Query for duplicate UDF on detail table

  我開了一個 UDF 在PCH1來存放非正規定單號碼( 此號碼並非 OPCH的Docnum), 在同一筆主檔下此號碼會出現在不同子紀錄內.因此有可能在同一主擋下同一號碼的UDF會出現多次.現在我希望能寫個QUERY去找出不同主檔的相同UDF後列出主檔的Docnum.
For Example, OPCH 12465, 存放 Detail Item 在 PCH1 的 UDF 屬於 BE-1234的子紀錄數筆. 之後 OPCH 12700 又存放 BE-1234
的紀錄.我希望你有個 query 能找出 OPCH12465 以及12700.我試著用 group 但是記錄會顯示出有多筆相同UDF但主檔卻是一筆的紀錄.
  I hope somebody can help.

  Thanks a lot, original I wrote a query like you gave to me, but still has problem. the result will like this,
UDF            DocNum         Count
BE-1001      12365             3
BE-1006      12454             4
BE-1006      12466             3
BE-1009      12512             2
I need UDF display more than 1 time but DocNum is different. like this result, I need query show BE-1006 and different Docnum, I don't need system show others but DocNum has 1 time only.

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    This is driving me nuts and i am on a deadline with this project. HELP!!!!!
    Here is the code for all the computations below. Interestingly enough, only the name computation works for every new detail record. The others work only for the first.
    -- Calulate Social Security PL/SQL Function
    p_is16to62ssrate NUMBER(6,2);
    p_u16o62ssrate NUMBER(6,2);
    p_dob DATE;
    p_base_date DATE := SYSDATE;
    p_age NUMBER(3);
    p_totalss NUMBER(9,2);
    SELECT is16to62ssrate, u16o62ssrate
    INTO p_is16to62ssrate, p_u16o62ssrate
    WHERE ratescheduleid = 1;
    SELECT dob
    INTO p_dob
    WHERE ssno = :P25_SSNO;
    p_age := TRUNC(MONTHS_BETWEEN(p_base_date,p_dob)/12);
    IF (p_age >= 16) OR (p_age <=62) THEN
    p_totalss := (:P25_TOTALWAGES * (p_is16to62ssrate/100));
    ELSIF (p_age < 16) OR (p_age > 62) THEN
    p_totalss := (:P25_TOTALWAGES * (p_u16o62ssrate/100));
    p_totalss := 0.00;
    END IF;
    RETURN p_totalss;
    -- Calculate Levy PL/SQL Function
    -- declare local variables to hold rates from rates table
    p_hsdlarate NUMBER(6,2);
    p_hsdlbrate NUMBER(6,2);
    p_hsdlcrate NUMBER(6,2);
    p_hsdldrate NUMBER(6,2);
    p_hsdlaminearnings NUMBER(8,2);
    p_hsdlamaxearnings NUMBER(8,2);
    p_hsdlbminearnings NUMBER(8,2);
    p_hsdlbmaxearnings NUMBER(8,2);
    p_hsdlcminearnings NUMBER(8,2);
    p_hsdlcmaxearnings NUMBER(8,2);
    p_hsdldminearnings NUMBER(8,2);
    p_hsdldmaxearnings NUMBER(8,2);
    p_totalwages NUMBER(8,2);
    p_totallevy NUMBER(8,2);
    -- Load rate info from table into variables
    SELECT hsdlarate, hsdlbrate, hsdlcrate, hsdldrate, hsdlaminearnings,
    hsdlamaxearnings, hsdlbminearnings, hsdlbmaxearnings,
    hsdlcminearnings, hsdlcmaxearnings, hsdldminearnings,
    INTO p_hsdlarate, p_hsdlbrate, p_hsdlcrate, p_hsdldrate,
    p_hsdlaminearnings, p_hsdlamaxearnings, p_hsdlbminearnings,
    p_hsdlbmaxearnings, p_hsdlcminearnings, p_hsdlcmaxearnings,
    p_hsdldminearnings, p_hsdldmaxearnings
    WHERE ratescheduleid = 1;
    -- Assign total wages to variable
    p_totalwages := :P25_TOTALWAGES;
    -- Determine applicable levy payment and rate
    IF (p_totalwages < p_hsdlamaxearnings) THEN
    p_totallevy := (p_totalwages * (p_hsdlarate/100));
    ELSIF (p_totalwages >= p_hsdlbminearnings) AND (p_totalwages <= p_hsdlbmaxearnings) THEN
    p_totallevy := (p_totalwages * (p_hsdlbrate/100));
    ELSIF (p_totalwages >= p_hsdlcminearnings) AND (p_totalwages <= p_hsdlcmaxearnings) THEN
    p_totallevy := (p_totalwages * (p_hsdlcrate/100));
    ELSIF (p_totalwages >= p_hsdldminearnings) THEN
    p_totallevy := (p_totalwages * (p_hsdldrate/100));
    END IF;
    RETURN p_totallevy;
    -- Calculate Total Wages PL/SQL Function
    t_wages NUMBER(8,2);
    t_wages := (:P25_WEEK1_WAGE + :P25_WEEK2_WAGE + :P25_WEEK3_WAGE + :P25_WEEK4_WAGE + :P25_WEEK5_WAGE + :P25_BONUS + :P25_OTHER);
    RETURN t_wages;
    -- Calculate Employee Name PL/SQL Function
    p_firstname VARCHAR2(20);
    p_lastname VARCHAR2(20);
    p_name VARCHAR2(40);
    p_join VARCHAR2(2) := ', ';
    SELECT firstname, lastname
    INTO p_firstname, p_lastname
    WHERE ssno = :P25_SSNO;
    p_name := Initcap(p_lastname||p_join||p_firstname);
    RETURN p_name;
    Glenroy Skelton

    The first thing that strikes me is the following IF test:
    IF (p_age >= 16) OR (p_age <=62) THEN
    p_totalss := (:P25_TOTALWAGES * (p_is16to62ssrate/100));
    ELSIF (p_age < 16) OR (p_age > 62) THEN
    p_totalss := (:P25_TOTALWAGES * (p_u16o62ssrate/100));
    p_totalss := 0.00;
    END IF;The first test will be true for every number as all numbers are greater than 16 or less than 62. I'd suggest changing the OR to an AND or use BETWEEN

  • Trouble writing Query for Pivoting data from a table

    I am having a little trouble writing a query for converting the below table data into a pivot data. I am trying to write a query for which if I give a single valid report_week date as input it should give me the data for that week and also provide two extra columns, one which gives the data of last week for the same countries and the second column which gives the difference of numbers in both the columns(i.e. COUNT - COUNT_LAST_WEEK).
    9/26/2009     country1     81
    9/26/2009     country2     97
    9/26/2009     country3     12
    9/26/2009     country4     26
    9/26/2009     country5     101
    10/3/2009     country1     85
    10/3/2009     country2     98
    10/3/2009     country3     10
    10/3/2009     country4     24
    10/3/2009     country5     101
    10/10/2009     country1     84
    10/10/2009     country2     98
    10/10/2009     country3     10
    10/10/2009     country4     25
    10/10/2009     country5     102
    For example, if I give input as 10/10/2009, the output should be as give below.
    10/10/2009     country1     84     85     -1
    10/10/2009     country2     98     98     0
    10/10/2009     country3     10     10     0
    10/10/2009     country4     25     24     1
    10/10/2009     country5     102     101     1
    For example, if I give input as 10/3/2009, the output should be as give below.
    10/3/2009     country1     85     81     4
    10/3/2009     country2     98     97     1
    10/3/2009     country3     10     12     -2
    10/3/2009     country4     24     26     -2
    10/3/2009     country5     101     101     0
    Can anyone please shed some light on Query building for the above scenarios.
    Thank you
    Edited by: user11343284 on Oct 10, 2009 7:53 AM
    Edited by: user11343284 on Oct 10, 2009 8:28 AM

    I assume there is no gap in report weeks. If so:
    SQL> variable report_week varchar2(10)
    SQL> exec :report_week := '10/10/2009'
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    with t as (
               select to_date('9/26/2009','mm/dd/yyyy') report_week,'country1' division,81 cnt from dual union all
               select to_date('9/26/2009','mm/dd/yyyy'),'country2',97 from dual union all
               select to_date('9/26/2009','mm/dd/yyyy'),'country3',12 from dual union all
               select to_date('9/26/2009','mm/dd/yyyy'),'country4',26 from dual union all
               select to_date('9/26/2009','mm/dd/yyyy'),'country5',101 from dual union all
               select to_date('10/3/2009','mm/dd/yyyy'),'country1',85 from dual union all
               select to_date('10/3/2009','mm/dd/yyyy'),'country2',98 from dual union all
               select to_date('10/3/2009','mm/dd/yyyy'),'country3',10 from dual union all
               select to_date('10/3/2009','mm/dd/yyyy'),'country4',24 from dual union all
               select to_date('10/3/2009','mm/dd/yyyy'),'country5',101 from dual union all
               select to_date('10/10/2009','mm/dd/yyyy'),'country1',84 from dual union all
               select to_date('10/10/2009','mm/dd/yyyy'),'country2',98 from dual union all
               select to_date('10/10/2009','mm/dd/yyyy'),'country3',10 from dual union all
               select to_date('10/10/2009','mm/dd/yyyy'),'country4',25 from dual union all
               select to_date('10/10/2009','mm/dd/yyyy'),'country5',102 from dual
    select  max(report_week) report_week,
            max(cnt) keep(dense_rank last order by report_week) cnt_this_week,
            max(cnt) keep(dense_rank first order by report_week) cnt_last_week,
            max(cnt) keep(dense_rank last order by report_week) - max(cnt) keep(dense_rank first order by report_week) difference
      from  t
      where report_week in (to_date(:report_week,'mm/dd/yyyy'),to_date(:report_week,'mm/dd/yyyy') - 7)
      group by division
      order by division
    10-OCT-09 country1            84            85         -1
    10-OCT-09 country2            98            98          0
    10-OCT-09 country3            10            10          0
    10-OCT-09 country4            25            24          1
    10-OCT-09 country5           102           101          1
    SQL> exec :report_week := '10/3/2009'
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> /
    03-OCT-09 country1            85            81          4
    03-OCT-09 country2            98            97          1
    03-OCT-09 country3            10            12         -2
    03-OCT-09 country4            24            26         -2
    03-OCT-09 country5           101           101          0
    SQL> SY.

  • Query for invoice and distribution detail

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    anybody have the query for getting invoice with distribution detail in oracle payable r12.

    select ass.SEGMENT1 vendor_number,
    gcc.CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS distribution_account ,
    gcc1.CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS liability_account,
    to_char(aia.GL_DATE) GL_DATE,
    from ap_invoices_all aia,
    ap_suppliers ass,
    ap_supplier_sites_all assa,
    ap_invoice_distributions_all aid,
    gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc,
    gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc1
    where aia.VENDOR_ID = ass.VENDOR_ID
    and assa.VENDOR_SITE_ID = aia.VENDOR_SITE_ID
    and ass.VENDOR_ID = assa.VENDOR_ID
    and aid.INVOICE_ID = aia.INVOICE_ID
    --and aia.INVOICE_ID =  81000
    and aia.GL_DATE between '01-JAN-12' and '31-MAR-12'
    order by aia.GL_DATE

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    Thanks ,

    refer to following link

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    I need the exact syntax please for doing this.. since i am new to Oracle. Just the template will be enough. I will fill in the query.
    Any help is appreciated as always..

    904385 wrote:
    For each record in a table, I want to loop through each record and then fire a query by passing acct, product and date from this table to the where clause of the query. I would have to create a pl/sql block..The output of the query I want to spool from sql developer.
    I need the exact syntax please for doing this.. since i am new to Oracle. Just the template will be enough. I will fill in the query.
    Any help is appreciated as always..
    henaHave you ever considered using a JOIN ? It does the same thing as looping through a table and applying that to the where clause of a select on a query, only much, much, much faster and without the need to write any code. SQL is a declarative language, so you specify what you want and not how to do it. It can be bit of a journey to change your thought process if you come from a procedural or object world, but once you get there it's a beautiful view.

  • How to write sql query for counting pairs from below table??

    Below is my SQL table structure.
    user_id | Name | join_side | left_leg | right_leg | Parent_id
    100001 Tinku Left 100002 100003 0
    100002 Harish Left 100004 100005 100001
    100003 Gorav Right 100006 100007 100001
    100004 Prince Left 100008 NULL 100002
    100005 Ajay Right NULL NULL 100002
    100006 Simran Left NULL NULL 100003
    100007 Raman Right NULL NULL 100003
    100008 Vijay Left NULL NULL 100004
    It is a binary table structure.. Every user has to add two per id under him, one is left_leg and second is right_leg... Parent_id is under which user current user is added.. Hope you will be understand..
    I have to write sql query for counting pairs under id "100001". i know there will be important role of parent_id for counting pairs. * what is pair( suppose if any user contains  both left_leg and right_leg id, then it is called pair.)
    I know there are three pairs under id "100001" :-
    1.  100002 and 100003
    2.  100004 and 100005
    3.  100006 and 100007
        100008 will not be counted as pair because it does not have right leg..
     But i dont know how to write sql query for this... Any help will be appreciated... This is my college project... And tommorow is the last date of submission.... Hope anyone will help me...
    Suppose i have to count pair for id '100002'. Then there is only one pair under id '100002'. i.e 100004 and 100005

    Sounds like this to me
    DECLARE @ID int
    SET @ID = 100001--your passed value
    SELECT left_leg,right_leg
    FROM table
    WHERE (user_id = @ID
    OR parent_id = @ID)
    AND left_leg IS NOT NULL
    AND right_leg IS NOT NULL
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ---------------------------- http://visakhm.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/VmBlogs

  • Formatted search query for displaying invoice items details

    hi all,
    i need to display all the items in AP invoice.kindly suggest me a query for that.
    in AP invoice
    Ex. row items
    100 -
    query should display this row as
    the query should display as the qty is 5 so it will display the same item 5 times
    kindly suggest me some query for formatted search
    its very urgent

    Hi Sandip,
    DoQuery("Select b.ItemCode from OINV a,INV1 b Where a.DocEntry=b.DocEntry")
    Hope its help for you
    Give me reward points,

  • How to tune the query for duplicate records while joining the two tables

    hi,i am executing the query which has retrieving multiple tables,in which one of them has duplicate record,how to get single record

    Not enough info...subject says "tune" the query, message says "write" the query...and where is actual query that you had tried ?

  • Need a query for duplicate records deletion

    here is one scenario...
    23130 ----> 'A'
    23130 ----> 'X'
    23130 ----> 'c'
    These are duplicate records.. when we remove duplicates, the record must get 'c', if it contains A,C,X. If it contains A and X, then the record must get 'X'. That means the priority goes like this C-->X-->A. for this i need query.. this is one scenario. It would be great if u reply me asap.

    It's great that you gave examples of your data, but it is quite helpful to supply create table and insert statements too along with a clear example of expected results. Anyway, I think this does what you are looking for.
    CREATE TABLE dt_dup (ID NUMBER, flag VARCHAR2(1))
    INSERT INTO dt_dup VALUES(23130, 'A');
    insert into dt_dup values(23130, 'X');
    insert into dt_dup values(23130, 'C');
    INSERT INTO dt_dup VALUES(23131, 'A');
    INSERT INTO dt_dup VALUES(23131, 'X');
                    (   SELECT
                          rowid rid,
                          ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ID ORDER BY CASE
                                                                        WHEN flag = 'A' THEN
                                                                        WHEN flag = 'X' THEN
                                                                        WHEN flag = 'C' THEN
                                            ) rn
                    rn > 1
    select * from dt_dup;HTH
    Edited by: Bravid on Jun 30, 2011 8:12 AM

  • Query for A/R payment details

    I would like to query the business one database for all of the payment details (what invoice(s)...) were paid on a specific check.  It would sound something like this:
    I can't seem to find the tables involved.
    select (all detail records where payment applied) where check number = 'X'
    I can find the check number and amount, but can not find how it is linked to invoices and/or credit memos.
    Thanks in advance, Sam

    The tables that may want to query are ORCT, RCT1 and RCT2.
    See the SQL example below
    SELECT T1.[DocNum] AS 'Payment Number', T1.[DocDate] AS 'Payment Date',
    T0.[CheckNum] AS 'Check Number', T0.[CheckSum] AS 'Check Amount',
    T0.[BankCode] AS 'Account No.', T3.[DocNum] AS 'Invoice No', T2.[SumApplied] AS 'Paid to Invoice'
    FROM  [dbo].[RCT1] T0  INNER  JOIN [dbo].[ORCT] T1  ON  T1.[DocNum] = T0.DocNum 
    INNER  JOIN [dbo].[RCT2] T2  ON  T2.[DocNum] = T1.DocNum
    INNER  JOIN [dbo].[OINV] T3 ON T3.DocEntry = T2.DocEntry

  • Duplicate rows in Detail Table - Master Detail Relationship

    I have developed the Page it has following components. (Jdeveloper 10g - R12)
    1) Query RN
    It has around 11 parameters, 5 parameters have LOV attached, 2 are mandatory parameters.
    Auto Customization criteria. we don't criteria map defined , where clause is build based on parameters and vo.executeQuery gets called on Go button click.
    2) Sales Order Table RN (Master)
    3) Sales Order Line Table RN (Detail)
    View link is created to maintain the master detail relationship and detail region is attached to AM using view link under master region.
    Page flow works in this way, when user enter the parameters in search region and click on Go button, Sales Order table RN (master) gets populated.
    It has radio button when user click it fires PPR event .
    Process form request gets called and master row gets set (Same code as per developer guide) and Sales Order Line table RN (detail).
    Problem is once detail region gets populate and when user change any parameter which has LOV attached somehow same rows gets added to detail region which is weird because we have not clicked on GO button and radio button on header region is also not touched but detail region is populated somehow.
    Please help

    Provide the query used for populating the child records. Issue might be due to caching.

  • Need help with SQL Query (query for certain IDs in a table and then IDs not in result set)

    OK. This is hard to explain but that may be my problem in constructing the query.
    I have a table that has a list of jobs. The jobs information in this table, among other things, is a short description of the job itself (think "title" in phrase form), date, and ID.
    So I can query the table to get all the jobs for a particular grouping of IDs (the only ones I am interested in) that ran successfully for a given time period. But what I want are all the jobs that did not succeed (or therefore are not present in the table) for this group of jobs and for a certain date range. But these are not the only job id's in the table.
    To get the successful ones I do the following:
    SELECT id,short_desc FROM my_table where
                id IN('1230', '1231', '1232', '1239', '1244', '1245',
                '1246', '1247', '1248', '1272', '1280', '1281', '1282',
                '1283', '1284', '1285', '1286', '1249', '1250', '1251',
                '1252', '1253', '1255', '1233', '1234', '1235', '1236',
                '1237', '1238', '1256', '1257','1258', '1254', '1290','1310')
                AND the_date > = SYSDATE - 23/24
                AND to_char(the_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY') = TO_CHAR(CURRENT_DATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY')
    I have tried to use another AND clause with NOT IN and the group or NOT EXISTS but that doesn't work as there are other jobs captured in this table with id's of course. I am only concerned with these id's:
    IN('1230', '1231', '1232', '1239', '1244', '1245',
                '1246', '1247', '1248', '1272', '1280', '1281', '1282',
                '1283', '1284', '1285', '1286', '1249', '1250', '1251',
                '1252', '1253', '1255', '1233', '1234', '1235', '1236',
                '1237', '1238', '1256', '1257','1258', '1254', '1290','1310')
    Someone said to use a temp table. I don't think I have permission and I haven't tried as I want to do this in one query if possible.
    After thinking about this I am at a loss. I tried to do this in the front end but it just became too messy.

    You do not need a physical temp table. You need an in-line view:
    WITH list as (
                  SELECT '1230' id FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1231' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1232' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1239' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1244' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1245' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1246' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1247' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1248' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1272' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1280' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1281' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1282' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1283' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1284' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1285' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1286' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1249' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1250' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1251' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1252' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1253' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1255' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1233' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1234' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1235' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1236' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1237' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1238' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1256' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1257' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1258' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1254' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1290' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
                  SELECT '1310' FROM DUAL
    SELECT  l.id,
            nvl(short_desc,'This job failed') short_desc
      FROM      my_table m
              ON (
                      m.id = l.id
                      the_date > = SYSDATE - 23/24
                      the_date < TRUNC(SYSDATE) + 1

  • Insert query for insert all data into table in vb6 but it insert 1 row in table

    This is My insert query in vb6 but it insert 1 row in table
    But i want insert all data in the table which contain the id =1.
    Note that billtabsuport is blank
    i want solution for this
    strSQL = " select * from billtabsuport1 where StockID=" & lblid.Caption
    Set DBrecordset = DBConnection.Execute(strSQL)
    strSQL = " Insert into billtabsuport values('" & DBrecordset("StockID") & "','" & DBrecordset("C_Name") & "','" & DBrecordset("C_Add") & "','" & DBrecordset("C_Mobile") & "','" & DBrecordset("Invoice_No") & "','" & DBrecordset("Date") & "','" & DBrecordset("Order_No") & "','" & DBrecordset("T_Name") & "','" & DBrecordset("Dest") & "','" & DBrecordset("D_Date") & "','" & DBrecordset("Tyres_Serial_No") & "','" & DBrecordset("P_Desc") & "','" & DBrecordset("PR") & "','" & DBrecordset("Branded_NonBranded") & "','" & DBrecordset("Claim_No") & "','" & DBrecordset("Qty") & "','" & DBrecordset("U_Price") & "','" & DBrecordset("I_Value") & "','" & DBrecordset("V_Rate") & "','" & DBrecordset("V_Amt") & "','" & DBrecordset("Size") & "','" & DBrecordset("Pattern") & "','" & DBrecordset("TypesOfStock") & "','" & DBrecordset("TypesOfTube_Flap") & "','" & DBrecordset("VatAmount") & "')"
    DBConnection.Execute (strSQL)

    The syntax for inserting from one set of tables to a new table is:
    insert into newtable
    (field1, field2, etc)
    select somefield1, somefield2, etc
    from some other tables
    where whatever

  • ABAP query for matching material in another table

    Hi Experts,
    I have to do auto GR through an interface by calling MB01 for that i have written a BDC and the application is calling that. but i have to put a restriction that it should only do it for few materials that are in ztable "Zbulkmaterial" it has only one field matnr. I need to match materials in this field with the matial in EKPO, but i cant match it directrly, i have to track that in such way :-
    slip_no from "zval_wb" (this table dsnt have PO number), then slip_no1(diff than 1st slip no.) from "zallow_sl3"(this table has PO number) by that PO we can get material No from EKPO, and then i have to match it with zbulkmaterial-matnr
    As i am new i dnt no what will be the code for this please tel me the query i have to write, is it involves 3 tables i m not able to do that matching of materials.

    use inner join statement.

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