.psd in motion

I haev uploaded my layers into motion however I am not given the option to change the colour of the layers
is there a reason for this?

There are several Color Correction filters that can be used to re-oolorize PS layers (like "Colorize", Hue/Saturation, Channel Mixer and others). Motion can't edit the images from PS, but Motion effects, masks, behaviors etc. can be applied to each layer in a PSD if it were imported "as layers".

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    when I save my psd in photoshop...I keep all the layers....I then try to take it to motion 2 becuase I want to create a lower third.....for whatever reason I cannot get rid of the background in my psd file....I need some serious help here...is there something I need to do differently in photoshop....anyhelp woul dbe appreciated....i even go to the layers section in motion..and when I click on any of the layers that pertain to my psd file the whole image dissapears....mind you it's only a picture of several stacks of records..with a black glow on it...to seperate the records from the background video I am importing into motion...please help

    i fixed it.....the original image was saved wrong in the first place...... < </div>
    Ah, user error. Welcome to the "Doh! Club." We're all members but some of us won't ever admit it.
    Please mark this thread ANSWERED.

  • Color discrepancy with imported PSD between Motion and FCP

    I've got a Motion project with an imported PSD file as a background element (the PSD was created in Photoshop CS2 for Windows, running under Parallels).
    The PSD file consists of two overlapping curved shapes, one blue, one green (part of our corporate look). The colors (RGB) match our official guidelines.
    I imported the Motion project to FCP and placed it on the timeline, on V1. In FCP, I then used a color generator to create a small blue rectangle which would serve as a border for a slightly smaller thumbnail image that would get overlaid later on. The rectangle is on V2. I used the exact same RGB values for it as I did in Photoshop for the curved shape.
    Trouble is, the blue color in the shape that got imported into FCP inside the Motion project doesn't match the generated color.
    See this screenshot, in FCP:
    Three blues: leftmost, the color generator resized to a small rectangle; on the center, the shape that I created in Photoshop and imported into a Motion project, dropped into FCP; rightmost, an instance of Photoshop CS2 running in a virtual WinXP in Parallels Desktop. You'll notice that the blues of the generator and Photoshop match, but the middle shape that travelled the CS2->Motion->FCP route is a different shade.
    Narrowing it down further, I decided to import the PSD file directly into FCP (just to see if it'd match - it needs to go through Motion for the final product). Here's a screengrab of Canvas this time:
    Again, from left to right: the generated rectangle, the directly imported PSD, the PSD in the imported Motion project. The first two match, but something in Motion or the Photoshop->Motion route screws up the colors of the blue-green shape (as well as the Työterveyslaitos logo on the top left, also a PSD, in the same Motion project). The blue shade is also incorrect in the Motion canvas, pre-import to FCP.
    What's going on here, and how can I fix things?
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    Any help is greatly appreciated, deadlines loom...

    First, double-check that your PSD is in RGB, but I suspect it it or it wouldn't even work in FCP. I suspect a gamma issue moving between the apps:
    You might try setting the colorspace in FCP to RGB or adding a gamma filter in Motion to adjust.

  • PSD'a & FCP

    Every since I switched to FCS2 quite some time ago I have been experiencing an odd behavior in regards to my psd's. In the good old days I could create a graphic in photoshop, flatten it, and bring it into FCP and it came in as a flattened file.
    Now whenever I bring ANY psd in from photoshop (flattened or layered) it comes into FCP as a nest. This is a major pain in the butt for me and it actually causes me to get a lot of errors while working with them but that is a whole other thread. It doesn't matter if I use CS2 or CS3 to create the psd, it always comes in as a nested sequence when brought into FCP.
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    Is anyone else experiencing this? Am I the only one who isn't a fan of this new "feature"? Does anyone know a way around this?

    So is there no longer any way to bring a psd from PS in FCP without it being a sequence? And why does a psd from Motion not come in as a sequence?
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    i dont believe you can mix photoshop files the way you are intending with motion menus. I know you can create custom drop zones and patches using photoshop, but this is a more involved process than just dropping a psd over motion. I have exported tga that maintains transparency information and used them to success as drop zones. you could try that.
    It would be better to bring you psd into a compositing program like motion, after effects, or even final cut, and create the motion for your menu there. Export it, compress it to m2v and bring that into dvd sp.

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    This is rendered at Best quality h.264. I exported at a lossless PNG screen and it's just as blurry, so it seems there is a setting or something in Motion making it blurry.
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    OK, so the Outer Glow filter that is applied to the Layer that is the screenshots makes the entire thing blurry when in 3D. Not in 2D, but 3D.
    It's great to see that Motion is still a fun application to use in this regard!!

  • Imported Photoshop Layers change in Motion after re-saving PSD file

    Curious if anyone has seen this issue:
    I have a multi-layered Photoshop CS drawing that I import (All Layers) into Motion to animate. No problem.
    If I make a change to the original Photoshop PSD file, the Motion layers are updated incorrectly. The layers are swapped and their locations move. The only fix I have is to completely re-import the file and start from scratch.
    I've also seen the Motion layers change slightly if I just save the PSD file again without changes. They are minor, but still apparent.
    Anyone, anyone?
    Dual 2GHz G5 : 3GB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   FCP5

    Lesson learned. Do you know, is the a problem only if PS and Motion are open at the same time?
    I like the fact that Motion attempts to update, but the fact it does it wrong is a bummer. I suppose if this only happens when the two programs are open one could simply close motion, change one or two layers in photoshop, and import only those layer into Motion upon re-opening. Not a big deal.
    I may try and see what happens... with a small project without a deadline...

  • Motion 4 + layered PSD files = me banging my head against the wall

    I posted this same question in the other M4/PSD file problem, but it was marked as answered (and the answer isn't working for me).
    I'm having a similar problem, but changing the resolution to the exact max of 2896x2896 doesn't work for me...and neither does any smaller resolution for some reason.
    Today, my layered PSD file is at least not experiencing the crazy tile-effect you included in your posted images, but it is now:
    1) always converting the top layer of the PSD file to a flattened image of the whole file.
    2) ignoring/mutating my alpha channel information, as areas that should be transparent and smoothly masked off are now opaque and/or blocky.
    My images are large, but I need to keep them large for dollying in real closely when i fly a camera through the scene. This is not a problem in After Effects, but I also need to do a lot of these 2.5D animations and several need particle/replicator effects... and I just work much much faster in Motion than AE. I don't remember having this problem with Motion 3 at all, but I can't say I've done a scientific comparison (nor do I want to uninstall M4 for M3).
    My system info can be found here:
    Original PSD file info:
    Motion 4 info:
    Any help is appreciated!
    Thank you!

    I can't believe I didn't see that! I scanned them in 24-bit color but they are B&W images anyways, so I'm not sure why or how they ended up as 8-bit greyscale... maybe has something to do with the lousy HP dinosaur-of-a-scanner and it's weird proprietary HP interface (couldn't get it to interface with PS4 and don't use it enough to fuss with it).
    I think that was about the quickest/least-frustrating help forum experience ever =)

  • PSD Bug in Motion 5 - psds not updated in real time

    Hi, I've described the bug here:
    Is anyone else seeing this? In short, if PSD is changed, the change is not reflected until you close and reopen motion file, even if reconnect media is used before you close Motion. In Motion 4, this problem does not exist. Well, thx for any advice!!!

    So now what? ha!
    I noticed that you are a long way from an apple store Anthony... how long? I am in Nepal, and before Neoteric Nepal started servicing/selling apples, I was thousands of miles. Cheers,
    BTW, have you seen this bug yet:
    This one may be a showstopper for me, as I have no clue how to fix...
    Message was edited by: coocooforcocoapuffs

  • Motion having issues with layered PSD files.  Adds more to images

    Motion is distorting my layered PSD files in a way that I can't seem to figure out how to fix. Here are two examples of what I'm talking about:
    There are two PSD images. The person is one layer and the background is the other. As you can see with the background layer turned on, the image is stretched or smeared. When the background layer is turned off, elements from the distorted background are appearing, such as the extended black shoulder or the line coming out of the head.
    The images I started with with were high res scans saved as grayscale TIFs. I converted them to PSD and switched the color space to RGB. I did my work in Photoshop and imported them into Motion which is when the problems began.
    I suspect the problem may be my graphics card which is a NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT. I am running Motion 3.0.2 and Leopard 10.5.8. My Motion project settings are XDCAM EX 1080p30.

    I'm having a similar problem, but changing the resolution to the exact max of 2896x2896 doesn't work for me...and neither does any smaller resolution for some reason.
    Today, my layered PSD file is at least not experiencing the crazy tile-effect you included in your posted images, but it is now:
    1) always converting the top layer of the PSD file to a flattened image of the whole file.
    2) ignoring/mutating my alpha channel information, as areas that should be transparent and smoothly masked off are now opaque and/or blocky.
    My images are large, but I need to keep them large for dollying in real closely when i fly a camera through the scene. This is not a problem in After Effects, but I also need to do a lot of these 2.5D animations and several need particle/replicator effects... and I just work much much faster in Motion than AE. I don't remember having this problem with Motion 3 at all, but I can't say I've done a scientific comparison (nor do I want to uninstall M4 for M3).
    My system info can be found here:
    Original PSD file info:
    Motion 4 info:
    Any help is appreciated!
    Thank you!

  • How does Motion Handle PSD Layered Files?

    I've done an extensive search on the Discussions looking for an answer to my problem without luck.
    I have a layered file created in Illustrator CS. I exported the file to Photoshop so that I could retain the layers. The file opens and looks normal in PS. I want to import this file into Motion 2.0 so that I can animate some of the layers. The PSD file is in CYMK mode as Photoshop will not allow files to be saved as layers in RGB. Motion allows me to import the PSD layered file as individual layers but all of the text and graphics come in yellow and seem to have lost their original color. I have set PS File Handling to Highest.. If I flatten the file it looks fine in Motion but I lose the layers. Does anyone have any suggestions or methods that could help me?
    Thank you..

    The PSD file is in CYMK mode as Photoshop will not allow files to be saved as layers in RGB
    I just created a RGB Photoshop file and added several layers, and saved it.
    I used the import command from the File menu, and brought the file in with individual layers -- again saved in RGB.
    Why won't your PS version allow you to save in RGB?
    please take the time to mark a response as solved or helpful
    best wishes
    Remember to mark an response helpful or solved.
    It protects the integrity of the board.

  • .psd file not working with Motion 5

    I have a .psd that doesn't want to work with Motion 5.  Every time I try and import it, Motion says that it's not a valid codec.  I can't figurt out what's going on, all my other .psd files seem to work.
    Yes, I'm using RGB colors not CMYK (that is the onne known issue thus far).
    I'm just totally at a lose.  Here's what the console says, if anyone has any insight, I woudl appreciate it:
    6/27/11 1:12:55 PM          [0x0-0xb50b5].com.apple.motionapp[1326]          CPSDSlicesResourceItem::Load(): unsupported slice resource item version (8)
    6/27/11 1:12:55 PM          Motion[1326]          -[ProPSDImageRef initWithPath:] - WARNING - invalid or nonexistent file at /Users/compy/Desktop/PostAppointmetVideo/Corrolary Projects/mockup.psd. Image ref not created.

    I'd be happy to email one of them to you if you'd like.  Or give it to you in some fashion at any rate.  I'm not seeing this problem pop up anywhere else on the internet, so I'm guessing it's just me.  But it would be nice to check with another motion user.
    Email me at jay <no space, just keeping the bots guessing> carr <at> gmail <I'm sure you can guess> com.
    It certainly would be nice to see what happens when I give it to you.  I'm having some very significant issues with PDFs and can't figure out why...

  • Motion - Importing .PSD file with grayscale causing issue

    I need to import a layered .psd from cs1. There are no effects on it, masks or anything. If I import the file merged everything looks fine but if I import them seperately then the part of the layers that has transparency turns out all funky/blocky/blotchy if that makes since. For instance if I import a layer with just a basketball in the center of the layer and transparency all around it... the basket ball looks great but the rest is all messed up. Its an 8 bit grayscale file that is under 1mb if that matters...
    Message was edited by: John-S

    It's the grayscale that's the issue. Change it to RGB in Photoshop and all should be good in Motion. Can't use grayscale or CMYK in Motion.

  • Motion 5 will not permit psd file to import with layers

    OK, a friend wants me to do a project for him- animate his logo- in motion. He developed his logo in photoshop and it is a psd file as a result.
    My problem is that motion will NOT let me import the file with the individual layers. I've tried setting it to 8 bit color channels (he designed it with 16 bit channels) because there was a forum that suggested that and it did not work. I've tried importing it with the + icon on the media tab. I've tried importing it with file>import. I've tried dragging and dropping the file on the canvas. I've tried reformatting as a tiff and png file. I've tried everything google will tell me and yet I have nothing.
    OS X 10.7.5
    Motion 5.0.7
    I've got plenty of guts to do the job, 8 GB RAM stuffed into last years MBP mid grade 15 inch model, I just cannot for the life of me get the layers to be manipulated on an individual basis.

    Did you try this?
    Choose File > Import.
    Select the layered Photoshop file to import, then click Import.The Pick Layer to Import dialog appears.
    Choose a command from the Layer Name pop-up menu:
    Merged Layers: All layers of the Photoshop file are collapsed into a single Motion layer.
    All Layers: A group is created, and each layer of the Photoshop file is preserved as a separate Motion layer in this group.
    [Individual layers]: Each layer in the Photoshop file appears as a separate item in the drop menu. Selecting a layer adds only that layer to the project, where it appears as a single Motion layer.
    If you don’t like the layer you chose, you can pick a different one from the Photoshop file without deleting or importing again. You do so by selecting the recently imported Photoshop layer, then choosing a different Photoshop layer from the Layer pop-up menu in the Properties Inspector.

  • Import layered ai files into motion and problem  when export to psd

    has anyone found a way to import  rapidly ai files layered into motion?
    I tryed to export from ai a psd file in layers but i am allowed to do it only in cmyk, and result is weird, all color changed. any help please?

    Converting vector layer to shape when the vector layer contains a gradient is not supported. Gradients will come in as a gray fill. If you have more than one fill on a layer you will get both fills but you will loose the blend modes or any opacity masks on the fill. Basically you're stuck with solid color fills and solid color paths when you use Shape to Vector Layer.
    Also, each illustrator path you want to turn into a shape must be on a separate layer. Multiple shapes on in the same layer will come in as a shape layer but the paths and fills will not be correct. AE will do it's best to figure out what you want but the chances for multiple paths filled with different colors in the same layer to be converted correctly is remote.
    You can, however, add and modify as many gradient fills as you like to a shape layer in AE.

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