QNAP NAS and BT Infinity

I have just moved to BT Infinity and am trying to set up a QNAP NAS and Multimedia server. I am having issues with the DNS configuration.
Can anyone tell me what DNS primary and secondary IP addresses I should set up on the NAS?

Use as primary DNS. No secondary DNS is needed as the home hub provides the DNS.
There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

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  • QNAP NAS and TimeMachine in Yosemite

    Hello all,
    Ever since I upgraded to Yosemite my TimeMachine functionality has died.
    I use a QNAP TS-212 which is set up for TimeMachine functionality using the BackUp Station.
    I am using a MacBook Pro with Retina Early 2013.
    I had a few issues with Mavericks but managed to work around and it was all running well but now its a mess.
    I can't even find my old backups.
    HELP !!

    Greetings hnasser95,
    After reviewing your post, I have located an article that can help with Time Machine issues. The article contains a number of troubleshooting steps and helpful advice which you may find useful:
    OS X Yosemite: Time Machine problems
    Time Machine must create a new backup
    If you see a message that you must create a new backup
    The backup disk is unavailable or can’t be found or “mounted”
    If Time Machine can’t find your backup disk
    If you need a password to unlock your backup disk
    Apple Support article: AirPort Time Capsule: Time Machine backups may not mount; “Backup volume cannot be found” may appear
    An incomplete, interrupted, or failed backup occurred
    If a Time Machine backup is interrupted
    If Time Machine doesn’t back up certain files
    Apple Support article: Time Machine stops backing up to external disk
    Time Machine is slow or seems stuck
    If your Time Machine backup disk runs out of space
    If Time Machine is slow
    If Time Machine remains in the preparing stage
    General troubleshooting
    Make sure your backup disk is plugged in, turned on, and securely connected to your Mac. If your backup disk is on a network, make sure both the disk and your Mac are connected to the network. If the network is experiencing problems, your backup disk may not be available. 
    Download and install all recent updates to OS X. If you have a Time Capsule, update it with the latest software and firmware. For more information, see Keep your Mac up to date and Apple Support article About AirPort base station firmware updates.
    Thank you for contributing to Apple Support Communities.
    Take care,

  • Cannot create Vault on external QNAP NAS

    I just purchased a QNAP NAS and am attempting to create a Vault on it but all I get is the spinning wheel of death. Is there an easy way to solve this issue? And how can I move the Aperture photos off of my computer and onto the Vault?

    guess best bet is to have Aperture Vault on something like a Time Capsule, connected via Firewire
    For what its worth I have my vaults on a HD connected to an Airport Extreme connected both with ethernet and wirelessly (my iMac goes over the ethernet the MB goes wirelessly. Never had any problems with either.
    The only  drawback is that the first vault created on a library on the MB takes a long time to be created but after the vault is created updates go fast enough provided you update regularly enough so that you don't have a huge amount of data to move.

  • My folders on my QNAP NAS turned to be exec files when listed on my mac mini - not being accessible. When I restart the QNAP or my MAC I can see tham as a normal folder until my MacMini goes asleep and after awaking it I have again exe files.

    I have a QNAP NAS which is connected to my Mac Mini.
    When turning on I see my folders as folders, although one folder (might be too big) is not present.
    After my computer turns off in energy saving mode and after starting it again, some of the folders turned to "exec" (black tile with green letters). They are not accessible anymore.
    On my Windows machine and via the QNAP filesystem they are stil accessible.
    The folders I talk about are full of Camera RAW files and XML-files (belonging to the camera raw files) as well as jpg and tiff files.
    Who can help me....

    Thanks for the obvious question. I mean it. The very same thought came to me this morning and, sure enough, I had booted into another drive--my old one that, of course, had the old desktop, etc.
    It didn't dawn on me that this was the case since I hadn't set it as a boot drive but I guess in the course of all the restarts I did, it got switched.
    I'm back to normal again.

  • How to set up DHCP and NAT for QNAP NAS MyCloud service?

    I have an Apple AirPort Extreme Base Station (AEBS) attached to my DSL model (no router in the modem).  My QNAP NAS is attached via ethernet to the QNAP NAS.  My iMac (running AirPort Utility 6.x) is connected to the AEBS via wifi.
    I've found several folks who've tried this (and apparently succeeded) but I'm a networking novice and am having trouble making this work.  What I did was to go into the AirPort utility and in the networking section configure "DHCP and NAT" and then called out the static IP and MAC address of the QNAP NAS (as well as the ports I'd like to remain open).  However, when I did this and applied the changes, my iMac (connected to the AEBS via wifi) could no longer see the AEBS, which then required me to reset the AEBS, re-configure it back to the previous known good conifiguration and start over.  After about 5 cycles of this I gave up.
    So, what am I doing wrong here?  Do I need to go in and configure every device that is going to access the AEBS as static and call out each device's IP and MAC address? (hopefully not, that'd be a major PITA).
    Help.  Anyone?

    When I run diagnostics with the QNAP, here is the reply I get (IPs redacted):
    ------ NAT PMP Diagnostics ------
    initnatpmp() returned 0 (SUCCESS)
    using gateway : xx.x.x.x
    sendpublicaddressrequest returned 2 (SUCCESS)
    readnatpmpresponseorretry returned 0 (OK)
    Public IP address : 192.168.xxx.xxx
    epoch = 2621
    closenatpmp() returned 0 (SUCCESS)
    ------ UPnP Diagnostics ------
    upnpc : miniupnpc library test client. (c) 2006-2011 Thomas Bernard
    Go to http://miniupnp.free.fr/ or http://miniupnp.tuxfamily.org/
    for more information.
    List of UPNP devices found on the network :
    desc: http://xx.x.x.x:60606/8CC1212D0C6D/Server0/ddd
    st: upnp:rootdevice
    desc: http://xx.x.x.x:9000/TMSDeviceDescription.xml
    st: upnp:rootdevice
    desc: http://xx.x.x.xx:55000/nrc/ddd.xml
    st: upnp:rootdevice
    desc: http://xx.x.x.xx:55000/dmr/ddd.xml
    st: upnp:rootdevice
    desc: http://xx.x.x.xx:49152/4/description.xml
    st: upnp:rootdevice
    desc: http://xx.x.x.xx:49152/2/description.xml
    st: upnp:rootdevice
    desc: http://xx.x.x.xx:49152/0/description.xml
    st: upnp:rootdevice
    desc: http://xx.x.x.xxx:8200/rootDesc.xml
    st: upnp:rootdevice
    desc: http://xx.x.x.xxx:49152/gatedesc.xml
    st: upnp:rootdevice
    desc: http://xx.x.x.xxx:49153/gatedesc.xml
    st: upnp:rootdevice
    desc: http://xx.x.x.xxx:49155/gatedesc.xml
    st: upnp:rootdevice
    desc: http://xx.x.x.xxx:9000/TMSDeviceDescription.xml
    st: upnp:rootdevice
    UPnP device found. Is it an IGD ? : http://xx.x.x.x:60606/
    Trying to continue anyway
    Local LAN ip address : xx.x.x.xxx
    GetConnectionTypeInfo failed.
    Status : , uptime=3217870016s, LastConnectionError :
      Time started : Wed Mar 13 17:04:03 1912
    MaxBitRateDown : 7 bps   MaxBitRateUp 0 bps
    GetExternalIPAddress() returned -3
    GetExternalIPAddress failed.
    GetGenericPortMappingEntry() returned -3 ((null))

  • Cannot backup to BT Cloud from QNAP NAS / PC Netwo...

    All of the computers in my house perform regular backups via my LAN to a QNAP Network Attached Storage device.  Each PC has access to a shared network drive on the NAS and performs daily incremental backups - this works well.  I now have Infinity and 50Gb of BT Cloud storage. 
    I'd like to perform a backup from my NAS to the BT Cloud - sounds simple but as I see it there are two options; unfortunately neither work for me -
    1) Set-up the NAS to connect directly to the BT Cloud - unfortunately the NAS only seems to support direct Cloud backups using Symform, Elephantdrive, and Amazon.  Has anyone got this to work with BT please?
    2) Use the BT provided Cloud application on a PC to copy the contents of the network drive to the Cloud.  Unfortunately when you click on the "Add files or folders" button - it does NOT let you select a directory to backup; only files!!!  Even when selecting files it forces you to do it individually! 
    Any thoughts/help/new options would be really appreciated!
    Many thanks in advance.  Cheers

    Hi AlexTheLion - Thanks for the speedy suggestion
    I've just tried adding the shortcut as you suggested - but the lovely BT Cloud app just opens it and forces me to select down to the file level again - grrr.

  • Windows 7 Freezes When Copying to QNAP NAS-TS210

    I have been using a QNAP-NAS TS210 with Windows 7. It worked perfectly until HDD2 failed and had to be replaced. There were some minor issues after I replaced the drive and QNAP tech support suggested that I update the firmware.
    Since then Windows freezes when I try to copy files to the NAS. QNAP support has no idea how to fix. I even reformatted the system drive and reinstalled Windows and 2 days later it started happening again.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Hi Mark_OD,
    Does this issue occur on all files or only the large files ? Can you get into the Task Manager by using “Ctrl + Alt+ Del” to check the freezing process when the Windows 7 is freezing ?Are there any warnings or errors related to this in the
    Event Viewer?
    Please take the following steps to have a check .
    1. According to my research ,this may be caused by the Tcp/IP configuration. Please run the following command in the command line in Windows 7 to have a check:
    netsh interface tcp set global rss=disabled
    netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled
    netsh int ip set global taskoffload=disabled
    2. “I even reformatted the system drive and reinstalled Windows and 2 days later it started happening again.”
    It seems that it will work correctly for two days after reformatting the system drive and reinstalling Windows, right ? If there is a antivirus software in it ,I recommend you to turn off it temporarily to have a try.
    Best regards

  • Port Forwarding from TimeCapsule to QNAP NAS

    Hi there,
    I just read the posing under
    but it does not solve my problem.  I have opened all the ports on my time capsule that are required fro my QNAP NAS, but everytime I enter the WAN IP of my internet router (ATT DSL modem) I only get to the modem admin page.  I have entered the IP address of my NAS as the PRIVATE IP ADDRESS in the time capsule settings and also have followed all other steps.  not sure what I am doing wrong.  would be great if someone could point e in the right direction.

    Hi Arvind,
    We can do redirection oURL from HTTP to HTTPS by adding some parameter in instance profile.
    But, in earlier reply you said you are going to block port 80, in such case you can't do redirection from HTTP to HTTPS from port 80 to 443
    for e.g
    user is giving URL :- http://www.test.com and you want to redirect it to https as :- https://www.test.com
    Above example can only work when port 80 is open.
    if you are using http port as 8080 in this case redirection can work as below
    user is giving URL as :- http://www.test.com:8080 , it will get redirect to http://www.test.com
    so redirection of HTTP without port in URL will redirect to https in scenario where port 80 is open.
    any query pls reply.

  • Time Machine problem with Qnap NAS

    I use Time Machine on my QNAP NAS TS 119. I backup from an iMac (connected to the network by ethernet) and a laptop (MacBook Pro) connected wirelessly. It was working fine until I upgraded the OS to Mountain Lion on both computers. Time Machine on the iMac works fine but it stopped working on the laptop. Qnap has a setting for Time Machine. It creates a mount TMBackup to which you can connect with user name TimeMachine and a password zou can set (this is done under the settings of the Qnap, accessing it with safari). In the Time Machine preferences, when I select the disk "TMBackup on Qnap(TimeMachine)"  it asks me the name and password for the server Qnap-2.local. I don't understand why it asks for Qnap-2. My TS 119 NAS is named simply Qnap. I choose "registered user" and give the username TimeMachine (default, as setup) and the password I have setup. It accepts them, but when Time Machine attempts to start backing up, it gives me the error message ' "Time Machine couldn't complete the backup to "Qnap-2". The backup disk is not available '. I don't understand where this Qnap-2 comes from. On the iMac I have no problem, it makes backups on Qnap. Please help!

    Thank you very much!
    That solved my problem.
    I have seen a lot of posts with the MD0_DATA folder, and I had no such folder.
    As my QNAP is 4 disk NAS, I tried your command "rm -r /share/HDA_DATA/.timemachine" in the four first folders in the /share folder: HDA_DATA, HDB_DATA, HDC_DATA and HDD_DATA.
    In the third one, it was OK.
    And after that, Time Machine could mount again the TMBacup volume and acces it.
    Now I'm doing again the Backup!!

  • Losing connection with QNAP NAS

    I bought a wrt320n about 2 weeks ago and haven't been able to get my QNAP nas working properly.
    There are 2 device connected on the lan ports.
    My home pc and a QNAP NAS. The NAS takes up 2 lan ports cause it has port trunking enabled.
    Whenever I reset my wrt320n router I able to connect to my NAS and use all the functions.
    After 5min the connection to the qnap amdin doesn't work anymore and I'm unable to find it using the QNAP finder tool.
    Shared folders on the QNAP are still working...for 30 more min or so. 
    After 30min the qnap device is totally unreachable. It does have a IP adres etc.
    Even the network magic tool says iot's connected, but I can't reach it.
    I have had a chat session with Linkys support and they say it won't work having my NAS connected to the router?????
    So I called support and tell them about the chat session. Phone support said it had something to do with an indexer service?? I'm running windows 7 and everything has been indexed before I started using the linksys router. But phone support told me to keep my computer and the nas powered on for a couple days and the connection would be fixed. Gues what? No connection still.
    Anyone have an idea how I can have that connection to my nas working?
    I have setup  Single Port Forwarding etc, but nothing seems to help. Except resetting my router everytime I want to do something :-)

    Afraid, the Cisco NSS3xx Series Online Help and Cisco Small Business NSS322, NSS324, and NSS326 Smart Storage Administration Guide is incomplete. Some of the NAS Port trunking modes require additional Switc support and configuration.
    Doubt there are many routers out there coming with a fully cocnfigureabe Ethernet switch.
    Refer to the table below about the port trunking options available on the NAS.
    Switch Required
    Balance-rr (Round-Robin)
    Round-Robin mode is good for general purpose load balancing between two Ethernet interfaces. This mode transmits packets in sequential order from the first available slave through the last. Balance-rr provides load balancing and fault tolerance.
    Supports static trunking. Make sure static trunking is enabled on the switch.
    Active Backup
    Active Backup uses only one Ethernet interface. It switches to the second Ethernet interface if the first Ethernet interface does not work properly. Only one interface in the bond is active. The bond's MAC address is only visible externally on one port (network adapter) to avoid confusing the switch. Active Backup mode provides fault tolerance.
    General switches
    Balance XOR
    Balance XOR balances traffic by splitting up outgoing packets between the Ethernet interfaces, using the same one for each specific destination when possible. It transmits based on the selected transmit hash policy. The default policy is a simple slave count operating on Layer 2 where the source MAC address is coupled with destination MAC address. Alternate transmit policies maybe selected via the xmit_hash_policy option. Balance XOR mode provides load balancing and fault tolerance.
    Supports static trunking. Make sure static trunking is enabled on the switch.
    Broadcast sends traffic on both network interfaces. This mode provides fault tolerance.
    Supports static trunking. Make sure static trunking is enabled on the switch.
    IEEE 802.3ad (Dynamic Link Aggregation)
    Dynamic Link Aggregation uses a complex algorithm to aggregate adapters by speed and duplex settings. It utilizes all slaves in the active aggregator according to the 802.3ad specification. Dynamic Link Aggregation mode provides load balancing and fault tolerance but requires a switch that supports IEEE 802.3ad with LACP mode properly configured.
    Supports 802.3ad LACP
    Balance-tlb (Adaptive Transmit Load Balancing)
    Balance-tlb uses channel bonding that does not require any special switch. The outgoing traffic is distributed according to the current load on each Ethernet interface (computed relative to the speed). Incoming traffic is received by the current Ethernet interface. If the receiving Ethernet interface fails, the other slave takes over the MAC address of the failed receiving slave. Balance-tlb mode provides load balancing and fault tolerance.
    General switches
    Balance-alb (Adaptive Load Balancing)
    Balance-alb is similar to balance-tlb but also attempts to redistribute incoming (receive load balancing) for IPV4 traffic. This setup does not require any special switch support or configuration. The receive load balancing is achieved by ARP negotiation sent by the local system on their way out and overwrites the source hardware address with the unique hardware address of one of the Ethernet interfaces in the bond such that different peers use different hardware address for the server. This mode provides load balancing and fault tolerance.
    General switches
    Source: Cisco NSS 3xx Series OEM User Manual

  • Itunes on NAS and accessed on 2 laptops

    Hi All
    This is my first post...so please excuse any mistakes
    I have a NAS ... (Dlink DNS 320 Sharecenter)
    I have copied some of my CD's to this NAS, and renamed all the files and all is well
    There is 2 people (myself and my wife) who have 2 different Ipods.
    Both of us are using Windows 7 laptops...
    Each of us has our own Apple account, and as such, have the different Itunes and music tastes/playlists
    Please help me...as I want to know....
    The best way to configure Itunes on both laptops (hers and mine) that will allow us to have access to the NAS music, and also be able to add our own purchases to our own laptops only. (I really don't want alot of her music...and she not mine)
    I do want the NAS folder to be self updating into Itunes (on both laptops)... as I am still copying the last 20 odd CD's into the NAS and then want the ability to automatically have the added NAS music/folders update in Itunes
    I know that this music will not be available on the laptops when travelling...but this is not an issue, as we both have our own ipods.
    This would simply be to manage playlists...add new music....delete old songs from the ipods...etc etc
    Anyone help please?

    Surely someone knows how to do this?

  • How to prevent iTunes for Windows from "Updating iTunes Library"? (Library is on a NAS and managed by iTunes for Mac. Now getting update wars between Mac and Windows versions of the player.

    How to prevent iTunes for Windows from "Updating iTunes Library"?
    My library is on a NAS and managed by iTunes on a Mac. I can connect from wife's Windows laptop using iTunes for Windows but every time I do, it Updates iTunes Library. Next time I log in from my Mac it Updates iTunes Library in return. It appears I'm experiencing "Update Wars" between the Mac and Windows versions of iTunes. I would like to allow my wife to stream iTunes songs to her new laptop but I don't want any updates from this source... prefer to manage the library from my Mac and not allow Windows to do any thing other than listen to existing playlists.
    Thanks for any help/suggestions.

    Connect the PC to the library on the NAS. Wait while "updated".
    Under Edit > Preferences > Advanced make sure the media folder is correctly pointed at the media folder on the NAS. If not correct, close iTunes, wait a few moments, then open iTunes again.
    Close iTunes on the PC. Do not open iTunes on the Mac.
    Copy the library files, iTunes Library.itl, iTunes Library Extras.itdb, iTunes Library Genius.itdb, sentinel and the folder Album Artwork into an empty iTunes folder on the PC, for example C:\iTunes.
    Click the icon to start iTunes and immediately press and hold down SHIFT. Keep holding until prompted to choose or create a library. Click choose and browse to the copied .itl file, e.g. C:\iTunes\iTunes Library.itl
    The library should now work properly on the PC, however check the setting for the media folder. If needs be correct, close iTunes and reopen.
    Open iTunes on the Mac. It will update again, but that should be last time.

  • I have a back up of the folder 'iTunes Media' on a Nas (LaCie CloudBox). I do a weekly update. Everything is cool.Now I would  love to keep the folder on the Nas and delete the one on my internal HD. What kind of trouble i may run into?

    I have a back up of the folder 'iTunes Media' on a Nas (LaCie CloudBox).
    I do a weekly update.
    Everything is cool.
    Now I would  love to keep the iTunes Mediafolder on the Nas and delete the one on my internal HD.
    What kind of trouble I may run into?
    Where are the hidden catches?
    What can go wrong, and how can i undo any mistake?
    I also have an iTunes Match acccount.

    Read this user tip Make and keep a backup of your iTunes library, and only stream from the cloud.
    Problems? No hidden catches. Whilst streaming using match, you will need a wifi connection. You main worry is that if your NAS drives fails, you need to redownload your music from match but this could take time depending on how large your collection is. Personally I keep an additional backup of all my music as a matter of course.

  • HT1766 How can I backup the iPad to the non-C drive of the computer that runs the itune?   I have already setup the library at a NAS and seems only media file are stored int he library.  iPad backup still need to take use my C: drive that is running out o

    How can I backup the iPad to the non-C drive of the computer that runs the itune?   I have already setup the library at a NAS and seems only media file are stored int he library.  iPad backup still need to take use my C: drive that is running out of space

    Windows - Change iPad default backup location
    http://apple-ipad-tablet-help.blogspot.com/2010/07/change-ipad-default-backup-lo cation.html
    Windows - Changing IPhone and iPad backup location
    http://goodstuff2share.wordpress.com/2011/05/22/changing-iphone-and-ipad-backup- location/
     Cheers, Tom

  • Mac Mini, Sonology NAS, And Apple AirPort wireless router, Will this work?

    OK, so my plan is to create a home movie server for the living room and the kitchen as illustrated in the diagram. I Plan on using a mac mini (current generation) as the liaison between the NAS and the receiver. I will install XMBC on the mac mini’s as a movie organizing software. I will use the iPad app to control and select movies from the system. This setup will repeat in the kitchen with the exception that I will connect the mac mini directly to the television in which the audio out will go to a jack which connects to the in ceiling speakers. Will this work? Are there any other suggestions that anyone has to make it more streamline? I also assume that there can be simultaneous movies being watched in both rooms via the NAS. Thanks for all of your comments and help

    in theory, yes, but you work network admin may have locked the network preventing this from working

Maybe you are looking for

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