Query inheriting column values

I have a pair of tables in my DB to hold user access permissions to objects in the app.
I need to generate data that tells me what objects the user has access to, with inheritance.
create the tables
CREATE TABLE sii_pz_obj (
id_obj NUMBER(11,0) NOT NULL,
id_parent_obj NUMBER(11,0) NULL,
name_obj VARCHAR2(30) NULL,
CREATE TABLE sii_pz_obj_ac (
id_ac NUMBER(11,0) NOT NULL,
id_obj NUMBER(11,0) NOT NULL,
id_user NUMBER(11,0) NULL,
ALTER TABLE sii_pz_obj_ac
ADD CONSTRAINT sii_pz_obj_ac_fk_id_obj FOREIGN KEY (
) REFERENCES sii_pz_obj (
insert data
id_1 NUMBER;
id_2 NUMBER;
INSERT INTO sii_pz_obj (name_obj) VALUES ('root') returning id_obj INTO id_1;
INSERT INTO sii_pz_obj (name_obj, id_parent_obj) VALUES ('level 1 obj 1', id_1) returning id_obj INTO id_2;
INSERT INTO sii_pz_obj (name_obj, id_parent_obj) VALUES ('level 2 obj 1', id_2);
INSERT INTO sii_pz_obj_ac (id_obj, id_user) VALUES (id_2, 1);
INSERT INTO sii_pz_obj (name_obj, id_parent_obj) VALUES ('level 1 obj 3', id_1) returning id_obj INTO id_2;
INSERT INTO sii_pz_obj_ac (id_obj, id_user) VALUES (id_2, 1);
INSERT INTO sii_pz_obj (name_obj, id_parent_obj) VALUES ('level 2 obj 6', id_2);
INSERT INTO sii_pz_obj (name_obj, id_parent_obj) VALUES ('level 2 obj 7', id_2);
Dbms_Output.put_line('start at ' || id_1);
select the data
FROM sii_pz_obj o, sii_pz_obj_ac oac
WHERE oac.ID_OBJ(+) = o.ID_OBJ
AND o.id_obj >= 145
CONNECT BY PRIOR o.id_obj = o.id_pai_obj
START WITH id_pai_obj IS NULL;
With this the results should be something like:
1 root
2 "level 1 obj 1" 1
3 "level 2 obj 1" 2 1
4 "level 1 obj 3" 1 1
5 "level 2 obj 6" 4
6 "level 2 obj 7" 4
I wanted the child rows to inherit the parent's permissions resulting in:
1 root
2 "level 1 obj 1" 1
3 "level 2 obj 1" 2 1
4 "level 1 obj 3" 1 1
5 "level 2 obj 6" 4 1
6 "level 2 obj 7" 4 1
Is this somthing I can/should do in sql, or should I use the app's programming to fill in the missing permissions?

Indeed..... ;)
satyaki>drop table sii_pz_obj_ac;
Table dropped.
satyaki>drop table sii_pz_obj;
Table dropped.
satyaki>CREATE TABLE sii_pz_obj
  2   (
  3     id_obj NUMBER(11,0) NOT NULL,
  4     id_parent_obj NUMBER(11,0) NULL,
  5     name_obj VARCHAR2(30) NULL,
  6     CONSTRAINT sii_pz_obj_unk_id_obj UNIQUE(id_obj)
  7   );
Table created.
satyaki>CREATE TABLE sii_pz_obj_ac
  2   (
  3     id_ac NUMBER(11,0) NOT NULL,
  4     id_obj NUMBER(11,0) NOT NULL,
  5     id_user NUMBER(11,0) NULL,
  6     CONSTRAINT sii_pz_obj_ac_fk_id_obj
  7                FOREIGN KEY (id_obj)
  8                REFERENCES sii_pz_obj (id_obj)
  9   );
Table created.
satyaki>select * from sii_pz_obj;
no rows selected
satyaki>select * from sii_pz_obj_ac;
no rows selected
satyaki>set serveroutput on
  2    id_1 NUMBER;
  3    id_2 NUMBER;
  4  BEGIN
  5    INSERT INTO sii_pz_obj (name_obj) VALUES ('root') returning id_obj INTO id_1;
  6    INSERT INTO sii_pz_obj (name_obj, id_parent_obj) VALUES ('level 1 obj 1', id_1) returning id_
obj INTO id_2;
  7    INSERT INTO sii_pz_obj (name_obj, id_parent_obj) VALUES ('level 2 obj 1', id_2);
  8    INSERT INTO sii_pz_obj_ac (id_obj, id_user) VALUES (id_2, 1);
  9    INSERT INTO sii_pz_obj (name_obj, id_parent_obj) VALUES ('level 1 obj 3', id_1) returning id_
obj INTO id_2;
10    INSERT INTO sii_pz_obj_ac (id_obj, id_user) VALUES (id_2, 1);
11    INSERT INTO sii_pz_obj (name_obj, id_parent_obj) VALUES ('level 2 obj 6', id_2);
12    INSERT INTO sii_pz_obj (name_obj, id_parent_obj) VALUES ('level 2 obj 7', id_2);
14    Dbms_Output.put_line('start at ' || id_1);
15    --commit;
16  END;
17  /
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("ODSUSER1"."SII_PZ_OBJ"."ID_OBJ")
ORA-06512: at line 5Regards.
Satyaki De.

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    We are using ContentBySearchWebPart to facilitate search through the site.
    We have used display template to format the results. We are deploying the web part on the desired page through a feature. We have below markup for web part in the elements.xml file to add the web part -
    <webPart xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v3">
    <type name="Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls.ContentBySearchWebPart, Microsoft.Office.Server.Search, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" />
    <importErrorMessage>Cannot import this Web Part.</importErrorMessage>
    <property name="StatesJson" type="string">{}</property>
    <property name="UseSharedDataProvider" type="bool">False</property>
    <property name="UseSimplifiedQueryBuilder" type="bool">False</property>
    <property name="QueryGroupName" type="string">f5646507-4a7a-4d75-b5c4-d435b9128e2a</property>
    <property name="LogAnalyticsViewEvent" type="bool">True</property>
    <property name="SelectedPropertiesJson" type="string">["Title","Path","Description"]</property>
    <property name="PropertyMappings" type="string" />
    <property name="ShowAdvancedLink" type="bool">True</property>
    <property name="NumberOfItems" type="int">10</property>
    <property name="EmitStyleReference" type="bool">True</property>
    <property name="ShowPreferencesLink" type="bool">True</property>
    <property name="ServerIncludeScriptsJson" type="string">null</property>
    <property name="IncludeResultTypeConstraint" type="bool">False</property>
    <property name="Height" type="string" />
    <property name="MaxPagesBeforeCurrent" type="int">4</property>
    <property name="ResultType" type="string" />
    <property name="ShowDidYouMean" type="bool">False</property>
    <property name="StartingItemIndex" type="int">1</property>
    <property name="AlwaysRenderOnServer" type="bool">False</property>
    <property name="GroupTemplateId" type="string">&#126;sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Content Web Parts/Group_Content.js</property>
    <property name="ResultTypeId" type="string" />
    <property name="ItemTemplateId" type="string">&#126;sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_LearningGroup.js</property>
    <property name="AllowConnect" type="bool">True</property>
    <property name="HelpUrl" type="string" />
    <property name="ResultsPerPage" type="int">10</property>
    <property name="RenderTemplateId" type="string">&#126;sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Content Web Parts/ListWithPaging.js</property>
    <property name="AllowEdit" type="bool">True</property>
    <property name="AllowZoneChange" type="bool">True</property>
    <property name="AddSEOPropertiesFromSearch" type="bool">False</property>
    <property name="AdvancedSearchPageAddress" type="string">advanced.aspx</property>
    <property name="HitHighlightedPropertiesJson" type="string">["Title","Path","Author","SectionNames","SiteDescription"]</property>
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    <property name="EmptyMessage" type="string" />
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    <property name="ShowViewDuplicates" type="bool">False</property>
    <property name="AllowHide" type="bool">True</property>
    <property name="BypassResultTypes" type="bool">True</property>
    <property name="Description" type="string">Content Search Web Part will allow you to show items that are results of a search query you specify. When you add it to the page, this Web Part will show recently modified items from the current site. You can change this setting to show items from another site or list by editing the Web Part and changing its search criteria.As new content is discovered by search, this Web Part will display an updated list of items each time the page is viewed.</property>
    <property name="ShowSortOptions" type="bool">False</property>
    <property name="ExportMode" type="exportmode">All</property>
    <property name="AllowMinimize" type="bool">True</property>
    <property name="ShowPersonalFavorites" type="bool">False</property>
    <property name="ChromeType" type="chrometype">None</property>
    <property name="ShowPaging" type="bool">True</property>
    <property name="ChromeState" type="chromestate">Normal</property>
    <property name="CatalogIconImageUrl" type="string" />
    <property name="HelpMode" type="helpmode">Modeless</property>
    <property name="TitleIconImageUrl" type="string" />
    <property name="ItemBodyTemplateId" type="string" />
    <property name="AlternateErrorMessage" type="string" null="true" />
    <property name="Hidden" type="bool">False</property>
    <property name="TargetResultTable" type="string">RelevantResults</property>
    <property name="AllowClose" type="bool">True</property>
    <property name="MissingAssembly" type="string">Cannot import this Web Part.</property>
    <property name="ShowResultCount" type="bool">True</property>
    <property name="ShowLanguageOptions" type="bool">True</property>
    <property name="ShowUpScopeMessage" type="bool">False</property>
    <property name="Width" type="string" />
    <property name="RepositionLanguageDropDown" type="bool">False</property>
    <property name="Title" type="string">Search Learning Groups</property>
    <property name="ScrollToTopOnRedraw" type="bool">False</property>
    <property name="ShowResults" type="bool">True</property>
    <property name="ShowAlertMe" type="bool">False</property>
    <property name="OverwriteResultPath" type="bool">True</property>
    <property name="PreloadedItemTemplateIdsJson" type="string">null</property>
    <property name="MaxPagesAfterCurrent" type="int">1</property>
    <property name="ShowDefinitions" type="bool">False</property>
    <property name="ShouldHideControlWhenEmpty" type="bool">False</property>
    <property name="AvailableSortsJson" type="string">null</property>
    <property name="DataProviderJSON" type="string">{"QueryGroupName":"f5646507-4a7a-4d75-b5c4-d435b9128e2a","QueryPropertiesTemplateUrl":"sitesearch://webroot","IgnoreQueryPropertiesTemplateUrl":false,"SourceID":"8413cd39-2156-4e00-b54d-11efd9abdb89","SourceName":"Local SharePoint Results","SourceLevel":"Ssa","CollapseSpecification":"","QueryTemplate":"Path:{SiteCollection.URL} AND :{SearchBoxQuery} ","FallbackSort":[],"FallbackSortJson":"[]","RankRules":[],"RankRulesJson":"[]","AsynchronousResultRetrieval":false,"SendContentBeforeQuery":true,"BatchClientQuery":true,"FallbackLanguage":-1,"FallbackRankingModelID":"","EnableStemming":true,"EnablePhonetic":false,"EnableNicknames":false,"EnableInterleaving":false,"EnableQueryRules":true,"EnableOrderingHitHighlightedProperty":false,"HitHighlightedMultivaluePropertyLimit":-1,"IgnoreContextualScope":true,"ScopeResultsToCurrentSite":false,"TrimDuplicates":false,"Properties":{"TryCache":true,"Scope":"{Site.URL}","UpdateLinksForCatalogItems":true,"EnableStacking":true,"ListId":"60ae8593-eddc-45e0-802a-27f78059ce26","ListItemId":4},"PropertiesJson":"{\"TryCache\":true,\"Scope\":\"{Site.URL}\",\"UpdateLinksForCatalogItems\":true,\"EnableStacking\":true,\"ListId\":\"60ae8593-eddc-45e0-802a-27f78059ce26\",\"ListItemId\":4}","ClientType":"ContentSearchRegular","UpdateAjaxNavigate":true,"SummaryLength":180,"DesiredSnippetLength":90,"PersonalizedQuery":false,"FallbackRefinementFilters":null,"IgnoreStaleServerQuery":false,"RenderTemplateId":"DefaultDataProvider","AlternateErrorMessage":null,"Title":""}</property>
    <property name="Direction" type="direction">NotSet</property>
    When we are downloading the 'Top Queries by Month' or 'Top Queries by Day' report, while we see numbers in 'Total Queries' and '% of all queries' columns, we are not finding anything in 'Query Text' column, its empty. Not sure while the analytics is
    not able to fetch/report the 'Query Text' itself - the report doesnt make any sense without 'Query Text' information.
    Is there anything in the web part markup I pasted above- is any of the property value is affecting this?
    Or it can be some configuration/error with the logging/analytics process?
    Please suggest. Thanks in advance.
    MOSS programmer

    Hope you are doing well. Would you help to try to run the script to start the timer job manually:
    Run the script to start the timer job:
    $ua = Get-SPTimerJob -Type Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Analytics.UsageAnalyticsJobDefinition
    $ua = get-sptimerjob -type microsoft.office.server.search.analytics.usageanalyticsjobdefinition
    $ua = Get-SPTimerJob -Identity ("job-usage-log-file-import")
    2.  Please install the SharePoint 2013 March update if our version is before this:
    SharePoint 2013 March update:
    Best Regards,
    Dats Luo

  • Tabular form query using column values delimiter

    I wanted to know, if i can query a tabular block by entering the column values (primary key) as semicolon delimited and update required fields. Please let me know.
    User will enter 5 values as "AB1; AB2; AB3; AB4; AB5"
    After entering I need to write a plsql code to query the tabular form as follows
    PrimaryCol SecCol
    AB1 IN
    AB2 IN
    AB3 OUT
    AB4 IN
    AB5 ON
    Then I will update the columns accordingly.
    Please help me.

    You could put something like this in the WHERE-clause (assuming that :BLOCK.QUERYDATA contains your value AB1;AB2;AB3;AB4; )
    INSTR (';' || PK_COLUMN || ';', ';' || :BLOCK.QUERYDATA || ';')>0Maybe you have to additionally eliminate space in :BLOCK.QUERYDATA

  • How to accessing current row report column value in Lov Query?

    which access methods (eg. bind variables, substitutions, ...) for getting the current row report column value can be used in the "Lov Query" property of a report column?
    As what I know of and what I have read on the forum there are no bind variables for the report columns. For the "Link Text" property it seems that the column values exist as substitution strings (#COLUMN_NAME#). But they don't work in the Lov Query. => And would be good because of a hard parse each time the Lov query is executed.
    The following post (Re: Simulating a correlated sub query in lov
    is showing a solution to use package variables for temporary storage of the referenced value, but the only problem with that solution is that if a new record is added with the "Add rows to tabular form" process the package variable still contains the value from the last queried row! Is there a way (variable, APEX package, ...) to determine if the lov query is executed for a new record so that the package can return null?
    I know that I could write the package in a way that the value is immediately cleared when lov_pkg.keyval is called (one time read), but then I would have to create several variables if I'm accessing the value multiple times in the query or in another query => I think an one time read solution would be very obscurely.
    Thanks for your help

    Hi Patrick,
    I agree that it's a waste to continually use Ajax to go back to the server to get the contents of a dynamic select list.
    There are no bind variables for any row item - but what you do have, as per my previous post, is the value of the data entered by the user in the first row. You can pass this into your application process (using get.add("VARIABLENAME", value)), which can use it to retrieve the correct LOV in your Ajax code - this will give you a "bind variable" that your process can use.
    What you could do, however, is generate hidden select lists on your page - one for each possible LOV list and replace the contents of the new row's select list with the contents of the appropriate hidden select list. This is easy to do with javascript (using innerHTML functions). Obviously, though, the usefulness of this depends on the number and size of the select lists.
    Even if you don't generate them to start with, you can keep a copy of any select lists returned by Ajax in the DOM for use on new rows. So, if you have retrieved a select list, you will have a copy of it in DOM which you can then copy into the new row. If you don't have the list in DOM, use Ajax to get it, store a copy of it and copy it into the new row.
    Which method you use will depend on the number/size of select lists needed. If they are few in number and/or size, I would suggest generating hidden lists. If they are large, use Ajax to get them once, store them and then retrieve them from the DOM when needed.
    There is another thread here where Arie recommends going to the server every time to make sure you get the most up-to-date data for the lists. If you want to follow this advice, for this reason, use get.add("VARIABLENAME", value) to pass the value to your process. If this is not an issue, you can use one of the other methods I outlined above.

  • Changing Column Value Style using SQL Query

    I'm trying to build a fantasy basketball game with APEX. I have a table that has a list of games. I need to change the color of the column value i.e. the name of the team that wins according to a SQL query Here's an example:
    Home Away Homepoints Awaypoints
    Boston Cleveland 105 101
    Toronto Washington 122 83
    What I want to do is display the winning team i.e. Boston and Toronto in Green since that's the team that won.
    The SQL query is:
    What do I need to do in order to display the Winning Team as Green on every column? Please Help

    Hello Devilfish,
    I did something like that in my DG Tournament application (http://www.dgtournament.com)
    Your SQL query can look like this:
              WHEN (homepoints > awaypoints)
                 THEN '<span style="color:green;">' || home || '</span>'
              ELSE home
           END AS home,
              WHEN (awaypoints > homepoints)
                 THEN '<span style="color:green;">' || away|| '</span>'
              ELSE away
           END AS away,
    from LATESTGAMES;Hope that gives you an idea,
    -- http://dgielis.blogspot.com
    -- http://apex-evangelists.com

  • Weird ORA-01406: fetched column value was truncated error for SELECT query

    DB version:10gR2
    When one of our application fires the below query, we get
    ORA-01406: fetched column value was truncatederror.
    select     trk_dtl,
    from     shp_dtl
    where     shp_type = 'HN'
    and     shp_type = 828;The documentation says
    Cause:In a host language program, a FETCH operation was forced to truncate a character string. The program buffer area for this column was not large enough to contain the entire string. The cursor return code from the fetch was +3.But when the application is pointed to an identical schema in the same instance, we don't get this error. So, this has got nothing to do client application as the documentation says.
    Any idea what other possibilities are there?

    Post description of shp_dtl.

  • Querying the schema for table name with column value!

    In my schema i have 500+ tables and other objects.
    i have a column with the name BO_PRODUCT_CODE.
    I wants to know in what tables the value of BO_PRODUCT_CODE='FX03'.
    i have query the user_tab_columns which gives me the result with 90 tables having the column BO_PRODUCT_CODE.
    What is query which will give me the exact number/name of the table whose column value is FX03. ie, BO_PRODUCT_CODE='FX03'.

    Hi you can use this approach:
    v_str VARCHAR2(250);
    v_count NUMBER :=0;
    WHERE column_name ='BO_PRODUCT_CODE' )
    v_str := 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' || loop_tbl.table_name || ' WHERE BO_PRODUCT_CODE=||'''' ||'FX03' || '''' '
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_str INTO v_count ;
    IF v_count > 0 THEN
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Table Name :'|| loop_tbl.table_name || ' Count :'||v_count);
    END IF;
    v_count :=0;
    WHEN others THEN
    Please remove if any syntax error.

  • ORA-20001:Error fetching column value:Query must  begin with SELECT or WITH

    Hi all,
    I have implemented an application with a master-detail form using Apex 3.1.2 and I imported that to Apex 3.2 on different server. Everything else seems to be fine except when I add detail record (clicking on Add Rows), I am getting following error.
    report error:
    ORA-20001: Error fetching column value: ORA-20001: Query must begin with SELECT or WITH
    Both the databases have same version 10gR2. I didn't make any change after importing it as well. Can someone let me know what could be the issue? Thanks in advance.

    May we know your first name?
    Can you put the application in your workspace on apex.oracle.com so we can take a look?

  • How to sum a column value using CAML Query?

    Hi All,
    I would like to sum the column value using CAML qeury. Actually in my list, I have two column "Projects Name" and "Number of Issues". Now need to get sum of "Number of Issues" column. How to achieve in CAML Query.
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Sam,
    it looks like you can use your current view based agregation, otherwise it is not possible(
    http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms467521.aspx) and you need to work on custom bit on this requirement.
    use the below link and create a view element as described and see if that works for you
    Aggregations Element
    Another reference
    Query Element
    Hope this helps!
    Ram - SharePoint Architect
    Blog - SharePointDeveloper.in
    Please vote or mark your question answered, if my reply helps you

  • Adding column values in query designer

    I have requirement to add value in query designer the values should look like this
    Column A     Column B
    10                    10
    20                    30
    30                    60
    40                    100
    the first values of column B will be same as Column A 10. The second value of column B = column A 1st value +Column A second value similarly Third value of column B = 1st + 2nd + 3rd values of column a. So on and so forth
    Any help will be highly appriciated.

    Just create the formula and go to the properties of that formula and go to the calculattion tab and in the "CALCULATE SINGLE VALUE AS "  select the option the additive ( not sure but once check that will perform additive operation plz once check it) and select the cumulative check box.
    I think u can get it , because in one of my project i did that calculation.
    Hope u got it,
    Thanx & Regards,

  • Content Search Query Builder - filtering for custom column value

    I want to use a CSWP to display certain pages in a slideshow format on a site.  However, to filter them in a preferred manner, the pages library has a custom column "Spotlight" which is a Boolean type (e.g. yes/no).
    In my "Build Your Query" configuration page, I have added a keyword filter "SpotlightOWSBOOL=Yes" as the criteria to display my results.  This is not working, despite the fact that I currently have pages flagged as "Spotlight"
    in this library. 
    My question is - how can I achieve this result of displaying only pages with a custom column value "Spotlight" as "Yes"?

    Hi Owen,
    Could you capture a screenshot about your Crawled Property for your list column "Spotlight"?  Is it name "SpotlightOWSBOOL"?
    If your library column name is "Spotlight", you can create a custom
    Manged Property (e.g. create name as SpotlightMangedProperty)to map the
    Crawled Propery (e.g. may ows_spotlight, or ows_SpotlightOWSBOOL?) genegrated by list column "Spotlight", then start a full crawl.
    Then you can add the keyword filter like below in "Build Your Query" dialog of CSWP web part, then check if the correct items are filtered.
    If the above value "yes" doesn't work, please also try
    SpotlightMangedProperty:"True", or try SpotlightMangedProperty:1
    More information about this topic you can read is below.
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • LOV SQL query dependent on column value

    Hi Gurus,
    I have a tabular form, a column of which I would like to display as a dropdown whose list of values is a SQL query containing a where clause on another column value.
    For example, say the tabular form displays questions, and that the answers to the different questions are to be picked in list of values that are different for each question. I have tried the following queries for the dropdown list of values:
    1- select value_text, value_text from list_of_values_table where question_id=#QUESTION_ID#
    2- select value_text, value_text from list_of_values_table where question_id=:QUESTION_ID
    3- select value_text, value_text from list_of_values_table where question_id=&QUESTION_ID.
    In the 3 cases, I get an error when I run the application saying that the SQL statement is incorrect.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance,

    Yes, I am creating a region based on a sql query. The query is the following:
    select q.id quest_id, q.name, q.data_type_id, q.lov_flag, a.id answer_id, a.answer_text, a.org_id
    from gwb_questions q left join gwb_answers a on q.id=a.question_id, gwb_answers ans right join gwb_orgs o on ans.org_id=o.id
    where q.MODULE_ID=:P2_MODULE_ID and o.id=:P2_ORG_ID
    Now, in the 'answer_text' column, I would like to display a dropdown containing values that come from a separate table and that depend on the value of the quest_id column. So in the Column Attributes for 'answer_text', I selected Select List (query based LOV) for the Tabular Form Element, and I entered the query mentioned before in the List of Values section (select value_text, value_text from list_of_values_table lov where lov.question_id= ?).
    I am not using any API.
    Does that make sense?
    Thanks for your help,

  • Query to delete row where column value contains alphabets

    Could anyone please help me to get this query work.
    Query to delete row where column value contains alphabets.
    DELETE  FROM BIN_ITEM WHERE order_nmb LIKE '%[A-Z]%' || LIKE '%[a-z]%'
    Thanks and Regards,

    RaminHashimzadeh wrote:
    SELECT order_nmb FROM BIN_ITEM WHERE regexp_count(order_nmb,'[0-9]') = 0
    Ramin Hashimzade
    But that won't reject strings like 'gfgG%dgh' which aren't pure alphabetic.
    with test_data as (
    select 'ghTYJYEhdfe' str from dual
    select 'dfF5ssd' from dual
    select 'rgth*dgheh' from dual
    select 'ggf{' from dual
    select 'rwhrhrh' from dual
    select  *
    from test_data
    where regexp_instr(str,'[^[:alpha:]]')=0;

  • Filter TOP query so that a result cannot be in the top if the column value is already present in a previous row

    Any help would be appreciated. I have a query that is the top(5) but I want them to be distinct on only one column value, not on the entire row. Any help would be really appreciated.

    This will do it, but the values may display incorrectly, since it's taking the MAX value of each partition of your distinct column, so another way would be:
    WHERE RN = 1

  • Performance issue: View query is calculating a column value before filterin

    I have a view like this.(My view is more complex than this..I just tried to imitate the situation )
    Select emp_id, emp_name, calculate_salary(emp_id) salary
      From employees
    Where nvl(department, '@@##$$') = nvl(get_global.department, '@@##$$')When I execute the below query
    select emp_name from my_view where salary=10000 by setting a value to get_globals.department I found that it first calls the calculate_salary instead of applying the filter for departments. By somehow the cost base analyzer thinks that calling the function is cheaper than applying the filter. I wonder whether there is way to direct the cba and say to first apply the filters before calculating column values.
    Any suggestions ?

    I don't think it's possible.
    Before a WHERE clause can be applied the data has to be collected for the row so Oracle, I would imagine, isn't going to differentiate between what is a database column and a function, fetch just the columns, do the filtering and then go back to calculate the rest of the columns; it's just going to get all the columns, including the calculated ones, and then apply the filters.
    The only option would be to do...
    select emp_id, emp_name, calculate_salary(emp_id) salary
    from (select emp_id, emp_name
          from employees
          where nvl(deparment, '@@##$$') = nvl(get_global.department, '@@##$$')
          )as your view

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