Query of Queries With Date Strings

Running cold fusion 9
database query, from oracle, includes this in the select clause
, to_Char(DateRequested, 'yyyy-mm-dd') thedate
so it's a string.
Then we have a url variable.  It's called thedate and the value is 2010-06-09.
The objective is to get the record from the oracle query that matches the url variable.
But this code:
<cfquery name="ThisResource" dbtype="query">
select FundingResourceId, status, thedate
from PatientResources
where thedate = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_char" value="#url.thedate#">
will not return any rows.  This includes many attempts that included hard coding the value, checking for white space, etc.  Nothing I tried returned the row.  However, when I changed this:
where thedate = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_char" value="#url.thedate#">
to this
where thedate LIKE <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_char" value="#url.thedate#">
it returned the expected record.  Note that I didn't even need a wildcard.
Anybody have any thoughts on this?

This looks like a bug to me.  I tried your example and got the same results in CF8 and CF9, though it works as expected in Railo...
It seems like it's trying to guess that you really wanted that to be a date.  Change your example from
q = QueryNew("s","varchar");
q = QueryNew("s");
And you'll see:
q - query
{ts '2010-06-10 00:00:00'}
z - query
{ts '2010-06-10 00:00:00'}

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    I did not mean that way. I presume that there is a timestamp value (may be a date too) column in the table. Then based upon your requirement (say before 15 days) pass the value as date (or time stamp) in the query as a parameter.
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    <th scope="col"></th>
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    <th scope="col"></th>
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    <td class="team">#Home_Team# </td>
    <td>#Home_Score# </td>
    <td class="team">#Away_Team# </td>
    <td>#Away_Score# </td>
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    DECLARE @ColumnList VARCHAR(MAX) = '';
    DECLARE @query VARCHAR(max);
    WITH Data AS (
            SELECT columnname
             FROM    dbo.table
             SELECT         @ColumnList +='[' +  [columnname] +'],'
             FROM         Data;
    SET @ColumnList = STUFF(@ColumnList, 2, 0, '');
    SET @ColumnList = LEFT(@ColumnList, LEN(@ColumnList) - 1)
    --print @columnlist
    SET @query=
    'SELECT otherfields, ' +@ColumnList +' FROM
    (  SELECT   otherfields,columnname, datefield
             FROM        dbo.table
    ) t
    PIVOT (max(datefield) FOR [columnname] in (' +@ColumnList + ')
    ) AS pvt'
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    <!--- Simulated query; similar to what I was calling from
    my database --->
    qOriginal = queryNew("Name,Email,CountryCode",
    newRow = queryAddRow(qOriginal, 5);
    querySetCell(qOriginal, "Name", "Joe", 1);
    querySetCell(qOriginal, "Email", "[email protected]", 1);
    querySetCell(qOriginal, "CountryCode", "AMER", 1);
    querySetCell(qOriginal, "Name", "Sally", 2);
    querySetCell(qOriginal, "Email", "[email protected]", 2);
    querySetCell(qOriginal, "CountryCode", "AMER", 2);
    querySetCell(qOriginal, "Name", "Bob", 3);
    querySetCell(qOriginal, "Email", "[email protected]", 3);
    querySetCell(qOriginal, "CountryCode", "ASIA", 3);
    querySetCell(qOriginal, "Name", "Mary", 4);
    querySetCell(qOriginal, "Email", "[email protected]", 4);
    querySetCell(qOriginal, "CountryCode", "EURO", 4);
    querySetCell(qOriginal, "Name", "John", 5);
    querySetCell(qOriginal, "Email", "[email protected]", 5);
    querySetCell(qOriginal, "CountryCode", "EURO", 5);
    <cfquery name="qCountries" dbtype="query">
    SELECT DISTINCT(CountryCode) AS CountryCode,
    DECODE(states, "AMER", "North America &amp; Canada",
    "EURO", "Europe &amp; Africa", "ASIA", "Japan &amp;
    Asia","") CountryName
    FROM qOriginal
    ORDER BY CountryCode
    <cfdump var="#qCountries#">
    <!--- ========== END OF CODE ========== --->
    So running this returned the following error:
    Query Of Queries syntax error.
    Encountered "(. Incorrect Select Statement, Expecting a
    'FROM', but encountered '(' instead, A select statement should have
    a 'FROM' construct.
    Does anybody know why this doesn't work? Is it just not
    supported? Please note that I have also tried to use the CASE()
    function instead of DECODE() and that resulted in basically the
    same error. For now I an looping over my distinct query with a
    switch statement and manually loading a new query with the data how
    I want it. But it would be a lot cleaner and less code to have the
    DECODE() to work. Thx!

    DECODE() is an Oracle function, not generic SQL. Q-of-Q is a
    very limited subset of SQL and lacks many functions and clauses
    available in standard SQL, especially what you may be used to using
    in your particular RDBMS.
    of Queries user guide

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    <P>THIS IS P2.</P>
    please help me in writing this query with regular expression
    i have tried it as following but it is not giving desired result:
    Thanks & Regards
    Nimish GargEdited by: Nimish Garg on May 7, 2012 5:49 PM

    Nimish Garg wrote:
    My requirement is to extract a <tag>data</tag> from a HTML/XML string
    where data contains any specified value.HTML is not XML.
    And that is a critical distinction to make. HTML parsing is horribly complex. XML is quite easy. For HTML you have to code your own parser in PL/SQL. XML can be parsed using the XMLTYPE class/data type in PL/SQL.
    So if you need to find a single specific tag in HTML - I would not try to treat it as XML. I may not even try to use regular expressions.
    I would do a basic substring search for the start of the tag. Read the data following the tag. Ensure that there are no nested or embedded tags in the data. Until the end tag is read. Because HTML is that much abused - and because that is an accepted norm as parsers used by browsers deals with that abuse without complaining.
    Proper HTML is mostly a myth in my experience of "screen scraping" web servers for data extraction as they do not have web services supplying the data.

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    I am facing a Problem in query data updation.    Data has been daily updating in infoprovider successfully ,But when user run query through Bex he is always shown old data.  Then I go to RSRT and generate the query and data got updated.
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    What could be reason for this.  Is this related to cache data ?
    Any Advise .
    Thanks in Advance.

    Dear Michael,
    This problem is coming only for one Multiprovider.   Running this program would affect all other queries also . This will Delay the reporting.
    Any other reason why query is reflected with old data Though infoprovide is loaded with new data.

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    how to compare result
    from sql query with data
    writen in html input tag?
    I need to compare
    user and password in html form
    with all user and password in database
    how to do this?
    or put the resulr from sql query
    in array
    please help me?

    Hi dejani
    first get the user name and password enter by the user
    String sUsername=request.getParameter("name of the textfield");
    String sPassword=request.getParameter("name of the textfield");
    after executeQuery() statement
    int exist=0;
    String sUserId= rs.getString("username");
    String sPass_wd= rs.getString("password");
    if(sUserId.equals(sUsername) && sPass_wd.equals(sPassword))
    out.println("user exist");
    out.println("not exist");

  • Can we suppress execution of a query so as to optionally execute queries in data modl

    Can we suppress execution of a query so that we optionally execute queries?0
    I have a combo box in Parameter Form. It has 3 options. I have 3 queries in Data Model.
    I want to execute only one of these 3 queries based on user's selection from combo box.
    I want that other 2 queries do NOT execute at all for that processing cycle. Next time user selects other option and an other query is executed and other 2 are NOT executed and so on.
    Is it possible in Reports 6i in Client/server?
    Pl. guide.

    AND :parameter = <this query's value> (e.g. 1 or "SALES" or whatever)
    in each query's where clause. Because this is 2 constants (as far as the SQL interpreter is concerned) it will evaluate it first. If the parameter is set to a value not for this query then it will return no rows with minimal overhead.

  • Writing query to Oracle DB with DATE field in it.

    When I try to execute the following query on Oracle DB I get an exception. I know that the problem is with Date representation on the query string. Please, if anyone knows how to make it work help me.
    query = "INSERT INTO MYTABLE (NAME , BIRTHDAY ) VALUES ('" + person.getName() +" ' , " + person.getBirthday() + " )";
    getBirthday() returns java.sql.Date object.
    Please, please, help to work it out!

    Thank you, very much.
    I've put the record into DB!!!! Hurray!
    But now I have another problem. I've got a ResultSet & I'd like to extract the DATE from it. But how?
    The Exception text states that the name of the field (Birthday) is incorrect.
    My code:
    Date birthday = resultSet.getDate("Birthday");
    All other fields are perfectly well extracted, but they are Strings.

  • Slow response  on data dictionary queries with optimizer_mode=rule in  10g

    I have two dataabse: DB1 (9i) and DB2 (10g) on windows 2000
    They are two development databases with the same schemas and same tables. The application executes the same commands but with different results and execution plans.
    In DB2 the queries with the most slow response tima are the queries on the data dictionary (for example: all_synonyms).
    These query are very fast with the optimizer_mode=cost and very slow with the optimizer_mode=rule.
    And the the problem is this:
    in DB1 and DB2 the application executes after the connection this command:
    These are the traces of the session in db1 and db2:
    The queries are created dynamically by the application.
    Is there a solution for this?
    Message was edited by:

    Here is a simple example of what can happen,
    @>alter session set optimizer_mode=all_rows;
    | Id  | Operation        | Name | Rows  | Cost (%CPU)|
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT |      |     1 |     2   (0)|
    |   1 |  FAST DUAL       |      |     1 |     2   (0)|
    @>alter session set optimizer_mode=rule;
    | Id  | Operation        | Name |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT |      |
    |   1 |  FAST DUAL       |      |
          - rule based optimizer used (consider using cbo)As you can see incomplete explain plans. Therefore it is not advised.

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