Putting Single Quote in any field

Hi All,
What is the purpose of putting ' ' (Single Quote) in any of the field?
BUKRS:' '  -
> What does this imply?

what do you mean by 'single quote'? If you mean 'blank', this has the same meaning as an empty value in the field. So if the application checks for any value, but not for an empty field, the check will fail.
Regarding the docu: you can access it through some different ways, for instance in SE38->display source code of any report->press the blue 'I' infobutton->enter ABAP key-word authority-check, select authority-check->abap statement, enjoy the documentation.
b.rgds, Bernhard
Edited by: Bernhard Hochreiter on Sep 15, 2008 3:31 PM

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    user521525 wrote:
    I want to put single quotes around string in my output.
    I am running the following command as a test:
    select ' ' hello ' ' from dual;
    My expectation is to get 'hello' (Single quote around hello)You probably read that you can get a single-quote within a string literal by using two of them in a row.
    That's true, but they really have to be in a row (no spaces in between), and you still need the single-quotes at the beiginning and end of the literal.
    So what you want is
    SELECT  '''hello'''
    FROM    dual;Starting in Oracle 10, you can also use Q-notation, For example:
    SELECT  Q'['hello']'
    FROM    dual;

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    thanks & regards,

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    thanks & regards,

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    I think the question was regarding the ' in O'Reily. Use ' twice when using the Statement interface, i.e.
    ("O''Reilly Bob", "St Mary''s Street")
    So that's two single quotes, not a double quote, to successfully insert a single quote, if you know what I mean....
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    Thanks and Regards,

    Iif you mean LV should hold something like LIKP~VSTEL = ' INF ', then try this
    data: c_quote(4) type c value ''''.
    data: l_inv type string.
    CONCATENATE c_quote 'INF' c_quote into l_inv.
    CONCATENATE ' LIKP~VSTEL' '='  l_inv  INTO LV separated by space.
    Edited by: Vikranth.Reddy on Sep 1, 2009 1:55 PM

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    'T-123','T-870'sorry I did not understand what you wanted at first.
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            AS (    SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR (p_10_item,
                      FROM t
                CONNECT BY LEVEL <=
                                LENGTH (p_10_item)
                              - LENGTH (REPLACE (p_10_item, ','))
                              + 1)
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    Hi there,
    When you try to insert single quotes into the database it gives an error or problem because a single quote is a reserved character in the database.
    If you want to store a single quote or any other character that is reserved in the database then you need to find out how to escape that reserved character.
    One option is to use the single quote twice, so instead of ' , use '' (not double quote but , type single quote twice).
    Another option is to use HTML entity code for single quote
    "Message was edited by:

  • Any way to generate a single quote (') with XSLT?

    I guess this is really an XSLT question. I'm using the Transform() method of an XMLType variable to apply a style sheet. The XML in the variable is just something simple like
    I am trying to get a stylesheet to transform something like the above into SQL such as
    Select * from foo where LAST_NAME like 'JONES'
    and FIRST_NAME ='MARY'
    and AGE = 50But to do this, I need to generate the single quotes around the search terms and I can't get anything but LAST_NAME LIKE &apos;JONES&apos;. Is there a way to do this? For now I am generating a ~ and replacing ~ for ' throughout the generated SQL text but that's a pretty sorry solution.
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    So, am I overlooking an obvious way to get my stylesheet to insert apostrophes?

    Here's the procedure that accepts the XML/XSL clobs and tries to produce a SQL statement.
    PROCEDURE GetSQLQueryFromXML(XMLClob in CLOB, XSLStylesheet in CLOB,
                SQLQuery out CLOB, status out integer) IS
        -- Define the local variables
      xmldata               XMLType;  -- The XMLType format of the XML to transform
      xsldata               XMLType;  -- The XMLType format of the stylesheet to apply
      sqlQuery_XMLType      XMLType;  -- The XMLType format of the SQL query.
      v_SQLQuery            Clob;     -- Holds XML Clob before translating ~ to '
    status := -1;  -- Initially unsuccessful
      -- Get the XML document using the getXML() function defined in the database.
      -- Since XMLType.transform() method takes XML data as XMLType instance,
      -- use the XMLType.createXML method to convert the XML content received
      -- as CLOB into an XMLType instance.
      xmldata := XMLType.createXML(XMLClob);
      -- Get the XSL Stylesheet using the getXSL() function defined in the database.
      -- Since XMLType.transform() method takes an XSL stylesheet as XMLType instance,
      -- use the XMLType.createXML method to convert the XSL content received as CLOB
      -- into an XMLType instance.
      xsldata := XMLType.createXML(XSLStylesheet);
      -- Use the XMLtype.transform() function to get the transformed XML instance.
      -- This function applies the stylesheet to the XML document and returns a transformed
      -- XML instance.
      sqlQuery_XMLType := xmldata.transform(xsldata);
      -- Return the transformed XML instance as a CLOB value.   
      v_SQLQuery := sqlQuery_XMLType.getClobVal();
      -- Change tildas to apostrophes.  Currently unable to get an XSLT transformation
      -- to insert single quotes, so we're inserting ~ instead.  Now we need to
      -- translate all ~s to 's in our query.
      SQLQuery := translate(to_char(v_SQLQuery),'~','''');
      status := 1; -- Everything went fine to get here
      WHEN OTHERS THEN         
        (-20102, 'Exception occurred in GetSQLQueryFromXML :'||SQLERRM);
    END GetSQLQueryFromXML;The XML it works off of is
        someXML CLOB :=
        to_clob('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
    <variable table_name="SOME_PERSON_TABLE" query_type="PERSON">
        <value />
        <value />
    </variable>');And the corresponding XSLT that should translate it is:
      myStylesheet  CLOB :=
      to_clob('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
    <!-- <xsl:preserve-space elements="list-of-element-names"/> -->
      <!-- We just want the SQL text output.  No XML declaration etc. -->
      <xsl:output method="text" omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="no"/>
    <!-- Apostrophes will be made tildas and the PL/SQL will translate those to -->
    <!-- apostrophes for the final SQL string. -->
    <xsl:variable name="apos">~</xsl:variable>
      <xsl:template match="/">
        select * from
        <xsl:value-of select="variable/@table_name"/>
        where 1=1
        <xsl:for-each select="variable/child::node()">
            <!-- if the value node is not null... -->
            <xsl:when test="./value/text()[normalize-space(.)]">
            <!-- There is another predicate.  Add the AND term and the predicate -->
              AND <xsl:value-of select="./fieldName"/>
              <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
              <xsl:value-of select="./criteria"/>
              <xsl:text> </xsl:text>       
                <xsl:when test="string(./fieldType)=''String''">
                  <xsl:copy-of select="$apos" />
                  <xsl:value-of select="./value"/>
                  <xsl:copy-of select="$apos" />
                <xsl:when test="string(./fieldType)=''Clob''">
                  <xsl:copy-of select="$apos" />
                  <xsl:value-of select="./value"/>
                  <xsl:copy-of select="$apos" />
                  <xsl:value-of select="./value"/>
    </xsl:stylesheet>');Basically if the VALUE element has a value then the fieldType is checked. If fieldType is String or Clob then we'll need the apostrophes. For now I'm putting in tildas and changing them later.

  • Adding SIngle quotes around a Colmn Name stored in a DB Field

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    select p.DS_ID
    from dbo.v_ds p
    inner join dbo.Rpt r
    on p.DS_ID = r.PKVal
    and r.ColumnNm = 'DS_ID'
    BUT the value of r.Column in stored in a table and building it using dynamic SQL , the closest i get is
    select p.DS_ID
    from dbo.v_ds p
    inner join dbo.Rpt r
    on p.DS_ID = r.PKVal
    and r.ColumnNm = DS_ID
    Note that ther single quotes needed are missing and so I get NO rows. I've tried using the ''' + @field + ''' and cannor get it to work.
    Any ideas?

    Not sure of your try. May be you would have missed the single quote before and after as you said your closest ry result looks like below:
    and r.ColumnNm = DS_ID --Without single quotes.

  • To insert single quote in a varchar2 field

    hi guys,
    i am facing a simple problem, can any one of you help me in this regard. the problem is i am unable to insert a single quote in a varchar2 field like
    Name Null? Type
    SAL NUMBER(7,2)
    COMM NUMBER(7,2)
    ORA-01756: quoted string not properly terminated
    oracle takes ' as the delimiters for identifying the word. in my case the name itself contains a single quote which is to be inserted. how to insert the single quote
    i want to insert it from asp coding and also from sql plus 8.0.
    advanced thanks

    If you use a ' in a varchar2, it must be marked with a second '.
    In your case:
    (100, 'Mc''Aure') ;

  • How to construct a sql query when field having single quote

    Hi all,
    I have been working on web application , here is my requirement:
    I'm constructing sql statement dynamically from dynamic user input (form data). In one of the field having single quote.
    while executing the query it is getting problem because of single quote .. so how do i resolve my problem.
    single quote should be there. (I'm using Ms-Access as my database).
    Thanks in advance

    Use PreparedStatement. Always. It not only eases setting Java objects in a SQL query, but also protects you against SQL injections.
    Prepare yourself: [http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/jdbc/basics/prepared.html].

  • Is there any way to change literals from double to single quotes?

    I'm converting a small application in C# / .net that runs on several other databases to HANA.
    The escaped double quote thing is pretty painful - is there any way to change the default literals from double to single quote on the connection or though the driver or otherwise?
    Thanks -- Chad

    Hi Chad
    can you please provide an example of what runs with other DBMS but doesn't with SAP HANA?
    - Lars

  • Report parameter field value has a single quote. need to escape before pass

    Report has a parameter whose value might have a single quote in it. If I pass that value directly into the SQL Command... like
    where ... user_name = {?parm_user_name}...
    which would translate to
    user_name='O'Donnel Honda'
    I am getting an error... so would like to convert this parameter value into 'O''Donnel Honda' before passing into the query.
    I created a formula called parse_user_name with following:
    Replace ({?parm_user_name}, "'", "''")
    And used in the query like
    where ... user_name = {@parse_user_name}...
    I am getting an error like invalid SQL92 character...

    I think you should use the condition like this
    where ... user_name = '{?parm_user_name}'
    keep the parameter in single quote at the command level itself.
    Now use the same formula like
    This works only if the parameter is a single value parameter but not multi value parameter.

Maybe you are looking for