Query Needs to be changed to only use 1 Table

I would appreciate some help with changing this query to only use the table "ain.impl_oh_order_header oh table"
SELECT oh1.partner "Dealer",
od.sales_code "Dealer Sales Code",
oh1. external_order_number "Original Dealer Order Number",
cust. billing_account_number "BAN",
dsl.n_order "DSL OrderNo",
dsl.tn_or_ftn "DSL TN",
dsl.activation_date "DSL Activation",
telco.tn "ACCESS_TN",
to_char( oh1.created_ts, 'YYYY-MM-DD') "Original Order Date",
pack1.display_name "Original Order Description",
pack1.price "Original Plan Price",
uname. user_first_name "Agent First Name",
uname.user_last_name "Agent Last Name",
uname.user_name "Agent ID",
-- to_char(dh.timestamp, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MI') "USCS Button Pressed",
to_char(oh2.created_ts, 'YYYY-MM-DD') "USCS Order Date",
pack2.display_name "USCS - Order Description",
WHEN cd.state IN ('1','15') THEN 'RECEIVED'
WHEN cd.state IN ('2') THEN 'PROCESSING'
WHEN cd.state IN ('3','8','16','18') THEN 'COMPLETE'
WHEN cd.state IN ('4','9','17') THEN 'CANCELED'
WHEN cd.state IN ('6','10','13','14') THEN 'PENDING'
WHEN cd.state IN ('7') THEN 'INCOMPLETE'
WHEN cd.state IN ('12','19','20') THEN 'SUBMITTED'
END AS state_desc,
pack2.price "USCS - Plan Price",
pack2.price - pack1.price "Net Change",
ina. STATE,
FROM ain.impl_oh_order_header oh1
INNER JOIN ain.impl_oh_order_header oh2 ON oh1.external_order_number = oh2.external_order_number
INNER JOIN ain.impl_order_data od ON oh1.transaction_id = od.transaction_id
INNER JOIN ain.impl_package pack1 ON oh1.transaction_id = pack1.transaction_id
INNER JOIN ain.impl_package pack2 ON oh2.transaction_id = pack2.transaction_id
INNER JOIN ain.impl_name_address ina ON oh1.transaction_id = ina.transaction_id
INNER JOIN ain.impl_customer cust ON oh2.transaction_id = cust.transaction_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN ain.impl_dsl dsl ON oh2.transaction_id = dsl.transaction_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN ain.impl_access telco ON oh2.transaction_id = telco.transaction_id
INNER JOIN ain.sncr_order_curr_disp cd ON cd.transaction_id = oh2.transaction_id
INNER JOIN AIN.sncr_order_disp_head dh ON oh1.transaction_id = dh.transaction_id
INNER JOIN ain.sncr_order_disposition disp ON dh.disp_transaction_id = disp.disp_transaction_id
INNER JOIN ain.sncr_ssm_principal uname ON uname.user_id = dh.user_id
WHERE oh2.created_ts BETWEEN to_date('3/01/2012 00:00:00','mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') AND to_date('3/31/2012 23:59:00', 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
AND oh1.uscs = 0 AND oh2.uscs = 1
AND oh1.external_order_number NOT LIKE '%PROD_TEST%'
AND oh2.external_order_number NOT LIKE '%PROD_TEST%'
AND oh1.order_type = 'ORDER'
AND oh2.order_type = 'ORDER'
AND pack1.product_type = 'ORDER'
AND pack2.product_type = 'ORDER'
AND disp.category = 110 AND disp.state = 5
AND disp.trx_seq = (SELECT MAX(trx_seq)
FROM ain.sncr_order_disposition sod, ain.sncr_order_disp_head sodh
WHERE sodh.disp_transaction_id = sod.disp_transaction_id
AND sodh.transaction_id = oh1.transaction_id
AND sod.category = 110 AND sod.state = 5)
AND pack1.offer_id IS NOT NULL
AND pack2.offer_id IS NOT NULL
AND ina.type = 'SERVICE'
AND cd.category = 100
ORDER BY to_char(oh2.created_ts, 'YYYY-MM-DD')

  ain.impl_oh_order_header ohIf that is not what you want you have to give more info about your tables, what you want etc. etc.
See FAQ: how to ask a question

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    With respect to your 1st requirement:
    In BusinessObjects 6.5 it was possible. However, post BOXIR2 this information could not be retrieved from CMS via query builder.  I agree with Jorge Sosua's comment above.
    With respect to your 2nd requirement:
    The field 'SI_PATH' will retrieve Filestore path(physical path). If you were referring logical path(Public folder path or psuedo-reference path) will you please refer my respone to Kelly Stone at BusinessObjects Query builder queries - Part II , If this may assist you.

  • Need help to change user email id in table ADR6

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          DATA lo_nd_email TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
          DATA lo_el_email TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element.
          DATA ls_email TYPE wd_this->element_email.
          DATA lv_mail_id LIKE ls_email-mail_id.
        navigate from <CONTEXT> to <EMAIL> via lead selection
          lo_nd_email = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_email ).
        get element via lead selection
          lo_el_email = lo_nd_email->get_element(  ).
        get single attribute
              name =  `MAIL_ID`
              value = lv_mail_id ).
          DATA:lt_return TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2.
               IMPORTING VALUE =  lv_bname ).
          DATA:wa_address TYPE bapiaddr3.
        IF lv_mail_id IS INITIAL.
              get message manager
              DATA lo_api_controller TYPE REF TO if_wd_controller.
              DATA lo_message_manager TYPE REF TO if_wd_message_manager.
              lo_api_controller ?= wd_this->wd_get_api( ).
              CALL METHOD lo_api_controller->get_message_manager
                  message_manager = lo_message_manager.
              report message
              CALL METHOD lo_message_manager->report_error_message
                  message_text  = 'Please Enter Email Id'.
       DATA:l_addr type addr_keynr.
            C_YES = 'X'.
       TYPES: ty_comm_smtp TYPE  adsmtp ,             
            ty_returncode TYPE SZAD_FIELD-RETURNCODE,
            ty_error TYPE ADDR_ERROR,
            adsuse TYPE ADSUSE.
             lt_comm_smtp TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_comm_smtp,    """"Data Object
             lv_returncode TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_returncode,
             error_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_error,
             lt_adsuse  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF adsuse.
        data:ls_comm_smtp like LINE OF lt_comm_smtp,
             ls_returncode like LINE OF lv_returncode .
          EXPORTING  BNAME    = lv_bname
          IMPORTING  PERSNUMBER    = l_addr-persnumber
                     ADDRNUMBER    = l_addr-addrnumber
                          OTHERS            = 2.
      IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
        REFRESH: lt_comm_smtp.
                    address_handle    = ''
                    address_number    = l_addr-addrnumber
                    person_handle     = ''
                    person_number     = l_addr-persnumber
                    DATE_FROM         = '00010101'
                  LANGUAGE          = SY-LANGU
                    table_type        = 'ADSMTP'
                    iv_current_state  = space                       "*981i
                    returncode        = ls_returncode
                    comm_table        = lt_comm_smtp
                    error_table       = error_table
                    et_usage          = lt_adsuse                   "*981i
                    parameter_error   = 1
                    address_not_exist = 2
                    person_not_exist  = 3
                    internal_error    = 4
                    OTHERS            = 99.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            IF sy-subrc = 1 OR sy-subrc = 2 OR sy-subrc = 3.
             raise_message 'AM' 'A' 885 'ADDR_PERS_COMP_COMM_GET' space
             space space internal_error.
             same_message_dia_a internal_error.
        CLEAR:ls_comm_smtp, email_id.
        READ TABLE lt_comm_smtp INTO ls_comm_smtp INDEX 1.
        EMAIL_ID = ls_comm_smtp-smtp_addr.    """""""OLD EMAIL ID which we get from ADDR_PERS_COMP_COMM_GET
        CONS_NO = ls_comm_smtp-CONSNUMBER.
        ls_comm_smtp-CONSNUMBER = CONS_NO.
        ls_comm_smtp-FLGDEFAULT = 'X'.
        ls_comm_smtp-HOME_FLAG = 'X'.
        ls_comm_smtp-UPDATEFLAG = 'U'.
        ls_comm_smtp-smtp_addr = lv_mail_id.
        TRANSLATE email_id TO UPPER CASE.
        ls_comm_smtp-smtp_srch = email_id.
        REFRESH :lt_comm_smtp.
         append ls_comm_smtp to lt_comm_smtp.
      IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
                  address_handle    = ' '
                  address_number    = l_addr-addrnumber
                  person_handle     = ' '
                  person_number     = l_addr-persnumber
                  table_type        = 'ADSMTP'
                  iv_time_dependence = C_YES                   "*981i
                 returncode        =  ls_returncode
                 comm_table        =  lt_comm_smtp
                 error_table       =  error_table
                 parameter_error   = 1
                 address_not_exist = 2
                 person_not_exist  = 3
                 internal_error    = 4
                 OTHERS            = 99.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
          COMMIT WORK.
    i hv also tried second approch available on sdn CALL FUNCTION 'ADDR_COMM_MAINTAIN'. but in this fm person number we can't pass.
    please help me

    Hi Abhilesh,
    You can use the following FM's to update the Email ID. There are many posts ADDR* FM using for updating Email ID.  Please have a look if you have a doubt.
    DATA: iadsmtp TYPE adsmtp    OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    "Retrieving Address Details
            address_number =  addrnr
            table_type     = 'ADSMTP'
            comm_table     = iadsmtp
            OTHERS         = 0.
    READ TABLE iadsmtp index 1.
    if sy-subrc is initial.
    iadsmtp-SMTP_ADDR = 'new mail ID'.  " Here pass your New Email ID
    Modify iadsmtp.
            address_number           = addrnr
            table_type               = 'ADSMTP'
            substitute_all_comm_data = 'X'
            comm_table               = iadsmtp
            OTHERS                   = 0.
    Then call FM 'ADDR_SINGLE_SAVE'  to do the Commit.

  • Import Data using Full Table Name

    Is there a way to run the import data wizard so when pulling data from a csv it generates an insert statement not only using the table name but using the Oracle Schema name -- ie fully qualified table name?

    Hi Nilanjan,
    I need help ASAP.
    About this dump-load task, how does it works?  Because I was checking out a package called Import SQL  and this one only imports data from a table, however this table has to be allocated within the database that is being used, and I right? Are these 2 related somehow?
    Does this task order BPC to find data from a SQL Table (allocated in a different server, different instance for SQL) and import it to SQL Fac2 table?
    Can you help me with a simple explanation what do I need to do to run this task?  The page help.sap.com  talks shows a section within DumpLoad Task Usage which is called  Importing Into SQL Server... 
    * Processing the Application using DumpLoad  -
    Importing into SQL
    You can use DumpLoad to process the application as a standalone procedure, or with data import, export, or clear.
    The DumpLoad task (OsoftTaskDumpLoad2008.dll) is registered with Microsoft SSIS. See Registering Custom Tasks.
    1.Open a package or create a new package in Microsoft SSIS on the Planning and Consolidation server.  i already did this for the DumpLoad task ... should I do this for the Import SQL task also ?
    2.Select the task and add it to the package.   WHAT DOES SELECT THE TASK  MEAN?
    3.Open the task, and choose  Data Management  None .
    4.Enter the application set, application, and user ID.
    Im getting confused, can you please provide more details about the whole procedure. Thanx in advance

  • Permission to change the design of a table

      We are having Sql server 2008 in clustered environment. I logged in and tried to change the design of the table. I have
    the rights as a database owner for my login. But when I tried to change the design of the table in SSMS I got the following error-:
    Saving changes not permitted. The change you have made require the table to be dropped or recreated. You either
    made changes to a table that can't be recreated or enabled the option prevent saving changes that require table to
    be recreated.
    How to overcome the problem?

    You overcome the problem by staying out of the table designer. The reason that the roadblock is there is that the code that generates the table changes by creating a new instance of the table and copy data over has some very fundamental bugs and you should
    absolutely not use it. And least of all in a cluster, that is, in production! It's a toy tool, and Microsoft should have taken it out long ago. As just one example: the tool will only use ALTER TABLE in situations where it would work on SQL 6.5!
    So use SQL scripts to make your table changes. Preferably with ALTER TABLE. Writing scripts where you copy all data is doable, but it requires a good understanding of what can go wrong. Or a long maintenance window that permits you to restore a backup if
    things go south.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

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    I have a full Creative Cloud Subscription, but I only use Photoshop and Bridge. I want to change to a less expensive subscription but it is not clear what steps I need to do to make this happen. Do you have a simple step by step guide? Seems that there is lots of help to upgrade but not down grade.

    FIRST check with Adobe to find out if you may cancel what you have without a fee
    Adobe contact information - http://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html
    -Select your product and what you need help with
    -Click on the blue box "Still need help? Contact us"
    Then cancel what you have
    -cancel http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/return-cancel-or-change-order.html
    -or http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/cancel-membership-subscription.html
    -or by telephone http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/phone-support-orders.html
    And finally buy a new subscription
    Cloud Plans https://creative.adobe.com/plans
    -Special Photography Plan includes Photoshop & Lightroom & Bridge & Mobile Lightroom
    -Special Photography Plan includes 2Gig of Cloud storage (not the 20Gig of the full plan)

  • Why we need to change apps pwd using fndcpass only?

    why we need to change apps pwd using fndcpass only?
    can't we change using alter user......?

    See the following note.
    Note:160337.1 How To Manually Change The APPS, APPLSYS and APPLSYSPUB Passwords in Oracle Applications
    This is critical. No support if you use this way to change password. This should be the last option. Recommended is using FNDCPASS.
    After using FNDCPASS to change Apps password, you have to run AutoConfig. AutoConfig will take care of changing/modifying all files and profile options. so you will not need to update any file manually.
    - Stop all application services
    - Use FNDCPASS to change the password
    FNDCPASS apps/pwd 0 Y system/pwd SYSTEM APPLSYS <new_pwd>
    - Run AutoConfig
    - Bounce all application services

  • Changing A Value Using If Statement in SQL Query

    Hello, I have a very rudimentary question that I'm stuck on.  I have a query that returns one of 3 different integers.  I want to have each integer translate to a string value depending on the number returned.  Unfortunately this is the SCCM
    database which cannot be changed to provide an additional table with the values.
    I have something like this but I'm not getting what I want out of the date - depending on what I do I either get an error, or nothing.
    Declare @NewValue nvarchar
    Declare @Value nvarchar
    If @Value = 1 Set @Value = 'String1'
    If @Value = 2 Set @Value = 'String2'
    If @Value = 3 Set @Value = 'String3'
    Select PrimaryKey,IntegerValue FROM db_Table WHERE @Value=IntegerValue
    I know this is a simple thing but I'm new to SQL and not exactly sure what terms I should even be using to search for this.  Thanks for the help!

    select PrimaryKey, IntegerValue, case IntegerValue when 1 then 'String1'
    when 2 then 'String 2' when 3 then 'String3' else 'Unknown Integer Value' end as [Description]
    from db_Table
    Take a look at
    CASE expression in BOL. You may also find the following article helpful
    For every expert, there is an equal and opposite expert. - Becker's Law
    My blog
    My TechNet articles

  • Need Help in Splitting a String Using SQL QUERY

    I need help in splitting a string using a SQL Query:
    String IS:
    AFTER PAINT.ACOUSTICAL.1..9'' MEMBRAIN'I would like to seperate this string into multiple lines using the delimeter .(dot)
    Sample Output should look like:
    SNO       STRING
    1            AFTER PAINT
    2            ACOUSTICAL
    3            1
    5            9" MEMBRAIN
    FYI i am using Oracle 9.2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    There's this as well:
    with x as ( --generating sample data:
               select 'AFTER PAINT.ACOUSTICAL.1..9" MEMBRAIN' str from dual union all
               select 'BEFORE PAINT.ELECTRIC.2..45 caliber MEMBRAIN' str from dual)
    select str,
           row_number() over (partition by str order by rownum) s_no,
           cast(dbms_xmlgen.convert(t.column_value.extract('//text()').getstringval(),1) as varchar2(100)) res
    from x,
         table(xmlsequence(xmltype('<x><x>' || replace(str,'.','</x><x>') || '</x></x>').extract('//x/*'))) t;
    STR                                                S_NO RES                                                                                                
    AFTER PAINT.ACOUSTICAL.1..9" MEMBRAIN                 1 AFTER PAINT                                                                                        
    AFTER PAINT.ACOUSTICAL.1..9" MEMBRAIN                 2 ACOUSTICAL                                                                                         
    AFTER PAINT.ACOUSTICAL.1..9" MEMBRAIN                 3 1                                                                                                  
    AFTER PAINT.ACOUSTICAL.1..9" MEMBRAIN                 4                                                                                                    
    AFTER PAINT.ACOUSTICAL.1..9" MEMBRAIN                 5 9" MEMBRAIN                                                                                        
    BEFORE PAINT.ELECTRIC.2..45 caliber MEMBRAIN          1 BEFORE PAINT                                                                                       
    BEFORE PAINT.ELECTRIC.2..45 caliber MEMBRAIN          2 ELECTRIC                                                                                           
    BEFORE PAINT.ELECTRIC.2..45 caliber MEMBRAIN          3 2                                                                                                  
    BEFORE PAINT.ELECTRIC.2..45 caliber MEMBRAIN          4                                                                                                    
    BEFORE PAINT.ELECTRIC.2..45 caliber MEMBRAIN          5 45 caliber MEMBRAIN      

  • I need to reprogram the delete and enter key to the left side of a external keyboard for the ipad mini. don't need the caps/lock or ctrl key and due to an injury my daughter can only use her left hand to type. She is using a text to speech app to verbaliz

    I need to reprogram the delete and enter key to the left side of a external keyboard for the ipad mini. I don't need the caps/lock or ctrl key. Due to a brain injury my daughter can only use her left hand to type. She also uses a text to speech app to verbalize all of her needs since her speech isn't intelligible any longer either. And her vision was significantly affected also, so the keyboard has to be mounted about 6 inches from her face. So to reach across the keyboard with her left hand to the right side delete and enter button is physically difficult and causes typing errors, which cause people to not understand what shes trying to say.
    The best keyboard so far is the Zagg folio mini. I just had to make stickers to enlarge the letters on the key buttons.
    Does anyone know how I can reprogram these two keys? Or where I can buy a wireless mini keyboard for Ipad made for lefthanders with these two functions on the left side. I have searched for days and days. It's sooooo important to me that she be able to contribute her voice again. Imagine if you got in a car accident and couldn't speak clearly any longer, but understood everything still. Thanks for any help and suggestions you all take the time to share with me. I really appreciate the kindness of strangers to help me help my daughter.
    Sami's mom

    Sami\'s mom wrote:
    I need to reprogram the delete and enter key to the left side of a external keyboard for the ipad mini.
    You cannot.

  • Aperture 3 shuts down every time I try to use it after only using it for one minute. Aperture closes then a pop up screen asks if I want to reopen Aperture. If somrone at Aperture didn't keep pushing a stop button for it to close,it wouldn't need to ask t

    Aperture 3 shuts down every time I try to use it after only using it for one minute. Aperture closes then a pop up screen asks if I want to reopen Aperture. If somrone at Aperture didn't keep pushing a stop button for it to close,Apple wouldn't need to ask the stupid question"Do you want to reopen Aperture?" to begin with. Anyone out there having the same annoying problem?? I like Aperture or used to anyway,but if this nonsense continues, I will be forced to buy some other editor besides "No hanging fruit - Adobe photoshop CS5" or "I don't like you so I'm shutting down - Aperture".

    sorry to hear about your troubles, but we will need to have more technical information about your problem to be able to help you:
    There may be several reasons that can cause Aperture to crash on start up:
    You may have imported an image (or video) in an encoding that Aperture does not support, or that is larger than 2 GB, or that is corrupted and Aperture cannot process it
    Your Aperture Library or Preferences may have been corrupted
    Or you are having a system wide problem with your machine.
    Or you may simple be running out of disk space.
    It would help, if you could post the crash log from your last crash. Also, more details on your Aperture Library: Is it managed or references? how large is it? Is it on your system drive or on an external drive?
    What have you done, shortly before the trouble started? Have you imported new images or videos? Did you install any plug-ins or any new software, lile Final Cut?
    Try, if you can get Aperture to launch, if you defer the generation of Previews: Hold down the SHIFT-key immediately after you start Aperture to prevent preview generation for that session. If a damaged image in your library is preventing normal opening, this may allow you to start Aperture. If this succeeds, try to identify the broken image or video among the images you recently imported and remove it from the library.
    Don't you think your user name is a little bit tactless in an Apple provided forum?

  • It only uses 32bit, and my computer needs 64bit.   Please help.

    I am a non profit.  I ordered Photo shop Elements12 for PC  for my office.  It is a download only.  It doesn't dowload on my computer.  It only uses 32bit, and my computer needs 64bit.   Please help. The Adobe photoshop elements 12 is useless to me.  I can't seem to get anyone at Techsoup to help and trying to get Adobe to help is runaround.  What should I do to get it to run on my computer.  Please someone in the forum let me know how switch out the download for the correct one.

    64-bit windows can run 32-bit applications just fine and always has.  They are just limited to a small amount of memory.   If something isn’t working it’s likely another problem like an incomplete download or trying to install the Mac version on a PC or something like that.
    You can try downloading and installing from the PSE12 link, here, to see if it works any better:
    If you can’t get things to work, then please post a screenshot of the error and a description of what you’re trying to do that lead to the error.
    Also the term “downloading” refers to transferring a file from a remote server, across the internet, to your local computer.   The term “install” means running the program that was downloaded on your local computer to put the working program on your computer that you can run.
    It would be helpful to know if your saying that the actual transfer across the internet part isn’t working, or if that part seemed to work, but when you run that installer program you’re seeing an error.

  • I want to change my apple store to saudi arabia Because my store was in saudi arabia but changed before to use gift card now I have 0.27$ but I DONT need it   The Error was you have a store credit balance you must spend your balance before you can ch

    I want to change my apple store to saudi arabia Because my store was in saudi arabia but changed before to use gift card now I have 0.27$ but I DONT need it   The Error was you have a store credit balance you must spend your balance before you can change stores and I have saudi credit card Used it before

    Click here and request assistance.

  • I have changed my account to SIM only and when I put my new SIM Card into my iPhone 4 it just says 'no service' in the top left corner, also iMessage has stopped working too. I can only use my phone on my WiFi at the moment, does anyone have any idea?

    I have changed my account to SIM only and when I put my new SIM Card into my iPhone 4 it just says 'no service' in the top left corner, also iMessage has stopped working too. I can only use my phone on my WiFi at the moment, does anyone have any idea?

    I already have, I contacted Orange yesterday and they said I will receive a text to confirm the registrastion for my new SIM Card, they said the text would arrive between 2 and 24 hours and its been over 24 hours with no text recieved

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