Publishing Suite in Creative Cloud

Hi, I am trying to find out 2 things about the Creative Cloud and forthcoming DPS capabilities, so I hope this is the best place to ask rather than the Digital Publishing Suite forum, my apologies if not.
- Firstly, how many 'single editions' will we be able publish? Just one? One a year? One a month? As many as we like?
- Secondly, I am assuming that if I take out a month by month plan, and then for any reason cancel my subscription, my publication will still be avaliable from the app/android store? Would I be right in thinking this?
Thanks in advance

It seems that not everybody at Adobe knows the deal with SE on Creative Cloud - I really want to beleive you guys, but for the sake of argument (and since SE for Cloud isn't released yet) I thought I'd paste a back-in-forth I had recdntly with an Adobe Account Development Manager.  Please see below (I've hidden the names and numbers to protect the innocent)  By the way I think he is mistaken because I plan on purchacing Adobe Stock if you guys turn out to be the correct.  --I'm rooting for you.
From: Adobe Account Dev Manager
The only thing I could find about DPS and the cloud is here You can find FAQs about DPS here I shared your link with the DPS sales team and they hadn’t heard anything about unlimited apps.  I could be wrong, but everything I’ve read has said unlimited downloads for Cloud subscribers, but not unlimited apps.
I can’t really see the company providing unlimited app creation for $50/month, it’s not a very sustainable model.
Must See Adobe Digital Publishing Suite Video Introducing the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite
From: URBAN, Jesse ####
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 11:14 AM
To: #####
Subject: RE: Adobe Digital Publishing Info
Thanks again for all your help.  However I’m still finding contradicting answers in adobe forums from staff members about multiple single-edition app creation for creative cloud subscribers.
Please see the Q&A forum below:
Not that I doubt your info but, who’s correct?
Jesse U.

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    09/12/13 07:59:41:266 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
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    09/12/13 07:59:41:266 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
    09/12/13 07:59:41:266 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
    09/12/13 07:59:41:266 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | START - Installer Session
    09/12/13 07:59:41:266 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
    09/12/13 07:59:41:266 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | RIBS version:
    09/12/13 07:59:41:335 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | OSX version: 10.8.4 
    09/12/13 07:59:41:335 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | ::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]
    09/12/13 07:59:41:335 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | CHECK: Single instance running
    09/12/13 07:59:41:336 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | CHECK : Credentials
    09/12/13 07:59:41:336 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Load Deployment File
    09/12/13 07:59:41:336 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | deploymentFile option not given
    09/12/13 07:59:41:336 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | CHECK : Another Native OS installer already running
    09/12/13 07:59:41:336 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Create Required Folders
    09/12/13 07:59:41:336 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Assuming install mode
    09/12/13 07:59:41:336 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Looking up install source path
    09/12/13 07:59:41:336 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Sync Media DB ...
    09/12/13 07:59:41:336 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | ::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]
    09/12/13 07:59:41:336 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Pre check media db sync
    09/12/13 07:59:41:336 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 0
    09/12/13 07:59:41:336 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | :: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 490 milliseconds (0.49 seconds) DTR = 1200 KBPS (1.17188 MBPS)
    09/12/13 07:59:41:336 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ready to initialize session to start with ...
    09/12/13 07:59:41:336 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | ::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]
    09/12/13 07:59:41:336 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | -------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------
    09/12/13 07:59:41:336 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updated source path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:353 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {0645E6E6-24B3-447F-9DB1-4025C246E588}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:354 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:354 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:354 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-tr_TR-100913195813/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:354 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {07EB018E-59D8-4E5A-960D-8594AA259BDC}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:354 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:354 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:354 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-es_ES-100913194842/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:354 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {0947C97F-50A5-4424-82E7-A9D0990C0E85}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:355 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:355 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:355 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-ja_JP-100913192601/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:355 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {253453BC-FAC4-4432-AB00-1CF9D2A59444}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:355 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:355 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:355 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-de_DE-100913193241/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:355 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {264EC5FC-6AE3-47DB-9375-EB7ECBA1BB94}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:356 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:356 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:356 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-es_MX-100913194706/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:356 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {49BEF768-D1F0-46BD-BAFE-BC955786FF02}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:356 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:356 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:356 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-fr_MA-100913200739/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:356 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {4F95A0E6-6CF5-45E4-A50A-33EF623420C5}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:357 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:357 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:357 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-hu_HU-100913200257/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:357 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {574AF788-9278-41C0-9E3C-F0B8E47D1B65}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:357 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:357 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:357 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-fi_FI-100913195152/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:357 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {574BB03D-E080-48A4-B39D-9B9185484E73}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:358 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:358 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:358 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-zh_CN-100913193101/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:358 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {595D1F57-3169-4202-8F14-20253A53E855}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:358 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:358 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:358 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-pt_BR-100913193621/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:358 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {71043310-8B20-4959-ABE7-8EFDE77FB93A}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:359 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:359 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:359 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-fr_CA-100913194527/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:359 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {7D07A074-485B-4237-BC1D-26C4D21231DA}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:359 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:359 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:359 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-zh_TW-100913192918/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:359 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {8C23EAC1-5210-4166-B509-A99CD11465E2}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:359 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:359 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:359 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-ru_RU-100913195947/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:359 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {8F882B06-A3E6-40D6-B26C-550965E86B21}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:360 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:360 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:360 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-Support-100913202319/AdobePhotoshop14-Support-100913202319.z ip
    09/12/13 07:59:41:360 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {8F8F383D-43C5-49A3-92E1-E4A828B34C5F}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:360 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:360 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:360 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-en_IL-100913200605/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:360 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {9CA5E494-E902-4AD7-BCD0-49ADE58A4C60}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:361 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:361 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:361 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-ko_KR-100913192739/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:361 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {9F28730F-9813-45EC-98FC-F385829DD34C}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:361 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:361 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:361 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-uk_UA-100913200123/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:361 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {B13B355E-102F-42AE-A404-F2B51CF8F09D}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:361 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:361 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:361 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-sv_SE-100913195017/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:361 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {B52EC882-E4FC-4741-AC76-6AB703832E00}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:362 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:362 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:362 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-nb_NO-100913195327/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:362 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {BBDA971B-546F-4FE3-B1F3-9E09EB0CB7C4}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:362 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:362 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:362 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-en_AE-100913200431/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:362 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {C2E94353-E566-4D01-A6B5-A369F6C21AC5}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:362 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:362 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:362 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-Core-100913201043/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:363 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {D26E41DB-583C-45C2-970A-39C35ED1DD19}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:363 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:363 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:363 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-it_IT-100913194038/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:363 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {D3B1D20E-68C3-4236-B7BE-02ADD49CB688}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:363 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:363 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:363 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-pl_PL-100913195637/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:363 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {D98E6EB3-107C-4DEF-8708-F6F1463AC437}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:364 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:364 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:364 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-nl_NL-100913194215/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:364 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {DC168801-4D7F-4534-975C-31941EA44602}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:364 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:364 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:364 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-en_GB-100913192408/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:364 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {F395729F-1155-43FF-877E-5D9690DDE2A7}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:364 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:364 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:364 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-fr_FR-100913194350/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:364 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {FCC92F58-9FAD-44FA-9D10-E980E1CD5B54}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:365 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:365 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:365 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-da_DK-100913193902/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:365 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Updating media info for: {FE96FE80-D6BB-40D4-AA7C-07B1150033B2}
    09/12/13 07:59:41:365 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Ignoring original data since install source is local
    09/12/13 07:59:41:365 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:41:365 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Path: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC/payloads/AdobePhotoshop14-cs_CZ-100913195504/
    09/12/13 07:59:41:365 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | --------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------
    09/12/13 07:59:41:469 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Supported RIBS version range: [,]
    09/12/13 07:59:41:469 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | ----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x86 ---------------
    09/12/13 07:59:51:462 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Setting ignore refcount for 'Adobe Photoshop CC Support_14.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Support {3F056351-DB0B-425A-9009-3B75F49717EF}' getting upgraded by 'Adobe Photoshop CC Support_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Support {8F882B06-A3E6-40D6-B26C-550965E86B21}'
    09/12/13 07:59:51:462 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Setting ignore refcount for 'Adobe Photoshop CC Core_14.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Core {4266C20C-6996-42E3-9356-48DAE37D9F3C}' getting upgraded by 'Adobe Photoshop CC Core_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Core {C2E94353-E566-4D01-A6B5-A369F6C21AC5}'
    09/12/13 07:59:51:462 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | ______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Turkish Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-tr_TR {0645E6E6-24B3-447F-9DB1-4025C246E588} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Turkish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-tr_TR
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Spanish Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-es_ES {07EB018E-59D8-4E5A-960D-8594AA259BDC} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Spanish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-es_ES
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Japanese Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-ja_JP {0947C97F-50A5-4424-82E7-A9D0990C0E85} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Japanese Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-ja_JP
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC German Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-de_DE {253453BC-FAC4-4432-AB00-1CF9D2A59444} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC German Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-de_DE
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC North American Spanish Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-es_MX {264EC5FC-6AE3-47DB-9375-EB7ECBA1BB94} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC North American Spanish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-es_MX
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC MA French Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-fr_MA {49BEF768-D1F0-46BD-BAFE-BC955786FF02} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC MA French Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-fr_MA
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Hungarian Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-hu_HU {4F95A0E6-6CF5-45E4-A50A-33EF623420C5} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:463 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Hungarian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-hu_HU
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Finnish Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-fi_FI {574AF788-9278-41C0-9E3C-F0B8E47D1B65} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Finnish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-fi_FI
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Chinese Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-zh_CN {574BB03D-E080-48A4-B39D-9B9185484E73} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Chinese Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-zh_CN
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Brazilian Portugese Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-pt_BR {595D1F57-3169-4202-8F14-20253A53E855} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Brazilian Portugese Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-pt_BR
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Canadian French Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-fr_CA {71043310-8B20-4959-ABE7-8EFDE77FB93A} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Canadian French Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-fr_CA
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Chinese (traditional) Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-zh_TW {7D07A074-485B-4237-BC1D-26C4D21231DA} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:464 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Chinese (traditional) Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-zh_TW
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Russian Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-ru_RU {8C23EAC1-5210-4166-B509-A99CD11465E2} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Russian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-ru_RU
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC IL English Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-en_IL {8F8F383D-43C5-49A3-92E1-E4A828B34C5F} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC IL English Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-en_IL
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Korean Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-ko_KR {9CA5E494-E902-4AD7-BCD0-49ADE58A4C60} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Korean Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-ko_KR
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Ukrainian Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-uk_UA {9F28730F-9813-45EC-98FC-F385829DD34C} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Ukrainian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-uk_UA
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Swedish Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-sv_SE {B13B355E-102F-42AE-A404-F2B51CF8F09D} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Swedish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-sv_SE
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:465 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Norwegian Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-nb_NO {B52EC882-E4FC-4741-AC76-6AB703832E00} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Norwegian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-nb_NO
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC AE English Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-en_AE {BBDA971B-546F-4FE3-B1F3-9E09EB0CB7C4} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC AE English Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-en_AE
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Italian Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-it_IT {D26E41DB-583C-45C2-970A-39C35ED1DD19} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Italian Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-it_IT
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Polish Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-pl_PL {D3B1D20E-68C3-4236-B7BE-02ADD49CB688} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Polish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-pl_PL
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Dutch Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-nl_NL {D98E6EB3-107C-4DEF-8708-F6F1463AC437} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Dutch Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-nl_NL
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:466 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC International English Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-en_GB {DC168801-4D7F-4534-975C-31941EA44602} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC International English Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-en_GB
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC French Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-fr_FR {F395729F-1155-43FF-877E-5D9690DDE2A7} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC French Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-fr_FR
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Danish Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-da_DK {FCC92F58-9FAD-44FA-9D10-E980E1CD5B54} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Danish Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-da_DK
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | DW023: The extension payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Czech Language Pack_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-cs_CZ {FE96FE80-D6BB-40D4-AA7C-07B1150033B2} requires a parent with following specification:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           Family: Photoshop
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CC Czech Language Pack_AdobePhotoshop14-cs_CZ
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           MinVersion:
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |           This payload will be ignored in this session.
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | BEGIN Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Adobe Photoshop CC Core_14.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Core {4266C20C-6996-42E3-9356-48DAE37D9F3C}: 0 (0,0)
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Adobe Photoshop CC Support_14.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Support {3F056351-DB0B-425A-9009-3B75F49717EF}: 0 (0,0)
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Adobe Photoshop CC Support_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Support {8F882B06-A3E6-40D6-B26C-550965E86B21}: 0 (0,0)
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Adobe Photoshop CC Core_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Core {C2E94353-E566-4D01-A6B5-A369F6C21AC5}: 0 (0,0)
    09/12/13 07:59:51:467 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | END Operation order for all session payloads: mediaGroup (requires,satisfies)
    09/12/13 07:59:51:468 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Patch Adobe Photoshop CC Support_14.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Support {3F056351-DB0B-425A-9009-3B75F49717EF} can be applied to product Adobe Photoshop CC Support {7E76327E-86FB-4788-83C3-8B86F66C5F73}
    09/12/13 07:59:51:469 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Patch Adobe Photoshop CC Core_14.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Core {4266C20C-6996-42E3-9356-48DAE37D9F3C} can be applied to product Adobe Photoshop CC Core {AA01D250-3E72-4FD7-9A3B-F9A9C1DBC016}
    09/12/13 07:59:51:469 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Patch Adobe Photoshop CC Support_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Support {8F882B06-A3E6-40D6-B26C-550965E86B21} can be applied to product Adobe Photoshop CC Support {7E76327E-86FB-4788-83C3-8B86F66C5F73}
    09/12/13 07:59:51:469 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Patch Adobe Photoshop CC Core_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Core {C2E94353-E566-4D01-A6B5-A369F6C21AC5} can be applied to product Adobe Photoshop CC Core {AA01D250-3E72-4FD7-9A3B-F9A9C1DBC016}
    09/12/13 07:59:54:232 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Setting property "installSourcePath" to: /Users/Heather/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/Adobe Photoshop CC
    09/12/13 07:59:54:232 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Setting property "mode" to: silent
    09/12/13 07:59:54:232 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Setting property "updateManifestPath" to: /Users/Heather/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdater/1.0/Data/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/14.1.1.xml
    09/12/13 07:59:54:232 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Setting property "workflow" to: updater
    09/12/13 07:59:54:232 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Overwrite property "extensionsOnly" to: 1
    09/12/13 07:59:54:232 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Overwrite property "mode" to: silent
    09/12/13 07:59:54:232 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Overwrite property "patchesOnly" to: 1
    09/12/13 07:59:54:232 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Overwrite property "updateManifestPath" to: /Users/Heather/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdater/1.0/Data/AdobePhotoshopCCSupport-14.0/14.1.1/14.1.1.xml
    09/12/13 07:59:54:233 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Overwrite property "workflow" to: updater
    09/12/13 07:59:54:233 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Found payload actions:
    09/12/13 07:59:54:233 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Deciding what installer mode to use...
    09/12/13 07:59:54:351 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | BEGIN Setting requested payload actions
    09/12/13 07:59:54:352 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Value returned on lookup of payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Core_14.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Core {4266C20C-6996-42E3-9356-48DAE37D9F3C} is: true
    09/12/13 07:59:54:352 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Action string for Adobe Photoshop CC Core_14.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Core {4266C20C-6996-42E3-9356-48DAE37D9F3C}  is install
    09/12/13 07:59:54:352 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Value returned on lookup of payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Support_14.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Support {3F056351-DB0B-425A-9009-3B75F49717EF} is: true
    09/12/13 07:59:54:352 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Action string for Adobe Photoshop CC Support_14.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Support {3F056351-DB0B-425A-9009-3B75F49717EF}  is install
    09/12/13 07:59:54:352 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Value returned on lookup of payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Support_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Support {8F882B06-A3E6-40D6-B26C-550965E86B21} is: false
    09/12/13 07:59:54:352 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Action string for Adobe Photoshop CC Support_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Support {8F882B06-A3E6-40D6-B26C-550965E86B21}  is install
    09/12/13 07:59:54:353 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Value returned on lookup of payload: Adobe Photoshop CC Core_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Core {C2E94353-E566-4D01-A6B5-A369F6C21AC5} is: false
    09/12/13 07:59:54:353 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Action string for Adobe Photoshop CC Core_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Core {C2E94353-E566-4D01-A6B5-A369F6C21AC5}  is install
    09/12/13 07:59:54:358 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | END Setting requested payload actions
    09/12/13 07:59:54:359 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR
    09/12/13 07:59:54:359 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path
    09/12/13 07:59:54:359 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | INSTALLDIR is not the root path
    09/12/13 07:59:54:359 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | INSTALLDIR is on a local volume
    09/12/13 07:59:54:360 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume
    09/12/13 07:59:54:360 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume
    09/12/13 07:59:54:360 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: /Applications
    09/12/13 07:59:54:771 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations
    09/12/13 07:59:54:771 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Adobe Photoshop CC Support_14.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Support {3F056351-DB0B-425A-9009-3B75F49717EF}:  with operation remove
    09/12/13 07:59:54:771 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Adobe Photoshop CC Core_14.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Core {4266C20C-6996-42E3-9356-48DAE37D9F3C}:  with operation remove
    09/12/13 07:59:54:771 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Adobe Photoshop CC Support_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Support {8F882B06-A3E6-40D6-B26C-550965E86B21}:  with operation install
    09/12/13 07:59:54:771 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Adobe Photoshop CC Core_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Core {C2E94353-E566-4D01-A6B5-A369F6C21AC5}:  with operation install
    09/12/13 07:59:54:771 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations
    09/12/13 07:59:54:771 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations
    09/12/13 07:59:54:771 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Adobe Photoshop CC Core_14.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Core {4266C20C-6996-42E3-9356-48DAE37D9F3C}:  with operation remove
    09/12/13 07:59:54:771 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Adobe Photoshop CC Support_14.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Support {3F056351-DB0B-425A-9009-3B75F49717EF}:  with operation remove
    09/12/13 07:59:54:771 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Adobe Photoshop CC Support_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Support {8F882B06-A3E6-40D6-B26C-550965E86B21}:  with operation install
    09/12/13 07:59:54:771 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Adobe Photoshop CC Core_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Core {C2E94353-E566-4D01-A6B5-A369F6C21AC5}:  with operation install
    09/12/13 07:59:54:771 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations
    09/12/13 07:59:55:044 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Payloads passed preflight validation.
    09/12/13 07:59:55:044 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Call PreSession Custom Hook
    09/12/13 07:59:55:044 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations
    09/12/13 07:59:55:044 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Adobe Photoshop CC Support_14.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Support {3F056351-DB0B-425A-9009-3B75F49717EF}:  with operation remove
    09/12/13 07:59:55:045 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Adobe Photoshop CC Core_14.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Core {4266C20C-6996-42E3-9356-48DAE37D9F3C}:  with operation remove
    09/12/13 07:59:55:045 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Adobe Photoshop CC Support_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Support {8F882B06-A3E6-40D6-B26C-550965E86B21}:  with operation install
    09/12/13 07:59:55:045 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Adobe Photoshop CC Core_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Core {C2E94353-E566-4D01-A6B5-A369F6C21AC5}:  with operation install
    09/12/13 07:59:55:045 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | END InstallOperationsQueue Unordered operations
    09/12/13 07:59:55:045 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | BEGIN InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations
    09/12/13 07:59:55:045 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Adobe Photoshop CC Core_14.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Core {4266C20C-6996-42E3-9356-48DAE37D9F3C}:  with operation remove
    09/12/13 07:59:55:045 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Adobe Photoshop CC Support_14.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Support {3F056351-DB0B-425A-9009-3B75F49717EF}:  with operation remove
    09/12/13 07:59:55:045 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Adobe Photoshop CC Support_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Support {8F882B06-A3E6-40D6-B26C-550965E86B21}:  with operation install
    09/12/13 07:59:55:045 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 |   Adobe Photoshop CC Core_14.1.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Core {C2E94353-E566-4D01-A6B5-A369F6C21AC5}:  with operation install
    09/12/13 07:59:55:045 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | END InstallOperationsQueue Ordered operations
    09/12/13 07:59:55:347 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | Calling the custom action code for pre-remove for payload Adobe Photoshop CC Core_14.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Core {4266C20C-6996-42E3-9356-48DAE37D9F3C}
    09/12/13 07:59:55:352 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304117 | ::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{4266C20C-6996-42E3-9356-48DAE37D9F3C}]
    09/12/13 07:59:55:424 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304428 | *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
    09/12/13 07:59:55:424 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304428 | Installer Operation: PayloadUninstaller
    09/12/13 07:59:55:424 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304428 | *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
    09/12/13 07:59:55:447 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304428 | Session {8F882B06-A3E6-40D6-B26C-550965E86B21} modify request for AdobeCode: {4266C20C-6996-42E3-9356-48DAE37D9F3C}
    09/12/13 07:59:55:610 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304428 | Effective AdobeCode for: {4266C20C-6996-42E3-9356-48DAE37D9F3C} is {4266C20C-6996-42E3-9356-48DAE37D9F3C}
    09/12/13 07:59:55:640 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304428 | Payload Adobe Photoshop CC Core_14.1_AdobePhotoshop14-Core {4266C20C-6996-42E3-9356-48DAE37D9F3C}: Calling ARKEngine from path /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Application Manager/DECore/DE6/resources
    09/12/13 07:59:56:345 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304428 | CustomizedPatch property not found in database
    09/12/13 07:59:56:370 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304428 | Beginning un-installation for payload at /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Uninstall/{4266C20C-6996-42E3-9356-48DAE37D9F3C}.db
    09/12/13 07:59:56:737 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304428 | Attempting to patch file: "/Applications/Adobe Suites/Adobe Creative Cloud/Adobe Photoshop CC/Presets/Menu Customization/What's New.mnu"(Seq 557)
    09/12/13 07:59:56:884 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304428 | Attempting to patch file: "/Applications/Adobe Suites/Adobe Creative Cloud/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop"(Seq 559)
    09/12/13 07:59:57:027 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304428 | Attempting to patch file: "/Applications/Adobe Suites/Adobe Creative Cloud/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop S/HLCrashProcessor"(Seq 561)
    09/12/13 07:59:57:089 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304428 | Attempting to patch file: "/Applications/Adobe Suites/Adobe Creative Cloud/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop ons/3/AdobeLinguistic"(Seq 563)
    09/12/13 07:59:57:236 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304428 | Attempting to patch file: "/Applications/Adobe Suites/Adobe Creative Cloud/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop"(Seq 565)
    09/12/13 07:59:57:284 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 2304428 | Attempting t

    Hi h_cline2,
    The log shows there seems to be corruption in the file. Please remove Photoshop from Applications/Utilities/Adobe Installers and try installing again from the root account and try to apply the updates: .
    Romit Sinha

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