Query on field of embedded object - "Unknown state or association"

I'm trying to define a query which selects entities on the basis of a field nested in an embedded field of the entity class.
The query looks like:
select inv from Invoice inv where inv.weekNo.year = :year AND inv.weekNo.weekNo = :week AND
inv.member.id = :memberCode
    public BusinessDate getWeekNo() {And the BusinessDate class has a year and weekNo field defined for persistence.
The result is :
Exception Description: Unknown state or association field [year] of class [com.cc.ei.model.data.BusinessDate].
Hibernate compiles this query OK but toplink rejects it.
What I'd like to do is put this under the Member entity as a filtered query (I need Invoices for a specific week for a given member) but there's no @Filter in the javax.persistence stuff, that I can find.

Toplink essentials.
The year attribute is simply an integer field, mapped to a "YEAR_NUMBER" column.
The @Filter I'm talking about is an extra facility in Hibernate annotations (outside of the javax.persistence stuff). The idea is that when you've got a one-to-many relationship you don't always want every child record, in this case, for example, I want the invoices under a Member limited to a specific business week (matching week number and year).
It's not very elegant to have to, effectively, ignore the existing relationship and use a stand-alone Query.
As to the original problem I've concluded the best way is probably to put the year and week number fields in the Invoice entity separately, and build my BusinessDate object from them. Using BuisnessDate as an embeddable would have been more elegant, but it's not the end of the world.

Similar Messages

  • Unknown state or association field exception

    I meet the above exception on my project, but not know where my problem lies. Please help. Thank you.
    Here is the exception message:
    Exception Description: Unknown state or association field [projectNoSub] of class [database.SfcWip].
    Here is the entity class:
    @Table(name = "SFC_WIP")
    @NamedQueries( {
    @NamedQuery(name = "SfcWip.findByProjectNoSub", query = "SELECT s FROM SfcWip s WHERE s.sfcWipPK.projectNoSub = :projectNoSub"),
    @NamedQuery(name = "SfcWip.findByPcbPartNo", query = "SELECT s FROM SfcWip s WHERE s.sfcWipPK.pcbPartNo = :pcbPartNo"),
    @NamedQuery(name = "SfcWip.findByPcbQty", query = "SELECT s FROM SfcWip s WHERE s.pcbQty = :pcbQty"),
    @NamedQuery(name = "SfcWip.findByFlowId", query = "SELECT s FROM SfcWip s WHERE s.flowId = :flowId"),
    @NamedQuery(name = "SfcWip.findByStatus", query = "SELECT s FROM SfcWip s WHERE s.status = :status"),
    @NamedQuery(name = "SfcWip.findByRemarks", query = "SELECT s FROM SfcWip s WHERE s.remarks = :remarks")
    public class SfcWip implements Serializable {
    * EmbeddedId primary key field
    protected SfcWipPK sfcWipPK;
    @Column(name = "PCB_QTY")
    private BigDecimal pcbQty;
    @Column(name = "FLOW_ID")
    private String flowId;
    @Column(name = "STATUS")
    private String status;
    @Column(name = "REMARKS")
    private String remarks;
    @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "sfcWip")
    private Collection<SfcWiptran> sfcWiptranCollection;
    /** Creates a new instance of SfcWip */
    public SfcWip() {
    public SfcWip(SfcWipPK sfcWipPK) {
    this.sfcWipPK = sfcWipPK;
    public SfcWip(String pcbPartNo, String projectNoSub) {
    this.sfcWipPK = new SfcWipPK(pcbPartNo, projectNoSub);
    public SfcWipPK getSfcWipPK() {
    return this.sfcWipPK;
    public void setSfcWipPK(SfcWipPK sfcWipPK) {
    this.sfcWipPK = sfcWipPK;
    public BigDecimal getPcbQty() {
    return this.pcbQty;
    public void setPcbQty(BigDecimal pcbQty) {
    this.pcbQty = pcbQty;
    public String getFlowId() {
    return this.flowId;
    public void setFlowId(String flowId) {
    this.flowId = flowId;
    public String getStatus() {
    return this.status;
    public void setStatus(String status) {
    this.status = status;
    public String getRemarks() {
    return this.remarks;
    public void setRemarks(String remarks) {
    this.remarks = remarks;
    public Collection<SfcWiptran> getSfcWiptranCollection() {
    return this.sfcWiptranCollection;
    public void setSfcWiptranCollection(Collection<SfcWiptran> sfcWiptranCollection) {
    this.sfcWiptranCollection = sfcWiptranCollection;
    public int hashCode() {
    int hash = 0;
    hash += (this.sfcWipPK != null ? this.sfcWipPK.hashCode() : 0);
    return hash;
    public boolean equals(Object object) {
    // TODO: Warning - this method won't work in the case the id fields are not set
    if (!(object instanceof SfcWip)) {
    return false;
    SfcWip other = (SfcWip)object;
    if (this.sfcWipPK != other.sfcWipPK && (this.sfcWipPK == null || !this.sfcWipPK.equals(other.sfcWipPK))) return false;
    return true;
    public String toString() {
    return "database.SfcWip[sfcWipPK=" + sfcWipPK + "]";
    public class SfcWipPK implements Serializable {
    @Column(name = "PROJECT_NO_SUB", nullable = false)
    private String projectNoSub;
    @Column(name = "PCB_PART_NO", nullable = false)
    private String pcbPartNo;
    /** Creates a new instance of SfcWipPK */
    public SfcWipPK() {
    public SfcWipPK(String pcbPartNo, String projectNoSub) {
    this.pcbPartNo = pcbPartNo;
    this.projectNoSub = projectNoSub;
    public String getProjectNoSub() {
    return this.projectNoSub;
    public void setProjectNoSub(String projectNoSub) {
    this.projectNoSub = projectNoSub;
    public String getPcbPartNo() {
    return this.pcbPartNo;
    public void setPcbPartNo(String pcbPartNo) {
    this.pcbPartNo = pcbPartNo;
    public int hashCode() {
    int hash = 0;
    hash += (this.pcbPartNo != null ? this.pcbPartNo.hashCode() : 0);
    hash += (this.projectNoSub != null ? this.projectNoSub.hashCode() : 0);
    return hash;
    public boolean equals(Object object) {
    // TODO: Warning - this method won't work in the case the id fields are not set
    if (!(object instanceof SfcWipPK)) {
    return false;
    SfcWipPK other = (SfcWipPK)object;
    if (this.pcbPartNo != other.pcbPartNo && (this.pcbPartNo == null || !this.pcbPartNo.equals(other.pcbPartNo))) return false;
    if (this.projectNoSub != other.projectNoSub && (this.projectNoSub == null || !this.projectNoSub.equals(other.projectNoSub))) return false;
    return true;
    public String toString() {
    return "database.SfcWipPK[pcbPartNo=" + pcbPartNo + ", projectNoSub=" + projectNoSub + "]";

    The problem lies in the NamedQuery that I found in the end.

  • Unknown state or association field with @Transformation

    I have a class that uses a Transformation mapping for the IP address field. The IP address is the string dot notation in the class, but is a long integer in the database. My entity class looks like this:
    public class LocationMap implements Serializable {
    bq.      @Transformation \\          @ReadTransformer(IPAttributeTransformer.class) \\          @WriteTransformer(IPAttributeTransformer.class) \\          @Column(name="IP_ADDR") \\          protected String ipAddr; \\          ...
    IPAttributeTransformer is a class that implements both org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.transformers.AttributeTransfomer and org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.transformers.FieldTransformer.
    When I attempt to execute the query, "select location.ipAddr from LocationMap location", it gives me the error Error compiling the query [(select location.ipAddr from LocationMap location|http://select location.ipAddr from LocationMap location]), line 1, column 16: unknown state or association field (ipAddr) of class (com.example.LocationMap).
    If I comment out the @Transformation, @ReadTransformer, and @WriteTransformer annotations, then I don't get the error, but of course I also don't get the transformed IP address.
    This mapping worked with TopLink 10g and the XML descriptor file, but I am trying to migrate to 11g and JPA with annotations.
    Josh Davis
    Edited by: user603300 on Mar 12, 2009 12:22 PM, forum software tried to turn square brackets into URL's.

    Hello Ryan,
    The example I have does the following:
    @WriteTransformer(method="getStartTime", column=@Column(name="START_TIME")),
    @WriteTransformer(method="getEndTime", column=@Column(name="END_TIME"))
    @Property(name="attributeName", value="normalHours")
    protected Time[] getNormalHours() {
    return normalHours;
    where buildNormalHours looks like:
    /** IMPORTANT: This method builds the value but does not set it.
    * The mapping will set it using method or direct access as defined in the descriptor.
    public Time[] buildNormalHours(Record row, Session session) {
    Time[] hours = new Time[2];
    /** This conversion allows for the database type not to match, i.e. may be a Timestamp or String. */
    hours[0] = (Time) session.getDatasourcePlatform().convertObject(row.get("START_TIME"), java.sql.Time.class);
    hours[1] = (Time) session.getDatasourcePlatform().convertObject(row.get("END_TIME"), java.sql.Time.class);
    return hours;
    Another uses a transformer class for the read:
    which extends the org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.transformers.AttributeTransformer class and implements a buildAttributeValue method.
    Hope this helps,

  • Unknown state or association field

    I have a table "client" that has many "request", both have an id attribute that´s the primary key. I need to query the request of a type that belong to a certain type of client. In the Request entity I have the following named query:
    @NamedQuery(name="Request.findByTypeAndClient", query="Select r from Request where r.type = :type and r.client.clientType= :clientType")
    The app server starts fine, but when I try just get to the index page I get the following error:
    javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: javax.faces.FacesException: javax.faces.FacesException: Can't instantiate class: 'com.app.web.backing.Index'.. class com.app.web.backing.Index : javax.ejb.EJBException:
    Exception Description: Unknown state or association field [clientType] of class [com.app.entity.Request].; nested exception is: Exception [TOPLINK-8030] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2006.8 (Build 060829)): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.EJBQLException
    Exception Description: Unknown state or association field [clientType] of class [com.app.entity.Request].
         at com.sun.faces.el.ValueBindingImpl.getValue(ValueBindingImpl.java:190)
    Caused by: javax.ejb.EJBException: Exception Description: Unknown state or association field [clientType] of class [com.app.entity.Request].; nested exception is: Exception [TOPLINK-8030] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2006.8 (Build 060829)): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.EJBQLException
    Exception Description: *Unknown state or association field [clientType] of class [com.app.entity.Request].*
    I've made sure I don't even use that query at the index page.
    Why does it happen and how could I fix it?
    I'm using jdev 10.1.3
    Thanks in advance

    That could be a hint...
    The Client entity has a list of Requests, and the Request entity keeps a reference to the Client it belongs to. Since what I'm trying to list are the requests, and not the clients, I was expecting I could use the Client reference in the Request entity to make the query. Isn't it possible?

  • Error: unknown state or association

    I want to call a jpql sate ""select model from Webusercontact model where model.weblogon = :firstParam", I don't think there is the syntax error for the statement, but it allways displays: " Error compiling the query [select model from Webusercontact model where model.weblogon = :firstParam], line 1, column 52: unknown state or association field [weblogon] of class".
    I am new for JPA, could I get any help?
    I use myeclipse, the class Webusercontact is built by system, it also creates the classes: WebusercontactId, WebusercontactDAO, IWebusercontact, AbstractWebusercontact and EntityManagerHelper.

    "weblogon" must be the variable or property name for the class (not the database column name). Perhaps include your class.
    -- James : http://www.eclipselink.org

  • Embedded object JPQL query failing!!

       I am getting following query compilation error while starting the server. Not finding issues in my model classes.
       Kindly let me know the mistakes I made in the query.
    Exception [EclipseLink-8030] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.3.2.v20111125-r10461): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.JPQLException
    Exception Description: Error compiling the query [TempTransactionTransformAuditQuery:
    select obj from TempTransactionTransform obj where obj.tempTransactionTransformPK.altIdType= :altIdType and obj.tempTransactionTransformPK.actualValue= :actualValue and obj.tempTransactionTransformPK.altenateValue= :altenateValue], line 1, column 82: unknown state or association field [altIdType]
    of class [com.test.model.TempTransactionTransformPK].
    My Classes are:
    public class TempTransactionTransform{
        /** Creates a new instance of TempTransactionTransform */
        public TempTransactionTransform() {
        @AttributeOverride(name = "altIdType", column = @Column(name="ALT_ID_TYPE")),
        @AttributeOverride(name = "altenateValue", column =  @Column(name="ALT_FIELD_VALUE")),
        @AttributeOverride(name = "actualValue", column =  @Column(name="ACTUAL_FIELD_VALUE"))
        public TempTransactionTransformPK tempTransactionTransformPK;
        protected String fieldName;
        private String altIdSubType;
        private String transNarration;
        @Column(name = "AMC_CODE")
        protected String amcCode;
        public TempTransactionTransformPK getTempTransactionTransformPK() {
            return tempTransactionTransformPK;
        public void setTempTransactionTransformPK(TempTransactionTransformPK tempTransactionTransformPK) {
            this.tempTransactionTransformPK = tempTransactionTransformPK;
        public String getFieldName() {
            return fieldName;
        public void setFieldName(String fieldName) {
            this.fieldName = fieldName;
        public String getTransNarration() {
            return transNarration;
        public void setTransNarration(String transNarration) {
            this.transNarration = transNarration;
      public String getAmcCode() {
            return amcCode;
      public void setAmcCode(String amcCode) {
      this.amcCode = amcCode;
    public class TempTransactionTransformPK{
        public TempTransactionTransformPK() {
        public String altIdType;
        public String altenateValue;
        public String actualValue;
        public TempTransactionTransformPK(String altIdType,String altenateValue,String actualValue){
             this.altIdType = altIdType;
             this.altenateValue = altenateValue;
             this.actualValue = actualValue;
      public String getAltIdType() {
           return altIdType;
      public void setAltIdType(String altIdType) {
           this.altIdType = altIdType;
      public String getAltenateValue() {
           return altenateValue;
      public void setAltenateValue(String altenateValue) {
           this.altenateValue = altenateValue;
      public String getActualValue() {
           return actualValue;
      public void setActualValue(String actualValue) {
           this.actualValue = actualValue;

    as Mitesh already pointed out, comparison of embedded instances is not supported by the Java Persistence query language. The BNF allows comparing entitry instances, but not embeddeds. The only thing you can do in a query with an embedded instance is navigate through it (see chapter 4.4.4 Path Expressions). So your first query comparing the fields of the embedded instead of the embedded itself is the right thing to do.
    Regards Michael

  • 0pp_c15 activation error - Field /BI0/ACOPC_O0100 is unknown

    There is an error occured while activating the cube 0PP_C15 - Backlogged production orders.Transformation 0PP_C15 80PP_DS01 is not active .
    The following error shown in its transfer routine while trying to activate the transformation.
    E:Field "/BI0/ACOPC_O0100" is unknown. It is neither in one of the
    specified tables nor defined by a "DATA" statement. "DATA" statement.
    Thanks & Regards
    Shyne Sasimohanan
    <removed by moderator>
    Edited by: Siegfried Szameitat on Sep 29, 2010 3:53 PM

    Try to activate the DSO 0COPC_O01 and re-activate the transformation.
    Hope this helps...

  • Adding custom fields to Embedded Search

    Hi All,
    I have read the post [here|How to add custom fields to Embedded Search; about adding custom fields to Embedded Search. I am looking to add Employee Subgroup for use in Talent Management (specifically the STVN SuccessionPlanning component) and wanted to know if anyone can expand on the instructions in the link to add this field.
    It appears to be part of the HRTMC_PERSON search object connector already and while I've done some IMG configuration the field is showing in SuccessionPlanning, but not displaying any data.
    Additionally, I'd be interested in any tips to add information that is not from PA0002 should it be required in the future.
    Many thanks,

    Hi Luke,
    I am assuming here that your search request fields are based on HRTCM_CENTRALPERSON search template. To enable your search to work on employee subgroup please do the following
    1) Check if the HRTMC_PERSON Template extracts the data from Infotype 0001 via SPRO node 'Define Search Models and Change Pointer' Extraction Class is 'CL_HRTMC_SEARCH_READ_PA_INFTY'.
    2) Via ESH_COCKPIT, goto Template Modeler and select your custom Software Component and press Edit. Goto roadmap step 5 - Define Requests - where all search request fields are defined. Its using these fields Talent search works.
    3) Select the search request e.g. 'SAP_TALENT_NAKISA', it would then show list searchable attributes in below table. Using 'Add' button select path for PERSK so that it can searched.
    It would look like this once selected
    4) In step SPRO 'Define Search Requests and Search Field Names' , define Employee subgroup field with AliasSearchField = PERSK since thats what is defined in roadmap step 5.
    Hope it helps!
    Ricky Shah

  • Querying for large number of objects... searchspec limitation

    As part of a product i'm developing i may come across a scenario where i need to query for 100+ specific objects based on ids.
    I know the query input for WS 2.0 has a "searchspec" string field, but based on the sheer number of specific objects i need to query for i'm afraid the string may eventually get too large.
    Is there a way around this? Can i send multiple individual queries in a batch request? Can i add more than one search object to a single query page request? Anything?

    A few options available using the WS v2.0 Query methods:
    1. Use Arguments like page size and startrownumber arguments. This will allow you to specify the pagesize of the recordset to be returned and also the starting row number.
    2. The searchspec is a powerful argument and it supports a set of binary and unary operators. Refer the Ondemand user guide for a more complete set of operators supported by searchspec. To narrow the results of your query, you could use the "AND" operator between 2 or more fields in your object query.
    Hope this helps.

  • Ad hoc query text field reference

    Hi all,
    Faily new to all this and wonder if you have any insight on the following:
    In ad hoc query I'm adding additional fields to a functional area. They subsequently show up in SQ02 in the left hand pane tree structure for that functional area.
    Now, if I double click on one of the additional fields the most central pane shows the details of this field. One of the boxes in there called 'References' contains a field 'Text field' that associates a long text with the code that the field contains.
    As a made-up example: the add. field could be Personnel Area, value "XY01", and it is associated with a field Personnel Area Long Text that contains "Xeta Yoyo Regional Office". This is the association shown in 'References' -> 'Text Field'.
    My problem is that this 'Text field' field seems to be populated automatically, that is there is some kind of automatic link between the field and the foreign field that contains its associated long text. Also it's greyed out so un-editable.
    Does anyone know where this relationship comes from? Does anyone know how to be able to edit this 'Text field' field?
    Grateful for help,

    Ok, I'll try to be a bit clearer.
    For infosets in Ad Hoc Query, a field has an option to be related to another, different field that provides the long text version of this. Example: field P1000-OTYPE 'object type' is related to T7770-OTEXT 'object type text'.
    This relationship is displayed for each infoset additional field: right click on the add. field ->  display/change definition, text identification ->  'Determine LIKE reference using text field' in the pop up window.
    Problem is this text field is <b>always</b> greyed out and uneditable. So the question was, how do you set this yourself?
    Hope this clarifies stuff, thanks for any help,

  • How to query involving Multi-Value Attributes objects

         I have one question regarding coherence. We are looking for best and the fastest way to query multi-value attribute of objects. In Coherence User guide there is example, that shows, how can this be made with java.lang.String object:
         Set searchTerms = new HashSet();
         // The cache contains instances of a class "Document" which has a method
         // "getWords" which returns a Collection<String> containing the set of
         // words that appear in the document.
         Filter filter = new ContainsAllFilter("getWords", searchTerms);
         Set entrySet = cache.entrySet(filter);
         // iterate through the search results
         But I would like to know, how can this be made with some other object type. For example I could have object MyCoherenceObject with attribute HashSet<Identifier> idHashSet that would represent Person object that has composite key comprised of name and lastname. Identifier object would contain two attributes of type String: name & value.
         So basically I could have two identifiers in list:
         public MyCoherenceObject {
         public HashSet idHashSet = new HashSet();
         public MyCoherenceObject() {
         Identifier id1 = new Identifier("name", "John");
         Identifier id2 = new Identifier("surname", Smith");
         public HashSet getIdentifiers() {
         return idHashSet;
         This object would later be inserted in coherence cache. When query over coherence cache would be performed I would like all objects where multi-value parameter with name="name" equal "John" and parameter with name="lastname" equal "Smith". My code would look something like this:
         Set searchTerms = new HashSet();
         // The cache contains instances of a class "Document" which has a method
         // "getWords" which returns a Collection<String> containing the set of
         // words that appear in the document.
         Filter filter = new ContainsAllFilter("getIdentifiers", searchTerms);
         Set entrySet = cache.entrySet(filter);
         // iterate through the search results
         How can this be done. Basically I don't know how to search in multi-value attribute if one value represents arbitrary object and how to tell coherence which getter fuction must be used for comparison. In my case getValue() must be used and not getName().
         Second problem:
         Coherence must not return Person object with name="Smith" and lastname="John". Here upper filter would be satisified, but problem is that I am looking for person with lastname "Smith" and name "John".
         Domain description:
         I will have different objects of same type in coherence cache with different multi-value attribute list length. For example some objects will have only one identifier object in list (e.g. Phone "phoneNumber") some two (e.g. Person "name", "lastname") and other objects will have maybe three identifier objects (e.g. City "country", "area", "state").
         If there is faster way to do this in Coherence (I saw examples with getters that contain attributes for example), please give me some directions.
         Thank you very much for your help.

    When filtering based on the getIdentifiers, you should add Identifier instances into the searchTerms collection, and it will satisfy all your expectations. If you add simple Strings into that searchTerms collection, then none of your queries will return anything, because the String will never equal() the Identifier instances.
         You can also add an index on the getIdentifiers() method. However, the Identifier class should properly implement the equals() and hashCode() methods, and in order to be able to use an ordered index (you don't need that for the current requirements you listed), it should also implement Comparable.

  • [ORA-22905] How to read a field of an object inside another object?

    I'm a student and in a current exercise we have to work with the Object Oriented Programming functionality of Oracle.
    In the database we defined an object type, which is then considered inside another object type. The thing is, that I cannot read an attribute of the inner object. I've read tens of websites but none of them have helped so far. I've read the PL/SQL User Guide and Reference document also.
    The inner object is defined as follows:
    create type address_t as object (
            street varchar(50),
            city varchar(50),
            pcode number(5,0)
            );The outer object has an object of type address_t inside it:
    CREATE TYPE professor_t as OBJECT(
              code number(2),
              p_name varchar(50),
              address address_t,
              );Also, there is a table named PROFESSORS that stores objects of type professor_t
    First of all, with a simple testing SQL statement I can see the data inside the object professor, even the object address_t:
    SELECT * FROM PROFESSORS WHERE CODE = 13;returns the following:
    CODE    |         NAME      |       ADDRESS
    13      |         JOHN     |       MYSCHEMA.ADDRESS_T('FIFTH AVENUE','NEW YORK',12345)The thing is, I want to read the field street of the object address (of type address_t) inside professor (of type professor_t).
    I could see everywhere that the way to go is to use point notation, and I've seen examples about the command VALUE, but none of the following SQL statements work:
    SELECT PROFESSOR.ADDRESS.STREET FROM PROFESSORS WHERE CODE = 13;I'd really appreciate if someone could show me how to access the values of the field of the object inside an object.
    Thanks in advance,
    - David
    Edited by: 858176 on May 11, 2011 6:53 PM Formatting

    Great, this worked so far.
    It is curious that you wrote 'profesores' but that is the actual name for the variable. I translated everything to english in order to post it here.
    So, the statement is:
    select value(t).DIRECCION.CIUDAD from profesores t;And It returned:
    New York
    TijuanaAnd, applying the VALUE command to the statement:
    select codigo,
    from profesores T WHERE T.CODIGO = 13;Resulting in:
    CODIGO                 NOMBRE                                             VALUE(T).DIRECCION.CALLE                           VALUE(T).DIRECCION.CIUDAD                          VALUE(T).DIRECCION.CP 
    13                     Pepito Pérez                                       Calle de los Rosales 0                           Valencia                                           46023                  That is EXACTLY what I needed.
    Thanks Thomas, It was really helpful !
    Edited by: 858176 on May 11, 2011 7:46 PM

  • Custom Mapping: Storing embedded objects to column of Oracle Object type

    How hard in your opinion it would be to write custome mapping to store an
    embedded object which only have simple fields in it (no references to other
    persistent classes) to oracle object column. What superclass is the best for
    the job?
    Simplest approach I see is to define "none" mapped class for my embedded
    object and use transformation mapping to do the job
    What if I need to reference other persistent objects in my embedded one - do
    you think it will make any difference?
    Thank you for your assistance

    overriding loadProjection() took care of this issue
    "Alex Roytman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:cjslsb$uo6$[email protected]..
    Looks like transform mapping would not work - Kodo does not support object
    mappings (use stream instead) or I am missing something?
    "Alex Roytman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:cjshqv$ref$[email protected]..
    How hard in your opinion it would be to write custome mapping to store an
    embedded object which only have simple fields in it (no references to
    other persistent classes) to oracle object column. What superclass is the
    best for the job?
    Simplest approach I see is to define "none" mapped class for my embedded
    object and use transformation mapping to do the job
    What if I need to reference other persistent objects in my embedded one -
    do you think it will make any difference?
    Thank you for your assistance

  • SDBTech-KSS-SHM in /tmp causes UNKNOWN state when deleted

    MaxDB puts a file in the /tmp directory on HPUX:
    -rw-rw----   1 sdb        sdba           168 Apr 18 07:12 SDBTech-KSS-SHM-<SID>
    By it's nature, the /tmp file system is routinely cleaned and files are deleted at random by our Unix Admin Team.  If this file is deleted, the DBM GUI will show an UNKNOWN state.  That means this file needs to be protected but why would you put a protected file in a /tmp file system.
    Are there options to this?  How are others avoiding their Production liveCache going into an UNKNOWN state?

    1. The /etc/opt/sdb is file of the database register.
        In /usr/spool/sql/ini is the location of the database register file too.
        The database register files will be written to "config" directory as of database 7.5 installation.
    2. "SDBTech-KSS-SHM-<SID>' files - located in /tmp on HP server.
          The liveCache kernel creates a "mapping object" during startup, which is addressed via a regular file "/tmp/SDBTech-KSS-SHM-<SID>".
    The shared memory KSS (Kernel Shared Segment) is owned by sdb/sdba with permissions::
    -rw-rw       1 sdb        sdba
    The file /tmp/SDBTech-KSS-SHM-<SID> could be removed by "root" during running a custom script to delete files in /tmp.
    The liveCache <SID>  then need to be restarted for the missing file to be created properly.
    3. You could modify the script to exclude deletion of the files with name started with string 'SDBTech-KSS-SHM' in /tmp directory, for example.
    May be you have a master file exemption list used by your cleanup script, and you could add SDBTech-KSS-SHM* to the list so that none of your liveCache systems will have this file deleted. 
    What is your SAP message number?
    Thank you and best regards, Natalia Khlopina

  • Adobe Form - Path of the context field from the object pallate

    I am trying to modify the standard adobe(MR_PRINT_INSERS) form as per the requirement.
    There are many tables and fields in the context.
    I want to know the path to which the the UI elements(library pallate) are binded.
    I can see the field name in object pallate but the place from where that object is taken is not shown.
    For Eg: I can see the field WRBTR in the object pallate of the text UI element of library pallate but I couldnot figure it out from which table of context they are reffering, as their are many tables in the context which have WRBTR.
    Can you please let me know how to figure out exact path to which table the field is binded.
    Thanks & Regards,
    kiran Kumar K

    Hi Tamas,
    I checked the mentioned form and, as this table is setted as TABLEROW and some of its cells are static, is not possible to change the column size in the layout or even though changing it directly in the XML file, cell by cell. I was trying it.
    For example, choose the Cell6 of TABLEROW[0] and click on tab 'XML Source'. You will see this statement:
    <draw colSpan="3" h="16.3166mm" name="Cell7" w="22.225mm">
    You can try to change the value 'colSpan' according to your requirement.
    This table size is not modifiable because it was developed to it.
    I believe that Diego's suggestion can help in this case, if you are having problems to print the entire table on the page.
    Lucas Comassetto.

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