PSE10 Crashing

I'm running PSE10 on a mac (mountain lion). I downloaded a trial version of photoshop so I haven't used it in a month. I deleted it because it seemed to be slowing my system down (and didn't want to pay for it!). I just launched PSE10 tonight and tried to open a .png file. Little rainbow ball just keeps spinning and spinning! I've opened .jpg and they open just fine. I opened a .jpg and then saved as a .png and get the same thing. I uninstalled the program, re-installed it and restarted the computer. Still same thing. Any advice on what's happening here? Thanks!

Okay, that's no problem then. (It's really not a "cleanup" program.) I was
concerned that you might have used something like clean script.~I'm a
recovering pc user, lol, so that was the only term I knew how to explain
what I did!
Go to your username>library>preferences and delete:
Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 Paths~deleted
Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 settings~deleted
Also, com.adobe.ElementsOrganizer10.plist (you'll have a couple of files
like this) and any lockfiles with the same names as the ones you
deleteed.~deleted but don't know what lockfiles are?
That library is hidden in 10.7 and 10.8. To see it, in the Finder, click
the Go menu at the top of the screen and hold down the option key. It will
appear below the little house for your user account. While you're in there
also go to the saved application states folder and delete everything you
can find for PSE.~deleted & thanks for the explanation!!
~There were a lot of other adobe things in there, should I delete those as
well? Should I restart the computer too?
Thanks so much for the excellent details!

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  • PSE10 Crashes when searching for duplicate photos

    I recently upgraded to PSE10 and imported my catalog from a different machine (which had been running XP).  Unfortunately, I ended up with a bunch of duplicate entries in the catalog, one with the path c:\users\... the other with c:\my documents\...  These paths both point to the same image on the hard drive.
    When I try to Search for Duplicate Photos (from Find>By Visual Searches), PSE invariably crashes.  I am running PSE10 under Windows 7 (full system info at the end of this message).
    Any idea why this might be happening, and is there a different way I can remove the duplicate entries in the catalog?
    Full system info:
    Elements Organizer
    Core Version: 10.0 (20110914.m.17521)
    Language Version: 10.0 (20110914.m.17521)
    Current Catalog:
    Catalog Name: My Photos
    Catalog Location: C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Elements Organizer\Catalogs\My Photos\
    Catalog Size: 52.3MB
    Catalog Cache Size: 391.7MB
    Operating System Name: Windows 7
    Operating System Version: 6.1
    System Architecture: Intel CPU Family:6 Model:5 Stepping:2 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP
    Built-in Memory: 3.8GB
    Free Memory: 705.3MB
    Important Drivers / Plug-ins / Libraries:
    Microsoft DirectX Version: 9.0
    Apple QuickTime Version: Not installed
    Adobe Reader Version: 10.1
    Adobe Acrobat Version: Not installed
    CD and DVD drives:
    F: (hp DVDRAM BUS: 1 ID: 1 Firmware: GT20L)

    If I understand well, what you are calling 'duplicates' are duplicate entries in the catalog, the same media being called either by its original path+filename or shortcut path+filename.
    The organizer will try open two different files to compare them, but when trying to open the second 'shortcut', the file will be already blocked (in use). That could explain the failure of the comparison for similarity.
    Try creating a new catalog with similar images, for instance jpegs and png copies. Does the visual search work ?
    About backup and restore : If my supposition is right, that should work if you try to restore to a new custom location with keeping the file structure : the backup should create real file duplicates on different paths. If it works, finding visual duplicate should work, although this process may take a very long time.

  • Organizer PSE10 crashes all the time - tried a number of tips from here but giving up.

    I have a W7 64 bit system with quad core and 6gb ram.  I also run Lightroom 3 with the latest updates.
    I have Premiere Elements 10 both for video and photos and have had it for more than a year.  It never worked well and has either been slow or crashed from the beginning.  I am thinking this Adobe product is a very bad choice for video since in prior times I have had Elements for only photos.
    Today, when I start everything up, the Organizer stops working and the program needs to be killed.  Basically I can never use this. 
    I have tried multiple re-installs using both the 32 bit and 64 bit discs.  I have selected to start with new preferences each time.  I also have used the ctrl/alt/shift trick and have manually selected to start with new preferences.  As soon as I point the Organizer to a directory that has either video or still files, the program stops working and needs to be killed.
    I have come to realize that Adobe is too big of a company to care about the smaller consumer who uses these products.  Why pay for a program like this at about $90 that does nothing at all for me, when Picasa handles this stuff just fine?  You can tell this because there is a real absence of responses here by Adobe employees who could really help.
    Anyone else out there stuck with this software and has had the same issues and come to some resolution?  Your assistance would be valued greatly.  Thank you

    OK I can understand using Organizer for video as the auto-analyzer enables the use of the smart tools for audio and vision in Premiere Elements.
    Are you able to launch the Organizer successfully from Premiere? Try launching Premiere Elements and testing from a blank canvas by selecting New Project and choosing a name like Test. Then Click Get Media >> Elements Organizer
    Let us know if that makes any difference.
      The only other suggestion is to start a new catalog for your video files
    File >> Catalog >> New
    If you have a very large catalog of stills in Lightroom, avoiding duplication in PSE would make running the smaller Organizer catalog more efficient.

  • PSE10 crashes when opening 3rd file (I use a Mac)

    Error message:
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
    Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000000000000000
    I've tried re-starting my computer....

    Go to your username>library>preferences and delete:
    Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 settings
    Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 paths
    In 10.7 and 10.8 this library is hidden. To see it, option click the Go menu in Finder and it will appear below the little house for your user account. In those versions of OS X it's also not a bad idea to go to the Saved Application States folder while you're in the library and delete any states for PSE.

  • Adding song to PSE10 Slideshow crashes program.

    Very simple issue, hopefully a simple fix.
    My customer had a Windows 7 C2Quad system, upgraded to a custom built AMD FX Quad system. On the old system, he had both PSE8 and PSE10 Installed. He was able to add songs from his iTunes to a PSE10 slideshow no problem.
    Now with his new system, he only has PSE10 installed, and when he adds a song from iTunes to a PSE10 slideshow, it freezes and crashes.
    I don't have the computer in front of me, and these are notes coming from him. Any ideas? Is there some conversion utility or codec he might be missing? When installing PSE10, it was simply installed from Disc 2(the x64 disc), and no other disc was inserted. Again, PSE8 is not installed. He is using Win7 x64.
    Thanks gents!

    I will forward that idea to him, thanks! The only reason I'm not sure that's going to be the reason is he said he was using the exact same files(meaning, same songs) from the old PC. The files were transferred from the old PC to the new one, but I wouldn't think that would cause any issue.

  • PSE10 on Win 7 Pro Crashes during initializing "Menus" on startup. (Re-Install)

    I have had no luck in reinstalling PS10 on different drive. Originally on C:/ drive. I have PSE10 and Premiere Elements on dvds. I was able to reinstall Premiere 10 on the other drive with no problems and works fine. Have had to use ASA and some Adobe Cleaner just to get throught the PSE10 installation The PSE10 desktop Icon that got installed didn't have a target address to open the program, I had to create new Decktop Icon from the Program Directory and then it didn't work!.  I've worked on this for weeks. Please help. Thanks, Thom B.

    Do you have anu third-party plug-in like Portrait Professional etc. which you are using with PSE. If yes then try disabling (remove plugin file for a while) one and try to launch PSE. It is usually the case that third party plugin tries to create its own menu entry and it might cause PSE to crash.
    Try these as well if above doesn`t work:
    Solution 1: In case any network printer is attached try to launch without network or printer uninstall or make different printer as default.
    Solution 2: Try launching with anti-virus off or removing PSE from conflicting list.
    Solution 3: On the drive on which you have installed PSE,on my machine it is on C:
    Go  to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Elements  10\Locales\<locale>\Plug-Ins\Import-Exportand you will find twain  plug-in. Remove that plug-in from that location and copy it somewhere  else. Now launch PSE and check if it works.
    For related post for Twain please see this:

  • PSE10 Organizer crashes when using the "find a missing person" button

    I have been using PSE10 for about six months and have about 10500 images in the catalog, mostly digital but also some scanned slides I have been gradually adding.  All images have been added using the "find files" button.  I have been making use of tagging by using the people recognition routine and have reached the point where PSE10 says all people have been found.  Since then I have gone through about 1000 individual images using the "find a missing person" button with good success  until recently.  Now when I try to save the tag after using the button Organizer crashes with the message "Elements 10 Organizer has stopped working.  A problem has caused the program to stop working correctly.  Windows will close the program and will notify you if a solution is available".  I have tried optimizing and repairing the catalog without sucess.  I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling PSE10, also without success.  The catalog is in a custom location but has been since shortly after I started using PSE10 and well before this problem started.  With the amount of time and effort spent doing this tagging I would not like to have to start over with a new catalog if a solution can be found.  My computer is Vista 64-bit with 8GB memory.  This problem is driving me nuts!! HELP!!

    Log Name: 
    Application Error
    6/17/2012 2:43:28 PM
    Event ID: 
    Task Category: (100)
    Faulting application PhotoshopElementsOrganizer.exe, version, time stamp 0x4e5e9821, faulting module BreezeDB.dll, version, time stamp 0x4c7c52ec, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x00023fa6, process id 0x1318, application start time 0x01cd4cd20c7d9d2c.
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
    <Provider Name="Application Error" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2012-06-17T21:43:28.000Z" />
    <Security />
    Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.  There were several error entries for PSE all of which had the same description up to but not including "process ID".  This was the result of restarting PSE10 several times.  Information above is from the last restart.

  • Annoying crashes of PSE10 in Windows 8 Pro x64

    i recently bought a new PC with Win8Pro x64 and after installing LR4 and PSE10 i really can't use PSE without continously crashing.
    Win8 is completely fresh installed so please don't advise me to reinstall it ;-)
    Is there a incompatiblity with Win8?
    Are there any bugfixes or Updates? I installed it from the DVD and when i search for updates i only get a new RAW Converter plugin which of course doesn't solve my problem.
    An example of a crash (which i can reproduce):
    - Edit a picture "with PSE" in LR -> Picture opens in PSE
    - Change the size of the picture
    - Create a new PSD file (10x15cm)
    - Copy the picture which came from LR
    - Paste it in the new 10x15 file
    - Move it to the correct position
    - Click in the picture to confirm the position -> Windows program crashed message
    Any suggestions?

    Adobe officially does not support PSE10 on Win 8. Though it supports PSE11.

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    PSE 10, 11 -

  • Is there a known problem with Nik Software Plugins and PSE10

    I replaced my PC with a new 64-bit Windows 7 workstation. Have used PSE10 for a while for my cataloging and editing and I did 'trial' individual Nik Software plugins on my old Vista PC for a while. I decided to purchase the Nik Software collection and also to take the plunge and go to Lightroom 4 as well. I put PSE10 on my new PC as well because I want to consider how I might modify my workflow to use both in conjunction (perhaps LR4 for cataloging and PSE10 for editing)
    When it came to installing Nik Software Plugins (they are supposed to plugin to Elements and LR4) it seemed to find some of the plugins compatible with both PSE10 and LR4 , some compatible with one of them and some not compatable (apparently) with either, but installed them anyway. But when I use PSE10 now I cannot go from the Organizer into the Editor, it loads the editor interface but not the image. If you open PSE Editor directly and open an image, the image will load and you see 4 of the plugins and I invoke them but the changes dont seem to get applied in PSE10. Then I started reading up on the  web ..... and the consensus seems to be it is not a Nik Software issue but an Abobe editor plugin issue.
    On a side issue, the retailer I bought Nik Software from sent me no product keys (they sent me Apple Aperture keys) - now they are about to replace my delivery with a fresh issue and proper keys ... but if I run into the same problems again, I dont know what to do. This leads me to looking for some definitive advice from those in the know!
    Should I forget about buying Nik Software plugins altogether?
    I see a download is available for LR4-2 .. does anyone know if this fixes Nik Plugin issues there?
    I am minded to go the route of using LR4 as my cataloging preference but to call PSE10 Editor for editing and have all my plugins operate out of PSE10, but I could not get the plugins to work with PSE10 as mentioned. How does one get them to work?
    Is there some workaround or special "way" or "order" to install things ???
    I'm still waiting days for some support from Nik Software ... but they are just going to say there is nothing wrong with their product (and the web seems to concur)
    Any help would be appreciated on the PSE10 Issue.

    17/10/2012. I installed the update - Lightroom 4.2
    It keeps the same product key and found the catalog and the Windows Control Panel only seems V4.2 so the original has been replaced with this upgrade.
    This would be the first time I put down Lightroom  with Photoshop Elements  V.10 already there on the system and I suspect this might have helped with better integration between the 2 products.
    I made sure I then opened Photoshop Elements V10 and I could edit an image (that the Organizer invocation to Photoshop Elements Editor did sucessfully load the image) and I could use existing plugins like Topaz and Noiseware. Also I made sure Lightroom  4.2 could use "Edit with Photoshop Elements " and it did.
    The supplier who had sent me the wrong Nik Software product keys, sent me a corrected version with product keys for Lightroom
    Several web articles I read on Nik Software plugins may be misleading (for example there is one on DPReview) which state that Nik Software plugins are compatable with Photoshop (the main product) but are NOT compatable with Photoshop Elements v10. I can tell anyone who uses Photoshop Elements 10 that they ARE compatable with Photoshop Elements 10, but it can be a little tricky to get them going.
    This is how I sucessfully managed to get the Nik Software Plug-ins
    working (finally) on both Lightroom  and Photoshop Elements v10 at the same time
    Remember my scenario ... I am putting together a new 64 bit Windows 7 PC and I want to be able to continue to use my Photoshop Elements v10 and also to delve into Lightroom for the first time.  I had read all the blurb on Nik Software and it said the plugins were compatable with both and I had downloaded and tested some of them on an old PC anyway, so I knew the principle of installation and operation.
    I had just bought the Nik SOftware Complete Collection in September 2012.
    The box and the CD they come with .... this is where one of the problems is. Let me explain...
    Step 1:
    Some of the components on the CD are up to date .. and when you elect to install them the sofware tells you that it has found both Lightroom 4.2 and Photoshop Elements V10 and it installs the plugins no problem and they work. Make sure (in these cases) you take their defaults as to the locations the plugins are instlled to. Typically the dual install works for the following components
    Nik Color Efex Prov V4
    Nik Silver Efex V2
    and the plugins go to
    for Photoshop Elements v10           C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 10\Plug-Ins\
    for Lightroom 4                                 C:\users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\External Editor Presets\
    After each of the above 2 installs finished I invoked Photoshop Elements v10 first and opened an image in Editor and made sure the plugin was working and inserted my product key and activated it over the web. I then made sure it was also working in Lightroom 4.2 - it was!
    Step 2:
    When it came to installing the Sharpener 3 component off the vendor's CD, it displayed NEITHER of the two applications on its compatability list at all. And there was no "+" sign where one can add one manually. Furthermore if you continue with setup.exe it crashes. I closed the EXE and confirmed there was no plugin in Photoshop Elements v10 as expected for Sharpener.
    But when I went into Lightroom 4.2 it shows me the 2 Sharpener entities (the RAW and Output one). And I used it and proved the plugins were working through Lightroom  4.2 and I inserted my product key for it when invoking it for the first time via Lightroom  4.2 as well.
    Then I went onto the Nik Software download site and downloaded a more updated version which was Sharpener Version 3.01. When I ran the installer from this download it actually does see and show both Photoshop Elements v10 and Lightroom  4.2 as "compatable" and it installed the plugins from that .. and they both work ... even though I had it working already (seemingly) from the CD install I obviously installed over it and the plugin still works in Lightroom 4.2. It also works now in Photoshop Elements v10. Only issue I had here was I had to re-insert my product key and activate it when I used the plugin via Photoshop Elements v10 for the first time... but if that is the extent of a techincal difficulty - I would take it anytime!.
    Step 3:
    When it came to installing Viveza 2 off the CD, it only saw Lightroom  4.2 as compatable. I did something similar in this case. I let it install to Lightroom 4.2 as a plugin and proved it worked and activated its produvt key. Then I downloaded V2.009 off the website. I re-installed from it (over the Lightroom 4.2 one obvously again) and it now also sees Photoshop Elements 10 as compatable and installs correctly. Strangely enough I did not have to enter my product key a second time when I went to invoke the plugins via Photoshop Elements v10 in this case. What the hell! - the subtleties of software!
    Step 4:
    Dfine 2.0 - the setup for the CD again finds NEITHER of the 2 applications on its compatablity list, but it put it into Lightroom 4.2 anyway (like the Sharpener component behaved) and I proved it worked. Then I downloaded version 2.112 from the Nik Software website and it finds both applications compatable. Also I did have to re-enter my product key when first invoking the plugin via the Photoshop Elements v10 editor (like as in the case of Sharpener)
    Step 5:
    HDR Efex Pro (which comes on the vendors CD with a promise to a free upgrade to HDR Efex Pro 2) .... the setup.exe sees Lightroom  4.2 as compatable but does not see Photoshop Elements  v10. Be careful ... this component is NOT A PLUGIN ... to see and use it in Lightroom 4 you must select photos and then do menu option EXPORT WITH PRESET HDR EFEX PRO. It does not work as a plugin within Photoshop Elements (any version) . I obtained my free upgrade too and it works from Lightroom. Dont even try to configure it manually as a plugin for Elements. Instead if you save files as JPG or TIFF you can open the EXE directly in the Program Files area (if you have 64 bit make sure to open that EXE not the 32 bit one) and you can use it in standalone mode. There is only one menu option within HDr Efex Pro when using it this way ...  File-Open.
    So to conclude ... (leaving HDR Efex aside because we know it will not plugin to Elements) ... I have them all working in both Lightroom and Elements. As I begin to learn Lightroom and move away from Elements for cataloging and edits, I know I can invoke most of my workflow plugins from both products. People say I should persist in Lightroom, but if for some reason I dont, I have the fall back position of having everything working out of Elements 10 anyway. It's been a bit of chore getting to this point, but others might find my workaround useful.

  • Unable to set Outlook as Email Client in PSE10

    Am running PSE10, fully patched and updated, on Win 7.  My default email client on the machine is Outlook, not sure if it's 2010 or 2013 (Microsoft has made it remarkably difficult to find out this simple fact - Help/About apparently no longer works that way...) but I think it's 2013.  Outlook works fine for all normal uses.  I beleive Outlook was installed after PSE10.
    I recently had my first opportunity to use the Sharing options, and discovered the program simply crashes when I attempt to do a Photo Mail - which I've done often in the past with other versions of PSE but not so much with 10. 
    In the PSE10 preferences, I've discovered the only option for Email clients appears to be Adobe Email Service - Outlook is not listed.  There is no "refresh list" option.
    Searching the web and forums points to, which seems to provide a solution involving a registry hack, if one wants to use Windows Live Mail.  Apparently Win 7 does not store a default email client where PSE10 is expecting to find it.  I have no problem with registry changes, however I don't want Windows Live Mail.  I have Outlook, I'd like to use Outlook.
    I would think there would be some similar registry hack for Outlook, however I have not been able to find it.  I could probably work it out by looking at the keys entered in this hack and trial and error, but would prefer to just know what works and do that...
    Is there some fix I can apply for this?  The machine I use has other logins, will I need to apply that fix to these additional logins separately as well?

    Tried downloading the reg hack for Windows Live and modifying it to change the path to Outlook (as recommended by Brett above), no luck.   Verified that it installed the key properly, also verified that the path I gave it will open Outlook 2013 (ran on the command line), however it did not change the behavior - still no way to select Outlook in the PSE10 preferences.  Rebooted, no change.
    Tried the solution recommended in the Microsoft KB article at (from the PSE forum posting here - 
    First ran the "fix it for me" - which stopped when it realized I did not have a supported version of Outlook (apparently it's only good to Outlook 2010), warned me, and dropped out.
    Ran the manual fix process.  When I get to the "repair outlook" portion there is another repair option not mentioned in this - "online repair", which purports to be the most comprehensive fix (not the "quick fix", the other option.)  I ran the online repair, it failed "something went wrong" please try installing office again.
    Likely the manual fix I tried first broke office, so now I'm going to submit this and then restore my registry and reboot....
    Still no other email options in PSE10, though.

  • Crashes when I try to print.

    I have a Xerox Phaser 6180 MFP laser printer and every time I try to print I get the following error message and Photoshop just crashes. I'm using Windows 7 64-bit with Photoshop Elements 10.  Thanks for the help and time!

    Yeah, there's something screwed up with PSE10 on your machine.
    The only other things to try (and these are just guesses, so take them for what they're worth):
    Uninstall PSE, reboot and re-install.
    Re-set the PSE Preferences by holding down the Ctrl+Alt+Shift keys while starting PSE, and answering "Yes" to the prompt to delete the preferences.
    Create a new standard user account in Windows and see if PSE works when you're logged in to that account.

  • DTM 6 Crash after launch.

    I have an oddball issue.  Previous to upgrading to DTM 6.1 from 6.0, I had no issues.  Since upgrading, I can launch DTM without issue but as soon as I try to connect my BB or use any of the menu options (i.e.. Tools > Desktop Options or click on the Pictures Sync) , the program crashes with the error "BlackBerry Desktop Software has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience."  I can install on another PC, so I am sure that it has to do with my particular computer.  If I downgrade to DTM 5, it will work without issue, but I cannot perform an upgrade without recreating the problem.  The problem now occurs on a fresh install of 6.0 as well.  I am running XP sp3, Bold 9000.  Have you got any advice other than reinstalling my OS on the computer in question?
    Much obliged for any help,

    Yep, that "suggestion" wasn't indicated by the problem.
    No to re-installing. Just delete these two files -- they're in the hidden "\ProgramData" directory, so you'll need to temporarily change your folder options to show hidden files.
    "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\10.0\ThumbDatabase.db3"
    "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\10.0\Locale\en_us\MediaDatabase.db3"
    Start PSE, and wait while it automatically rebuilds those database files.
    I changed the directory names to PSE10.
    Message was edited by: photodrawken to correct typos.

  • Crashes when I try to print email with newly installed Epson.

    I installed an Epson NX625 Sunday. Can print from Office (word, etc) and from '''some''' on-line sites but not from some email. For instance, I tried to print the Epson registration form but Foxfire crashed. I get "Mozilla Crash Reporter" form. Some emails I can print. In about:config, I reset the printer defaults at "print.print_printer"; I wonder if I should reset ALL the references to the old printer that are in that section; I hesitate to go too far. I wondered about removing and reinstalling Firefox but I don't want to lose all my bookmarks. I will not be using the old printer again.
    I have not tried to contact Epson because I've read on-line that they will blame Firefox.

    Yeah, there's something screwed up with PSE10 on your machine.
    The only other things to try (and these are just guesses, so take them for what they're worth):
    Uninstall PSE, reboot and re-install.
    Re-set the PSE Preferences by holding down the Ctrl+Alt+Shift keys while starting PSE, and answering "Yes" to the prompt to delete the preferences.
    Create a new standard user account in Windows and see if PSE works when you're logged in to that account.

  • Is Elements Organizer 9 robust (powerful) enough to organize 10,000 photos without crashing?

    I'm scanning literally thousands of photos from my 40 years as a photographer. I'm currently using Elements Organizer 9 to keep them organized using keytags and dates. I want to know if I can trust this basket to hold ALL my "eggs". I'm afraid I may get a "corrupt catalog" error message and all my work will be null and void. I would love to switch to using Adobe Bridge but it's out of my price range right now as I'm home on disabnility with a torn shoulder.
    Does anyone know of Elements Organizer can handle 10,000 plus photos without crashing?

    I have been using PSE6, PSE10, PSE11 and PSE12 with catalogs containing 50 000 items. There has been posts about users with more than 100 000 items. The organizer offers a good backup scheme.
    I'm afraid I may get a "corrupt catalog" error message and all my work will be null and void. I would love to switch to using Adobe Bridge but it's out of my price range right now as I'm home on disabnility with a torn shoulder.
    A 'corrupt' catalog is something very rare, but you'll see many posts about catalogs containing 'corrupt' media files (mainly videos). The risk is minimal if you regularly use the built-in tools to repair and optimize the catalog and do regular backups.
    One of the main concerns about losing one's organization is about keywords, captions, tags and notes. The organizer lets you save those data to the files themselves, so that they are accessible to any other editing software.
    A PSE9 catalog can be read and converted to more recent Elements versions, as well as by Lightroom. I would advise upgrading to PSE12 when you can, but PSE9 is still a valid option.

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