PulseAudio, network streaming, choppy playing

Based on my observations, I solved my long long issue with pulseaudio - choppy streamed sound.
For me it seems that package wireless_tools is causing this issue.
withou that stream goes perfectly in one line!
Hope this will help to others too!

Indeed, It helps others too!
Last edited by DeSinT (2012-12-15 18:54:01)

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    Hold on... advice to someone downloading from 1337x !!!
    Until I saw your comment and googled the term, I had no idea that this was a "downloaded" file. I assumed the "1337x" reference was to dimensions/resolution and Noir referred to genre. (I.e., I use similar notations the differentiate files compressed for TV playback comparisons.) In any case, the advice is the same irrespective of the source.
    er, isn't it illegal to download movies ?
    Not necessarily. Thousands of movies are probably downloaded daily as legal purchases from such vendors as iTunes. Thousands more are available for free in the public domain, open source/community videos listings, and under Creative Commons Licensing. In short, there are many legal sources of downloadable content and you should not automatically jump to the conclusion that everyone is a crook.

  • Network Streams child's play ?

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    after a day of playing with network streams I am afraid network streams are not a child's play or rather they are!
    I tried to re-enact a rather akward, but yet working communication between one server and several clients, that I did some time ago.
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    Knowing that shared variables sometimes give problems when the processor is running at high load and network streams is using the same protocol
    I am considering to review my old STM scheme although the port juggling might also be difficult on a single PC.....
    We'll see tomorrow (CEST).
    7.1 -- 2013

    I'll suggest an often over-lokked but valid option going back to LV 6i.
    VI Server.
    Action engines served via VI Server allow multiple connections and bring with them all of the capabilities of TCP/IP. They handlt all of the data conversions and adaptation as data types morph over time.
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

  • Network Stream On PXI W/RTOS works in debug but not deployed

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    Networks Streams 1.1 loaded according to MAX
    any ideas?  The fact that it work like a champ in debug, but not as an exe is very frustrating, especially since it was all working beautifully before the power outage.
    oh yeah, using REAL-TIME 11.0.1 and labview 2011 SP1

    The Sub VI is setting up and controlling the 2536 Switch and 6133 capture cards based on the command recieved by the Vi from the host program.
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  • Vlc network stream problem http

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    [00000276] main playlist: playlist is empty
    Thanks for any help provided.

    On your Reader, do not wire up the URL.  Since you put something there, it will try to connect, but will fail and give you an error.
    On your writer, I would get rid of the ":Untitled 4.vi" part of the URL.  There are not multiple applications running on your sbRIO, so that isn't needed.  So your URL should be "//".
    And as a side note, you don't need the wait in the reading loop.  Your loop will sleep while waiting for data to come down the stream, so that should limit your loop rate.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

  • Network stream fxp excess memory usage and poor performance

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    SQL Developer is java based and relies on the jvm's memory management.
    I'm not aware of any memory leaks as such, but memory tends not to be returned to the system.
    Queries which return large return sets tend to use a lot of memory (SQL Developer has to build a java table containing all the results for display).
    You can restrict the maximum memory allocated by modifying settings in in <sqldeveloper>\ide\bin\ide.conf
    The defaults are -
    AddVMOption -Xmx640M
    AddVMOption -Xms128M

  • Network Stream Error -314340 due to buffer size on the writer endpoint

    Hello everyone,
    I just wanted to share a somewhat odd experience we had with the network stream VIs.  We found this problem in LV2014 but aren't aware if it is new or not.  I searched for a while on the network stream endpoint creation error -314340 and couldn't come up with any useful links to our problem.  The good news is that we have fixed our problem but I wanted to explain it a little more in case anyone else has a similar problem.
    The specific network stream error -314340 should seemingly occur if you are attempting to connect to a network stream endpoint that is already connected to another endpoint or in which the URL points to a different endpoint than the one trying to connect. 
    We ran into this issue on attempting to connect to a remote PXI chassis (PXIe-8135) running LabVIEW real-time from an HMI machine, both of which have three NICs and access different networks.  We have a class that wraps the network stream VIs and we have deployed this class across four machines (Windows and RT) to establish over 30 network streams between these machines.  The class can distinguish between messaging streams that handle clusters of control and status information and also data streams that contain a cluster with a timestamp and 24 I16s.  It was on the data network streams that we ran into the issue. 
    The symptoms of the problem were that we if would attempt to use the HMI computer with a reader endpoint specifying the URL of the writer endpoint on the real-time PXI, the reader endpoint would return with an error of -314340, indicating the writer endpoint was pointing to a third location.  Leaving the URL blank on the writer endpoint blank and running in real-time interactive or startup VI made no difference.   However, the writer endpoint would return without error and eventually catch a remote endpoint destroyed.  To make things more interesting, if you specified the URL on the writer endpoint instead of the reader endpoint, the connection would be made as expected. 
    Ultimately through experimenting with it, we found that the buffer size of the create writer endpoint  for the data stream was causing the problem and that we had fat fingered the constants for this buffer size.   Also, pre-allocating or allocating the buffer on the fly made no difference.  We imagine that it may be due to the fact we are using a complex data type with a cluster with an array inside of it and it can be difficult to allocate a buffer for this data type.  We guess that the issue may be that by the reader endpoint establishing the connection to a writer with a large buffer size specified, the writer endpoint ultimately times out somewhere in the handshaking routine that is hidden below the surface. 
    I just wanted to post this so others would have a reference if they run into a similar situation and again for reference we found this in LV2014 but are not aware if it is a problem in earlier versions.

    Hi Curtiss!
    Thank you for your post!  Would it be possible for you to add some steps that others can use to reproduce/resolve the issue?
    Kelly B.
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments

  • FPGA to Real Time using DMA to Host using Network Stream

    Hi All,
    So I am working on a project where I am monitoring various characteristics of a modified diesel engine being driven by a dynamometer. I am trying to log different pressures, temperatures, and engine speed. It basically breaks down into two streams of data acquisition.
    Fast (125kS/ch/s): 
         In cylinder pressure using an NI 9223
         Engine speed via shaft encoder/MPU using same NI 9223
    Slow (1kS/ch/s)
         Other pressures (oil, coolant, tank, etc...) using an NI 9205
         Various temperatures using an NI 9213
    My basic architecture is simultaneous data acquisition on the FPGA for both streams. Each Stream is feed into a separate DMA FIFO where it is fed to the RT side. On the RT side each DMA FIFO is simultaneously read and transferred into two separate network streams where it is fed to the host PC. Then the Host PC does all of the analysis, and logs the data to disk. I had this code working on Thursday with great success, then I tried to package the RT VI as an executable so that it could be deployed to the rio and called pragmatically from the host VI. After trying this approach I was told that we needed to do some testing, so I undid the changes and now the slow stream is not working properly. 
    Since then I have installed LV2013 and installed NI RIO 13 so that I could have a fresh slate to work with. It didn't help however, and now I'm having issues just working in scan mode and with simple FPGA applications. Does anyone know if there are some settings that I could have messed up either building the executable application or deploying it? Or why the fast acquisition is still working while the slow doesn't, even though they are exactly the same?
    Sorry to be so scatter brained with this whole issue. I really have no idea how it could be broken considering the fast stream is working and the code is practically identical. Let me know if you need more information. I'll upload my code as well.

    Hopefully these files work. 
    The "fast" stream gives data points every 8us without fail, as that is the scan period of a 125kHz sample rate. The "slow" stream on Thursday was giving out data points every 1ms, however, now it gives out data points in a very sporadic interval. Also, the data that it does give out doesn't make any sense, tick count going in the negative followed by positive direction for example. 
    I did uninstall all of the old rio drivers before installing the new set as well. Ill give it another shot though. :/
    Thanks for the reply.
    Pressure-HighSpeedRT.vi ‏665 KB
    Pressure-HighSpeedFPGA.vi ‏680 KB
    Pressure-Comp.vi ‏28 KB

  • Streaming movie plays perfectly on MAC but not on PC, why?

    I have created a streaming movie and put it online. I have installed the latest version of Quicktimne for PC. The movie streams and plays perfectly on my Mac however it does not stream on my PC. It plays on the PC when it has fully downloaded (in the browser using quicktime) but the sound quality is poor - I can hear lots of cackles.
    Can anyone help with this please?

    In addition to Neds suggestions, empty the Safari cache (which should be empty after a clean install).
    Goto the Safari Get Info screen (in Finder or in Dock if you have Safari there), click the triangle on languages, and disable those you don't use.
    My Safari response time was significantly slowed after the 10.4.5 update, and using the combo updater took care of that. The 10.4.6 combo update is located here.

  • Visa Resource Name in cluster passed to Network Stream writer causes error 42.

    If I try and pass this "motor data" cluster with an embedded VISA resource name:
    to a Network Stream Writer in this manner:
    Then I get this error from the "Write Single Element to Stream" VI
    If I change the motor data cluster TypDef so that a string control is used instead of the VISA reference, the error disappears and the data passes over the Network Stream without problem.
    Is this expected behavior? 
    I thought that the "data in" (type = "POLY"?) like the one found on the "Write Single Element to Stream" VI was supposed to accept pretty much anything...
    Go to Solution.

    I would consider this a bug, as the memory location (more precisely the VISA refnum or session) of a VISA resource means nothing on a potentially remote system. Also I was under the impression that most streaming methods like binary file IO, but also the network streams would use the LabVIEW flattened format for data clusters and for that the VISA resource name would be the only logical choice instead of the underlaying VISA refnum, but I might be wrong in this specific case and the default behaviour for flattening VISA resources might always have been to the VISA refnum.
    Considering that the VISA control can resurect the VISA session from a VISA resource name if it is already opened, flattening to the VISA resource name instead would be more logical, but using a string control in the cluster type definition is a reasonable work around of course.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • Network streams vs shared variables

    I send data from a PXI RT System to users on different Windows computers via Shared Variable and Network Stream.  The user that receives the data via Network Stream writes the data to a disk file (aka DAQ computer).  The users that receive the data via Shared Variable displays it on front panels (aka Observers). 
    The data consists of a 1D SGL array where elements 0-3 are the timestamp, element 4 is the counter, and elements 5-1000+ are data.  The timestamp is GPS time and is displayed on all computers.  When I look at the timestamp on the DAQ it is slowly falling behind the current GPS time.  After 4 hours it can be up to a minute behind.  When I look at the timestamp on the Observers it is always displaying current GPS time.  When I look at the code on the PXI System, it is always sending the current GPS time.  The counter on the DAQ computer is also behind.
    I am using the Read/Write Single Element Stream functions with the default read/write buffer size of 4096.  The 'timed out?' output is always FALSE for both functions.  No errors are generated.  LabVIEW memory usage is constant during the whole time.
    On the PXI RT System the Network Stream and Shared Variable are being written to inside a Timed While Loop.  The users read the data within a standard While Loop.  Everyone is using LabVIEW 2011.
    It sounds like a buffer is slowly being filled up somewhere, but where?
    Go to Solution.

    On the PXI RT System:
    How often is data sent?
    Are you using a “Flush Stream” function after your “Write Single Element to Stream”?
    On the “DAQ Computer”:
    Are you buffering the reading of the data (i.e. feeding it to a queue)?
    You might try using a property node to read “Available Elements for Reading” to see if they are stacking up here.
    The buffer size is another option to consider.
    Help the forum when you get help. Click the "Solution?" icon on the reply that answers your
    question. Give "Kudos" to replies that help.

  • How can a dangling network stream endpoint be destroyed

    I have a cRIO application that creates a network stream writer endpoint that communicates with a windows hosted app that creates a matching network stream reader endpoint.  I have found that on occasion an error in my software occurs and the rt vi that created the writer endpoint stops and the windows app also stops without destroying the endpoint.  The problem is that the rt vi that creates the stream endpoint is called with vi server and exists in the rt startup hierarchy and thus the endpoint name is preserved in memory.  When the process is repeated and the stream is created again the create endpoint vi errors out saying that the stream already exists.  Since the original stream refum is lost, my question is how can one deal with this kind of situation.  Unfortunately the create network stream vi's do not have a option to overwrite any existing endpoints.  I will agree that this sort of thing should not happen in a working application but during debug it is quite frustrating.

    Hey Sachsm,
    You will want to set up your program such that in the event of an error your application does not exit immediately so that you can still close your network stream references.  You can do this by wiring the error wire through your program and when you detect an error on it stop your loop, close all references, and then pass the error to an error handler. If you don't close your references before the program exits (either by an error or the Abort button) then you will probably have to close LabVIEW to get the references to close.  Post back if you have any questions on this.
    Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Network Stream Fails Before Timeout

    Is there any reason why a network stream would fail before the timeout?  I was using streams on an sbRIO-9632 and all throughout testing I had no problems.  But, when I hooked the network up to NASA's dedicated network cable (which goes through one or two switches to eventually connect to my router, the same one used for testing; at NASA's Lunabotics Mining Competition; I think they said it was a virtual network), the streams, as far as I could tell, were failing between immediately and the 15 second timeout.  If I recall correctly, it rarely made it beyond the timeout value.
    Unfortunately, I did not have the time to successfully debug the system while connected to that network cable and switches so I was not able to get the exact error that was occuring.  I do know that the error was originating from the sbRIO because on my computer it was showing that the network streams were closed.
    If you are curious about the architecture being used, it was very similar to "Teleop - Host Acquisition" in the robotics module project wizard.

    Unfortunately, I've been unable to recreate the issue without being connected to the NASA setup (something I won't be able to do for the next year).  The best that I can tell you is that the "fix" that I implemented was to simply re-establish the network stream and prevent it from stopping the rest of the program using a simple state machine for each end of each stream.  It was able to re-connect fairly quickly so I never lost the connection for an appreciable amount of time (which would be required to see a loss in connection in MAX I'm assuming; maybe I'm wrong assuming this?).
    Anyways, because I cannot replicate the issue and therefore test it again, I will try to not take up too much of your time on this one.  I was just hoping to find out if there was any known circumstance that would cause the stream to fail/timeout prematurely. 

  • How to Connect SbRIO to Host using NEtwork Stream

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    The first thing to do is make sure that the sbRIO can been seen in MAX under Remote Systems.  There is lots of info on the web for connecting cRIO which will be the same for a sbRIO.  Try these:
    Install NI LabVIEW, LabVIEW Real-Time and FPGA Modules, and NI-RIO Driver
    Assemble Your NI CompactRIO System
    Configure Your NI CompactRIO System for First Use
    Configure NI CompactRIO for DHCP
    Configure NI CompactRIO With a Static IP Address
    Install Software on Your NI CompactRIO Controller
    Introduction to NI LabVIEW
    Lewis Gear CLD
    Check out my LabVIEW UAV

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