Pseudo-duplicate camera profiles

Hi all,
I downloaded some camera profiles from the net, I placed the .dcp files in the right place and now I can use them, except for the following problem: TWO of these profiles having a (of course) different file name, share the same internal name ("Standard").
I'd like to give credit to the original author and (say) rename it to "Standard made by XYZ". Is there a way to edit it? (Hex-editing the binary file is ok, but I'm not sure it will work... do profiles have an internal checksum?)

minor update: I tried hex-editing the file, carefully overwriting "Standard" with "Std 2011" (same length) and it apparently works. However I'm not considering this a solution, so I'd like to hear some proper answer...

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    Once the beta profiles are removed, any image using them will show a blank name in the Camera Calibration panel.
    Adobe should supply a tool to update the profile names from the beta to non-beta.

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    Most of the problems with ACR are one of 2 things.  Either you have more than one copy in the folder, or you have it in the wrong folder.
    In PS click on help/about plug-in/camera raw.  See what you have.
    Plug in should be in program files/COMMON FILES/adobe/plugins/CS5/file formats

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    Thanks again for your very useful advice. You gently explain why my idea is groundless. You are right, it is better to stay on ground.
    I changed to LR recently. So far I have used only the Adobe Standard profile, but I am not very pleased with it. A few days ago I started fiddling with other D700 profiles, without any convincing color rendering improvement. This is the reason for entering the camera profiling world.
    As my username reflects, I am a hobbyshooter. Most of my pictures are taken when travelling (landscapes and cityscapes) but I also shoot at family events and parties.
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    Are you following this
    Apply a camera profile
    To apply a camera profile, select it from the Camera Profile pop-up menu in the Camera Calibration tab of the Camera Raw dialog box. The Adobe Standard profile for a camera is named Adobe Standard. Camera Matching profiles include the prefix Camera in the profile name. The Camera Profile pop-up menu displays only profiles for your camera.
    If the only profile in the Camera Profilemenu is Embedded, it means that you have selected a TIFF or JPEG image. Adobe Standard and Camera Matching profiles work only with raw images.
    Note:  If you have selected a raw file and Adobe Standardand Camera Matching profiles do not appear in the Camera Profilepop-up menu, download the latest Camera Raw update. 

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    I have turned off colormanagement in photoshop.
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    ACR verssion 3.7(?)
    OS is windows home 64
    8 gigs of ram
    Photoshop cs2 version 9.0.1
    adobe bridge cs2 version
    I have also performed the same tasks on photoshop cs3 on my work computer with the same results.

    The earliest version of Camera Raw to use DNG Profiles was version 4.6 in Photoshop, you won't be able to use that DNG profile in ACR 3.7.

  • Camera Profiles and PS Elements

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    Excellent Thomas. How do you select another profile then Adobe Standard in PSE?
    Ramõn: Even if my friend have less option in PSE I feel it's better to start shooting raw. Then he later can buy LR or PS CS and reedit pictures taken to day.

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    Will the camera profile selection affect my prints at all?
    It will affect prints to the same extent that it affects the monitor display, but no more than that. The differences that you see in color rendering when switching between profiles will be embodied in the jpg that you eventually make for sending to the print lab, but will not in itself cause the discrepancies you describe.

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    I am running Windows 7.  Snooping around my root drive I find that if I look within the Users\User Name\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CameraRaw\CameraProfiles directory (referenced in the Fraser and Schewe CS4 Camera Raw book as the Vista location for the profiles) I can find no camera profiles and when I place the new profile there it still does not appear in ACR.  When I look in ProgramData\Adobe\CameraRaw\CameraProfiles\Camera\Nikon D200    directory I can see the regular set of camera profiles for the camera, as well as the one I created, but as I previously stated, the newly created profile does not appear in the ACR list.
    A side note - I did some experimentation with camera profile names.  I added "XX" to the end of the Nikon Vivid profile name (not the extension), and then that profile no longer appears in the ACR list of profiles.  I removed the extra letters and then the profile reappears in the ACR list of profiles.  Seemed odd behavior to me.  I also noticed that the profile I created with DNG Editor is noticeably smaller than the others provided by Adobe (28K compared to 110k).
    Hope someone has a suggestion for me.

    Your reminder about both Photoshop (main) and Bridge needing to be shut down for changes to take effect reminded me that I had Bridge set to "auto-start at log-in".  So I checked and it was still running (shown with the other hidden icons).  When I "shut it down" from the UI I had thought it was fully terminated.  So I completely shut Bridge down, restarted, and the new profile now appears.
    Thanks for the reminder/pointer in the right direction.

  • How can i create a camera profile with camera raw?

    how can i create a camera profile with camera raw without x-rite or other third software?
    i have a Colour Checker ,with different shade of gray and different colors
    i remember about a script or something like that
    i google a lot , but without luck
    can i create my camera raw profile using a color checker with photoshop acr ?
    i'm not sure but this should be the script , right?
    but i don't know how use it
    is there a tutorial ? maybe a video to create a profile with camera raw

    Hello, I think that you search for
    Here is a PDF from adobe about it: DNGProfile_EditorDocumentation.pdf
    And an article:

  • DNG camera profile - which to trust, Adobe's or X-Rite's?

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    b2martin_a wrote:
    I like the DNG Profile Editor better.
    Me too. The purpose of the twisting is for more pleasing color. Cool dark greens, but warmer light greens; dark midnight blues, but warmer cyany light blues, deep dark reds, but warmer light reds...
    Note: this exagerates what often happens in real life: shadows are cool, sunlit colors are warmer...
    The linear profiles may be more accurate, but the twisted profiles may look better.
    Obviously this is subjective, and may depend on the shot and the purpose for it...
    My favorite profile is a customized version of Adobe Standard created with DNG Profile Editor - a little dimmer in the upper-midtones/lower-highlights, a little less cyany blues, a little cooler greens, and slightly warmer (less magenta-y) reds.

  • What is Adobe Standard and the other camera profiles?

    OK, so i'm using my Canon 5d mark II, shooting RAW in the Neutral picture style.  When I load the photo into Lightroom, at the bottom under Camera Calibration the program shows that by default it has loaded the photograph using the Adobe Standard camera profile.  My question is: Is Lightroom taking the end result of the RAW data being shot with the Neutral picture style and loading it into Lightroom where it translates the photograph (RAW + Neutral picture style) using Adobe Standard?  Or is Lightroom taking the photograph (RAW + Neutral picture style) and overriding the Neutral picture style setting in my camera and replacing it with another picture style it calls Adobe Standard?
    Another and potentially easier to understand way of asking the question would be if I shot two photographs in RAW, one with the Neutral picture style set in my camera and one with the Landscape setting, and then loaded them into Lightroom using Adobe Standard camera profile, would the two photographs look any different?
    Sorry, I am new to digital photography and all adobe programs, and would greatly appreciate the help of a veteran.

    The photos would look exactly the same. The picture style that your camera is set on makes no difference to the raw image. That picture style is carried in your raw file as just a tag that tells Canon's raw converter how to interpret the data. Adobe doesn't use that information.
    It's up to you to choose the profile that meets your artistic desires.

  • ACR 5.7 can see camera profiles in Bridge CS4 but not in Lightroom 2.7

    When utilizing ACR5.7 through Bridge CS4 - the cameral profiles are easily applied for my .NEF files (Nikon D300) but when I am in Lightroom 2.7 the camera profiles are not available unless I convert the nef to DNG.  I have tried to search the web and these forums but I am unable to locate the answer to my problem:
    Why can't I see the camera profiles in Lightroom for my nef files when I can see them through Bridge.. (both running ACR 5.7)
    Windows XP xp3
    Lightroom  2.7
    Bridge CS4
    ACR 5.7
    Nikon D300 profiles
    Thanks for the help.

    For those who might be reading this and having "odd" problems .. my solution was to delete my preferences file.
    This solved several odd issues I was seeing in my lightroom including the camera profiles..

  • Can't see a nikon d800 camera profile in adobe camera raw 8.2

    I can't see a nikon d800 camera profile in adobe camera raw 8.2
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    I copied .dpx files with that profile to:   C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CameraRaw\CameraProfiles     ,but nothing happened.
    Strange thing is that when I open a NEF file from old Nikon D80, in "camera profile" appears: "camera D2X mode1", "camera D2X mode2", "camera D2X mode3". Any ideas?

    The profiles that you see listed are the profiles for the camera that took the photo.  You will not see the camera model listed.  Those are the profiles Adobe created for the camera that took the image.  You cannot change profiles to those of a different camera.
    Apparently older Nikon cameras had the profiles you see listed for your D80.  I have those same profiles of as part of my D90 choices.  But, again apparently, those profiles are not part of newer cameras.  I wouldn't know, because I'm still using a D90.

  • Camera Profiles in LR 5.4 missing

    When trying to use VSCO film presets today, I've decided to check Camera Profile inside Camera Calibration in Lightroom. To my surprise profile would never change whenever I applied a new preset. It consistently showed Adobe Standard profile. In the drop-down menu the only profiles that show are the default: Adobe Standard, Camera Faithful, Camera Landscape, Camera Neutral, Camera Portrait, Camera Standard.
    I made sure I'm working on RAW files.
    I remember that a moth ago I was still able to see the entire huge list of VSCO camera profiles in that drop-down menu.
    The Presets menu continues to show presets correctly as before.
    I've checked and all those Camera Profiles (.dcp files) are as before located in /Username/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CameraRaw/CameraProfiles
    Also a few of my XRite Passport calibration profiles located in that folder do not show in LR.
    I even tried moving them to the main /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CameraRaw/CameraProfiles, but it didn't fix the problem.
    In a couple of forums I've read that downloading and installing the newest Adobe DNG Converter 8.4 can reset some of the index files, but it didn't work for me.
    I'd be grateful for any suggestions!
    I'm using:
    OSX 10.9.3
    LR 5.4 CreativeCloud
    Canon 5D Mark III

    These profiles are in my main Library directory (non-user specific) inside Mac/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CameraRaw/CameraProfiles/Camera in individual camera specific folders. They appear to belong to the default selection of camera profile inside LR - I did not install those. They do not appear inside LR application though. LR metadata in the library module recognizes my camera as it should, but is not loading 5DmkIII specific profiles.
    Here are troubleshooting steps I've performed on those profiles from the default folder (not the VSCO profiles!):
    1 - Moved Canon 5DmkIII profiles from Mac/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CameraRaw/CameraProfiles/Camera/Canon EOS 5D Mark III  folder to Mac/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CameraRaw/CameraProfiles - didn't help
    2 - Moved Canon 5DmkIII profiles from Mac/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CameraRaw/CameraProfiles/Camera/Canon EOS 5D Mark III to rafaelswit/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CameraRaw/CameraProfiles - didn't help either
    This is how it looks in the default path. SamsungSSD is my main drive where OSX and all applications are installed.

Maybe you are looking for