Published view is cut off

weird one - using 7.01.271 on a Win 7 machine, publishing html5 only output. The website has never done this before, but we're suddenly getting a cut-off view as follows:
No transitions, no actions on entry or exit - it just shows this section and nothing else on every slide.

Are you using chrome browser ?
Chrome version 36 has some issues with captivate html5 output. Please find the following workaround for the issue. -in-google-chrome-browser.html

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    Hi there
    At any point along the way have you checked the DPI settings on your machine?
    Click Start > Run, type Desk.cpl into the dialog and press Enter
    Click the Settings tab
    Click the Advanced button
    Click the General tab (It's likely already there)
    Examine the DPI setting.
    Sometimes the DPI is set to something like 120 and it causes issues with captions. Setting to 96 often cures that.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

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    Hi MagicBBB,
    A patch to address this issue is available. Check for updates from the application through Help >> Updates.
    Also have a look at the release notes here.
    Please try out the patch and let me know.
    Ashwin Bharghav B
    Adobe Captivate Team

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    Hi There,
    Greetings from Adobe.
    Have you used Smart shapes as circular buttons in your project ? In  which format are you publishing your project ?
    Are you publishing it locally or on shared/ network location ?
    Please try to increase the SWF size and quality from custom to high by going to Edit > Preferences > Project SWF size and quality and then publish your project locally.

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    The following line tells me that this is not a template file, but a document created from a template called index.dwt
    <html xmlns=""><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/index.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
    This means that you saved a child document as a template file at some stage.
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    Issue is because of the text box in the middle of the rectangle (In MAIN Master page), Please increase its width and then try to preview it.
    Please take a look at the screenshot. I increased it to 311 px and its working form me.
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    Is the field a "multi-line" text field (its the second icon on the Add Item toolbar in the Design tab)?
    If it is you can just make the field bigger by dragging the lower right corner.

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