Publishing template for Motorola Q

Now that I have the Flash Lite 2.1 preview on my Motorola Q
Smartphone, I am eager to start publishing content for it. Where do
I go to download the latest publishing templates, emulators, etc? I
remember hearing that there will be lots of updates that we can
download to keep our mobile dev options up to date.

download the "Flash Lite 2 Update for Flash Professional 8"
to be able to
target content for FL2.1.
"Adam Splitter" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:ef0rov$ij0$[email protected]..
> Now that I have the Flash Lite 2.1 preview on my
Motorola Q Smartphone, I
> am
> eager to start publishing content for it. Where do I go
to download the
> latest
> publishing templates, emulators, etc? I remember hearing
that there will
> be
> lots of updates that we can download to keep our mobile
dev options up to
> date.

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    Thanks, Best Regards.

    Hi Kostya,
    Only two steps:
    Download XML publisher desktop from oracle site and install on your machine.
    Once setup finish then you will able to see one new toolbar in MS word (Template Builder).
    Using that toolbar you can develop and test your report.
    [email protected]

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    As i have no option for SQL, i just run sql in TOAD and export data as a xml file and just load that data in to MS word as XML Data. it's not bad idea !!!.
    Thanks & Regards

    The create report from SQL option was removed from the Desktop tool. Here's what I would recommend.
    1. Go to BIP server and create your report and query there (use the online query builder, use SQL Developer, use BI EE, use TOAD)
    2. Open Word and login to the BIP Server
    3. Browser the report catalog.
    4. Open the report you just created online. (This will automatically create a download sample XML)
    5. Create your layout
    6. From inside word, upload your new template (new Menu option)
    The ability to start new templates and update existing templates directly from Word is pretty handy. You no longer have to go back to your browser to upload the lasted copy of your template to the server.

  • Template Builder (XML Publisher Report) for Open Office

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    Thanks and Regards,
    Nidhi Gupta

    Hi All,
    I think Oracle can provide a BI Publisher Software for the Open Office, since the licencing cost for MS Office is very high.
    "OpenOffice Writer" is a open source alternative to MS Word and can be used on Linux. If I am using Linux OS and have to work on BI Publisher templates then certainly I will have to install Windows or use WINE ( I donno how it works but heard of it)
    Other Oracle tools such as SQL Developer, etc are platform independent.. then why only BI Publisher is limited for windows/MS Office.
    Can you please answer..
    I think it should integrate with OpenOffice too!!
    - Ejaz
    [email protected]

  • Reseting page number in Word RTF template for BI Publisher PDF generation

    Apex 4.0.2, Oracle, BIP 10.2
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    1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4
    ID=2 (1 pages)
    ID=3 (2 pages)
    1/2, 2/2
    ID=4 (3 pages)
    1/3, 2/3, 3/3
    How to achieve that kind of numbering?
    Any help appreciated.
    Damir Vadas
    Edited by: Damir Vadas on May 16, 2011 12:49 PM

    Simple question.. Does your posting deal with an APEX issue or a BI Publisher issue? The posting you have deals with the RTF add-on for Word that builds report layouts for BI Publisher. I suggested in my response that you move it to a more relevant forum..
    If you feel that me alerting you to the fact your are VIOLATING forum policy is an issue, please feel free to ask others their view.. (posting to a 3 year old closed thread, creating MULTIPLE threads for a single issue..) You do NOT seem to get the idea that posting this in the Bi Publisher support forum would probably get you a BETTER response than here.. Asking pl/sql questions here will also get people to refer your questions to the PL/Sql Support forum..
    Also, here is a POSSIBLE answer from the BI Publisher Forum:
    This Is The APEX SUPPORT forum, we deal with SUPPORT questions on APEX (Application Express)..
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX
    You know, I used to think that it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe.
    If this question is answered, please mark the thread as closed and assign points where earned..

  • Creating Parameters in RTF Template for BI Publisher Report

    I have created Parameters in my BI Publisher Report and in SQL query. But i need to create same parameters in RTF Template , so that when i publish this report in dashboard , parameters will be visible. Can you please tell me how to create Parameters in RTF Template for BI Publisher Report ? I am not finding option. Please let me know .
    Thanks in advance

    all the parameter's value will be there in your xml .
    just you need to add parameter heading and corresponding xml tag name to get the parameter value on the report.
    if u dont have you can try like below
    Declare Parameter in RTF Template
    Before you use the parameter in the RTF template file you need to declare it first. You can do so by having the following syntax.
    Note: where %parameter_name% is the parameter name that you have created at the BI Publisher Server UI.
    Here is an example:
    Use it in RTF Template!
    Once it’s declared in the RTF template you can start using it as the same way you use the variable. You need to just add ‘$’ prefix in front of the parameter name. Here is the example:
    The above example would print the parameter value in the report output. If you want to use this value in your condition or calculation you can simply use it as ‘$param1’. Yes, it’s that simple.
    If you are not sure if and how the parameter values are passed to the report when you run the report you can use this command in your RTF template, which will return all the parameter values passed to the RTF template at the runtime.

  • XML Publisher Template Builder for Adobe Acrobat

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  • XML publisher(template builder menu for rtf)

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    The XML Publisher 5.0 Template Builder for Word is available on Metalink as a Patch:
    Patch 4239263
    Product XML Publisher
    Release Applications 11i
    Platform or Language -------- Platforms --------Microsoft Windows (32-bit)
    If you don't have access to Metalink, you can download a trial version of the standalone release of XML Publisher 5.5 from Oracle eDelivery:
    Product Pack Oracle Application Server Products
    Platform: Any (e.g. Window 32 Bit)
    The part number is B23145-01: "Oracle® XML Publisher CD/Media Pack".
    The Template Builder for Word is part of the "XML Publisher Desktop".
    HR Madrid

  • How to make Group Matrix Report in BI Publisher Template Builder for Word

    Dear All
    I have created a template in MSWord's BI Publisher for creating Matrix report, it is working fine, but i couldn't do it for Group matrix report. Kindly give me any kind of example regarding group matrix or nested group in column level and row level.
    Haq Nawaz
    A.F.Ferguson & Co
    Edited by: 823804 on Dec 28, 2010 5:42 PM

    Hey hi,
    I m also trying to create template for matrix wih group. have you found any solution for this? if yes please forward me the information on my mail id [email protected]

  • How to do subtemplate Using XML Publisher Template Builder for Word 5.6.2

    Is it possible to do subtemplate (similar to subreport in crystal report) using XML Publisher Template Builder for Word 5.6.2?. If yes, can anyone explain how to call or import subtemplate from main template?
    Thank you

    Hi V. Piraba,
    Here is how it works for me in Microsoft Word 2003. I'm not sure if it will work in Word 5.6.2.
    Creating Subtemplates
    1) Make sure you fill in the “Territory” field when creating Subtemplates. Otherwise there will be no way to import the Subtemplate into another Template. The Import command requires the Territory field to call it from other Templates. You will get a big Java error if you try to import a Subtemplate that does not have the Terriroty field populated.
    Importing Subtemplates
    1) Place the following syntax at the beginning of your XML Publisher template to import a subtemplate (in Oracle Applications)
    <?import:xdo://XDO.[Template Code Name].English.US?>
    Example: <?import:xdo://XDO.WC_SUBTEMPLATE_LOGOS.English.US?>
    2) Use the following commands to importing Subtemplates from local/network drives (outside of Oracle Applications):
    <?import:file:C:/Temp/WC Subtemplate - Logos.rtf?>
    <?import:file:L://Templates/WC Subtemplate - Logos.rtf?>
    <?import: file:///C:WorkChemical.xsl?>
    You can email me at [email protected] if you have further questions.
    Hope this helps!

  • XMLP Desktop 5.6.2 vs BI Publisher template builder for word?

    Is anybody know what's the difference betweent these two product?
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    i need to create template in word base on SQL. please help me.

    In your code try replacing this:
    <Graph pieDepth="30" pieTilt="20" seriesEffect="SE_AUTO_GRADIENT" graphType="PIE_MULTI"><LegendText>
    <GraphFont size="14" bold="false" italic="false" underline="false"/>
    <GraphFont size="14" bold="false" italic="false" underline="false"/>
    <LegendArea position="LAP_BOTTOM" visible="true" />
    <Series id="0" color="#BED73D"/>
    <Series id="1" color="#003976"/>
    <Series id="2" color="#5ABED3"/>
    <SliceLabel><ViewFormat decimalDigit="1" decimalDigitUsed="true" decimalSeparatorUsed="true" /></SliceLabel><LegendArea visible="true" />
    With this:
    <Graph depthAngle="50" depthRadius="0" pieDepth="30" pieTilt="20" seriesEffect="SE_AUTO_GRADIENT" graphType="PIE_MULTI">
    <ImageSize width="800" height="800"/>
    <LegendArea visible="true" position="LAP_BOTTOM"/>
    <GraphFont size="14" bold="false" italic="false" underline="false"/>
    <GraphFont size="14" bold="false" italic="false" underline="false"/>
    <Series id="0" color="#bed73d"/>
    <Series id="1" color="#3976"/>
    <Series id="2" color="#5abed3"/>
    <ViewFormat decimalDigit="1" decimalSeparatorUsed="true" decimalDigitUsed="true"/>
    And test again. It is working in my case

  • BI Publisher Template Builder for Excel

    I re-installed Oracle BI publisher desktop 32bit on my computer  (Windows 7, Office Pro Plus 2010)
    Before the re-installation, I could access the BI Publisher tab in the ribbon for Word and Excel. Now, since the re-install, I can't acces the tab.
    I made sure Analyzer for Excel was removed before installing the new version.
    The version of BI Publisher Enterprise that we are running is
    Someone has a clue why i'm unable to acces the tab?

    I looked in the Add-ins and tried to enable BI publisher template builder, but no success.
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  • Missing "Save Site as Template" For Publishing Sites in Project online 2013

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    Now I want to this Sub site Save as a Site Template. When I went for Save site as Template in site setting. Under Site Action there is no option for “Save site as Template”

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    Some workaround -
    Ganesh Jat [My Blog |
    LinkedIn | Twitter ]
    Please click 'Mark As Answer' if a post solves your problem or 'Vote As Helpful' if it was useful.

  • App-V: A Configuration Template for Deploying to Stateless RDS Clients on Citrix Published Desktops with Citrix UPM for Profile Management

    Please Vote if you find this to be helpful!
    App-V:  A Configuration Template for Deploying to Stateless RDS Clients on Citrix Published Desktops with Citrix UPM for Profile Management
    Just posted this to the wiki:

    I would not recommend this and keep the package cache and the client on the same non-persistent drive and enable the Shared Content Store. If you separate the cache and the App-V client they could get out of sync and strange behaviour can occur. 
    You can use a temporary local profile with Citrix UPM or UE-V and specify what to roam/save.
    You can use the Shared Content Store so packages will stream over the network. When the user logs on there is a publishing phase where shortcuts etc are created for the user, this will take some time.
    Are you using the App-V full infrastructure?
    Are you using a boot disk, partition or PXE in combination with PVS?

  • Updated! App-V: A Configuration Template for Deploying to Stateless RDS Clients on Citrix Published Desktops with Citrix UPM for Profile Management

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    Check out the wiki!

    I've updated my App-V Startup script that I use.  The new version includes Event Logging as well as detailed logging, and its in PowerShell finally)
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