QMaster Service won't "Stop Sharing"

I'm trying to "Stop Sharing" the Qmaster service from within the System Preferences. But, when I click "Stop Sharing", the button changes to "Stopping..." and the message "Selected Service shutting down.. (1 instance)" appears, but it just hangs there indefinitely. It never shuts down.
I've even tried the Activity Monitor to force quit the QMaster services, but still nothing. Just hangs.
When I exit System Preferences and come back, it's running as normal as if I never had tried to stop sharing. So, I click again, same thing.
Any thoughts?

Repair permissions...
Uninstall FCS..

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    I have burned to my external blu ray burner 3 times, but twice ended up with glitches in the project. now it stops at 59% and won't finish sharing. How do I get it to finish sharing?

    It's a complex project and there are a lot of possibilities. Among them is the length; there are a number of reports of projects that are approaching 2 hours failing to burn.
    If it's a question of jarring Create Disk into action, one thing that has worked for some users is simply to click on and the Apply button (s) in the Settings pane of the Blu Ray Share window and then hitting Cancel. This can be tested by duplicating your project and selecting a tiny section of your sequence and exporting. Change the Output Device to Hard Drive and see whether Create Disk successfully writes a disk image.
    You can also  check that a specific clip isn't rendering properly. Since the process got to 59%, it may just mean that the burn couldn't be initiated by Create Disk – or it may indicate a problem with a clip toward end of your sequence. (If you can check the log, there may be something useful in there.)
    Use the duplicated project and this time set a range for the last 30 minutes or so of the project and export it, using the Blu Ray destination. Again, set Output Device to HD and see whether it will complete.
    Good luck.

  • Password service won't start

    Following an unplanned hard restart of our server (Mac OS X 10.9.5, Server 3.2.2), the password service won't start, so our staff can't log into mail, calendars or file sharing.
    When I launch Open Directory, the main window has the message "Unable to load replica list", then it switches itself off after a minute or so.
    I've looked at the certificates in Server and they have the green tick so presumably are OK.
    DNS is working OK and running the command "sudo changeip -checkhostname" reports success.
    Here's the section of log that repeats every few seconds as PasswordService repeatedly starts up and exits:
    13/03/2015 20:55:00.617 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.PasswordService[5890]) Exited with code: 1
    13/03/2015 20:55:00.617 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.PasswordService) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
    13/03/2015 20:55:02.540 xscertd[249]: Failed sending LookupCRLByCARecordName command to com.apple.xscertd.helper: The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.apple.certificateserver error 42005.)
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    13/03/2015 20:55:08.708 com.apple.launchd[1]: (org.openldap.slapd) Throttling respawn: Will start in 7 seconds
    13/03/2015 20:55:10.206 xscertd-helper[5897]: ldap_search_ext_s returned -1 - Can't contact LDAP server when searching for bdb suffix, exiting
    13/03/2015 20:55:10.207 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.xscertd-helper[5897]) Exited with code: 1
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    13/03/2015 20:55:10.639 PasswordService[5901]: -[PasswordServerPrefsObject getSearchBase]: Unable to locate search base: -1 Can't contact LDAP server
    13/03/2015 20:55:10.639 PasswordService[5901]: -[PasswordServerPrefsObject loadXMLData]: Unable to locate passwordserver config record's plist attribute: -1 Can't contact LDAP server
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    13/03/2015 20:55:10.640 PasswordService[5901]: -[PasswordServerPrefsObject saveXMLData]: ldap_modify_ext_s of the passwordserver config record's plist attribute: -1 Can't contact LDAP server
    13/03/2015 20:55:10.684 PasswordService[5901]: int pwsf_GetPublicKey(char *): ldap_search_ext_s cn=authdata for Public Key returned -1
    13/03/2015 20:55:10.687 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.PasswordService[5901]) Exited with code: 1
    I have backups (both Time Machine and clones of the hard drive) that I could use to restore the corrupted bit of the configuration, if necessary, but I don't know what to restore.

    Many Open Directory problems can be resolved by taking the following steps. Test after each one, and back up all data before making any changes.
    1. The OD master must have a static IP address on the local network, not a dynamic address. It must not be connected to the same network with more than one interface; e.g., Ethernet and Wi-Fi.
    2. You must have a working DNS service, and the server's hostname must match its fully-qualified domain name. To confirm, select the server by name in the sidebar of the Server application window, then select the Overview tab. Click the Edit button on the Host Name line. On the Accessing your Server sheet, Domain Name should be selected. Change the Host Name, if necessary. The server must have at least a three-level name (e.g. "server.yourdomain.com"), and the name must not be in the ".local" top-level domain, which is reserved for Bonjour.
    3. The primary DNS server used by the server must be itself, unless you're using another server for internal DNS. The only DNS server set on the clients should be the internal one, which they should get from DHCP if applicable.
    4. If you have accounts with network home directories, make sure the URL's are correct in the user settings. A return status of 45 from the authorizationhost daemon in the log may mean that the URL for mounting the home directory was not updated after a change in the hostname.
    5. Only if you're still running Mavericks server, follow these instructions to rebuild the Kerberos configuration on the server.
    6. If you use authenticated binding, check the validity of the master's certificate. The common name must match the hostname and domain name. Deselecting and then reselecting the certificate in Server.app has been reported to have an effect in some cases. Otherwise delete all certificates and create new ones.
    7. Unbind and then rebind the clients in the Users & Groups preference pane. Use the fully-qualified domain name of the master.
    8. Reboot the master and the clients.
    9. Don't log in to the server with a network user's account.
    10. Disable any internal firewalls in use, including third-party "security" software.
    11. If you've created any replica servers, delete them.
    12. If OD has only recently stopped working when it was working before, you may be able to restore it from the automatic backup in /var/db/backups, or from a Time Machine snapshot of that backup.
    13. As a last resort, export all OD users. In the Open Directory pane of Server, delete the OD server. Then recreate it and import the users. Ensure that the UID's are in the 1001+ range.
    If you get this far without solving the problem, then you'll need to examine the logs in the Open Directory section of the log list in the Server app, and also the system log on the clients.

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    O.k. Thanks for the clarification. I poked around in my TimeCapsule router's settings (TimeCapsule is an Apple Airport Extreme router with attached hard drive for wireless backup/storage). Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I can disable multicasting with the TimeCapsule. I can change the multicasting 'rate'. Settings are Low, Medium, High. It's currently set to Low.
    I did a few web searches, and found an Apple.com article: <http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3789?viewlocale=en_US> which explained how to disable Bonjour Service Advertisements. I believe this is the same thing as 'Multicasting'. The process is a modification of "/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.mDNSResponder.plist", and a restart of the Mac is required afterwards.
    I'm a bit concerned that disabling multicasting will interfere with my AppleTVs and iTunes music sharing, but I may try it next time I'm up for a computer workout. This task will require editing of system preference files, could require multiple restarts, might interfere with my AppleTVs, could interfere with my iTunes file sharing, doesn't have a documented relationship to my problem.
    This is way to difficult for something that should just work. Did you say you had read something about a relationship between this bonjour multicasting and smb connectivity? If it was online could you post the link?
    I'm currently able to connect to the drive using NFS, but I have to manually configure that connection each time I reboot (can't get the 'Disk Utility' configured to do it automatically). While it's working with NFS, it's not my preferred connect method (for various reasons).

  • Text won't stop deleting, delete key appears to get "stuck"

    Sorry if this is in the wrong topic, I have never used the support forums for any of the multitude of problems I have had with my Mac, but this one is severe and odd enough that I couldn't even find anyone else discussing it (although I'm sure someone is, but I tried many search key combinations on Google and only found unrelated things), so I decided to at least get it documented.
    I have had an issue that has happened at least 3 times I can remember (I am fairly certain it has happened more, closer to 7-8, those are just the times I am 100% confident about), although very spaced apart and infrequent, where my delete/backspace key seems to get "stuck". However, at least one time I can verify that I never even hit the key. Whatever text I currently have open immediately starts deleting at lightspeed, and I can do nothing to stop it. None of the other keys on my keyboard work, and though my mouse works, if I click somewhere else, it starts deleting the text there. When I force it to go to another window where there isn't an open text box, I get the general Mac error sound, and it repeats non-stop, and faster than I've ever heard it. I have to do a hard shut-down, although once it led to a kernal panic. When I have stopped whatever is happening before it panics though, when I restart, I don't receive any kind of error message, nor the message about OS X not having been shut down properly.
    Every single time it has happened when I was typing something that couldn't be saved, like a message on a forum, a private message on a site or an IM chat window. Sometimes I lost a half hour's worth of work or more.
    The first time it happened, I honestly thought someone had managed to hack into my computer, but another time I was using a physical modem and Airport was turned off, and when I ripped out the cord, it didn't stop.
    I have a MacBook Pro from 2007, running the most recent version of Tiger. I haven't had the money to upgrade. All security updates are up-to-date, with one exception: I have not upgraded to the most recent version of iTunes.
    Honestly, I currently am having and have been having a bunch of other severe issues with my Mac, so troubleshooting will be quite difficult as it's not at all impossible it's a result of one of my other problems. I also currently am dealing with some health problems that make me unable to try to find the root of the problem, specifically I have a problem with my hand and wrist that makes typing very difficult.
    If someone does recognize this issue and already knows why it might be happening, I'd appreciate the help. I'd also appreciate anyone letting me know how I can prevent it OR what to do when it begins and how to stop it. But I probably will be unable to go through a typical troubleshooting rundown.
    As I said, I just wanted this documented, and I also would like to know if anyone else has had this problem. I have never experienced an issue like this with any of my past computers, including Macs and PCs. I do know however that the key is NOT physically getting stuck - as in getting lodged down and continuing to be pressed. There is at least 1 time I can verify I never even hit the key (I wasn't typing anything at the time). I am fairly sure the problem is entirely unrelated to the actual delete key itself.
    I'll describe the symptoms one more time:
    At a random time, with no discernible warning, text contained in whatever text box I have open begins deleting itself. Several paragraphs disappear in a matter of seconds.
    Pressing escape or any other key on the keyboard does nothing. If I click to another area in the text, it will immediately begin deleting wherever I have placed the cursor. If I go to another window with text that can be edited, it begins deleting there. It does not delete in more than one place simultaneously.
    If I bring another window without any kind of "deletable" text to the front, one of the general Mac error sounds (I'm not sure which one it is) starts happening and repeats without stopping at a rate that could induce a seizure. To stop it all, the only thing I have found can be done is a hard shut-down. Another time it continued to end in a kernal panic. I wish I had the details of the error, but it was so long ago and I have no idea which panic is the right one in the logs.
    I have no way of knowing what programs were running at the time, as obviously that's not something I'm able to pay attention to when it happens, and it has happened so randomly and infrequently it's nothing I've been able to document. Since I have to restart to make it stop, I've then lost that info and I have no time to try to write it down or something beforehand.
    I have not had any similar issues that I know of (for instance, for the "g" key keeps repeating and won't stop typing "g's") and I've never experienced this on any past computer.
    Thanks for anyone who can help!
    If you aren't able to offer advice but have had this issue yourself, PLEASE let me know. I can't seem to find anyone who has experienced this particular problem.

    "Cleaning the keyboard is the first step in troubleshooting sticky/stuck keys."
    Okay, I guess I misunderstood, although I am still confused. You're saying that since the other user did an extensive clean of their keyboard and this did not solve the problem, it is "most likely" a hardware problem, correct? Wouldn't a thorough cleaning without any results show that it's probably not physically related to the keyboard?
    "The "delete" key may be defective or the cover you are using somehow is making the key stick. If you have ruled out the latter and everything else, your only other alternative is to take the MBP to your local Apple Store or AASP. The staff will check out your keyboard (free) to confirm if you are having a hardware problem. If you have AppleCare or ProCare, the repairs will be free. If not.................."
    Well, I had just said in my most recent post that it has now happened with other keys, and in my initial post that it happened at times when my hands were nowhere near the keyboard. It is not a defective delete key and the cover is not making the keys stick - it doesn't adhere to them and does not have any sticky substance on it of any kind. I am an experienced computer user, and I know my computer very well. While I am not a psychic that can always know what is causing a problem, I am able to discern with much accuracy what is NOT causing it.
    Also, I have significant health issues so getting to an Apple store would be a huge challenge for me. And although I have AppleCare any repairs won't be free. Due to some small physical damage my laptop obtained a few years ago, I have been completely refused almost all service that I paid over $300 for, even though the damage is completely superficial. After fighting this, I was told they WOULD repair my computer, however, they would also repair the physical damage despite my insisting NOT to; I had no choice in the matter and the cost would be a minimum of $1,500 (I also would not be informed the exact price until after and my credit card would be charged without my knowledge - I had to give them my credit card number and sign away their right to make any charges and when I requested being contacted before they charged me for the repairs I didn't want done, I was told they did not do that). My family is struggling to pay for my $5 medications.
    When my logic board died (that same issue that affected thousands of computer users), I had to print out Apple's report from their site, which stated that they would replace and repair them free of charge to ANY Mac owner with a computer that met certain qualifications (which mine did). When it happened, completely out of nowhere, I knew immediately that was the problem, yet still had to go through the insulting and idiotic "Is your computer plugged in?" list of things and a customer WITH AppleCare was being refused a service they'd offered to people WITHOUT AppleCare, for a known manufacturing defect that has occurred widely in nearly every brand of computer made.

  • In finder, it says that I am shared to a pc which I didn't know about nor do i know the pc, how do I stop sharing with it?

    In finder, it says that I am shared to a pc which I didn't know about nor do i know the pc, how do I stop sharing with it?

    I gather that you are seeing other "pee-seas" (and | other hosts) in MAC OSX Finder UI under SHARED ? T/F ??  The Finder is reflecting what others are sharing.
    In any case consider these items:
    1) Other hosts on your network (local) have ITEMS (folders and structures) that they themselves are sharing
    with anyone on there network and to others outside who will access them via a specic host nae or address. KInda like your mate who has some files he wants to share with you. You connect to his host (machine) either by a host name (yourmate.com), an IP address ( or on your local area network usually over Bonjour (yourmates_macbookair.local).
    Simply THEY ARE sharing their stuff with you and this your MACs FINDER makes then apear under the SHARED parion of the side bar in the UI. This is likely what you are seeing
    microsoft platforms have their users share DIRECTORIES mainly through the SHARING properties for that opject. YEp.. and then you can at a minimum SEE it . HOwever this doesnt mean you can access the contents.... This is all familiar to most.. nothing to be concerned about.
    Probably no need for concern.....
    (IMO), its amazing the number of PC users that unknowingly expose their folder contents on a hotel WIFI or ETHERNET network... its astonishing....!
    2) YOUR CONCERN that you are sharing your stuff:
    I'll hazard a guess that form you minmal description that you may feel that others on your network can SEE YOUR STUFF?? Bt Default, any user can see ANYTHING you have put in your ~/Public folder (theis is your Public folder in your home directory. Usually they can ONLY read whats there unless you have gone out of your way to change the ACCESS CONTROL LIST (ACL) to an access for others other than READ ONLY.
    An extention so to speak of this sharing is the concept of a "DROP BOX" that is also maintained by default in your homes public folder (~/Public/Drop Box). This is very useful for people to GIVE you their files by DROPPING then into this ~/Public/Drop Box folder.
    So THIS folder is exposed for all to see on your local network.
    How to stop anyone seeing anything?.. easy..
    Step 1: go to SYSTEM PREFERENCES/Sharing/ and UNTICK the  "File Sharing" service. Its probably already unticked. This will stop exposing anything that you have shared to others. pee-sea users may need your to enable SMB/CIFS TO READ YOUR STUFF. YOU WONT HAVE THIS ENABLED UNLESS YOU DID IT YOURSELF. Additionally there are windows .apps to read mac file systems too... so stopping all fie sharing will do the trick
    Step 1.1: if you dont want others to see your ~/Public folder either then simply select the Public folder in your finder, open the Finder inspector (+i), open the disclosure triangle for "sharing and permissions" and then set the access by others to "NO ACCESS"
    Step 2: while you are in SYSTEM PREFERENCES/Sharing/ and UNTICK the  "Remote Login" and "Screen Sharing" services. Its very likely already unticked. This will stop exposing remote services such as ssh and vnc anything that you have shared to others.
    Step 3: for extra go to SYSTEM PREFERENCES/Security/Firewall and enable any setting for network here that you want to disable or filter... seek out these apple discussion forums.. tonnes of stuff here on his.
    Others reading this thread will also have good advice and opinions.
    Post your results for others to see.
    Hong Kong

  • NSM3 service won't start anymore

    NSM AD 3.0.4 on W2008R2
    has been running fine for months, now engine service won't start anymore.
    engine.log from todays start:
    01 2012-12-13 11:19:19 7200 1 0001 1452 1480 ML: Failed to initialize 1
    or more components and/or subsystems. Engine is switching to
    stop-pending state.

    It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your
    posting. That concerns us, and has triggered this automated reply.
    Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options:
    - Visit http://support.novell.com and search the knowledgebase and/or check all
    the other self support options and support programs available.
    - You could also try posting your message again. Make sure it is posted in the
    correct newsgroup. (http://forums.novell.com)
    Be sure to read the forum FAQ about what to expect in the way of responses:
    If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies
    and rest assured we will issue a stern reprimand to our posting bot.
    Good luck!
    Your Novell Product Support Forums Team

  • ITunes won't stop launching

    I don't know if this happens every time that Apple has a release but it seems like once they have pushed an update my iTunes goes crazy. It won't stop auto launching at will. It's doing this on all profiles and I do not have this in my auto launch application list. I also already tried to run a permission repair and this did nothing as well. The launchd is the parent service and I thought by force killing it, it might fix the problem. Needless to say that killed my session lol. I checked the permissions on the application and my files and the permissions appeared ok. Any suggestions would be helpful.
    P.S. I have deleted the app before and reinstalling it but that doesn't help.

    I believe I found the answer from another post. The post mentioned a Bluetooth connection problem. I looked at my Bluetooth item list and noticed that my discoverable option was on and I turned it off. I also noticed that my Bluetooth connected printer was also unavailable and think that this was the root cause.

  • Data Transformation Services Execution Utility stopped working and was closed

    I had the SSIS packages (ETL job) working fine for a long time and then we moved the server/machine and ETL job keeps failing.
    The ETL job run number of packages. The ETL job fails for the first run then I set the retires and it works in 2nd or 3rd try on the ETL job but it fails daily for the first run where DTexec.exe crash (log pasted below)
    Server: Windows 2008 R2
    SQL Server:  SQL Server 2008 R2
    RAM 64 GB
    CPU cores 8
    we had the similar specs on previous machine and ETL job worked fine. Only difference is we have 2 SQL server instances now on same machine.
    I am suspecting it's an issue with ETL packages  but why it was working fine before for a long time and after machine move it keeps failing.
    Any thoughts?
    Sig[0].Name=Application Name
    Sig[1].Name=Application Version
    Sig[2].Name=Application Timestamp
    Sig[3].Name=Fault Module Name
    Sig[4].Name=Fault Module Version
    Sig[5].Name=Fault Module Timestamp
    Sig[6].Name=Exception Code
    Sig[7].Name=Exception Offset
    DynamicSig[1].Name=OS Version
    DynamicSig[2].Name=Locale ID
    DynamicSig[22].Name=Additional Information 1
    DynamicSig[23].Name=Additional Information 2
    DynamicSig[24].Name=Additional Information 3
    DynamicSig[25].Name=Additional Information 4
    UI[2]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTExec.exe
    UI[5]=Check online for a solution (recommended)
    UI[6]=Check for a solution later (recommended)
    UI[8]=Data Transformation Services Execution Utility stopped working and was closed
    UI[9]=A problem caused the application to stop working correctly. Windows will notify you if a solution is available.
    LoadedModule[0]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTExec.exe
    LoadedModule[15]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTEParse.dll
    LoadedModule[17]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTEPkg.dll
    LoadedModule[25]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTS.dll
    LoadedModule[27]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\dtsmsg100.dll
    LoadedModule[35]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DtsConn.dll
    LoadedModule[48]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\ExecPackageTask.dll
    LoadedModule[49]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\Resources\1033\dtsmsg100.rll
    LoadedModule[61]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTSComExprEval.dll
    LoadedModule[62]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared\instapi10.dll
    LoadedModule[63]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared\SQLBoot.dll
    LoadedModule[69]=C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Ole DB\oledb32.dll
    LoadedModule[73]=C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Ole DB\OLEDB32R.DLL
    LoadedModule[96]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Shared\instapi.dll
    LoadedModule[106]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\SQLTaskConnections.dll
    LoadedModule[108]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\BatchParser.dll
    LoadedModule[117]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTSPipeline.dll
    LoadedModule[123]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\OleDbSrc.dll
    LoadedModule[124]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\OleDbDest.dll
    LoadedModule[125]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\TxDerived.dll
    LoadedModule[126]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\TxRowCount.dll
    LoadedModule[127]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\CommandDest.dll
    LoadedModule[128]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\TxSplit.dll
    LoadedModule[129]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\TxMergeJoin.dll
    LoadedModule[130]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\TxSort.dll
    LoadedModule[131]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\TxDataConvert.dll
    LoadedModule[139]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\TxLookup.dll
    LoadedModule[140]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\TxUnionAll.dll
    FriendlyEventName=Stopped working
    AppName=Data Transformation Services Execution Utility
    AppPath=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTExec.exe

    Hi Arthur,
    Yes both instances are same.
    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP2) - 10.50.4263.0 (X64)   Aug 23 2012 15:56:56   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation  Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) (Hypervisor)
    I have run the Main package using the using SQL Agent, main package calls the child packages.
    The error message shown on SQL agent job is:
    R6025  - pure virtual function call.  The return value was unknown.  The process exit code was 255.
    or sometimes 
    The step did not generate any output.  The return value was unknown.  The process exit code was -532459699.
    in the even log it says:
    Error Level:
    Event ID 1000
    Faulting application name: DTExec.exe, version: 2009.100.4263.0, time stamp: 0x5036ba73
    Faulting module name: DTSPipeline.dll, version: 2009.100.4263.0, time stamp: 0x5036ba53
    Exception code: 0x40000015
    Fault offset: 0x00000000000a33c5
    Faulting process id: 0x98c
    Faulting application start time: 0x01cf64ba9b72b27c
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTExec.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTSPipeline.dll
    Report Id: e8eb9b4f-d0ad-11e3-babd-005056997b14
    Information Level:
    Windows error reporting  Event ID 1001
    Fault bucket , type 0
    Event Name: APPCRASH
    Response: Not available
    Cab Id: 0
    Problem signature:
    P1: DTExec.exe
    P2: 2009.100.4263.0
    P3: 5036ba73
    P4: DTSPipeline.dll
    P5: 2009.100.4263.0
    P6: 5036ba53
    P7: 40000015
    P8: 00000000000a33c5
    Attached files:
    These files may be available here:
    Analysis symbol:
    Rechecking for solution: 0
    Report Id: e8eb9b4f-d0ad-11e3-babd-005056997b14
    Report Status: 4

  • Microsoft Forefront Server Protection Eventing Service won't start?

    Hi Guys,
    When Forefront Protection for Exchange was integrated/enabled on our SBS 2008 server, Microsoft Forefront Server Protection Eventing Service won’t start. Even when we try to start it manually we are getting this message (see attached). During this attempt,
    we got these events in the event viewer. In this case, in order to have our email working, we have to temporarily disable Forefront. Any suggestion how to fix this? Please advise.
    Event 465
    Source: ESENT
    FSCEventing (9324) Corruption was detected during soft recovery in logfile C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Forefront Protection for Exchange Server\Data\Incidents\inc.log. The failing checksum record is located at position END. Data not matching the log-file
    fill pattern first appeared in sector 450 (0x000001C2). This logfile has been damaged and is unusable.
    Event 301
    Source: ESENT
    FSCEventing (9324) The database engine has begun replaying logfile C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Forefront Protection for Exchange Server\Data\Incidents\inc.log.
    Event 454
    Source: ESENT
    FSCEventing (9324) Database recovery/restore failed with unexpected error - 501.
    Event 1076
    Source: FSCEventing
    The Forefront Protection Eventing Service has stopped.
    Thank you very much!

    Hi Arnel,
    Based on error messages, it indicates a log file (inc.log) has become corrupted. Please restore the log file
    from a backup copy, and then check if this issue can be solved. For more details, please refer to the following article.
    Event Id 465
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,
    Justin Gu

  • Can we stop shared server from client m/c

    Hi all,
    Can we stop Oracle Shared and Dedicated server from Client Machine if i am connecting through SYSDBA.

    > Can we stop Oracle Shared and Dedicated server from Client Machine if i am
    connecting through SYSDBA.
    Yes. No.
    Yes, you can stop shared server. Simply decrease the shared server pool to zero. (see below for details)
    No, you cannot stop a dedicated server as "The Thing" that creates dedicated server connections is the Listener. So you will need to stop that.
    # stop shared server:
    SQL> show parameter shared_servers
    max_shared_servers integer 20
    shared_servers integer 10
    SQL> alter system set shared_servers=0 scope=memory;
    System altered.
    # now attempt a shared server connection
    /home/billy> sqlplus scott/tiger"(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=dev)(PORT=1521))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID=dev) (SERVER=shared)))"
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Sep 5 12:21:06 2007
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    ORA-12519: TNS:no appropriate service handler found
    # start the shared server (in the SYSDBA session)
    SQL> alter system set shared_servers=10 scope=memory;
    System altered.
    # now attempt a shared server connection
    /home/billy> sqlplus scott/tiger@"(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=dev)(PORT=1521))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID=dev) (SERVER=shared)))"
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Sep 5 12:21:17 2007
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning and Data Mining options

  • 11g DB Control service won't start on Win XP Pro

    Hi all,
    In installing my 11g database, the DB Control service won't start so the database config fails prior to doing the EM stuff. The system event viewer says:
    The OracleDBConsoleorcl11p1 service terminated with service-specific error 2 (0x2).
    Querying further, I find the following:
    SERVICE_NAME: OracleDBConsoleorcl11p1
    WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 1066 (0x42a)
    SERVICE_EXIT_CODE : 2 (0x2)
    CHECKPOINT : 0x0
    WAIT_HINT : 0x0
    Researching the error code 1066 simply says it is a vendor-specific error code. Anyone out there ever come across such a thing?
    Jim Greetham

    Were you able to figure out the problem why you were getting 'service specific error occurred:2'?
    I have the same issue.
    DB version:
    OS: Win XP (latest patches and updates applied)
    The database and other pieces are working just fine.
    Thank you,

  • Oracle Home Agent service won't start

    OracleOraHome90Agent service won't start on Win XP Home Edition. Was working fine. Installed Sun Webserver 6.1 and started facing problems. So uninstalled webserver and even then the Oracle Home Agent service starts and stop immediately. the oracle database service and the listener starts without any issues. Any help appreciated.

    XP Home Edition is not certified for Oracle9i Database but according to the information given by you, that service was functioning well. Perhaps the new software that you installed is consuming a lot of resources regarding the virtual memory of the machine and maybe for that the services is not starting.
    I recommend you to increase the virtual memory of your machine and try again.
    Joel Pèrez

  • Fan won't stop on my iMac

    I have a 2011 iMac (21.5") and the fan won't stop running at full blast. I've spoken with Applecare support, and done all the steps... Which were:
    1) SMC reset - performed three times
    2) PRAM reset
    3) Left the computer off overnight
    4) Checked activity monitor - Nothing is open, and the actual activity monitor was the process taking up the most CPU, which was only 2%.
    5) My hard drive is nowhere NEAR full - I still have 400GB/500GB available.
    The computer functions properly, but the fan is just going non-stop. What could the issue be? I will definitely have to bring this in to the genius bar, but this is my father's computer and he isn't available during business hours to take this in. Does anyone know what this could be? Thanks for the help.

    Try running the Extended Apple Hardware Test to see if it has a hardware (thermal sensor or SMC) problem. It won't fix the problem, but it may help you understand and guide the service tech to the problem.

  • Brand new x64 using ethernet won't stop spooling

    Brand new 5740 using ethernet won't stop spooling. I can copy but I can't printing from HP Envy. It looks like the message is not reaching the printer.

    Hi @gleongelpi 
    Let's first run the Print and Scan Doctor. The HP Print and Scan Doctor is a free utility (tool) that helps to quickly resolve common printing, scanning and connectivity issues including but not limited to:
    Connectivity :
     USB: Verifies that the USB connection from your computer to the HP product is working correctly.
    Network: Verifies that the network connection between your computer and your network is working correctly.
    Device Status Test : Checks for device errors such as out of paper, paper jams, carriage stalls, and paper feed issues, and then provides instructions for fixing the error.
    Driver Check : Checks for missing or corrupt driver files.
    Device Manager : Checks for problems in Device Manager that would prevent printing.
    Device Online : Checks if the product has been paused or set to offline, and then sets the status back to online if necessary.
    Print Queue : Checks for and clears pending print jobs in the print queue (a log of print jobs waiting to print).
    Port Match : Checks the port settings for the HP product.
    Device Conflicts : Checks for conflicts with other drivers, such as other printer brands.
    Ink Issues : Checks the cartridges and ink levels for issues that affect print quality.
    Print Settings : Checks and adjusts the print quality settings.
    Test Print : Prints a test page for print quality evaluation, and provides options for cleaning and aligning the printhead if necessary.
    Scan Tests : Checks the scan mechanism, drivers, and registry entries.
    You can also click the Printer menu to find the additional features such as cleaning printheads, aligning printheads, checking ink levels, and viewing advanced printer data for your selected printer.
    Source: Try the HP Print and Scan Doctor for Windows
    Click here to download and run the Print and Scan Doctor> www.hp.com/go/tools
    If the issue perists, hold down the Windows Logo key () on the keyboard and the 'R' to open the run box
    Type services.msc and press Enter
    Locate Print Spooler and double click on it to open the Spooler properties 
    Make sure startup type is set to Automatic, if it is not please click on the drop down and choose Automatic
    Under Service status, please Stop the server, and then wait a moment and click Start
    Please let me know if the issue is resolved and the outcome of the Print and Scan Doctor if you require further assistance. Thanks.
    Please click the Thumbs up icon below to thank me for responding.
    Please click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Sunshyn2005 - I work on behalf of HP

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