Push mail to iphone & IMAP settings

I set up my iPhone so my gmail would push to it rather than fetch every 15 minutes. This caused issues with the battery so I deleted the push account and tried to set up the fetch version!
However I've since noticed my mail box on my mac is now set up as a IMAP account rather than an a POP account. Anyone know how I switch it back to POP?

changing your account on the iphone would not have any effect on how Mail is set up on your mac. if your mac mail is set up as IMAP that's how you set it up originally. to set it up as POP first delete the gmail imap account in Mail preferences->accounts by using the "-" button. then click on "+". mail account setup wizard will start. enter your gmail email and password. do NOT press "create". that will recreate the gmail account as imap. instead hold "option" and the "create" button will change to "continue". press on "continue". this will bypass automatic account setup and let you create the gmail account as POP.
also, go to webmail gmail and enable POP access in gmail settings there.
Message was edited by: V.K.

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    Does Mail automatically seek IMAP settings over POP?
    I'm having ongoing probs with IMAP with Sky and it's Google inspired webmail and I have tried the POP settings but nothing happens, just get the ~ next to the account.
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    If Mail does default to IMAP, is there a way that I can create a new account and me tell it which type of account to define?

    Basically I want to do the reverse of what is discussed here.

  • Push mail to iPhone/iPad (iOS 5b3) Confirmed Working

    After much fiddle ******* around and 15 clean installations and about 64 hours later, I can confirm that push mail DOES indeed work to the iPhone/iPad from Mac OS X Lion Server.
    I still have configuration errors to resolve, but this is a down and dirty brief:
    Clean install of Lion (Forget the fact Apple says it is an easy upgrade from SLS. You will shoot yourself...)
    Install Server essentials and then download Server Admin Tools. (Or Server.app - depends on your preference)
    Open Server.app - ensure that your hostname is correct.
    Open ServerAdmin. 
    Set up DNS.  (Note:  Do yourself a favor and look at the Server.app help file and follow Apple's recommendation for related DNS entries, including all the SRV recommendations)
    Ensure DNS is working properly.
    Server.app Hardware, settings - turn it all on. Edit SSL first and make sure you have your self generated SSL cert selected.
    Tick the enable push notifications option and hit edit.
    Apply for / Download your push cert using the AppleID of the system (or yours if your don't have one for your server)
    ServerAdmin - setup OD as master.
    Open WGM - set up your user accounts and enable the basic services.
    Configure Mail thru ServerAdmin (not Server.app)
    Edit main.cf in postfix and remove the greylisting entry
    I then went down the list starting with Address Book and enabled/configured the services and tested them out using client apps on another Mac. (Skip Profile Manager)
    In the Web area, be prepared to beat your head against a wall.
    Make sure you follow the various recommendations in other discussions - I had a few:
    NameVirtualHost *:80
    NameVirtualHost *:443
    Must be in your httpd.conf file (Or the 00000.any.conf file suggestion if you prefer. The httpd.conf is centralized and much easier.)
    In your web site setup area, Any, is the easiest setting versus a specific IP address (if you are only hosting one web server or have one IP this is the only way anyway)
    Edit your indv site .conf files in /private/etc/apache2/sites
    I use just the host name in DNS, such as example.com
    in DNS make sure you have a correct Alias such as www.example.com
    Edit your indvidual site file and under ServerName example.com make an entry on a new line: ServerAlias www.example.com
    I moved my custom sites to /Library/WebServer/Documents by the way.  (Strictly your preference here, but make sure your httpd.conf file states where your default directory is)
    You can't change the server's default site in /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Default  
    After all the services are configured/enabled configure/enable profile manager.
    Sign the configuration profiles with your SSL cert
    You can then open the Profile Manager and enable a few Profiles for you or whomever.
    Just as in a few other posts, the https://server.example.com/mydevices is a blank page on iOS devices. 
    This is the workaround on an iPad:
    On  your device go to https//server.example.com
    The server's main page will open (not your custom sites with any luck. If the custom sites open, start troubleshooting)
    On the Server's page, click on the Profile Manager hyperlink on the bottom right of the page.
    Then sign in when prompted
    Then on the upper right of the page you should see Your Name with a menu arrow next to it.
    Click your name/arrow
    Down will pop a contextual menu.
    Click Download Trust Profile
    Install on your iOS device
    Then navigate to your Name in the user pane (on left)
    If you had previously set up your profile (on a desktop because that iPhone screen will make your eyes bleed) click Download under the profile Section.
    Install on your device.
    The usual trust this, enable this and that boxes will pop up. Just make sure you allow your server's SSL cert to be trusted.
    After all this -
    Push mail works like a fkn champ!
    I must say it's really **** fast. I have an Exchange account on my iPad as well and the mail from my Lion Server beats the Exchange mail account every time.
    One caveat - I do have iOS 5b4 on my devices as a registered Apple Developer. And, the Team Profile is installed from apple. If these factors have any play in this - I don't know.  Try it and report back. I am curious to see if this works on 4.3
    It is 3:12 am and I tried to cover most of the steps in setting up push mail.  I may have missed some due to my fatigue, but if I am more than willing to help anyone get their server setup.  Just be kind and a) don't spam me and b) don't email me at o'dark thirty and expect a response. I am eastern standard time in Florida (USA).
    iCal and Contacts work with push and are pretty **** fast as well. 
    To get around the blank mydevices page problem on an iPhone, you have to generate an Enrollment configuration profile and email it to your device (which is stupid because that means you have to have email on your device - which is why you are setting up mydevices to begin with)
    First, however, you must download the Trust Profile and email it to the iphone. Install.
    Then the enrollment profile
    You should be in business after this. I still have a few bugs to work out, but at least I can confirm that the pushmail works.  And well at that.
    I will report more in the morning -
    Good Luck

    Followed your instructions on my iPhone running 4.3.5 and my iPad which is running iOS 5 beta 4...  IT WORKS!
    Thanks a lot!

  • Push Mail on iPhone not working anymore

    Since I have switched from .me to iCloud push mail on my iPhone 4 has been not working anymore.
    I already tried to solve the issue by deleting an re-adding my icloud account, however the problem is still there.
    Also periodical check, in my case every 15 minutes, is not working. I always need to manually open mail and check if there are any new mails.
    Anybody knows how to solve this issue?
    Thanks a lot in advance!

    For future reference, I removed my account (again), performed a "hard reset" (again), and configured the account (again). And now it works.
    So, if your mail fails on your mobile, remove the account, perform a hard reset, and configure the account again. If this did not help, repeat until it works again.
    What helped me was making screen captures of the account settings before removing the account.


    I used to have an email with my internet service provider. I switched to Verizon FiOs and needed to switch every website and contact to the new email. Its a pain. I decided to just get a Gmail account so I don't ever have to switch again.
    Anyway, with the Cox account, I used to check my email on the iPhone or on my iMac. I could get an email, delete it, and then check my email on the computer hours later and it downloaded again (for editing word documents, etc.).
    When I switched to Gmail, I configured Apple Mail by letting it automatically configure the account. On the iPhone, I used the Gmail automatic setup in Settings>Mail. I sent a couple of emails to the address to test it. Most all of them came to the iPhone but only some were there later on the iMac. I read online about the IMAP and POP settings but I don't really understand the differences or benefits.
    Basically, in the end I want to be able to check my email on the go and delete them on my iPhone but later go home and check again to have them all there. Which settings do I need to have on the gmail server, the phone, and the computer to make this happen?
    Also, is there any way to delete the annoying extra folders and "All Mail" system on the Gmail server and just use the inbox.
    Thanks in advanced

    Use "recent mode" on Gmail for both devices. That solves the problem. Only issue is that will cause all the emails of the past month to re-download to all your devices, so you'll end up re-deleting a huge pile of mail. But once that's done-with, all your devices can all access the mail fresh from now on.
    Look for instructions in Gmail help. Basically it means adding the text "recent:" to your POP login info, as in recent:[email protected] instead of just [email protected]

  • Gmail started pushing mail on iPhone?

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    All of a sudden my Gmail account on my iPhone has started receiving push emails (this is a good thing).
    I found a bit strange that nowhere I read about it.
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    The only thing I changed was the fetch thing (before it was set on manually).
    I even disabled push and I got mails instantly.
    I noticed a big impact on battery...this make me wonder if it's a bug and the mail client is always open in background with this configuration or Gmail really activated push (I doubt it).
    Are they just testing?

    I just spent a half hour testing this and it works!
    Here's the deal:
    -emails get pushed after a minute or so and the email badge is updated
    -if you archive or delete messages and don't get emails the email badge doesn't update
    -if you archive or delete messages and then get an email/emails when the email is pushed the email badge will update with the correct number of unread emails
    I checked all this without opening the email app so I know it's getting pushed.
    Message was edited by: {LLC} Jaroom
    Message was edited by: {LLC} Jaroom

  • Apple Mail and iPhone (IMAP)

    Hi all,
    I am collecting my mail via IMAP on my iPhone, when I turn my computer on, the emails come through as read or deleted, as you would expect, however, they are not placed within their usual folders, they usually are with the rules i have set up. Should this be happening, if so, any way round it?

    lw_d wrote:
    Hi all,
    I am collecting my mail via IMAP on my iPhone, when I turn my computer on, the emails come through as read or deleted, as you would expect, however, they are not placed within their usual folders, they usually are with the rules i have set up. Should this be happening, if so, any way round it?
    Your post above, implies more that you have some rules setup in Apple Mail to automatically move messages from your inbox to specific folders.
    If my interpretation is correct, then the reason messages on the iPhone are not ending up in those folders is simple, it is because those rules only get run by Apple Mail on your computer and do not get run on the iPhone.
    What you could consider as a future solution is that some mail servers have the ability to let you define similar rules to be run on the mail server itself. MS Exchange I believe can do this, and Apple's Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Server will also be able to do this. Such server based rules will only be able to move messages to IMAP folder (i.e. ones stored on the mail server) not to local Apple Mail folders.

  • Ironic that Yahoo can push mail to iPhone, but .Mac can't...

    I think this is a deficiency with .Mac, not the iPhone. Yahoo Plus (a paid service) can push email instantly to the phone -- no wait for the timed pull of email (e.g., every 15 minutes). I think the .Mac guys were sleeping -- having the ability to push email instantly to the phone made me a Yahoo paying customer. If .Mac had thought of that, there'd be a lot more .Mac paying customers instead.
    So what I do now is auto-forward my .Mac mail to Yahoo (which is instant) and Yahoo pushes it right to my phone. Takes about 10 seconds.

    Yeah this was puzzling.
    Jobs mentioned that .Mac is in for a big overhaul, so hopefully we'll some major improvements to .mac

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    Since upgrading to IOS 5 and using icloud my .mac account doesn't work with push anymore. I'am using two other mail accounts with push function and they work fine. I have heard from other users havong same problem, but does anybody have a solution to this? I have deleted the account and set it up again, worked for one test mail and then failed onwards..

  • Push Mail from Leopard to iPhone 2.0

    All the marketing buzz around iPhone 2.0 and push email is focused on Microsoft Exchange and MobileMe... Will there be any support for Apple OSX Mail Server to push email to iPhone 2.0? Seems only natural to expect Apple to take care of its own mail server at the same diligence it does for Microsoft Exchange?
    Any word on what would it take to support push mail for iPhone past 7/11 would be much appreciated

    looks like we are going to have to wait for snow leopard
    Secure remote access to your business network has never been more critical than in today’s increasingly mobile world. Snow Leopard Server delivers push notifications to mobile users outside your firewall, and a proxy service gives them secure remote access to email, address book contacts, calendars, and select internal websites.

  • How to enable push mail for gmail in iphone 6 plus

    how to enable push mail for gmail in iphone 6 plus

    Tommacgr wrote:
    You can setup gmail account in iphone as exchange so the trick is simple and easy and push notification work after instantly . Just follow this steps http://email.about.com/od/iphonemailtips/ss/Set_Up_Push_Gmail_in_iPhone_Mail_Ste p_by_Step_Screenshots.htm
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    I can log into Yahoo via URL, so Mail should work as well.

    foursmson wrote:
    SMTP "offline" indicated under Mail/Preferences/Accounts for Yahoo IMAP, when adding Yahoo IMAP settings in Mail. Ports are correct as is password. Suggestions as to the problem? Latest OS with patches...
    Run Connection Doctor, what does it say?
    I can log into Yahoo via URL, so Mail should work as well.
    Nope, no correlation between them (other than password)

  • IPhone MobileMe account push mail

    I'm having some trouble getting my push mail (.mac address) to work on the IPhone. I know that there have been certain issues with MobileMe and the whole push stuff... are these issues still going on?
    Also deleted mails on the IPhone don't get deleted on the cloud, but I've learnt from the forum that this is a known bug.
    Any help, please?
    Message was edited by: MACPollo

    You might get a better response if you ask in the dedicated *MobileMe on iPhone and iPod Touch > MobileMe Mail* forum, as that is where people who are using MobileMe are most likely to see posts relating to it.

  • Iphone, Me and push mail

    I have iPhone, 1 MS exchange mail account, 1 me.com account and 1 gmail account.
    how do I make all of those "Push-Mail" ?
    does my "me.com" account allow to pull mails from those accounts then push them down to my iPhone?

    As I understand it, only your .me account will push email. The rest, pull. If you forward the others to your .me account, they will get pushed to you from .me, but I'm not sure whether they will get pushed to your .me account. I think it will depend on your other email accounts. Of course, you will also lose your separate mailboxes on your iPhone, as they will all now be in your .me mailbox.

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    I can't send mail from iPhone I have checked the settings etc but still no joy.
    Can you help,please thanks.

    Follow the steps in the article below.
    iOS Unable to send or receive mail:
    Hope this helps

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