QT self contained or QT conversion H264

Hi everybody,
I wish to import into "project A" several subclips that I have edited in "project B".
The editing in project B is quite tricky and the "copy paste" action from B to A led to some sync problems, because it was hard to put back pieces together"
In order to ease the transfert, I thought that I could export the set of subclips from project B as a whole (self contained movie for example) and then insert the resulting file in project A.
What is the best way to proceed to avoid loss of quality?
Should I use in the menu "export as quick time movie (self contained)"
or " using the QTconversion with H264 compression" ?
Thanks in advance for advise

I wish to import into "project A" several subclips that I have edited in "project B".
I do this often.
In order to ease the transfert, I thought that I could export the set of subclips from project B as a whole (self contained movie for example) and then insert the resulting file in project A. < </div>
Copy and paste is my route, dunno why it won't work for you. Should work fine.
What is the best way to proceed to avoid loss of quality?
Should I use in the menu "export as quick time movie (self contained)"
or " using the QTconversion with H264 compression" ?<
H264 is never appropriate for production. Why not use a reference movie? If you're using DV, your copy will not be recompressed, it will be a digital close. Umm, that's the theory, as long as therea re no effects or transitions. Those do indeed add compression as a result of the processing/rendering.

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    Did you render all and mix down the audio before you attempted to export the movie?
    Sequence > Render All > Both
    Sequence > Render Only > Mixdown
    Do both of them, in order, then save your project, then try exporting again.
    What version of QT do you have on your system?

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    I am not talking about mpeg 1 or 2. I take a 100 MB dv, mpeg4 or h.262 clip, set an in and out point, hit trim to selection and hit apple S. it QUICKLY saves the file without rewriting the data fork and keeps it at 100 MB on my disc, even though the data size is now 50 MB in QT. so, the data is not lost, it is still there on my HD, just with new tags to tell quicktime what part to use and what part to ignore . I would prefer to just keep the one 100 MB file that i could retrieve the original if i want instead of keeping that 100 MB file and choosing save as and getting a new 50 MB file, now having to store 150 MB to have the original and edited one.

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    Format: 24-bit Integer (Little Endian), Stereo (L R), 48.000 kHz
    DVCPRO HD 1080i60, 1280 x 1080 (1888 x 1062), Millions
    FPS: 23.98
    Normal Size: 1888 x 1062 pixels
    Current Size: 1888 x 1062 pixels (Actual)
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    Aspect Ratio: HD (1280x1080) (16:9)
    Pixel Aspect Ratio: HD (1280x1080)
    Compressor: DVCPRO HD 1080i60
    Audio: 48khz, 24-bit, Channel Grouped
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    Format: DVCPRO HD 1080i60, 1280 x 1080 (1888 x 1062), Millions
    24-bit Integer (Little Endian), Stereo, 48.000 kHz
    FPS: 23.98
    Normal Size: 1920 x 1080 pixels
    Current Size: 1920 x 1080 pixels (Actual)
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    I have read this post over and over and there are some strange things going on with analyzing media now. I am absolutely sure that my HD footage (from a Z1U) used to be read by QT at 1440x1080 (1920x1080). Actual pixels were 1440x1080, a 4x3 aspect ratio, but displayed at 1920x1080. Used to be, like I said. I recently upgraded to OS 10.6.4, and QT 10 is quite a bit different. (In fact, other that the new skin, I haven't found any new features I like. Beside the point.) Now I get a QT readout like yours: 1440x1080 (1888x1062). A 4x3 capture aspect ratio and a 16x9 display aspect ratio, but not the same numbers. This can't be right--by law one of them has to be incorrect. I suspect the new version of QT. The same clip in FCP is read as as 1440x1080 with the HDV pixel aspect ratio (Edit --> Item Properties --> Format.) Furthermore, the readout from MediInfo Mac (endorsed by Apple) is even stranger: 1416x1062, a 4x3 aspect ratio, betraying yet another suspect data output. May be MediaInfo is correct, maybe not. I suspect no--my gut says FCP is correct, since it was once matched by QT. So, three analyzations and three results. The only conclusion is one or more of the analyzers is incorrect.
    I suspect that the data readout in QT 10 is questionable. According to the Z1U manual, the camera records at 1440x1080, QT and FCP have this correct, but MediaInfo Mac does not. But the display raster information, as read by QT 10, has changed from 1920x1080 to 1888x1062.
    So, I did a test. I followed the same procedure you did, including letting FCP set the Sequence Settings (it was correct). The QT 10 data readout from the exported movie was, like yours, 1440 x 1080 (1888 x 1062). Same results when I forced the Sequence Settings to HDV 1060i first. [FCP 6.0.6, QT 10.0 (114) ]. This was consistent with the QT 10 readout for the original, raw media.
    My conclusion? Your movie is fine, there was no Pixel Aspect Ratio manipulation. The data readout in QT 10 is wrong. Sounds like a bug to me. I'd say MediaInfo Mac also has a problem--maybe they are both "drinking from the same poisoned well" somewhere deep inside the code.
    Last resort: if you have access to an older version of QT, try getting the readout from that. I'm going to. If you'd like to know the results, let me know.
    One thing you must do: check the Pixel Aspect Ratio in your edited sequence:
    [Sequence --> Settings --> General --> Pixel Aspect Ratio]
    Make sure yours is set to HD (1280x1080). Actually, check your camera manual to determine what it should be and make sure FCP is matching it. If not, force it.

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    My source files is DV, and only minor editing and effects were used. However the entire movie was cropped & resized. Is that why?

    Ah I think I figured it out.
    I did another test project with the same source DV file, but didn't do ANY editing to it.
    It took 2 minutes to export a 70mb reference mov file from a 7 minute DV sequence.
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    Oh well, lesson learned.. This movie is going to take a very long time to export, and result in a very large file. But I can't use it without cropping & resizing it!
    Message was edited by: Yongwon Lee

  • Quicktime self-contained movie stalls

    How do I get my self-contained movie to load for a few seconds before it automatically starts? I am getting minor stalls in the beginning of the movie while it is starting to load. After it loads for 10 seconds or so, then it's smooth sailing.
    Here's the link: http://www.smolinskistudios.com/Design06sc.mov
    specs h264 640x480 self-contained
    Thanks in advance,

    How do I get my self-contained movie to load for a few seconds before it automatically starts? I am getting minor stalls in the beginning of the movie while it is starting to load. After it loads for 10 seconds or so, then it's smooth sailing.While some of the "power users" may know of a way to script an "auto start" for your clip, I do not. Spent several hours a day over the last few days performing "segmentation analysis" of clip characteristics. Based on these results and what little you have said regarding settings used, it might be best to simply attemt to avoid the problem rather than "fix" it. (All of my attempts to reconvert the file either created a green bar artifact, reduced quality to an unacceptable level, or delayed auto start until all tracks were pre-loaded even when only one added "ramp adjustment" track was so set.) Of course, you can always allow the user to manually start playback here.
    RECAP: The primary problem here seems to be one of the speed with which the data rate "ramps up/down" during playback. QT compares data rate to file length in order to automatically calculate the start play delay needed to buffer enough data to theoretically prevent an "overrun" during playback. In this case, you committed two cardinal sins -- failure to limit data rate to Internet compatible connection speeds and not limiting quantimization excursion to this range. Failure to do this allows the instantaneous video data rate to monotonically ramp from near zero Mbps to nearly 4 Mbps causing QT to overrun, recalculate, rebuffer, and restart numerous times during the initial 7-8 seconds of play. This is likely due to use of the H.264 codec in the "muti-pass" mode coupled with setting the "Quality slider" for maximum data rate excursion with a possible "auto" frame rate setting. Unfortunately, your content is deceptively complex in motion (allowed to ramp up to high) and transition (can't ramp up fast enough) sequences when compared to the rest of the content (allowed to ramp down too low). Like CD/VCD/DVD playback, "progressing streaming" plays best when you use a "constant throughput" rather than "constant quality" encoding strategy. I.e., you might try using the single-pass mode, using 50-75% quality setting, and adjusting the key frame frequency (or better yet manually inserting extra key frame markers to transitions if using an editor that allows this).
    An interesting exercise. Sorry I couldn't come up with any better suggestions.

  • Fcp 7 not exporting self contained

    Hi, help me out. Fcp 7 is exporting reference movie which doesnt play on other systems. I need to create a self contained movie for distribution. But neither quicktime conversion  nor checking 'make self contained' is helping out. I'm doubtful whether there r some special system settings to be checked or some export setting need to altered. Or a program error?

    Please post your question on the Final Cut Studio forum.

  • FCP project not rendering well as self contained QT file

    G-4 (late model) 800Mhz,1GB SDRAM, 34 gig of space left, OS 10.3, FCP 4.0.1 LiveType 1.0.1 and Quicktime 6.4
    Trying to render my little 15 second project as a self contained QT File so I can send it to a place, over HS internet, to be used as a full quality production over their in-house system. Looks like you must use compressor to do this but set at uncompressed. The anamorphic final piece looks sqwished. Did I miss a setting someplace? Also, it looks pixalated.Using the Quicktime movie standard setting is not responding to the self contained setting. It is not self contained. Any suggestions?
    Thanks, Sid Coleman

    #3 output lossless DV
    Shane's Stock Answer #3:
    To export your DV project so there is no loss in quality, simply go to the File Menu and select EXPORT>QUICKTIME MOVIE. Not Quicktime Conversion, fot this will compress the footage. Make sure the settings match your timeline settings, make it self contained and you are set.
    If it is anamorphic, then you need to adjust the dimensions by multiplying by 1.33. So 720 will be 960. 960x480.

  • QT self-contained best quality:  rendering / sequence settings

    I want to have the best image quality possible.
    I need to export my editing as a self-contained QT.
    I filmed in DVCAM NTSC. I captured with the easy setup DV NTSC in FCP 5.
    My questions:
    1 . In the general sequence setting, for the QT video compressor, should I use:
    - DV/DVCPRO NTSC (default setting)
    or :
    - None or something else?
    2. I have some very over-exposed footage that I color corrected with the 3 way filter :
    Should I render with YUV 8 bits or with Hight-Precision YUV ?

    1 . In the general sequence setting, for the QT video compressor, should I use: * DV/DVCPRO NTSC (default setting)
    2. I have some very over-exposed footage that I color corrected with the 3 way filter : Should I render with YUV 8 bits or with Hight-Precision YUV ?
    8-Bit YUV. DV is an 8-bit codec.
    #3 Output lossless Quicktime movies
    Shane's Stock Answer #3: How to output lossless Quicktime movies
    To export your project so there is no loss in quality, simply go to the File Menu and select EXPORT>QUICKTIME MOVIE. Not Quicktime Conversion, fot this will compress the footage. Make sure the settings match your timeline settings, make it self contained, do NOT recompress the footage, and you are set.

  • Exporting self-contained from DVCPRO HD is Stuttery

    I have my DVCPRO HD timeline (720p). When I export using "Quicktime Movie", select "Current Settings", and check mark "make movie self-contained", The resulting movie is a bit stuttery compared to my original timeline. Almost as if I was watching a bad conversion of 23.98 to 29.97 timebase. The weird thing is that some shots are smooth, but it could just be my eye :S. Is this stuttering occuring due to the re-compression process of making a self-contained movie?
    How would I be able to export a quicktime movie without the stuttering? Would I have to use "Quicktime conversion"?
    EDIT: "Recompress all frames" was NOT CHECKMARKED!! Maybe I should checkmark it?

    Theoretically, DVCPRO HD 720 should play back off a FW drive.
    But if I had a dollar for every issue with shared bandwidth between firewire drives and camera/decks on a single firewire bus Mac.
    Others may disagree, but I strongly urge that you:
    1. dedicate an internal SATA drive for media
    2. Or use a SATA PCI controller and external 2/4 drive SATA enclosure.
    Don't know what your camera is, but if you're working in PROHD, it's at least a HVX200.
    Throughput is 4 times the overhead as DV.

  • .movs are much brighter than Self contained export after Compression

    Hey there, I have a very interesting problem....
    My .movs after using compressor are much brighter than the original self contained file from FCP.
    My workflow is as follows
    1. I make one export from final cut 6 as a self contained pro res movie file
    2. I open the self contained file in compressor and add a h264 setting for both a .mov and a wmv
    After the encoding process is done my wmv is very close to the original sequence in FCP, however my .mov is much brighter
    I have tried adjusting the brightness and contrast within Compressor settings, but I find I' m losing color. The original footage is HDV and we are capturing it as Pro Res.
    Does this sound familiar to anyone? Or any suggestions?

    After a day of tedious test work I have discovered a few things....
    There is a display setting within QT preferences that says 'Enable FCP' this corrects the situation as WMV and .MOVS use different color settings and therefore a discrepancy in gamma. However this is only a solution within that computer, as it is merely a display option.
    There is a gamma filter within compressor that gives us the best results for a blanket compressor setting that allows us change all .movs that go to our clients.
    This does not give identical results between WMV and MOV but a very close comparison.
    Will they ever be identical? or is it a fundamental difference between codecs and platforms?

  • Can an Automator app be self contained?

    I have a mini app that I made that makes a PDF from a Word document, but it uses MS Office actions from 2008. My manager only has 2004 and is not necessarily looking to upgrade right now. So my question is, can I make it so my PDF maker app is totally self-contained and run on his computer, or is this something that I would have to know about Developer to do?
    Thanks for any help on this matter.

    Actions that come with an application typically use parts of that application to perform it's task. If you can find a stand-alone action that performs your conversion then you won't need the application, otherwise you will need to install the application to use it's actions.

  • Problem with JavaFX 8 Self-contained Application !

    Hello everybody,
    I generate a JavaFX 8 Self-Contained Application for Windows (.msi).
    Eclipse 4.3.1 (Kepler)
    JDK 8 B116 (EA - i don't use the lasts beta versions (B117 and B118) because there is a bug during installation for Windows XP)
    Scene builder 2.0 (EA)
    When i install this application (exec .msi) on my PC (Windows XP SP3 - JDK 7 and 8 installed), no problem.
    So i install this application on 2 others PC (PC without JDK 8 installed).
    The first PC on Windows XP SP3 (JDK 5 and 6 installed) : display problem - the font is very big as if I had made a zoom on the contents of the window !
    The second PC on Windows 7 PRO (JDK 7 installed) - when in launch the application by the system menu, i have two strange problems
    1/ when i move my mouse on the content of the window, this content becomes black !
    2/ it's necessary to resize the window (full screen) and to come back to the original size to obtain a correct display !
    I don't know where is the problem(s) ?
    is it linked to JDK 8 (BETA version) embedded ?
    If you have a idea do not hesitate !
    Thanks you in advance

    I only use external FW HDDs for my video work; my Capture Scratch files are on external drives and I export finished movies to external drives. My project files are on my system drive, this is the best way to work, I have never had any problems I could associate with this configuration
    I am assuming you've gone thru your project, your timeline and everything is kosher. Is everything fully rendered? Have you mixed down your audio? Have you tried exporting just the last 30 seconds of one of the projects to see if you can replicate the problem?

  • I have FCE 4.0.1 and running OS x 10.7.5  when i burn my movie the audio from my movie clips don't come through .  My Sound effects and music can be heard.  I export to Quicktime movie, make it self contained then open IDVD for an intro and burn it.

    I have FCE 4.0.1 and running OS x 10.7.5  when i burn my movie the audio from my movie clips don't come through .  My Sound effects and music can be heard.  First I export to Quicktime movie, make it self contained then open IDVD for an intro and burn it.  everything sounds great in preview but then ( once again)I lose my audio from my movie clips.

    Try Mixing Down the audio before export.
    This info may help;
    Also serch this forum for Mix Down you should find lots of info.

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