Push Notifications not working, xscertd spamming logs.

I believe I had an internet hiccup while I was installing a fresh Lion server, and I don't think I got all the push notification certificates setup.  I'm seeing logs go crazy with xscertd messages, probably about 5 per minute.
Is there a way to re-initiate that process without nuking the server and starting over?

The Teknologist's post is right on the money.  Except the whole point of the installing a Trust Profile from the 2nd tab that shows up in the Enroll your Device webpage is to get your Certificate into iOS's Certificate Store so when you enroll the device the Remote Management and MDM profiles are then trusted.
So back to the issue at hand I also had it today under 10.7.5 and the following seemed to put it right.
Some of my Certifcates in the KeyChain App were set to Custom Settings, Always Trust which I must have changed for some other reason.  I set them all back to Sys Defaults and then returned to Server.app and selected None for the Servers Certificate from the Settings area.  Then set it back to my certificate.  I then did the same in the Profile Manager area for signing profiles, and turned Profile Manager Off then back On again.
I then got prompted that my Trust Profile was trying to install a Root CA and did I want to proceed which I did. It then all worked and enroled fine again.

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    You're welcome. The request has been sent in. I first saw your post in the Using Apple Support Communities Forum, now I see it's been moved to the iPod Forum, hopefully it will get moved again.
    iIt's been moved.

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    Mohit Verma.
    Message was edited by: Michael Appleby

    I noticed the following in your Backend-Java.log.
    ~~~~~~~~error 1~~~~~~~~
    2014/06/27 17:37:36.947: Error in initializing the StepHandler from the ini file or SAP configurations (com.syclo.sap.component.serviceorder.stephandler.ServiceOrderRemovePushStepHandler). Please check the JavaBE.ini file. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.syclo.sap.component.serviceorder.stephandler.ServiceOrderRemovePushStepHandler
    <-- Make sure this is corrected. For some reason your java code is not being detected during start up. Check your Java folder in the root directory of your Work Manager 6.0 to see if it can be seen.
    Based on history of Support tickets the following SAP Note is mandatory to make Push work:
    1. Do mandatory SAP Note: 1954444
    2. Please review: 1828657 - Release strategy for the ABAP add-ons SMFND, SMERP, SMISU, and SMCRM (Make sure you installed the correct add-on - look at the spelling in detail)
    3. SCN Push threads that may help: http://scn.sap.com/thread/3494003
    See if any of the comment above will work for you.
    4. After you tried the above and it didn't work for you to try the latest SMP 2.3 SP04 version and let us know. This is for what I can see on the logs.
    ~~~~~~~~Error 2: Backend-java log~~~~~~~~~
    2014/06/27 17:40:35.471:             Getting Java results in the the 'WorkOrderPushForEventSteplet' step (java class com/syclo/sap/component/workorder/steplet/WorkOrderPushForEventSteplet)
    2014/06/27 17:40:35.471:             : 1 lines, 0 non-printing characters, 20 total characters
      The module is 'PM'
    2014/06/27 17:40:35.471:             The root object is 'WorkOrder'
    2014/06/27 17:40:35.471:             Trying to read results by calling getReturnData()
    2014/06/27 17:40:35.471:             : 1 lines, 0 non-printing characters, 81 total characters
      getReturnData() method returned null, falling back to reading _returnData field
    2014/06/27 17:40:35.471:             Processing public field _returnData: Ljava/lang/Object;
    2014/06/27 17:40:35.471:             _returnData is a single object: 'Ljava/lang/Object;'
    2014/06/27 17:40:35.472:             Mapping public fields of Java Class 'java/lang/Object' to Agentry object 'WorkOrder'
    2014/06/27 17:40:35.472:             No public field userid found in java/lang/Object for user ID, and not in per-user mode: cannot determine user for data.
    The log comment above is stating that the push is trying to be sent to the PDA/handheld but it does not know where to send it to.  This is proven from your backend setup and when you have no errors in your push retry.
    The last line above is still a mystery to me as there are lots of upgrades with patches and SMP 2.3 SP# and with the userid is not found (especially when it states it is not in per-user mode: cannot determine user for data) then the Agentry Server cannot determine where to send the push to.   Hopefully somebody in this thread knows this.
    Mark Pe
    SAP Senior Support Engineer (Mobility)

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    Hi C_S1,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities! I understand that you are having some issues with Facebook notifications on your iPhone. It sounds like you have already done some great troubleshooting. I suggest looking at the Troubleshooting notifications section of the following article just to verify your previous steps.
    iOS: Understanding notifications
    Troubleshooting notifications
    Push notifications require an active Wi-Fi or cellular connection.
    Note: Notifications use Wi-Fi only when a cellular connection is unavailable. Firewalls and proxy servers may affect your ability to receive notifications. For more information, see Unable to use Apple Push Notification service (APNs).
    If you're not receiving notifications for a specific app, try these steps:
    Verify that the app supports notifications.
    After installing an app or restoring a backup to a different iOS device, open the app to begin receiving notifications. If the app requires entering or logging in to an account, you will need to do this before receiving notifications.
    Check Settings > Notification Center to ensure that the app is configured for notifications. If notifications do not appear in the Notification Center, verify that the Notification Center setting for the app is enabled.
    I hope this helps,   

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    Any ideas?

    Me too I am having this same issue. I just thought I was the only one with this problem.
    Message was edited by: Bulldog317

  • Push notifications not working on iOS 8.1

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    Unfortunately you have already done everything we can possibly instruct you to do.. at this point the only option is getting them to exchange it its under warranty its not working you have to get a exchange

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    Is anyone else having the same problem? Is it a bug with ios7 or a bug with the apps?

    Hi mr_black,
    If you are having issues with notifications after updating to iOS7, you may find the following article helpful:
    iOS: Understanding notifications
    - Brenden

  • Apple push notification not working in production(Ad Hoc Certificate)

    We are totally stucked, please help.
    I and my team made a iPhone application, and this is the first time we try on iOS.
    Everything is fine, until we submitted our app and became available on app-store -- the push notification service is not working. I searched around the web and tried double check on our app by people's advices, but I couldn't find what's wrong. so this question is posted here.
    These are what we did:
    We build the application, suppose it's named "AppMaster".
    We created AppId on iOS Provisioning Portal called: "pushtest". This ID enabled the Push Notification on both development and production.
    We created a Provisioning for development named "AppMasterPushTest" from the appId above. This provisioning is for inside test, everyone of the team installed it on their mac.
    Our server is implemented by Java and we used the java-apn package. during the test, We downloaded the certification file for development and write out the .p12 file, and pushed our message to the "sandbox" server by using the package's api -- withSandboxDestination() with that .p12 file. test goes fine, notifications are received.
    I thought we were ready, so we created another AppId called "AppMaster", and enable Push Notification only for production. This Id is written in the app's bundle identifier.
    We made another Provisioning for production named "appMaster" from AppId in step 5, with distribution method set as "App Store". downloaded it and rebuild app. This one was submitted to apple, and goes alive on app-stroe.
    Server side, We downloaded the certification for production and write out the .p12 file again. and made program to push message to production server by using the api -- withProductionDestination(), with the .p12 just been write out.
    We installed the app from App Store. sadly, the notification was never delivered.
    Is there something we missed? BTW, the id we created in step5 was looks like "XXX.com.company.appname", but in the app's bundle identifier, we just set "com.company.appname" part without prefix. is this could be the problem?
    any idea is welcomed.
    please be our saver. thanks.

    1. Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings
    2. Bite the bullet - Restore as new without using a backup (which may have corrupted data/settings.

  • IOS 7.0.3 issues-iMessage, FaceTime, Push Notifications not working

    I recently upgraded to iOS 7.0.3. Now I cannot sign in to FaceTime or iMessage, and Push Notifications don't work—instead, I receive a message saying "Connect to iTunes to use Push Notifications." I've connected to and synced with iTunes. It didn't work. I've tried multiple WiFi networks. Doesn't work. I cannot back up and restore on my computer, and would rather not restore with iCloud, if at all possible. Please help!

    I had the same exact problem with my iPhone 4. I fixed it by putting my phone in restore mode and then kicking it back out of it. I mention 2 ways. The 1st one is something I think should work because it is based around the same concept. The 2nd method is what I used and is a bit more risky but thats the one I used.
    1st method (can't confirm that this works but it just might)
    The hard reboot. this is done by holding the HOME and POWER button at the same time until the screen goes blank. Then turn it on again using just the POWER button. This will take a while to turn on so don't panic just have some patience.
    2nd method (the one I used)
    This is how to do it.
    BACK UP before attempting this. The restore mode I used is a kind of a bootable mode which is reversable (not sure if it works on other phone, so IPHONE 4 PEOPLE ONLY).
    Turn the phone off the normal way. After it is turned off, hold the HOME button and connect the USB. Continue holding the HOME button until connect to itunes logo on the phone shows up and itunes will pop up saying "a device in restore mode..".
    Dissconnect the USB. Now hold the POWER button until the phone turns off (it will after 10 seconds or so). Now turn it on again using the POWER button. It might take a while to turn on(don't panic, have patience). With any luck all the notifications should work and you should be able to sign in into imessage and facetime.

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