in order to use ZENworks Reporting Server.
    (*) No, I will restart the services mysel | Next
    And see this error:
    Installation Resullts:
    ZENworks Repoting Server installation failed
    Press: Done
    After all this steps:
    shutdown -r now
    from the my Linux do:
    https://myzcmserver | Reports
    And see this info:
    "Note: There is no ZENworks Reporting Server configured in the Management Zone."
    What can i do ?

    It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your
    posting. That concerns us, and has triggered this automated reply.
    Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options:
    - Visit and search the knowledgebase and/or check all
    the other self support options and support programs available.
    - You could also try posting your message again. Make sure it is posted in the
    correct newsgroup. (
    Be sure to read the forum FAQ about what to expect in the way of responses:
    If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies
    and rest assured we will issue a stern reprimand to our posting bot.
    Good luck!
    Your Novell Product Support Forums Team

  • Server box cooling

    I have a xserve in a homemade box with vents in the front and back of the top and bottom.
    I have a 4" hole with a vent to go out side. I have a front door with plexi glass to keep the noise down as I am in a small office. The room is air conditioned to 70% . In side the cabinet the temp is about 85. I also have 1 1/2 " audio foam to cut the noise on the sides.
    Is this to hot. The back is open.

    I went into server admin to temp added the server and it said the software was not installed. Does this come with the disk?
    Which particular Xserve box? Intel? PPC?
    Is the Xserve box current on its firmware?
    Is the Mac OS X Server software is running on the Xserve box? (Or is this the Mac OS X client software?)
    What Server Tools kit are you using here, and what is the version of the Mac box that's running the Server Monitor tool (if that's not the same Xserve box being discussed here).
    What is the exact text of the error message? Or Google for that exact quoted text, and look for addition al details around the particular error directly.

  • CPU temp on 280R

    The documentation for my 280R shows this
    Temperature 5°C to 40°C (41°F to 104°F)—IEC 60068-2-1, 60068-2-2
    When I run prtdiag -v, the results show
    System Temperatures (Celsius):
    cpu0   1
      46  44
    My guess is the docs are talking about the air temps in the server room and the diagnostics are referring to the actual CPU temps.  If this is true, then what is the range for the CPUs?
    I need to set up an alert system when the CPUs get hot as we have had A/C problems in the past.

    Thank you for your help.

  • RWI 00236 error while opening report in PDF mode

    Hi All,
    I'm getting the RWI 00236 error while the report is opened in PDF mode.I have searched on this error but couldn't got the answer so far.My report is quite a large one and i wont get any error while running simple reps.If this is something to do with temp files deletion at server side ,pls let me know which temp files needs to be deleted bcoz there quite few temp files at server level.Ofter getting this error msg ,the report browser hangs up and i needs to logout completely from infoview.
    Im using BO X1r2 version and service pack is SP4.

    Are you able to open other reports in PDF Mode or not
    If you are not able to open any report in PDF format then try to follow  below mentioned steps.
    1. Open Adobe Acrobat Reader. Click Edit > Preferences.
    2. Click Internet in the Categories column of the Preferences property sheet.
    3. Choose Display PDF in browser check box as shown below.
    4. Click Ok, Adobe will reconfigure the setting, close Reader.
    5. Now, when we view in pdf format in IE, we might see one  message
    6. So, when IE is launched, go to Tools>Manage Add-ons>Enable or Disable Add-ons and then enable
    "Adobe PDF Reader Link Helper" add-on. Click Ok, restart IE.
    Suresh Aluri.

  • Issue with Enterprise Manager 11g

    When I start the db console I am given the message
    Enterprise Manager is not able to connect to the database instance, The state of the components are listed below.
    All components are listed with green arrows indicating they are up
    After reading a few posts here I have attempted to use EMCA to drop and re create the repository and settings
    I have run the command 'emca -deconfig dbcontrol db -repos drop' to try and do this but it just hangs
    Looking in the logs I can see the follow (only the last few lines added to keep it short)
    emca_2011_08_05_14_17_29 -
    CONFIG: Setting param: REP_DB_RUNNING_HOST value: RangePlanTest.gooutdoors.local
    Aug 5, 2011 2:17:56 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.ParamsManager getRepDbPort
    CONFIG: Listener Port: 1521
    Aug 5, 2011 2:17:56 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.GeneralUtil isLocalConnectionRequired
    CONFIG: isLocalConnectionRequired: true
    Aug 5, 2011 2:17:56 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.GeneralUtil initSQLEngine
    CONFIG: isLocalConnectionRequired: true. Connecting to database instance locally.
    Aug 5, 2011 2:17:56 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.GeneralUtil initSQLEngineLoacly
    CONFIG: SQLEngine connecting with SID: godw, oracleHome: C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2, and user: SYSMAN
    Aug 5, 2011 2:17:57 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.GeneralUtil initSQLEngineLoacly
    CONFIG: SQLEngine created successfully and connected
    Aug 5, 2011 2:17:57 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.ParamsManager checkListenerStatusForDBControl
    CONFIG: Passed listener validation check.Listener is up and running.
    Aug 5, 2011 2:17:57 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig invoke
    INFO: Dropping the EM repository (this may take a while) ...
    Aug 5, 2011 2:17:57 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.PlatformInterface isInView
    CONFIG: IN_VIEW marker not instantiated in C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\sysman\config\
    Aug 5, 2011 2:17:57 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.ParamsManager getParam
    CONFIG: No value was set for the parameter ORACLE_HOSTNAME.
    Aug 5, 2011 2:17:57 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.PlatformInterface getEnvProps
    CONFIG: Returning env array from cache
    Aug 5, 2011 2:17:57 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.PlatformInterface getSortedEnvArray
    +CONFIG: New Env List: [ALLUSERSPROFILE=C:\ProgramData, APPDATA=C:\Users\server\AppData\Roaming, CLASSPATH=C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\jlib\emca.jar;C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\jlib\srvm.jar;C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\jlib\srvmasm.jar;C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\jlib\cvu.jar;C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\jlib\emConfigInstall.jar;C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\jlib\ldapjclnt11.jar;C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\jlib\ldap.jar;C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\jlib\share.jar;C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\jlib\srvmhas.jar;C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\jlib\netcfg.jar;C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\jlib\http_client.jar;C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\lib\http_client.jar;C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\lib\xmlparserv2.jar;C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\assistants\jlib\assistantsCommon.jar;C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\sysman\jlib\emCORE.jar;C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\sysman\jlib\emagentSDK.jar;C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\oui\jlib\OraInstaller.jar;C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\oui\jlib\OraPrereq.jar;C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\inventory\prereqs\oui\OraPrereqChecks.jar;C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\oui\jlib\OraPrereqChecks.jar;, COMMONPROGRAMFILES=C:\Program Files\Common Files, COMMONPROGRAMFILES(X86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files, COMMONPROGRAMW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files, COMPUTERNAME=RANGEPLANTEST, COMSPEC=C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe, EMCA_JAR=C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\jlib\emca.jar, FP_NO_HOST_CHECK=NO, HOMEDRIVE=Z:, HOMEPATH=\, HOMESHARE=\\kryten\gooutdoors\users\server, JRE_JAVA=C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\jdk\jre\bin\java, LIB_DIR=C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\jlib, LOCALAPPDATA=C:\Users\server\AppData\Local, LOGONSERVER=\\RIMMER, NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS=4, OH=C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2, ORACLE_HOME=C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2, ORACLE_SID=godw, OS=Windows_NT, PATH=C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\bin;C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\bin;C:\Program Files\HP\NCU;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn\, PATHEXT=.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC, PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=AMD64, PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 1, GenuineIntel, PROCESSOR_LEVEL=15, PROCESSOR_REVISION=0401, PROGRAMDATA=C:\ProgramData, PROGRAMFILES=C:\Program Files, PROGRAMFILES(X86)=C:\Program Files (x86), PROGRAMW6432=C:\Program Files, PROMPT=$P$G, PSMODULEPATH=C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\, PUBLIC=C:\Users\Public, SESSIONNAME=Console, SYSTEMDRIVE=C:, SYSTEMROOT=C:\Windows, TEMP=C:\Users\server\AppData\Local\Temp\1, TMP=C:\Users\server\AppData\Local\Temp\1, USERDNSDOMAIN=GOOUTDOORS.LOCAL, USERDOMAIN=GOOUTDOORS, USERNAME=server, USERPROFILE=C:\Users\server, WINDIR=C:\Windows, WINDOWS_TRACING_FLAGS=3, WINDOWS_TRACING_LOGFILE=C:\BVTBin\Tests\installpackage\csilogfile.log]+
    Aug 5, 2011 2:17:57 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.PlatformInterface executeCommand
    CONFIG: Starting execution: CMD /C C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\sysman\admin\emdrep\bin\RepManager.bat -connect (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=RangePlanTest.gooutdoors.local)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=GODW))) -repos_user SYSMAN -action drop -verbose -output_file C:\app\server\cfgtoollogs\emca\GODW\emca_repos_drop_2011_08_05_14_17_57.log
    emca_repos_drop_2011_08_05_14_17_57 -
    SQL> declare
    2 l_username varchar2(30);
    3 l_sid number;
    4 l_serial number;
    5 err number;
    6 c number;
    7 l_job_process_count NUMBER ;
    9 l_tablespaces TBSP_ARRAY;
    12      PROCEDURE set_job_process_count(p_count IN NUMBER)
    13      IS
    14      BEGIN
    15      --scope=memory so it will be reset on instance startup
    16      -- SID=* to take care of RAC
    17      IF p_count >=0
    18      THEN
    19      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER SYSTEM SET job_queue_processes='
    20                ||p_count||' SID=''*''' ;
    21      END IF ;
    23      END set_job_process_count ;
    25      FUNCTION get_job_process_count
    26      RETURN NUMBER
    27      IS
    28      l_value NUMBER ;
    29      BEGIN
    30      SELECT value
    31      INTO l_value
    32      FROM v$parameter
    33      WHERE name = 'job_queue_processes' ;
    34      RETURN(l_value) ;
    35      EXCEPTION
    36      WHEN OTHERS THEN
    37      RETURN(10) ;
    38      END get_job_process_count ;
    39 begin
    40      -- Now, drop the SYSMAN user
    41      c := 0;
    42      -- validate user exists
    43      BEGIN
    44      SELECT username
    45      INTO l_username
    46      FROM dba_users
    47      WHERE username = upper('&EM_REPOS_USER') ;
    48      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER USER '||l_username||' ACCOUNT LOCK' ;
    49      EXCEPTION
    51      END ;
    52      -- reduce job_queue_processes to zero
    53      l_job_process_count := get_job_process_count ;
    54      set_job_process_count(0) ;
    55      begin
    56      loop
    57      BEGIN
    58      LOOP
    59           BEGIN
    60           FOR crec in (SELECT sid, serial#
    61                     FROM gv$session
    62                     WHERE (upper(username)=l_username OR
    63                          upper(schemaname)=l_username)
    64                     AND status != 'KILLED')
    65           LOOP
    66           BEGIN
    68                          crec.sid || ',' || crec.serial# || '''';
    69           EXCEPTION
    70                WHEN OTHERS THEN
    71                err := SQLCODE;
    72                IF err != -30 THEN
    73                     EXIT;
    74                END IF;
    75           END;
    76           commit;
    77           END LOOP;
    78           EXCEPTION
    79           WHEN OTHERS THEN
    80           err := SQLCODE;
    81           IF err != -30 THEN
    82                EXIT;
    83           END IF;
    84           END;
    85           IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN
    86           EXIT;
    87           END IF;
    88           commit;
    89      END LOOP;
    91      -- >> START - Capturing the Tablespaces to be dropped
    93      for crec in (SELECT DISTINCT TABLESPACE_NAME FROM all_tables
    94                WHERE owner = '&EM_REPOS_USER' AND table_name IN ('MGMT_TARGETS','MGMT_JOB_PARAMETER','MGMT_AUDIT_DATA')
    95                MINUS
    96                SELECT DISTINCT TABLESPACE_NAME FROM all_tables
    97                WHERE owner != '&EM_REPOS_USER')
    98           LOOP
    99           l_tablespaces(l_tablespaces.count) := crec.tablespace_name;
    100           END LOOP;
    102      -- >> END - Capturing the Tablespaces to be dropped
    104      execute immediate 'drop user ' || l_username || ' cascade';
    105      set_job_process_count(l_job_process_count) ;
    107      -- >> START - Dropping the Tablespaces
    108      BEGIN
    109           IF (l_tablespaces.count > 0) THEN
    110           FOR i IN l_tablespaces.FIRST .. l_tablespaces.LAST
    111                LOOP
    112                BEGIN
    113                execute immediate 'drop tablespace ' || l_tablespaces(i) || ' including contents';
    114                exception
    115                when NO_DATA_FOUND then
    116                DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('DropRep: Tablespaces for REPOS USER do not exist');
    117                WHEN OTHERS THEN
    118                err := SQLCODE;
    119                DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('DropRep: Error ' || SQLCODE || ' received dropping tablespace ' || l_tablespaces(i));
    120                END;
    121                END LOOP;
    122           ELSE
    123           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('NO TABLESPACES Exist');
    124           END IF;
    125      END;
    126      -- >> END - Dropping the Tablespaces
    128      exit;
    130      EXCEPTION
    131           WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
    132           exit;
    133           WHEN OTHERS THEN
    134           err := SQLCODE;
    135           IF err = -1918 THEN
    136           EXIT;
    137           ELSE
    138           IF err = -1940 THEN
    139                NULL;
    140           ELSE
    141                DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('not 1940 err' || err);
    142                c := c+1;
    143                IF c > 50 THEN
    144                RAISE;
    145                END IF;
    146           END IF;
    147           END IF;
    148      END;
    149      end loop;
    150      end;
    151      commit;
    154 set_job_process_count(l_job_process_count) ;
    155 RAISE ;
    156 end;
    157 /
    old 47:     WHERE username = upper('&EM_REPOS_USER') ;
    new 47:     WHERE username = upper('SYSMAN') ;
    old 94:          WHERE owner = '&EM_REPOS_USER' AND table_name IN ('MGMT_TARGETS','MGMT_JOB_PARAMETER','MGMT_AUDIT_DATA')
    new 94:          WHERE owner = 'SYSMAN' AND table_name IN ('MGMT_TARGETS','MGMT_JOB_PARAMETER','MGMT_AUDIT_DATA')
    old 97:          WHERE owner != '&EM_REPOS_USER')
    new 97:          WHERE owner != 'SYSMAN')
    Sorry for the long post but any help would be great

    As a bit of further info I noticed these warnings when running the command - emca -deconfig dbconrtol db -repos drop
    Do you wish to continue? [yes(Y)/no(N)]: Y
    Aug 5, 2011 4:26:26 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig perform
    INFO: This operation is being logged at C:\app\server\cfgtoollogs\emca\GODW\emca_2011_08_05_16_25_58.log.
    Aug 5, 2011 4:26:27 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.DBControlUtil stopOMS
    INFO: Stopping Database Control (this may take a while) ...
    Aug 5, 2011 4:26:28 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.util.PlatformInterface executeCommand
    WARNING: Error executing CMD /C C:\app\server\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\bin\nmesrvops.exe delete OracleDBConsoleGODW
    Aug 5, 2011 4:26:32 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig invoke
    WARNING: Unable to remove DBMS jobs.
    Aug 5, 2011 4:26:33 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMReposConfig invoke
    INFO: Dropping the EM repository (this may take a while) ...

  • Child package cannot read param value from parent ssis package

    Hi all,
    I think I must be crazy !! i have a big problem in my ssis project .
    i have more than 40 package one parent and 39 childs 
    i use configuration method to get variable values from parent to child packages and it work well .. but when i copy my ssis project
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    Do not copy the packages from the projet to the production server, but you must generate the manifest installation including your configuration, and deploy them.
    Note : not forget to include the configuration.
    To learn more about how to install the package :
    Lesson 1:
    Lesson 2 :
    Lesson 3 :

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    Remove all file from Temp folder >Restart server>>Be sure noone user is login in syatem>>
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