Proxy Media Issue

I originally imported my media as "optimized" and not proxy and then laid a bunch of clips onto the timeline. I then decided I should edit the project using proxy media and so selected all the clips in the Event and transcoded them to be Proxy.
After the transcoding was done I changed the preferences to use proxy media. When I did that everything on my timeline went red instead of switching over to the proxy media.
Any idea what I did wrong? Is there something I need to do with the timeline footage in order for it to switch over. I've gone too far into the project to lay it all out again so I'm hoping there's another solution.

Puzzling - but have you tried selecting the clips in the Timeline and transcoding them to ProRes?
(Just an idea - I'm away from FCP X at the moment, so I can't try it myself).

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    Proxy Media
    If I ONLY do the Proxy optimization, do I need to also Optimize to ProRes 422 at some point also ...
    Nope. You don't need to do the "Optimze Media" at all, you can use with the Proxy media for your working edit, then switch the references back to the Original media for mastering/export.
    ... or can I just have it refer to the h.264 .mov files and get equivalent results?  If I can, this seems like a good compromize.
    Exactly. And yes it is, an excellent compromise. Start working with the original media right away, but have FCPX create proxies in the background (which it switches to using as soon as each one becomes ready); if at any point you need to check a clip in place in the timeline in full resolution then you can just quickly toggle your general playback preference to "Use original", otherwise just edit away with the proxies and then switch that preference back to "Use original" when you are ready to output.
    Editing directly with the h.264 footage
    I have read that some people are dropping the footage directly into the timeline and editing without any real problems.  Others say it will cause performance issues and to always optimize.
    Yep, you can edit just with the original media if you choose but your source footage is H264, a dreadful edit codec by any measure, and certainly you will get much better timeline performance if you work with transcoded Optimized or Proxy media instead.

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    Best Wishes

    The playback switch berween proxy/originals also switches what is to be used when sharing.
    When switching to originals and requesting to share the switch is locked until the sharing process completes (so you can continue editing, but using originals only).
    Not sure if this affects Compressor. I believe not.

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    Hi Tom
    Thanks for the reply. I saw "apco" when I selected the .mov and clicked "more info" file using Finder and looking in the hard drive. But, yes, when I used the Movie Inspector in QuickTime it did come up as Pro Res 422.
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  • Proxy Media: Transcode Source File and Export Read File...

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    Let's say I transcode everything to Proxy Media upon import. When I go to share/export a final file from my timeline, which of the following does FCPX do?
    (A) Export the timeline using/reading from the lower-quality Proxy media, ignoring the Originals.
    (B) Automatically replace the Proxy media with the Original media files, and export the timeline using/reading the Original media files while ignoring the Proxies.
    (And if B is the answer, is it reading the Original MTS or Original MOV? I'd assume MOV, right?)
    Does this question make sense?
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    My other question:
    2. (probably not a big deal either way)
    When FCPX transcodes to Proxy and/or Optimized, is it reading from (A) the "Original" MOV files it created upon import, or (B) from the "truly original" MTS files?

    Tom Wolsky, thanks for your answer.
    1. Where do I switch playback to original, in the Preferences? I'm attaching what I see in my Playback preference window. I don't see a place to switch this, am I doing something wrong?
    2. That's what I suspected, thanks for clarifying.
    Here's the screenshot I mentioned in #1:

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    URL to connect to my proxy server for Exchange:
    Connect using SSL only: Checked
    Only connect to proxy servers that have this principal name in their certificates: Unchecked
    On fast networks, connect using HTTP first, then connect using TCP/IP: Unchecked
    On slow networks, connect using HTTP first, then connect using TCP/IP: Checked
    After migrating a user's mailbox from 2010 to 2013, the above settings remain the same in Outlook and their client disconnects from Exchange and isn't able to reconnect. After manually enabling the checkbox for "On fast networks, connect using HTTP
    first, then connect using TCP/IP", Outlook clients are able to connect to Exchange via their newly migrated mailbox.
    Is there a way to automatically updating these 2 proxy settings in Outlook during the migration instead of having to manually change each user's configuration in Outlook?
    Android & iOS - Currently, users on Android & iOS with Exchange 2010 mailboxes have the following configuration:
    domain: blank
    username: their AD username
    After migrating a mobile users mailbox from 2010 to 2013, neither OS (Android or iOS) is able to connect due to an authentication failure. On iOS, if I manually change the domain from blank to my company's domain, authentication succeeds and their 2013 mailbox
    begins to update. On Android, the option to change the domain name from null is grayed out, requiring the user to delete the Exchange profile and re-add it with the domain name intact. Is there a way to configure Exchange 2013 to not require the domain name
    for mobile users in the same way that it's been working for us with Exchange 2010?
    Please let me know if you require cmdlet print outs of my virtual directories to help troubleshoot the issue.

    Generally, when the user mailbox is moved from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013, the Autodiscover service would detect the changes and update the new configuration automatically.
    Please make sure the autodiscover service in your new Exchange 2013 is configured correctly. We can create a new mailbox in Exchange 2013 and check whether the new Exchange 2013 user can setup account successfully in Outlook or not. If the new user works
    fine, it indicates the autodiscover service in Exchange 2013 should be proper for internal user.
    Please restart the following Exchange service to have a try:
    Microsoft Exchange RPC Client Access
    Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication
    Restart IIS service by running IISReset in a Command Prompt window.
    Then check whether the Outlook client can connect to Exchange 2013 or not.
    As for Android & iOS issue, I suggest we can ask a question in ActiveSync forum for more suggestion:
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Mem 8GB 1067 MHz ddr3
    1TB hard drive Space (440GB actual free space right now)
    im having trouble editing the video. the video becomes choppy and seems to drop frames. its no where near as smooth as when i play it back on the camera itself.
    1. should I be transcoding the files as I import them. ?
    2. And if so, which option.
       I. Create optimize media.  Or
      II. Crete proxy Media ?
    once I have played and done some editing in FCP.X
    3. Do I need to buy and use a compressor to get them burned on to a Blu Ray or DVD. ?
    4. What is a good Blu Ray burner (external) I should use/buy?

    #1 on my completely under powered MacMini, 2.26GHz/8GB, I'm noticing, it's faster to make the import/conversion a two-step process: step1 import, step2 after import select all clips, cmd-click, convert. If you import 'over night', I wouldn't care anyhow.....
    #2 for stutter free edit, I prefer Proxies; … Optimize is only recommended when you use a seperate, ext. hard-drive, due to sheer amount of data (~220GBs/h)
    #3 FCPX allows creation of DVD/BluRays - but: very simple ones, to be exact: two 'designs', just one Project, no fancy menus etc. 'Disk' isn't Apple's preferred delivery format for many years …
    #4 I'm not burning disks; LG and Samsung seem to have a good track-record ...

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    Austin Samuel wrote:
    I am trying to free up some disc space and am curious what is the best way to delete transcoded and proxy media in fcpx?  I know I can open up a library bundle and delete the folder, but is this safe?  There must be a better option...
    I don't know of any other way.
    Proxy and Transcoded media can always be re-generated if the original files are in place.
    If this question refers to your system drive then a BIG suggestion is to aquire a fast dedicated media drive.

  • Why can't I use proxy media?

    I've got media from 3 cameras - all are 720x480.  Two were imported from camcorrders, one was miniDV and one was JVC hard drive (SD).  When importing I did not have the option to create proxy media, and still do not have that option available (it is grayed out).  The third was imported from an avi file uncompressed; it created proxy media when importing.  I am trying to use them in a multi-cam clip.  If I use proxy media, the two clips from the cameras show the red/yellow "Missing proxy" screen but the avi file shows fine.  If I select "use original or optimized media" the clip from avi drops frames, either with "better performance" or "high quality" settings.  I know I've had it playing back OK before, but don't know what I have changed such that I can't get a good playback in the multicam multi-angle viewer.  It seems if the camera video is already coded so it doesn't need proxy media, it should use that format when proxy is selected (I'll make that suggestion on the feedback from).  Any help would be appreciated.

    The problem is AVI is not a native format to FCPX while DV is. And FCP X will not make DV into Proxy for this reason. So if you want to mix AVI with DV you need to do it in 'original' mode. For better performance what you'd want to do is convert all of the AVI to a better format- like ProRes for example then import that as your new originals for mixing with the DV footage.

  • Color Correction Using Proxy Media

    If you color correct using the Proxy Media settings, are the changes you've made still going to be applied to the video when you switch back over to "Original Media?"


  • Bad audio when using proxy media

    I'm using FCPX on my MBP 15" late 2008. To get some reasonable speed I transcode all the clips to proxy media.
    Doing this degrades audio quality to a point where the audio makes a clicking noise all the time.
    Also when I add a sound effect and edit it in surround with keyframe animation the sound makes clicking noise all the time.
    This noise is present when I export the movie.
    What to do?

    Trying that now
    The odd thing is that the audio is fine when I play using optimized/original media. The audio gets crappy when I switch to proxy media.
    I also get sort of the same problem when I'm using sound effects and choose "Create Space" or "Circle" under Audio inspector. These sound effects should be in the correct format since they came with FCPX.

  • Where is the proxy media

    When I import my footage a choose to create proxy media. However when I create a munticam project and change preferences to use proxy media it says its missing.  I've got to be doing something wrong!!

    You have a couple of choices concerning proxy media when you import your footage. Make sure you have actually created those files. See Transcode Media Files for detailed information.
    To directly answer your question, your proxy files will live in ~/Movies/Final Cut Events/EVENT NAME/Transcoded Media/Proxy Media folder. (~/Movies assumes you are using your localstartup drive)
    If you don't see the files in there, niether will FCPX. If you don't see them there, then use the steps in the above link to make them now.
    Best of Luck!

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    I'm using  proxy media for a video I'm editing but now that i switch back to the original media some of my effects are missing can anyone help me.

    Shouldn't happen.Only thing I can think of suggesting is to delete render files and try again. Trashing preferences is a long shot, but no harm in trying. Use the Digital Rebellion Preference Manager, a free download.
    Assume you have a reason for using such an outdated version of FCP X. That may be contributing to your problem.

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