Query running too long on a partitioned table

I'm trying to run the following query on a 73 million row table, but the query keeps running and running without returning any result within a reasonable amount of time.
select *
from svcdepot.service_log l
where dbms_lob.instr(l.service_log, 'SALESFORCE_ROLE_CREATED') > 0 and rownum < 2
and create_date > sysdate - .1
this table has a normal index on the create_date table and is also partitioned on create_date. The partition names are like PARTITION20120316 and PARTITION20120311. It says values less than TIMESTAMP' 2012-03-16 00:00:00' and TIMESTAMP' 2012-03-11 00:00:00', respectively. Could someone please tell me how I can modify the query so that it doesn't run forever? It seems to struggle against the create_date column (while I was troubleshooting). I just need one record with that SALESFORCE_ROLE_CREATED text in that clob column.

arizona9952 wrote:
I'm trying to run the following query on a 73 million row table, but the query keeps running and running without returning any result within a reasonable amount of time.
select *
from svcdepot.service_log l
where dbms_lob.instr(l.service_log, 'SALESFORCE_ROLE_CREATED') > 0 and rownum < 2
and create_date > sysdate - .1
this table has a normal index on the create_date table and is also partitioned on create_date. The partition names are like PARTITION20120316 and PARTITION20120311. It says values less than TIMESTAMP' 2012-03-16 00:00:00' and TIMESTAMP' 2012-03-11 00:00:00', respectively. Could someone please tell me how I can modify the query so that it doesn't run forever? It seems to struggle against the create_date column (while I was troubleshooting). I just need one record with that SALESFORCE_ROLE_CREATED text in that clob column.
Thanks!Thread: HOW TO: Post a SQL statement tuning request - template posting
HOW TO: Post a SQL statement tuning request - template posting

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  • Event Viewer cannot open the event Log or Custom view. Verify that the Event log service is running or query is too long. The instance name passed was not recognized as valid by a WMI data provider(4201).

    "Event Viewer cannot open the event Log or Custom view. Verify that the Event log service is running or query is too long. The instance name passed was not recognized as valid by a WMI data provider(4201)"
    This error keeps cropping up now and again on most of our domain controllers (OS-2008 AND 2008R2)...Usually a restart fixes the issue however the issue repeats and security logs don't generate.
    Any advice on how to fix this issue permanently would be greatly appreciated.

    Please see this: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/95987ca3-a1b2-4da6-95b7-d825d06cdac7/error-code-4201-the-instance-name-passed-was-not-recognized-as-valid-by-a-wmi-data-provider?forum=w7itprosecurity
    You can also try rebuilding the WMI repository: http://blogs.technet.com/b/askperf/archive/2009/04/13/wmi-rebuilding-the-wmi-repository.aspx
    This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
    Ahmed MALEK
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  • Loop with WMI Query taking too long, need to break out if time exceeds 5 min

    I've written a script that will loop through a list of computers and run a WMI query using the Win32_Product class. I am pinging the host first to ensure its online which eliminates wasting time but the issue I'm facing is that some of the machines
    are online but the WMI Query takes too long and holds up the script. I wanted to add a timeout to the WMI query so if a particular host will not respond to the query or gets stuck the loop will break out an go to the next computer object. I've added my code
    $Computers = @()
    $computers += "BES10-BH"
    $computers += "AUTSUP-VSUS"
    $computers += "AppClus06-BH"
    $computers += "Aut01-BH"
    $computers += "AutLH-VSUS"
    $computers += "AW-MGMT01-VSUS"
    $computers += "BAMBOOAGT-VSUS"
    ## Loop through all computer objects found in $Computes Array
    $JavaInfo = @()
    FOREACH($Client in $Computers)
    ## Gather WMI installed Software info from each client queried
    Write-Host "Querying: $Client" -foregroundcolor "yellow"
    $Online = (test-connection -ComputerName ADRAP-VSUS -Count 1 -Quiet)
    IF($Online -eq "True")
    $ColItem = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -ComputerName $Client -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | `
    Where {(($_.name -match "Java") -and (!($_.name -match "Auto|Visual")))} | `
    Select-Object Name,Version
    FOREACH($Item in $ColItem)
    ## Write Host Name as variable
    $HostNm = ($Client).ToUpper()
    ## Query Named Version of Java, if Java is not installed fill variable as "No Java Installed
    $JavaVerName = $Item.name
    {$JavaVerName = "No Installed"}
    ## Query Version of Java, if Java is not installed fill variable as "No Java Installed
    $JavaVer = $Item.Version
    {$JavaVer = "Not Installed"}
    ## Create new object to organize Host,JavaName & Version
    $JavaProp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
    "HostName" = $HostNm
    "JavaVerName" = $JavaVerName
    "JavaVer" = $JavaVer
    ## Add new object data "JavaProp" from loop into array "JavaInfo"
    $JavaInfo += $JavaProp
    {Write-Host "$Client didn't respond, Skipping..." -foregroundcolor "Red"}

    Let me give you a bigger picture of the script. I've included the emailed table the script produces and the actual script. While running the script certain hosts get hung up when running the WMI query which causes the script to never complete. From one of
    the posts I was able to use the Get-WmiCustom function to add a timeout 0f 15 seconds and then the script will continue if it is stuck. The problem is when a host is skipped I am not aware of it because my script is not reporting the server that timed out.
    If you look at ZLBH02-VSUS highlighted in the report you can see that its reporting not installed when it should say something to the effect query hung.
    How can I add a variable in the function that will be available outside the function that I can key off of to differentiate between a host that does not have the software installed and one that failed to query?
    Script Output:
    ## Name: JavaReportWMI.ps1 ##
    ## Requires: Power Shell 2.0 ##
    ## Created: January 06, 2015 ##
    <##> $Version = "Script Version: 1.0" <##>
    <##> $LastUpdate = "Updated: January 06, 2015" <##>
    ## Configure Compliant Java Versions Below ##
    <##> $java6 = "6.0.430" <##>
    <##> $javaSEDEVKit6 = "" <##>
    <##> $java7 = "7.0.710" <##>
    <##> $javaSEDEVKit7 = "" <##>
    <##> $java8 = "8.0.250" <##>
    <##> $javaSEDDEVKit8 = "" <##>
    ## Import Active Directory Module
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    $Timeout = "False"
    Function Get-WmiCustom([string]$computername,[string]$namespace,[string]$class,[int]$timeout=15)
    $ConnectionOptions = new-object System.Management.ConnectionOptions
    $EnumerationOptions = new-object System.Management.EnumerationOptions
    $timeoutseconds = new-timespan -seconds $timeout
    $assembledpath = "\\" + $computername + "\" + $namespace
    #write-host $assembledpath -foregroundcolor yellow
    $Scope = new-object System.Management.ManagementScope $assembledpath, $ConnectionOptions
    $querystring = "SELECT * FROM " + $class
    #write-host $querystring
    $query = new-object System.Management.ObjectQuery $querystring
    $searcher = new-object System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher
    $searcher.Query = $querystring
    $searcher.Scope = $Scope
    trap { $_ } $result = $searcher.get()
    return $result
    ## Log time for duration clock
    $Start = Get-Date
    $StartTime = "StartTime: " + $Start.ToShortTimeString()
    ## Environmental Variables
    $QueryMode = $Args #parameter for either "Desktops" / "Servers"
    $CsvPath = "C:\Scripts\JavaReport\JavaReport" + "$QueryMode" + ".csv"
    $Date = Get-Date
    $Domain = $env:UserDomain
    $HostName = ($env:ComputerName).ToLower()
    ## Regional Settings
    ## Used for testing
    IF ($Domain -eq "abc") {$Region = "US"; $SMTPDomain = "abc.com"; `
    $ToAddress = "[email protected]"; `
    $ReplyDomain = "abc.com"; $smtpServer = "relay.abc.com"}
    ## Control Variables
    $FromAddress = "JavaReport@$Hostname.na.$SMTPDomain"
    $EmailSubject = "Java Report - $Region"
    $computers = @()
    $computers += "ZLBH02-VSUS"
    $computers += "AUTSUP-VSUS"
    $computers += "AppClus06-BH"
    $computers += "Aut01-BH"
    $computers += "AutLH-VSUS"
    $computers += "AW-MGMT01-VSUS"
    $computers += "BAMBOOAGT-VSUS"
    ## Loop through all computer objects found in $Computes Array
    $JavaInfo = @()
    FOREACH($Client in $Computers)
    ## Gather WMI installed Software info from each client queried
    Write-Host "Querying: $Client" -foregroundcolor "yellow"
    $Online = (test-connection -ComputerName ADRAP-VSUS -Count 1 -Quiet)
    IF($Online -eq "True")
    $ColItem = Get-WmiCustom -Class Win32_Product -Namespace "root\cimv2" -ComputerName $Client -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | `
    Where {(($_.name -match "Java") -and (!($_.name -match "Auto|Visual")))} | `
    Select-Object Name,Version
    FOREACH($Item in $ColItem)
    ## Write Host Name as variable
    $HostNm = ($Client).ToUpper()
    ## Query Named Version of Java, if Java is not installed fill variable as "No Java Installed
    $JavaVerName = $Item.name
    {$JavaVerName = "No Installed"}
    ## Query Version of Java, if Java is not installed fill variable as "No Java Installed
    $JavaVer = $Item.Version
    {$JavaVer = "Not Installed"}
    ## Create new object to organize Host,JavaName & Version
    $JavaProp = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
    "HostName" = $HostNm
    "JavaVerName" = $JavaVerName
    "JavaVer" = $JavaVer
    ## Add new object data "JavaProp" from loop into array "JavaInfo"
    $JavaInfo += $JavaProp
    {Write-Host "$Client didn't respond, Skipping..." -foregroundcolor "Red"}
    #Write-Host "Host Query Count: $LoopCount" -foregroundcolor "yellow"
    ## Sort Array
    Write-Host "Starting Array" -foregroundcolor "yellow"
    $JavaInfoSorted = $JavaInfo | Sort-object HostName
    Write-Host "Starting Export CSV" -foregroundcolor "yellow"
    ## Export CSV file
    $JavaInfoSorted | export-csv -NoType $CsvPath -Force
    $Att = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($CsvPath)
    Write-Host "Building Table Header" -foregroundcolor "yellow"
    ## Table Header
    $list = "<table border=1><font size=1.5 face=verdana color=black>"
    $list += "<tr><th><b>Host Name</b></th><th><b>Java Ver Name</b></th><th><b>Ver Number</b></th></tr>"
    Write-Host "Building HTML Table" -foregroundcolor "yellow"
    FOREACH($Item in $JavaInfoSorted)
    Write-Host "$UniqueHost" -foregroundcolor "Yellow"
    ## Alternate Table Shading between Green and White
    IF($LoopCount++ % 2 -eq 0)
    {$BK = "bgcolor='E5F5D7'"}
    {$BK = "bgcolor='FFFFFF'"}
    ## Set Variables
    $JVer = $Item.JavaVer
    $Jname = $Item.JavaVerName
    ## Change Non-Compliant Java Versions to red in table
    IF((($jVer -like "6.0*") -and (!($jVer -match $java6))) -or `
    (($jName -like "*Java(TM) SE Development Kit 6*") -and (!($jName -match $javaSEDEVKit6))) -or `
    (($jVer -like "7.0*") -and (!($jVer -match $java7))) -or `
    (($jName -like "*Java SE Development Kit 7*") -and (!($jName -match $javaSEDEVKit7))))
    $list += "<tr $BK style='color: #ff0000'>"
    ## Compliant Java version are displayed in black
    $list += "<tr $BK style='color: #000000'>"
    ## Populate table with host name variable
    $list += "<td>" + $Item."HostName" + "</td>"
    ## Populate table with Java Version Name variable
    $list += "<td>" + $Item."JavaVerName" + "</td>"
    ## Populate table with Java Versionvariable
    $list += "<td>" + $Item."JavaVer" + "</td>"
    $list += "</tr>"
    $list += "</table></font>"
    $End = Get-Date
    $EndTime = "EndTime: " + $End.ToShortTimeString()
    #$TimeDiff = New-TimeSpan -Start $StartTime -End $EndTime
    Write-Host "Total Hosts:$HostCount"
    ## Email Function
    Function SendEmail
    $msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
    $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpServer)
    $msg.From = ($FromAddress)
    $msg.ReplyTo =($ToAddress)
    $msg.Subject = ($EmailSubject)
    $msg.Body = $Body
    $msg.IsBodyHTML = $true
    ## Email Body
    $Body = $Body + @"
    <html><body><font face="verdana" size="2.5" color="black">
    <p><b>Java Report - $Region</b></p>
    <html><body><font face="verdana" size="1.0" color="red">
    <p><b> Note: Items in red do not have the latest version of Java installed. Please open a ticket to have an engineer address the issue.</b></p>
    <html><body><font face="verdana" size="2.5" color="black">
    Run date: $Date<br>
    ## Send Email

  • Query taking too long a time

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    the view I have created on a table is taking toooo long a time to gimme the results
    when am trying to select * from table_name
    Can some one suggest me a solution pls
    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY employee_number ORDER BY employee_number) rn, tp.*
    FROM (SELECT MONTH, YEAR, employee_number, position, payroll_name, dept, status, termination_date, full_name,
    ROW_NUMBER () OVER (PARTITION BY employee_number, basic_salary ORDER BY YEAR , MONTH) top3,
    DECODE (basic_salary,
    100000, 4500,
    24000, 1921,
    ) basic_salary
    FROM kdd_pay_hr_sal_vw
    order by employee_number,year desc) tp
    WHERE top3 <= 1
    select * from XXKDD_LATEST_SAL

    Read these informative threads:
    When your query takes too long ...
    HOW TO: Post a SQL statement tuning request - template posting
    And edit your post, add relevant details like database version, execution plan etc., it is all listed in the above links.
    And use the {noformat}{noformat}-tags, to keep your examples formatted and indented and readable.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Query taking too long, yet cost is low

    hi guys,
    I am running a query on two databases that were created the same way and have the same data.
    On one the cost is nearly a million, and it runs in a matter of a few seconds
    On the other, the cost is 40000, and it doesn't finish executing
    I have looked at the explain plan, and there is no cartesian merge join on the second query, yet it is taking so long. What can I do to investigate this?

    Could you please post an properly formatted explain plan output using DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY including the "Predicate Information" section below the plan to provide more details regarding your statement. Please use the \[code\] and \[code\] tags to enhance readability of the output provided:
    In SQL*Plus:
    EXPLAIN PLAN FOR <your statement>;
    SELECT * FROM TABLE(DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY);Note that the package DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY is only available from 9i on.
    In previous versions you could run the following in SQL*Plus (on the server) instead:
    @?/rdbms/admin/utlxplsA different approach in SQL*Plus:
    <run your statement>;will also show the execution plan.
    In order to get a better understanding where your statement spends the time you might want to turn on SQL trace as described here:
    [When your query takes too long|http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=501834]
    and post the "tkprof" output here, too.
    Oracle related stuff blog:
    SQLTools++ for Oracle (Open source Oracle GUI for Windows):

  • Time_out Dump on this query take too long time

    hi experts,
    in my report a query taking too long time
    pl. provide performance tips or suggestions
    select mkpf~mblnr  mkpf~mjahr  mkpf~usnam  mkpf~vgart    
           mkpf~xabln  mkpf~xblnr  mkpf~zshift mkpf~frbnr    
           mkpf~bktxt  mkpf~bldat  mkpf~budat  mkpf~cpudt    
           mkpf~cputm  mseg~anln1  mseg~anln2  mseg~aplzl    
           mseg~aufnr  mseg~aufpl  mseg~bpmng  mseg~bprme    
           mseg~bstme  mseg~bstmg  mseg~bukrs  mseg~bwart    
           mseg~bwtar  mseg~charg  mseg~dmbtr  mseg~ebeln    
           mseg~ebelp  mseg~erfme  mseg~erfmg  mseg~exbwr    
           mseg~exvkw  mseg~grund  mseg~kdauf  mseg~kdein    
           mseg~kdpos  mseg~kostl  mseg~kunnr  mseg~kzbew    
           mseg~kzvbr  mseg~kzzug  mseg~lgort  mseg~lifnr    
           mseg~matnr  mseg~meins  mseg~menge  mseg~lsmng    
           mseg~nplnr  mseg~ps_psp_pnr  mseg~rsnum  mseg~rspos
           mseg~shkzg  mseg~sobkz  mseg~vkwrt  mseg~waers    
           mseg~werks  mseg~xauto  mseg~zeile  mseg~SGTXT    
        into table itab                                      
           from mkpf as mkpf                                 
            inner join mseg as mseg                          
                    on mkpf~MBLNR = mseg~mblnr               
                   and mkpf~mjahr = mseg~mjahr

    no the original query is, i use where clouse with conditions.
    select mkpf~mblnr  mkpf~mjahr  mkpf~usnam  mkpf~vgart
           mkpf~xabln  mkpf~xblnr  mkpf~zshift mkpf~frbnr
           mkpf~bktxt  mkpf~bldat  mkpf~budat  mkpf~cpudt
           mkpf~cputm  mseg~anln1  mseg~anln2  mseg~aplzl
           mseg~aufnr  mseg~aufpl  mseg~bpmng  mseg~bprme
           mseg~bstme  mseg~bstmg  mseg~bukrs  mseg~bwart
           mseg~bwtar  mseg~charg  mseg~dmbtr  mseg~ebeln
           mseg~ebelp  mseg~erfme  mseg~erfmg  mseg~exbwr
           mseg~exvkw  mseg~grund  mseg~kdauf  mseg~kdein
           mseg~kdpos  mseg~kostl  mseg~kunnr  mseg~kzbew
           mseg~kzvbr  mseg~kzzug  mseg~lgort  mseg~lifnr
           mseg~matnr  mseg~meins  mseg~menge  mseg~lsmng
           mseg~nplnr  mseg~ps_psp_pnr  mseg~rsnum  mseg~rspos
           mseg~shkzg  mseg~sobkz  mseg~vkwrt  mseg~waers
           mseg~werks  mseg~xauto  mseg~zeile  mseg~SGTXT
        into table itab
           from mkpf as mkpf
            inner join mseg as mseg
                    on mkpf~MBLNR = mseg~mblnr
                   and mkpf~mjahr = mseg~mjahr
        WHERE mkpf~budat IN budat
          AND mkpf~usnam IN usnam
          AND mkpf~vgart IN vgart
          AND mkpf~xblnr IN xblnr
          AND mkpf~zshift IN p_shift
          AND mseg~bwart IN bwart
          AND mseg~matnr IN matnr
          AND mseg~werks IN werks
          AND mseg~lgort IN lgort
          AND mseg~charg IN charg
          AND mseg~sobkz IN sobkz
          AND mseg~lifnr IN lifnr
          AND mseg~kunnr IN kunnr.

  • XML Pub: Purchase Order  Report (Portrait) running too long

    "XML Pub: Purchase Order Report (Portrait)" running too long. It should be 1min. but now over 20min. This is on unix.
    The log file is like the following. It stops there. I checked another one ran before, there are more data...
    | Starting concurrent program execution...
    Environment will now switch to UTF-8 code-set.
    Parts of this log file may not display correctly
    as a result. This is an expected behavior.
    XENVIRONMENT is set to /oracle/product/8.0.6finshdw/guicommon6/tk60/admin/Tk2M
    Current NLS_LANG and NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS Environment Variables are :
    From the internal Manager log:
    Process monitor session started : 29-APR-2011 12:35:56
    Internal Concurrent Manager found node APPSNOTE2 to be down. Adding it to the l
    ist of unavailable nodes.
    Process monitor session ended : 29-APR-2011 12:36:00
    Process monitor session started : 29-APR-2011 12:38:00
    Process monitor session ended : 29-APR-2011 12:38:04
    Process monitor session started : 29-APR-2011 12:40:04
    Process monitor session ended : 29-APR-2011 12:40:09
    Process monitor session started : 29-APR-2011 12:42:09
    Internal Concurrent Manager found node APPSNOTE1 to be down. Adding it to the l
    ist of unavailable nodes.
    Process monitor session ended : 29-APR-2011 12:42:15
    please advise.

    last lines of FNDCPGSC29793.tx
    )]:BEGIN :[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.sleep()]:Waiting 10 seconds (10000 ms)
    [ 1:STATEMENT:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.run()]:Running loop from the top.
    -1:-1:PROCEDURE:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.processControlEvent(String)]:BEGIN (noEvent)
    :-1:-1:STATEMENT:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.processControlEvent(String)]:Did not receive any control events.
    -1:PROCEDURE:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsm.GSMQueueProcessor.process()]:BEGIN
    :-1:PROCEDURE:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsm.GSMQueueProcessor.read()]:BEGIN
    :-1:STATEMENT:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.run()]:Running loop from the top.
    -1:-1:PROCEDURE:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.processControlEvent(String)]:BEGIN (noEvent)
    :-1:STATEMENT:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.processControlEvent(String)]:Did not receive any control events.
    :-1:PROCEDURE:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentMonitor.process()]:BEGIN
    -1:-1:PROCEDURE:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentMonitor.startAutomaticComponents()]:BEGIN
    -1:STATEMENT:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.SvcComponentMonitor.process()]:On-Demand monitoring will not occur this round; the count is 3 out of 5
    [Apr 29, 2011 1:19:5 :-1:-1:STATEMENT:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.run()]:Resetting Error Count
    [Apr 29, 2011 1:19:51  1:-1:PROCEDURE:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.sleep()]:BEGIN :1304097591452:Thread[ComponentMonitor,5,main]:0:-1:
    -1:STATEMENT:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.sleep()]:Waiting 60 seconds (60000 ms)
    [Apr 29, 2011 1:20:00 PM EDT] 1:-1:PROCEDURE:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.sleep()]:BEGIN
    [Apr 29, 2011 1:20:00 PM EDT]: 4:-1:-1:STATEMENT:[SVC-GSM-WFALSNRSVC-262965 : oracle.apps.fnd.cp.gsc.Processor.sleep()]:Waiting 10 seconds (10000 ms)
    Edited by: user9231603 on Apr 29, 2011 10:22 AM
    Edited by: user9231603 on Apr 29, 2011 10:25 AM

  • OCDM  - Sample Report Installation issue - Runs too longer with No progress

    As a part of OCDM environment setup for Practice we were successful installing following :
    * Supported Enterprise Linux
    * Oracle DB 11g R2 (OLAP & MINING option)
    * OWB was already installed as a part of Oracle DB 11gR2 - just unlocked the OWB accounts.
    * Installed OBIEE 11g R2 installation - Installation successful and able to open url's. (analytics and BI Publisher etc.) - Issue with login account.
    * Installation of Communication Data Model (First Installation type from OCDM Installer)
    When we try to install Sample Reports at same stage the screen remain open and runs too longer with No progress.
    The Installation process for OCDM Sample Reports is given in the attached doc with screenshot and the log file is also included in the attached document.
    Please let us know the following two issue:
    1) How to login to Analytics after OBIEE 11gR2 installed on Linux - ( in our case we use user as Administrator and tried password same as username, even checked with the user weblogic and other but no success. Please provide us the information which give details(document) about the Administartion of OBIEE 11gR2 on Linux).
    2) The issue with installation of OCDM Sampple Reports though successful installation of OCDM Data Model.(First Installation Type from OCDM Installer)
    Thanks & Best Regards,
    Amol Thite
    I think, I cant Attach the file here and character limit is 30K for the post here so putting below the few lines of Log File content:
    I can email the screen shots docs and complete log file on request if needed.
    It stuck in Configuration Assistance screen -
    After more than 1 hour the same screen – No progress – I tried 3 times but same issue. Log file also not growing and seems its waiting for some dependent thing that need to happen before it proceed.
    =====start few lines of Log File=======================================
    The file oraparam.ini could not be found at /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/oui/bin/oraparam.ini
    Using paramFile: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/oui/oraparam.ini
    Checking swap space: must be greater than 500 MB. Actual 1027 MB Passed
    Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors. Actual 65536 Passed
    The number of files bootstrapped for the jre is 689.
    The number of files bootstrapped for the oui is 77.
    Using the umask value '022' available from oraparam.ini
    =====end few lines of Log File==================================
    INFO: Copying Aggr XML for: Oracle Communications Data Model
    INFO: The Top level Aggreage File = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/inventory/ContentsXML/ConfigXML/oracle.ocdm.11_2_3_0_0.xml
    INFO: deleted all the required instance files
    INFO: OUI_CAPlugIn is not found in XML
    INFO: cf session will be created for OH: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/ TLAggr: oracle.ocdm instancePath: inventory/ContentsXML/ConfigXML/
    INFO: cf session for OH: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/ TL Aggr: [oracle.ocdm] instancePath: inventory/ContentsXML/ConfigXML/
    INFO: aggr ref length : 2
    INFO: cf session hashcode: 22855989
    INFO: cf session saved with key: OraDb11g_home1 oracle.ocdm
    INFO: cf session is ok
    INFO: created and saved cf session for oh: OraDb11g_home1
    INFO: passing params to cf
    INFO: Handling the storing of variables for aggr name oracle.ocdm
    INFO: This variable sl_ASMSelectableDiskGroups is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_scratchPath is not added to the global context map
    INFO: exitonly tools to be excuted passed: 0
    INFO: Starting to execute configuration assistants
    INFO: Command = oracle.ocdm.OCDMCfgPlugIn /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/ocdm/ocdm_install.sh ${s_dbSysPasswd}
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Starting OCDM configuration...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: OCDM configuration initialized, waiting for script response...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Receiving SYSTEM password...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Passing SYSTEM credentials to configuration script...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: SYSTEM credentials passed to configuration script.
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: SYSTEM password received.
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Initializing config parameteres...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Creating log folder...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: ocdm log folder exist
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Exporting config env...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Performing OWB check...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Installing OWB...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: WARNING: OWB OWNER already exists.
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Archive: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/ocdm/pdm/relational/sample_schema/ocdm_sample.dmp.zip
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: inflating: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/ocdm/install_tmp/ocdm_sample.dmp
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: 2011_02_28_11_24_30 10 % complete
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Importing OCDM sample schema
    ==================end of log File ========================================

    Hi Please check my answers
    1) How to login to Analytics after OBIEE 11gR2 installed on Linux - ( in our case we use user as Administrator and tried password same as username, even checked with the user weblogic and other but no success. Please provide us the information which give details(document) about the Administartion of OBIEE 11gR2 on Linux).
    The current OCDM version does not support BIEE 11g, so you need to install BIEE 10g. In next release(will be available soon), OCDM will support BIEE 11g.
    2) The issue with installation of OCDM Sampple Reports though successful installation of OCDM Data Model.(First Installation Type from OCDM Installer)
    The importing will take a long time, you can login database with ocdm_sample_sys/ocdm_sample_sys, and use "select count(*) from tabs;" to monitor the import process.

  • My Query takes too long ...

    Hi ,
    Env   , DB 10G , O/S Linux Redhat , My DB size is about 80G
    My query takes too long ,  about 5 days to get results , can you please help to rewrite this query in a better way ,
    x number;
    y date;
    MDN VARCHAR2(12);
    for first_bundle in
    select min(date_time_of_event) date_time_of_event ,account_identifier  ,top_up_profile_name
    from bundlepur
    where account_profile='Basic'
    AND account_identifier='665004664'
    and in_service_result_indicator=0
    and network_cause_result_indicator=0
    and   DATE_TIME_OF_EVENT >= to_date('16/07/2013','dd/mm/yyyy')
    group by account_identifier,top_up_profile_name
    order by date_time_of_event
    select sum(units_per_tariff_rum2) ,max(date_time_of_event)
    into x,y
    from OLD_LTE_CDR
    where account_identifier=(select first_bundle.account_identifier from dual)
    and date_time_of_event >= (select first_bundle.date_time_of_event from dual)
    and -- no more than a month
    date_time_of_event < ( select add_months(first_bundle.date_time_of_event,1) from dual)
    and -- finished his bundle then buy a new one
      date_time_of_event < ( SELECT MIN(DATE_TIME_OF_EVENT)
                             FROM OLD_LTE_CDR
                             WHERE DATE_TIME_OF_EVENT > (select (first_bundle.date_time_of_event)+1/24 from dual)
                             AND IN_SERVICE_RESULT_INDICATOR=26);
    select first_bundle.account_identifier ,first_bundle.top_up_profile_name
    from dual;
    insert into consumed1 VALUES(X,topup,MDN,START_DATE,Y);
    end loop;

    > where account_identifier=(select first_bundle.account_identifier from dual)
    Why are you doing this?  It's a completely unnecessary subquery.
    Just do this:
    where account_identifier = first_bundle.account_identifier
    Same for all your other FROM DUAL subqueries.  Get rid of them.
    More importantly, don't use a cursor for loop.  Just write one big INSERT statement that does what you want.

  • BBP_GET_STATUS_2  running too long

    the program BBP_GET_STATUS_2  is running too long , even for little number  of records also .
    how can we speeed up the  process .
    Edited by: vengaladasu on Nov 3, 2008 2:56 PM

    Hi Venga,
    maybe the note 1115597 could help as well. Depending on your release there are BBP_GET_STATUS_2 notes also notes for the backend system:
    Backend 4.6C: 1123548                      
    Backend 4.70: 1123548                      
    Backend 5.00: 1123548                      
    Backend ECC 2005 ( SAP_APPL 600): 1123548  
    If they don't help, the issue should be analysed by performance trace.
    Kind regards,

  • Scripts run too long. Can I set limit?

    On some websites I get the firefox msg that a script is running too long and do I want to stop it. I would like to shorten the time it take to give me that message.
    is a case where it happens frequently

    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/dom.max_script_run_time
    To open the <i>about:config</i> page, type <b>about:config</b> in the location (address) bar and press the "<i>Enter</i>" key, just like you type the url of a website to open a website.<br />
    If you see a warning then you can confirm that you want to access that page.<br />

  • Oracle - Query taking too long (Materialized view)

    I am extracting billing informaiton and storing in 3 different tables... in order to show total billing (80 to 90 columns, 1 million rows per month), I've used a materialized view... I do not have indexes on 3 billing tables - do have 3 indexes on Materialized view...
    at the moment it's taking too long to query the data (running a query via toad fails and shows "Out of Memory" error message; runing a query via APEX though is providing results but taking way too long)...
    Please advice how to make the query efficient...

    Is it possible when building your materialized view to summarize and consolidate the data?
    Out of a million rows, what would your typical user do with that amount data if they could retrieve it readily? The answer to this question may indicate if and how to summarize the data within the materialized view.
    Edited by: jwellsnh on Mar 25, 2010 7:02 AM

  • Deletion Query takes too long

    I have two tables with exactly the same structure. The table 1 gets data and one procedure reads that data and inserts them into another table (table2) for processing them. I have a delete query which is taking too long to execute.
    The query is as follows
    from events.temp_act a
    where a.chess_ts < (select max(chess_ts) from events.temp_act b
    where a.db_type = b.db_type
    and a.order_no = b.order_no
    and a.acv_no = b.acv_no
    There is a composite index in this table which is (db_type,order_no,acv_no)
    In my procedure, I drop and create the index for faster processing and also analyze the index.
    The above deletion query approximately deletes half the number of total records.
    There is no primary key in the table for the reason that there can be no unique record identifier.
    The query takes nearly 2 hours for deleting about 1100000 records.
    Is there a way to make this query run faster?

    What is the explain plan for this statement? Is the index even being used?
    Is the table analyzed as well as the index?
    Dropping/re-creating the index - not likely to help. I would leave this out.
    Have you tried other variations, like:
      from events.temp_act
    where (db_type, order_no, acv_vo, chess_ts)
           not in (select db_type, order_no, acv_vo, max(chess_ts)
                     from events.temp_act b
                    group by db_type, order_no, acv_vo);

  • Query taking too long

    I am running a fairly complex query with several table joins
    and it is taking too long. What can I do to improve performance?

    Dan's first suggestion is key - if you are doing multiple
    table joins, you want to make sure your indexes are set up on your
    tables correctly. If you have access to the database, this should
    be your first step. Rationalize's stored procedure suggestion is
    also a great idea (again, if you have access to create and manage
    stored procedures on your DB).
    Other than than, most databases usually have some sort of SQL
    efficiency analysis tool. SQL server has one built into their Query
    Analyzer tool. I would recommend using something like that to
    streamline your SQL. Like Dan said, something as simple as the
    order of elements in your where clause might make a big

  • Query taking too long to finish

    I'm running a query which is
    Delete from msg where ID IN (select ID from deletedtrans );
    It's taking too long to complete, it has been running for 24 hours already and not completed executing the query, I cancelled the query. I don't understand why it's taking too long, does anyone have any idea? I feel that this query should not take too long to complete

    That seems to be too small piece of information to comment anything.
    1. How many records are there in "deletedtrans" table ?
    2. How many records from "msg" table are expected to be deleted ?
    3. Are statistics up-to-date on "msg" and "deletedtrans" tables ?
    4. Is "ID" column defined as NULL or NOT NULL in both "msg" and "deletedtrans" tables ? (Not sure whether this will cause any problem, but...)
    5. Is this statement being executed when other users/applications are accessing/updating "msg" table ?

Maybe you are looking for