Query on XML Beans replacing Castor Java -XML Bindings

We use Castor XML Framework for today Java - XML bindings and were looking for XML Beans replacement.
One of the key problems we face in using XML (maybe a flawed design) is we create XSD for our applications and run Castor to generate Java Classes as Libraries (XMLFramework.jar).
Applications are compiled with these Java libraries and Castor is used to Marshal the Java Object as XML Document when invoking a remote API and at the receiving side it is used to unmarshal back the XML document to Java Object.
Major issues we have seen is that if any XSD (that defines application ICD) changes, we need to re-generate Castor Java classes (new XMLFramework.jar) and re-compile applications that were using these classes with new JAR files..... Thus for small XSD changes the impact is in lot of applications (where an application is an EAR deployed on WLS)
Does XMLBeans help here that I can change XSD without changing all the end-points that use Classes generated out of these XSDs (when additing mandatory or optinal elements) ?
Or there is a flaw in which we have used the Java-XML binding framework like Castor and XMLBeans do not help much ?

Can someone please suggest on how I can go about
converting an XML file into word format using Java
?How about POI?

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    String XML_String_Of_The_Class = an XML representation of A_Class ?
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    I think so too, but I am trying to send the object to a servlet as shown below, since I don't know how to send an object to a servlet, I can only turn it into a string and reconstruct it back to an object on the server side after receiving it :
    import java.io.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.util.*;
    class Servlet_Message        // Send a message to an HTTP servlet. The protocol is a GET or POST request with a URLEncoded string holding the arguments sent as name=value pairs.
      public static int GET=0;
      public static int POST=1;
      private URL servlet;
      // the URL of the servlet to send messages to
      public Servlet_Message(URL servlet) { this.servlet=servlet; }
      public String sendMessage(Properties args) throws IOException { return sendMessage(args,POST); }
      // Send the request. Return the input stream with the response if the request succeeds.
      // @param args the arguments to send to the servlet
      // @param method GET or POST
      // @exception IOException if error sending request
      // @return the response from the servlet to this message
      public String sendMessage(Properties args,int method) throws IOException
        String Input_Line;
        StringBuffer Result_Buf=new StringBuffer();
        // Set this up any way you want -- POST can be used for all calls, but request headers
        // cannot be set in JDK 1.0.2 so the query string still must be used to pass arguments.
        if (method==GET)
          URL url=new URL(servlet.toExternalForm()+"?"+toEncodedString(args));
          BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));
          while ((Input_Line=in.readLine()) != null) Result_Buf.append(Input_Line+"\n");
          URLConnection conn=servlet.openConnection();
          // Work around a Netscape bug
          // POST the request data (html form encoded)
          DataOutputStream out=new DataOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream());
          if (args!=null && args.size()>0)
    //        System.out.println("ServletMessage args: "+args);
    //        System.out.println("ServletMessage toEncString args: "+toEncodedString(args));     
          BufferedReader in=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
          while ((Input_Line=in.readLine()) != null) Result_Buf.append(Input_Line+"\n");
          out.close(); // ESSENTIAL for this to work!          
        return Result_Buf.toString();               // Read the POST response data   
      // Encode the arguments in the property set as a URL-encoded string. Multiple name=value pairs are separated by ampersands.
      // @return the URLEncoded string with name=value pairs
      public String toEncodedString(Properties args)
        StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
        if (args!=null)
          String sep="";
          Enumeration names=args.propertyNames();
          while (names.hasMoreElements())
            String name=(String)names.nextElement();
            try { sb.append(sep+URLEncoder.encode(name,"UTF-8")+"="+URLEncoder.encode(args.getProperty(name),"UTF-8")); }
    //        try { sb.append(sep+URLEncoder.encode(name,"UTF-16")+"="+URLEncoder.encode(args.getProperty(name),"UTF-16")); }
            catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { System.out.println(e); }
        return sb.toString();
    }As shown above the servlet need to encode a string.
    Now my question becomes :
    <1> Is it possible to send an object to a servlet, if so how ? And at the receiving end how to get it back to an object ?
    <2> If it can't be done, how can I be sure to encode the string in the right format to send it over to the servlet ?

  • How to search and replace in an xml file using java

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    Thanks in advance.
    **XML File*
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    </student>Also i am using SAX Parser in the java program
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    Edited by: Karthik84 on Aug 19, 2008 1:45 AM
    Edited by: Karthik84 on Aug 19, 2008 3:15 AM

    Using XPath to locate the elements you are after is very easy.
    Try something like this:
    import java.io.File;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
    import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
    import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
    import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;
    import javax.xml.xpath.XPath;
    import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants;
    import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
    import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
    public class BasicXMLReplaceWithDOM4J {
         static String inputFile = "C:/student.xml";
         static String outputFile = "C:/studentRenamed.xml";
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
              // Read xml and build a DOM document
              Document doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()
                        .newDocumentBuilder().parse(new InputSource(inputFile));
              // Use XPath to find all nodes where student is named 'Suresh'
              XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
              NodeList nodes = (NodeList)xpath
                   .evaluate("//stud_name[text()='Suresh']", doc, XPathConstants.NODESET);
              // Rename these nodes
              for (int idx = 0; idx < nodes.getLength(); idx++) {
              // Write the DOM document to the file
              Transformer xformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
              xformer.transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(new File(outputFile)));
    }- Roy

  • XML-Beans or JAXB?

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    I've taken "issue" with the volume of code we have around building the XML "profile" from the various request parameters. I'm thinking about replacing it with an XML binder, but which one?
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    Thanx in advance. Keith.

    We're allready using xalan & xerces (both in Java and C++) which extend XMLBeans capabilities, and weblogic has support for XMLBeans built into it.
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    So... I think I'll try an XMLBeans prototype and see how it goes.
    thanx. keith.

  • Preprocessing xml to replace all xpath references with the referred elements

    Is it possible to sort of pre-process xml before querying such as we replace all internal xpath references with the referred elements?
    So below is the xml and as we see the typeId element of second app.test.module.library.Publisher element refers to the typeId element in the first app.test.module.library.Publisher element through xpath reference . Seems this is done by XStream(which we
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    element and fetch value of selectedText element of both the children of app.test.module.library.Publisher - (typeId, regionCode). 
    declare @publishers xml
    set @publishers = '
        <typeId reference="../../app.test.module.library.Publisher/typeId" />
    select typeId = el.e.value('(typeId/selectedText)[1]','varchar(max)')
          ,regionCode = el.e.value('(regionCode/selectedText)[1]','varchar(max)')
    from @publishers.nodes('/publishers/app.test.module.library.Publisher') as el(e)
    If you execute this, the second typeId value will be null but ideally I should be able to reach to the reference, which is typeId of first app.test.module.library.Publisher element and should be able to fetch selectedText of it, which is correct value (Book).
    In other words first two app.test.module.library.Publisher elements are of same type (Book).
    Since I am not able to find the way to do it, I thought I should have some way to process this xml to replace all such references with the referred element and that will eliminate the need to go for tedious xpath reference based access.

    I was able to get a result using dynamic SQL, but my guess is if you have more complicated examples it probably won't work.  I also make an assumption you know the full path of the first reference you want.  Anyway, try this:
    DECLARE @xml XML = '<publishers>
    <!--<typeId reference="../../app.test.module.library.Publisher/typeId" />-->
    <typeId reference="../../app.test.module.library.Publisher/typeId" />
    -- So you basically need to create and execute this string;
    -- but how do you work out the first bit of the string ?
    --SELECT @xml.query('(publishers/app.test.module.library.Publisher/typeId/../../app.test.module.library.Publisher/typeId)[1]');
    DECLARE @fullPath NVARCHAR(MAX) = 'publishers/app.test.module.library.Publisher/typeId/@reference' -- the full path of the reference
    DECLARE @shortPath NVARCHAR(MAX) = LEFT( @fullPath, CHARINDEX( '@', @fullPath ) - 1 ) -- full path without attribute name
    IF @shortPath IS NULL
    RAISERROR ( 'Unable to get @shortPath.', 16, 1 )
    -- Start processing the XML
    -- Extract the reference
    SET @reference = @xml.value('(publishers/app.test.module.library.Publisher/typeId/@reference)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)')
    -- Construct the sql
    SET @sql = 'SELECT @xml.query(''(' + @shortPath + @reference + ')[1]'')'
    -- Execute the SQL
    EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@sql NVARCHAR(MAX), @xml XML', @sql, @xml
    Post back any issues you have with that approach and your real data.

  • How to configure multiple jsp files with diff beans in faces-config.xml??

    Hi All,
    I have 2 seperate jsp pages one is a login page and the other is the main application page.Now i am handling both the pages with seperate Bean class with respective setter and getter methods.How can i state the same in faces-config.xml file???..
    Is the below way correct???
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <!-- =========== FULL CONFIGURATION FILE ================================== -->
    <faces-config version="1.2"
    </faces-config>Thanks in advance to all.

    Thanks ejp for the reply.
    Since i am a beginner even i dont know the exact reason to answer you for why am i using JSP with Facelets.Kindly provide me the suggestion and valuable information you have so that i can learn.
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  • Generating an XML representation of arbitrary Java objects

    Hi. Just for fun, I'm attempting to write some code which creates an XML representation of an arbitrary java object using reflection. The idea is that only properties with get/set methods should come through in the XML.
    Here is the code:
    package com.uhg.aarp.compas.persistence.common.xml;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
    import java.lang.reflect.Method;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError;
    import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
    import org.w3c.dom.Node;
    import java.util.Stack;
    public class XMLDAO {
         public static String getXMLWithHeader(Object obj){
              return "<?xml version=\"0\"?>" + getXML(obj);
          * Returns an XML representation of an arbitrary object
         public static String getXML(Object obj){
              StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
              AccessorMethod[] accessorMethods = getAccessorMethods(obj);
              buffer.append("<" + obj.getClass().getName() + ">\n");
              if(obj instanceof List){
                   List objList = (List)obj;
                   Iterator iterator = objList.iterator();
                   for(int i = 0; i < accessorMethods.length; i++){
                        Object fieldObj = null;
                             fieldObj = accessorMethods.invoke();
                             1. Primitive Wrapper or String(base case)
                             if(fieldObj instanceof Integer || fieldObj instanceof Float || fieldObj instanceof Double
                                  || fieldObj instanceof Long || fieldObj instanceof String){
                                  buffer.append("<" + accessorMethods[i].getAccessorFieldName() + ">");
                                  buffer.append("</" + accessorMethods[i].getAccessorFieldName() + ">\n");
                             else if(fieldObj instanceof Object[]){
                                  buffer.append("<" + accessorMethods[i].getAccessorFieldName() + ">\n");
                                  Object[] fieldArray = (Object[])fieldObj;
                                  for(int j = 0; j < fieldArray.length; j++)
                                  buffer.append("</" + accessorMethods[i].getAccessorFieldName() + ">\n");
                        }catch(Exception e){
                             System.out.println("Couldn't invoke method: " + accessorMethods[i].getName());
              buffer.append("</" + obj.getClass().getName() + ">\n");
              return buffer.toString();
         * Returns the Object representation for the XML - used to rebuild Java objects
         * converted to XML by XMLDAO.getXML().
         public static Object getObject(String xmlString) throws ParserConfigurationException,
              SAXException, IOException{
              //the root element is the class name
              DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
              DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
              Document document = builder.parse(xmlString);
              Stack objectStack = new Stack();
              return getObject(document);
         private static Object getObject(Node n){
              //every document is either an object or a bean property
              //all bean properties have values
              //no object has a value, it can only have bean properties
              //the base case occurs when the document has a value
              String nodeName = n.getNodeName();
              if(n.getNodeValue() == null){
                   System.out.println("node " + nodeName + " is an object");
                   System.out.println("node " + nodeName + " is a bean property");
              return null;
         * Returns all of the "getter" methods for the given object
         private static AccessorMethod[] getAccessorMethods(Object obj){
              Class theClass = obj.getClass();
              Method[] objMethods = theClass.getMethods();
              ArrayList methodList = new ArrayList();
              for(int i = 0; i < objMethods.length; i++){
                        methodList.add(new AccessorMethod(obj, objMethods[i]));
                   }catch(IllegalArgumentException e){}
              return (AccessorMethod[])methodList.toArray(new AccessorMethod[methodList.size()]);
         * Invokes the specified "getter" method and returns the result as an Object
         private Object invokeAccessorMethod(Object obj, Method m) throws IllegalAccessException,
              return m.invoke(obj, null);
    package com.uhg.aarp.compas.persistence.common.xml;
    import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
    import java.lang.reflect.Method;
    * Represents an AccessorMethod (i.e. getField()) on an Object
    public class AccessorMethod{
         private Object obj;
         private Method m;
         private String accessorFieldName;
         * Constructor for AccessorMethod
         public AccessorMethod(Object obj, Method m) throws IllegalArgumentException{
              1. Method name starts with get
              2. Method name does not equal get
              3. Method takes no arguments
              4. Method return type is not void
              String methodName = m.getName();
              if(methodName.indexOf("get") != 0 || methodName.length() == 3 &&
                   m.getParameterTypes().length != 0 && m.getReturnType() != null){
                   throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid getter method " + methodName);
              this.obj = obj;
              this.m = m;
              String tempName = m.getName().substring(3, m.getName().length());
              this.accessorFieldName = Character.toLowerCase(tempName.charAt(0)) + tempName.substring(1, tempName.length());
         public Object invoke() throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException{
              return m.invoke(obj, null);
         * Gets the m
         * @return Returns a Method
         public Method getM() {
              return m;
         * Sets the m
         * @param m The m to set
         public void setM(Method m) {
              this.m = m;
         * Gets the accessorFieldName
         * @return Returns a String
         public String getAccessorFieldName() {
              return accessorFieldName;
         * Sets the accessorFieldName
         * @param accessorFieldName The accessorFieldName to set
         public void setAccessorFieldName(String accessorFieldName) {
              this.accessorFieldName = accessorFieldName;
         * Gets the obj
         * @return Returns a Object
         public Object getObj() {
              return obj;
         * Sets the obj
         * @param obj The obj to set
         public void setObj(Object obj) {
              this.obj = obj;
         public String getName(){
              return this.m.getName();
    I'm having some trouble figuring out how to implement the XMLDAO.getObject(Node n) method. I was thinking of maintaining a Stack of the previous Objects as I traverse the DOM, but I think that might be unnecessary work. Basically I'm wondering how I determine what the last "object" is in the DOM from any given node. Anyone have any input?

    I think the end of my post got cut off:
    I'm having some trouble figuring out how to implement the XMLDAO.getObject(Node n) method. I was thinking of maintaining a Stack of the previous Objects as I traverse the DOM, but I think that might be unnecessary work. Basically I'm wondering how I determine what the last "object" is in the DOM from any given node. Anyone have any input?

  • Java XMl parsing problems

    i have an xml sturcture as shown below:
    <cnv:conversion xmlns:cnv="urn:ssis-conv" xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql">
    <cnv:roottag support="yes" destag="xfw:script">
    <cnv:addattr name="debug" value="no" />
    <cnv:addattr name="xmlns:xfw" value="urn:scb-xfw-v2" />
    <xsql:query support="yes" destag="xfw:genxml">
    <connection support="no" />
    <row-element support="yes" destag="row-name" />
    <rowset-element support="yes" destag="rowset-name" />
    <id-attribute support="no" />
    <tag-case support="no" />
    <null-indicator support="no" />
    <cnv:addattr name="debug" value="yes" />
    <cnv:addattr name="Attribute1" value="Value1" />
    <xsql:no-rows-query support="no" child="no" />
    <responsedata support="no" child="yes" />
    <responsedata2 support="no" child="yes" />
    <page destag="page1" support="yes">
    <connection support="no" /> <debug destag="MyDebug" />
    <cnv:addattr name="tt" value="t1" />
    <xsql:set-page-param support="yes" destag="setpageparam">
    <name destag="myname" />
    <xsql:set-page-param-local support="yes" destag="Myset-page-param-local">
    <name destag="mylocalname" />
    I want this xml to be validated by the dom parser which i had done and its showing it as valid XML.
    If there are any repeating tags like:
    <cnv:conversion xmlns:cnv="urn:ssis-conv" xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql">
    <cnv:conversion xmlns:cnv="urn:ssis-conv" xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql">
    <cnv:roottag support="yes" destag="xfw:script">
    <cnv:addattr name="debug" value="no" />
    <cnv:addattr name="xmlns:xfw" value="urn:scb-xfw-v2" />
    <xsql:query support="yes" destag="xfw:genxml">
    <connection support="no" />
    <row-element support="yes" destag="row-name" />
    <rowset-element support="yes" destag="rowset-name" />
    <id-attribute support="no" />
    <tag-case support="no" />
    <null-indicator support="no" />
    <cnv:addattr name="debug" value="yes" />
    <cnv:addattr name="Attribute1" value="Value1" />
    <xsql:no-rows-query support="no" child="no" />
    <responsedata support="no" child="yes" />
    <responsedata2 support="no" child="yes" />
    <page destag="page1" support="yes">
    <connection support="no" /> <debug destag="MyDebug" />
    <cnv:addattr name="tt" value="t1" />
    <xsql:set-page-param support="yes" destag="setpageparam">
    <name destag="myname" />
    <xsql:set-page-param-local support="yes" destag="Myset-page-param-local">
    <name destag="mylocalname" />
    or like this....................
    <cnv:conversion xmlns:cnv="urn:ssis-conv" xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql">
    <cnv:roottag support="yes" destag="xfw:script">
    <cnv:addattr name="debug" value="no" />
    <cnv:addattr name="xmlns:xfw" value="urn:scb-xfw-v2" />
    <cnv:roottag support="yes" destag="xfw:script">
    <cnv:addattr name="debug" value="no" />
    <cnv:addattr name="xmlns:xfw" value="urn:scb-xfw-v2" />
    <xsql:query support="yes" destag="xfw:genxml">
    <connection support="no" />
    <row-element support="yes" destag="row-name" />
    <rowset-element support="yes" destag="rowset-name" />
    <id-attribute support="no" />
    <tag-case support="no" />
    <null-indicator support="no" />
    <cnv:addattr name="debug" value="yes" />
    <cnv:addattr name="Attribute1" value="Value1" />
    <xsql:no-rows-query support="no" child="no" />
    <responsedata support="no" child="yes" />
    <responsedata2 support="no" child="yes" />
    <page destag="page1" support="yes">
    <connection support="no" /> <debug destag="MyDebug" />
    <cnv:addattr name="tt" value="t1" />
    <xsql:set-page-param support="yes" destag="setpageparam">
    <name destag="myname" />
    <xsql:set-page-param-local support="yes" destag="Myset-page-param-local">
    <name destag="mylocalname" />
    My java code is shown below :
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    public class sample2
    public void processXML(String path)
    File docFile=new File(path);
    Document doc=null;
    DocumentBuilderFactory dbf=DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db=dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
    catch(IOException ioe)
    System.out.println("cant find file");
    catch(Exception e)
    System.out.println("Error has occured");
    Element root=doc.getDocumentElement();
    NodeList children=root.getChildNodes();
    StringBuffer sbuf=new StringBuffer();
    for(Node child=root.getFirstChild(); child!=null; child=child.getNextSibling())
    if(child.getNodeType()==child.TEXT_NODE) sbuf.append(child.getNodeValue()) ;
    else if(child.getNodeType()==child.ELEMENT_NODE) if(child.getChildNodes()!=null)
    getnodes(child, sbuf);
    public void getnodes(Node Child, StringBuffer sbf)
    NodeList children=Child.getChildNodes();
    if(children.getLength() > 0)
    System.out.println(children.getLength() + Child.getNodeName());
    for(Node child=Child.getFirstChild(); child!=null;child=child.getNextSibling())
    if(child.getNodeType()==child.TEXT_NODE) sbf.append((child.getNodeValue()).trim());
    else if(child.getNodeType()==child.ELEMENT_NODE)
    getnodes(child, sbf); sbf.append(";");
    public static void main(String[] args)
    testxml txml=new testxml();
    can any body tell me how to validate the repeating tags (as i dont have dtd for this xml )with the given code.... if any one of the tags are repeating it should raise an exception thats its not a valid xml
    Thanks in advance

    I suggest you create a DTD or a XSD file to validate your existing XML document, because it's easier that i looks, and will help in future changes.
    If you want to do it in Java code, you can always store each line of the XML file in some form (like a class) in a List, and the each time you read a line, you compare with everything on the list.
    But don't go that way, make a XSD file

  • JAVA XML Parsing

    i have an xml sturcture as shown below:
    <cnv:conversion xmlns:cnv="urn:ssis-conv" xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql">
         <cnv:roottag support="yes" destag="xfw:script">
              <cnv:addattr name="debug" value="no" />
              <cnv:addattr name="xmlns:xfw" value="urn:scb-xfw-v2" />
         <xsql:query support="yes" destag="xfw:genxml">
              <connection support="no" />
              <row-element support="yes" destag="row-name" />
              <rowset-element support="yes" destag="rowset-name" />
              <id-attribute support="no" />
              <tag-case support="no" />
              <null-indicator support="no" />
              <cnv:addattr name="debug" value="yes" />
              <cnv:addattr name="Attribute1" value="Value1" />
         <xsql:no-rows-query support="no" child="no" />
         <responsedata support="no" child="yes" />
         <responsedata2 support="no" child="yes" />
         <page destag="page1" support="yes">
              <connection support="no" /> <debug destag="MyDebug" />
              <cnv:addattr name="tt" value="t1" />
         <xsql:set-page-param support="yes" destag="setpageparam">
              <name destag="myname" />
         <xsql:set-page-param-local support="yes" destag="Myset-page-param-local">
              <name destag="mylocalname" />
    I want this xml to be validated by the dom parser which i had done and its showing it as valid XML.
    If there are any repeating tags like:
    <cnv:conversion xmlns:cnv="urn:ssis-conv" xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql">
    <cnv:conversion xmlns:cnv="urn:ssis-conv" xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql">
         <cnv:roottag support="yes" destag="xfw:script">
              <cnv:addattr name="debug" value="no" />
              <cnv:addattr name="xmlns:xfw" value="urn:scb-xfw-v2" />
         <xsql:query support="yes" destag="xfw:genxml">
              <connection support="no" />
              <row-element support="yes" destag="row-name" />
              <rowset-element support="yes" destag="rowset-name" />
              <id-attribute support="no" />
              <tag-case support="no" />
              <null-indicator support="no" />
              <cnv:addattr name="debug" value="yes" />
              <cnv:addattr name="Attribute1" value="Value1" />
         <xsql:no-rows-query support="no" child="no" />
         <responsedata support="no" child="yes" />
         <responsedata2 support="no" child="yes" />
         <page destag="page1" support="yes">
              <connection support="no" /> <debug destag="MyDebug" />
              <cnv:addattr name="tt" value="t1" />
         <xsql:set-page-param support="yes" destag="setpageparam">
              <name destag="myname" />
         <xsql:set-page-param-local support="yes" destag="Myset-page-param-local">
              <name destag="mylocalname" />
    or like this....................
    <cnv:conversion xmlns:cnv="urn:ssis-conv" xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql">
         <cnv:roottag support="yes" destag="xfw:script">
              <cnv:addattr name="debug" value="no" />
              <cnv:addattr name="xmlns:xfw" value="urn:scb-xfw-v2" />
    <cnv:roottag support="yes" destag="xfw:script">
              <cnv:addattr name="debug" value="no" />
              <cnv:addattr name="xmlns:xfw" value="urn:scb-xfw-v2" />
         <xsql:query support="yes" destag="xfw:genxml">
              <connection support="no" />
              <row-element support="yes" destag="row-name" />
              <rowset-element support="yes" destag="rowset-name" />
              <id-attribute support="no" />
              <tag-case support="no" />
              <null-indicator support="no" />
              <cnv:addattr name="debug" value="yes" />
              <cnv:addattr name="Attribute1" value="Value1" />
         <xsql:no-rows-query support="no" child="no" />
         <responsedata support="no" child="yes" />
         <responsedata2 support="no" child="yes" />
         <page destag="page1" support="yes">
              <connection support="no" /> <debug destag="MyDebug" />
              <cnv:addattr name="tt" value="t1" />
         <xsql:set-page-param support="yes" destag="setpageparam">
              <name destag="myname" />
         <xsql:set-page-param-local support="yes" destag="Myset-page-param-local">
              <name destag="mylocalname" />
    or any row is being repeated it not a valid XML....
    my java code is :
    My java code is shown below :
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    public class sample2
         public void processXML(String path)
              File docFile=new File(path);
              Document doc=null;
                   DocumentBuilderFactory dbf=DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();                     DocumentBuilder db=dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
              catch(IOException ioe)
                   System.out.println("cant find file");
              catch(Exception e)
                   System.out.println("Error has occured");
              Element root=doc.getDocumentElement();
              NodeList children=root.getChildNodes();
              StringBuffer sbuf=new StringBuffer();
              for(Node child=root.getFirstChild(); child!=null; child=child.getNextSibling())
                   if(child.getNodeType()==child.TEXT_NODE)                sbuf.append(child.getNodeValue()) ;
                   else if(child.getNodeType()==child.ELEMENT_NODE)                if(child.getChildNodes()!=null)
                   getnodes(child, sbuf);
    public void getnodes(Node Child, StringBuffer sbf)
         NodeList children=Child.getChildNodes();
         if(children.getLength() > 0)
              System.out.println(children.getLength() + Child.getNodeName());
         for(Node child=Child.getFirstChild(); child!=null;child=child.getNextSibling())
              if(child.getNodeType()==child.TEXT_NODE) sbf.append((child.getNodeValue()).trim());
         else if(child.getNodeType()==child.ELEMENT_NODE)
              getnodes(child, sbf); sbf.append(";");
    public static void main(String[] args)
         testxml txml=new testxml(); txml.processXML("E:\\Naresh\\conversion_fxsql.xml");
    can any body tell me how to validate the repeating tags with the given code.... if any one of the tags are repeating it should raise an exception thats its not a valid xml
    Thanks in advance

    The first problem about this document is that it contains a space at the very first position whereas <?xml... must appear at the very beginning of a document. I think this was the cause of the parsing fault.
    Also you have a dash before the root element of the document, which is illegal.

  • Calling XML API's from Java Stored Procedures in DB

    I am have and Oracle 10gR2 db installed and XML Publisher Enterprise Server 5.6.2.
    I have created the following Java Class and used loadjava to make it a Java Stored Procedure:
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.lang.Object;
    import oracle.apps.xdo.XDOException;
    import oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor;
    import oracle.apps.xdo.template.RTFProcessor;
    public class callingXMLP{
    public static String rtfToXsl(String rtfFile, String xslFile)
    try {
    RTFProcessor rtfProcessor = new RTFProcessor(rtfFile); //Input RTF
    } catch (IOException IOE) {
    return" Error "+IOE.getMessage();}
    catch(XDOException XDE ){
    return" Error "+XDE.getMessage();
    return "Success";
    public static String mergeXmlXsl(String xmlFile, String xslFile, String outputFile)
    FOProcessor processor = new FOProcessor();
    processor.setData(xmlFile); //Input XML File
    processor.setTemplate(xslFile); //Input XSL File
    processor.setOutput(outputFile); //Ouput File
    //start processing
    try {
    catch (XDOException e){
    return "Error - "+e.getMessage();
    return "Success";
    I then wrap this using the following function spec in pl/sql:
    create or replace function callXMLP(input1 VARCHAR2, output1 VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2
    as language java name 'callingXMLP.rtfToXsl(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) return java.lang.String';
    create or replace function mergeXMLXSL(xml VARCHAR2, xsl VARCHAR2, output VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2
    as language java name 'callingXMLP.mergeXmlXsl(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) return java.lang.String';
    Calling the callXMLP function works fine, and produces an XSL file from the input RTF file as expected.
    When I run the mergeXMLXSL function, it says that the function has completed successfully, but it seems to be throwing an XDOException error as it is returning "Error - null" message from the Java.
    A PDF document is being created, but it does not have any content. I have also modified the Java to create an RTF instead, but still the same thing happens.
    Is there anything that I need to check, or something that I am missing when trying to create the final PDF document?
    Please help, I am completely stuck with this now.
    Many Thanks,

    Hello Chris,
    I have been able to create a PDF from the database. I loaded the following jar files and removed any java class that could not compile.
    activation.jar, axis-ant.jar, axis.jar, axis-schema.jar, bicmn.jar, bipres.jar, collections.jar,
    commons-beanutils.jar, commons-collections-3.1.jar, commons-collections.jar, commons-dbcp-1.1.jar commons-digester.jar, commons-discovery.jar, commons-el.jar, commons-fileupload.jar, commons-logging-api.jar commons-logging.jar, commons-pool-1.1.jar, http_client.jar, i18nAPI_v3.jar, javamail.jar, jaxrpc.jar,
    jewt4.jar, jsp-el-api.jar, log4j-1.2.8.jar, logkit-1.2.jar, ojpse.jar, oracle-el.jar, oraclepki.jar,
    orai18n.jar, quartz-1.5.1.jar, quartz-oracle-1.5.1.jar, regexp.jar, saaj.jar, service-gateway.jar, share.jar, uix2.jar, uix2tags.jar, versioninfo.jar, wsdl4j.jar, xdocore.jar, xdoparser.jar, xdo-server-delivery-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, xdo-server-kernel-0.1.jar, xdo-server-kernel-impl-0.1.jar, xdo-server-scheduling-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, xercesImpl.jar, xmlparserv2-904.jar, xmlpserver.jar, xsu12.jar
    I needed to copy the XML Publisher fonts to the database server and ran the following java grants, note my $ORACLE_HOME is /opt/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/
    dbms_java.grant_permission('XMLP', 'java.util.PropertyPermission', '*', 'read,write');
    dbms_java.grant_permission('XMLP', 'java.net.SocketPermission', '*', 'connect, resolve');
    dbms_java.grant_permission('XMLP', 'java.io.FilePermission', '/tmp/*', 'read, write, delete');
    dbms_java.grant_permission('XMLP', 'java.io.FilePermission', '/opt/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/javavm/lib/*', 'read');
    dbms_java.grant_permission('XMLP', 'java.io.FilePermission', '/opt/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/javavm/lib/fonts/*', 'read');
    dbms_java.grant_permission('XMLP', 'java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'setFactory', '');

  • How to use XML bean in 9.1 web service.

    im trying to deploy a small web service with only one method in WLS 9.1.
    That method accepts an XMLbean as the input parameter and returns the same type of xmlBean as the output.
    how can i specify the name of corresponding .xsd file in the ant script.
    the source code of web service file is given below.
    Please have a look at it and help me.
    package com.test;
    import javax.jws.WebService;
    import com.mlt.eai.login.LoginDocument;
    import java.util.Date;
    @WebService(name="LoginServiceType", serviceName="LoginService")
    public class LoginServiceImpl
    static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    public LoginDocument userAuthentication(LoginDocument lInfo)
    Dealer dealer =
    new Dealer(lInfo.getLogin().
    getRequest().getInputData().getLoginID(), lInfo.getLogin().getRequest().getInputData().getPassoword(), new Date());
    lInfo.getLogin().getResponse().getResult().setReturnMessage("Session Started");
    lInfo.getLogin().getResponse().getResult().setReturnMessage("Invalid username / password");
    return lInfo;

    Can anyone help me with this XPath query
    I get result [title: null]
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    import org.jaxen.*;
    import org.jaxen.dom.*;
    import org.jaxen.saxpath.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class TestX {
         public void ggg() {
              try {
                   File f = new File("journal.xml");
                   DocumentBuilder docBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
                   org.w3c.dom.Document doc = docBuilder.parse(f);
                   XPath xpath = new DOMXPath( "/journal/article/title" );
                   List result = (List) xpath.evaluate(doc);
              } catch (Exception e) {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              TestX tx = new TestX();
        <article id="article.1">
        <article id="article.2">

  • XML Beans and Weblogic Server 8.1

    Does anyone know if XML beans is shipped with Weblogic 8.x (or is it only part
    of the Weblogic Workshop) ?

    The classes required for running these command line tools are all there, but
    we have not put the script files in the version bundled with WebLogic
    server. Its very likely to be part of the next service pack release.
    Meanwhile, you can always run the classes from the command line, or write
    your own script. For instance, the dumpxsb.cmd has the following:
    set cp=
    set cp=%cp%;%XMLBEANDIR%\xbean.jar
    java -classpath %cp% com.bea.xbean.tool.XsbDumper %*
    So you can always write this on your own, or just run the concerned class
    from the command line.
    Let me know if you have any further queries.
    "Greg" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:1061965730.933286@ns1...
    Is it possible to use the version of xmlbeans bundled with workshop in a
    standalone sense? Are all the command line tools there? If so can yougive
    a pointer to where abouts in the Workshop download to look for this.
    The reason I ask is noting the following I saw -:
    Note: XQuery is currently only available with the version of XMLBeans
    included with WebLogic Platform. We hope to add these capabilities to the
    stand-alone version soon.
    "Raj Alagumalai" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    WebLogic Platform 8.1 GA which includes Workshop does contain an
    We also have a stand alone implementation which is available on dev2dev.
    Raj Alagumalai
    WebLogic Workshop Support
    "Arun" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3f38da48$[email protected]..
    Thanks. But what we have found out from BEA is that it does not shipwith Weblogic
    Server. You have to download it separately.
    "Dmitri Colebatch" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Does anyone know if XML beans is shipped with Weblogic 8.x (or is it
    only part of the Weblogic Workshop) ?yes, it is shipped in Platform 8.1 (I'm pretty sure its shipping in
    too). Although the version is slightly older than the version
    on the
    dev2dev site.

  • Is XML-SQL Utility for Java run on Client Side?

    A question about the XML-SQL Utility for Java
    When a client program connect to a Oracle database (the clinet program and Oracle DB is run on two different machine. Oracle 8i is used) and use the oracle.xml.sql.query.OracleXMLQuery Class (form the XSU) to generate XML by given a SQL query. I want to know the transforation process is execute in the Clinet side or the database?
    Is there any method that i can retrieve the XML directly from the database rather then doing the transformation form the Client side?

    Set JDK_HOME to the directory where you install your JDK (Java Development Kit).
    So instance, I've install JDK1.1.8 on my
    C drive so
    set JDK_HOME=c:\jdk1.1.8;c:\jdk1.1.8\bin

  • NullpointerException while returning XML bean from JDBC Control

    I have a simple jdbc control method which returns multiple rows of a table. i am trying to get the data in XML bean format and followed the instruction provided in the help documentation.
    None of the columns in table has null values.
    The exception I am getting is
    Exception in getActiveAlertList
    at org.apache.beehive.controls.system.jdbc.RowToXmlObjectMapper.mapRowToReturnType(RowToXmlObjectMapper.java:102)
    at org.apache.beehive.controls.system.jdbc.DefaultXmlObjectResultSetMapper.mapToResultType(DefaultXmlObjectResultSetMapper.java:59)
    at org.apache.beehive.controls.system.jdbc.JdbcControlImpl.execPreparedStatement(JdbcControlImpl.java:365)
    at org.apache.beehive.controls.system.jdbc.JdbcControlImpl.invoke(JdbcControlImpl.java:223)
    Any help is appreciated.

    I?m facing this same problem.
    Have you found a solution?
    I also tried to migrate an WL 8 application, that works with a DB Control, but got the error anyway.
    If you, or someone else, found the solution, please share. I?d appreciate.

Maybe you are looking for

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