Pull Ditrbuation Point

Hi i have one primary site and One Secondary site and one Pull Distribution point the source of Pull DP is the secondary site now my question is what happened if i need to distribute package to the Pull DP without distribute it to the secondary site DP?
is this package will be pulled or will be distributed from the primary site?
Ahmed Ali

okay good so if i want to distribute packages to the PULL DP only i have to add the primary site DP as source DP for this Pull DP.
now what will happened if i want to distribute package to PULL DP and this package already presented on the primary and secondary site DP which DP will be used as source DP however that Primary and Secondary are considered as source DPs.
Ahmed Ali

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  • SCCM 2012 - Pull distribution point and target PKI or HTTPS DPs

    I have spent several days researching this and so far have found only a single page that even takes a stab at offering a solution.
    Trying to target an HTTPS DP when creating a pull distribution point in SCCM 2012 R2. The link that I'm referring to that does offer a workaround is here(guess I can't post a link, but it ends with the following, how-to-set-an-https-distribution-point-as-a-source-dp-for-pull-dps)
    I have several problems with the proposed solution.
    Is a script really the only way to proceed with something that has up till now been a built in feature with the rest of the product.
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    anything definitive. I would like to at the very least convert this from VB to powershell(if that script is the only option) and I know how to convert the portions where it's interacting with the site's WMI namespace (smsprovider if I'm not mistaken).
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    The environment:
    The reason this is important for me is I'm about to start the production build(been all lab up till now) that is going to have just under 300 DPs in the field connected via T1 lines. They were all 07 secondary sites. I was thinking about migrating them using
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    Yes, this is the only way, from
    http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg712321.aspx#BKMK_PlanPullDps: "However, you can use the Configuration Manager SDK to specify a source distribution point that is configured for HTTPS. To use a source distribution point that is configured
    for HTTPS, the pull-distribution point must be co-located on a computer that runs the Configuration Manager client. "
    Does "why" really matter , who cares? It just is. Whether it was an oversight, a coding bug, or an act of God doesn't change anything. Why does there "have to be" an easier way? And what's wrong with using the VBScripts others have
    written? A script is a script is a script particularly if you've been given it already. Just because the hammer is pink doesn't mean it can't hammer the nail in.
    Jason | http://blog.configmgrftw.com | @jasonsandys

  • SCCM 2012 R2 & Pull Distribution Point Casuing 0 Byte amd64 folders

    Experiencing an extremely frustrating problem.
    1 Primary Site Server / DP (Main Office)
    40 DP's (Remote School Locations)
    - Hosted on a file server VM
    - Contains 3 partitions: C: (System), E: (Data), I: (PKG share)
    OS: Server 2008 R2 (Primary Site Server and File Servers / DP's)
    SCCM Version: SCCM 2012 R2 
    We recently upgrade to SCCM 2012 R2. I have confirmed that this has not caused the problem I am about to describe. The only other change that has occurred recently is that we configured all of our DP's at each of our 40 sites to be pull distribution points.
    While this seems to be working fine we are now seeing a whole bunch of 0 Byte alpha numeric folders with a 0 Byte amd64 subfolder. These folders seem to attach to the E: drive on all of our File server distribution points....for the life of me I cannot figure
    out why and this occurred as soon as we switched to pull distribution points. While this does not seem to be having an erroneous effect on our environment, it is annoying and somewhat disconcerting as I have not been able to ascertain what is causing it. Any
    SCCM admins out their ever encountered this?

    Yes, I have examined the logs using cmtrace and done a search for the amd64 string to see if any of the logs indicate its creation as part of the pull dp process. I have not found anything as of yet.

  • Pull Distribution Points - Any views?

    We are about to embark on a project to upgrade to 2012. We have a lot of branch locations (>250 and rising) and traditionally these locations hosted secondary sites. What is currently being proposed is to have a primary with two secondary sites under
    that and an even distribution of DPs underneath the secondaries in place of the old 2007 secondary sites. The purpose of the secondary sites in this instance is to alleviate the 250 DP limit load per site.
    With SP1, there are pull DPs that might be an alternative to this approach, allowing us to do away with the secondary sites. If this were the case I'd probably look at having three standard DPs coming off the primary and the pull DPs set to get their content
    from these 'randomly'. I put the word in inverted commas, as according to http://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/gg712321.aspx:
    If there are multiple source distribution points with the same priority, the pull-distribution point nondeterministically selects one
    of the source distribution points that share that priority.
    What is meant by nondeterministically?
    One assumes this would mean randomly but is this the case? Has anyone got any experience of this and pull DPs in general? Do they work as well as traditional DPs? Any advice is appreciated.

    Non-deterministically can be equate to random. It effectively means there's no (publically) defined way that they choose.
    There is no difference between a PullDP and a normal DP from the client's perspective -- they have no way to know the difference and no reason to know the difference because they are in fact the same as far as making content available to clients.
    The only actual difference with Pull DPs is how they acquire their own content. PullDPs use BITS and use the same logic (and code even to my knowledge) that clients themselves do (they don't require the actual client agent though). There have been a lot
    of improvements in PullDPs in R2 as well as some of the CUs. There was even a KB for a hotfix released in the past couple of weeks that discussed a registry tweak to help PullDPs along.
    PullDPs, in general, work quite well and there is no specific reason to avoid them. They do require a bit of extra care and feeding, but to my knowledge, nearly all of the kinks with them have been worked out.
    Have you considered using BranchCache as an alternative (or one of the third-party ACPs) though? Not trying to make your decision harder or recommend one over the other, just making sure you knew about other options that could address your challenge.
    Jason | http://blog.configmgrftw.com | @jasonsandys

  • Pull Distribution Point on updates removing

    (1)When you distribute packages, you can use Pull Distribution Point. By this way, "SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER" component can do more Jobs. OK.
    (2)My question is about the process of updates removing. SCCM Site takes long time to remove expired updates from DP. Is this action managed by "SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER" or SCCM Site notifies Pull DP to remove updates like (1)

    distmgr is not involved when it comes to pull DPs. So assumption (1) is wrong. All actions are done by the pull DP after it was "notified" by the site. 
    Torsten Meringer | http://www.mssccmfaq.de

  • Pull Distribution Point Requirements (BITS?)

    We have recently migrated to all SCCM 2012 infrastructure. All of our recent deployments are Server 2012 but we have a lot of Server 2008 R2 64bit. There is a lot of documentation online and some say BITS is required for DPs and some say not. Our packages
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    experience would be helpful. 

    Nothing specific to Pull DP...
    Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2012 R2:
    With System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, the distribution point site system role does not require Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS). When BITS is configured on the distribution point computer, BITS on the distribution point computer is
    not used to facilitate the download of content by clients that use BITS
    A pull-distribution point is considered to be a client when it accesses another distribution point to obtain content.

  • Is there a way to avoid having a content library on a site server when the Distribution Point role is not installed on that server (disk cost issue)?

    I don't think it is possible, but my goal is to start a discussion about content libraries and maybe suggest something for a future release or version of Configuration Manager.
    Actually, based on Configuration Manager Technet documentation, Configuration Manager creates a content library on each site server and on each distribution point.
    Often, when designing the architecture, people will offload the distribution point role from the site server to an external server (and add the role to other servers too for redundancy). They could also do the same for the Management Point role, but this
    is not related to content library. The idea is to save the site server from having to deal with clients for software distribution (applications, software updates, OS, etc.), this is especially true for organizations having a large number of clients and/or
    primary site servers involved in a hierarchy. Doing so will allow more resources on the site server to deal with the database and also replication in the case of a hierarchy.
    When doing that, you still have to maintain a content library on the site server and the thing is this library will usually become huge, especially for organizations having more than 1000 applications (add also OS images to this). Will the content library
    on the site server become as huge as the one for a distribution point having a copy of all content? I guess the answer is yes.
    I know that Pull distribution points will help offloading the task from the site server to distribute content to distribution points, but, correct me if I'm wrong, you still have to maintain a content library on the site server when using them, and they
    will not make the content library smaller on the site server. Also, I don't like the fact that you lose the rate limits feature with Pull DPs, but this is another story.
    Storage cost is high and in this scenario, it hurts to have to pay this cost for a content library not used by the clients, but only to distribute content to DPs.
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the key component here is Distribution Manager on the site server; this is the one which has to maintain a content library to do its job.
    It would be nice if we could have a way to elect a specific distribution point (not on the site server) as the Distribution Manager for a site, that main DP would hold a copy of all content by default, but would be used to distribute content to other DPs
    and avoid the content library on the site server. Said differently, the Distribution Manager component would become a site system role that could be transferred outside the site server.
    Tnx for comments, answers or suggestions.

    There is no way to avoid that the contentlib will be placed on the site server.
    I don‘t agree that storage cost is high. It might be true for fast storage, but that‘s not needed for it.
    Torsten Meringer | http://www.mssccmfaq.de

  • Prestaging Content on Pull DP temporarily

    I've read below in the MS documentation that a Pull DP configured for Prestaged Content does not Pull from a source DP:
    The allow prestaged content configuration for a distribution point overrides the pull-distribution point
    configuration. A pull-distribution point that is configured for prestaged content waits for the content. It does not pull content from source distribution point, and, like a standard distribution point that has the prestage content configuration, does not
    receive content from the site server.
    My question is: Once I have prestaged my content onto the Pull DP can I remove the checkbox that enables the Pull DP for Prestaged Content and have the Pull DP revert back to pulling packages from its designated source DPs?
    In other words, once a Pull DP is selected for Prestaged Content, and the prestaged content has been distributed, can the Pull DP's configuration be reversed by unchecking the Allow Prestaged Content checkbox? Does this allow the Pull DP to return to normal
    Pull DP activities by pulling packages over the network from its Source DPs?

    Thank you Torsten. One quick follow-on question:
    I've read this in the docs as well:
    When the distribution point is configured as a pull-distribution point, do not enable the distribution
    point for prestaged content. The
    prestage content configuration for a distribution point overrides the pull-distribution point configuration. A pull-distribution point that is configured
    for prestaged content does not pull content from source distribution point and does not receive content from the site server.
    Just wanted to be sure that this also means that if we deploy a large number of Pull DPs, and then check the box to allow Prestaged content, then import our content, then uncheck the box enabling Prestaged Content that the Pull DPs will go back to acting
    normally and pulling from their Source DPs.
    Thanks again,

  • Deploying operating system and applications to branch distribution points

    Is there a way to distribute the content of an operating system image or an application package manually to a branch distribution point to overcome network bandwidth limitation and let SCCM know it is distributed there or you still need to distribute
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    You will always need to perform action via the console (or do something similar via PowerShell). I think the options of prestaging content, or a pull distribution point could be beneficial for you. Have a look here for more information:
    My Blog: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/
    Follow me on twitter: pvanderwoude

  • Pull DPs and rate limiting.

    I have a 2012 SP1 environment and 77 sites globally. These sites vary from 34Mb to 1Mb links, and use rate limiting. I want to implement Pull DPs to help distribution issues but am up against the rate limiting issue. I cant configure these remote sites to
    use a more local site and keep their control over how much bandwidth they use, and so wondered how other people got around this issue?
    I currently have a star network, but want to make 5 of the larger bandwidth sites be source locations for content too.

    For Pull DP's you can restrict the bandwidth that is used by BITS on the Pull DP. It is covered here as well:http://blogs.technet.com/b/configmgrteam/archive/2013/06/06/introducing-the-pull-distribution-points.aspx
    You can use either the admin console or a group policy for instance.
    -- My System Center blog ccmexec.com -- Twitter

  • SCCM 2012 R2 Pull DPs

        Hello to all,
    this article states that "There should be a good network connectivity between pull-distribution points and source distribution points so that you can achieve efficient and fast software distribution."
        Question: as far as I know DPs can compress data from source to them. Is it really important to have good connectivity to source so pull DPs can be used? Regular DPs can be used on a site that has no Secondary and still get SWs/Packets from its
    secondary server in a compressed way.
        Regards, EEOC.

        Question: as far as I know DPs can compress data from source to them. Is it really important to have good connectivity to source so pull DPs can be used? Regular DPs can be used on a site that has no Secondary and still get SWs/Packets
    from its secondary server in a compressed way.
    That is incorrect. DPs and transfer to DPs add no compression. Even site to site transfers are not compressed, they are simply put into an archive to my knowledge.
    The statement is a cause and effect statement. If the connection is not good, then you will not achieve efficient and fast software distribution. It doesn't say it won't work though.
    Jason | http://blog.configmgrftw.com | @jasonsandys

  • A/B Color contrast in develop module

    It would be really nice to hace a slider (or three, I'll explain) for "color contrast".
    Threre is "contrast" slider that influences the luminosity basically. What I would want to have is a way to control color contrast while preserving luminosity as well as preserve color balance.
    A single slider implementation
    Basically the simplest way (but a bit crude) to do it would be with a single slider.
    The slider defaults to 0.
    Moving it to the right would be equivalent to the following photoshop procedure:
    Change mode to LAB
    Curve adjustment
    Steepen both the A and B curves linearly (pull extreme points in and leave the curve straight, plus keep the center where it is to preserve color balance)
    Leave the L curve alone
    switch mode back to RGB
    Moving it left would be the same, except the AB curves would be made shallower rather than steeper (rotate the curve clockwise instead of counter clockwise about the center)
    A two slider implementation
    Same as the above, except that you would have separate A and B sliders (you might call the tint contrast and temp contrast to be consistent with the color balance sliders, which are just like moving the center point of the AB curves)
    A three slider implementation
    Basically this is like having bothe the one slider ("overall color contrast") and the two sliders ("temperature contrast" and "tint contrast"). It's a bit redundant but having the single control there makes it easier when you simply want to globally increase the color contrast without being too picky about the two separate controls (I guess easier for beginners)

    Not at all. The saturation control has quite a different effect that this, and much les subtle. Saturation just increases saturation without changing the hue. This actually changes the hue causing a separation in hues that is impossible to achive in any manuver you would to in RGB space. It drives colors apart rather than increasing their chroma.
    Try it yourself on a few images (especially on images that have nearly uniform color, such as deserts or faces. You will see that this is an entirelty different thing than saturation.

  • Better ways to work with the pen tool

    I'm finding the pen tool a real aggravation to use... first off you cannot hardly see the points once a path is completed.  Even blowing the artwork up really big doesn't help much.
    Then its really easy to loose the ability to move individual points... at least I've found that at one point I can select and move the points easily with keyboard and somehow I loose that ability and seems to difficult to regain it.  Instead I'm moving the whole path.
    I wondered if any of the plugins out there might be dedicated to making the pen tool points easier to manipulate and edit.  Just making them easily visible would probably be enough.

    Jacob Bugge wrote:
    The Direct Selection Tool is the one to use for moving Anchor Points after the path has been drawn. Always work on paths without anything selected when you start; this is one place where Smart Guides are your friends because they let you see highlights of what you may select.
    If you Click an Anchor Point, you will see that it is shown as a filled square; the other (non selected) Anchor Points are shown as hollow squares; you can select additional Anchor Points by ShiftClicking them.
    With the desired Anchor Point(s) chosen, you may ClickDrag (either of them), or use the Arrow keys, or Object>Transform>Move, to move it/them.
    You can also ClickDrag across the desired Anchor Point(s), starting from an empty spot with no fill (normally outside the path).
    If I'm following you above... I do not see that behavior here.  I speaking particularly of your third and fourth points.
    You are talking about doing point 3 and 4 with direct select right?
    To make it simple I'll just work with one point on a closed path  :... I first click on an empty part of art board, then click a single point.  At that point all the points light up and show there handles.  The clicked one is a solid red dot, the others are a hollow dot with red stroke.
    Now according to what I got of your comments, I should be able to move that single selected point with the arrow keys.... but I cannot.
    Far as point 4, same thing applies... It is good to know that I can select multiple points that way, but after selecting ... the keyboard arrows do nothing to the selected points.   But at least I can quickly pull mutiple points around with the mouse... so thanks for that bit.
    Are you able to select a point on a closed path, and control it with arrow keys?
    Is there some circumstance I may have initiated inadvertantly that would prevent the arrow keys moving points around.
    I pretty sure there was while early on where I was moving individual points with keyboard but cannot get it to happen now.

  • How to set the number of elements dequeued?

    Hello All,
    I am relatively new to LabView. I use LabView 8.2 to detect Joystick movement using a set voltage threshold. Totally, I have 6 channels of analog input. The sampling rate is 2 Kilo Hertz with continuous sampling mode (buffer size set to 10 Kilo Samples). I show a visual stimulus on a computer monitor. Within  3 seconds from stimulus onset, the subject has to press the joystick. So I use a while loop that runs until the subject moves the joystick in any direction as detected by crossing of voltage threshold. The while loop was intended to run for a max of 3 sec if joystick was not moved. My intention while using the vi (see below) was to continuously monitor the voltage signal by means of removing voltage data points from the queue by the labview function/vi - "dequeue element". When I dequeue from inside the loop, the dequeue function removes about 100 msec worth of voltage data points ( = 198-201 points; sampling rate -2Khz) from each of the six channels. This creates problem for me because a single dequeue operation takes 40 to 85 msec during which the loop cannot be stopped. This results in miscalculation of the actual time when the joystick was moved.
    Is there a way to set how many data points the dequeue function removes? My goal is to remove about 1-2 msec worth of data points so that the loop can exit within under 5msec of the joystick movement.
    I have attached the screen shots of the subvi's I am using.
    Acquire Response.jpg - the while loop that has the subvi: Access Analog Data Queue
    Access Analog Data Queue.jpg - front panel of the subvi that has the 'dequeue element' function.
    Remove Element.jpg - a case of Access Analog Data Queue.vi showing the 'dequeue element' function
    Sorry for the long message. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Remove Element2.jpg ‏135 KB
    Acquire Response1.jpg ‏266 KB
    Remove Element1.jpg ‏135 KB

    Hello Lynn and tst,
    Thanks for your suggestions. I have attached a screen shot of a vi that has the enqueue function. As Lynn pointed out, it was the enqueueing size that was reflected in the size of the dequeueing. I tried various ways to control the enqueue element size in order to control the dequeue element size. Many of my tricks failed. I had set the data acquisition to be continuous at 2kHz with 10Ks buffer size. You may want to look at the attached image of the subvi "Analog Acquisition" while I explain my attempts. The first thing that I noticed was the 'dt' value in the input node of the timed loop which had been set by somebody to 100. I thought that was part of the reason why my dequeue size was always worth 100msec data points. So I changed it to 1 msec. This definitely made a difference in the chunk size of the dequeued element. Now dequeueing removes only data points worth 1 - 5msec. I also noticed that my data reading timer loop(the while loop in "Analog Acquisition" picture) takes about 20 -25 msec instead of the set 1 msec.
    Why does the loop take so long? I have set the 'number of samples per channel' to -1 so that DAQmx read.vi (see it in Analog Acquisition subvi block diagram) can grab whatever data is available currently and put that into the queue. Can this be a reason why the loop takes more than 20 msec? I also tried to set the number of samples per channel to 2. I reasoned that with the sampling rate of 2KHz, 1ms loop should be able to pull 2data points and enqueue them. But it gave me the much-often-seen error code ":Error -200279 occurred at DAQmx Read (Analog 1D Wfm NChan NSamp).vi:1->Timed structure(s): DAQ Loop". I tried various combinations of loop time and number of samples per channel. I get Error-200279 very often. Note that I have several state transitions and only in a couple of them during every cycle of state transitions, I remove elements and flush the data queue (one place where I remove elements is shown in my original message in the picture-'Acquire Response.jpg').
    How do I set the data acquisition loop to enqueue elements for exactly 1 msec or n msec so that I can control my dequeue size?
    Thanks a lot, I am getting really tired of fixing this problem. Please help.
    Analog Acquisition.jpg ‏363 KB

  • Magic Mouse Scroll

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    Mac OS X 10.6.8

    Hmmm, on a good, (non-Apple USB Mouse), there's swap Primary button, but I've had so much trouble with Apple's pointing devices, (and seen many reoprts of failures), that I'd pay extra to have them pull their pointing device from the package if I ever could afford another Mac!
    Hopefully we get some help in here that is more useful!

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