Quartz, Help, and Compressing Files

I had a .pdf file that needed compressing. Help sent me to ColorSych and Quartz. Filter presented Reduce File Size but all the options/parameters for that option are grayed out. IOW Help sent me to a dead end. I did the compression by other means but the graying out appears to be a bug. Ain't?

Open "ColorSync Utility.App" and duplicate the "Reduce File Size" option by clicking on the triangle on the right hand side, then edit the copy. Apple doesn't want us fiddling with their presets!
Back in Preview, do "Save As...." and select your new settings from the Quartz Filter menu.
i haven't a clue why it should be so complicated and convoluted, but it works. Pdfs with a lot of bitmap content shrink dramatically.
You might want to check the quality of the embedded bitmaps for compression artifacts etc.

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    Lately, I like bzip2. This works a little easier on linux, especially if
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    $ gzip TestFile
    $ ll
    total 120944
    -rw-r--r--@ 1 andya  501  61921000 May 31 22:01 TestFile.gz
    $ split -b 10m TestFile.gz
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    SHA256(xaa)= a3d803049aee16cbbfd679668164707eb9053488fb2ec5720f282a711ee8c451
    SHA256(xab)= 0a79e26c77cb47ec09f5cf68cfa45ea8f52f5157cad07c0ac187eaf0ae59ff79
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    SHA256(xae)= 3afbad7b68a1d1c703865422e40cbd68ca512a652f985a0714258b7d936ad0f6
    SHA256(xaf)= 11879853fcfbe6df6fb718e1166d4dcae7e0e6ebd92be6c32c104c0a28f0439a
    keep the hash of the smaller file, in case you get a error on the far end of the transfer.
    That way you only need to resend the small file that's corrupt.
    put the the TestFile back together.
    $ cat xa* > ScratchFile
    $ openssl dgst -sha256 TestFile.gz ScratchFile
    SHA256(TestFile.gz)= cd041d79b4af1a54b524602363a18e67201c4acb03675dfebcae9109d8707367
    SHA256(ScratchFile)= cd041d79b4af1a54b524602363a18e67201c4acb03675dfebcae9109d8707367

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    PDF should work from browser based AIR Help. Try a different file.
    See the AIR topics on my site about the margins. In short, you create a copy of your CSS and just change the body tag margins in Notepad. Use the ordinary CSS when you are working or creating other outputs, use myproject_AIR.css when you generate the help.
    See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

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    Ah my Friend we're in Powershell land for that, and very easy it is.
    The compressing part is easy and does not require Powershell as long as the destination File system is NTFS
    Make a folder called Archive (or whatever name suits you) and in Windows Explorer, go into the Properties of that folder, Choose the "Advanced Button" and select "Compress Contents to Save Disk Space" and hit apply.
    Now you should see that folder change color.  Anything going into there is a compressed file.  The great part is you can view it like normal, it just uses far less disk space.   A Zip file might take even less but this is very easy to work with.
    As far as accessing the log files older than 14 days, presuming the Folder is called C:\Logfiles and the filenames end with the extension .LOG
    ---------- Archive old Logfiles - Powershell Script -------------------
    GET-CHILDITEM C:\LOGFILES\*.LOG | Where { $_.LastWriteTime.AddDays(14) -lt $TODAY } | MOVE-ITEM C:\LOGFILES\Archive
    ---------- Archive old Logfiles - Powershell Script -------------------
    All this does is look at the directory of files with the extension .LOG and check the last time the file was modified.  Anything older than 14 days is Moved to the Archive folder.   If the "Compression" attribute is enabled, there's your archive process :)
    And of course if you don't have Powershell on the machine in question, it's a quick update from Windows to bring it in :)
    Download Windows Management Framework - http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/968929
    The Energized Tech
    Powershell. It's so Easy and it's FREE!
    Dive in and use it now, It'll take no time. :)

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    DV (as normally exported from iMovie to iDVD) runs
    about 13 GB per hour. You say your content is 17
    minutes and 26.GB - what CODEC did you use?
    DVDs are in MPG-2 compressed format. In Best Quality
    mode iDVD will take 120 minutes of DV content and
    compress it to about 4 GB. So 17 minutes of content
    could be about .6 GB.
    F Shippey
    Thanks for your reply. I didn't pick a codec. I just clicked create idvd from imovie and it did it for me. I've made at least 10 other dvds and haven't seen this much loss of quality before. I'm just not sure why...
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    Codecs: H.264, ACC
    Colour Profile: HD (1-1-1)
    Dimensions: 1920 x 1080
    Duration: 12:33
    Audio Channels: 2
    MP4 File is as follows:
    Codecs: H.264, ACC
    Colour Profile: HD (1-1-1)
    Dimensions: 1280 x 720
    Duration: 12:33
    Audio Channels: 6
    I have a MacBook Pro using the Yosemite system upgrade.
    I have updated iDVD and iMovie.
    I even bought the iSkysoft app from the mac store and that was terrible too.
    PLEASE HELP i am getting desperate and about to launch this macbook into the air
    2.66 GHz Intel Core i7
    Version 10.10. 2

    First of all, Hunt--thanks for responding!
    "First, where are you playing the MPEG-2, that you see that jitter?"
    On both a MacBook Pro, an Acer laptop and my Mac Tower. I would love to think that it is a problem with the playback system, and that if I merely send the file off to the duplicator they won't have the same problem. Maybe that is the case...I don't know if I have a choice rather than sending it off to see. But it happens in the same spots, in the same way, on all three of the players so I'm a little reluctant to have faith.
    "Another thing that can cause jitter in an MPEG-2 is the Bit-Rate - higher the Bit-Rate, the better the quality, but the larger the file. For a DVD, one is limited by the total Bit-Rate (both Audio & Video), but with longer prodcutions, some users choose too low a Bit-Rate. If this is the issue, one would need to go back to the original Project and do a new Export/Share."
    Of course, but in the case there is no more 'original project.' It is gone like the wind, stolen along with his computer and backups.
    I think I am stuck using one of two files as my master: a DVD he burned where I only see the stutter/vibration/jitter once, or the mpeg2 file where I see it three times. Hopefully, the duplication house can rip if off of one of them and not see the jitter. I know that in audio, my personal filed, you can do a lot to enhance already existing sound--EQ, compression, tape saturation emulation software, etc. I guess I'm hoping there is some kind of analog to the video world that address jitter after a source has been printed--if indeed the source has been printed to be jittery.

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    Never tamper with programs which come with the system. You could try downloading and applying the 'combo updater':
    However this won't help if Activity Monitor hasn't been updated since the initial release, which may well be the case. In that event you will need to reinstall Snow Leopard from your original install disks and then apply the combo updater again.
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    I searched the forums and found options to pull text or XL files, but nothing about pulling a compressed file. I wished to know if there is any process for the same. After pulling the file, it is to be saved to Application server after extracting. My doubts are as below:
    1. How to pull a *.gz file via FTP (Need batch processing)
    2. Can I extract and rename th file before saving it to applciation server? Or I need a temporary location to place the file before extraction?
    Any inputs are appreciated.

    Hi Sandra.
    Thanks for the confirmation.
    There is a change is the requirement. We need to Poll the FTP server for the file for the duration of one week every month.
    When the file is found, we are to take the *.gz file, extract and put on the application server.
    My question is how do we poll the application FTP server? I searched  the forums and found a few threads that say that an FTP adapter is to be setup for polling the FTP server and then we can schedule it using u201CAvailability Time Planningu201D.
    I wished to know if that is the only way to approach this requirement.
    Any help is appreciated.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Edited by: Shishir Kinkar on Apr 26, 2011 11:07 AM

  • Need Help Compressing File

    I have created a 2 minute video and need to email. However, my email provider limits me to a 10mb file. I am trying to export the file out of final cut studio. I have the ability to export using quicktime or compressor. However, I am unable to find the right settings that will allow me to compress the file down to 10mb or less. Any help and/or suggestions would greatly be appreciated....
    Thanks in advance....

    On the assumption that you are starting with a DV file, 2 minutes worth of video will be a bit more than 430 MB. You want to get this down to under 10MB which requires something on the order of a 43:1 compression.
    The first steps are to reduce the frame size and reduce the frame rate.
    Resizing from 720x480 (DV) to 160x120 (square) will reduce the file by a factor of 8. (432/8=54)
    Changing the frame rate from 29.97 to 15 will reduce the file by a factor of 2 (54/2=27)
    Once you have finished these simple steps, play around with h.264 compression.
    Don't forget to reduce the audio to 22khz/mono to further squeeze things.
    Good luck.

  • I have a few wedding projects(1-2 hours)I am trying to export at full hd quality,than burn in idvd.After rendering for 8hrs I receive error code that states "file is too big". Please help? compressing tips without losing quality?

    I have a few wedding projects(1-2 hours)I am trying to export at full hd quality,than burn in idvd. After rendering for 8hrs I receive error code that states "file is too big". Please help? compressing tips without losing quality? or any other exporting alternatives?

    Hey Z,
    Thank you for the tip on exporting by media browser (large) from imovie. But of course, if it's not one thing it's another. Now that I figured how to export a large file from imovie, I have an idvd issue. I followed the instructions for burning from idvd and changing the encoding to professional quality and the burn speed to x4, but I am receiving an error that states the following,
    Your project exceeds the maximum content duration. To burn your DVD, change the encoder setting in the Project Info window.
    - total project duration: 79:04 minutes
    - total project capacity: 4.327 GB (max. available: 4.172 GB)
    - number of menus in project: 1 menus
    - total menu duration: 0:39 minutes
    - total menu capacity: 37.370 MB
    - total movies duration: 78:25 minutes
    - total movies capacity: 4.291 GB
    I have searched in the idvd forum for similar issues and I am stumped at this point. I have tried deleting the encoding assets and re launching idvd with the changed preferences, and still the same error. I know you mentioned something about free hard drive space available, and I have very little left. 4GB to be exact due to massive hours of non-edited footage. I am not sure if this is why, but I do not recall ever needing free space to burn memory onto a separate dvd. I would be more than happy if I am wrong, and it would be a quick fix. Otherwise, the technical nightmare continues. It's all a learning process and your expertise is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

  • Just got my Mac air and i would like to make a file to store some web addresses for my new business with rodan and fields and I can't do it. Made the file but i cant copy and paste the web addresses in the file to save them. Please help and thank you.

    Just got my Mac air and i would like to make a file to store some web addresses for my new business with rodan and fields and I can't do it. Made the file but i cant copy and paste the web addresses in the file to save them. Please help and thank you.

    Yes - well you have to make the file in a word processing Application.
    You could use TextEdit (it's free) Pages (words only), or Numbers (data base) (they are part of iWorks - and may or may not be free (included) on your machine.  You could use MS Office (it is not free) You could use any Open source word processor that plays well with Office (NeoOffice, StarOffice) they are free.
    That's how you create content and copy/paste URLS. Then you save the file to the desktop. If you are going to make more than one file... you make a folder on the desktop and save, or drag the file(s) into it.
    You attach it to your e-mail client which will compress it and e-mail it. An excellent reference is to use Help, from the menu bar, also from inside any application. From your library or book store the OS X for Dummies has a lot of useful information (you don't read it cover to cover but look up chapters about what you'd like to do)
    You can also make appointments at your local Apple store for individualized help (if a store is nearby)

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