Quality of JPEG when being converted by Folder Actions (Image Events)

I take a lot screenshots with Command + Shift + 3/4. They are in PNG and I love them. Yet, I need to send them via email sometimes.
I convert them to JPEG using Preview, but it is time-consuming when especially I have hundreds of them.
I have just learnt that it is possible to do convert in batch using Folder Actions. However, I meet few very serious problems.
1. In Preview, I could choose the quality of JPEG before converting. But, there is no such option in Folder Actions. I even searched online to try to modify the script and it seems that nobody cares about the quality of converted JPEG.
My question: What is the quality of JPEG converted? And, is it possible to modify it?
2. Since I do not know the quality of conversion using Folder Actions, I tried different qualities using Preview and match the outputs with those using Folder Actions. I got no result. As Preview is using Core Image as the processing architecture.
My question: What is the image processing architecture adopted by Image Events?
3. If the quality is unchangeable, can anyone teach me how to write a new script to do the conversion using Preview?
I really hope Mac OS gurus could explain these to me and possibly solve my problems. I am interested to learn the AppleScript part to modify it.
Thank you very much.

It is the original folder action script from Mac OS. Here is the copy.
Could you help me as well where to add the "compression level"? Also, what do "high", "low" and "medium" mean, in % just like Preview, if they use the same image processing architecture?
Again, thank you very much for quick reply.
Image - Duplicate as JPEG
This Folder Action handler is triggered whenever items are added to the attached folder.
The script creates a JPEG version of the file, but leaves a copy of the file
in its original format. If the original file is already in JPEG format, the script does
not duplicate the file.
Copyright © 2002–2007 Apple Inc.
You may incorporate this Apple sample code into your program(s) without
restriction.  This Apple sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
responsibility for its operation is yours.  You are not permitted to
redistribute this Apple sample code as "Apple sample code" after having
made changes.  If you're going to redistribute the code, we require
that you make it clear that the code was descended from Apple sample
code, but that you've made changes.
property done_foldername : "JPEG Images"
property originals_foldername : "Original Images"
property newimage_extension : "jpg"
-- the list of file types which will be processed
-- eg: {"PICT", "JPEG", "TIFF", "GIFf"}
property type_list : {"TIFF", "GIFf", "PNGf", "PICT"}
-- since file types are optional in Mac OS X,
-- check the name extension if there is no file type
-- NOTE: do not use periods (.) with the items in the name extensions list
-- eg: {"txt", "text", "jpg", "jpeg"}, NOT: {".txt", ".text", ".jpg", ".jpeg"}
property extension_list : {"tif", "tiff", "gif", "png", "pict", "pct"}
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
          tell application "Finder"
                    if not (exists folder done_foldername of this_folder) then
  make new folder at this_folder with properties {name:done_foldername}
                    end if
                    set the results_folder to (folder done_foldername of this_folder) as alias
                    if not (exists folder originals_foldername of this_folder) then
  make new folder at this_folder with properties {name:originals_foldername}
                              set current view of container window of this_folder to list view
                    end if
                    set the originals_folder to folder originals_foldername of this_folder
          end tell
                    repeat with i from 1 to number of items in these_items
                              set this_item to item i of these_items
                              set the item_info to the info for this_item
                              if (alias of the item_info is false and the file type of the item_info is in the type_list) or (the name extension of the item_info is in the extension_list) then
                                        tell application "Finder"
                                                  my resolve_conflicts(this_item, originals_folder, "")
                                                  set the new_name to my resolve_conflicts(this_item, results_folder, newimage_extension)
                                                  set the source_file to (move this_item to the originals_folder with replacing) as alias
                                        end tell
  process_item(source_file, new_name, results_folder)
                              end if
                    end repeat
          on error error_message number error_number
                    if the error_number is not -128 then
                              tell application "Finder"
  display dialog error_message buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1 giving up after 120
                              end tell
                    end if
          end try
end adding folder items to
on resolve_conflicts(this_item, target_folder, new_extension)
          tell application "Finder"
                    set the file_name to the name of this_item
                    set file_extension to the name extension of this_item
                    if the file_extension is "" then
                              set the trimmed_name to the file_name
                              set the trimmed_name to text 1 thru -((length of file_extension) + 2) of the file_name
                    end if
                    if the new_extension is "" then
                              set target_name to file_name
                              set target_extension to file_extension
                              set target_extension to new_extension
                              set target_name to (the trimmed_name & "." & target_extension) as string
                    end if
                    if (exists document file target_name of target_folder) then
                              set the name_increment to 1
                                        set the new_name to (the trimmed_name & "." & (name_increment as string) & "." & target_extension) as string
                                        if not (exists document file new_name of the target_folder) then
  -- rename to conflicting file
                                                  set the name of document file target_name of the target_folder to the new_name
                                                  exit repeat
                                                  set the name_increment to the name_increment + 1
                                        end if
                              end repeat
                    end if
          end tell
          return the target_name
end resolve_conflicts
-- this sub-routine processes files
on process_item(source_file, new_name, results_folder)
  -- NOTE that the variable this_item is a file reference in alias format
  -- the target path is the destination folder and the new file name
                    set the target_path to ((results_folder as string) & new_name) as string
                    with timeout of 900 seconds
                              tell application "Image Events"
  launch -- always use with Folder Actions
                                        set this_image to open file (source_file as string)
  save this_image as JPEG in file target_path with icon
  close this_image
                              end tell
                    end timeout
          on error error_message
                    tell application "Finder"
  display dialog error_message buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1 giving up after 120
                    end tell
          end try
end process_item

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    A Collection is just a saved search.  It does not contain any images.
    Wonder why your question went unanswered for so long?
    Note that this is boilerplate text.
    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand,
    such as your platform (Mac or Win),
    exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop (not just "CS6", but something like CS6v.13.0.6) and of Bridge,
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    if having issues opening raw files also the exact camera make and model that generated them,
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    A screen shot of your settings or of the image could be very helpful too,
    someone may be able to help you (not necessarily this poster, who is not a Windows user).
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

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    Well ... i purged my cache and the previews came back.  Thank you for looking.

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    Hi Jhm,
    leaving aside the scaling algorithm, to save an arbitrary image with 100% quality you'd use
    something like the following code snipet below
    // Imports
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.*;
    public boolean saveJPEG ( Image yourImage, String filename )
        boolean saved = false;
        BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage ( yourImage.getWidth(null),
                                               BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB );
        Graphics2D g2 = bi.createGraphics();
        g2.drawImage ( yourImage, null, null );
        FileOutputStream out = null;
            out = new FileOutputStream ( filename );
            JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder ( out );
            JPEGEncodeParam param = encoder.getDefaultJPEGEncodeParam ( bi );
            param.setQuality ( 1.0f, false );   // 100% high quality setting, no compression
            encoder.setJPEGEncodeParam ( param );
            encoder.encode ( bi );
            saved = true;
        catch ( Exception ex )
            System.out.println ("Error saving JPEG : " + ex.getMessage() );
        return ( saved );

  • Folder Actions will not work - tried everything

    Recently Folder Actions simply stopped working on 10.6.4. They worked fine before then recently just stopped working.
    I've tried everything I can think of, including:
    1. completely removing enabling & disabling & enabling folder actions through the setup app.
    2. trashing folder actions plist files in user domain and relaunching
    3. disabling related launchd processes with lingon
    4. trashing launch agents in user domain and also trying to unload them in terminal
    5. trying to kill the folder actions dispatcher process in activity monitor (just relaunches, as it should)
    6. emptying system caches including dyld shared cache using cocktail
    7. doing most of the above and restarting
    It's driving me nuts. Any other ideas?
    here's some entries from syslog:
    8/2/10 9:31:37 AM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[269] (com.apple.FolderActions.folders) Throttling respawn: Will start in 6 seconds
    8/2/10 9:37:29 AM Folder Actions Setup[4403] * WARNING: Method selectedRowEnumerator in class NSTableView is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release and should no longer be used.
    8/2/10 9:43:37 AM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[269] (com.apple.FolderActions.enabled[309]) Exited: Killed
    8/2/10 9:46:23 AM [0x0-0x3a03a].com.apple.systemevents[360] com.apple.FolderActions.enabled: Already loaded
    8/2/10 9:52:07 AM Folder Actions Setup[1083] * WARNING: Method selectedRowEnumerator in class NSTableView is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release and should no longer be used.
    8/2/10 9:52:16 AM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[269] (com.apple.FolderActions.folders) Throttling respawn: Will start in 7 seconds
    8/2/10 9:53:02 AM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[269] (com.apple.FolderActions.folders) Throttling respawn: Will start in 1 seconds
    8/2/10 9:56:18 AM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[269] (com.apple.FolderActions.folders) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
    8/2/10 10:00:58 AM Folder Actions Setup[2190] * WARNING: Method selectedRowEnumerator in class NSTableView is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release and should no longer be used.
    8/2/10 10:01:01 AM com.apple.FolderActions.enabled[2236] launchctl: Error unloading: com.apple.FolderActions.folders
    8/2/10 10:01:30 AM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[269] (com.apple.FolderActions.folders) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
    8/2/10 10:01:42 AM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[269] (com.apple.FolderActions.folders) Throttling respawn: Will start in 9 seconds
    8/2/10 10:05:03 AM sudo[2622] lryter : TTY=ttys000 ; PWD=/Users/lryter ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/launchctl unload -w /Users/lryter/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.FolderActions.enabled.plist
    8/2/10 10:10:25 AM Folder Actions Setup[676] * WARNING: Method selectedRowEnumerator in class NSTableView is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release and should no longer be used.
    8/2/10 10:10:27 AM com.apple.FolderActions.enabled[680] launchctl: Couldn't stat("/Users/lryter/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.FolderActions.folders.plist"): No such file or directory
    8/2/10 10:10:27 AM com.apple.FolderActions.enabled[680] nothing found to unload
    8/2/10 10:10:38 AM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[268] (com.apple.FolderActions.folders) Throttling respawn: Will start in 8 seconds
    8/2/10 10:13:17 AM sudo[943] lryter : TTY=ttys000 ; PWD=/Users/lryter ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/launchctl unload -w /Users/lryter/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.FolderActions.enabled.plist
    8/2/10 10:14:01 AM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[268] (com.apple.FolderActions.folders) Throttling respawn: Will start in 4 seconds
    8/2/10 10:14:14 AM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[268] (com.apple.FolderActions.folders) Throttling respawn: Will start in 1 seconds

    I finally go Folders Action to work, after being unable to use it even for a simple beep for years now.
    Here is what I did:
    1. Changed permissions to 755 for the following folder and two contained files (note that 775 didn't work for me)
    2. Changed the following lines within ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.FolderActions.enabled.plist (using TextWrangler)
    Prior to the permissions changes within #1 above, the value of <true/> kept getting changed back to <false/> by something in the system... and though
    there was improvement by the permissions changes, the following console message appeared until false was changed to true.
    com.apple.FolderActions.enabled[4127] launchctl: Error unloading: com.apple.FolderActions.folders
    At this point true is staying true, and not being changed by unknown forces to false, and the above message is not appearing.
    3. The only other thing I did prior to #1 and #2 above, was to run the script (unsaved),
    tell application "/System/Library/CoreServices/Folder Actions Dispatcher.app" to tick
    This little tell line caused something to occur where my Folder Action surprised me and worked for the first time though it took about 30 seconds and was erratic,
    sometimes performing, sometimes not, though if I would do move something into the folder to trigger the action that should occur, and did not occur, then at the point
    running the above tell line or script would cause the action to occur.
    4. At this point I don't fool with the tell line or script from #3, and it seems that systemevents has gotten involved, as well as launchd, and with my simple Folder Action script
    I'm getting the folder action within 10 seconds compared to 30 to 45 if ever seconds.
    5. This is still too early to tell if this is the wonder pill I've needed since Leopard, and now Snow Leopard (and maybe Tiger as well: I forget when I even tried Folder Actions).
    There was a time when I moved things around, so that the items normally found in the former AppleScript folder, were placed elsewhere in subfolders, so I don't know if that lead to this...
    because I could get Folder Actions to work on Macs in the Applestore, but not my own Mac. Watching the console messages was helpful. I don't think it's a big concern that
    deprecated messages are found sometimes. That's a just a normal part of the constantly rebuilding of things that goes on. It's more like a reminder that we've got an upgraded
    OEM part were going to start using, and the older part won't be available after such and such date, so program accordingly, and in the meantime drive.

  • Folder action to find and replace text and change line feeds

    I want to use a folder action to find and replace text and change Mac carriage returns to DOS line feeds inside text files.
    The text to be replaced is: "/Users/wim/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Music" (without the quotes)
    This text has to be removed (i.e. replaced by an empty string)
    The text occurs many times within each file.
    The files are playlists exported from iTunes in the M3U format (which are text files). They contain Mac carriage returns. These need to be changed to DOS line feeds.
    I have found the following two perl commands to achieve this:
    To find and replace text: perl -pi -w -e 's/THIS/THAT/g;' *.txt
    To change carriage returns to line feeds: perl -i -pe 's/\015/\015\012/g' mac-file
    I know that it's possible to make a folder action with Automator that executes a shell script.
    What I want to do is drop the exported playlists in M3U format in a folder so that the folder action will remove the right text and change the carriage returns.
    My questions are:
    Is it possible to make a folder action that executes command line commands instead of shell scripts?
    What is the correct syntax for the two commands when used in a folder action shell script? Especially, how do I escape the slashes (/) in the string to be removed?
    Thanks for your help

    Ok, I've include an applescript to run a shell command. The applesript command quoted form makes a string that will end up as a single string on the bash command line.  Depending on what you want to do, you may need multiple string on the bash command lines.  I've included some information on folder actions.
    It is easier to diagnose problems with debug information. I suggest adding log statements to your script to see what is going on.  Here is an example.
        Author: rccharles
        For testing, run in the Script Editor.
          1) Click on the Event Log tab to see the output from the log statement
          2) Click on Run
        For running shell commands see:
    on run
        -- Write a message into the event log.
        log "  --- Starting on " & ((current date) as string) & " --- "
        --  debug lines
        set desktopPath to (path to desktop) as string
        log "desktopPath = " & desktopPath
        set unixDesktopPath to POSIX path of desktopPath
        log "unixDesktopPath = " & unixDesktopPath
        set quotedUnixDesktopPath to quoted form of unixDesktopPath
        log "quoted form is " & quotedUnixDesktopPath
            set fromUnix to do shell script "ls -l  " & quotedUnixDesktopPath
            display dialog "ls -l of " & quotedUnixDesktopPath & return & fromUnix
        on error errMsg
            log "ls -l error..." & errMsg
        end try
    end run
    How to set up a folder action.
    1) right click on folder. click on Enable folder actions
    2) Place script in
    /Library/Scripts/Folder Actions Scripts
    3) right click on folder. click on attach folder action
    pick your script.
    Create a new folder on the desktop & try.
    You can put multiple folder actions on a folder. There are other ways of doing this.
    Here is my test script:
    on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving dropped_items
        repeat with dropped_item_ref in dropped_items
           display dialog "dropped files is " & dropped_item_ref & " on folder " & this_folder
        end repeat
    end adding folder items to
    How to  make the text into an AppleScript program.
    Start the AppleScript Editor
    /Applications/AppleScript/Script Editor.app
    In Snow Leopard it's at: /Applications/Utilities/AppleScript Editor
    Copy the script text to the Applescript editor.
    Note: The ¬ is typed as option+return.  ption+return is the Applescript line continuation characters.
    You may need to retype these characters.
    Save the text to a file as an script and do not check any of the boxes below.

  • Need a Folder Action Script to automate running of Applescripts in iTunes

    I posted this in the OSX forum but thought i'd try here too:
    I have a couple of applescripts that I have begun using on some of my podcasts. Specifically they will deselect "Skip When Shuffling" and "Remember Track Position" (Thanks Doug!). I feel like it is getting tedious to have to remember to run these scripts every time the Podcast updates a new episode. I'm looking for a folder action script that will run these applescripts whenever a new item is added to their folder. While I try to puzzle one together (having never written one) does anyone have anything to fit these needs?

    I recently need one to do something else.
    I'll just give you the script I am using, you can hack at will...
    property TargetPlaylist : "Library"
    on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
    repeat with each_item in added_items
    tell application "iTunes"
    add each_item to playlist TargetPlaylist
    end tell
    end repeat
    tell application "Finder"
    move every item of this_folder to the trash
    empty the trash
    end tell
    end adding folder items to
    This script when attached as a folder action will add the items dropped into it to my iTunes library, then delete them.
    You can easily tear this one apart to get what you need done.

  • Customize Folder Action and Email script

    I have been adapting the below script so if I drop a file on the script, the file will be emaild to the default address. But, I can't figure out how to customize the two below easy tasks into this script. Thanks for any help out there!
    1. A file is moved into folder1 triggers the script.
    2. After the file is email'd I would like it to be moved into folder 2. I have found a script in this forum that moves the file, but I don't know where to add it.
    on adding folder items to theFolder after receiving theAddedItems
    tell application "Finder"
    move theAddedItems to folder "G5:Users:camille:Desktop:folder2:"
    end tell
    end adding folder items to
    The Send File Script that I have been adapting (concept and initial coding by Paul Van Cotthem):
    property this_folder : "G5:Users:camille:Desktop:folder1"
    property emailAddress : "[email protected]"
    global sendAction
    on open fileList
    -- If one prefers to test for folders before the files are created, the enable this code.
    repeat with filePath in fileList
    if (filePath as string) ends with ":" then
    display dialog "Please drop only files, not folder." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon 0
    end if
    end repeat
    repeat with filePath in fileList
    set filePath to filePath as string
    if filePath does not end with ":" then -- it's a file
    tell application "Finder" to set fileName to name of item filePath
    tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
    -- This code is faster, but if the user trashed the attached files before sending them, Entourage cannot send the attachtments.
    make new outgoing message at out box folder with properties {recipient:emailAddress, subject:fileName, attachment:filePath}
    -- This code is slower, but attached files are saved into Entourage's message database immediately.
    set theSubject to "File attached: " & fileName
    set newmsg to make new draft window with properties ¬
    {recipient:{address:emailAddress, recipient type:to recipient}, subject:theSubject, content:theSubject, attachment:filePath}
    send newmsg
    end tell -- Entourage
    end if -- file or folder?
    end repeat -- filePath
    end open
    on run
    end run
    on enterAddress()
    display dialog "Send to:" buttons {"Cancel", "Send now"} with icon note ¬
    default button 2 default answer emailAddress giving up after 2
    set dialogResult to result
    set sendAction to button returned of dialogResult
    set emailAddress to text returned of dialogResult
    end enterAddress
    G5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  
    G5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  
    G5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  
    G5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Go ahead and put that chunk of code on a new line at the very bottom of your script. Then between the on adding folder items to theFolder after receiving theAddedItems line and the tell application "Finder" line, insert the word open on a line by itself.
    By putting the term "open" there you are telling the script to run all the code in the "on open" block when triggered by the folder action handler. To make the folder action active you'll need to save the droplet in your ~/Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts folder, and then you'll need to attach it to something by control-clicking the desired folder and/or using the Folder Action Setup Utility to connect script to folder.

  • How do I remove folder action for folder that doesn't exist?

    I set up a folder action to monitor a folder on a PC server. This server no longer exists but the folder action is still trying to monitor it. When I start the Folder Actions Setup it looks for that folder and cannot find it, throws an error and then tries to find the folder again, it does this indefinetly and I cannot open the Folder Action Setup util to delete the folder in question. I have deleted the plist files com.apple.folderactions.plist and com.apple.folderactionsetup.plist and I cannot

    Did you restart the computer?  If not there may still be a process running.  You can look for the process in Activity Monitor as well as kill it using AM.  It's also possible that installing a folder action also installs a launch agent or daemon, so check inside those folders in the /Library/ folder and the /Home/Library/ folder to see if one is there that is associated with your old folder action.
    Unfortunately, the normal way of uninstalling a folder action requires the old folder to which that action was attached.  I'm not sure just what OS X does when it creates and attaches a new folder action, so you may need to hunt around to find out if there are remaining pieces of it that still need to be removed.  A good search tool for this is Easy Find - MacUpdate or CNET Downloads.

  • How do I Convert a  Tiff image to a jpeg without being FORCED to 8-bit Color?

    I am an Artist.  I have High quality TIFF images.  When I convert the tiffs to jpeg it forces me into 8-bit color automatically. (Forget about 32bit - it will not allow me to jpeg that at all)   The only way I can get back to 16bit color is to use the already SMAshed file and bring it up to 16bit.  THIS makes NO sense.  Once the jpeg is smashed, HOw in the world is it supposed to convert up again. ??  Then even though it says you converted the file to 16 -bit , the metadata refers still to the file as 8-bit.
    On top of all of that confusion, One picture, for example, when supposedly converted to 16bit,  gets much BRighter then even the original Tiff image.  It looks good on one hand and over exposed on the other.  I assume that is photoshop throwing in fake resolution, am I right?
    Am I wasting my time with this imaginary 16bit conversion?
    Is there ANY way to take that original Tiff image and convert it to 16bit jpeg without the Default 8bit?  I have been trying all kinds of things.  I even have asked my web guy.  My web guy says that 8-bit is unexceptable for printing, even for web.
    Could this have anything to do with my computer and scanner?
    I have the iMAC OS X 10.8.3 (3.2 GHz) 8 GB memory.
    And I also have an Epson Expression 10000XL graphic arts scanner capable of scanniing at 48bit color.
    This color stuff Really matters!  It MATTERS!  I HAve FINE art files.  I am already losing so much quality with the jpeg conversion. (which I am required to do for SmugMug, in addition to compressing all my files to 50mb or Under)
    Anyone who knows anything that could help me would be much appreciated. 

    First of all jpeg is 8 bit only there is no way to save as a 16 or 32 bit jpg, just does not exist. Secondly people print in 8 bit all the time and most if not all web graphics are in 8 bit as that is the only way to view it as there is no 16 bit or 32 bit monitors to view it. All but a few pro monitors are 8 bit monitors.
    If you care about the color gamut and want the full range of color that 16 and 32 bit provide, then why jpg? Jpg by its own nature throws out color just to compress, thats why it is popular on the web, because of its small file size not its quality. If you need 16 or 32 bit for anything it must be in a format that supports that color depth.
    That being said a jpg image at 8 bit will display 16+ million colors,  256 shades of red, 256 shades of green and 256 shades of blue.
    Now here is where I think your bit information is off. a jpg image is a 24 bit image that will produce 8 bits of red, 8 bits of green and 8 bits of blue.
    The 8, 16 and 32 are per channel not total color information.
    If the overall image was 8 bits, the image would be gayscale.

  • Raw files from second camera being converted to JPEG first.

    I started using two cameras recently.  My raw files from the Rebel T2I upload as raw files which is great.  But my raw files from the Rebel XS are being converted to JPEG when uploaded.  How do I correct this?  I want the raw files to upload.

    Or the camera is shooting RAWJPG and LR is accidentally hiding the RAW instead of the JPGs, like it did with another camera recently.  This can be diagnosed and remedied by enabling the LR setting to treat RAWJPG as separate files.
    Or the camera is set to point-to-point instead of mass-storage mode for the USB (or some driver is installed and doing the same thing) and the OS or a Canon codec is converting the files to JPG on the fly as they are read from the camera.   This probably can be diagnosed and avoided by using a card-reader and examining the files on the card to make sure they are raw and transferring them with Explorer or Finder to the hard-drive and doing an Add import instead of using LR to do the transfer.

  • Video quality when ffmpegx converting avi to psp

    When i convert an avi in ffmpegx, i know that i have to use the psp setting. The problem is that the aspect ratio goes out of whack and the video ends up squeezed and streched instead of the normal ratio that i downloaded it with.
    Does anyone know what settings i can use in ffmpegx that would keep my avi's looking the same way as before they were converted?

    thanks for your reply Tom. the video is from cameras, video cameras, vhs tapes, and mini dvds. everything looks much worse after import into fcpx;  i haven't imported hd files. The specs. are, everything gets blurry and color pales.  i just tried importing four more files (and optimized), all mov, (no avi or mp4), and there is no change in quality. I'm comparing the video in fcpx to the same video before it was imported. i've compared it side by side to the files being played in quicktime, real player, idvd, and el gato eye tv (third party video capture software). everything is crisp and color is vibrant before going into fcpx. 

  • Is there a way to separate raw files from jpegs that are in one folder after downloading from camera when you shoot both together. I tried arrange or sort  by kind but that does not work. It arranges all folders but not the files in the folder., Is there

    Is there a way to separate raw files from jpegs that are in one folder after downloading from camera when you shoot both together. I tried arrange or sort  by kind but that does not work. It arranges all folders but not the files in the folder., Is there a way to separate raw files from jpegs that are in one folder after downloading from camera when you shoot both together. I tried arrange or sort  by kind but that does not work. It arranges all folders but not the files in the folder.

    Bridge will do the job. View > Sort > ByType. Then you can choose a group of one type and put the files in a separate folder.

  • In PSE 13, when I open a folder, jpeg files have a preview image, but PSD, DNG and CR2 files don't. Also, no thumbnail below the file list.

    Working in PSE 13, when I open a folder, jpeg files have a preview image, but psd files just have white sheet of paper as preview.  I have to open the file to be able to see it.  Also, there is no thumbnail of the file below the file list.Surely, there's a setting that needs to be changed. I did not have this problem with Elements 12. This is a real bother because I have to use Lightroom to see all the file types. It seems as if Elements is using the standard Windows file loader that can't show previews of file types it doesn't know including .PSD, DNG and CR2. Is that a bug or did I do something wrong? Thanks for any help.

    I am using Windows 7 64 bits. Working in the editor, I never use the organizer. The screen above is not the same at all that I got in Elements 12, it was completely different and showed me a thumbnail below the listing when I single clicked on one of the files. In Elements 12, I also could see  a thumbnail of all the file types, not only the jpegs. It is as if the loader is the regular Windows used anywhere, not the right one for Elements. I hope someone understands my problem.. Thanks.

  • Why would I want to change JPEG quality of photos when exporting them from iPhoto?

    Why would I want to change JPEG quality of photos when exporting them from iPhoto?  Changing the quality of the print changes the size of the saved file and thus impacts the speed at which it is moved on the internet.  But other than size of the file, what is the advantage of changing the quality?

    I have no idea why you would want to do anything
    Some people want lower quality to reduce file size for different reasons
    It is an option - if you do pot want to do that do not use that option

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