Pull/Get Data/Value from User Input Window

I'm trying to do something that should be be quite basic for a programer, but unfortunately unfortunately being a designer I'm having a heck of a time with this.  Having spent hours searching and trying different things I thought of posting the problem.  I have the feeling I'm not the first designer struggling with this.
I'm trying to pull input data from a window and pass it on to a variable.  In the script I do a couple of purge(), and I'm not sure if that will clear the user input values during the script, but this is thinking ahead...
I need values to do:
layer.translate(X, Y) // If I'm not wrong this needs to be a - string
bitsaveoptions.method = ChanelScreen; //from drop down menu
bitsaveoptions.angle = KAngle //  If I'm not wrong this needs to be a - integer
bitsaveoptions.frequency = ChanelFrequency; //  If I'm not wrong this needs to be a - integer
bitsaveoptions.resolution = ChanelResolution; //  If I'm not wrong this needs to be a - integer
bitsaveoptions.shape = BitmapHalfToneType.ROUND; //from drop down menu
I know that there are different ways to retrieve the data from a window .selection .value and maybe others but I can't seem to pull the data out of from the user input
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 
PS I'm working with Photoshop CS5
This is what I have so far.
// =========== Ruler to Millimiters
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.MM;
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var layer = doc.activeLayer;
var dropdownlistArray = new Array();// The array of drop down lists.
var chosen_action = null;
var ScreenShapeArray= new Array(
var WinContent =
    orientation: 'column', \
    alignChildren: ['fill', 'top'],  \
    preferredSize:[300, 130], \
    text: 'Export Settings',  \
    margins:15, \
        Coordinates: Panel {\
        orientation: 'column', \
        text: 'Chanels Shifts', \
        margins:15, \
        alignChildren: 'right',\
            KChanelX: Group{\
            st: StaticText { text: 'X:' }, \
            te: EditText { text: '15', characters: 4, justify: 'right'} \
            st2: StaticText { text: 'mm' }, \
            KChanelY: Group{\
            st: StaticText { text: 'Y:' }, \
            te: EditText { text: '10', characters: 4, justify: 'right'} \
            st2: StaticText { text: 'mm' }, \
    bottomGroup: Group{\
        cancelButton: Button { text: 'Cancel', properties:{name:'cancel'}, size: [120,24], alignment:['right', 'center'] }, \
        applyButton: Button { text: 'Apply', properties:{name:'ok'}, size: [120,24], alignment:['right', 'center'] }, \
// ======== Create window object
var win = new Window(WinContent);
// ======== Display Window
var X =parseInt(win.Coordinates.KChanelX.te.selection);
var Y =parseInt(win.Coordinates.KChanelY.te.selection);
alert (X); // Here I get NaN
alert (Y); // Here I get NaN
if (typeof(X) === "undefined" || typeof(Y) === "undefined" ){
layer.translate(X+"mm", "-"+Y+"mm");
}else {
alert ("here"); // Always end-up here regardles of canling or acepting the default values

Is what I was looking for!
Not being so programming savvy, and not knowing the proper terminolgy makes things way harder.
You asked what the script is for:
I'm creating an interface to save multiple file from a master file.
1. Set the bitmap conversion presets (res, screen type, shape, lpi, angle), for the desired chanels to export, set the pages in the book that will be produced, number of signatures, as well as pages per signature.
2. Create tiffs for every chanlel and move the chanel according to the presets tied to the signature the page belongs to in the book.
3. Reassemble the chanels into one file for viewning and use the tifs for print.
Total I will have:
Myfile_C.tif //Cyan
Myfile_M.tif //Magenta
Myfile_Y.tif //Yellow
Myfile_K.tif //Black
Myfile_col.psd //CMY chanels reassembled
Myfile_sep.psd //CMYK chanels reassembled
Why am I doing all this? I'm working on a comic that will simulate a silver age comic book and I need the look of that time, with off registration plates. But I also need to see the final result of the shift and keep things constant for each plate as I'm working on the separate pages, so series of presets are a must for me.
If the result of the interface is somewhat acceptable I'll post it.
Thanks for the help I really apperciate it.

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    I want to check the value of user input from JtextFiled in my database or not.
    If it is in database, then i will pop up a window to tell us, otherwise, it will tell us it is not in database.
    My problem is my code do not work properly, sometimes, it tell me correct information, sometime it tell wrong information.
    Could anyone help,please.Thanks
    The following code is for check whether the value in database or not, and pop up a window to tell us.
    while( rs.next()) {
                    System.out.println("i am testing");
                    bInt=new Integer(rs.getInt("id"));
                    if(aInt.equals(bInt)){ // If i find the value in data base, set flag to 1.
                  flag=1;  //I set a flag to check whether the id in database or not
             System.out.println("falg" + flag);
                if(flag==1){ //?????????????????????
              String remove1 = "DELETE FROM Rental WHERE CustomerID=" + a;
              String remove2 = "DELETE FROM Revenus WHERE CustomerID=" +a;
              String remove3 = "DELETE FROM Customer WHERE id=" +a;
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"you have success delete the value");
                  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"I could not found the value"); -------------------------------------------------------------------
    My whole program
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class DeleteC extends JFrame
        public static int index=0;   
        public static ResultSet rs;
        public static Statement s;
        public static Connection c;
        public static  Object cols[][];
        private static JTable table;
        private static JScrollPane scroller;
        private static int flag=0;
        public DeleteC()
            //information of our connection
            //the url of the database: protocol:subprotocol:subname:computer_name:port:database_name
            String strUrl      = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@augur.scms.waikato.ac.nz:1521:teaching";
            //user name and password
            String strUser      = "xbl1";
            String strPass      = "19681978";
            //try to load the driver
            try {
            catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                System.out.println( "Cannot load the Oracle driver. Include it in your classpath.");
                System.exit( -1);
            //a null reference to a Connection object
            c = null;
            try {
                //open a connection to the database
                c = DriverManager.getConnection( strUrl, strUser, strPass);
            catch (SQLException e) {
                System.out.println("Cannot connect to the database. Here is the error:");
                System.exit( -1);
           //create a statement object to execute sql statements
        public void getData(String a){
            try {
             //create a statement object to execute sql statements
             s = c.createStatement();
                int index=0;
                Integer aInt= Integer.valueOf(a);
                Integer bInt;
                  //our example query
                String strQuery = "select id from customer";
                //execute the query
                ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery( strQuery);
                //while there are rows in the result set
                while( rs.next()) {
                    System.out.println("i am testing");
                    bInt=new Integer(rs.getInt("id"));
                  //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"I found the value"); 
             System.out.println("falg" + flag);
              String remove1 = "DELETE FROM Rental WHERE CustomerID=" + a;
              String remove2 = "DELETE FROM Revenus WHERE CustomerID=" +a;
              String remove3 = "DELETE FROM Customer WHERE id=" +a;
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"you have success delete the value");
                  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"I could not found the value");
            catch (SQLException e) {
                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"You may enter wrong id");
    My main program for user input from JTextField.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    import java.util.*;
    public class EnterID extends JFrame{
        public JTextField tF1;
        public EnterID enID;
        public String tF1Value;
        private JLabel label1, label2, label3;
        private static JButton button;
        private static ButtonHandler handler;
        private static String aString;
        private static Integer aInteger;
        private static Integer checkV=0;
        public static void main(String args[]){
           EnterID eId= new EnterID();
       public EnterID(){
          handler=new ButtonHandler();
          Container c= getContentPane();
          c.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,1));
          button= new JButton("ok");
          label1 = new JLabel(" CustomerID, Please");
          label2 = new JLabel("Label2");
          label3 = new JLabel();
          label3.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1));
          label2.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1));
          aString = "Enter Id Here";
          tF1 = new JTextField(aString);
       private class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener{
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){
            //   CheckData cData = new CheckData();
             //  aInteger = Integer.valueOf(tF1Value);      
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"You didn't type value into box");
            else {
                DeleteC dC= new DeleteC();

    You may have working code now, but the code you posted is horrible and I'm going to tell you a much much much better approach for the JDBC part. (You should probably isolate your database code from your user interface code as well, but I'm skipping over that structural problem...)
    Do this instead:
        public void getData(String a){
            PreparedStatement p;
            String strQuery = "select count(*) the_count from customer where id = ?";
            try {   
             //create a prepared statement object to execute sql statements, it's better, faster, safer
             p = c.prepareStatement(strQuery);
                // bind the parameter value to the "?"
                p.setInt(1, Integer.parseInt(a) );
                //execute the query
                ResultSet rs = p.executeQuery( );
                // if the query doesn't throw an exception, it will have exactly one row
                System.out.println("i am testing");
                if (rs.getInt("the_count") > 0 ) {
                // it's there, do what you need to...
                  JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"I could not find the value");
            catch (SQLException e) {
                 // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"You may enter wrong id");
                 // if you get an exception, something is really wrong, and it's NOT user error
            // always, always, ALWAYS close JDBC resources in a finally block
        }First, this is simpler and easier to read.
    Second, this retrieves just the needed information, whether or not the id is in the database. Your way will get much much slower as more data goes into the database. My way, if there is an index on the id column, more data doesn;t slow it down very much.
    I've also left some important points in comments.
    No guarantees that there isn't a dumb typo in there; I didn't actually compile it, much less test it. It's at least close though...

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    In my Customers table, I have a column with Date data type. I want to create a form in JSP, where visitors can filter Customers list by year and month.
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    What part is your biggest problem?? I am not experienced in getting data out of a database, but the way to get a variable amount of data to show in a drop down menu, i have just messed around with for some time and heres how i solved it... In my app, what i needed was, a initial empty drop down list, and then using input from a text-field, users could add elements to a Vector that was passed to a JComboBox. Heres how.
    package jcombobox;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Main extends JApplet implements ActionListener {
        private Vector<SomeClass> list = new Vector<SomeClass>();
        private JComboBox dropDownList = new JComboBox(list);
        private JButton addButton = new JButton("add");
        private JButton remove = new JButton("remove");
        private JTextField input = new JTextField(10);
        private JPanel buttons = new JPanel();
        public Main() {
            buttons.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
            add(dropDownList, "North");
            add(input, "Center");
            add(buttons, "South");
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            if (e.getSource() == addButton) {
                list.addElement(new SomeClass(input.getText()));
            } else if (e.getSource() == remove) {
                int selected = dropDownList.getSelectedIndex();
        public void init(String[] args) {
            getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            getContentPane().add(new Main());
    }And that "SomeClass" is show here
    package jcombobox;
    public class SomeClass {
        private String text;
        public SomeClass(String input) {
            text = input;
        public String toString() {
            return text;
    }One of the things i struggled a lot with was to get the dropdown menu to show some usefull result. If the list just contains class references it will show the memory code that points to that class. Thats where the toString cones in handy. But it took me some time to figure that one out, a laugh here is welcome as it should have been obvious :-)
    When the app is as simple as this one, using a <String> vector would have been easier, but this is just to demonstrate how to place classes in a vector and get some usefull info out of it, hope this answered some of your question :-)
    The layout might have been easier to write, than using the toppanel created by the JApplet and then the two additional JPanels, but it was just a small app brewed together in 15 minutes. Please comments on my faults, so that i can learn of it.
    If you need any of the code specified more, please let me know. Ill be glad to,

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    i tried
    to_date(nvl(columnname,'01-JAN-2000'),'DD-MON-YY')between :p_from_date and :p_to_date
    i got error non numeric is found where numeric expeted and if i change format i got invalid month
    i used trim then i didnt get error but i got wrong data
    so please help me
    im new to this oracle apps also.
    thanks in advance,

    This doesn't seem to be correct your format is 01-JAN-2000, however the date format you pass is DD-MON-YY

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    Using C# or javascript to authenticate the user to AD to read the property directly will be very difficult. Creating a custom user profile property and adding a sync from AD to that property is definitely the easiest way to do what you are describing.
     Once its in User Profiles there are lots of samples on how to add it to the page.  
    Paul Stork SharePoint Server MVP
    Principal Architect: Blue Chip Consulting Group
    Blog: http://dontpapanic.com/blog
    Twitter: Follow @pstork
    Please remember to mark your question as "answered" if this solves your problem.

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          static_attributes = ls_table).
    Please let me know you suggestions on this.Thanks in advance.

    Hi Arun,
    You should use this method:
    table = lt_table).

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    I have found a lot of examples how to read a proxy from windows registry. It works fine. I have a problem with getting value for ProxyEnable. ProxyEnable is REG_DWORD type and I always get null.
    Best regards,

    I have found the solution. I put the solution into my blog. You can read more about that at http://javanus.com/blogs/?p=73.
    I hope this will help someone.

  • How to get the values from the input field of a table

    Hello Friends
    I am having table having one column as InputField and rest are the textview fields
    I input the data and click the button that will add them to a node.
    But what is happening is it is adding the current value to all the fields replacing other filelds.
    Like suppose I am having 3 rows
    In column I input 10
    In column 2 input 20
    In column 3 input 30
    Now it is setting the value 30 to all the 3 fields.
    Can any one tell me the code to set 10, 20 and 30 as different value in a node as entered by me.

    i am your scernario as follows
    TN_node (value node of cardinality 0:N)
                 val1 (value attribute under value node)
                 val2 (value attribute under value node)          
    i have binded Tn_node to table and val1 is textview and val2 is inputfield
    public void wdDoInit()
        //@@begin wdDoInit()
        for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
        IPrivateTestView.ITN_nodeElement ele=wdContext.nodeTN_node().createTN_nodeElement();
    i have a button go in which printing all the values
    public void onActionGo(com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.api.IWDCustomEvent wdEvent )
        //@@begin onActionGo(ServerEvent)
        for(int j=0;j<wdContext.nodeTN_node().size();j++)
        IPrivateTestView.ITN_nodeElement ele=wdContext.nodeTN_node().getTN_nodeElementAt(j);
    Hope this helps,
    If your problem is not solved please post your code like this
    Thanks and Regards,

  • How to deploy a VO Bind variable to get value from user session....

    Hello everbody...
    A JSF Page has a table based on VO with two parameters. One of this parameters I will pass by operation ExecuteWithParams.
    but the other parameter I need to pass a value from User session.
    Is that possible? How would I do that? I´m using jdev10.1.3

    When you created a binding for executeWithParams in your pageDef, the action binding should have had NamedData elements for each of the parameters. These would have been assigned values from a variableIterator up in the executables section. The parameter that gets its value from user input should be left alone. For the parameter that gets its value from the user session, change the EL expression that defines its NDValue attribute so that it references the session information that you want to use. This can be a sessionScope variable that you set earlier in the session, as Frank suggests, a property of a managed bean in session scope, or some other variable.

  • Get Value From an input field

    Hi All,
    I am a newbie to ABAP Webdynpro.I would liketo know how should I get the value from an input field at runtime?

    By reading the context attribute which bound to inputfield, you can get the value.
    Say you have a node called 'MAIN_NODE' and has the attribute 'INPUT_VALUE', which is bound to the Inputfield.
    * navigate from <CONTEXT> to <MAIN_NODE> via lead selection
    * get element via lead selection
    * get single attribute
          NAME =  `INPUT_VALUE`
          VALUE = LV_INP_VALUE ).  "LV_INP_VALUE will have the value of inputfield
    Raja T
    Message was edited by:
            Raja Thangamani

  • How to update jTable from user input?

    I create one jTable with 2 rows and 3 columns. the jtable colums contains deviceIP and Status. I am getting device IP from user input through jTextfield. so, when user enter IP and click add button, it must added in the jTable rows one by one.
    how can I add it by user enter the IP. Also, I want to update the status column value by "UP" or "DOWN" by just getting string value from other function.
    but, my problem is i need to update the correct IP status value to correct column (ie., I want to put IP 1(row 1) status to column 1 in status column list.
    I don't know about jTable .
    If any one have any examples please give me.

    Object[] is the array of row data values you want to insert;

  • How to get the value from textInput Component to perform calculation?

    I need some help here...I'm trying to get the value of user input from the TextInput Component which is the age, height and weight to calculate the bmr and display the result in member("result").text.
    How am i suppose to let the integer pass through in order for me to perform calculation? Would appreciate if anyone can help me out with this, thanks!
    Below are the formula :
    The Harris Benedict equation estimates BMR:
    For women: (9.56 x w) + (1.85 x h) – (4.68 x a) + 655
    For men: (13.75 x w) + (5 x h) – (6.76 x a) + 66

    Assumed that this section is only for male ...it still show error saying script error : String expected for
    on mouseDown
       member("result").text = (13.75 * value(member("weightText").text)) + (5 * value(member("heightText").text)) - (6.76 * value(member("ageText").text)) + 66
    Do i have to add in "put sprite(x).text -- where x is the number of the sprite that is the text input." ?

  • How to get the values from popup window to mainwindow

    HI all,
       I want to get the details from popup window.
          i have three input fields and one search button in my main window. when i click search button it should display popup window.whenever i click on selected row of the popup window table ,values should be visible in my main window input fields.(normal tables)
       now i am able to display popup window with values.How to get the values from popup window now.
       I can anybody explain me clearly.

    Hi Kranthi,
    Every webdynpro component has a global controller called the component controller which is visible to all other controllers within the component.So whenever you want to share some data in between 2 different views you can just make it a point to use the component controller's context for the same. For your requirement (within your popups view context) you will have have to copy the component controllers context to your view. You then will have to (programmatically) fill this context with your desired data in this popup view. You can then be able to read this context from whichever view you want. I hope that this would have made it clear for you. Am also giving you an [example|http://****************/Tutorials/WebDynproABAP/Modalbox/page1.htm] which you can go through which would give you a perfect understanding of all this. In this example the user has an input field in the main view. The user enters a customer number & presses on a pushbutton. The corresponding sales orders are then displayed in a popup window for the user. The user can then select any sales order & press on a button in the popup. These values would then get copied to the table in the main view.

  • JCo getting truncated value from SAP when field data type is RAW

    We are trying to fetch data from a SAP-AII table by using JCo using the RFC RFC_READ_TABLE.
    We are getting incomplete data when the data type of the column is RAW in a particular table.A typical case is:
    Table Name: /AIN/DM_DEVCTR
    Field : CLIENT                Type: CLNT    Length:3      Value: 100                                                            (SAP Generated)
    Field:  DEVCTR_GUID    Type:RAW      Length:16    Value: 306F50F53805ED488DE9797AC86B5728     (SAP Generated)
    Filed:  DEVCTR_ID         Type:CHAR    Length:128   Value: KDEVICECONTROLLER                             (User input)
    For the fields CLIENT and DEVCTR_ID we get the entire value (including blank spaces) but for DEVCTR_GUID we get only 16 characters whereas SAP-AII stores a value that is 32 characters in length. How do we fetch the actual value instead of the truncated value?
    Sample code is attached.
              try {
                   mConnection = JCO.createClient("100", // SAP client
                             "User", // userid
                             "Password", // password
                             "EN", // language
                             "SAP", // host name
                             "00"); // system number
                   if (mConnection == null) {
                        System.out.println("Connection to SAP Server failed.");
                   mRepository = new JCO.Repository("User", mConnection);
                   ftemplate = mRepository.getFunctionTemplate("RFC_READ_TABLE");
              } catch (Exception ex) {
              JCO.Function function = ftemplate.getFunction();
              JCO.ParameterList importParamList = function.getImportParameterList();
              importParamList.setValue("/AIN/DM_DEVCTR", "QUERY_TABLE");
              importParamList.setValue(";", "DELIMITER");
              JCO.Table tableData = function.getTableParameterList().getTable("DATA");
              JCO.Table fields = function.getTableParameterList().getTable("FIELDS");
              if (tableData.getNumRows() > 0) {
                   do {
                        for (JCO.FieldIterator e = tableData.fields(); e
                                  .hasMoreElements();) {
                             JCO.Field field = e.nextField();
                             String str = field.getString();
                             String[] values = str.split(";");
                             for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++){
                   } while (tableData.nextRow());
              } else {
                   System.out.println("No results found");

    Hi Kaanu,
       You have to modify your java code.
    String val = new String( field.getByteArray());
    PS: Please reward points for helpful answer or problem resolved.

  • RE: Getting multiple values from more than one multiple select popup window

    I have a button on a JSP of mine that when clicked creates a popup window (right now it is called popup.html) with a multiple select menu.
    My question is how do I get all the values selected from the menu into my JSP (sample.jsp) so that I can set each of the values for my bean.
    The other problem is that I have more than one select multiple menu.
    Please help if you can. Any advice or suggestions here would be greatly appreciated!
    Thank you!

    I realize that I can use request.getParameterValues to get the values selected from my html because I am passing them to the hidden inputs I have and then using the request.getParameterValues to get each of the values.
    MY PROBLEM IS WHAT IF I HAVE 4 MULTIPLE SELECTS??? How can I use the same html popup menu to get the values from the 4 different multiple selects????
    I look forward to your response.
    This code is from my JSP:
    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Field1" SIZE="15">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="F1Rad1">
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="Permission">
    <input type=button name=choice onClick="window.open('optionPicker.html','popuppage','width=250,height=100');" value="Options"></TD>
    Here is my optionPicker.html code for the pop up menu:
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function sendValue(s)
    var boxSize= s.options[0].value;
    var restrict     = s.options[1].value;
    window.opener.document.addNewForm.F1Rad1.value = boxSize;
    window.opener.document.addNewForm.Permission.value = restrict;
    <form name=selectform>
    <select multiple name=selectmenu size="2">
    <option value="large">Large Text Input Area
    <option value="restrict">Restricted Access
    <input type=button value="Select Option(s) For Field" onClick="sendValue(this.form.selectmenu);">

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