PXI 5401 & 4072

I have a PXI1050 Chassis, Labview 7, and the following versions of the
Labview: 7.1
NI-FGen: 2.4.1
NI-DMM: 2.1.0
..and some other ones
I am connecting to the Chassis' 8175 controller remotely through a
network cable a from a laptop
For some reason, when I try to add the PXI-5401 unit as a device, it
always fails the self tests. Also, when I try to Add the 4072, it just
isn't even recognized (i.e. it doesnt even show it as a device in the
chassis). I have several other modules (4060, 6704, and 4021) which I
have been able to add successfully.
Any ideas? Please let me know if I should clarify anything. Thanks!

Sorry for the confusion - I have labview 7.1

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    A solution that you can adapt to your devices is given in the following link:
    try to follow the instructions fixing the parameters and the functions of your device
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    Erwin Franz R.

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    Hi, bmaxton.
    This issue may be associated with the cable that you are using.  Try using a different cable.  It is also possible that the PXI-5401 and/or scopes need to be re-calibrated.  Confirm that the scopes are calibrated correctly by applying a known voltage.
    What is your operating temperature?  This could also affect the accuracy of your reading.
    I hope you're having a great day!
    Sara Lewandroski
    Applications Engineer | National Instruments

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    Warning -1073807346 occurred at an unidentified location.
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    You might try and perform an Ivi Close function first. If you have initialized an instrument session and have not closed that session and you try and initialize that session again you will get a similar error. Also make sure you have all of your logical names and virtual instrument names assigned properly within MAX. I am also assuming that you are calling these DLLs using the Flex DLL Adapter? Since
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    Richard McDonell
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Go to Solution.
    ivifgen-teststand.jpg ‏482 KB

    Ok, i got it ...
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    Described under:
    I had to link Logical-Name with DAQmx-Device instead of PXI-Device.
    Thanks anyway.

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    I am trying to get 4-wire resistance readings using a PXI-2527 with a 2627 terminal block, the DMM is PXI-4072. When running the attached VI, all I see is a quick flash on the waveform graph of two readings then it disappears. I hear a clicking out of the PXI that I am using as it scans each channel. What I am trying to do is run 4 wires to a connector (10 total) and keep log of resistance readings from each connector over the course of the test.
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    DMM Handshaking 4-Wire Resistance.vi ‏83 KB

    I'm running the VI with no hitch, using simulated devices.  So, I'm inclined to think that the code is properly written.  What's your setup look like?  Can you describe the connections you've made on each device -- what is plugged into each terminal?
    Kyle B  |  Product Support Engineer  |  ni.com/support

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    Since the matrix is a 4x128, there are 4 rows and 128 columns to which you can connect devices under test (DUTs). You can not connect 256 different DUTs because there are not 256 connections. The points refer to the switches inside the card rather than the actual signals. 
    Here's a bit more info:
    Also I would post future switch questions here:
    I hope this helps,
    Eric E.

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    There’s one more test I’d like you to do with your setup.  Connect the signal from your amplifier, through the switch (modeled as 1 Ohm resistors), and then to a large load (not connected to your DUT).  If the signal shows up without attenuation, then we can confirm that the switch itself is working correctly. 
    Switches have a resistance listed in the specifications manual.    It is small, but it should still be considered in your design.  You’ve basically built a voltage divider with your circuit.
    A colleague of mine simulated your DUT in our Multisim circuit design software to see if we could determine the exact source of the signal attenuation in your DUT.  What sort of load are the two transformers driving?  We found that we could get a wide range of voltages across the DUT just by altering the load attached to the transformers.  See the images I’ve attached for reference:
    With the transformers driving 2 Megaohm loads:
    With one load reduced to 100 Ohms:
    Do you know the specifications of the amplifier that you're using?  Is it possible that it can't source the power required to drive the DUT.
    Let me know how the test with the switch goes.  If it passes, there is some other limitation in the circuit that is causing the signal attenuation.
    Good luck with everything.
    Jared R.
    Precision DC Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

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    The pictures of all PXI cards on your website needs to be updated to show the new connector, especially when you have an article about the SCXI control capabilities that shows the different connectors PXI Hybrid PXIe and Full Lenght connector and then you go to PXI DAQ cards product page and it nicely show you the card with a full length connector. (i.e. see the 6211 picture here http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/201614 or the 6225 here http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/201614).

  • Labview 8.0, pxi-1033

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    La cuestion es que en LAbview no veo ningun instrumento de los que tengo instalados, es decir no encuentro las funciones para poder accesar a el hardware.
    Por el contrario en Measurement & Automation estan todos perfectamente instalados y utilizables por medio del TEST PANELS.
    Les agradezco de antemanno su ayuda.

    Buen día!
    LabVIEW 8.0 no está soportado por Windows 7, es probable que por eso no puedas ver tus instrumentos en LabVIEW pero sí en MAX.  En la siguiente liga podrás encontrar la compatibilidad entre las versiones de LabVIEW y Windows.
    Espero que te sirva!!
    Anuar Rojas
    Anuar R.
    National Instruments México y Latinoamérica
    Ingeniería de Aplicaciones

  • 5401 Amplitude description error?

    I am controlling the 5401 PXI Fgen through Delphi and noticed that the documentation for the 5401 function call ConfigureStandardWaveform located in the help file calls for a peak to peak voltage. I am sure that it is actually peak voltage. The NI soft panel also shows the setting to be peak to peak, but measurements (rms) show that it is only peak voltage. Is this a known error in the documentation and the soft panel?

    The load impedance and output impedance are separate settings, but both can be manipulated in software.  If you are using LabVIEW, you would use a NI-FGEN Property Node.  To select the load impedance property, click on the lower white box of the property node and go to Output Attributes » Load Impedance.  You can specify your load impedance there and the board will compensate appropriately (like you mentioned in the SFP).  If you are using C or CVI, use the "niFgen_SetAttributeViReal64" function to set the "NIFGEN_ATTR_LOAD_IMPEDANCE" attribute to your load impedance.
    The output impedance property/attribute just switches between the available output impedances, it does not compensate for load impedance.
    Ross C

  • Continuity testing and NI 4072 DMM

    I am trying to create a continuity test which looks for opens and shorts and I am looking for advice to try and speed things up, if possible.
    The DMM I am using is a NI 4072 and I am also using a  PXI 128x2 Matrix Module from Pickeringtest to do the switching between test points.
    Now I know the pcb board I am testing does not have 128 test points but for testing my code I thought I would do it all anyway. Running my test takes 7 minutes!
    Now lets say for arguments sake that I only had 64 test points which is probably not far from the truth, that is like 3 - 3.5 minuts.
    For the setup I have, does this time sound about right and it is infact hardware limitation?
    Is there someting I can do/change etc to speed this up.
    I have the DMM set like this
    AutoZero is set to ON
    Power Line Frequency is set to 50
    DMM is set to AutoRange
    Measurement type is Resistance
    Resolution is 6.5 Digits
    the code is written in c# .Net but its straight forward in what I am doing.
                           for (int i = 1; i < 127; i++)
                                for (int j = i + 1; j < 128; j++)
                                    // Set IO
                                    Controller.IO.SetCrossPoint(i, 1);
                                    Controller.IO.SetCrossPoint(j, 2);
                                    var reading = dmm.Measurement.Read();
                                    // Reset IO
                                    Controller.IO.ReSetCrossPoint(i, 1);
                                    Controller.IO.ReSetCrossPoint(j, 2);
    Basically I am opening a connecion to 2 test points, taking a reading, closing the 2 test points and repeating.
    I understand that the speed in which the Matrix module operates can affect this, the DMM resolution and the range but we have a 10 year old ATE that seems to be able to do a continuity test in a second. I questioned this so I started removing pins from the bed of nails and hey ho it found open circuits.

    Have you done any profiling to determine where the time is being spent (DMM vs Switch)?
    You are configuring your DMM for a very high precision measurement (6.5 digits) in which you have no idea of the range (Auto-Range). First one means the measurement is pretty slow, the second one means the DMM is going to do a first quick measurement to determine what range to use, then switch range, then do the high precision measurement.
    For your needs, selecting a specific range and lowering to 3.5 digits of precision should speed things up considerably and still be a good enough measurement.
    You will see an even bigger improvement in performance if you use multi-point, since the DMM doesn't need different configuration between measurements. Since you are using a Pickering switch, not one of NI's, you cannot have the two devices handshake over PXI trigger lines (that would be even faster). But you can use a software trigger to trigger the DMM after you have programmatically changed the setting on the switch.
    Hope this helps!
    Marcos Kirsch
    Principal Software Engineer
    Core Modular Instruments Software
    National Instruments

  • Host pc thinks all PXI cards are in slot 0

    I have a RT system which I am trying to drive remotely. It is a PXI-1000B with two 6070Es, a 6602, a 5401 and a 1409. The host PC is running windows XP. I have checked and updated all the software on the RT machine. I can also download VIs to the RT machine and run them from there.
    When I add a new RDA/ethernet device in MAX on the host PC, I can see the devices and their numbers fine, but I get the slot 0 error that a lot of other people seem to have had, and I can't use the cards from the host PC.
    One instruction I couldn't find for XP is which directory PXISYS.ini is meant to be in for the host PC. Does anyone know any other reasons for this problem?

    Make sure you have the correct PXISYS.ini file. See the link:
    The PXISYS.ini file needs to be copied/ftp the PXI RT controller in the folder NI-RT/SYSTEM/.
    Carl L
    National Instruments

  • 4072 accuracy when measuring 7uA DC

    I need to understand the accuracy of 4072 card, for an error budget study.
    1) when measuring 7uA DC current, please let me know the details of error stackup. not just the result, I need the calculation details for each error component.
    on page 3 of attached specification sheet, bottom table, first row, it states:
    DC Current* ± (ppm of reading + ppm of range)
      - Range: 20 mA
      - Resolution: 10 nA
      - Burden Voltage (typical): <20 mV
      - Noise (ppm of range rms): 20
      - 2 Year (0 °C to 55 °C): 400 + 150
      - Tempco/°C (0 °C to 55 °C): 8 + 1
    my error calculation is as follwing (7uA DC/ temperature 40C):
      - Noise (ppm of range rms): 20 * 10^-6 * 20,000uA = 0.4uA
      - 2 Year (0 °C to 55 °C): 400 * 10^-6 * 7uA + 150 * 10^-6 * 20,000uA = 3.0028uA
      - Tempco/°C (0 °C to 55 °C): (8 * 10^-6 * 7uA + 1 * 10^-6 * 20,000uA) * 40C = 0.80224uA
    so total error = 0.4 + 3.0028 + 0.80224 = 4.20504uA @ 7uA DC
    error % = 4.20504/7 = 60.072%
    Is my calculation right or wrong?
    2) on page 2 of the attached specification sheet, under "DC System Speeds", it says "Trigger latency ..... 2uS". Does this mean 4072 can catch the trigger condition 2uS after the event?
    Say I have a step function DC current drops from 1A to 0 at T0. I set trigger as 0.5A. so 4072 will detect the event @ T0+2uS??
    NI PXI 4072 DMM Specifications.pdf ‏665 KB

    Hi QWERT1 and welcome to the discussion forums.
    Since the lowest range of the 4072 is 20mA, reading 7uA will prove to be a challenge and I do not doubt you will be seeing an error in the realm of 50%. Comparatively, the 4071, which has a 10uA range, would allow for much higher accuracy readings at this level.
    I see that you contact National Instruments directly and seem to have closed out your service request with an Applications Engineer.
    For all other viewers reading this, QWERT1 calculated the accuracy correctly except for one aspect: the tempco. The only mistake here was that this needed to be multiplied by the number of degrees difference from the last calibration temperature. QWERT1 multiplied by the temperature, 40, rather than the temperature difference from the last external or self-calibration temperature. So if the calibration temperature is 23degC and the current temperature is 25degC, then you would multiply the error by 2.
    Thanks again for using the forums QWERT1!
    NI RF

  • Poor PXI IO performanc​e on Latitude E6410 with ExpressCar​d 8360

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    The sustained IO rate that I can get appears to be about 1/3 of that that I can get using the same ExpressCard on a Dell Latitude E6400 (with a Core2Duo processor).
    I am using the A05 bios (latest at time of writing) on the E6410.

    I am running Windows XP (32 bit) sp3 in both cases.
    The E6410 has 4GByte of memory fitted.
    The E6400 has 2GByte of memory fitted.
    I have also use the same ExpressCard 8360 via a PXIe to ExpressCard Adaptor in a Desktop machine with similar performance figures to the E6400 - i.e. much better than the E6410.
    The Desktop Machine is an HP Compaq D7900 with 4GByte of memory, Core2Duo E8500 also running Windows XP sp3 (32 bit).
    Also, on the Desktop, I am running NI PXI Platform Services 2.3.2 and NI-Visa runtime version 4.3.
    On the E6410, I am running NI PXI Platform Services 2.5.2 and NI-Visa runtime version 4.6.
    I no longer have access to the E6400 so I am not sure what sofware versions were installed. However, they are unlikely to be new than the versions installed on the E6410.

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