Query is not returni9ng any results

Hi guys!
We have upgraded from 4.6C to ECC 6.0 and now when we are executing queries,  no results are being displayed. If you have any ideas please let me know.

You have a rule in autogenerated program via SAP Query:
the following is the naming convention in generated program:
1-4 : Query area/server
Next 12 : User Group
Rest others : Query name
This is the way the name will be stored...Now you will be the query name and user group that r required in the FM input and try to regenrated it...
For eg: Assigned report: AQZZ/SAPQUERY/ABAGENCY1======
Here SAPQUERY is user group
and ABAGENCY1 is the query
Reward if useful

Similar Messages

  • Basic NOT EXISTS query not returning any results

    DB Version: 10gR2
    One of our tables in the test schema is having less number of columns than the PROD shema.
    To determine which are missing columns in this table in Test schema i did the following.
    -----In Test Schema
    (COL1 NUMBER);        ----------only one column
    Table created.--- In the prod schema
      2  (COL1 NUMBER,
      3  COL2 NUMBER       ----------- same table name with an extra column
      4  );
    Table createdAnd from the PROD schema i execute the following SQL to determine what are the columns that are missing in the TEST schema
    select column_name from User_Tab_Cols  outer
    where table_name='XYZ2'
    and not exists (select 1 from TEST_SCHEMA.tables_test_list inner where outer.TABLE_NAME=inner.TABLE_NAME )But the above query is not returning any results. Any idea why?

    Actually, the example from the link I posted earlier:
    [email protected]> (
      2  select 'IN T1, NOT T2', column_name,data_type,data_length
      3    from user_tab_columns
      4   where table_name = 'T1'
      5  MINUS
      6  select 'IN T1, NOT T2', column_name,data_type,data_length
      7    from user_tab_columns
      8   where table_name = 'T2'
      9  )
    10  UNION ALL
    11  (
    12  select 'IN T2, NOT T1', column_name,data_type,data_length
    13    from user_tab_columns
    14   where table_name = 'T2'
    15  MINUS
    16  select 'IN T2, NOT T1', column_name,data_type,data_length
    17    from user_tab_columns
    18   where table_name = 'T1'
    19  )
    20  /

  • Bing based federated result sources not returning any results for non-English languages

    I have a result source with this query:
    http://www.bing.com/search?q={?searchterms}  language:fr site:msdn.microsoft.com&format=rss&count=50&first={startIndex}
    This used to give me 40-50 results for common terms like download, blog etc.
    From today (7/14) IST, this source does not return any results. There are no results if I execute this query directly in IE either.
    Same behavior observed for: language:es, language:de etc.
    I do however get results as expected for language:en.
    Any idea what the issue might be?

    Hi Swapnil,
    According to your description, my understanding is that no results returned when searching with non-English in the Result Source query.
    I tested the same scenario per your post and I got the same results as you got.
    I recommend to change the language:fr in the Result Source query to be lang=fr to see if the issue still occurs.
    More references:
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • XQuery not returning any results when doc contains ENTITY refs

    Dear Forum members,
    I am a bdbxml newbie so please be gentle.
    I am trying to run xqueries against a TEI P5 document on bdxml 2.4.13 using Oxygen 9 (I'm also using Python and the API - it's not working either)
    My XML contains transcripts of poems written in medieval Welsh. There are a lot of Entity references which I am including at the start of the document as:
    <?oxygen RNGSchema="http://www.tei-c.org/release/xml/tei/custom/schema/relaxng/teilite.rng" type="xml"?>
    <!ENTITY aacute     "&#x00E1;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE -->
    <!ENTITY Aacute     "&#x00C1;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE -->
    <!ENTITY acirc     "&#x00E2;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX -->
    <!ENTITY Acirc     "&#x00C2;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX -->
    <!ENTITY agrave     "&#x00E0;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE -->
    <!ENTITY Agrave     "&#x00C0;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE -->
    <!ENTITY aring     "&#x00E5;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE -->
    <!ENTITY Aring     "&#x00C5;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE -->
    <!ENTITY atilde     "&#x00E3;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE -->
    <!ENTITY Atilde     "&#x00C3;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE -->
    <!ENTITY auml     "&#x00E4;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS -->
    <!ENTITY Auml     "&#x00C4;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAdERESIS -->
    <!ENTITY aelig     "&#x00E6;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER AE -->
    <!ENTITY AElig     "&#x00C6;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE -->
    <!ENTITY ccedil     "&#x00E7;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA -->
    <!ENTITY Ccedil     "&#x00C7;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA -->
    <!ENTITY eth     "&#x00F0;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH -->
    <!ENTITY ETH     "&#x00D0;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH -->
    <!ENTITY eacute     "&#x00E9;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE -->
    <!ENTITY Eacute     "&#x00C9;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE -->
    <!ENTITY ecirc     "&#x00EA;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX -->
    <!ENTITY egrave     "&#x00E8;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE -->
    <!ENTITY Egrave     "&#x00C8;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE -->
    <!ENTITY euml     "&#x00EB;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS -->
    <!ENTITY iacute     "&#x00ED;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE -->
    <!ENTITY Iacute     "&#x00CD;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE -->
    <!ENTITY icirc     "&#x00EE;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX -->
    <!ENTITY igrave     "&#x00EC;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE -->
    <!ENTITY Igrave     "&#x00CC;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE -->
    <!ENTITY iuml     "&#x00EF;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS -->
    <!ENTITY ntilde     "&#x00F1;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE -->
    <!ENTITY Ntilde     "&#x00D1;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE -->
    <!ENTITY oacute     "&#x00F3;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE -->
    <!ENTITY Oacute     "&#x00D3;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE -->
    <!ENTITY ocirc     "&#x00F4;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX -->
    <!ENTITY Ocirc     "&#x00D4;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX -->
    <!ENTITY ograve     "&#x00F2;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE -->
    <!ENTITY Ograve     "&#x00D2;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE -->
    <!ENTITY oslash     "&#x00F8;"> <!-- CIRCLED DIVISION SLASH -->
    <!ENTITY Oslash     "&#x00D8;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE -->
    <!ENTITY otilde     "&#x00F5;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE -->
    <!ENTITY Otilde     "&#x00D5;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE -->
    <!ENTITY ouml     "&#x00F6;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS -->
    <!ENTITY Ouml     "&#x00D6;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS -->
    <!ENTITY szlig     "&#x00DF;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S -->
    <!ENTITY thorn     "&#x00FE;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN -->
    <!ENTITY uacute     "&#x00FA;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE -->
    <!ENTITY Uacute     "&#x00DA;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE -->
    <!ENTITY ucirc     "&#x00FB;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX -->
    <!ENTITY ugrave     "&#x00F9;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE -->
    <!ENTITY Ugrave     "&#x00D9;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE -->
    <!ENTITY uuml     "&#x00FC;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS -->
    <!ENTITY yacute     "&#x00FD;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE -->
    <!ENTITY Yacute     "&#x00DD;"> <!-- LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE -->
    <!ENTITY yuml     "&#x00FF;"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS -->
    <!ENTITY lab "<">
    <!ENTITY rab ">">
    <!ENTITY amp "&amp;">
    <!ENTITY dash "-">
    <!ENTITY delta "d">
    <!ENTITY macron "-">
    <!ENTITY mdash "-">
    <!ENTITY nbsp "">
    <!ENTITY pound "">
    <!ENTITY cdb "c">
    <!ENTITY ddb "d">
    <!ENTITY ldb "l">
    <!ENTITY rdb "r">
    <!ENTITY udb "u">
    <!ENTITY umac "u">
    <!ENTITY wacute "w">
    <!ENTITY wcirc "w">
    <!ENTITY Wcirc "W">
    <!ENTITY ycirc "y">
    <!ENTITY Ycirc "Y">
    <!ENTITY vbar "vbar">
    <TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
    When I try an run a simple xquery like //TEI I'm not get any results. However, if I hack the XML source to remove all entity references, remove the ENTITY declarations and reload the document into bdbxml then the xqueries work. Can anyone offer any insght into why this situation may have arisen and how I might get around it? It seems as if the presence of the ENTITY declarations is somehow effecting the internal index...
    all help appreciated,

    Big thanks to John,
    I've been a typical newbie and not really understood everything implied by John's very helpful answer in this thread. Now that I now understand how to reference namespaces correctly, John's previous answer really does hit the mark.
    Big thanks
    Here is the working code. The important thing to remember for any other newbies is to always preface the query with the namespace - which I was not doing.
    declare namespace tei="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0";
    declare namespace tei="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0";

  • CONNECT BY query doesn't return any results...

    Hi All
    I am trying to execute this CONNECT BY query...but it does not return any result.
    Could anyone please suggests what am I doing wrong. Or how should I modify the query to get the results.
    SELECT Distinct dt.DID FROM DEPT dt left outer join EMPLOYEE emp on dt.DID = emp.DID WHERE dt.parentid in (SELECT DEPT.DID FROM DEPT CONNECT BY PRIOR DEPT.DID = DEPT.PARENTID START WITH DEPT.PARENTID in (2000,-2000)) or dt.parentid=2000
    Any help would be really really appreciated.
    Thanks and Regards

    Take the nested query and run it in SQL developer (or SQL Plus) against the database directly. Does it give any results? That query returning no results is the most likely cause of the problem.

  • Xquery does not return any results on, does work on

    I have a Xquery statement that works as expected on Oracle but does not return any results on Oracle
    Is this the result of a badly written query? A bug in
    Is there a way to rewrite the query so that is does work on
       l_xml xmltype;
       -- Select layers with TileMatrixSet EPSG:28992
       cursor c_layer(p_xml xmltype) is
          select t.*
            from xmltable(xmlnamespaces(default 'http://www.opengis.net/wmts/1.0'
                                       ,'http://www.opengis.net/ows/1.1' as "ows"
                                        ,'http://schemas.opengis.net/gml' as "gml"
                                        ,'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' as "xlink"
                                        ,'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' as "xsi")
                          ,'for $d in //Layer[TileMatrixSetLink/TileMatrixSet="EPSG:28992"] return $d' passing
                          p_xml columns title varchar2(100) path 'ows:Title'
                          ,format varchar2(100) path 'Format'
                          ,style xmltype path 'Style') as t;
       l_xml := xmltype.createxml('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Capabilities xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/wmts/1.0"
    xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wmts/1.0 http://schemas.opengis.net/wmts/1.0/wmtsGetCapabilities_response.xsd"
        <Style isDefault="true">
        <TileMatrixSetLink>      <TileMatrixSet>EPSG:28992</TileMatrixSet>
        </TileMatrixSetLink>  </Layer>
        <Style isDefault="true">
        <TileMatrixSetLink>      <TileMatrixSet>EPSG:28992</TileMatrixSet>
        </TileMatrixSetLink>  </Layer>
        <Style isDefault="true">
        <TileMatrixSetLink>      <TileMatrixSet>EPSG:28992</TileMatrixSet>
        </TileMatrixSetLink>  </Layer>
       for r_layer in c_layer(l_xml)
       end loop;
    end;Result on

    This one's strange indeed.
    I can reproduce on and one of the following seems to fix it :
    1) Specifying the column list in the SELECT, instead of t.* :
       -- Select layers with TileMatrixSet EPSG:28992
       cursor c_layer(p_xml xmltype) is
          select t.title, t.format, t.style
            from xmltable(or,
    2) Using an extended FLWOR expression :
    for $d in //Layer
    where $d/TileMatrixSetLink/TileMatrixSet = "EPSG:28992"
    return $dMaybe you've already noticed but the problem only occurs within a PL/SQL context.
    The same query run from SQL is OK.

  • cm:search is not returning any result when logical operator '!' is used.

    <cm:search is not returning any result when logical operator '!' is used.
    I am using BEA 9.1 content management services API. When I run the following query I am not receiving any results. Also no error or exceptions are seen in the weblogic or cmspi log.
    The query is <cm:search id="docs" query="!(object_name like 'Sport*')" />

    HI cam 
    Thanks for your reply, but i found the problem it was because my server administrator password has changed by network guys... and because of it crawler unable to access the content 
    I wrote my solution here i hope it will help other people 

  • I lost my password and i could get into my phone, i tried but it said connect to itune. i did, but i did not get any result. please give me some advises how do i get my password back or reset with a new one?

    Ipjone6, silver, 64GB
    I lost my password and i could get into my phone, i tried but it said connect to itune. i did, but i did not get any result. please give me some advises how do i get my password back or reset with a new one?

    how to reset password:

  • BUG in iOS7: Post iOS7 upgrade, search option does not work for "Messages". If you want to search a contact name in Messages who is way below the list, the search will not yield any result.

    BUG in iOS7: Post iOS7 upgrade, search option does not work for "Messages". If you want to search a contact name in Messages who is way below the list, the search will not yield any result.

    These are user forums. You are not speaking to Apple here. Report your problem at Apple Feedback.

  • Currency Translation not producing any results

    Hello Everyone,
    I have ran into a very strange problem with the out of the box currency conversion.  I have a finance app and am using the Fxtrans script logic to execute my currency translation.  The problem I am having is when I run the FX Restatement package I not getting any results.  LC has the correct amount that was input but my other reporting currencies show zero.  My Entity dimension (which is named Company) has the correct currencies in the currency column for each company, and the InputCurrency dimension has all of my currencies listed.  Everything else is the same as the AppShell app set.  One last note is I do have some additional dimensions in the finance application but I don't think that would cause any issue.
    My Rate cube is built the exactly the same as the rate cube in appshell app set. The only difference is my category dimension is named scenario. 
    I have updated all the system constants files and the script logic to reflect the dimension name changes.  Everything works as expected in the Appshell application, but I just can't seem to figure out why it won't work in my appset.
    I am sure I have left out some details that are needed so please just ask and I will provide whatever I can.  I really appreciate any help anyone can provide. 
    Thanks in advance!

    So I figured out the issue.  For some reason the data that was in the WriteBack table for any currency other than LC was not showing up in the report.  Once I optimized the application the currency conversion showed up as expected. 
    Has anyone had this problem before.  Any known solution?

  • This Formula(Function) compiles but does not display any result

    Please can anybody help me resolve this issue.The code below is a code for a formula(function) column in oracle report, i have complied this code and it successfully complied but it does not display any result for the column having a stock balance in the entire report.
    function CF_STOCK_BALFormula return Number is
         v_all_positive NUMBER;
         v_all_negative NUMBER;
         IF :transaction_type IN ('RECEIPT', 'RETURN') THEN
              IF :cp_stock_bal IS NULL OR :cp_stock_bal = 0 THEN
                   :cp_stock_bal := :opening_balance + :cp_stock_bal + :quantity;
                   :cp_stock_bal := :cp_stock_bal + :quantity;
              END IF;
         ELSIF :transaction_type IN ('ISSUE') THEN
              IF :cp_stock_bal IS NULL OR :cp_stock_bal = 0 THEN
                   :cp_stock_bal := :opening_balance + :cp_stock_bal - :quantity;
                   :cp_stock_bal := :cp_stock_bal - :quantity;
              END IF;
         END IF;
    RETURN (:cp_stock_bal);
    Edited by: Gbenga on Jan 17, 2012 11:30 PM

    Please can anybody help me resolve this issue.The code below is a code for a formula(function) column in oracle report, i have complied this code and it successfully complied but it does not display any result for the column having a stock balance in the entire report.
    function CF_STOCK_BALFormula return Number is
         v_all_positive NUMBER;
         v_all_negative NUMBER;
         IF :transaction_type IN ('RECEIPT', 'RETURN') THEN
              IF :cp_stock_bal IS NULL OR :cp_stock_bal = 0 THEN
                   :cp_stock_bal := :opening_balance + :cp_stock_bal + :quantity;
                   :cp_stock_bal := :cp_stock_bal + :quantity;
              END IF;
         ELSIF :transaction_type IN ('ISSUE') THEN
              IF :cp_stock_bal IS NULL OR :cp_stock_bal = 0 THEN
                   :cp_stock_bal := :opening_balance + :cp_stock_bal - :quantity;
                   :cp_stock_bal := :cp_stock_bal - :quantity;
              END IF;
         END IF;
    RETURN (:cp_stock_bal);
    Edited by: Gbenga on Jan 17, 2012 11:30 PM

  • Spotlight not returning any results

    Hi, when I use spotlight at the top right corner of the desktop to search for anthing I no longer get any results.
    Since then I have tried the following with no luck:
    I repaired permisssions
    I downloaded a program called onyx and executed the rebuild index button
    I deselected all 14 categories in the spotlight preferences and reselected them
    I drug the harddrive to the privacy tab, closed, reopened preferences and drug the harddrive off - this caused a reindex but still no results.
    I rebooted a few times.
    Still spotlight is not showing any results. I see that others have formatted an reinstalled but I do not want to do this!

    I next dug into Metadata and found that it was a
    script calling these three key lines:
    /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServic es.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -r -domain system
    /usr/bin/touch /var/run/.metadataRunning
    /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/ Versions/A/Support/mds -bootstrap
    all three of these ran ok for me
    what is interesting though, in /System/Library/StartupItems/Metadata the line
    /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServic es.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -r -domain system
    was commented out...
    I uncommented it but Spotlight is still broken.
    in addition to the previously suggested fixes, I zapped my PRAM but to no avail.
    On my powerbook when I boot up, the Spotlight icon does nothing when clicked on. If I log out and log in again Spotlight works :P
    So now in addition to being frustrating to use it appears now Spotlight is quite flakey.
    I hope the new stuff Steve did not mention at WWDC06 is a working, user friendly find feature.
    In the mean time I still need to find stuff!!!
    Apple? Hello? any ideas?
    Has anyone tried the app Spotless?
    Did you notice Spotlight wierdness after using this app?

  • Spotlight is not showing any results!

    I just upgraded to Leopard and now my spotlight app will not show any results when typed upon. I have tried to re-index the volume through system pref. but it didnt work. Anyone know any other methods to get it back into shape? thanks

    enter the following terminal commands form an admin account:
    sudo mdutil -i off /
    sudo mdutil -E /
    sudo mdutil -i on /
    please copy and paste them exactly as given. you'll have to enter your admin password (which you won't see) after the first command. that's normal.
    the commands turn spotlight off, delete the index and turn it back on.

  • QUnit not showing any results - VisualStudio 2013

    In Mircrosofs book:
    "Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3" there is testing with QUnit.
    Have done exactly as the book describes with in an example with an webcalculator in excersise 3.
    But when I run the debugging with QUnit does not show any results.
    It does not matter if I program an
    error..nothing is displayed when I´m start debugging.
    Only a blue line with the following:
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.95 Safari/537.36
    My question:
    How do I make QUnit to show something?
    I really appreciate your answer

    Please post your question in ASP.NET forums here:
    Thanks for your understanding.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Not showing any results V_V2 resheduling sales and stock transfer documents

    My client using   IS Retail .  First i create sales order i want resheduling perticular order through V_V2  i enter article and site ,process sales documents,process stock transfer order,unconfirm quantity and leave simulation   but it does not showing any results...previous showing from 2008 to 2010 sales orders only....
    Please give answer i am waiting your reply...
    Edited by: amitp2121 on Mar 3, 2011 11:57 AM

    Hi Hweiling,
    In my opinion V_V1 used to create confirmed backorder (line item where confirm quantity in first schedule line is 0 and there is no second schedule line) .
    V_V2 is used when you want to alocate your stock based of priority or some criteria.
    For example you have order 1 that created on 07.2007 confirmed but you hasn't delivered yet,  then you have order 2 that created on 08.2007 it's not confirmed, and you have the other order 3 that create on 01.2008 and it's confirmed ready to deliver 03.01.2008. You can use V_V2 to alocate the stock to first order, 2nd order and third order. So you can deliver the first order first, 2nd order and then the 3rd order will be in backorder.
    If you run V_V1, it's only update the stock for second item (if stock is enough).
    If you think why it's not update the order that you want  when you run V_V2, please check the criteria and the stock.
    Guys please correct me if I am wrong.

Maybe you are looking for