Ps module intigration with FI Module

Hi all
please tell me the procedure of ps module intigration with fi module

Project systems is a highly integrated module with the other modules FI CO and AA to mention a few.
it is not easy to answer your question in this forum but you can find more information here

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    Hi Trevor,
    Yes I tried.. but the application is still not working..
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    PS C:\Users\Administrator> Install-SPRSService
    PS C:\Users\Administrator> Install-SPRSServiceProxy
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    As you can see in the code below; the output URL has the call to xdo_doc_display.jsp which uses the request parameters in query string to read the report file that it needs to download. The download path is given by parameter p_output (=/u01/oracle/r12vis/apps/apps_st/comn/webapps/oacore/html/fwk/t/SaifTest_02-1482534723_out.rtf)
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    Hi Raja Sekhar,
      Thanx for the quick reply.
      If i have got you point right, you are telling me to right a program that will fetch the PO's and push the data into our Interface.
    Let me explain you the complete scenario, we already have a ECC to SUS thrgh PI implemeted for the same PO's generated. Our requirement is that depending on the vendor details in PO's we have got to route the PO details to either SUS or BPM.
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    waiting for your reply,

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    If they are in the same forest, yes you can. Take a look at the following link:
    There are definitely some added complexities and considerations in this sceario. Take a look at the following note from the previous link:
    "In a multiple-domain AD forest, try to keep the users for a specific Cisco Unified CallManager cluster within a single domain, and follow the guidelines described previously. If a single domain is not possible because users are spread across multiple domains, set the User Search Base to the lowest point in the tree containing all domains with users serviced by the Cisco Unified CallManager cluster. In structures in which serviced child domains are under the top-level domain, the User Search Base must be set at the root of the entire AD forest. In all cases, though, try to ensure that a domain controller for each serviced domain is collocated with Cisco Unified CallManager, or that the network is sufficiently resilient and fast to allow remote searches with no greater performance degradation than occurs with local searches."
    Hope this helps. If so, please rate the post.

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    (cont) ] Main: Invalid characters found for attribute [OU name].
    [     (cont)     ] Main: Detail:Attribute [OU name] cannot be assigned the following value: [Dev/Test].
    [     (cont)     ] Main: The invalid character is: [].
    [     (cont)     ] Main:
    [     (cont)     ] Main: Invalid characters found for attribute [OU name].
    [     (cont)     ] Main: Detail:Attribute [OU name] cannot be assigned the following value: [Dev/Test].
    [     (cont)     ] Main: The invalid character is: [].
    [     (cont)     ] Main:
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    Hello Stevi,
    You should probably check your VI Properties for window size. First, make sure your front panel is sized exactly how you want it to appear. Then go to File >> VI Properties, and select Window Size from the drop-down box. Click on the "Set to Current Window Size" button. Also select "Maintain Proportions of Window for different monitor resolutions". These two selections should ensure that the VI and/or EXE will run with the desired window settings.
    Hope this helps!
    Liz Fausak
    National Instruments

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    OK, I restarted my client with the original verisign.ini file dropped back in and Voila, it works.
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    Usually the Identity management Suite would be self-content with all IAM products. These things mostly depends upon the type of license you have agreed upon with Oracle. Have a word with Oracle. Licensing is not a straight forward defined set of rules, may vary conditionally.

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    You should ask this to the InterSystems people I guess.

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    Have you looked at upgrading Unity express on NM-CUE to version 2.3 ?
    Unity express 2.3 now supports two wonderful features.
    a. IMAP integration. You can set up groups and users who have access to Integrated messaging. CUE has a built in IMAP server which lets you download voicemails as a wave attachment. Any IMAP client can be used. I am sure Lotus Notes supports IMAP.
    b. Voiceview Express. This is a XML based service that can be integrated with phones homed to a CME/CUE combination. This is available only in NM-CUE and NM-CUE-EC. You can hit the services button on the phone and login with your voicemail pin and you can listen, forward, delete, to your voice messages, change your greetings, pin...etc etc...pretty much any thing that you can do over TUI can be done through softkeys on an IP phone.
    PS: please remember to rate posts!

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    Pls can any one explain about MM intigration with FICO AND SD with some real time objects.
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    The main integration between FI-MM is
    1) Valuation & Account determination
    main transactions are OMWB/OBYC
    Material price change -- MR21
    2) Purchasing -- Account assigned PO's & PR's
    Tax code integration with pricing schema
    3) CIN activities
    J1IT India localization
    if u search on net u will many sites providing integration of FI MM SD ,check following
    hope it helps

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    Project systems is a highly integrated module with the other modules FI CO and AA to mention a few.
    it is not easy to answer your question in this forum but you can find more information here

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